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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
14 tilt OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 21. 1SC3. -1 i ,'-n- iTl DROP HEAD SEWINQ MACHINE WHICH WE SELL With AM Attachments at And there is no better Machine sold on the face of 'the earth. No better is made, or ever will be made. It is absolutely . .". J Sold by the regular dealers,' but we sell it at $25.00 because we do the business in our store and save the . expense of hiring a man to drive a horse and wagon around the country hunt- ;) ' ing up some one desiring to buy it. We handle the Machine merely as a side line, and,it I . ,'does not cost us a penny to do it, -7 V-.V,-- ' T--r OIM1ITA ,.. . . y .'-..I. , . ... i;-v:- l iT.- Regular Troops From Vancouver CAUSES OF i , . . . BY PROF. Cooling of Earth Crust One of the Chief Occasions of ' ; . v; Disturbances. ' 1 , . r WATER FORCED INTO - SUBTERRANEAN DEPTHS Many Theories ai to the Reasons for Such Catastrophes as That at San -Franclaco Whether - Vesuvius Is Responsible Is a Question, - . By H. K. Sherwood. Principal Fulton . Park School. Earthquakes are not all produced by one-cAiae. but are the result of various natural conditions, taken either separ ately or together. - Some of the -more recent investigations hare led to the ' supposition that some are caused ,- by hydraulic pressure, resulting from col "t urans ,of water extending- into fissures in the earth's crust to profound depths. Physical tests tend to sire argument to this supposition.. ' Another theory which appears to have some foundation Is the upsetting of the : eartn's equilibrium as the result of the great tension upon the cruet caused by the accumulation of millions of tons of sediment deposited at the mouths of the area rivers during a "period "of-ages. representing; an enormous weight trans ferred from other points and accumu lated in ons place, vr- A common cause of earthquakes is the ' cooling .and consequent contraction f the earth's crust, producing thereby a tremendous grinding . or . slipping of , strata upon strata of the earth's struc ture. Geological formation in certain localities are full of faults and allcken - sides Indicative of convulsion and dis turbances In past ages. In places the strata has failaa more than 1.000 feet, and Is that much out of line, so , to speak. .. Only SUa-ht XMsplaoesasatv r ' Disturbances of so extensive a nature took place before the advent of history, but It takes but slight displacement of the rocks, when multiplied by the great mass of the earth's structure, to produce the destructive results at Ban Francisco and along the1 coast. We have evidence , that a cooling and contraction of the crust is still going en in the fact thai the coast of Norway and Sweden Is - gradually rising above the sea level, and - the coasts of New Jersey and Greenland are slowly sinking, almost impercepti bly, but nevertheless sinking.. '' Earthquakes are also produced by the - pressure and escape of highly heated gases and vapors In subterranean eav It lea and fissures, and for this reason earthquakes frequently occur along the ocean shores, which, like some of the mountain- ranges, mark the trends of greatest fracture and consequent weak ness of the crust, and where the water " ' from the ocean is- most liable to seep through fissures to highly heated re glons beneath. . , - Hay Ooonr Anywhere. . Selsmto convulsions sometimes take place -In regions remota from volcanic activity, but more generally take place, ' and with greatest severity. In the reg- Your Children Whose Thin. Peaked Faces Show Lack pi Vital Strength, May Be Built Up By Proper deeding witn rUCd User Oil BmtUtirm -far BmuUmu - What Mother, Father or child-lover ' but feels a tightening of the heart strings at sight of some of the poor. ,. thin, peaked young ones to be found in the families of many of our friends. The race of life is to the Strong. The Weaknngs have bat little chance. And yet, every weak child, if prop erly cared for, and its body nourished erith Building. Vitalizing Food like . Oromulaion. can be helped to grow up Into a Strong, Successful, Happy, Use ful member of society. Oiomuliion is a Life-food. . It Is a scientific preparation of selected Cod t.iver Oil. containing the germicidal lood purifier, Gsaiacol; the soothing, healing emulcent food, Glycerine, and , the tonic "salts of life," the Hypophos ophites of Lime and Soda. Physicians not only prescribe Oro mulsion. but use it in their own faro Hies to build up their owe and their thildren's strength. rot sals by druggists. ZOmULSION LAIOR ATOKlCt . 'J Fine St. Mew Terk, , i lalMaasva Barracks Preparing to Embark for San ARE .TOLD Ions of great eft ' volcanic activity, and along the great lines of fracture of the earth's crust. . both keeking, points of weakness where the great upheavals and consequent1 rracture of trie crust nave occurred. But earthquakes may occur anywhere and at any timer though- cer tain regions would appear to be more favorable. There are several great lines or trends of fracture in the earth' crust, and the Paclno coast line marks one of these. whlchextends all the way from Alaska to Mexico - and on south ward along the coast of South America. the volcanoes of South . America lying along this same trend of structural weakness. The Rocky mountains and Coast ranges are ranges of fracture, thrown up during a short period of time, geologically speaking, so that the strata of the rock are broken and bent and contorted,- and consequently weakened. Appalachian System Different. This is in contrast to the Appalachian system, which la a system of flexure that has been elevated more slowly.-and, with the exception of certain regions. the strata has been bent, but not -badly broken. The . Appalachian system la ages older than the Rockies, having be come old before the Rockies were born. The Appalachian . system having been formed -by flexure, or bending, has not weakened the crust to the same extent, and we have no evidence of volcanic ao tlvlty. But even the Appalachian region is not exempt from selsmlo disturbance. and no part of the earth can be said to be. The Paclno trend is one of volcanic activity from the Aleutian islands to Potagonla. Mounts Hood, St Helens, Adams, Rainier,- Washington, Whitney, Bhasta-and -others are-all extinct vol canic cones and monuments of former volcanic activity. Parts of Idaho and eastern Oregon are covered by one of the greatest lava beds in the world, and in the Aleutian islands and Mexico are still -numerous actlvs volcanoes, -while at Ban Francisco there are eruptions of basaltic reck, which have probably had something to do with the formation of the bay at that point mocks Stave Beea Disturbed. These conditions . existing. It might appear a little remarkable that greater convulsions have not taken place in modern times; for the conditions would seem to be somewhat favorable. It Is probably true- that the series of shocks at Ban Francisco and adjacent points were caused by convulsions Of the rocks passing through that region 'and were produced by one or more of the above outlined causes. Surface Indications, such as fissures or a rising or a sub sidence, or the crust, may or may not appear, owing-to the extent and the character of the disturbance, but It re mains a tact that the rocks in that region have been disturbed, possibly to great oeptha. As to the extent of the convulsions, no one can sayr but they appear to have extended along the coast ror some distance, and may even have extended far. out into the bed of the Pacific ocean. Tidal waves t, may be caused by earthquakes In regions near the shore or in the floor of the ocean. Connected With Yesuvlns, "Perhaps. Was there any connection between the recent eruptions of Vesuvius and the California earthquakes This is a mat ter of speculation. It ; is,- however, doubtless true that disturbances in one part "of the earth's crust may produce disturbances at far distant points. And it is more than possible that the erup tions of Vesuvius,- combined with the fractured and weakened condition of the crust, were the immediate causes of the earthquake at San Francisco. Earth quakes being nature's effort to readjust herself to changed or altered conditions snd to regain ber equilibrium, it is prob- aoie mat tney are frequently associated with volcanic activity. - Nature preeerves a perfect poise, and It is natural that we should look for disturbances to follow .such eruptions ss those of Vesuvius, either now or at some future time, and at a. nearby or remote point. ;- Because one earthquake - has shaken up Ban Francisco it does not necessarily rouow that tnere wui be a recurrence of the disaster.": for nature may remain quiet a thousand years, so zar .as that particular location . is con cerned. ,' .... . " . VALUABLE ANIMAL DROPS DEAD AT HORSE FAIR ,, (Sperlel Dtepttea te Tbe tarsal) - Enterprise, Or., April JL At the horse , fair held here this . week among the number of valuable exhibits was a Jack, owned by M. Elliott of this place. Without a minute's notice or any signs or nss-the Jack - dropped dead. It Is rumored that the animal was poisoned by one of Elliott's enemies. It was but recently shipped' here, and, was valued at l,000. t t Weds Kea tacky Ooagreasauia. - (Journal Spwial Service.) New Tork, April 21. Another ro mance grt .ng out of the visit of the Taft party to the Philippines lust sum mif culminated In a- wedding today when Miss Mlgnon Crltten became the bride of Representative Bwsger Sherley of Ixmlevllle, Kentucky. Both bride and bridegroom were members of the .Taft nounced shortly after that . of Miss Roosevelt and worth. - SHERWOOD Francisco. Photo by Journal Staff EVEII IN THE PANIC One Mah Carries His Bed With Him .and Another Wears ; - Three Derby Hats. NEGROES THINK u S THEDAY0F JUDGMENT Hysterical Darkies Shout "Prepare to Meet Your God, the Hour 'of - Judgment Is at Hand" Story ; of Witness. ' "- (Special Dfapatcb te The Jon rati.) r Los Angeles. April 21.- One of the most accurate and complete accounts of the earthquake given by an eye-witness Is that of- Dr. George H. Kress, one of tha editors of the Southern California Practitioner, who went to San Francisco to officially report the proceedings of the State Medical society Tuesday morn ing, the day before the earthquake oc curred. Dr. Kress returned home to day and gave the following account of what he saw and heard: . X , Story of Disaster. Together with Dr. Frank Bullard and wife of Los Angeles and Or. J. C. King and wife of Banning, I atopped at the Hotel Walton, on Ellis street. I was awakened at. damn Wednesday-by the shock and the swaying of the building. My first feeling was not one of fear. I realised that it was an earthquake shock,' but as no plaster fell In my room I felt no special alarm. "I arose, how. ever, ' dressed . and went . down Ellis "I passed the T. M. C. A. building, where our society had held its meeting snd noticed that a large mass of debris filled the street. I went on to Market street, down on Third street. A few blocks below Market two buildings were burning - and -south of -Market f iree showed on Fifth,' Sixth and . Seventh streets. ' "These firta quickly grew in propor tion and spread rnpldly With no water to quench them. They steadily ate their way toward Market and Third streets And by noon the Call building was ar mass of flame, in Union Square park, opposite the St Francis hotel, had con gregated several members of our south ern Callfornlan delegation, Drs. Frank and Rose Bullard, Dr. Herbert Ellis of Los Angeles, Drs. F. C. E. Mattlson. Lee, King and Hlbbard of Pasadena. Mrs. Llnnard, wife of the proprietor of the Hotel Maryland of Pasadena; Dr. and Mrs. John C King of Banning, and X Joined them. -r- r Caar sTot Soared. ' . "Individual experiences railed. Those who were thrown out of bed and had plaster and furniture topple over them were scared -Into a realisation .of the danger, while those of us who felt only the shock regarded it at first merely as a quake of unusual severity. ' "Only here and there oould one see the dead and Injured. The visiting physic ians from the aouth offered their ser vices wherever possible, but it early became evident that their brother prac titioners of Ban Francisco were fully able to handle the situation. We early realised that there must be a food and per heps a - water fmlne..)ur un famlllarity with tbe city made It desir able for ua to get across the bay if possible. As we stood there, scenes snd beyond description passed beiore our eyes. ...... . .Xaaaovous losses. "Poor people were haul ins trunks' and boxes. One man had his cot; snothhr rushed along with three derby hats on his head. 'Chinamen flew wildly Bast and two hysterical negroes with' fear In tneir races passed through tha park and shouted V 'Prepare to meet your God; the hour of judgment la at hand!' . "The Los Angeles party decided to go out to Oolderi Oata park. One hackman wanted 120 for the una of his carriage. tv e nirea n expressman una cismDerej in, when Dr. Msttlson's uncle of Alameda told ua he thought he could get ua to the waterfront, where we could charter a launch and get- across the bay. Drs. Mattlson, Lee, King, Hlbbard. Mrs. Lln nard and myself -decided to take the chance, while Dr. Bullard and hie wlfo snd Dr. snd Mrs. L. King decided to try Golden Oate park. , " - . Sea joee la Balaa. "We were fortunate in getting a boat at Crowley's boat house and crossed to Osklsnd pier, where we met Dr. Vlsscher of Los Angeles. I Wf-nt to Ban Jose to try lo catch the cross line, but falling remained over night, being Joined by Thomas M.' McCoy of Los Angeles. Dr. Von Bwallenburg of Riverside and Dr. MalSby of Pasadena. Bsn Jvse wss in ruins, although tha first reports of loss of life were much exaggerated. Wa re turned next morning to Oakland and were fortunate enough to get out with Pullman aqcommodatlons . - Thursday morning." - ,.- r - ': HUMOR -: " ,- ater Aaswsx. : . ; v V i"' .' From tha Princeton Tiger. (' ' On bended knee I sought her love; I tried . this, meld to Woo: '' Bui all she deigned to aa v to me : Was; "Twanty-tlireat, ekldoor" ! , : ;...'.-, , ..-.',.;:...::-'..;- Telephone Main '1382 DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE, GARDEN AND CAR nrn W i ni:. :auuu Cures Chronic Constipati6n;Sf Stimulation Without Irritation Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas- . . - - V . sea" . - - r i - ant to taKe. it win not gripe or sicsen. 71t is mucrL more pleaBantand effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, - as it does not- derange the - Stomach, or irritate the KidneyB, Liver or Bowels. v ;r Constipation. ' Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it-restores the natural action of the. intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but .the stomach is upset .and the towels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. OUR GUARANTEE TELLS OF HE WITNESSED A. L. Mumford and jFamily . Ar rive at Medford From Scene of Devastation in San Francisco. , ... ,- . .., v, WILD SCENES ENACTED BY FRIGHTENED PEOPLE Orders to Keep Prices Down Were ' Not Heeded and Big Sums Paid for V. Handling . Trunks Many . Hauled Bedsteads A wsy. . (Speetal Dtopateh te Tk loarvaL) ' ' A.hinrt, OrApril II. A. L. Mumford, a newspaper man, formerly of the San Francisco Bulletin, on train No. 10 with his family en route to Medford, gives graphic details of the earthquake hor ror. Mumford with his wife and three children -resided on California -street, near Van Ness svenue. He stated:. "At 6 o'clock Wednesday morning the house began to tremble and then ahake, until 'with a audden spasm It seemed it must be lifted and torn asunder. Then the trembling subsided gradually, the whole lasting some 60 seconds, at the end of which time we were all in the street .'Within five minutes fires were HORROR There is but One Real Soda Cracker because there is biitone that comes to you just' as if comes from the oven. : Others lose' their valu6 by being exposed to the air, absorbing moisture and collecting dust; The I real I soda cracker is Unccda Discuit kept fresh and clean by the protecting package r NATIONAL' MSCCfT ODMPAHT A So KAE)E02DIi' ' ( Pleasant IkOIIQ i The condition of the patientremains Un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative max have to be taken. This is why Pills and" Aperient Waters never give permaueutr reheTT Their violent action results in" uti unnat ural movement of the essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Wli ORINO is different. Oarso Laxative Fruit syrus is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon thelower bowel only and do not touch-the Liver. It .can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs Frvparad only by FOLEY CO., Chicago, lit. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED DY 1 WOODARD. CLARKE CO. seen bursting forth In the region', of Markt street in a dozen places. "When daylight arrived It was seen that - the street in many places had opened and then closed with such Im pact aa to force a ridge from one to two feet high . along the. line of cleavage, '. By night a wall of fire a mile long' showed the line of Market street. Though our home waa one mile away wo could have read ordinary print by tha light. -The fire neared' us -rapidly from the back fire - and against the wind. .'."-.' - "Wa packed a few things together ftnd awaited results. -; When the flames ' were on three sides of us the soldiers ordered us out.The tw.olttle boys dragged the trunk a mile with a rope while my wire and I carried what things wa could. We encountered many people rolling Iron bedsteads or vehicles loaded with bag' gage.- v - "Transportation oould not ba had. The orders to keep down prices were not ef fective and some gladly paid ?6 for a wagon to move some baggage and one man gave 150 for a ride of a mile in an automobile. Some grocery stores in 'our neighborhood, were thrown wide open to the people and without cost. "The roaring of the approaching fire and the crash of dynamite explosions were, awful In the extreme. It la as serted that not a single chimney of stone or brlclc was luft standing. - , "Some diverting Incidents, under other circumstances quite humorous, came to notice. . A man and his wife cams out of an .elegant mansion, .the wife carrying In her arma tbe poodle dog, tha husband the parrot. - -- "In another instance a wife waa seen carrying a large bundle on her shoul ders, while her husband had under, his arm a little box containing the canary bird." .;' ", . - , - - Tha doctrine of the survival of the fittest doesn't appeal to those who get left. . ...-.-..,. .... ,u . ..." r 0 171 to tahe and does not bowels and it is nec - TaRe ORINO Laxative Fruit LlL are not satisfied your money AND S. G. SKIDMORE & , PLACARDS :r'J: -A JOURNAL , WANT AD WILL" : FIND A TENANT ' FOR YOU.'". " SAi : JOSE WRITER JELLS OF THE TERROR City Is Badly Damaged and WilsJ ' Rumors Frighten the .. , .. Town. -J ' ' - - " -; Letters from frlrnds In' 8an Josa were received by Portland people this morn ing, containing meagre descriptions of the resulta of the earthquake rhock in that city. 1 Ban Jose wss In the center of the greatest, disturbance. " " 81nce Wednesday the city . containing JS.flOO Inhabitants has been cut off from 'all communication with' the 'outside world. A score or more sra drnd In the city and hundreds injured. The place . ia Un- Cer martial law. Following la an ex cerpt from one of the letters written about noon on Wednesday: .. "We are having a reign of terror here today. Kvery little while an earthquake comes and creates a panic wa had a frightful one a little after S o'clock this morning. Our house ia a wreck. Tha plaater and chimneys are all down. Here's another ansae. "The rlty 1 ruined. Buildings col- l.Tpard like eggshells and hardly one remulns standing; those that do are wrecked. The Auseral building on Banta Clara street, one of the finest In the city la. a pile of broken timbers.. Iron and brick. It Is impossible to de scribe the scenes. One haa to witness It to realise the awfulncsa of it alL "It is difficult to estimate the loss of life, as reports eome In greatly ex aggerated The. end Isn't, yet. I fear that all wa can do Is to wafer It's a Jreadfut sensation to be. isolated from the whole world, never knowing what moment you will ba killed. 'The house la swinging a little too lively for me. and I am going out of doors as it is risky to remain inside. Another hard shock will causa It to collupse." . , It nay he possible to love two women at the-same time, but : hot-' If they j anow tw , ' .'I'.-- .STOP :! 1 FOOLING WITH I- -"TOLET,r Odd Fellows Temple First tad Alder Sts7 n gripe or nauseate can not cure CJironio-Oonst ipat ion, Torpid 1 Liyer, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, eto. . : - For Biliousness and Sich - - ... ' :..,. - ... Headache.. Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup. It " sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and ' timulanton t4 wels without irritating these organs. v-. Clears- the Complexion. , -' Oarso Laxative Fruit Syrup stiraulatea , . the, liver and thoroughly cleanses the ' system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. Jt is the best lax?. ative for women "and jf hJdren as it is : " mild and pleasant, anadoes not gnpe or 8icken. R.efusesub9tituteSa..::i Syrup and, If you will be refunded. : . , f CO. tfvxta3if-v . T ".xsr' Burns no matter how severe are re lieved almost instantly by the prompt application of; Pond4 Extract. Cover thf parts affect -ed-u-ith -ra piece- of soft -linen, saturated with Pond'i Extract. It will soothe the pairi, , cool the kin, relieve the swelling . and hasten the growth of new skin as will nothing else. I Witch Haxtl U Hit thuamt thing. On mnalytii twenty fmpUl if Witch Haxtl-r- tfftrtd mt "the jam , thing" fty-toii nuere tbtwn re ttnuin wood alcohol or formaldohydt or both. Avoid danger f fuming h "t " r - r . - ;' , - ., . BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAR TWENTY YURI wa have made the onre or blood poleon a Nitfiolatty. Primary, .Secondary or Tertiary Bleed Polaon Permanently Cured. You mm be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital SWU.000. We solicit tbe moat obsti nate eaes. It you hare cihausted the old methods of treatment, and still have aehes snd paina, Muoua Fatehee in Mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on snr part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows felllne ont, write for proofs of cures. 100-page Book Free. ' - COOK REMEDY CO, Ian lupiie teipu, euctn. s.s.L Dr. William Austin Co ' Boom 37, tafayette Bldr,. . . 314 WASHXJrOTOlT ST. X xpert Crown and Bridge Work a , Speolalty. - -BEST BY 23 YEARS TEST For Stomach and Bowel troubles. Liv er and Kklnaya. and all diseases due to Im pure blood or weak nerves Small sue (tablets) i5c. large size. SIM. At Drug giits' (in black brmnk it not send for FRtE trial box to hawM's Natlva Herb Company mpany n Smn I'raiM-lac