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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1906)
; - ;'V ; ;; .r:2 jouaNAL AME: to tovn-it has to rustle, now -4 GOO0 EVE IUHG Journal Circulation THE WEATHER. Yesterday 2s,m -. :- .- , Fair and warmer tonight and; Fri Was day easterly winds. - ' y , ' - TJ" i VOL: vV. -, NO. 44.; V ' 1 PORTLAND, . OREGON,1 THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL ; 28," 1906.--SIXTEEN PAGES, PRICE TWO CENTS. 5 AID IN RELI .cue ON OF ' ! ... y ..... .. "' . " ' V . : - . - ..,.... . , j ,' "'il-:.-.lL-.. '.'.- "'"'-'.' . ijL . . i ii aid-. ' ; . . Ml 1 i :; '. ." - 1 , '- i ' ' , ' ' - " ' uniiiTO iniiii lnnnn Tininnp Mill I.Y II I llllllll I llll i 11.1 lvrw uuuu iiuiiiuu Bankt Prepare to Pay Depositor 7 " and Begin Regular Routine : : ; Business OponPemiissTbn -, of Clearing House; -1 RUIMS OF CHINATQWN ; .' RAIDED BY LOOTERS Many' Rara - Brdnaea and Delicate China Souyenira Found Unharmed -Captain Winn' Gathering Official , : Liit of Dad-Pardee to Call , Spe cial Seiaion of Legialature. ',' ' marrial. banka ara preparlna to rcaumc nuaincaa ii a preliminary way pior thay open lhair vaults. It' has' db apply amounts nut to exceed $SO0 tach ,vn mir accaunvi. uko can naa oaa sum! transferred to their credit by KirrMruliuliinli In luirinn V iH mnA New York. Thf o transfers have been maae ai -ins mint and toe anony wui be available mi ihat point. " "Till form of rtTiirdur will n the depositor to draw a check In the usuat iorm, . i nis win d indorsed .By the cannier er other officer of ths bank, when th customer tanf present It and have it cashed at the mint. The banker' dutrlct la beln ' org att-lced- on ' Laun ; atreat,wt - of -L Fayette . square. . Sere raj banks have already tacked cotton banners on real dencea overlooking the refufee camp nd will soon be. ready to transact ' business. , i ' .,. Savings bank im Mimt l. I lent condition. The Hlbernia bank alone- nas izo.vvu.uev in United Btatea bonds and ether securities which can be con verted into securities at any time - Bankers are merely awaiting the or der ot the clearing- house to stsrt op erations. The order of the president permitting the finance committee to use the mint as'a, depository will great-, ly faclllute the handling of relief funds, for which coustant calls ing made. The com Ml Use has decided to convert $109,000 immediately for the care of refugeea In Oakland. ? The Pacific Hardware company has presented a bUl for 1 100,000 for dyna mite and other supplies used by the board of publlo works. The bill Will be paid.-: . . . General Oreely this morning received a report from Captain Winn, who is gathering an official list of the dead and injured: Up to today 2(6 deaths have been recorded and 1,006 are lit various hospitals. ' Under the direction of Gen eral Oreely this work will be carried on and statistic mad aa completers possible. .., , . To add to- the horror of the earth quake, the fir that followed ha caused numerous victim te lose their reason and many insane persons are wander ing about amid the ruins. Early thla morning an Insane hum. attacked a sol dier on Oak street and endeavored to wrest the latter' gun from him. Find ing he was unable to do so, the maniac wnn at enriit cry, neu. several . snuts were fired after him, but apparently none took affect ' . According to report . of the housing committee all the homeless have been supplied with shelter of some charac ter. More barrack are being built and soon every one will be housed in com parative comfort. .The ezodua, contin ues - uninterruptedly, -which Is greatly j i (Continued on Page Ten.) - ; i : I I 1 . ' . .' I---' . . List of, Portlarid People, Their T- Friends and Relatives " Who. , Are Safe in San Fran -' " cisco. .:. OREGON'S REMEF WORK .. HIGHLY APPRECIATED . . . '. '.' - ' '- y Mrs. Weatherred Telegraph of the Safety of Several and Thi" Journal Ha New pf Many OthersSpirit . of Hop in the New City la Being - Manifested. , . Oakland, Cel., April 2t. C. H. Musen dor,l well, bu lost heavily. Helatlve of Dr. Dsn Raffcty are all well; heavy losses. Frank Baffle's wife and -friends are welL Mrs. 6agle - will leave . for borne soon. The. father, and mother and family of F. H. Lewis are well. A. W. Williams and hi wife are safe. Mrs. Brlerly Leny and her son are safe a re R. T. Pettln gale and hi wife, The court ge, hopefulness and cheer fulness of the California people is un excelled. There i the greatest . faith in the future of the new San Francisco. The work of the Oregon relief commit tee l approved by all. - - -, EDITH JTOZIER WEATHERttfJpV''" News of the safety, of a la rare num ber of Portland people haa reached The Journal today. The Jlst of those" re ported 1 here given. ' ' ; Mrs. . Julius Kolbet and Mra. Peter Gay have received a letter from their sisters, Elena and May. Finn, stating they are safe. -; Among other people who have been heard from are: E. 8. and W. E. Hearst; Mra, A. B. Swift. Ill Post street mother of A. V. Swift of Baker City; Mrs. Vir ginia Kelley. Mrs. E. E. Wnltney. Mr. Willi A. PUtts, Mr.' and Mr. W. C. Bradley and children, brother of Mrs. M. C. Sainpolis; Mlsa, Laura Bunn. sister of Mra.. Theodore Stelnhilber .-of Ore gon City; Mra. Florence K. Hays, 1101 Ellis street; Charles and William Wood ruff, employed in 8. P. T. T.; Ml Nora J. Miller, 714 Franklins atreet; G. B. Iodanai. Kay street; u. r'erietti, 4 Qodlarlle street; A. TeretU. 0 Midway atreet; Mr. and Mra. J. H. Pratt, 6V4 Third atreet, reached San Jose safely, though for day were consumed In the trtp from San Francisco to that city; C. B. Nance, brother of R. R. Nance of tlO Second street, I helping In relief Work and wilt remain in San Francisco aa long aa he can be of assistance to the committee; Marlon Petes and I. Peters are at the Presidio: W. 1C Murphy. 3433 A Mission atreet: Charles Campbell and Mrs. Vitaich, Mrs. Lathrop, Mrs. Mack Ladell and children and niece, Carl Mueller, Miss Lottie Cooper,. Mis May Bailing, Miss Nets Cooper; Mra. Belle. Smith. - 1 Hay atreet; Victor Smith and aVBter. Mra. Blanch Gordon and Mra. Aaa ttaymnn; leonara Merrill is sc m Presidio,. Mr.- and Mra. I C Wall. Mr. and Mrs.' F. H. Smith and Mlsa Josephine Clarke are in -Los , Angeles. J. M. Campbell and ' wife and Martha Campbell are at !0 Ninth atreet, John Wenker;' Miss Anne Wheiair, 731 Bush streett Frank Morton Is at Oakley, Con tra Costa county; Mrs. Laura Mulllns and her father; K. J. Burkhardtbrother of F. W. Burkhardt. . .. . A. H. Smetaer I now at .705 Hyde ireet. - ,,0. A. Alexander,. 40t Market atreet. ' 'Mary M. Kroets, M. D., tus Leaven worth atreet.. . , - , -George E. Kroeta. HI' 3 street. (Continued on Page Seven.) 1 V " i; : , Ms Post Street, San Francisco, Looking Up From ' ' . V'i. y i ' 1 v " . . :i I BBaSaHallMMa I j JUDGE TO' SETTLE Decision by Judge VVolverton Will Be of Importance , In ':"! T 'TT ' TrusrCasee.;".',?'.M-';''t.- COLLINS REFUSED TO. : BRING RECORD BOOKS Defense Holds That to Do So Would ; Be ' kaking Him Testify- Against Self,' but Bristol Arguea That Case 'Is Not Against Collina.7 ; " V Decisions to(be give today by. Judge C. E. Wolverton of the federal court in .the caae of the government against J. J. Collins, will be of importance In trust cases. .. . - . " . The government cited Collins to ap pear before A with the records, books and papers regarding the business ot the firm of Duggan 4k Co., of which he la a member. Col Una refuaed to bring the books to the Jury aeasjons and yes- tsrday was taken into custody by the United States marshal on a writ citing hint to appear and ' give reason for t)la refusal to comply with the mandate of the court. 1 This morning Attorney Kelly and Curl of Albany and District Attorney Bristol exhsustlvely presented the vari ous sides of the case after the attor neys for the defense had vainly pleaded for delay. ' , . For the defense it wss urged that the exhibition of. the books of the firm would . tend to Incriminate Collins and 1t was beyond the' court' power .to force a person to give testimony, against himself or bring to court evidence tend ing bo to incriminate him, or. to supply any link in evidence that might in criminate him. ' ' .. . , - "It would entirely suit, the defense,". Said Mr. Bristol, 'to force the govern ment 'Into admitting what It, hoped to prove by these records, and to show at whom the prosecution waa aimed, but the government doca not care to do thla at present.-...'.'. ..'.-. ,. "There Is no case against Mr. Collin. He has merely refused .to obey tiu? com mand of the court to produce certain records, and until they are produced who- can- Judge-wbether"lhey will "la-' (Continued on Page, Seven.) If ' A:t Z FIHEPOINT .' . . , t Mission Street, Near Third, San Francisco.' P leads them all . Here are a few of the feature ' .' A full history of the murder of - what the confession of Harry Orchard revealed.- .;.' ', :--..';- -; Nero, -the-big Jiota-in the City Park Zoo, talks to the children cf Portland, one of the most interesting stories of the animal series. T '. William Jennings Bryan writes of the political conditions in the Philippines. ' ' , , -' ' . '; , ; " ' - ..' .' ; History of the children's statue of Lafayette to France and why "It hak not been completed. ; ' r '.' v'7 -' - M The fashions for the women end the colored funny' pictures for the children. . . . ' , " - " - ' :'z "t,. , LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR CALIFORNIA SUFFERERS NOW SI 94,71 7.1 0 N .....s !'; .. ........ . . , ' :: . H . Twenty-Six Hundred Dollars Received This Morning Negligee V Shirts, Ties, Collars and Shoes Needed for Menfhirtwaists- . i anif Cotton Underwear for Women; Clothing for Babes - At noon today the subscriptions which had been received by Secretary E. C. Glltner of the finance committee, which has charge of the funds for the nan Franclsoo sufferers, amounted to 14. T17.J0. The aum of l,3 SO waa re ceived thl morning.- Contribution, received by T0 Jour nals ,' - - i Previously reported ...... ... I J,l4.a C. P: Maginnl '? - 35 00 T. B. Kelly. X. V. Z., ..........' - . e-eo W.' S. Powell, 1 u.-st C. cert. (hare) Union Sunday School, Crawford,. ; : Oregon - . -. . . -00 Xabel Bwlnk, Crawford, Oregon . ,, isged ...... ,'.!.-.. i oo W. B. Phillip Jr I.0 T. B. Schellhammer """. . r. . . . . S.00 Cash, J. W. R. A. W. Robertnon f 00 George Armstrong, L share L. C .....v.i..... job W. D. Freeman ... i .... . . .'. .v i i.oo Thomas v,Helrener, Westfall, . Oregon , 1 s.eo Mrs. G. B. Goodele . . .... . 1.00 Pete... ........ 00 Cash. .v,,.,..i...i... 10.00 Portland Millinery, Co.. 1 L. . " C.icert.. ....i.. i . .o Hnme, canh ...... . V .. 7.S0 Willamette A Columbia River Towlnc company ............ 100.00 Sams, U C. oeru (SO share) 50.00 Charles- Wt StubbB ... . . 1.00 Total ... ... ....... :;.IJ.4r.7.-6 Continued contributions for the) aid of the California sufferer are urgently re quested by; the woman' relief commit- ANTI-CIGARETTE LAW OF INDIANA UPHELD ( Josraat Hpeelal Service'. ) Indianapolis, Ind., April I. The In diana anti-cigarette law was tods y held constitutional by the stipreme courtt . LURLINE SPRECKELS V ' WEDS SPENCER EDDY - Jnil Kpecll Sertlce.) ' ' : ' Paris, April 20.-r.The civil .mnrrlag Of Spencer Kddy and Lurllne Bpreckels took place today nt the. town hall of Passy I-rckece In the presence of relet live and friends. The church'tnarriag wtu take place tomorrow, v f"7 1 in The Sunday Journal: Ex-Governor : Stetinenberg ' 'and tee. -Negligee shirt, ties, collar and shoes are especially needed for men, Bhlrt waists and cotton underweir for women and shoe and clothing for In fant. All articles must be In good con dition. : The committee requests that all persfin desiring to assist send clothing rather than money. Those desiring to purchase clothing can learn what to get by telephoning to the Armory, Main 488. No further . contributions ot broad (are needed. The committee requests that as far as possible donations be sent directly to the Armory. Where this la lmposalble telephone to sorao one of the following members of the committee, and con tribution will be called for: , West side, Mrs. John A. 8hepherd. Main 26S2; Mr. L. O. Tarpley, Main 145; Mr. Adolph Wolfe, Main-6114; Mr. Zera . Snow. Main ' 2(14. East side, Mrs. James 8. Laidlaw. East 104; Mrs. George E. Chamberlain. East 111. . :t Air persons who, cart give employ ment of any character are requested to telephone to the Armory, Main 4M. - ... - . , K . -i 1 . I. . . , 1 . .... . ft ' '. 0 I BOURNE WILL CAGE DROPS: GET TOGA v..;-.;;; "trv: --';. --.''""? . " . .-, t . .-. , -' .- : - His Nomination for United States . Senator Conceded by Friends ; Opponent; - FAIR MAJORITY OF LEGISLATORS PLEDGED Under Their-Promise to Accept the People's Choice in Signing State ment Number One, Enough to De cide the Legislature 'a Action Have Been Nominated.' . ' , Jonathan Bourne's ' exact'plurallty over H. M. Cake, In the struggle aor the tepubllcan. nomination for United States senator is stlU uncertain, though it will not be less than 400. ' With Harney and Maheur to hear from, and with complete return from all other counties in the state. Bourn leads by 427. In - Mal heur, Cake lead slightly in the count so rar reported, but the vole I ex tremely light. .In . Harney-It is - ex pected that Bourne will have a. plu rality over Cake.. ' CommujilraUon ''with . Hamey county is impossible, aa there is no telegraph and the ' long-distance telephone wire have been down for the past two days. Information' received from . Ontario, in Malheur county, ,1s to the effect that definite nguree- will - be unobtainable until the official count haa been made, aa the tally sheet from several out tying precinct were locked in the bal lot box. , , - Cake's Trteada Ooaceds Zt. Friends of H. M. Cake concede Bourne a nomination. ... The only ques tion now ,1a to the extent of the latter' plurality. It 1 doubtful whether, the two missing counties make a net change of over 00 in the figure now at band. The return are .as follows ' ( .... - Bournes . ' Cake. BakeY',. ...,.. 470 ... - .. 443 Benton ........ . 151 171 Clack&raa 1,407 . 440 Clatsop .. S4 0j Columbia 101 v ;i4 'Coos .... .... 8 - 7 Crook .... ..... ...... 141' 01 Curry .1 ,.. 106 - . 1 Douglas .... ....... 4SH ' - 146 Gilliam ............ 146 ' -.. Grant .... 1 IK f Harney ..... ; ... Jackson .... . . ; 15S ' - r" 197 Josephine'.... 1?5 v zvs Klamath . , 141 i Lake 104 Lane i-..-. ,.i,.. "4U r--42g Lincoln .... ....... , 210 '144 Linn 420' '. Ml Malheur ............. . . Marlon .... . ... .... ' 8(1 , . 170 Morrow .............. ' . 167 - tt Multnomah .......... 1,(66- - 4.7a Polk in rjtM-:;i."i.v"IM- 110 Sherman ........... 61 77 Tillamook... ..,110 , 140 Umatilla Ill , , 1J7 Union . . 443 ' 24 Wallowa.... .....v., 14 74 Wasco .... .... .... Ill ; ... . -'. ins Washington .... .... 171 U 416 Wheeler ........ x 71 Yamhill 110 l4 Total ,.r.... .lt.tTt . 12,14J ' legislators for Statsmeat On. Bourne's triumph has colled atten tion afresh to the probable complexion of the next legislature. Of the- 74 Re publican nominees for senator and representatives (no' nomination having . (Continued on Page Seven.) . A ClimpM of IaxlLSt lz .l Elevator In Columbia Bunding Falls From Fifth Floor When : "Tieavilyv Loaded rVVhh MenndWmaiiJlI SAFETY CLulcH STOPS TTAT SECOND FLOOR Occupants Are, Thrown About Vkx' lently and Sustain Severe Bruises) Noise of Fall Heart) AH Over Buildr ; ing and TenanU Rush to Rescue of Those Imprisoned in' Lift. , -' " Five people were injured, two eri-. ousiy, when an elevator in the Columbia ' gave way and fell from the fifth story at noon today. ' The ear waa ' heavily' loaded at the time of the ac- . cldent, and the paaaenger were saved from, k -terrible death by the action ef the safety clutch, which jammed, the. cage at the second floor. The injured: George W. Blbee, receiver land office, back badly sprained, bruise about head -and ahouldnr. " " ' " ,7.-7"' - T, W- Johnson., back wrenclied end ' wrist sprained; removed to office of Pr.-: Loeb and later taken to his home. Albert Johnson,. .Seaside, .arm wrenched, bruiaed. --iT-rr:---.--. Befren Johnson, Seaside, his brother, badly bruised about head and shoulders. . - William Hansen, Janitor of the buUd- . Ing,, arm wrenched. '. Four Boa Untax, ''--' '.''!'' In, addition to those injured there " were In the elevator P. H. Murdoch, a brother of Miller Murdoch, ' the attor- . ney; J. W. Thompson and two women who entered the cage at the fifth floor. " "Five of us got Into the cage at the sixth floor," said Mr. Johnston. In talk ing of the accident. "At the fifth floor four more got on and as the televator ' ' man started down the elevator sud denly dropped like a flash. We were thrown off our feet and then the safety , clutch caught and the shock was so great that it -1 a miracle we were not Injured more seriously. . The elevator man seemed to do everything he could to atop the cage. It looked a though the machinery had given way." 1 - , ategnlax- aHlot as Lunch, l ' Hansen, the Janitor, was running the elevator while the regular elevator man -waa at lunch. None of the victim places any blame on him. When the safety clutch caught at the second floor the 'crash was heard throughout the building, a, the elevator was Jammed in the shaft. Those on the : second floor ran to the shaft and aided the victims In getting frpm tha wrecked cage. The two women were uninjured and Immediately left tha - building without -their names being learned. Mr. - Blbee wa carried to a physician a of-. . . flee and later removed to bla home. Mr. Johnston was carried to the office of Dr. Loeb, , where hla injuries were d resiled. 'The injuries of the - others were not serlou. . ,'. RELIEF TRAIN SUFFERS. DELAY AT SACRAMENTO (Joonul Speelal Servlee. ' Stockton, Cal., April 3. The relief train arrived at -Oakland about noon today. - The application - of the emer gency brakes at Sacramento last night prevented a collision, but tore the end of a baggag. car loose and delayed the train, over four hour, but It la now moving rapidly. , . - , Market' "M 4 ' ,-.