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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
THE : OREGON ''DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY 'evEMIMO. APHIL 1. : It PEOPLE CHEERFUL 6 p. r,i.T09.p. r.i- - - Excellent Orders ls( Maintained 'Among Thousands Penned In , ' the Concentration, Camps. Wash Basin ': Finest Imported White , Catastrophe to San Francisco Comet at Time When Plane for Wonderful JBetterment i " Tof City Are Under Way. ALL FLOUR IN HARBOR SEIZED BY GOVERNMENT , Enamel Ware Vessel That - Escapes to Sea With Cargo I Pursued by Revenue Cut terPitiable Sufferings of Many f Babes. ; - ; .. v GREAT, NEW CITY TO BE "7 CONSTRUCTED OF STEEL Sffl, Fill ' '', ' DISASTEI. ... r - .' lice ; I- 1 ! r Civic Center Where Ruing ef City ( Hall Lie to Comprise Handsome ' Public Buildings Outside Come Theatres and Museums All Roads . to Lead to the Civic Center. - - - "San - Francisco- will rise from lier . ashes. Any who think differently will " have to revise, their opinion. A greater Han PVbiicIbco will b built on plana now aim oat completed ' by. fjanlel W. . Bumham. famous aa chief architect of the Chicago World's fair, who haa Just apent two years designing a plan for tha remodeling and practically rebuild Ing of tha city," aald William McMur ray, general passenger agent of tha Har- . riman'Iines. . " J Mr. McMurray wu for years In active - railroad work In the paaeeBger-lraf fia department uf-the Southern Pacific In Ban Francisco. He know California as few men know Ita people, their eharac r. terlstlcs and reaourees. - Many houra ha haa apent In tha bungalow of Architect Bumham, located In Twin Peaks, back , l of Pan. Franclacof rom which point tha famous designer of cltlea looked down , upon tho field of hie two years' labor. ' ' "The present astounding disaster, which now. seems tn have wrought bat a comparatively email loss of life in view ' Of the Immense property destruction, looks almost Ilka a visitation of Provt dence to give complete scope and liberty to the Burham plan for rebuilding the city," aald Mr. McMurray. -i v.. Beady for Improvements. , . ' It Is regarded as a eolnoidenee with out parallel that for aome years tha Idea . of a now Ban - Francisco, -with crest boulevardsparks, plaaaa, stadia, public buildings and monuments, and an elabor ... ate ayatem of beautify In Telegraph hill - - end the- environs of tha city, has been on the minds of San Francisco's large ' property owners, money klnga and com mercial barons.. The destruction of the . old city gtvea them, it la said, the op . portunlty . to carry out their plan, and to puah It far beyond the Xartheat limits .'" dreamed of. Many of the Insurance eompsnies may fall, large losses from the disaster may never be recovered by the property own era, factories that, were there may be . rebuilt . elsewhere, and a - considerable T proportion of the population and capital rescued from, .the ruined city may never , return. But 150 men who are mil lionaires, or nearly -so, stand behind the grim specters of wrecked buildings and palaces, and fallen Industrie, and they beckon the people to stay. It la aald :. that Claua Spreckels, ones being aaked what tha men of San Frsnelsco would do If an earthquake shook down their build ings, replied without aa Instant's heal- tatlon: -......, -'-.- "We would build them higher than before." . .. . , --. r -: - yew and More BeextlfaL t This spirit will, it la said, take entire poaaeaalon of Ran Francisco within 10 - . days, and.' while it may not realise ' Spreckels- prophecy of higher buildings. the new city will be built more beautiful j than .before. -. The new city, it ta said, will be eon . structed of steeL The business dis trict . will adopt a new type of steel ' structure that will be designed to re ; - slat the shock of earthquake. The Association for Improvement and Adornment Of San Franclaco has spent $17,(00 on plans and drawings alone for Its scheme of a new city. . With the aid of-assistants. Burnham only a '. few weeks ago completed, his elaborate 'designs, and now he will, it Is aald, be .;, called upon to revise and enlarge them. One of the moat attractive features of hla plan la tha nucleus he calls the clvlo center, adapted from the location . ' of the national capltol at Washington. ..The city la to radiate from the spot where the ruins of the city hall now -lie. The civic center Is to comprise , the city hall, ball of justice, custom! bouse, appraiser's building, state bulld . Ing, poatofflce, and outalde of these are t pbuined the library, opera-house, con cert hall, municipal theatre, academy of art, tech ntnat and Industrial school, museum of natural' history, museum of art, academy of music, exhibition hall, aasembly hall. ' ; . " - - - All roads, streets and boulevards will VORKSWONDERS A Wonderful Compound. - Cures Pile, Eczema Skin Itcbine;. r Skin v Eruptions, - Cuts ' and Bruises. :-v..l.' , ' Doans Ointment la the beet skin treatment, and the -cheapest,-because so i little is required to cure. It cures plies after years of torture,' It cures op- sttnate eases of eama. It cures a!) y skin Itching. - It eures skin eruptions. It heals cute, bruises, scratches and . abrasions without leaving a sear, it '' cures permanently. Portland testimony i ' provea 'H. 1 Mrs. I- C. Heldleback Of 661 East '.Tenth street, Portland, Oregon, says: 't " my experience JDoan's Ointment is ' the beat remedy I ever used for the ' complaints It la guaranteed to cure. It ' brought me elmoet Immediate relief more than I ever expected -for I had been annoyed for a year or more' with ; itching hemorrhoids, which, although not serlosa. were very annoying. 1 heard about Doen'e Ointment and got a ' I'ol st a drug store. Its urn gave me . the highest opinion of such sn effective remedy." . -. : '".-..-' Tfor saie by"."all dealers. Price (0 cent a Foster-Mllburn Co. Buffalo. Hw Tark, sols agents for the I'm ted atateev-..-v. , , vv . '. . I'lememher ,- t)ie do othef. the. name Doans and Imoarts' that 7 flavor noticed in the fine jcake,: short " cake, bisctiit,; rolls, crusts, etc which ' ' - expert pasfry cooks declare is , - . unobtainable by the use ; . : - ' , , ening . agent i . ' r- - A pure grape cream of tartar lead to this center of .administrative, aesthetio and literary Interests, Burn ham's report with reference to treat ment of San Frannlaco's hills said: ' ."It may be Stated In general that tha tops of all high hills should be pre served In a state of nature, while their slopes below should be clothed wMth trees, not .presenting a horisontal line where they leave off above, bue1 a line aadpted to the varying - need of each case, excepting the line surrounding the hill horisontal I y at Ita base. Where terraces are built, they should be formed so as to modify the hills whose outlines are too ragged or violent. "It Is proposed In, general to acquire for public purposes, those slopes of r hills too steep for building: and. where contour roads run through residence districts, to reserve from 60 to 100 feet In addition on the tower side, in order to retain In some .degree the outlook over the cltr." Streets ascending the hills will 'be by winding routes, and tha preaent aquar blocka will be reshaped to fit the re qulrementa of graceful highways. Mar ket street will be extended to the ocean. There will be a public amphitheatre or coliseum, commanded by natural hill sides, as In Rome; recreation piers and yacht harbors .along tha waterfront; athletic grounds- for men and women. Including open-air gymnasiums, "club housea and swimming pools. . , ... ( Trolley Bon tea With fcoops. The trolley routes , wilt be arranged with loops to afford ths finest views for; pleasure rides. Treatment or the alopes to the north of the city will be In connection with a drill ground for public reviews and maneuvers. ' There Will be boulevards reaching south from Market street, the Presidio, the ferry and railroad terminals. Chinatown will be converted Into a modern business center: Telegraph hill will be made a great playground and sightseeing point; and there will be the moat elaborate system of boulevards. Including one along the bay shore. In and through San Mateo county, If Burnham's stu pendous scheme Is carried out. It Is said the absolute necessity for a large commercial and manufacturing center exists, and will always exist, a the Golden Gate, and that the men of greet wealth realise thla. Although atrong differences of opinion may be heard from men who know and have large Interests In San Francisco, those who believe inalterably in the destiny of the place point to the Spreckels, the MeOees, . Toblns,- Floodchlsns. De Youngs, and hundreds more who have stood for the financial and commercial supremacy of the California metropolis, and reply: : - . ' ' . "These men will stay; San Francisco will be rebuilt, greater than ever be fore." ,. .-. , , v, HEPPNER RESPONDS r ' TO APPEAL FOR AID (Special Pispateli t The Jonrasl. Heppner, Or., April II. In response to Governor Chamberlain's message re ceived yesterday calling for assistance for - the -stricken - people - of - Bam Fran claco. a petition has been circulated In thla city and aome 1500 haa been sub ecrlbed, which waa forwarded from here today.. The Elks lodge will also sub scribe $100 In addition to the above. GREAT FALLS RAISES ; BIG SUM OF MONEY ,.-- . , -.:M" (Rperlal fltafistck to Tbe loarasL) ' Great Falls. Mont, prll II. At. a Ira gel y attended maas meeting yester day evening 14,000 was raised for the San Franclaco sufferers which will be forwarded Immediately to Golden Gate City. Several thousand mora will soon fOllOW. .. - ..r-t SUvertoa Sends Carload. (Ipertal DlspatcS ta Tbe JaernsL) ' Bllverton, Or April II. Mayor Adams called a msss meeting of cltlsens Thurs day evening to be held In tbe opera houae for. tha purpose of raising money for the sufferers In California. Nearly 100 people attended the meeting. The meeting waa called on short notice, but the attendance was large, and nearly 1900 was raised. A carload of flour and potatoes was shipped from here at noon yesterday. - ...; , - ' ' .', Clatskanls'g raad. ' . ' , . (Saeetal Dtsaarch to Tbe Jnaraal) Clstskanle. Or... April II. The peoplfl of Clatakanle are raising a relief fund for the sufferers of Baa Francisco. Over 1100 hss already been subscribed snd tbe paper has Sot been fully circulated yst. peculiar- lightness, ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. MANIACS FRENZIED WITH FEAR Scenes of Horror at Agnews In sane Asylum When Earth quake Smashes Building. NAKED LUNATICS PLAY PART. OF REAL HEROES Many Regain Minds in. Shock and JBravaly-r Second Effort1 of th ' Guards . to Control Maddened ? Creatures.'. . ,' :': '..':, Yk r--,-,... , ...... . - . (gpeelal Dlapstek to 'Tha Joornat) Angeles. April 11. Almost Im possible to realise IS the total destruc tion which has overwhelmed San Fran cisco nd Its' nearby, cities, until the men and women who passed through the flrea of such hellish - experience tell with voice and gesture, with the past horrors still reflected, Jn .thalr fsce snd eyes, the story of death, destruction and devastation whtph overwhelmed at a moment's notice a magnificent . city, paid for by decades of human endeavor. Th few trains which reached Lo Angeles today were crowded with refu geea from the pile of ruins now smok ing along tha shores of nan Franclaco bay. which remain to mark the . great metropolis of the west, wherein only last Sunday peaceful church bells rang and children aang their songs of thanks giving. All of those reaching this City of the Angels had stamped upon their faces lines drawn by nervous tension cauaed by the alghta and aounds among the crash of falling buildings and roar offjre that seemed to bs Instinct, with life to thwsrt heroism of men who fought desperately to save. , ' , Agnswa Asylum Xorror. rTet one of the worst tales of horror came not from San Francisco, but from Agnews near San Francisco, where the state asylum . for . the Insane was sit uated. The story was told in Ios An geles today by Sheriff W.'A. White of this county. There . were 200 Insane men and women locked In rella there when1-the earthquake crumpled up the great buildings and burled nearly all In living graves. , Superintendent Kelly and hla family . were killed. But the . horror was when from that mass of crumpled rubbish came the shrieks of pain, the death wails of anguish, the- maniacal laughter of the Imprisoned inmates, of whom more .than half were swept into eternity unknowing, and many of them unknown.,, c :, ; From out the ruins crawled 'figures in the fiwn of that terrible day which like 'blood-stained ghosts gibbered In their fears. Reasonless men and women, but more like frenaied animals, were beyond all control and fled In all direc tions, out Into the brush, into tha val ley, -up on the hills. . ,-- ' Maniacs la Panic Tet. not ail, for among the half clai drWholly naked figures which climbed from their graves Into daylight of dawning day were heroes even .if thay were crasy. , In the great shock of that tragedy t seemed ss though nature's cataclysm had shaken down the Intangible wall.i In the minds of many that had before hedged in their souls snd stood forth ss men. These regenerated men turned to and bravely seconded the efforts of the guards, who had (escaped to rescue from the rulna the sobbing. - moaning. laughing creatures still buried.1 But there were others who- stood around and aang In quavering voices snatches of old songs remembered new possibly for the. first time in yesrs. AUAJUD'S XOBMOVaTO STBTP. Immediately relieves hoarae, croupy cough; oppressed, rattling, rasping and difficult breathing. Henry C. Stearns, druggiat, Shullaburg, Wis., writes. May !0, lvz: l nave seen selling uai- rd'a Horehound Svrun for two years and have never had a preparation that haa given better eatlsfaotlon. I notioe that when I. eel I a bottle they come bark for more. I can honestly recom mend It. lie, too and 1.0. Bold by Woodard, Clarke Co. V . ' ;: ' ' - .V,,':' "';:;'. : sweetness, and powdere TRIES TO ESCAPE WITH FLOUR Steamer Loaded With 'Cargo for Northern Port Attempts to . -: Take Load Away. i . - ' . , REVENUE CUTTER SENT i . TO CAPTURE VESSEL Conried's Opera Company.. Suffer Appalling Loss Masterpieces in - Hopkins Art Institute Saved by Courage of Lieutenant McMillan. (Special Dispatch te The JoaraaU San Francisco, April II. A steamer with a cargo of flour consigned for s port, up north attempted to leave the bay and - aucceeded in paaslng through the Golden Gate notwithstanding the efforts made to stop It A revenue cutter was sent by the government to retake the escaping vessel. A proclamation haa been Issued for bidding the departure of any vessel loaded with provisions from 8an Fran Cisco bay. ' ' . Conried's Grand Opera company . has lost property valued at 1260.000 In tbe fire. Tha magnificent scenery,' the gor geous costuming and the entire stage equipment of the alngers are now scat tered ashes. The players who came but a few days ago. praised and petted and greeted with hurrahs by their ad mirers, have, left disappointed and pen niless, at least for the time being. ' ' Saved Art Works. That the masterpieces In the Mark Hopkins Institute of art are preserved Is due to the business-like courage of Lieutenant McMillan' of . the revenue cutter Bear. When It was seen that the beautiful structure which contained the most valued works of art on, the coast - waa inevitably .. to become - the prey of flamea. the lieutenant pointed his pistol at every able-bodied man in his sight and ordered them to carry out the palntlnga. The lieutenant was not forced to shoot, the treasures were removed to safety. . The Interior of the Fairmount hotel waa devoured by the fire yesterday. It was the hope, the pride of San Fran cisco, its last magnificent building, and the sight of it la conflagration brought tears to tha eyes of many Jen Fran claco cltlsens who had seen their own property reduced to smoldering sshes with dry eyes. The majestic buildings of the Stanford university were virtually demolished snd that institution haa closed Its doors for the remainder of the term.--The fsmdus rhspel, whose facade -pictures scenes from the life. of Christ In the richest mosaic, one of the chief architectural triumphs of California, lies a heap of worthless bricks. ThS loss Is estl mated at ts.000.000. " ! Saa Joss In Bains. . More then 100 Inmates were killed by the oollapae of the atate Inaane asylum at Agnewa. There were over 1.000 pa- tlenta In the building, and a large num ber of those who managed to- escape with their Uvea are wandering around the country bungry and half clad. t- The - moat terrible devastation ' was visited upon San Jose by tha earthquake and the consequent fires. Tha recov ered dead amount to IS. Many bodies burled beneath the biasing ruins- will never be found. - Not one third of the former buildings stsnd, the majority being -completely wrecked. Thousands were rendered homeless by ths catas trophe. ' The business district Is re duced to debris. Martial law . Is In force. The holocaust of San Jose was aa great as that of San Francisco only on. a smaller scale.' Santa Bosa Destroyed. '' , Santa Kosa numbers its dead by 'the tens and its losses by ths millions. Ths terrlfio shock of Wednesdsy demolished the most valuable part of ths elty and blotted out numbers of lives Inside of a minute's time. The fires following on the heels of the trembler were con trolled with difficulty, and ths residen tial portion of the city saved from de struction. " The city ' Is under msrtlai. lay. Carloads of provisions are arriving for tba suooor of tbe destitute. , . (Heerlal Dispatch te Tba Journal ) ' Sacramento, April II.- -Mayor Bchmlti and Chief of Police Dinan have ex pressed tha belief tha the fire Is under control and that damage will not be done outside of the districts -where fire Is now raging. - Supplies are arriving hourly and distress from hunger and thrlst Is relieved. Tha excellent order and ' cheerful spirit of ths thousands penned Id the stricken city is a matter of great astonishment. .. Very few-eases of robbery outside of the looting of grocery stores for food have been reported. Tha panto and frensy o( tha mob haa been allayed. The only place of danger Is the Melggs wharf where the fate of 10,000 refugees la sUU tn doubt . ' , - - . Bhiplosds of flour lying In the'harbor destined for. Alaska have been seised and bread is being made by- tha thou sand loaves in tha bakerlea of the aaved districts,-' And -distributed a loaf - to a man in tha parks and beach occupied by the refugees. .'..,., , Tha refugees spent a horrible ntofct In San Franclaco, many being without food or water. Food and clothing for the destitute are being hurried from all parts of the state. Bread Is being sent o sufferers from Oakland. Swift Co. hare sent 600,000 pounds, of canned beef ta San Franclaco. . ' .., ". .. The great need is of an ornniaad re lief committee for the diatribution of the auppnes which have been sent Mil lions of dollars hava' been contributed throughout the state. j At least tMOO refus-eea left flan Fran cisco yesterday, making the total of those who have escaped reach 160.000. Extra trains have been nut on the road. but they are wholly Inadequate to handle me numbers who wish to reach the town tn ths Interior. --;" ; ufferlnrs of larsntsv ". Relief committees have been nrratv. lsed in almost every city in the Sacra mento and Ban Joaquin valleys to aid the homeless and destitute. The saddest and most pltable of all tha stories are those of. bene a who suffered for tba want ' of -milk. . The coat of Infant life from the lack of nourishment will be appalling. . D. O. Mills hss sent orders to com mence to rebuild on his property aa aoon as the work can be undertaken and a new and better building than his old one will be constructed. Many other large owners say that. they will begin' the work of reconstruction as soon aa tha ashes cool, , TRAVELINB MEN AGREE TO STAND BY HOUSES Hold Meeting at Which They - Effect an Organization to L . Help Fellows Tn Need. . Representatives of San Franclaco com mercial , houses , who are at present in Portland gathered in tha parlor of the potel Oregon yesterday and effected tn- organisation for tha purpose of act ing together tn regard to the San Fran claco disaster. - Between 10 and 00 salesmen were present at the meeting. F. W. Pettygrove. . of LA- Folger eV Co., was elected chairman, and J. Heat- ley, of A. Schilling aV Co., was chosen treasurer, it was ascertained that no San Francisco' salesman at present In Portland was In want of Immediate funds, but arrangements were made to aid any who might run short before order can coma out of the chaos which at present rules ths Bay City. , ' ' ' The meeting was enthusiastic in spite of the borror of the catastrophe, which was felt by all, and the salesmen were confident -that many of their firms would begin reconstruction as soon aa materials and labor procured. Appreciation was 'expressed' for the kindness shown by the people of Port land and Oregon. - Resolutions were pasaed to assure the houses the sales men represent of their fealty and In tention to render every posatble .as sistance In 'the upbuilding of tha great city now in aahes. . The resolutions con cluded: . "Believing thst Ban Francisco is destined to become greater than ever, we pledge ourselves to this end." The. resolutions were signed - by: Francis W. Pettygrove, district msnager, J. A. Folger , eV Co.; James Heatley. A. Schilling 4-Co.l B. B. Korn, Bolt. Clymer A. Co.; D. H. Heynemann, A. U, Morse eV Co.; & Shelley - Morgan, Schmidt. Lithograph company; -V, True blood, Standard . Soap company) - J. . 8. Mills. Hleka-Judd company: A. B. McLellan, Murphy, Grant Co.; J. "Elmore Arnold. William Hatteroth; Oliver C. Thornton, A. Schilling Co.; J. H. Temple, A. Schilling Co.; Mas Hersog, J. Baumgarten A Co.; Albert Von Der Worth. A. Schilling tc Co.; W. A. 'Johnson, Hills Bros.; D. A. Ionel son, Hulae. ' Bradford -company; A Roderick Orant. Heltahu, Grant Co.; . K. Turner, Manufacturers' Informa tion Bureau company; Fred Shields, U J. Clayburgh A Co.; Chsuncey S. Ten nant. Tillman A Bendel; W. Stuart Webster, Hlcks-Judd company; P. C. Shaw, Omaha Hotel Supply company; John Ferguaon Jr.. Herman Heynemanr Newton Philips. Jules Levy A Bros.: George C. Mackle, Lu acorn be A Isaacs'; Charles 8. Mortimer, Wekelee A Co.; A. Dt Jlummel, United Shirt A Collar company; R. I' Hepburn and K. A. Harris, Reese Waterproof Manufactur ing company; Max Asher. Elkus-Bren-ner company; I S. Mlchelaon, SamsUg A Hllder Bros.; W. A. Taylor, Schloaa Crockery company: Charles McIMnlel. Mystic Manufacturing compafiy; Daw son Mayer. Jewlah Times and Observer; D. A. Wentworth. Werthelmer, Schwarts A Co. , A Xaoky rostmlstress Is Mrs. Alexander of Cary,' Maine, who haa found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy, she eVer tried for keeping the Stomech, Liver snd Bowels In perfect order. You'll agree with her If jou try theae palnleaa purifiers that Infuse new life. Guaranteed by S. G. Skldmere A Co.. druggists. . Pries 26c . i Regular Price 40c 11.11 1 nil wiU fit 1,----;-Regular Price 20c W FIRST AlND jCWgetahle PrfparatiDaforAs slmllaUng CiefoodandBcgula luTgttKStaiuanilBovfelsof Promotes DiestiortCbeerfuI ness and Rest Contains nelthtr Opiumforplune norXLoeroL 1NOT VXB.C OTIC. Jetate ACaaaaaM Aperfecl Remedy forConsQpa non.Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Aonvulaions,FcvCTish ness and Loss OF StEEP. FacSlmiW Signature of ' NEW YORK. ' (4, f) txA&t cart or wiubpch. 1 p , G.W.WEATKERLY. CoalanoCoke HWHfll!f9i' li .I'll . ' I'.SIt ,777.TTnr.T"Tr3!rln,wwfl,FfT .J.G.PECKv . SS ':'4teif' - wM ' oT' - - ' - - WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD ' ' LESS OF "COMBINE- OR COMPETITION ,. f I Spring Time Is Here We are raadv for the Burin a- camnalsn. Moat 1 everybody will want more or less papering done within the snd decide on the matter of colore and deaigna.. Wl UU, fAlMT TKAI for every use. Portland Paint & i lid tESJil' "htSTViS'aw! 54eee any ovt any oven. 1 ..v -,i TAYLOR a . For Infant! and Children. K saiassaaBsaaaaasaaBswssaaaasaaaBaBsasaaBSBBaasBBS . The Kind You Have Always Bought "Bears the Signature mm For Over : JiKCARLOCfC ifi'forrisorv Phone East. 244s next , thirty days. Come in now patterns. . We neve "all the latest WOIT COMB OTT," and Varnishes Wall Paper Co. m trMw,.ooi.o,im rnomv. 4 mm AW rX Use Thirty Years TM MnHM e)e)e9MUVw (MtV VaTstMl Mfw I"