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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
OriGOU DAILY JOUHIJAL rCZVTLAIID, SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 81. ' U:J. s jl-jL . Tgivd Tc!5 tojrioHrt amuizmixti. Baker ....... EX'..::::; Grand Iiu ........ .Brltt-Nebee fight Pictures en ,.. -AT Wlree Aunt' , Veaseellle ia4etUe .. Wlllard Mark, .formerly a. newe paper man of this city, waa yesterday nominated on tha Republican ticket for one of tha two Albany Juatleee of tha peace. Mr. Mark la well known among tha legal profeaaion bare aa he wee tha court houee reporter for the Tele arrant fnr m. reel en fn w laat' Pabm- ary to return to Albany and . resume the practice of law. He la a graduate of Albany college, and while a atudent tnare waa a member or bout ino paee . bill and basketball teams. He waa considered, one of tha atar baaketball player of the atat. ' J. H.. Larscn, a laborer employed on aewar work on tha eaat aide, waa caught In a caving dttc-h yesterday afternoon and badly crushed. He waa working In tha trench when IV caved In and covered him almost up to hla head. Hla cheat waa badly crushed and he sustained numerous Injuries to tha -body, FeUow workmen dug the Injured roan from tha earth and ha waa Immediately aent to the Oood Samaritan hospital, where ha la being cared f or. . Kvary . man ahould plan hla own clothes.. He should take- hla idea of style and comfort and give them to hla tailor. We try to think out clotbea to auit you that's why we ault ao many of tha beat dressers. We make any ault In tha house for $15. no mora, no less. Satisfaction -elwaye guaranteed. Tailoring Co., SOI Stark, near Ivfth et i..t m . :,v . " ' i ; - Mineral Springe Hotel eompany, lea-" sees. Amoa IX- St. Martin hot aprlnga, Carson, Washington, la without doubt tha best health resort in tha nortnweeu Hot mineral hatha for euro of rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Excellent table, electrlo Ughta and team heat;, fin trout fishing. Taka steamer Srsncsr or Regulator boats. - Trolley" tripe tomorrow on tha O. W. S a nmham' ea eevita- e.11 nnlnts eaat on the upper Clackamas river, so cents round trip.' -Dinner at Hotel Eatacada. It rente. Cara leave -Flrat and Alder afreets T:30, 1:10. ll: a. m., 1:10, 1:40. 1:44. 7:14 p. tn. Tickets on - sale t In waiting room. .' NT v .- "- ' Lota In Reservoir. Park Are Selling Test. Choice lota In cultivation In fruit trees and -berries at- $111 and mpt IS down and. 15 per month.- Take Mount Boott car to Kern Park. Call at office at station, or at XJ6-J2I Front- street. Portland. Oregon. ' Herman Metsger. managing owner-- Beautiful Sweet Peas If you want the finest sweet peaa grown, plant oup Grand Prise Mixture, sold In .sealed packets only. We also hare all the latest novelties and new Introductions aside from lit atandard aorta. Port land Seed Co., Front and Yamhill eta. "lessons of tha Earthquake and The Myatery of a Child." Illustrated -byBret Harte s .. thrilling mining story. "Tha Luck i of Roaring Camp." are Dr. House's subjects Sunday at tha First Congregational ' church. , Special music In tha evening- ... '. ' Change in" Sailing Date Alliance saila from Couch street dock for Coos -Bay and Eureka Monday night at t. Freight received foot Davis street. Thompaon'e Ticket Asency. 118 Third street. a F. P. Baumgartner, agent, foot Couch street. Main 81. . . . , T- On tha (X W. P. tomorrow to Ore gon City and Cnnemah Park. 16 cents round trip. - Dancing afternoon and venlng; cars leave- Flrat and . Alder streets on the odd hour and every 44) minutes. Tickets on sale In waiting Assistant Law Librarian McCurtaln this morning-received a telegram from hla brother. Dr. F. K. McCurtaln. a Ban Francisco man, stating. "All well.' Dr. McCurtaln and family are at Alameda. Socialists. Attention. Adjourned con vention of the Socialist party of Mult nomah county will be called to order this evening at the hall, I0 Davla street, at t o'clock. All members attend. , The White Temple Sunday. Two noted California preachers attending conference apeak; 10:10. Rev. J. Herndon Garnett; 7:10. Rev. Arthur S. Phelps. Baptism. Special music, t Passengers. Attention. Take ateamer lone, foot of Washington street, at 1:10 n. m- for all points on the Columbia between Waehougal and Warrendale. Freight solicited. Butter's Iswn fertiliser rejuvenataa tha ahabby lawn: his sweet peas and lawn grass got gold medal at tha fair. Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor. aaay payments. $1 down and (0 centa per week.- All mainsprings II; all watches cleaned 11. Metsger Jt Co., Ill Sixth at Concrete Construction Co., 7oi Cham ber of Commeroe. manufacturers or ,..t.r,t. ainna tilorka. Contractors for all klnda of cement work. Tel Main 1IJ. Wedding Invitations, class announce-mentsv-calllng cards, etc. Proper forms and latest styles. Alvin 8. Hawk Co., 146 Third atreet . . ....v . " First ' Spiritualist ; society. Artisan San Francisco. Flower reading, Sophia Wa are still selling eye glasses at II, a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger Co, 111 Sixth atreet. County officials and eourthouae em ployee are today aubsrriblng for tha San Francisco sufferers. , Tha list Is headed by Presiding Judge Alfred F. Sears Jr. CALVARY PRESBHERIAN CHURCH ; .:" CORNER ELEnTNTH AND CLAY BTfl. , . liKLSJ.EIcAIIister ' will deliver an address on "The lcsleys , ; and rthodlsm" TOMORROW EVEKKG AT 7:10. i MB-: Who are in SAN FRAN CISCO or anywhere in the territory affected by the great calamity are urged to NOTIFY .TDBin mbsm in the eaat of their safety and present address .- TEIOUGD THEN COSTON GLODE Telegraph at-the expense of the BOSTON GLOBE. and Judge Arthur I FTaser, and Is sub scribed to liberally, by all who have en official connection with the county. The list was circulated by Judge Fraser, ' Ring tip new number, Pacific 14(16, Zlrngeibel, sign painter, removed to to Washington street. , x , , v ' Cedar Park. Opening Sunday.... Mualc, dancing and attractions afternoon and evening. -..-. : -..- C. E. Walborn, furniture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping.. Tel. Est f ItU v . .righ Tinuiei Tftnight . A novel, thrilling and Interested form of entertainment will ba given at the Baker tonight. Thle win be rVovtdedby the Immense moving picture film g'r Ing an exact reproduction of the famoua Brltt-Nelaon fight . for lightweight championship of tha world at Colma,j California, laat September, , Every event la clearly depicted. k . - . "TTieJWornan in the Caae." Blanch Walsh In "The Woman In the Cass" la tha strong attraction an nounced for the Helllg theatre next Thuraday. Friday, Saturday night. April II,- 27. II, with special price mat inee Saturday. - "Thi Woman in the Case" la con ceded to be tha beat of the many play that Clyde Fitch has contributed to the American atag. -It la replete with pun gent and -witty dialogue, but. In addi tion,' It has a vitally Interesting story and possesses mora dramatlo suspense thaa any of hla previous efforts. Tha advance sale of seats will open next Tuesday morning at II o clock. : "Roanoke" Last Time Tonight . : The cloalng performance of "Roanoke will be given at tha Empire at . s:l o'clock tonight. This delightful south ern play baa pleased TaYgo aUdwrlcea all week, and Is full of heart Interest. "A Thoroughbred Tramp" Tomorrow "Starting tomorrow afternoon, and all next week, tha attraction at tha Empire will ba one of tha favorite comedy dramaa of tha paat five seasons, ."A Thoroughbred Tramp." Thla is considered by many to ba Elmer Walters' greatest play. It tells a strong and thrilling story. : - . - . Next Week at the Baker. A pretty and pleasing extravaganza will ba put on at tha Baker next week commencing with tha matinea Sunday, under the title of "The New Century Olrla." There are two pretty and fun ny burlesques, "The Taking Mr. Raf flea" and "In South Dakota," and the following well-known Vaudeville actora: Stewart and Desmond. Bowen and Una, Edyth Murray. Burton and r Burton, Ward and -Ray nor. and , Jack . McCabe, Irish comedian. , i VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Lyric. , .' "My Wife's Aunt" has become very popular at tha Lyrlo during this week's performances. This evening and to morrow matinea at 1:10 o'clock, - with continuous performance throughout the afternoon and evening, will close tha engagement of "My Wlfe'a Aunt. It la an enlivening and happy blending of laughter-Inspiring epieodes. Continuous Tomorrow at Grand. Tomorrow tha performances at the. Grand will ba continuous from 1:10 to 10:41 p. tn. and thla will ba tha laat opportunity to hear the -famous D'Ur bano Italian band, which has hsd a successful engagement. Tha bill Is long and Interesting snd tha specialties are hew snd novel. Tha Grand prom ises a particularly strong list of fea tures next week, headed by Crlmmlna and Gore from the Orpheum in Saa Francisco. . Blackface Fun at Star. ' - Fields and Hanson, blackface mualcal comedians, should be seen at tha Star before .they clone - their engagement. They keep tha house In an eruption of laughter continuously. . Tha act of Tor ley, the wheelman. Is notably Interest Ing as also the turn of tha English Rosebuds, two acrobatic dancing glrla. Chang in Sailing Data. , Alliance sails from Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Monday night at S. Freight received foot Davis street. Thompson's .Ticket Agency, 111 Third street. F. F. Baumgartner, agent, foot Couch street.. Main 111. Milwaukl Country Club. TyOa Angeles and Oakland races. Take Sellwood and Oregon City care at First and Alder.' ; BarVea aes aaakrer stoek. ' tSseetal Plepafrk to TMreel.! " Milton. Of., April 11. The bankrupt Bee Hive stock, bide for which were opened, waa secured by Henry Burton of Portland, ' whose bid waa I7H per cent of the Invoice price, the sale being subject to the approval ef the district court. The Invotea price ef the etock waa I10.I04.4I, u, ELSIATJD era AT THE, THEATRES. OLD LlHO HEIR JO 8400,000,000 H, C. Edwards of Vancouver Will Havo Income of Eight Mil- ' - , Hon a Month. NEVER WORE: A COLLAR ; AND WON'T DO SO NOW Sixty Acres in What It Now Heart of ; New York City Given by King ' George Third to Sea Captain ' of Whom Edwards la Descendant. ' Heir to a fortune that Is aald t em brace 0 acres of land In tha heart of New York-XJtty, descendant of an old Welah aea captain who earned tha good will of a king of England. H. C. Ed warda of Vancouver Is wondering why hundreds of alleged relatlvea are sud denly beginning to show such an In terest In him. Before he was rich he rarelyheard from any pf tha few rela tione ha knew; now the malls bring hire scores of letters each day. ' It waa only a few weeks ago that the fabulous good fortune that has come to him waa known even to Edwards. The story of It has recently been published H. C Edwards. and hundreds of relatlvea are writing the old man. who destroys their letters with a much more genuine delight than posneased thoaa who wrote them. , -"I have kept no record of the number of letters I have received since I learned of my good luck," said Mr. Edward s, "but there are scores and hundreds of them,- and I destroy them as faat aa I can. v At flrat I read a few of them. But they ara all tha same, telling ma how much they think of me, and how they have longed to know where I was all theaa years.; And. there have been all . klnda of schemes . presented. - and charitable societies have alao been so licitous." Saa Been KTaay Thlnga. . For years Mr. Edwards has lived In the weat. He Is well paat middle Ufa. During tbe years he has lived In Wash' ington and other western states ha has followed Various vocations, having been a well digger, a logger and various other things, but nsver having succeeded In accumulating a large sum of money. He has suddenly discovered that ha la heir to a fortune, the Income from which is estimated at $1,000,000 a month. . Tha plain old man who lives tn Van couver la one of a family of four who ara aald to be tbe direct descendants of the captain of an Engllah vessel, who earned tha gratitude of King George III of England. In appreciation -of his gratitude the king bestowed upon tha captain a tract of land In what la now tha metropolis of America. Tha prop erty la In tha heart of the moot import ant business section of New York city. It Includes tha land on which are situ ated Trinity church. Wall streetand tha city. hall, and la eatlmated at about 1400.000,000 in value. The property waa deeded in 1771 by King George III of England to Robert Edwards, a direct ancestor of Mr. Ed wards of Vancouver. The original Ed warda leased the property, that waa then regarded aa of little value, to the city of New York for a period of II yearn. Ia that time New York became a city and the property Increased a thousand fold tn value. - - Deed and Lease roaad. The evidence of documents proving the Edwards' claim to the property was unknown .for years and It waa com paratively recently that the deeds and leases were discovered.. Since then law yers have passed the claims, snd have advertised for heirs. It wsrfby. means of tha advertisements that Mr. Edwards of Vancouver found an opportunity to establish hla claims. He has succeeded In setting forth his right to an Inter est In the property, which sttorneys de clare Is absolute. It Is said that in the Bank of England there is a vast for tune to the credit of the heirs. . Though he has every assurance that he will receive his Interest In the estate In' June. Mr, Edwards has pot changed. The friends ha has known are still the only friends he wants and he declares that his flrat effort, when he doea come L Into possession of hie property, will be to eee that they a're looked after. It la hla purpoae. ha says, to sea that J.Ik. Webber is able to engage tn any kind of business he desires. Mr. Webber Is a candidate for aherlff of Clarke county. "I don t know what I win do. when I do get the money." -aald Mr. Edwards. OUR FATE IN THE BALANCE Listen, mea ef Oregon, thle wanting I now glee: Defeat for me tomorrow me ens the eeav mnaweatth eaa t live; This tnwa will wttaer np sad die the stste ese ant survive . A whirlwind ef disaster'!! some as ntt se you re sure. Sstlrosd trains will eeaas ta saeve, the river will not flow. t , Business to the bow-wows everywhere ta sure to go. Yea aaay think tbe earthquake's some thing, eat In truth It's not s mite Censored lo what will happen If yea , put jam out ef sight. A ad so this warning's given etearly that tbe populace may see exactly what's la store for til if I re- - ffadeed'T elngie' contort ras alone ea earth ba tonne Tbe fnloa Laundry weebee elotkee at all wee eeata a esd. . mm LAUND3Y sacoiro ajtb ooivacazA. Tel. aaata aea. - v.-'.-' . . V v, .-- v 'j W. J.FUETCBI ; NATUROPATD ecoMsfel fa tbe word tkat best aeeeritMa aef ears since coning to Portlaad. Baeeeasrel la earing disease, eoereesral la balldlng ap wkat Is today the Isreest effice practice ef asy doctor la- the eitj. " She Cures the Sick This la why bsr etYlce ere st ell tlsMe tall. end that people eoeieUawe wait n a se fcer. I If ion fcSTe sn Bflmmt. chronic er serh aa rtMnmatfsa. la gr'PP. braediitla. goiter, catarrh, sfonaca aa4 bowel troeble, nerve troubles, etc., etc., yea woo Id so well te CSV salt her. 8he caa cure yea. TUTnt'os-iAiJ or rxorui shx has CUBES. , "PortUad, Oct. IT, lSOg. Te Wm It May Ceacera: "I suffered s loaf ttme with serloes steaiaefe treeble. tbe dlaeaae ksTlng prosreaMM) so far that I waa enable to main my food, sad finally fonod water to cause nausea: In short, my entire system was ta a srrkmsiy depleud eee Uliton. On or aboet Jnly if last I adTteMl with Ir. Nancy J. Pnitoa. ef this etty, and waa tnioid to take treatments from ner. and aitsr taklns the twelfth I was dtw-barird. I eaa now eat anything 1 oValre. frel porfectly well nil am roMtantlr aalnlns atrencth. Thla mar. nloH ekanse I can trnthfnlly aay la doe te Dr. rulton. 1 Mote la Tanskn ran be comnranlrated with fr Jffraon. Or., or hla father. Rll Vaaahn. -51i!JE-SmJL--?e J fTBtrd-risaiersr mis -city: October JO - ItKHJ." To trhom It May Cooeeni: - "It affnrna me treat pleasure tn write a word ta m-alee ef Pr. rulton. I Buffered aateld aeony for one week with pais tn my whole hotly. My buabend called In whom we ano nooad was one of the best psyatrlane In the rlty. He waa net sore, bat thought I had nenralela. it night prove tn be gallstones, left medicine sad Ihousht I would be better net day: but I gradually grew woree ro ne relief from pain eirwpt nnder opiate. Harlng beard of Dr. rulton thronch frtenda of pirn. we decided te rail her In; ao my kuenaad want at on re and brought her te tbe bonae. TTpon elimination she pronounced It a caae ef acute gaatrltts. and arrer one Treatment i wae able to get op. drees sayself and go shout my nana! 14 auiiee. i naes now uaea treatment and certainly thmk her the moat wonderful doctor I erer met. . mrs. c. 9. Hrrraorf. ' . ' "W Tenth st, Portlsad." Or." Note Don't forget te lncTnee Dostsge stsmp for reply, wejea writing te any ef my pat testa. Br.N.J.FULT0N ; -J-.... XATTraOVATK, 315 TWELFT Carner Clar. one block from tl . ISth street car. I from Jrf -... Telephone Mala 11: "I've bought a gun and fishing rod and a few other things with which I expect to enjoy myself for a while. I'm going to get a wagon and team and make trip around through tha country to s the folka I have known and worked with. v "I am not going to get any fads er foolish notions In my. hesd, but expeet to enjoy myself with my friends." - Mr. Edwards has never worn another than a negligee shirt, and It la aald that he never wears' a necktie. Ha aays that his attire will not change with his change of fortune and that under no conditions would he wear a high bat or an evening eult. SPECIAL SERVICES AT TAYLOR STREET CHURCH Special services will be held In the Taylor Street Methodist church tomor row for the relief of the 8 an Francisco sufferers. At the morning service ad dresses of sympathy will be delivered by Judge Caplea, A. M. Cummlngs, E. D. J. MeAlllster, T. S. McDaniel and Samuel Connell. - At tbe evening service Dr. E. C BrowttL W. H. Beharrell, B. Lee Psgefv R. J. Peterson and A. Thurlow will apeak. Dr. F. Bur get te Short, tha paator, will assist. Special offerings will be received at both services. -Dr. Cummlngs has arranged special music. , At Y. W. O. A. Tomorrow. A program ef rare merit la antici pated at tha at home Sunday from 4:10 to I o'clock by Misses Mae Belle Names end - Helen - Barstow. It follows: Vo cal solo. "Were Not My Song With Wing Provided." Hshn; "At Parting," Rogers; -'reading. "A Day In June," James Russell Lowell; ."An Old Sweet heart of Mine." James Whit comb Ri ley; vocsl solo, "The Dream." Rubin stein; "Golden Rolls Beneath Me," Ru binstein; "The . Old Mother," Grieg; "The 8ongs My Mother . Taught Me," Dvorak; reading, "The Flrat Judgment Day." Elisabeth Stuart Phelps Ward; vocal solo, 0 Life That Maketh All Thlnga New," Ooets (Words by Longfel low); reading. ."Helena Warore," Elisa beth Stuart Phejpa Ward. - Mlse Julia Fraser. Paciflo roast secretary of North Paclfio board of missions, will mske the address of the afternoon. All glrla end women are welcome. . Btr. trpshaws Sableots. "Baptlam in Fire" and 'Insecure Foundationa will be the eubjects oa which Rev. W. JU Upshaw will apeak torrfbrrow at Mississippi Avenue Congre gational church. , . OOl Asro ootrorst btb. ofh bat asm snoi Beaae Short Orders. Oora Beef Hask and reaeaed Bgg. .lBt Beraaablad Calves Bralas. ....... .20 Fried SUwot Olaaas .16e XaJlbat ISe, Salaaea -....15 Fork and Baaaa ..-.......:....,. ,15g) Beaaiad Sdttle STeek Olaaas.. I. Olasa Broth wttk. Toast T-iver and Baooa ..15e gtrawaemee aaa prsaia.. ....IK 1 Baaed Tomatoes JO 1 Coffee, Bread a ad Batter and Petateea i . , artta aa sasalav -1 H ST. far. ene from I XF im 1 f mi ran TO California- & Oregon Steamship Company Plans to Handle Coast Business. INCREASE FLEET FROM PORTLAND SIXFOLD Temporarily and Perhaps for Six Months Thie City Will Be Dis tributing Center- Hsrrimtn Service Demoralised Is Report. - - From Mendocino north te Portland, the California Oregon Coast Steam ship eompany, ef , which F. P. ' Baum gartner is local agent, is preparing to take care of eoaat business. Heretofore, nine tenths of the trade was handled by San . Francisco ateamers plying dl reot from the .Bay City. But tempo rarily, and. perhaps for . the- next-sis months. It Is ths intention to make Portland the distributing center. During the" paat day1 or two Mr. Baumgartner haa been trying to gat in communication with tha San Francisco office and learn how many ateamers can be placed at bin disposal. He is confident that he will be able to se cure a, fleet of 10 or II boats. Nearly 100 were operating north as fsr as Coos bay-from California, stopping In at about 71 different way ports ef greater or less note. - It will be necessary to taka care ef this trade, and it is be lieved that Portland can do It. Other companies will alao put . on steamers to load at Portland for the aouth. Soma declare . thai-Oakland may make an at tempt to secure a part of the buslneaa. but others are of the opinion that It will require all of her resources to keep Baa Francisco suppl, best-known stumers mi- nlng regularly from Ban Franclaco to Coos Bay were tha M. F. Plant and Breakwater. It Is believed that these and others which were plying north will be available for sending to Fart land to engage In the coast service ae far south aa Mendocino. . Evan If only a major portion ef the traffle is ee- cured. it wlU iwar that the coast fleeti operating from Portland during the next, few montha will be six times as great as ever before. A brief message from tbe Harrlman people at Oakland this morning stated that every thipg waa demoralised and they did not know when the coast serv ice would be , resumed. Nothing was said about the steamer Barracouta, which waa acheduled to sail from San Franclaco on the morning of the earth quake, and it la preaumed that she did not get away. The local officials of the-line are of the opinion that after the disaster, her cargo was discharged and distributed ajnong thoae requiring food. Had aha aalled on tbe date ad vertised, she would have arrived at As toria yesterday. As yet nothing defi nite concerning the oriental liners has been decided. BUY PORTLAND STORES. Teasels BaUlar for Boatk Stock TJ f of Bonad Trip Sef ore TeesvUtg-. Until bualneae haa been resumed In San Francisco on aa extensive scale all tha etorea needed on the steamers oper ating between Portland and California porta will be purchased at Portland. It is estimated that slnoe the Are IB, 000 has been spent with the local merchants in buying supplies sufficient to keep the oincers ana crews on tbe vessels leav ing for the south during the round-trip voyage. The first vessels te be fitted out with supplies were the steamers Cascade and Nome City, the former sailing yesterday morning ana trie utter last evening for Ban Franclaco and . Redondp. Today five steam era are scheduled to sail for the south, all of which outfitted here. They are the Northland. Johan Poulsan, Redondo, Harold Dollar and Csarlna. Had It not been for the disaster each of theae veaaels would have taken on leae than 1100 worth of supplies et Portland, waiting . until reaching Baa Francisco to stock up. : : .... Tha Redondo wae not diapatchad by mi raiier committee aa bad been in tended, as It was decided te send the foodstuffs for the euffsrers by rail. However, she has a shipment of 100.000 feet of lumber on board which was do nated by the Eaatern A Weetarn Lum ber company to be uaed for the erection of temporary quarters for "ths, homeless at the Bay city. The reat of her cargo Is mads up of general freight consigned xo various nrros. 'z IONE JOINS FLEET. Beginning' West Tuesday -Will Stake Bally meand Trips to Warrendale. Beginning next Tueaday tha steamer lone will make daily round trips be Ltween Portland and Warrendale In order ness caused by the building of ths north bank railroad. The lone will cirry both passengers and freight and it Is ex pected that the boat -will be taxed to her capacity soon after she begins her new run. Although local shipping men expected that the work of constructing the new Hill line would cause a large increase Of business , with ths upper. Columbia river, points tbey hardly thought that there would be auch a demand for steamers aa there has been.'. Do sens of large steam and gasoline launches ara now being used to. ( transport supplies from towns now reached by the rail roads to points where the construction gangs ara working. - Tbe first stop that will be mads by the lone en the trip np the river from Portland will be at Corbet t a, Oregon. Tbe boat will put In at all way points between Corbetts snd Warrendale. The traffle handled by the lone be tween Portland and Washougsl and La Camas will be- taken care of after Tues day by the steamer Annie Comings. SPENCER TO FRONT. Win Carry With oat Charge Seaaatene . Prom The Dalles and Other rotator. Alt donatlone for the, Sari Franotsco sufferers made by the people - at The Dalles and other points along the lower Colombia river will be brought to Port land free ef charge by the ateamer Charles R. Spencer. The ateamer will be eut on her regular run Monday saornlng. ' LIEUTENANT-COLONEL NOW. Major B. W. Beeealeg Fresno Wd Seoaer Than a mad Bap a eked. ' Major 8. W. Roeseler haa been pro moted to .the position of lieutenant colonel In the army ef the United States-engineers eorpa. receiving his eemmlssion sigxed by President Reete- POllIllID GrapI.opt.ones end Records Arc fceUcsl ; .Esj Payctals i ll ' If Desired Inclose' this .'advertisement writing for free catalogue. - when Columbia Phonograph Columbia Building 371 Wishlnsfta Street, Pertlssd. Or. The Best Scotertng Soap Marfc A Scouring Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner, AUTOMOBILES For HireAll HoiiKfe RE0 AND RAMBLER CARS FOR SALE I- Phone TSiVVhite Auto Livery Corner Second and Salmon J. BKELLY, Mgr. r i PORTLAND WIRE Phone Main 2000 TDE OUTING PUBIISIMG C0JIPAOT Spring AnnonnceQent NOW RCADY , The Throvvkck By ALFRED HENRY LEWIS . Olastrated by V. C Wyeta. Prloe, SlO A romantic story of the South west in the days when the buffalo roamed the plains; when the In dian council fires still smoked and the cowboy's life was one of con tinuous hazard. A stirring novel in which Mr. Lewis returns to the West he knows so well. ? .;. . The Praying Skipper By SALPrl D. PAINE , runnte.tiinia tav lamMMllMa. X.vea decker, waiter appievoa iara, ayi ward and Sydney Adasnsoa. Prioe, Sl-ao. ...... If you have read Ralph Paine's stories in the magazines you will buy this volume just for the pleas ure of preserving and reading them again. - If you have not read them, you will thank us for intro ducing to you one of the most tal ented writers of today. The book contains the .following . stones: -The Praying Skipper' "A Vic tory Unforeseen," "The Last Pilot Schooner," "Surfman Brain ard's Day Off," "The Jade Tea pot "Captain Arendt's Choice' and "Corporal Sweeney, Deserter.1 The Outing Publishing Compxay U tad 7 West list Street. . . MEN Till velt this morning. His duties win te- main practically the aarae, but he will receive a material Increase ta salary. Ills promotion earns much more quickly than anticipated, owing to the retirement of Colonel Charles F. Powell on aeoount ef III health. The Utter would have re mained in the. service until April, 1107, bad hla health permitted. " MARINE NOTES. Astoria, April St. -Arrived last night. schooner Louis, from San Krsjiclaro. Arrived dawn et 4 and sailed at 10 05 a. m., ateamer Nome City, for Redondo. Astnrla. April 49 Arrived down at I ana r at 1 p. m., ateamer Cascade, for i t i rand ten. j . ? 1 21. Condition ef tha hf r . a f . i I v1 tv ; v aa f II saWVs j Co Main 692 Sal BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc. .' . ' & IRON WORKS 263 FLANDERS ST, Near Third Empire Theatre; 13th and Merrteoa. Pbeoe Mala lit. lllltoa W, Stasia a. Manager. TOWIOHT iASI fTtmyOBMAllCS -Bal Seid's Beaatiful nay ef Old Vbsiala. "ROANOKE" With lee kterrla aad a (rreat Cast. 1 All soenery earrted Aa lateresUag sad thrilling production. PRICES Craning, 15c. 2Se. tee" and toe. Jtaxt Attraetiea. Starting tertoirow Matinee, 'A THOaODOHBaXD XBAMV.' Baker Theatre TiZ Iahlll ami Third sts. Panne Main tsOtr Tie Kerne ef Mnsieal urteens. All Tble Wee Ti One Tbe Only Bnrlseeoe l . Oanpaay, The Merry Maidens" Presenting Screaming garce la Three Acta "THS MAID AJTO THJ KVLX." ; Satordsy Matinee (laat nertonhshce) IS. 26, M sag ftOe. Right prlcae. 2e. ate. eue snd TBe. Vest Weak "The Hew Oeatary Olrla." LYRIC THEATRE Svery Afternsea aad leaning yertlnaa's Papslar Stack Beaae. Sereaaiing fares Oeaeay ' "MY WlfC'S AUNT" la rear Acts Langs Treat Start te riaiea. , . rouxiw THS CoD. I rojtTisrocs praroRHANCg, , ADMjeaioa toe. axsiavip aaars soe. a""-r Sp:i.l AtLll rture W'Vr. D Urksne a aeyal Itai "Week ef Ayril la. tea Bud. "Dainty" Ttereaee keatfrow Jsas.a. aad Charles ens- Mr. aea Mrs. . Mead eon, Maatael Oeea- - M. Wernts. say Stars. Ornch a Bloharaa. Beat Weekt ' Barald KeTt. f. Melsea Bewns. emadlseepa. PRICs Bnlna and Snndays, lUe, tBe and eases He. U, Ue te any seal b-ie.. . 1 STAR TKKArtX. Week ef April 14. The Twe m!sV. Bess Bads. ' ' Barhe Bras. . Tka Creat TarUy. Berkley Dvaaaaa. teniae Bwfce. yuus ntnsls Can- gaerad. ' lot n y seat meant keass loe GRAND OPENinr Rohoe'o Par. srnroAT, tao Concert and dancing. ' Amuaemer. all klnda Waetoa W. 0. 1. f, X' (Sneclsl Dtsnatr t. V' f Weaton. Or., April il. nfftcere hare en Women'a Chrlo. t ' at thle place: President. prenldent- j. r -. r -