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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
. . . , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,'.' rOIJTLAIJD, SATURDAY EVENING, APIUL 21, 'l.-J. CIKE, THE 11 1(1 fJULIOOLlllll Film 111003 PIKE AT Probably Nominated f or ' U. jS. Senats 'Though Bourn rt Strong In the Stats. ' : SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, APRIL" !9ri90 Wofritn of PortlTnd Respond Nobly to Call for Aid for j th Suffering. He iff MAIM A V- 7 TT J; A T TTJV WITHYCOMB AHEAD .. IN MARION COUNTY Cecr Carries Multnomah for ' Gov- ernor Bur May Not, B Ableio Overcome Hia Opponent's Vote in " tht State Lateat Figurea, " T'r , Probable Republican nominee: ' Stat ticket t'. S. Senator, II. M. Cake; Governor. T. T. Gear or James Wlthycombc;-8cretary of State, Claude Oatch or Frank Benson; State Treaa- "urer, Ralph Hoy t; Supreme Judge, Rob ert Eakin; Attorney-General, A. M. Crawford. . " superintendent of Instruction. ""J.- H. AcKerman; atate printer, .Willis Dunl way; . commissioner of labor, O. P. Huff: '' . roninvuman, firat district, .JV- C- Hawley; congressman,, sec ond dldtrlot. M. R. Kills.' , County ticket Circuit Juduge, depart ment three. A. ' F. Seara; circuit JQdge, department four, C. V. Qantenbeln; - county Judge, L. R. Webster; sheriff, R. "1 Stevens; county commissioner, Frank ' O. Barnes; county - clerk, Frank 8. Fields; county treasurer. John M. Lewie; . county sudltof, Carl Brandes; county coroner,- J.' P. Flnley, . .v ;.',' . . Returns from (1 precincts of the 60 1n -Multnomah county sirs Cake a plu rality over Bourne of 1.104 votes for ths v ' n,nTihllf,n - nnmlnaHfln Iruw TTnlfrpwt 'States senator. Lowell is a poor third. At is numHtpg (nu mc piunnir ia - this county on a complete count win be close to 2,000. . - i 7t" Many points flown'the Willamette val- 1 -Iflnr mtA In ami, hen, flrmn ainw a strong vote for Caks and his nomination for senator seems reasonably certain. although Bourne has given nlm a hard . rub kn Clackamss'eotinly, where Bourne's plurality was over 700, and In Josephine, . ' which went for Bourns by 186. Partial "-""return s from-j1nn; gtve-Ttourne JS.(. Cake 111. In Sllverton. Marlon county, Bourne had 48, Cake 143, Hills- boro gave-Bourn JO. Cake 848.- t '..'." The fight - between Oeer and Withy- fnmK tn - tha . Renilltllcan - nnmltuMnn for governor furnished the aensatlonal v'( surprise of the primaries..! Oeer carried Multnomah county by a -plurality ' of . 1.161. in 41 precincts, with 21 precincts i yet To hear from. The vote of the out- Li- side counties may overcome deer's vote . in Multnomah, and until retuma are more nearly complete the result will atrong in. the .Willamette . valley, but broke about even with Oeer In eastern 1 Oregon, . Josephine - gave Oeer SSI and i Wlthycombe. 300 . (partial count), .... In Albany Wlthycombe rolled up (IS, while ' Oeer had but 241. In Sllverton. Marion county, oeer naa 41. wlthycombe 114. -: Ths fight between Gatch - and Benson -' for secretary of state Is very dose but Indications point ta the nomination of Oatch, : He has carried ' Marlon county by a sweeping plurality.; estimated at "dearly or quite 4.000, and this offsets ovniirni'iain, in many unar counties. Tb two candidates were : almost neck rlnrts giving Benson 1.80S sod Oatch . ,.. elevens is me nepuDiiran nominee in this Countv for sheriff. Bird takes aee. ond place and Kelly third. The returns from ft precincts com- plete) give the following results: V. 8. Senator Bourns - 1,(S, Cake S.007, Lowell SS, Smith (SO. Watson S4T. ... ',- Governor Brown S5S. Oeer S.SOf, Johns l.S. Behlbrede 24S. Wlthrcombs .- ' 1,801. ' - - Secretary . ef State Benson 1,104, n,lih 1 IAA tM If K VrlkM. Ill State treasurer Aitkin 414. Carter 78, Hoyt 1,(87, Jennings 188, Ryan 770, Bteei i,4ii. - . - SUte Prlnter Clarke l.lSS.'Dunlway ' RJS. Whltnsv 1.111 v County Judge OUtner 1.184, , Lewis - I.SS7. Webster S.B17. - Sheriff Bird 1,840, Kelly 1,424. Rog. r Mil! swraf svt. TT - Olaokamas 430047. . (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Oregon City. Or.. April 21. Complete - returns from 27 out of ths 88 precincts . ' In the county show: : United Statea Senator Bourns 1,118, -Cake 841. Smith 211. Lowell 248. Governor Oeer 470, Wlthycombe (87. - Stats Treasurer Aitkin - 100. Carter 84. Hoyt 224, Jennings 77, Ryan 881. . Steel 70S. . . . , Attorney-Qenerai Crawford . LIM uurnam Til. Congress. First District Toose 781, . Hawley 788, Houston 478.- ' - . SUte Printer Duniway 1,188. Whit ney 478. Clarke 4:4. ' Secretary of State Sanson 808, Oatch 748. wrlghtman 288. -, , Joint Senator Bailey . lt Connell SSI. Orton 711. Joint Representative Campbell 1.081. . Crnsa 7S8. On the county ticket Brown was noml rated senator.;. Representatives are YT...1. T ' J w . . ; - , WUIIfc Judge, Dlmmlck; county commissioner. Counsel! or John H. Lewlllen; sheriff. Tt lnl MM VII AJt W . . .. . . Oreenman. ; The racs for recorder Is close, and It v .Is. hard . to say whether Dedman , or TufU is surely nominated county . treasurer and Hungste surveyor. , Hol , man la nominated coroner and Stlnn lua- tlcs of ths peace. ( ;, .. , , , - fSpwItl Dispatch t T Jmtrait ) - , Grants Pass, Or.. April 21. R.turna yet Incomplete from outside 'precincts In Josephine, but a summary of 'the heaviest voting precincts shows ths fol lowing results: . ? ; . , Republican. , senator Bourne 43(, Cake 154, Lowell ((, Smith 140, Wat son 78. Representative Hswley 800, Huston 810, Toot 828. . . ". Governor Oeer 888, Brown 100. Johns 10, Wlthycombe 800, Rehlbrede SO. . Secretsry of stste Benson 450, Oatch I"0. Pearce 80. Wrlghtman 180. State Treasurer Aitkin 110. Carter .420, Hoyt 170. Ryan lit. Steel ISO. - . , Attorney-general Crawford 278, Dur ham 70O. - s Printer ClarkS 1 108, Whitney 264. Duniway 441. .... - Jewell, i Republican ' representative from. Joaephtne: Robert Smith, -representative. Democrat. .4 '. ...... '. Bskwr Ovaaty, : : !' . (Seeriel Diaeetes le Tae Jearaal.) . Baker City. Or, April 11. Out of 48 precincts In this county 20 ere now In, riving the following results: ' United Stste senstor, short term. Mulkey 710. !. term, Bourns 266, Csks 820, Lowell IIMlli fMftH AND OESTKUCnpJf HAVI BEEN THE FATS bF IAN rANCUCO SHAKEN BY A TEMBLOR AT I0 OCLOCK YE8TEK DATTtrtMWHNa TUX SHOCK LAsTTTNQ 48 SBCOMOC AKO BCOUItOED BY FLAMES THAT RAGED DIAMETRICALLY IN ALL DIRECTIONS, THE CITY IE A MASS OF IMOULDERIKCsStUINS. AT SIX O'CLOCK LAST KVXNINO TUX FLAMES SXXM- . IMOCY FLAYINQ WITH INCREASED VIOOR. THREATENED TO DESTROY SUCH SECTIONS AS THEIR FURY HAD SPARED DURINO THE EARLIER PORTION OF TKX DAY.4 BVILDOrO THXOt ' PATH IN A TRIANOUAR CIRCUIT FROM THE START IN THE EARLY MORNINO. THEY JOCKEYED AS THE DAY WANED. LEFT THE BUSINESS SECTION, WHICH THXY HAD KNTTXXLY BB VASTATED. AND SKIPPED IN A DOZEN DIRECTIONS TO THE RESIDENCE PORTIOVS. AS NIGHT FELL THEY HAD MADE THEIR WAY OVER INTO THE NORTH BEACH SECTION AJ SPRJNOINO ANEW TO THE SOUTH THEY REACHED OUT ALONG THE SHIPPINO SECTION DOWN THE BAT SHORE. OVER THE HILLS AND ACROSS TOWARD THIRD AND TOW14BEJBO. STREET WAREHOUSES. WHOLESALE HOUSES AND MANUFACTURING CONCERNS FELL IN THEIR PATH THIS COMPLETED THE DESTRUCTION OF THS ENTTRB DISTRICT KMGfiMM 'AS THE "SOUTH 01 MARKET STREET HOW FAR THEY ARE REACHING TO THE SOUTH ACROSS THE CHANNEL CANNOT BE TOLD AS THIS PART OP THE CITY IS SHUT OFF FROM ; SAN FRANCISCO' PAFEBS. : , r.".l. ;'.":''-'''; ';. ... ;,' ' ' ', : ' ' v -k :'i ' " - '' ' AFTER DA RE" ESS. THOUSANDS OF THE HOMELESS WERE MA KINO THEIR WAXJKIXH THEIR BLANKETS AND SCANT PROVISIONS TO GOLDEN OATS PARK AND THE BEACH TO FIND SHELTER, THOSE IN THE.HOMES ON THE fflLLS JUST NORTH OF THE HAYES VALLEY WRECKED SECTION PILED THEIR BELONOINOS IN THE STREETS AND EXPRXS WAf ON8 AND AUTOMOBILES . WERE HAULING THE THINGS AWAY TO THE SPARS ELYSETTLED REGIONS . EVERYBODY IN SAN FRANCISCO IS PREPARED TO LEAVE THE CITY. FORTH" BELIEF IS FIRM THAT SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE TOTALLY DESTROYED i'; .4 :-'.: -'- )-,- ..tM!r V-7rrC;.nvrt-V,i'",-'H." DOWNTOWN EVERYTHING IS RUIN - NOT A BUSINESS' MOUSE STANDS THEATRES ARE CRUMBLED INTO HEAPS. FACTORIES AND COMMISSION HOUSES 'LIE SHOULD ERINO ON THXIX FORMER SITES? 'ALL OF THE NEWSPAPER PLANTS HAVE BEEN RENDERESElljrH AND THE "EXAMINER" BUILDINGS. EXCLUDING THXj" "CALL'S EDITORIAL 0 ROOMS ON STEVENSON STREET BEIsJO ENTIRELY DESTROYED . ";''"''' ' ' i- 1 ; ' ' : ' " ''-'-."'-."...''''',. tT IS XSTIMAISi) THAT THE I-fS8 IN SAN FRANCISCO WILL REACH FROM StSOOOOOOO TO a700.000.000. THESE FIGURES ARE IN THE ROUOH AND NOTtfTNO CAN BE TOLD WNTO. PAJtTIAL ACCOUNTINO h TAKEN : ' "' " ..,:'., V ' . ' . ' . V- r ':.' ' ' ; " : . '. '; '''"''. ' ON EVERT 4lD THERE WAS DEATH AND SUFFERING YESTERDAY HUNDRED! WBRK INJURED. EITHR BURNEDrCRUSHED OR STRUCK BY FALLING PIECES FT.OM I THE aTUTLTV " REPRODUCTION OF PART -rr-- : 52, Smith 128. Watson 84, Oearin 824. Congressman Ellis 142, Lachner 210, Rand 802. Shepherd 42, Graham XDem.) 444. . '- .: Ovrvernor-Brown 442, Oeer (8,. Johna 412, Sehlbrede 10; Wlthycombe ' 70, Chamberlain 878, . Secretary 1 of State Benson 440, Oatch .182, Pearce 88, Wrlghtman 148, Sroat, 687. ;-v '-, . ';. State Treasurer Aitkin 827. Carter 48, Hoyt 108. Jennings 40, Ryan JOS, Steel 7(. Matlock 488. . Supreme Judge Rakln ' (72, Halley S10. -. v -- Attorney General Crawford 488, Dur. ham 2SS. Miller 817. ' " - Printer Clarke 841, Duniway , SSI. Whitney 227. Taylor 428. - - . Joint Senator Hart (Rep.) 848, Hops (Rep.) 181. Saxton (Dam.) 811. ' 1 Cloas race between White, Democrat, for circuit .Judge and Smith. Democrat. Smith 40 vote ahead. - Drowley ahead of Olmsted 128 votes for ths Republl can nomination for this office. Returns very - slow coming In. : ' XJam Commty. . (RseeUl DhmtrB te Tbm In Albany, Or., April .'21.-Demoorats who have carried ths county are: Governor, Chamberlain: United States senator, Oearin; representative in congress. Gal loway; atate senator. Miller; represents Uvea, Stratton. Roblnett and Denney. Other returns are Incomplete: - Republican, 4 Governor Wlthycombe 48SOeer 241. Johns 848, Sehlbrede 88, Brown, 120. - United SUtes Senator Cake 881, Bourne 888. Lowell 162. Smith 186. Wat son 74; abort term, Mulkey 827. Representatives in Congress Haw- ley 671. Huston 221. Tooie 602 secretary or stats Benson 878, Oaten 648. Pearce 70, Wrlghtman 181 ' Stats Treasurer Aitkin 286, Carter 818, Hoyt 184. Jennings 128. Ryan 180. Bteei ill.--:. : Supreme judge Eakin 1,124. ' Attornev-Generai Crawford 886. Dur ham 824. - . , . Superintendent Public Instruction Ackerman 1.174. SUte Printer Clarke 108.. Duniway 614. Whitney 608. . . Commissioner of Labor Hoff 1,124. State Senator Miller 1,188. Representatives Brown, Holt, Up- merer. . -.- " WajdUng-tom Oeuty. - (Seeeial DtsDatch ta Tbe Joeraal.t HUlaboro, Or.. April 21. Governor Brown 78, Oeer 227, Johns 67, Sehl brede 42, Wlthycombe 614. Representative, congress ' Hawley 221. Huston 706. Toose 226. United States senator Long term. Bourne 206, Cake 248, Lowell 208, Smith 162. Watson 66; short term, Mulkey nothing. Secretary of state Benson 412. Gatch 886, Pearce 67, Wrlghtman 181. State treasurer Aitkin 182, Carter 124, Hoyt 416. Jennings 76, Ryan 172, Steel 271. . v . . . supreme judge SKin 64. Attorney-general Crawford 666. Dur ham 421. '.. ' , . '. - Superintendent of public Instruction Ackerman blank.' ., v . State ' printer darks. 222, Duniway (44, Whitney 222. - Republican atate representatives Barnes 242, Barrett 746. Delashmutt 246. Flint 262. Meek 848. Newell 418. Purdy 4S0, Spencer 148. No Democratic report until . Monday, and three mors precincts to bear from. Beaton County's Poll. . (Special Dtspatek to Tbe JearaaL) Corvallla,- Or.. April 21. Unofficial reports of the election In Benton county one precinct yet to hear from: Senator Bourne 218. Caks 170. Lowell 204. Smith 1S. Wstson 66. Congressman Hawley 848, Huston 107. Toose, 114. Governor Brown 26, Oeer 82. Johns 26. Wtthyrombe, (Sf. Sehlbrede 4. SUte treasurer Aitkin 78, Carter 800, Hoyt 101, Ryan 87. Steel 108. - Attorney-general Crawford 468, Dur ham 128. ' -. State printer Clarke 8J, -Duniway 864. Whitney 182. ' A County ofrlcea: Stats senator John son 448. Belknap 260. State representative Carter 272, Ed wards SlS. , 7 ' -" ""' ' TaaahlU Oonntp. (Sseetol Dtspateh te The oarsat.) McMinnville, Or April 21. The offi cial count In Yamhill county has not yet been mads and figures cannot be ob tained, but from Indications snd reports of McMinnville precincts ths. following will lesd In Yamhill: - i , Republican, Governor W lthycombe, Oeer second. '''. V . - v - - i i ii i i i i . i i in LiiMJAU UM OF THE FIRST. PAGE-OF THE SAN FRANCISCO COMBINATION -NEWSPAPER, THE FIRST "- '.-' ' ' I-"-,-.::-'--:'. :V - EARTHQUAKE ::-. v,'"" '. . ' Senator (long term) Caks. Bourns second. ' ' '- 1 ' v Congress. First District Hawley, Huston second. . ,' ' Secretary wof State Oatch, Benson second. " - Treasurer Carter, Steel second. --Attorney-General Crawford. : Superintendent, of Publio Instruction Ackerman. : - -- ' State Printer Duniway. ' State Senator Edwards. ; ' Representative Fourteenth Legislative District Houser, Beals second. Mul-key.-Eaktn and Hoff all polled a large vote. On the . Democratic ticket there ts only one "eon teat, which Is for congressman- In the aeeond district, but Gallo way is away In ths, lead. The count cannot bo obtained until lata today. ' Oolumbla Oouaty. . Oeeelal DlsMtek te The Jearaal. I ' Rainier. Ore.. April 21. United States senator, short term. Mulkey 41 Republi can; long term. Bourne 21, Cake 28, Lowell 18. Watson 4. Smith 2, Republi can; Oearin 22. Democratic. Representative congress Lachner 26, Shepherd 17. Hills J4 Rand 11, Republl- Governor Oeer 22, Wlthyoombo 12, Brown 11. Johns 11. Sehlbrede 8. Re publican; Chamberlain 22, Democratic. Secretary of state Benson 21. Oatch 18. Wrlghtman 10, Pearce 8, Republican; Sroat SI. Democratic. State treasurer Hoyt SO, Ryan 16, Aitkin IS. Steel IS. Carter 4, Republican; Matlock 22, Democratic " ' " , '-- Supreme Judge Eakin 46, Republican; Halley 18. Democratic Attorney general Durham 87, Craw ford 24. Republican; Miller 21, Demo cratic ,. ... Superintendent of publio Instruotlon Ackerman 67. -: -S- State printer Whitney ' 26, Duniway 28. Clarke 16. Republican: Taylor 22. Democratic. Commissioner of labor Wolf 42. Re publican. , 4., Poll as Saytoa. - ISpeclal DlspsieS te The Jooreal.) Dayton. Or., April 21 United Statea senator Mulkey (0,. Bourne 27, Lowell 15, Smith 23, Watson 12, Oearin 27. Representative, congress Hawley 70, Huston 12, Toose 12, Cochran 4, Gallo way 17, Governor Brown 6, Oeer 28, Johns Sehlbrede 7, Wlthycombe 46. Cham berlaln 27.. Secretary of atate Benson 18. Oatch 82, Pearce 14, Wrlghtman 7, Street 26. State treasurer Aitkin 4, Carter 47, Hoyt 2. Jennings 4, Ryan 24, Steel 14, Matlock 27. Supreme Judge Eakin 88, Halley 27. Attorney-general Crawford (2, Dur ham 26, Miller 27. Superintendent of public Instruction .Ackerman 88. State printer Clarke 7, Duniway (8, Whitney 16. Taylor 25. Representative fourteenth district. Tillamook and ' Yamhill Beals 20, Houser 68, Thompson 8. Commissioner of labor Hoff 64. . TJmatlUa County. (Sneeial Dtapatcb te Tbe JenrnaL) Pendleton. - Ore.. April 2L Complete returns from 20 . precincts .In Umatilla county give: . Senator Lowell 640, Cake 281. Bourns 164. .'"-'.., Congressmen Kills 1.001, Rand 62. Lachner 84.- Shepherd 88. Governor Brown 202, Oeer 262; Sehl breds 28.-Wlthycombe 404. Secretary of state Renann 887, Oatch 268. Pearce 212. Wrlghfnfn 236. State printer Clarke 206. Duniway 588. Whitney 26(. ..... Treasurer Alticin 250. carter 2TS, Hoyt 166, Ryan 226. Steel 121. Jennings 82. There ars 16 outside precincts to hear from yet, - . 8 ear's Monte County. ' (Special Dteratcb te The Jnnraa'.V Sllverton, Or., April 21. United States Senator Short ' term, Mulkey 162: full term. Bourne 48. Cak 142, Lowell 21, Smith. 44, Watson 15. Oesrtn 22. Congress Hawley 88. . Huston s, Toose 110, Osllowsy 22. Governor Brown 4, oeer 4, Johns 66. Wlthycombe 124. Chsmberleln 22. Secretary of State Benson 16. Oatch 144, Pearce 16, Wrlghtman 106. Sroat is. , ... Stats Treasurer Aitkin 58 Carter SO. Hoyt 14. Uennlngs lRyanlS0. Steel 86. Matlodk 11. , - Supremo Judge Eakin 115, Halley 28. Attomey-Oeneral Crawford 208, Dur ham 69, Miller II. , Superintendent of Publls Instructlun Ackerman 200. . L. - L i ' Printer Clarke 76, Duniway 106, Whitney 76, Taylor 16. ... State Senator from Marion Republi can; Crolaan 76. Hobson 18, Kay 178. LaFollet 81. Richie 67, Smith 68; Dem ocrat,' Savage 22, Slater 22. Representatives from Marion County Republican. : Beers .46. Calvert 44, Cherrlngton 48, Davsy 88. Hofef 81. Hughes 40, Jones 16. Judd 48, McCown (1, McKinney 84, Moo res 87, Mount 141." Reynolds 60, Rodgers 141. Settle- melr 116. Simmons 115. Skiff 68, Btln son 41, Taylor 116; Democrats, Craw ford 82, Oloyer 22, Huckstsln.20, Man ning 21, zenn 28. ... .. At BrowasTllls. (flpeelal Dhmstek te The Jearaal. I r Brownsville. Or., April 81. Three precincts, north . and south Browns ville and Crowfordsvillsf- ' - Republican, U. B. Senator Mulkey 114. Bourne 48, Caks . 101, Lowell 24, Smith 81. Watson 8. Representative ia Congress, First dis trict Hawley 116. Huston 61. Toose 40. Governor Brown 18, Oeer 81, Johns 40, Sehlbrede 7. Wlthycombe 106. Secretary of Stats Oatch 116, Benson 84, Pearce 11, Wrlghtman 11. State Treasurer Aitkin SS, Carter ((, Hoyt 88. Jennings 80, Ryan 84, Steel 80. Supreme Judge Bakln 161. Attorney-General Crawford 141, Dur ham 46. . ' Superintendent of Publio Instruction Ackerman 178; . , . - State Printer Clarke 20, Duniway 111. -Whitney 62. ' Commlsslonsr of Labor Hoff 187. " Representatives Brown 187, Hole 71, Richardson 85, Smith 44, Upmeyer 66. . Representatives in Congress Coch ran 6. Oallowey 28. Governor Chamberlain 88. ' ' - Secretary of State Sroat 88. - State Treasurer Matlock 85. State Senator Daw eon 6, Miller SO. Representative Denny 84, Rob nett 82. Stratton 88. Supreme Judge Halley 84. State Printer Taylor 84. ' Attorney-General Miller 24. "' ' At ZadepemAemoe. (gperlal Dtapateb to The ersal. Independence. Or., April 2L Repub lican r United States senator Mulkey 118, Bourne 80, Cake 86, Lowell . 68, Smith 26, Watson 12. 5 Congress Hawley 78, Huston 20, Toose 64. Governor Brown 20, Oeer 28, Johns 47, Sehlbrede 6, Wlthycombe 62. Secretary of state Benaon 44, Oatch 68, Pearce 86, Whlgbtman 84. ' State treasurer Aitkin 22, Carter 20, Hoyt 48. Jennings 14, Ryan 86, Steel 21. Supreme Judge Eakin 140. Attorney-general Crawford 115, Dur ham 26. Superintendent public Instruction Ackerman 80. Stats printer Clarke 82, Duniway (8, Whitney 65. ' Commissioner of labor Hoff 126. Joint representative Polk snd Lincoln counties Cooper, Republican, (7; Jones, republican, 108. County representatives Republican, Flower 20, Hawley 102, McCailon 60. Democrat: United States senator Oearin 62. : " Congress Cochran 12, Galloway 24. Governor Cnarberlaln 67., Secretary of state 62. . f- t -Stats treaaurer 68. .- - - '' --'- Supreme Judge Hailey 61. " State printer 61. . Attorney-generat Miller 63.' JLRcpresentatlva Gllsoav 48. Union Oouaty. ' (Sperlal Dlapatrh le The Journal I Grande. Ore AorU tX-Vamm pletcd returns show:- United 8tat6a Sen atorRepublican, Bourne- 426. Cake 820, Lowell 129, Smith 251; Democratic, Wat- son 22. Oearin 512. Representative, ' Republican Rills 494, Lachner 3T6, Rand 811, Shepherd 82- Democrat. Oraham 489. """" Oovemor Republican, Brown lit, Oeer 226. Johns 164. Sehlbrede 64. Wlthycombe 487; Democrat, Chamber lain 419. . Secretary of State Republican. Ben son 648, Oatch 178, Pearce 187, Wrlght man 228. Marlon County.' (Sperlal Dlapateh te The Journal.) Salem. Or April St. Figures sre In complete, but the following srs believed to have been nominated: , Senators Kay and Smith, ' Repreaentatlves Davey, ' - Rodgers, Reynolds, Simmons and Bettlemelr. Moo res and Hughes Srs close. Culver for sheriff, Allen elerk. Jones recorder. Richardson treasurer. Herrlck surveyor. Ooulet commissioner.. Wlthycombe leads ueer for governor. Oatch for secretsry of state has a large II 7 ..- .. . .. sT I 1 I 1 II majority. Hawley carries Marlon py AA Partial Tots ta SCom (Speetal DtasatHi te The' Jaanwl.) Ileppner, Or.. April 21. Complete re turns from 10 precincts out-of It In Morrow county show Uie following can' dldatesto have good majorities: Senator,-Lowell; oongresa, Ellis: gov ernor. Oeer; secretary of state, close between Benson and Oatch; treaaurer. Attain; attorney-general. Crawford stats printer, cloas between Duniway and Whitney. No opposition lit other offices or on ths Democratio ticket. K. M. Shutt has a large -majority for sheriff. In Bugeme mreolaots. . rRDeeial Dtapateb te The Journal.) " ' Kugene. Or., April 2L Owing to ths distance of outlying precincts It Is tin possible to gst figures. About half of the precincts beard from ahow a ma jority for Caka, Wlthycombe. ' Toose Gartch, Jennings. 'Duniway -and Craw ford. On ths Republican legislative ticket I. H. Bingham is nominated for senator and Allen Baton, I. N. Rdwarda and B. A. Washburne for representatives. Ia Coos Gouty. " Bandon. Or.r April 21. The result of the primaries yesterday Is as follows For governor Chamberlain 26, Brown 14, Oeer 87. John 8, Sehlbrede 16, Wlthycombe 22. For senator Oearin 25, Bourns 42, Caka 10, Lowell 16. Smith 12 and Wat son 12. Wasoo Oouaty. Ths Dalles. Or, April 21. Partial re turns give Bourns 276, Caks 268, Smith 778. - Indications ars that Knowlea and Hendricks ars nominated for ths legls lature. PHILIPPINE CITIES ARE SWEPT BY FIRE (Joarsal Special grfet.) -.Washington. April 21. Ths war de partment has been .notified that this morning fire swept ths town of Mad qulna, in Rlsel province. In the Philip pines. Twenty thousand ars homeless and starving snd business Is ruined. Ths government is rushing assistance to the sufferers. Firs also destroyed PaslL near the town of Cebu. , , Women's Belief Committee. , ' Any persona desiring to send con tributions to San Francisco who have not already done so, will please tele phone before noon on Monday the fol lowing transportation committee: Mrs. L. H. Tarpley, Main 2468; Mrs. John Shepard. Main 2462; Mrs. Zera Snow, Main 2814; Mrs. Adolphs Wolfs. Main 6214. People living on the east Side pleaae telephone Mrs. James Laldlaw, East 804. Gsnsral Renncnkampf f, tht former noted leader of Coasacks, now tjoy ernor of Chita, who threatened to kill all the 1 600 , prisoners In hia charge if any further attempts were made on hia Ufa. . -- ran MIS ISSUED AFTER THE USE LIQUID AIR IN FRANCE . From the New York Herald. - A 'group of savans of ths Acadomte des Sciences, Psrls, very recently paid a visit to a factory . at Boulogne-sur-Selns to witness' ths manufacture for Industrial purposes of enormous qusn titles of oxygen, snd nitrogen, extracted In s liquid stats' from atmoapberlo air. "Oeorxes Claude, the Inventor of the Interesting process, furnished ths ex planations,' says Conaul Brunot. - "As ths liquid oxygen flowed out from the generator it was of a bluish hue, while the nitrogen was colorleas. Several ex periments wars mads for ths visitors to prove ths Importance of having an abundant supply of oxygen at one's dis posal. A forgs set up In ths grounds showed the wonderful effects of the gas. Ths firs, which had almost died out, was Immediately rendered Incan descent by a current of oxygen from ths blowpipe. A bar of iron was brought to a red heat and then melted like lead. ' Two pieces- of Iron were welded In a few minutes by the aid of a powerful flame from the blowpipe. Much eoatly and tedious riveting will bo no longer necessary; Iron will be welded sgalnst iron, copper against copper, etc -The doctors already fore see ths poeelble- treatment with liquid air of certain affections of microbian origin, auch as osteomyelitis, anthrax and the malignant dlaeaso of the skia termed lupus. ''Liquid air hat been tried In mines as sn explosive agent, and for this pur pose marl Is wet with petroleum and thenaaturated with . liquid, air Th. paate thus formed constitutes a good sxplosivs whsn fired with fulminate, and has ths advantage when It hangs nre to bs without danger, as the liquid air evaporate very rapidly. "Ths price of oxygen, according to M. Claude, for industrial purposes will not exceed 4 to 6 mills per eublo metre. Will It be possible to use liquid air as a motor power? Ths Idea la very tempt mg snd win be studied. It would be In- any ease particularly applicable to subraarlns boats, balloons, automobiles, etc. For the present it is sufficient to say" that the invention of ' Georges Clauds is quite recent, and that the easy and practical production of liquid air has only Just been realised. Conse quently It may be expected with every confldenos In- this century of rapidly advancing progress thst the dreams of todsy may be the realities of tomor row." Teneet Captain on Atlantis Seaboard. From the Providence Journal, "Somewhat tall? Yes. possibly, but twas not always thus," said Captain Fickett of the barkentlne Arlington. Just arrived from the West Indies. "After my 20th birthday they meas ured me and said I was alx feet seven inches In my stocking feet. ' Ten. my berth aboard my ship was mads to or der, likewise the Irish linen sheets snd the eiderdown quilts which cover me. 'Some of your doors In tills -town compel ms to bow my head to save my eralplock. and some of your electric light fixtures hang too low for my en tire safety, but I manage to get around without serious Injury.' " Oh,,' no, not so heavy, only 184 pounds." He is the tallest sea captain on ths Atlantic seaboard. He has been In the employ of the Boston firm who own the Arlington, for many years, going most or trie time orr snore to the west coext of Africa and the West Indies. He was bom near MUlbrldga, Maine, about 87 yeara ago. - Other captains here In port speak In high-terms of Captain Fickett, of his qualities as a navigator and master mariner and all around good fellow, and say further that the great strength which goes with hia tremendous height has stood him In good Stead more than once. .. - ' Ability) to Sea Bverytaiug. . . From ths Journal of Surgery. A surgeon occasionally takes an ap plicant for a position on the house staff of the hospital with which n Is con nected, snd bids Mm look out of a win dow and describe what be seea Some men practically see nothing at all; others notice but a few things, not al ways ths most Important, while ths bal snce appear to observe everything. It Is from among the latter rises that the successful candidate Is commonly cho sen. H Is to the men who sees every thing that every art and science Is In debted for whatever progress they have made, and the surgeon's method of gauging the probsble value of a youns man's service has n-" ' - j In it i . t Is trivial and vnlrrr t t. 1 ALL WORK FAITHFULLY , PACKING -GREAT BOXES Needlework Guild to Contribute at .; Least TwoJTiece Each Wagons . Call for Clothing;, Which Is Sorted and Prepared for Shipment ' . Ths true spirit , of Portland" in ' thO time of San Francisco's distress could have been read at the armory In tha faces of mors than 100 devoted women, who worked steadily and quietly from sn early, hour 'this morning ' packing j-boxes of relief supplies for ths stricken thousands. As esrly as 8 o'clock soma of the women were in their places re ceiving goodsthat were brought in, and before that boxes had ' been deposited for packing. .. Tha reaponae to the call for clothing from Portland's homes was exceedingly generous and conveyances have not been able to answsr the calls as quickly as they came In. " Large stocks of clothing srs being) ' brought In constantly from every part of ths city and the supply shown no evidence of giving out. Thla morning t large packing-cases containing men's, women's snd children's clothing of all kinds and bedding: in unlimited amount were packed and the piles of unpacked, stores remain almost as high, as before. And through It all moved dozens of women working devotedly wrth no 00m plalnt of exhaustion and no wish for -cessation, but ' only a word of thanks that the offerings continue to pour In so that they may go -on working. . ' Many were there who have loved ones In Ban Francisco from whom they have not yet had word and fTtey worn among the most . untlrinaa workers. Only in labor for others hava they been aljle to find some relief from their own anxiety. . .' mam jstamstloi ..rA :'' ' . The Urge drill-room Is ths scene tit a systematic and well-arrsnged working plan. Two large receivings tables stretching from the nacK entrance are -presided aver by several women, whey sort the supplies brought In and santl them to various points about, the room, which are marked with large; placard a. One long table is devoted to women's clothing, and there' ars sscttfmg-ror'Tim derwear, suits, cloaks, aprons and shoes; another table for men'e clothe Is sectioned in the same manner; boys', girls' snd- Infants' clothing hava each their sepersts places, a complete list of everything that goes Into each box la kept -- ' What the women of Portland are do ing - for - the -homeless people of Ban Francisco cannot be measured In money. This "morning 88 eases were packed con taining -miscellaneous collections of clothing snd bed linen.1 At least s a many will be packed this afternoon and If tha suppllea continue to rome In at tha present rate the woman will be kept busy all tomorrow as well. At -one table a number are buay mending worn-out garmenta that come In. A large portion has bad to be sent to the cleaners or to the-laundry. .- The women appreciate th kindness that prompts people to glv what they can, but they regret th thoughtlessness that makes an extra ex- '. pense necessary. Meedlework OttlM Buy. The Needlework guild la doing lie part In the work, - and baa a table for itaelf. Mrs. J. S. Reed, president. Issued an emergency call this morning, asking" for two articles from each mtmbar. Many are bringing In more than two. and as there are In Portland 66 directors of th guild and each one has from 10 to 80 members In her district, this alone will net from 1,500 to 2,000 pieces. The work of sending clothing Is only t begtnnrng of what th Portland women -are ready and preparing to do. Their work began almost aa soon as ths dis aster was heard of, with tha sending of sn emergency eorpe of nurses and phyai clsns, with drugs and groceries on a special train In the evening. . Scarcely wae this work dons when' the commit tee began Its next work. A large meet ing was held at tha Portland yesterday. The committee appointed to superin tend th work at th Armory was: Mrs. A. J. Meier, chairman; Mrs A. Rockey, assistant chairman; Mrs. W. J. Honey man. Mlsa May Falling, Mrs. W. J. Burns. Mr. J. K. Kolloch. Mrs. Mor ton Insley. Mrs. Lodwlg Frank, Mrs. W. L. Brewster, Mrs. A- B. Stsinbach. Mrs. James & Green. Mrs. W. A. Meara. Mrs. A. C Fenton. Miss Clementine Wllsen. Mrs. R. R. Hog. Mrs. Ben Selling. Mrs. T. B. Wilcox and Mrs. Msx Hlrsch. A great many of the young women are helDlns In the work. The purchasing committee consists of Mrs.-J. N. Teal. Mrs. Rlchsrd Koehler. Miss Falling and Mrs. I a am White- The boxes wilt be sent this evening directly to Dr. K. A- J. Mackensle. who la In charge or th emergency corps of physlclsns and nurses. To Tin Shotts foe Bsfugsss. 1 . The women have also undertaken to find shelter for ths refugees who will soon begin to arrive. Many are opening their homes unreservedly, and all ar ready to help In meeting tha unfortu nates and helolne them to their friend. Mrs. Millie Trumbull announced at yes terday's mseting that th board of char ities would be ready to look after destl- tute : Th Travelers' Aid association announced -through Mrs. W J. . Honay- man its willingness to meet rerugee at the depot and to give them all aaslat- snce. The women's committee Is confining Itself to receiving clothing and beddlns- only and the money and food eupplle sr sent to the men's committee to avol.s confusion in th work. In the case of soma who prefer to givs to ths women. they ar requested to buy some article of clothing. If It b no more than a towel, and present it. All who wish conveyances 10 caii iw their contributions should telephone t Mrs. Louis H. Tarpley. 64 Ella str Main 24S1: Mrs Adolpn woite, i King street. Main 6214; Mrs. 8r Snow. 14 Twentieth street. Main 2.114; r Mrs. John A. Shepard. 84 Twenty-fir- street. Main 2442. CLAIMS THAT KAY MADE ARREST WITHOUT REAC Charges were Tied against Detective Thomaa Kay with C: Police Grltamacher by Captain fectlvea Bruin yesterday. cuseed of arresting Mrs. F. I glng her to the police a lectins her to humillat 1 becsuse she had fouUe of Oeoren Fern. 11 one of h ay's s.o w reie J c r.