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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
3 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, EVENING. APRIL 21, 1CSJ. PLACES FOR BOYS TO ROHP III CommittM of Interested Work' ; ers of Various Clubs Con--. ; sidering Playgrounds. ' CHURCH SERVICES reentnn; ll aoly ooinniiiaUiM and see ONE MAY BE LOCATED IN HAWTHORNE PARK Judge Fraxer Would Like Another in .Albina. a District From Which He ' Receives a Large Percentage of His v Juvenile Court Cases. . , Th qut!on of publlo playgrounds it brine agitated afresh and It Is pected that soma material raault will soon ba evident. A general committee of lntereated workera from a number of organise Mona, Including the Woman's club, the.T. M. C. A th.e People instl - tute. tha juvenile court. tb board .of V charities and correction and tha park . board la making daflnlta plana and look Ins up favorable location for tha estab lishment of au-h ground If th necea. ,,"' aary.permlaaiorf la at hind. There will be a meeting at. I o'clock Monday even - lng In tha Juvenile courtroom of - tha c-ourthoiise, when theae plans will ha 1 franrisra, neutsraia. before the ' committee and fully dis cussed. ' One of the plaree-whlrh seema to pre sent Itself favorably la Hawthorne park on the eaat aid. Thla la now tinder a lease to tha park board, whlt-H, expires In June, and Mr a. Hawthorne heraelf la anxious that tha ground bo ueed for - playgrounds. "There la. however, aoma ' hesitation about renewing the old leaaa ... on the aame conditions becauae the large expenae necefeaary . f or fitting the park for playgrounds uM aanUyJge Juetl Hed" for ahort-time rental or with' Bo . arrangement about the future sale. f Judge Fraxer Is anxloua to have a play? ; ground established In Albina, tor from , there ha receives a large percentage of his Juvenile case. Thla he thinks Is i largely due to tha fact that , the' boys ; ".liave nowhere to go to spend their time , and work Off their anergic. Dr.-Robert f Hope has established a gymnasium In y hla-cnurcir On -Chapman . atreet near . Chapman achool and thinks that an i ' empty lot near that achool -could wall ' be utlllxed for a playground and that many boya would benefit from It be . . cauae the gymnaalum haa appealed to a'uch large nuiubera. An arrangement la ' talked of with the baseball management by which the field may ba secured for - part, of the , .year; -r- GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH 7 IN PROSPEROUS SHAPE The annual pariah meeting of ' tha Cher-ch of tha Good Shepherd was held In the pariah room. April 1. Compre ',' ' henalv report of the departments and societies : were read. . A feature noted V waa the growth and development along different lines. An indebtedness of about toa haa been cleared in the past ' few months, while regular- -contributions have , been . mad to tha various ' missionary funds. The number of eon ; muulcante at this time la nearly dou ; ble the number two years ago Music , was furnished at tha meeting by a cnoir lea by Mrs. Evan, r -The collection amounted to $115, In . rludlng contributions from absent coro mnnlcania . In Alaska. . and California. With more to come. It ii hoped the Raster offering will amount to tha (100 asked torr - The Women's guild haa dona ita share In reducing the rectory debt which it assumed.. The Sunday achool and Industrial school, which be- long to the . children, ahow Increased membership and good financial stand ing. The industrial school, where plain sewing la taught to any little girl who wishes to learn,, haa M In regular at- '' tendance.'-- '--.'.. . . After' the election ' of the vestry re freshment were served. j t BAP-rraT Walt' Teazle Twelfth aad Taylor atreet ev. J. Vtkltcomb Snxubw. D. l, At 10: ,. saraiaa bj Rct. i. Hsndoa Oarnett Lauioraiai viola arbool 12:lu p. a.; S evDiarcBL-e ilr aad bmw bmotUus Bar Ml a4 woomi. witk itonm br Httr. Albert Hateaer Umith. aav. J. tieraiioe Uarnatt kv. A. P. Hivwb: B. si.. Vooas foiDU' awTtn; T:S0 a. kT. Artknr S. PkalM ef los AuftMs, cautornia, e "Ulre tbe. buy faaH." J lalTwalty Park Bar. - Joka Brattlr. Sa- aj abml 10 s. to.; IX a. B,?. B. C. Mil. T or nrovnaTlle, Oroo; T:8o p. m., K it. tl. rxrxiumr at tajlua. Waklntue. St. Joha's Uaf. E. A. Leouare. Sasday seaool to a. ai.j arMcalng 11 a. ak and T: a - - - Scllwaod BWraotk and l lnatllla atreeta UMrsa A. Uall. SaadaT achool 10 a. RTMctaiuc 11 a. s,,'t. W. at. Jeanlni . bl. Et. C. R. O. rooh. Thiro VanrauTer amtoe asd Knott atrt Br. B. M. BUaa. At 10 a. at., Sunday arnool prMchiag U Bi., rrd K. Tsrh of KrattU T.S0 . m.. Rev. W. C. Sale ml HfPOMr. Swadlaa Hort and rirtarath- utmie: Rer, Erie sckaratroia, tvarklng 10:4a a. m. aad i:n e. nnaaar xbool i m. SaoDae Garmaa Ubrria atrt and Rodsay nT. r. aumni. rrearaing ll at. sod T:S0 p. m.; Hiinday arhaol :4ft a. I People a aiMtina :4A a.- atrart. Preaek Ballafj Sunday Sunday Voone Ulahlaad AlhMta and a J. so p. bl or Rot, school l:lt d. n. Mrwr-Htnet-Koar Twantr aatoad srbool t: l. m. Mnnni unjf HerentK . and .yTarelt atreata. rroarnina at a n. at. hr iut. sir. Inw. - Ariau-Lanrrlwool hlL Sunday arbonl 10 a. aa. ; praachin 11 a. at. by Rot. J. L. nairry. . Norwaaiaa-Danlak Berrlre at Lasts at S s. St.. aad st Artlaaaa' ball. Harlte sweat ba- twaan TWOBtr.flrat aad Twnta aarnnd atraata N.irih, at S pi ak, waaa Bar. O. U Uolra will praara. - Cblnaee aflsalon and Snnday ScbootMS lowad by praarhlng by Rev. Ooaf Tyag ef Baa Calrarr Baat Klahtk and nrant atraeta: Rot. A: Lawrrara Blacks- At 10 a. au. Bible school ana Biooerfartan; praarblng 11 a. aa. by uct, A. P. -Brown of rraeua. California; 1:10 . a. by NaT. A. M. All; ef SDOkana. IBDMnual Aaeond . and Meade stiwats. Praarhlas I0:o a. m. b Ra. U. T.tOrlffla ef Spokana; 7:10 a. Ok by R.t. ft. C. Millar of HrownaTtlle, Orasoa; apactal aiuelr by the rnoir, saaiacao by, rrkaarra: Bible arbool u aa.; loung raopie a sarrioe a:ao p. m. Urara MoBtaallla: Rar. Ollmaa ' Parker. Praarklna It a. m. by Rarr W. K. Pstltboaa ef Spokaoa: T:30 by Rev. O. P. Batlay. - nrit Uarmas rotirth and Mill atreats: Rar. I. . Kratt. Preschlng. 10:4 a. m. sad T:S flrroe'lfTttl flaaaalll and Raa. Stanton C. UptiawXt 10:30 a. Bast Aakaay aireata; Kr. Htanton c. UpBaBk-At in m., Rar. Albert Hatrhar Smith. D. V.. of drna; I: 0 p. aa.. Rot. Ptapbea A. Worth rot) P. u or IjoS Anfalas; Jlbla srbool loan paopte anioa at " p. e.: Mating at p. at. Is tke WTilta Temple, at Bonn; - 1HTH0DIST, Pat ton Mlrbleaa STestia and rarpmtef real; Bee.- M.lrtne T. WTra. Praarklna at 11 s. m. and T:S0 p. m. Sand ay arhaol 10 a Sl; Enworth Ira ana S:M p. m. rh-it South 171 H aeeond atreet:- Rer. Em- ry H. Mown. Sunday arhool 10 a. .; praarb- nf 11 a. bl by Maa. c w. Bcarrstt; Epworta irarue i p. aa. prfScDiBg i (, a. c; hot. Mr, Tiylor-Strart TT. Fraarla Borsetta Short. At :) a., m.. rlamaa: 10:SO a. m.. "Tha Real Arlatorrarr";- U:ltt p. m., Sunday achool; S:S0 P. m., Epworta lasgae; I w s. at., -uur Polltlre."- -r -- Kpworta Twroty. third and Irrlng street; Rct. . T. - Atklnaoa. BlbU arhaol. 10 a. m l r-omlna worahtp and sarnaoa. II e'rlnrk; Junior Laaava. S . m.: Epworth Laacue, S:4S p. errnlna worablB and aersaoa. 7:411 e'rfcv-k Snnnyslde Vamklll betwaaa Thtrty-Sfth and Thlrty-alitb straaui R. T. B. Pord. At Id bu. 'aunoay srnooi; ll a. m., nrrarains; is Bl.. elaaa mrrtlna ; 2:30 p. m.. Junior Leatv and children's clasers; 1:11 p. a., Bpwertb liaasoe; 7:so p. m., praacning. - tirara TwrU th and Taylor at part a. ' Ra. J, B. Traala ef Grants Paaa, Baptlat dalrgata, 111 nraarh at 10:80 a.-m.l paator will rafrr to tha tallrornla rataatropbe; at l:m p. Dr NEW RELIGIOUS SECT - ACTIVE AT MONTESANO (Rperlsl Dispatch ts The JoaraaL, Aberdeen, Wash., April 21. A new ra . llglous sect ha sprung up at Monteaano, .the county Beat, which Is creating a good deal of comment,, both favorable ' and otherwise. Ita adherent call them " aelve the Saints and are strong on vol untary poverty. They claim that no one should be possessed. of more than one . suit of clothes and that all luxuries should be dispensed with. A number -of ' the young people of the town -have -' Joined the movement and have disposed : of everything but what they are wear - lng. Full particulars have not yet been obtained, but the Interest In tha strange , doctrines or tbe leader seems to be only In Ita Infancy. Some claim that the movement Is sn offshoot of tba Holy nouer irensy or year or two ago.. ENGINEER KILLED BY V BURSTING OF BOILER ? (Special Dwpateh to The JearnaLt , Olympla. Waah.. April Jl. Russell's ehlngle mill, three miles eaat of. this city, was destroyed yesterday afternoon , by a bursting boiler. Thomas Ingle, the engineer, was Instantly killed. 7:4i POOR HEALTH oon makee you Irritable, nervous snd despondent, but there la no need to re main In suc-h a condition. We offer yon a true aaedlolae that will not only re store your health, but will keep you aa. and tht la , HostetterT Stomach Bitters For S3 year H has been . - demonstrat ing Us ability to cur such 'ailments SS , ' OT7B misrjrfM, FOOB AfriTITI, aABTBTrBsT, ooirmirin, aixiounrzBg, MOIOZBTIOBT, . u BTinA BtAX.AaUAIi ram. i I ETOMAfiH I 1 n Sickly we men r also greatly bene fited and strength ened by ualng tha SIHers regularlx. Clareer True Wllaoa. seroad In tba aarla ea 'Bis." arelad "Iraaoa Froai tba mmanae' Sunday seaeot. 11 B0 a. .m.1 Epworth Less. p. m. Ontanary-Kast rine and nrntn streets; Bv, William U. Hrppe, D. V. At 10 SO . m., Haa rrandaro'a ('ataatrontia: la Uo inair faraatr': la the Ttnlnc. 'Tkrlat' Attitude Toward Thomas' Teat"; moraine claas, S:S0 o'clork: Sunday arbool, 11:15 p. m.; Y. M. C A. maatlna. s:so n. m.l juniors ana inirr- urdlatoa. 6 p. m. men' prayer sarrlee, 1M p. m.; Epworth baarue, e:ia p. m. Trlnliir Cut Trnth and Urant streatst Rav, Harold Oh re. SarTtoas both morning and evening; Sunday achool, 10 a. m.l BpwerU Leegua, T p. m. Sellwood Bnnday arbool, a. la.; 11 a. 'tiovlna ta Kvins Vnm Trouble" 1 S D. "ProTldenre In Relation te Volranle Brnptoa and Erthuake" Epworth Kagoa, i:is p. '-':' OOKOmXeAT10irAL,r " Highland Preacott and Eaat Sixth atreet North; Her. Arden M. Rorkwood. At 11 a, m., "Tha Tlea That Bind Mea Together"! T:80 P. 1, n -1. . . . f-k fltmm lk. rMHinllMltl", Sunday achool 10 a. m.; Senior EadaaTor t.'nlTsralty ' Psrh Artlaaaa Temple, Part- snonth: RaT. D. B. Or ay. At 11 s. m., "Tha Wind, the Earthquake, the fire, asd the Still, Saull Voire"; Sunday achool 10 B. m. Leurelwood Arleta hall; ReT. D. B.- Orar. At 7: p. m., "The Qreat Calamity"! X. P. S. C. E. :30 p. m. Plrat Madlaoa snd Park streets; B. U ftouee. V. D. At 10:S0 a. m.. "Ufa's Prlaoa Oatsa"; T:20 p. m., "Tba Lark of Roaring Cean; r, Tbe Mystery of a Child"; Sunday school IS m. : T. P. 8. C. B. 0:80 p. m. Haaaam-Street Eaat SeTenth and Haaaale atrerti: Rar. Richard K. Ham. At 10:SO t. m.. "The Atooement"; 17 m., Sunday arhaol; : SO p. m.. t-krlstlaa EBOttrot, I:IW a'tieoa, ereelng errlre. Butmyalde tieat lay lor ana naai ininy- frairth atreats;. Re. J. t. Stnub. At 11 a. m.. The Maloaprlng- of tbe t'nriatiaa uta "; ai T:0 p. m., "The Crop That herer Falls '; Sunday arbool 10 a. m.; Junior Chrlatlaa Ea deaTur I p. m.; Senior EadraTur S:lft p. m. I . PRXSlTTZXjAJf. Marahall-Straet North Herenteenth and Jlar- shall atrarts; ReT. C. W. Haya. Sunday arhool. 10 a. m. 1 11 a. m., "Ood, Our Bun asd Shield I 7: p.-m..- "Why- sn Organised Body of ChrletUnal"; T. P. S. C. K.. 46 p. m. rir.t Cumberland Twelfth asd Eaat Taylor streets. Rar. E. Keleoa A lies will preach at 10:30 a. m. aad T:30 p. nr.: is m., aunaay achool; S:S0 t. m.. Junior Endeavor; e:30 p. m.. Senior EndeaTor. - - Plrat Twelfth and Aider street. Rev, Thoma ParryV D. D.. at 10:30 a. m., "Uf" 7:80 p. m.. "How to Vote"; thla will be Dr. Parry'a laat Sunday, - Third Raat Ptna arid Thirteenth streets: Rev, Andrew J. Montgomery. At 10:80 n. m., "The Lord' Tee of and Joy In the Sahbalh";. 7:46 n ulMnM From the Kartbouake. ' Mlaoah Mary aad Powell strreta: Rev. Ja- roma R. McUlado, D. D. At 10:S0 a. n. prearblng errelee, "Lamias From the Earth quake"; rroteasor J. T. Ewlng wlU gtT I hliiMlMl Mflriveea aft S . m. Calrarr Klerenth and Clay streets. At W:S0 ar ite. J A. P. MrOaw. D. D.. will prearb: : p. m., E. B. A MaAllstae ea "Tba Wea- leyi and Methodnm." ; ':''' ' :: ' tOTRXlAV. '. - Betaal Danktb t ntoa areaue aad Morris street: Rer. Uudmaad urill. Bernres at a p. ra.; Sunday school. I:1B p. m. nrai uermaa nriweer-," -.- - streets; Bee. O. Harrier, rrearain ai 10 a. m..and S p. .Seaday school, :3n s. buj y, P. S. C. E.. . f P. m St Jasaee- Enfllaa was rare sea arrrerene treeli; Be, i. A. lean. AI ll a. m. -rairs Verana Knowlerlre; or, Some Lesson Tram the San Franelaee Fire"; T:4 p. m "A Flourlek Ing rharrk"! Sunday arhool, 10 a. m. . Lather League, 7 p. m. ' Korweglaa aynon naat Tenia sou uran treeta; Bee. O. Ilegoee. Serrlree at 11 a. m. and S p. a.; SBBday arhool, :v a. m. Ontral'-P.aat Twentieth sad Salmoe streeta; Dr. 1. r. Uhermley. At 10:48 a..m.. "(tem plets is Chrlef; 7:4S p. m.. "Tb Sia Fran, rlaro Dlaaater." free-will efferlng for tba relief fund; Sunday srbool. 12:16 p, m.; Junior Ea daaTor. 4 p. m.l Mentor EBdearor. S:!tt P. m. K"dnee- renoe Rodney arena and Knott atreet; Her. F. Elmo Koblnaoe. At :4B a. m., Sunday srbool;' regular preaching. It a. at. and 7:S0 p. m.t V. P. S. C. E.. S:S0 p. m. Flret Park snd Celnmbl atraretf; Bee. R. S. Murkley. At 10:S0 . m. Rer. E. R. HermialoB ef Callforala, atteadlew Baptlet eoaat ennferaare: 7:S0 p. m., pastor on "Doebts That Sere"; ChHatlaS EndeaTor, 0:00 p. a. Bible arbool, 12:11 p. m. .. - 7:S0 s'rlorh. erealna erarer and aern St. DeTld'e Kaat Twelfth asd Belmoat atreeO! Rai. B. Via WalerS. U. Ii, Holy egatmnln, a. m. atornla prayer and aermoa, 11 e'ehtek; erealng prayer sad sermon, T:SO o'elork; Sunday achuul. p:46 A- St. Juhn'a Memorial Well wood; Bee. W. . Powell. - Berries sad aarmua, 7:46 p. at.; Baa. day srbool. It a. m. Ht. Matthaw'a Ptrat and Cera there streets! Bee. W. A. M. Brerk. . Serrlce and sermoa aft 11 a. m.l Bunder arbooL S:46 St. Btei,heae Thirteenth and Clay street; Rer. II. hi. Kamery. Holy romiunuloa, 1:HU s. a. I Sunday school, 0:46 a. m.; morning ewe. lee. 11 e'rlork: erenlns arrrlre. 7:80 e'ejorh. St. Paul's Wooduiere; C. L.J'arker, lay raedeg. Serrlea snd sermoa, 11 a Sunday arhool, a p. m. ; - mrrrxo xvavozlicaX. St. JofaB's Jobs and iTanhoe atreats. St Johns; Bee. E. E. McVlcker. Sunder school. IO a. m. : preaching. It a. m.t J. K. U t, S so b. m.; 1. L L C E., S:t0 p. m.; preach, Ins. 7:S0 n. m. . Flrat Eaat Tenth snd Sherman streets: Rer. 'A'. A. Winter. At 10 s. m., Sunday school; prearblng, ll a. - m. and TMO a. m.; p. m.. Junker Endeavor; :). p. ra., k. I- of C. K. Second Fareo and KarbT.' atreete: Her. J. Bowereog. At 11 a. m., "ilod t)ur Only Bern re Refuge '; T OO a. m., preerhrng; Sunday school, 10 s. la.; K. L C. E , 7 p. m. Orkley Green Sander arbool. J:30 p. a.: prearblng, S:a0 p. ai. by K. E. X. UaVlcker. Bible Sortety & Aider atrvvt. At 11 a. I talldren'a ProgreaalTa Irreura. followed by a con fere are: S p. m., Mrs. Laura F. Share, as- leiee oy ura. Ladd.rinnira. First Society Artleaaa' . halt . Conference, 11 a. m.l Prngreeetre Lyceum, 1:10 p. m. M. and D. rlub. S:XO n. m.l Inmlrattonal lec ture, 7:45 p. a., "How Can We Obtala Our Hlsheat Solrltnal Aanlratlonat" br Darld A. llet of San Francleco, fotkiwrd with psychic reading by aopaia a. avip. - . ; LATTER-DAT BAIBTS, The Reorganised rbnreb ef Jeans Christ ef Latter-Dey Halnts Woodward ball Srst Soor, Montarllla; Will-S. Pender. Sabbatb school, 10 a. ra.: praacblng at II a. m.; 7:M p. m., "Proeherlea of Joeeuh Smith Literally Ful- Slled'S SJoa'e. Raiigle-Uterarr society, 6:16 a. m. 1 I nurrn or jeans t nnsi ex leirer-iiay eaiure Third snd Morrtena Hall 400 Allaky building, street, nerrlce. 11. ao Sunday school,. 10 a. m. aad 7 p. m.; CHRISTLajr SCIXirOE. fbarrh ef Christ. Srleattst ETks' temple. Stark and Seventh streeta. At 11 a. a. and S p. m.. "Krvrlasttn PunlahBtaat" ; Sunday arhool. 11 a. m. Flrat tnurra or mriei. aeiesner, peerraiB Rite cathedral, Morrison and Lownedala streeta. At 11 a., m. and S p. m "Ererlaitlng PuBlah- I Suaday arhool at rloaa o( morning aerrlce. - -. IVAWOILIOAL AMOOUTIOa.' ' ' Ptrat Ensllab Eaat Sixth snd Market streeta; Rer. B. A. Stewart.- .At 11 . m . "Tha Aeren- aloa": 7:4B p. m.. "What May Follow a Might; Sunday school. 10 a. w a Mighty a.j T. P. Earth qaske' A.. S:4S a. Pwet- Oeeaea , Tenth end Tae erreetsrHsv.T Theodore Scanner. Sunday arbool, :80 a. a.; worship aad sermoa, 10:48 a. a. aad 7:46 p. a.; V. P. A., 7 p. ax. - WITARIAlf . ' -: ytrab Serenth and yaabllt atreetsi Rer. W. 0.. Eliot Jr.aBlnlatar"Be;-Tw-U-EMot. D. D., Bilniater emeritus. At 11 a. a., "Tha y of Mea and rule; tae -reereiac of the Sea Franclere Meaeter"; Suaday achool aad adult claas, 13:90 p. Be. - - TW TbTOUOHT.' Church ef tha New fHepenaetlon Andltorinm. Third near Taylor atreet. Dr. N. P. Berlin will lecture' at 3:0 !. m. : 8 p. a.. "Tha Awful Calamity That Haa Befallen Saa PYaa- care snd other California cities hoi a juag. awi cat ef Ood." - EI0W Allaky hall, Serend floor. Third sad Mnrrisoa atreeu; Rer. Charles A. Hoy. At t p. m.. Bible aruar : p. a., - Hutn a i Doice me ChrlaMan Ood"; 7:XO p. m., "Blamlaga la the Mldat of AffllrtlOB." ' 0. AJTD K. A." Ohrlstlsa aad Mlsaloaary Alliance Slirh and Main streets; Bar. C. D. Sawtell. Preaching, 10:80 s. m.; Sunday achool. 11:18 p. m : yming people'a meeting, S:M p. a.; etangellatlc eerr- ice, 1 mi ' T. K. 0. A. - E. C. Her low will sddrees a meeting st 4 p. a. for boys only ea "Beys I Mara Met"; special Basic by hoys' errheatra; vocal solo by Master Paul Biggs; a Soya as see IS will ee saaittaa, - ' - ADVERT. ' Adeeat Second street between Hall and Uaeola atreete; Rev. Char lee Hetfendea. Mon day school, 10:10 s. a. ; preaching Mrrlce, ll:W a. a.; praa eerrlre. a. ... ' ST. J0HM S HOLOrxSS BUBSIOV. St. . John' Hollneaa Mleelon 2B - Benin Street. Bear Main; Rot. John F. Olaeaco. Sere- Ires every sight aad aunaay at s and 7:30 P. a. .... - 0UTX BEABOK XIBSI0B. Ollre Branch Mlaaloa tSS Ptrat street. Columbia. Preaching erery eight at 7:S0;, day, I p. a. Sabbath School, 1:80 p. a. Sua. TnrrvEESAiJST. First East Conch and East Eighth atreeta: Rer. W. P. Small. At 11 a. a.. "Tbe Betora- lag ef Hell"; 10 a. a., Sunday arhool. BEW 0H7BCK SOCIETY. Swedenboeetio Knlrh te Lf Pjthl Bl halL uaday schools 10:30 a. ZPISCOPAL. , Trinity Xlaetaeath asd Eeerett atreet; Dr. A. A. .MoTrtaoB. Holy coamnnloa, S a. a. Sander achool. 9 0 a. m. ; aornlng prayer, 11 a clerk: eeenlng prayer, 7 :S0 e' clack. Oeod Shepherd Seliwood atreet and Via coo err arenae, Alblaa: ReT. Jnha Dawson. Bonder arbo.l. 10 a. a. morning prayer, II e'rlnrk; evening prayer and aeraoa, 7:00 o'clock. - St. Mark's Slneteealfc gad Qtilahy street; sWv. i. B. B. BlsiBaoa, At a. Ska bely Mariruaa building. a.; lay eerrlre, 11:30 a. : lfTw TH0TT0HT. rharrh of Preedose Drew hall. 1S3 Sropd erreet near Morrison. At 11 a. a., "Iarolutloa and Erolutloa." - . 'BXA0OV U0RT snssioii. " """ Beacon Light Mlaaloa 11 Fourth street north. Praacblng every Bight and Buaday at :,-: '.' ' . . ItTLLrBBlAi DAWTt, Mlllenalal Dawa O. A. B. hell. Beread aad Morrlsoa atreeta. . Serrlree at S:80 p. -a. , MUSIC LOVERS' CHANCE." Blgrewt Ooaslg-nmant of Xabarior riano Flvyra Bsoelved la VortlaaA. We have Just received two carloada of Interior Piano Player, consisting of nonmer t ecinans in an rich and rar wooda. These ar certainly the finest lnatrumenta ever manufactured In any country. Then the Farrand Cecllian in rare and matchleas woods, one of the highest grade piano players In the mar ket, your choice In all wood. Then the Farrand Ideal Cecllian Interior piano player. Thla player ranks with the best and w have decided to make a special price to introduce It Watch next week's papers.- - We should have had theae goods In December, but . the enormous demand alt over the world for metal action, the twentieth century mar vel, by all dealers, cut us short. , Ws positively state it la the beat player In the world and we will prove It by demonstration In any publlo hall If our competitor car for trial. ' It pump easy and will not get out ef repair, Tor it 1. mad of Steel, brass and phoepbor-bron- . Call and examine. - Tou ar all welcome. . r - MANUFACTURERS' PIANO CO., ISO Aider Street, City. FIERCE TELEPHONE WAR QOMMENCES AT ALBANY (Special Dispatch t The Journal., -Albany, Or., April it. What promise to be a fiercely contested telephone war wag begun In Albany yesterday when the Pacific State Telephone company brought complaint against the Home Telephone company and other for an Injunction and restraining order to hibit the defendant from placing their pole on tha streets, saying that It I Greater Safely , i' : ' ' : :. . ' ;V Greate v. d Sccurily V-iz la Crccca" Economy IVilh. -- . . ; r Electricity for light is only expensive to people who ; are wasteful and are rou who are orefal the cost is very little It is economical because it an C bc.quicBy turned off when not in use There is no . temptation to let it burn, when not in use, to save bother of lighting and adjusting ; . ' ' i Install Electric servte and ' begin to -Hve'V-the W&nC afford' you the BEST il- luminatione buf will help you in a hundred convenient rayrthatouitieveflhought ot -,--'ry: -The SEWfflGMAOnr by Electric power in any room by merely connecting with a lamp socket. There is noN greater convenience in thk home than the ELECTRIC FLAT IRON. It saves timestrength money - - Your capacity - for work is doubled with less labor, less (fatigue- less expense Your opportunity for redeatioii is more than doubled beause electricity saves your timee '; v;'"."':;,;'.;:r:v Let our representative tell you more about our ser vice 1 Fill out coupon and mail to us TODAY : Cut Qui Coupon Portland General Electric Co. - Seventh and iUder St. - - Please send your ; representative to tat ' mi about ELECTRIC LIGHTING. C : ' Name: Address . Convenient time to calL GdDltt Telephone Exchange 13 SEVENTH AND AIDER STREETS J - A DAsTST TO MVMWB Dr. Beraln. Pans. 111., erritea. have uaed Ballard Snow Linin...i. always recommended It to my friend' a I am confident ther I no better mada 'It le a 4andy for burns.' Those who lire on farma are especially liable to many accidental etita, burns, brulaea. which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow I.lnlment la aoDlled. It ihnuM be kept in the house for esse of emera- Jei 6o "-nd Sold hr a v jr . v' WV till .WoeOard, Clarke Co, violation of the franchise granted them by the city council, and that they did not eomply with tha requirement and condition named by the council when the franchla to enter th city , waa (ranted. On account of the failure of theae appllcanta for. franchla to place more permanent beginnings of work in the city, a an Indication of good faith. they further allege that th franchla granted th company I defective and unlawful. ' . Tha Horn Telephone ' company laat evening and during the night placed 4 Th Original Laxative Cough Syrup I Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It expel "all cold from th system by srtlng aa a cathartic - on the bowels.'! Kennedy a. Laxative Money and Tar Is a certain, aafe and harmlea cur (or colda, croup eo4 wbeopipf couch, polee In position and are' working shift of men night and -day to place their line in position. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CONVENE AT ROSEBURG ' tSDerlal rHanateh ta The Jam mail -' Roaeburg, Or.. April !. The Knight of Pythla held their annual diatrlct convention In thla city Tuesday evening. Members wer present from the Cottag Grove, Kugen end Junction City lodges. In the, contest for 'the selection Of a team to represent the- district at th tat convention. Alpha lodge. No. 47, of thla place won over the team from Juventu lodge. No, .41. of Cottage Drove. Cottaara flrnve Irtrfve hrlnar tha only visiting lodge which brought a team. - Resolution of sympathy war adopted tot tae erifferera ef the fianj Scott's S::,t2l-Pc;s:.i c:;si'!:s A POSITIVE CURE FerlafleBiwatlea erOatarrksf tae Biairteren uieeaae la. sert, a ua bo rar. Ceres kjaleaiy aa aerataaealir the wore raaea el eiaiiiana aad eaieee, a attar et hew lenf etaadlet , Ahaelatelf fcarailaea. Sold ky dragglata. Price tl 09. er hr BialL Beee- U4,4,l bexaa.V.7a piEwxTei-FLna Miefeatataa, Okea. Oa. Va tale be VI PranciaCo earthquake and a aubacrlptlon waa raised for their relief. , . - - aartaoldt Beaoanlaatea. ) (Joeraal B perl a Serrlre ) fit. Lou!., Mo, AprU 1L Jhe Reputx 1 ' letreyaawlrUerirl It "" eaenly the ? r - Every I7cn::.i at lataresr J awrl alteal kaew MARVEL TfaMiMaWIV vKCrerivtor eat Mamt rear lent. ailaaeaeUt, a a. mrniy the souest bo efner. set eeaa eieetie ree lllaetraiee knok-eMM. tt-Stree fall uertlealen seal rfirareT. i.. eejujkle tn Urflee. Mlatal, rax, a .. aae r aaw vmmu. ' . . ixroMoaE oo.. ut thiko iTeUzx. Aaa woo&aao. olaaai oo. , tlrana of th Tenth congressional dla trlct renominated Repreaentatlv Rloh- ard Bart hoi dt at today direct primary election, - Ther waa no oppeeltlon. V