The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    ths cn-ccn daily jou:;:.v.l. i!:d. satuhday evening, 1.
; .r"w- :;
fPO WARM,, A HOUSE with a gravity warm air systenv J
eksi ViitkMaeiA sMiiaf m ftimnli ?r ri m f s J BrnAiinfr aI fait . m esswu A fat
, 14 V I,'U11UIV 1MUJV DMuvu rrivii sja vvi vesta a sjiuwvwtv V fi tV VwaA a J VU
the radiated heat. The pipes, elbows, angles, shoes and registers mint be
of the" right size to avoid friction and allow the proper smount of sir to
flow through them. , ; "- :1 v . . .
' Isn't it better to know absolutely that- your Furnace will heat when In
'stalled because the right sized pipes have been Installed?- We know ' what
-lzephj?e go to 'eacrrroom In your hxrMrcfeYc6uTTpton
we figure out. the size pipes for your, house .both practically and theo
' retically. We. don't guess" We can prove that we know . one thing our
This It the Least Oregon Wil
Give in Cash and. Supplies to
7 Relieve Suffering of the
I t ... '
Portland Takes the Lead in Work
. . and Locally Eren the Poorest Arc
. piving Their Mites Hearst Buys
Car of Supplies Here to Be at Once
.: Dispatched to the South.'
Oregon is doing- hermit proud.' At
least 1500,000-wIU be raised for the re
lief of the Baa Frenclseo sufferers, and
If the liberal spirit now being shown Is
an criterion, the fund front this stste
mar roach 11.000,000. -
Portland has taken- the lead In railing
i -already the relief 'OoiamiHn
. appointed by Mayor' Lauie has received
in cuah suma ajnoyntlns to ever- 10,
. 000 and supplies and provlalons valued
. at ..ever . half that - sum. The different
subcommittees have bean Indefatigable
In their efforts, which have been re
'warded with marvelous results. Every
body has responded to their request for
funds. Even the poorest In the city are
contributing their mites and whan the
- committee who are : soliciting make
--their reports tor Secretary-K. C. -Qtltnar
. ox the finance committee this anernoon
... It Is expected that tha total .cash COl
lectlons will exceed 110,000. . -.
. WBl Oomtlaa Work. '' '
The" committees' will not cease "their-f
. soliciting today. - They will continue to
' take subscriptions Monday and as loflg
thereafter aa food 'and supplies ' are
heeded In San Francisco.
As soon as" the cash has been received
' It Is Immediately 'spent In- purchasing
such food and supplies aa are thought'
to be most needed by the famine-stricken
people." ir ij-..: .:..:j'-'-v
-. Portland's system Is being adopted by
other cities and towns of the state. Both
'cash and supplies are being-contributed,
and many inland country districts are
" offering contributions of food. : A large
1 . - ntimber of the smaller towna are send-
lug their cssh subscriptions to the local
I "' relief committee with which 'Jo pur
chase food and supplies. :
Many large subscription nave been
made by the institutions and Individuals
'-'.",: In this city. All subscriptions ct 1,000
; or over follow: -.
, Canadian Bank of Commerce. , , .116,000
.' First National Bank.,...,.....;. 26,000
' ' Mrs. C. 11. Iwis. ................ 20.000
' Idtdd Tllton. , 12,600
Meier ft Frank Company......... 6.000
', V. 8.1 Natietisl -Bank. ...Sr.. it 6.000
, Merchants National Bank. 6.000
,-Jk.Ueo, A Le w la ...... . . .-,- 6,000
T. B. W'llcox.. - .00
In man. Poulsen It Co... .......... 1,600
Portland General Electrle Co.... 1, 60S
Llpman, Wolfe & Co 2.000
(Ml. Ieonard 1.000
Tull Olbbs. ....,.. ,.,."1.000
Mason. Elirman ft CO. ......... .. 1.000
Portland Lodgo 142. Elks 1.000
- Many people have made their sub
script ions to The Journal office because
of its central location. The - total of
";7"-t-ash subscriptions received at this office
amounts to I2.7S5.35. All sums re
ceived at this office will be Immediately
-turned over to K.-C-Qiltnar. secretary
of the finance committee of the general
J relief committee., . , -
. Sosatloas from Xearst. '
The general relief cemmlttee this
morning waa notified by wire that WII
- liam Randolph Hearst, proprietor -of the
Hearst newspapers In New. Tork. Chi
cago, Boston. IOa Angeles and San
Francisco, has subscribed 17.600 to the
Ban Francisco relief fund with instruc
tions that the supplies be purchased In
this city. He further Instructed the
eotiuMtteo- that - the supplies purchased
by him should be dispatched by special
train on his account at once.'
MryHearst nifre4-a-heavy flnanelal
loss, fn the great catastrophe In tha lose
of the- Examiner plant and building In
Baa Francisco.
. Sending ef further supplies to Ban
Francisco by the general relief commit
, tee will be postponed after today pend
ing the recommendation ef. General
Kunston, who will notify the local com
mittee what supplies are needed and In
' what amounts. General Funnton was
notified to that fcffect today- by R. It.
Hoge of the relief commiMee. .
' Was Xaa Been Beat.
Supplies sufficient to maintain an
- army for a. brief time have been sent
from Portland and donations are still
, pouring in. This morning Mr. Hogs
sent the following telegram to General
Funston, enumerating provisions that
had been sent: .
"The following food supplies havo
been shipped: Seven hundred and sixty.
' : five caaes crackers and pilot bread. 2.200
; eases canned meats, 11,000 loaves of
"J"' . bread, - 646-eaees- breakfast " food. 401
cases sardines, 200 canea oysters, 40.J
esses corned beef. 66 sacks of sugar. Hi
esses of condensed milk, 1.600 cases pork
- ,' end beans, 400 leases soup. ; 26 dosen
extract of beef, approximately 2,000
" - cases sajmon, 20 barrels salt, 10 cheats
.' ' ' tea, 10 boxes soap.
"In addition to which a large quantity
of potatoes and foodstuffs from valley
towns of which we have ., no definite
r record at the moment. - The steamer
I UL-r-i-. '- -I - .
Three Prominent Features
iVfsiddit. ; fi-npraf Manager. Assistant Manager. V.
286 WASHINGTON ST. (Macleay Building) PORTLAND, OR.
Loading Supplies Into The Journal
. , , ..
Rodondo sails today with 150,000 feet
of lumber' due .Tueaday. The captain
is- instructed to report to you.- The
above in addition to flour from Port
land Flouring Mills company. . We will
postpone shipment of further supplies
until we ' have your ' recommendation,
which please make as definite as poa
slblo and state whether or not nail
hardware and building tools are
quired . for temporary . construction.
The officials of the Canadian Bank of
Commerce this, morning wired thelrrep
resentatlve in the bank at Baa Francisco
relief committee there to be used for
the relief of the sufferers. '
lAive end sympathy snd sorrow were
never, more deeply - expressed than - by
me stupendous wsve or seir-denvm
generosity that bas swept over all Ore
gon since the calamity In .California.
Every town and hamlet in the state has
followed Portland's example snd is
hurrying provisions and clothing to the
stricken cities in the. south ss rapidly
aa tney an he transported. -
Business in Portland has practically
txxa suspended, or rather privat lnter-1
eats -have been overlooked, to ' answer
the cry for help from, the once great
city-ef -Ban Francisco. Women- have
abandoned their homes for a time that
they may assist In the work of prepar
ing and sending provlalons .to the suf
faring" thousands. Men have desested
their offices and places of business that
they might aid n the work of relief.
From every part ef the state offers
or assistance are pouring into Portland,
Money Is being sent In large amounts to
be added to the general fund that
being raised In .this city) and provisions
of every kind are being dispatched as
rapidly aa trains- can bring them. . From
Portland tralnloads of provisions ara
being sent southward ; daily, carrying
necessities In sufficient quantities to re
lieve the -suffering until the govern
ment'e plans of assistance are carried
Jujto effect. " -J - '-'
- women's Clubs to Treat.
Prwtlcsily -every- women's -or ganlsa
tlon of consequence in America is rep
resented In Portland - and emergency
calls for assistance have been Issued by
all. . . The Needlework Guild of America
haa Issued an. emergency request that all
members donate two or more new gar
meats v to the - California 'sufferers
through their directors or through ths
president, Mrs. J. R. Reed, Alt old gar
ments , must be in good, condition.
mended end clean. ' , , ,
The women's relief, committee." In
charge of the general work of relief baa
established headquarters at the. armory,
where provisions and supplies of all
kinds are being received. The vsrlous
sub-committee -end organisations that
are - working In conjunction with the
general committee also have headquar
ters there and donations for the Call
fomla sufferers should be sent to that
place., .,
. The Oregon lumber Manufacturers'
sasoclstion-went-promptly to the aid of
the aurrerers by sending large supplies
of lumber. A circular letter was Issued
last night by Secretary Edmund P. Shel
don and sent to 126 sawmills In the
state asking for Immediate donations.
The letter follows:
- Appeal to lumbermen.
' "One ef the most urgent and pressing
needs of - the sffllcted people in San
Francisco is shelter, snd the relief com
mittee has called upon the lumber menu
facturers in Oregon to respond quickly
snd generously to the appeal of the suf
ferers. -
"The Southern Pacific company , and
the .Q.-R.ftN-Co. -still transport free
of charge when shipped according to
trie directions given below. Will you
donate as mar y carloads of small di
mension boards, flooring, celling and
rustle as you. can, making use of any
cars now on 'your tracks or that can
be obtained? - -
"Ship -to General , Frederick Funston.
California, Portland Relief Committee.
Forward shipping receipt together with
receipted Invoice according to f. o. b.
prices in California list B-6.' to this
office, where a record will be kept of all
shipments, and then turned over to the
relief committee. - -
We already hsve f 17.60 as follows
Eastern ft Western 1-umber company,
ft.eoo; mmsn ft I'oulsen Lumber com
pany; t.VOOe; Portland - Lumber -com
pany. -13.000: North . Pacific Lumber
company 12,600. - .
"Prompt action Is necessary, do It
now and let me know about what. you
nave done. .- .
"verv trulv yours, --- 1
-.4. . ,.,.. s j. Secretary."
W. B. Ayer and R- D. Inman are mem.
bers of the relief. committee of the Ore
gon Lumber Manufacturers association.
Should Be Carefully Packed. '
The transportation committee of the
general relief committee-. requests that
all donations. of stippll-ts be. sent In not
later than 6 o'clock In the afternoon in
order Ao facilitate the work of preparing
them for transportation. They should
"V1, . . .
Relief Trains at the, Union Depots
KE17 -mm SAYS: 11
California People Urged to Notify
- Relatives and Friends of
Their Safety.
d ..... All Boston, and . New Ensland
d people who are In Ban Francisco
or any where in the "territory af-
d- fected by the great calamity are
4 urged to notify their friends In
e the east of , their ' safety and
d "present address through the Bos
d ' ton Globe. - Telegraph at the ex
epense0f th Boston Olabe.
'' e-e e d e er s
be carefully packed before being sen
to the committee. The following letter
has been addressed to the public:
"The transportation committee will be
especially grateful If you will make
prominent- the fact that ' everythln
ehlpped to Ban Pranclsoo for the relief
-of the sufferers should be addressed to
General Funston, Ban Francisco, Califor
nia, 'Portland Relief.
"Erery thing- should .be In the freight
depot at Seventh and 'Hoyt streets not
Ister than a p m., the earlier the better.
Care-Should be taken In packing and
only such things sent aa will bear traxie
portatlon oyer such a distance.
Truly yours, -
-i -"R. B. MILLEK.
-' W. A. MEAR8. .
"Transportation Committee."
"Win lam Underwood Co.;' packers of
meats snd fish of Boston, telegraphed
Kelly. Clark tt Co. of . Portland this
morning to transport to the Red Cross
headquarters at San Francisco 11,200
worth of. merchandise. The request
waa compiled with immediately. -
. Bmploymeat Bureau Is Blasw
The proprietors of the Portland tAtfl
flctal Limb company. Ml H First sttee
are the originators of a suggestion for a
more permanent form of relief than has
been suggested. They suggest that an
employment bureau be established- In
Portland with a branch . In San Fran
cisco for the purpose of caring for as
many of the unfortunatea aa possible.
The Immense sums of money and
greal amounts of provisions that are
being sent will care for the Immediate
needs of the - suff orers, . they, urge, but
no provision Is being made for their.
permanent assistance. By means of an
employment bureau, they say. hundreds
of the unemployed could be cared for in
Portland and throughout Oregon. The
suggestion will be presented to- the rail
roads and commercial bodies of Port
land. - . , .
foura! Belief Tell.
The Journal has done the real relief
work. The kind that tells.' The kind
that puts bread Into starving mouths and
clothing upon the backs of those with
out raiment. It was the work that
brings prompt relief. The Journal and
ita hosts of friends opened their hearts
snd sent things most needed. Upwards
of (A.000 pounds were Sent out on ths
special relief train by The Journal last
night. In trie shipment were tnousanas
of loaves of bread, sack after sack of
potatoes and many eases of clothing,
The bread and foodstuffs shipped by
The Journal and Its friends will appease
the hunger of several thousands for
day or two or at least until ths govern
ment relief departments get into full
awing and are organised. Many of thoss
loaves of bread will reach hands that
havs not touched food for a day or
more and the clothes will help to cover
some of-the poor stricken people who
were sole onlv to escape in tneir nigni
robes. The work of The Journal and Ita
friends has been noble end generous
and it haa been the work that went
direct to relieve suffering.
Will Xelp Wome Wow.
Having sent Its first relief car .The
Journal will In the future devote Its
efforts to assisting the women's relief
committee, which Is carrying on a noble
work. The women have opened head
quarters at the Armory, where they
have a largo force, all willing workers.
sorting -and packing clothes and other
needful supplies. All orders for calls
for clothlns and supplies will be turned
ever t- this relief committee, which
will collect, pack and ship the goods to
Dr. Mackensie In San Francisco, who
will see that -the goods sre-turned over
to the government forces snd distrib
uted according ta ths relief regulations
of the stricken riy. " '
Answers to. The Journsrs sppesl have
he?n pouring In by the hundreds and
they show the generous snd liberal
pirir of-the clttsens of Portland. It
was, Impossible yesterday to collect all
the goods. The wagons .were working
late snd few places on the east side
could be reached ss It wss thought best
to gather the. sroods from the west side
first, since they were nearer end
prompt sotJlon "as necessary te get
them pecked snd shipped to San Fran-
I son last night. Early this morning
the list of places to visit, which could
not be reached yesterday snd, last even
ing Were turned over-to the women's
relief committee and teams ' were
started immediately.
Benefit at Theatre. -'
Theatrical people .of Portland have
Joined 'heartily in the movement to give
performs ncs Wednesday evening for
the benefit of the Sen Francisco. Uf-"
ferere. The performance will be siren
the Hellig and Include the most
romlnent performers In the rity.
Prices of (ft cents and II have been
fixed, but those who desire may pay
any additional sum. The- performance
ill be In rharge of Miss ftulaerot di
rector of ' the' Rujaere, company. One
Photo by Journal Staff Photographer.
hundred musicians-, have consented to
take part and the. Theatrical Mechanics
association has agreed to provide as
many-stage-hands as necessary.l
' ' Programs will be sold by young wom
en from the department stores of Meier
at Frank snd Olda, W'ortman & King.
Printing establishments have contrib
uted generously in work and the atten
tion of florists Is to be dlree'ted to the
performance. Business firms have
agreed to donate as much space In their
windows as is wsnted for advertising
purposes. .
'it wiievea,,,trmr,,w'lTsrf 'm'wlTT'
be realised by the performance, which
will -be the beet - vaudeville attraction
ever seen here. -
(Special Dtspatrh to Tte JoersaLl
. Salem, Or April tl.-t-Tbe oltlsens of
the Capital' itty-wlll respond "nobly to
the appeal of the sufferers In stricken
Ban- Francises. The general Tel lef eom-
mlttee, consisting of F. W. Waters, F.
N. Derbyr-Ji- H. Albert, H. J. Otten-hetmer.XX-
J. Fry. - H.- B. T h Id sen and
Russel Call In. la directing the raising
of funds and varloua sub-cemmlttses
hsve been sppolnted -that the work
might be done with due dispatch,' s
Thursday evening- In one Jiour $1,409
waa raised. A carload of potatoes waa
purchased and forwarded yesterday
morning, and a carload f bread shipped
yeslerdsy evening. Nearly every- house
wife of Salem has been notified that
bread waa needed and to bake what ahe
could. .. -
A committee was also selected to so
licit funds at the-polls snd every bank
In the olty Is authorised to receive and
receipt for. subscriptions.
butte citizens make -:many;contributiqns
(Special Dispatch te Tke Jeeraal.)
Butte, Mont., April 21. under tele
graphic Instructions from Henry H.
Rogers, president' of the 'Amalgamated
Copper company, John Gillie, superin
tendent of the Amalgamated Interests
In Butte, last night loaded a train of
lUJCir ca ra .with all. kinds .of . foods tuff a
'Tand sent It hurrying on Ita wsy to
the relief of the California sufferers.
President Rogers ordered 110.000 placed
at the disposal of the stricken "people.
A mess meetlngh" been celled for
Sunday afternoon, when It is proposed
to raise more then $600,000. IKvery
lodge In Butte Is contributing and a
arge colony, of Chinese. here haa given
several thousand. - -!-.
' (Jtmrnal Special Rerrics.)
Rock Island. 111., April 21. The gov
ernment special " relief train passed
through here for Ban Francisco today.
It consists or ll express cars and a day
ooach. . City officers and the Scrlpps
McRae correspondent boarded the train
at Chicago. The schedule averages SO
miles an hour to Denver.-Ths first hour
was almost 76 tnllea. r
Mrs. Taa Oradall Ooes,
(Special Dispatch te The Joarnal.)
Pendleton, Or.. April 21. Pendleton
la still collet Ing money and provisions
to be sent to the sufferers In San Fran
cisco' and vicinity. Ths fraternal, or
ders of the city have taken action, the
Elks leading , with a contribution of
2204. Mrs. C. C. Vsn Oradall, grand
guardian of. the Women of Woodcraft,
nas gone to Ban Francisco to be better
sble to assist In the work of relief.
The Womn of Woodcraft have nine
circles and a membership of over 1,000
In San 'Francisco. A total of' 15.009
has been raised snd provisions and
clothing- will be sent out today.
Words of Cheer.
(Joocsal Special Serrlc r
Cleveland. April 21. Cardinal Gib
bons, Dr. I.yman Abbott tend the mayors
of Galveston, Baltimore, Charleston and
other cities send expressions of sym
pathy ana words cor encouragement to
San Francisco, expressing the belief of
the city to raise from the sshes grander
than ever. . " , -
' , Batata Beads BComey. -
(Josnal Bpretat Berrtee.l "7" r
Duluth. Minn., April 21. -"-At a mass
meeting M.ftOS waa raised here In Ave
minutes for San Francisco. Twelve mil
lionaires guarantee to complete a 150,000
fund within 24 hours and telegraph 225,
to Governor iPardee tonight , and (he
rest when needed. - i . ; .
SSaadard Oil's CHft,
(Jaaraal Special Service.)
New Tork. April 21.-r-The Standard
Oil -company has duplicated Rockefel
ler's contribution to San Francisco of
1 100,000.
Illinois to Assist,
Springfield, in.. April 21. The legis
lature will appropriate at least 2100,000
for Ban Francisco. . .
Dn Graves
Tooth Powder.
Use it twice-a-day and you will
havewhiter-tpeth, " hard euros.
clean -mouth pure -breath, good
tli.tion and trood health. Just
ask your, dentist about it.
S haasiy ssetel eaas or entUee, tSe.
C'-ertKi' Teeth PcsiirCj
Citizens of Sound - Make - Big
Contributions,. Sending by
- ? - Chartered Steamer. .. -
(SperUl instates--te-The eorl.- -
Tacoma, Wash., -April 21. Twenty
flvs thousand dollars had been raised
by Tacoma for the California fire and
earthquake sufferers up to last - even
ing. The steamer Buckman Just off
the "drydock at Quartermaster," harbor,
has been pieced at the disposal of the
relief committee, and will sail direct
from here to San Franclsoo with 120.000
worth of provisions. The rose carnival
and. Fourth, of July celebrations hsve
been given up and the money raised for
them added to the San Francisco relief
fund. School children - yesterday con
tributed over 11.000. .
Boston, Massachusetts. ; asked Ta
coma by wire if it coulduy
worth of supplies and previsions hers
to rush, to- San -Franelaeo. The chamber
of commerce replied that' the provlalons
could be- bad and offered to - buy and
forward them south, which will be done,
A similar order it la understood haa
been' placed In Seattle, . The Spanish
war veterans have levied an assessment
of tl splece. ... ),-- " , "
e (H. t. Pittoclt. Portland vJnll
4 llonalre, 1 safe In Oakland and
d will star home this evening.
4 This word was received by the
4 Oregonian. of which Mr. Pit tork
4- Is psrt owner, alt anon today. It
4 waa reported yesferdsy evening
4 u that hv was among- the missing
d and there was much apxlety.
. r Oemeat for Bebnildlat. " "7 7
(Snerlal Dtapatrk te Tae JoeraaL) '
LLondonAprll 21r-Cemen manufac
turers hsve already received orders for
a -vast quantity of Rochester rement for
use In rebuilding Ben Francisco.
.... :...-, ' '
o - ' ' '" " - '. ' ' " ' ' ' -- - - -' -v ...... : ( '.
Now is the time to make arrangements for keeping your house
.-. y... ...
have our representative all on you at any
details I This will
W. G. McPherson Co.
Head Consul 1 I. Bosk of the Wood
men of the World has telegraphed the
ramp of Portland that the head camp
haa donated 11,000 for supplies, whlcn
have been shipped to Head Manager
T. M. Robinson of Oakland aa custodian.
Evsry eamp W. O. W. haa been sent
s letter ef appeal for help for the Ban
Franolsco suf ferers. The camps - In
Portland that havs met have responded
liberally, and othera will give generous
ly as soon aa they have a mectlnc.
Prospect camp of this city, which met
Thursday night, aproprlated 1100 to the
fund. .. .
Ohloago Balsee lCllllon..
(Journal Special 8rlce )
Chicago, Attrll 21. City officials and
Individuals are.Trali.lng tl.000.004 for San
Francisco, . A committee has been ap
pointed to handle the funds. There wss
a liberal response Immediately,
British Companies Caught, .
.. . - Joarnal Special 8erlre-
London, April 21. It is estimated that
British Insurance companies are ' In'
vnlved In San Francisco to the extent of
60.000.000. It la believed that all loss
wi 11-be met.- :
. - -Fortjr Oars Sroaa Vehraeke.
' ' (Joarnal Special Service. K
I.lnecln, Neb., April 21. "-Forty car
loads of provlalons have been made up
along the lines of the BUrllngton a Mis
souri River railroad In Nebraska te be
Supplied to San. Franclsoo. . T
From Aaaerleaas Abroad-
Joarnal Iperlal Servirs. I
London, April 21. A - number of
Americans, headed by Ambassador Reld.
met today and subscribed to the relief
of Ban Francisco.
2. A, B. CMvse Tboassmd.
(Jnornal Snerlal aervlre.)
Washington. April 21. The Dsughters
of the American Rsvolutlon -now in ses
sion here havs appropriated 21,000 for
Ban Francisco.
Xadlaaa Offers Aid.
Indianapolis. Jnd., April 21. The gov
ernor has tendered ths state's aaslst
sncs to California.
Cask sad Food Irom Olympla.
(Sperial Dlenatcb to Tb JourauL)
' Olympla, Wash.. Ajh-ll 21'. Qlympla's
flsn Francisco contribution' Is so far
k Wot Uu bm
. . . : - . , . - - - - t -
cool during ; the summer months
Nothing will do this as well a
GAS RANGE We are; delivering
and connecting Gas Rangesur
chased of us, FREE OF. CHARGE,
and have also arranged for their
sale on EASY TERMS If you
are interested we will be pleased to
not obligate you in any
- -. . '
Elks'. Building. Seventh and Stark.
-1" OXASSBS Koaday, Taeeday,
Wedaeedey and Friday. -
: No better Investment than a"
course In our departments of . -
- - A2) WBJTZirO.
We, hsvsthe most modern
equipment of any college In the
west. - All our departments are In
charge Of experts, , ,
All -work guaranteed - for- ten years.
Lady attendant always present. All
work done sbsolutely without pain by
specialists of from 12 to 20 years' ex
perience. --A,
Gold - Fillings,- Bridge Work, Oold
Crowns, Artificial Teeth.
lltti a Am. MmJkmm S. "I'.b.U
and Postof flee. ..
tt safes and -atlll rrnwlna. - There- waa
shipped by the steamer Multnomah yes
terday afternoon II tone of potatoes and
Telegrea&s of Sympathy.
i' (JoorSsl Sperlsl 1,1 lln.)
- Washington, April 21. Expressions
of sympathy havs been received by the
president front many foreign rulers, in
cluding the president of Mexico. '
2Caha's wife Zs Safe.
Creatllne, Ohio, April 2L -TmigTeee-
matrKahfi.'efl-rotne'td SanFranciscor
got a telegram her, saying that his
wife was safe. .
time and give full
way to purchase