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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
TnE 'QRECSit DAILY -JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' SATURDAY EVENING. Ar3- X FOR SALE FAKH3. Get a Piece of M ' ST i-m, a mil from Hosier; abeut 80 inn under cultivation, T aero in bearing orrhsrd. 16 : la Iff I low Kiwtowiii sua Hplteiibrg, A year old; i scree la mrt ' txitlat, guod atresia rum through the place, X5 'aarce now being cleared for planting, 1.000 tree os banc ready for suiting, food 8-ruosr) bouse, sleo comfortable bouM (or help, 1 bar us and, fslrouthtlldlBs, large, eprlng at th bouw. I'rtr fl28 per ecre. ho acre. S mile from Musler; 1 sire under cnllivstloa. Sue aoll, plenty of timber (or wood. acre sudor frnr. a boo I 1 acrea la ' old orchard, do bulldlug. Price ', " , o acrea, J '4 nil from to Center, la Clarke county; 30 inn under cultivation. .very Bne aoll for aalona;- alo abundance of bay baa been raised; all tillable, about one arrr, la orchard, Una trrai near the ' place, T bead cattle, 1 bona and all tha farm toola go with tha plaao, t-roorn bona and . fond barn, slso ontbnllillnfa. Frloe H.V. otiO scree -In Columbia count, near data- ' keule; all baa bees tolled off. SO acraa cleared and traced, 800 bearing fruit trees, tha nsest af aoll. aaakaa excellent paatura laad. rood bouaa and bam; a gret opportunity to atari a dairy ranch. Prlca 84 P acra. Ion acre In lowllts rannty, 18 illea from Kalaiua: all level, 1 acrea nnder eultl. Tatlnn, acrea beary timber suitable fr piling, abont one acra in orchard, wall and . creek oa place, am II bouaa and bars. . F. !.. 1 borne aud all (arm toola fa with ,tha place. Prlca $1,200, - - - . 2 acrea oa tha Baee Une road, only 13 mllea from tha center of Portland; all level and under cultivation -ortta from .school, old and young orcbsrn- 7-ronm bous.- aaw nodera barn and all other outbuildings, team, cows, chlrkeoa and all the farm Implement ro with tha place. Price M.W V) acrea In Douglas county, near Oakland; "WO acrea level. 4u acre under cultivation. fl-room bona, good bare. 80 head aheap, food team, evwe. chicken and farm Implement go with the place;, abundaoc of water. Price 84.800; terma. - LAN01LI-E A BAND. V ; -;' 73 blxtb at., . . .. : ' ) THRKb? OrtOD BABQA.1.NS. A beautiful an-acre ranch. 8 mllea outside rlly llmlta, all In a hlah stst of cultivation, Nrst-clsss modern buildings, I aerea email fritlta and orchard; good terma. . a ' On of the beat oinney-inokHig er ebleb - en rancbea In tha county. V, mite outaid city llmlla; good bouaa, bam and lota of fruit, email creek and food U ' hottM! W,U Ml1 . on good terma. . . li acre farm In CTaekamaa eouiity. t of Orefon Cltyi BO acre cleared, all fenced, aood bouw, two harna. food bearing apple orchard nf i acrea. farm well watered, ra a good road; price $3T.W per acre; very aaay terms ' ' ORl'NPV-MELHATH CO., - 2t:Si Uorrlaon at. " ' ,. ; . Hi axrM, about 11- mllea frora Portland, adlornlng elation; 6-room bouaa. eereral other Building, about a acrea ro orchard of a aorted fnilta. alao berrlea of all deacrlpibma; -a -rerr preaaant- bom for'it0oVtnJ--a be b.d. .. ' n acrea. near amen atatam, iair " land; II 1 ealtlrated; tt baa a a-roma bouee. full baetnenl. concrete foundatloB. wH t houe. mljHitochlcbenbwiaj 2.0OO in; berry planta. amafT orchard, all retired: would eonalder a tra.le for hotu and lot la, Port land; . artr alren oa apollcatloa.,,., , -. . . OTTtt CROCKETT, ' 'Mii Washington at. ' , ' (TAMP bring SA-pag eatalogiia af country land. Burr-Peddoa-., l Mootgomery tt., Man- rrurbwor fal. TOR BALE On of the beat little farm la Vamhlll enunty. wltb thla rear a erop and 1 farming- Implemeuta. 10 bead of eowa, 1 work team, 1 brood enw-wllh pig. II hd of Angora goal; new nmnm bow, large """bara, allb other otithulldlnga. mutual pboo ' and raral mall. Kor further ' InfotmatUia addreaa M-40, care Journal to ACBKH. food anil, acrea cleared, bottom . land, nice orchard, fair bulldtnca, running water, cattle. bore. rhk-kena, hay and no' tnea; -near good towa. boat and railroad; a, reek, balance rear term. Owaer. r, O. box 96V Catl. nock. .Wd'"'rn, 1 110 ACHE". V, cleared, eoa oearerdam. booae, . ham. orchard. I creek; 10 mile weat, of - Portland. Wlngrew, Bearer loo, roata 8. HOMEftTEAnERft 100 acre fin lnd. Tlclntty of Vanoourar; anap. Owner. X 81. Journal. TA RUA 2n0 farm for aal. from 1 acre a p. He na before buying. Kaet Hid Baal Eatat ' Co 407 Hawthorn are. FARM rOR BALE- 14 acre near Logan, oa Clear creek. TO . acrea In eoitlraMo), 0 aerea peenrre. are bouan. largo barn and other batldtnga, good ' orchard, crop, tool and machinery, at $27. AO per acre; on bait dowa, bal. at par cent. 1,0118 KINK, Orcgea City. Bout Mo. 8. ON account of alcknee mnat aell my farm of m acrea: T grrea cleared, balance yellow . r and cedar timber: 10 mllea froca Foret Airnn; prtc 8800 raah. A 12. car Jmrul, TOR BA1JE acre for $sn0. Inquire at 170 Heeond, at Yamhill and alorrleon. "ONE of the beat dairy fame la CTaekama connty. J mllea from Canny. - no acrea; 20 acre la ealtlratton, 1A acre open graalng, 4-4 acre tlmberdl, runnlDf water, food build ' Inge, orchard, t bore, a row, wagon. . chlckena, farm Implement, etc.: prary thing goe for I2.00: half raah, balance per cent. O. V. Dlioa. Canby, Oregon. inn ACRES near-Galea Creek P.-O.l 5 acrea fruit. 4oom hmu. (prlng wateri 85 acrea . fenced and partly cleared r $1,000, eay terma. tia-Eaat Krerett. : HOMKSKEKEKS AND FARMERS The beet BO-acr farm la radlna of 11 ' mllea from rortland. fully equipped, for $T.00i; the price look high, but It bae to ho eeen. and yon will ear It I cheap; a man who want a good place and nice bom ehonbt not fall tn Inreatlgate. Other food farm around P"tlnd. He me. . . , P. FUCHS, MB1 riltST KT, TO EXCHANGE. IXCHANliB 400 acre, all nrat-claa land, on Tnala tin rlrer. Waahlngton county; eaay reach nf Portland: a cbolce, Imprnred farm; will trade - for. Portland property. 16 acrea nice land, new bonne1 and barn, bear rarllar, A mllea from Portland, will trade Into larger farm and pay raah dlf ' fere ore. . 4 acrea. beaatlfnl piece of land, all highly niltlTaled, houec. hem. frulta, berrlea. aouth Mount Tabor; will take am 11 bom cloaer In aa part pay, 2 good hnnee well located, all In Ina con dition: will trerte Into bind. $111,001) worth of good property In a growing Oregon town; rental rain now ahont 81111 per month: will trade Into a . good Willamette valley, fanai. - What ran , yen ortcr ? . . . . a 2K acrea of cbolce Improred land, aewfj T-room bonne, all complete. Barn, , etc., , In 't Newherg. -. Uregoni will trad" for Portland JTa'cre good land. Imnrored, nice -room ' bard-flnlabetT bouaa: merenlmt to Portland; will trade for a homo In Portland. I HKNKLK HABBlbOcJ. i oiicceiaor to Henkle aV Baker, - , .. 2IT Ablngton hldg. . .Tl ACRES within mile of Oregon City, for bouaa and lot or Improred property In Port land. - F. Abraham, 119 Second "t. ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. PAIR well-bred enlta, $ year old. Of) nonnda, ' light wagon harneea. Mt. Scott ear at ttectlon line. M. Oeorge. j FOR SALE Hotel bn. need 4 motitbe, cbaao. Call SIH North bllb at.i . FOB SALE Well-bred trotting mar, year . old. dark bay, with be?y man and. tall, weight l.l.- Irwpitr 'At Kaet pari 't,- FOR SALE TIMBER. ;-:.Wc.;WantJlmfccr ' We hae caah .hnrere for large and email tract! nf good timber to .Oregon, , Waablog tua er Callfnla. ... Gregg Bros.. - Phone Main 8908. 81T-18 Fentea bldg. t'OH SAI.F 1igglng cnip; chute, roadwat. . akldwera, bridge, etublc. huakbonae all in. ready ImmwHat 'operation; 14, aectlcn nncnt (trcea timber. feet kg. 48,(a) feet piling, on rlr.T lnk to tlrlv water: hlg drinaud ! and piling: a bargain; logging ' notftt and 2 good tea m nf horae If wanted, . J H. Khcf ru id, fi Hecond at., third floor. CEBTIKIEH gcrlp, any ta piece nwt price. W. Q. Howell. 80S Cham at Caea- MIR BALE, 'HEAP llotheatead rellnqnlah uetil near roaat and I(. II, t. lOT. Jowrnal. IUVK 34 ecnt yellow pin claim. gool Inrellty. rnr 2.(O0.0ii0; aiuat act at once, a '.timber act la liable to be tvnbJ. V 81. care Journal. ' ' FOR SALETIMBER. Timber' We bare gorerament timber landa that we can locate yon am. For further partlpir lara call oa ua . . r ' . Gregg Bros. PHONE MAIM S08. 81T-18 FBtfTOJI BLDfl. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOB SALE lg1 wood bed, eprtng and aiat trM, $2: bur $8. 278 Montgomery, cur. Fourtb. ' - '' , - - BOOKS bought, told and eirhanged at Old Book Store. 828 KmhlH at. . FOB SALE OB BKWT WEW ANP SECOND. HANI) 8EW1V0 MACHINES. STAN DA KD , SBWIMQ MACHINE A0K.SCY, B. O. JODlCa, SH0 XAMUIIX ST. BIIXIABD AND POOL table for ent or for aal oa aay payment. - - TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKB COLLKNOCa CO, . 48 Third at., PortUnd. . WB need furnttar and will pay fdll rain. Phoe . PaclBc TVS. : Waatera Salraga to., 2T Waahlngton et. WESTEBN ORBOON'MININO MILLING CO. beoduuertere; etock for aal and tnnreaatlua ' at ISO Fire at. Phone Main 1628. SHOWCASES AND FIXTt'BES made lo order: cond-band good for aale. Carlaoa.Kili - etrom, 2H8 Concb at. Pboo CUy 8T1. MANURE by wagonload or carload on 0. W. F. By. Pbooa Eaat 8818. - - -.. SHOW caae. counter, i I tare bought, gold or . excbinged. Waaler Salraga Co., 82T Waab Ington at, ' Pa cine T88. j FOB SALB 22V eoaa. auuloned 1 1H f not laoncb. eapaclt: d with 8-borepowr Fay lt. ppurtroancaa of parity 14 per- ai wim tha rary beat. Inquire 810 I' In at. WB print your nam aa to calling earda, proper alae aod etyle. gSeT 20 bulnM carda, 81. A. W. Schmal Co., 828 Flrat. Portia od. Or. OOLDEN'B RHE0MAT10 CURB -Bora ear for rhenmatlam. Sold by all druggleU. FOB SALE Fine oytr counter and ahelrlngj alao door, aod aab; cheap. 808 Fourth at. FOB SALE Secondhand upright boiler, cult : abl for woodaaw. Foater Kleleor, Fifth and Krorott eta. FINK new top hurry, only MB; la new - wagon. - Portland Warebouo it TranaCer Co., 848 Bat Waablngtoa at. FOB SALB Portabb) 8 b. p. angina and boiler; guaranteed; one third lta ralue. C. H. I Is Tgott. lawyer,-4 Mulkey bldg --- - KICK, popular (mall patent, full aet tel die making aim; price a juu, or wmom w Rating M 2T. lot. care Journal. WILL aell or trad 8"8 certificate on ICIIer. Tbone Paclfk! 80. U 18. care Journal. WOOD manufacturing boalneea m Oregnn. plenty timber, water power j-lrad. eataWUbed-: lot IS yaara Addreaa A 102. care Journal. FOR BALK Freeh cow a, rood milker. : lath at., near Umatilla, Bell wood. 1068 CANOE for aal. Pbon Main S4&3. 900 lat at. TO CONTRACTORS F--1o.r-.nAf)nfcet Al aip land red fir peeled piling !I0 to T8 feet ngth. partlculara, J, H. Bbef fleld.-luB "Second at.. . ' ' FINK chareb organ. Btory A Clark, perfect con, dltlon; caah or aaay payment. 180 Third at., CANNED 'OKN Trot tha recent big grocery fire; - aolled can lahela remnred. but corn In good condition; - all yoa want at fine per , donen. 208 Becoad at. FOB SALE-TInnei"g and plnmMng outfit; will take laTole price; good building, rent $7 per month: toola all new: good location. Ad dreaa Bog 4A, Independence, Or. IIS BCVB en $ credit certificate on Ellen riano Hone. Pbon Scott 8H0S. STATE right in patent, or will aell right to manufacture oa royalty In Oregon; aaeh d rinor maanfaclnrera: Inreatlrate. Addreaa D. Mitchell. International hotel, .Portland. TWO CERTIFICATES, earn a caah, one $W0 Allen A Gilbert, and one 8 EUera Plana Honaar either for $8. Tel. Lnlon 100. . GA80LINB light plant for aale. i. J. Bean regard, T03 Main at.. VanooiiTer., . Wah.. GROWN DO0B and pupplea of all prominent breed for aale at reasonable prlree. Mult nomah Kennel. F.aet 27th and Knott at. Irr . Ington ear;. Call from S to 8 p. a. FOR SAI.B Fin. new rowboat, made from a. ' lected era-uce. 14 feet long; for aai cheap, laqulre 810 Margnerlta are. A $70 CREDIT BILL on Ellera piano Hon for aale rbean: make me aa offer. , lr B. Low. Fall City, Oregon. - A FEW' ebole S. C. B. .Leghorn ben and rorkrella. 81 earb: tk Br II wood car to rremalorlum. o 8 block north to trnt. or T write Bus 88, Bellwood at at Ion.. FOB SALB. CHEAP $50 Allen A Gilbert plena certiorate. Telephone Eaat MOD. SECOND-HAND No. t Smith-Premier. In 8rti claaa order: gnarantecd. Imperial Drug Co., 64 North Blxtb at. r"1 FOK SALE Homer pigeon, fine hit of breeder, cheap. Dr. W. H. Arnold. Vanooneer. Wab. A HINEB PIANO, nearly new. In perfect con dition, for $IB5. A 121., care Journal. PERSONAL. YES, Palm Tablet make yew deep perfectly; they cue nrrroueneee and mak yon trong; - prtc 80c boa, bale $2 0 gnarenteed. All drugglat. or addreaa Brook Drug Co., 87 Kortb Third at., PortUnd. Oregon. MMB. ANNA I.LTKBT AND MRS. 8. WOLFE, aoie agenta ror aar, ' nnpim n.uro-ii,,. treatment and buat eTelopor. Thla la Jba moat eel entitle -treatment tor remorlng wrinkle and facial; b)0 for btiat .ra lop meat. Ne need of baring wrtnkle any more. Patient receired. with board and treatment. Full line of bath. 8tlafe4lnn guaranteed. Tratlmnlab from leading phyalrtan. IS HoteL Slgtl and Waablngtoa ate. Phone Main 2011.- BALM OF FIOS for nil female dla. 828 Eaat Belmont. Phone Eaat 408. : SI' ITS pressed while yoo wait. oOe. Ladle aklrta prewed. 80c. Gilbert, I08H Sixth at., neat to Quelle, phono padfle 088. . DR. W0HI.EY BENJAMIN, tha Foot Bpeclallet, 8401 Waahlngton at. Hoou 804. Bore feet mU BOUHU. BINO CHOONO. Import of Ctlne root modi elneo: ll Chinee tea that ka certain enre for ell dlaeaeaa. 181 Beoond bet. Vamhlll and Taylor. , DETECTITB A0ENCT Confidential Inreatb gatlon: report made on any Indlrldnal bnal. Be or propertyi mlaalng rdatleea located: bad debta aolleded; chargea reaoooahte; cor. reepondence aollHted. Oregon rvtactt J ; Serrlce, office 814-818 Coin m hi a bldg., 808 ' Waahlngton et. Phone Main 8818. BACKACRB and kidney or bladder cared wltb Oregon barn! trial alae foe 10 la atampa. Plummor. 800 Third at, - WET FEBT era danremoa. la absolutely waterproof. Webfoot blackmg MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Boberta' Nrr - Gmtmlea. 0a- month' treatment. $2: $ month. $8: sent aecorelT araled by mall. Agent. WooAard. Clarke At Co.. Portland. Or. ANT man er woman can b trong and bappy by aslng Serine Pllla. the great tonic t prle. XV not. 8 bole $S. with Mil gnaraate. - Addreaa or call 1 A. Clmnon. oVaaglat, ear. Second and Tamhlll eta.. Portlaed. Or. BIOH-GBADB porrraltai special offer for few , dayt cabinet else, card or fj1ar. IB for : qnsllty aad work the beat. ft. U. Jteren 802 Ooodnowgb bldg.. Flftb Bad ' TamkllL FORniDDEN FBUIT." "A S'J 'a,9'M . "ntory of a Slera." "Fanny nill." VAgnae.' Woman of Ffra." 80c eacbt lleta free. A. tt. gcnmaie to., m riri LADIES Torklab bath. maasg. TJatrbJ , .parlors: strictly Braf-c1a plao for ladle only. Fist A, 881 WaablSftoo at., btw Kith and ITtb at a. - .- . TVRKIsn BATHS. 800 Orefonlan bldg. I ladle daye. gentlemen night. Main 18.1, DB O. KBTCHIM euro promP1' f."' . dkoeaa. kbtney, fierrone. akin nd apeclM femal trntible. Cell or write. Red lepnry, earner Third aad A ah at. Faoo Pad fie .881. SCHOOL bonk and all. kind of nook bonght. sold and earbanged. Jonea' Book Store. 801 AMer et. THE BTRWABT-I.INDF.LL PARIOBS. mom !. Inge hof. l. Slatb and Waahlngton. remore all facial hlctnlahen; cipert eleetrol.rals. maalcur Ing. shampooing, electee fare and eoelp ma, aage; awle aad wart remorrA. ZeL Mala 8117. 'PERSONAL. f-.-e-V BISEASES OF WQMEN auoceaafnlly treeted: maternity caae crd for, prtt boapltai; tra lived nnraea; ronaultatloa fra. Vt. At wood. 8f0! Morrlaou at., room S. Pbona Hood, 836. ' . , r- t- DR.' M. T. COLE, 848 Eaat 82d at.J maternity ce;-dlaaos of women. Pbon Tabor 11 L il " " DOIX'S HOSPITAL - Repairing aud dreaalng. 881 Tamblll at. I WILL.acr!flr my fine upright plaao for $I2T; coal mor tba4 oVoiM thla amount; need money. C1I'"2SU E. Third at. HOLDKN'B RBEt'MATIO CURE Bur rare for rhauaiatUm. Sold by all dragglata. MMK. ENGLISH, magnetic healer; dtaaae cured without 1nira; aleo glrea electric and niaanetlc treatmenta. 881 Murrlaoa at., eor. r-ars. uirice ji-if. ATTORNEYS. A. B. TANNER, attorney. SOS Commercial bn., Beoond aad Waahlngton rta. Pbon Main S4S. I. B. WINCHESTER. attorny-at-law. notary. 80 Waahlngton bldg. Phone PedAe 2.127. ART 'fiMFORIUM. "- PBOFESSOB R. MAX METER, 848 AldaeH Portrait and landsesp artlat and teacher. -ARCHITECTS.- ' H. H. MBNGBS. Architect. 118 at. ASSAYERS. QARTIN CTANIDR BZTBACTION CO., Moatana Amay Offlca. 18 Morrtoo aad AUTOMOBI COVEY A COOK Motor Csr C. Fntb and Alder Agent for Cadillac, Flare. Great r. Arrow and Sterene-Duryea motor-car I sa- chine rented, repaired and atorod. BT4TCHERS;.STJPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Brerett t. Largest butchers' enpply hous on tb eoat. BATHS MASSAGE. YOI NO lady aires rapoe, alcohol and saadlcatad hatha Parlor 97, 268 Stark at. - TWO yooaa ladiea glr maaaege, tub and vapor . bath. 110. Fourth at., cor. Washington. TUB SNOWDEN BATHROOM. 287 Alder at., bet. 4th and nth. Tub and vapor bathe, aaaac iclt lull faono-y Wain- mmi EXPERIENCKD lady, msgnetle healing, vapor and tub baths. . The Idan-ba. 201 Third. MISS -RAYMOND give bsth and msasar 4ee4vt.-Hi )omo, 2 Morrison t. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KUJ1AM. 108-111 Soeoojl it. ritsna oooa msnuraciurer: sbi so Improved LooM-Laf ledger; a tba Eureka leaf, the beat en the market. CHINESE REMEDIES. MRS. DB. 8. K. CH A (retire- private and female . dlaeaeaa with herb and coot a remsdlea harm lea; no eperattona. 288 Clay at., cor. Third. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. MRS. STEVENS, f Portland' leading' palmier, aatrologer and clairvoyant. loV Seraatb at., op p. Hotel PortUnd. . - ORMONDE, the great Egyptian seer, removed to Waenlngtnn St.; reading erery day - d Sundry, Boo, 81, $2; by mall. $2; letters without fee and stamp not answered. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any one owe yoa money T w eolluct bad debt of all klnda. Nortbwaotera Lew A Collection Co., 122 Grand ate., rooms 14 aad In. Cltlsrne' Bank bldg. Cat thla oat. Pboo East 8048. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. GUNST A CO , , , Distributor, of - - ' FINB CIGARS. Portland, CARPEV cleaning. , STANDARD Carpet Ctraalnf Co.. Iargt plant an the coa at, Lorlng and Harding eta., tele pbnae Bast 2R0 Carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed end laid; both ateam and latest coa- e pressed air proce; r jvatlng mattraaaaa aad - tratbera a apeelalty. " SANITARY earpet cleaning, anctlon and com. pressed air combined: ca roe ta cleaned on Sao without removal. Main 5634. Main 8200. I. HfNTEB. tm carpet and mattreea . cleaner. WV) Jefferann. Phono Main 214. -'..J- COAL AND WOOD. CHCTRCHLBY BROS, bare removed from foot Parte C to 428 Kearney t.. nrr 11th! Is now tba largest woodysrd In tb city, carry lag all kind of wood and coal. Mala 881. ALBINA FCRL CO. Dealer la cord wood, eoel and groea and dry alabwood. B. R. aad Ab blna ave.. t block a eaat of ferry. . Eaat 874. WFOTERN Feed A Fnel Co., on Front, between Olleaa and Hoyt dealer la all kinds af bono coal aod blarkanjlth Mala. . Pben Main 101, STEEL BRIDGE FCEL CO. Dealer la coal, eordwood aad dry alabwood. Phone Eaat 484. OREGON ft' EL CO. All klnda of coal aad wood. 808 Alder at Pbon Msln 88. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning A Treeing Works; prac tical hsttsr tn connection. 211 4 lb.. Pacific 8"7. CLOTHES cleaned and creased $1 per month. L'ataae Tailoring Co.. 847 Washington at. H. W. Tt'RNBB, pm reset pnal ver si 808 Jeftereoo at Phone' Mala) 2818. ver and eleaaer. SARTORIAL TaDarlttg Co. Ledlee and mn'i cleaning and preealng. BOO Waab. Pee. 181T. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glniewere.' Prael. Hrgele A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. CAFES. THB OFFICE tH Waablngtoa L, rboaa Mala TT1. Baronet vigneaua. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. VERDINO A FARHELL. prndoea and eo Simla. atoa merchsata. 140 .Front au. Par tie ad. Or. Pboae Mala I TP CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOYD- -Carpenter. Joiners sad carriage work. 8.1 8th at. Phoae Pacln 8108. CHIROPRACTia Ct'RES appendlcltla: ao drug or knlf. Dr. Bva Hoaan. fell Union ave. Tel. Woodmwn T. DRESSMAKING. PRICKS way low, guarantee eatlsfactlnn. Madame Angelee. Phone Pacific 82. 242 Flftb at. Store open evening and Sundays. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. WORTH WEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Compaay. 84 Sereatb t Portland. O. K. for everything la the electrical Una. Pa) Mala 1888. . PACtriO ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, enntnc tor, repairers. lrctrt wiring, supplies. 84 First, roe. Starb. Mala 8n. R. H. Tata. mgr. EDUCATIONAL. I HAVE desire ta vcech American hnye to leer Chinese langnage; am an rtpcrlenced teacher. Apple Chrletlan mtaelon. 24!l B.-ind st. FURNACES. BOYBTON wami-sh? fnensce aar feel. I. 0, . Bayat Frn Oak. 864 SaeosiA Mala 81m FURNITURE FACTORIES. P3RG0N rami tar MnnfaeWlng Company Manutsrtursra el furaltata fur tha trade. Portland. Or. ' . ri'BNITIIRB nanfscturlnjt and apodal order. L. Ravvnaky'a fnrnltnr factory, 870 Front fc FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRK A FlsJder at., eor. 8d. IllON WORKS 888 Phone Mala SuoO. GRINDING. K. B. KABL80N A CO., at part grinder. ' A kany, aoracr Eighth. Pbon PaclCIa 70S. ... 1 k 11 1 GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO..- w hot seals groeara, cbanta. facturers ami eommlaaloa msrc b'eartb aad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, eommteelon and produc arer ehsnta. . Front and Davie etc.. Portland. Or, GASOLINE ENGINES. i Stationary and marine: "Little Bpeclal" taaollne laanch. $l5; aooad-bn4 seacule tuncbe snd bulla. : , BBIERSON MACHINIflY CO., . 142-4-8 alorrleon at. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Americas plant $8. $1 par day. BELVEDERE: Europe a plan: 4th aad Alder eta. THB BROWN Grand and Hawthorn ave. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes. feed Boor. ' 128 Union avs. Phone Bast 1SIT. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware' Co. eollelt opportanlt 'to quote price. 188 1st st .eor. Alder. Mai 1884.' INSURANCE. ISA AO U WHIT B, fir lasers nc. . kldg. - r -, 800 Dakar J AS. McL WOOD, employers' Hablllty and t dividual accident sur.ty bonda af all bind. - Phono 4T. 808 McKsy bldg. LOCKSMITH. IT Hf BICHARDSOM, locksmltr and rapalrlnf. 2ST Bnmsld. PsdBe 1088. LAUNDRIES. SPECIALTY late curtain and Sna embroidery weenina; me, , .wm.h.. - MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS. 828-8 Mohawk bldg eor. Mjrrlsoa and Third. Ledlee or Orntlemeo. ' No Publicity. If sou hoeraw 820 von Die bech 81.88 $ week. ' If yon borrow $28 yon pay bsck $1.88 a weekr, If ybo borrow $:) yon pey beck $2.00 a week. , If yoa borrow $50 voa pay bark $3 00 a week. Payaiente enapended In caae et alcknssa. - Strictly Sslsrv Loan. :,' THB CRK8CENT IX)AN CO.' , 428-8 Mohawk, bldg.. cor. . Morrleon and Third. MONEY TO LOAN - On Improved dtp property or for banding purpose, for from 8 to 10 yeera' rime, wltb privilege to repay all or part of !on after two years. Loan approved from plan nd money adrenced ee bulldlnr prograaaesj gaortgares taken up and replaced. FRED B. STRONG, Financial Afaat . , 242 Stark at. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarled employe. .-age -earner, can et , 1. 1. M,e vlthont rtiorteaee . Month Montb. Week I. vveea or $8.88 or 81.88 or $1.00 $V I 2281 $18.1 VI An Repay to tn IIS "tH or n r oo Repay to na i.m or .. .00 Kspay to $ 4.00 or $2.00 ZIV mcivay oiug. CONFIDENTIAL loans on aalarle. Insnrane poltcle, piano, furnltnr, warehouse re ceipts, etc. I sny deserving person may secnr a llhersl advene, repaying by eaay weekly or monthly Installment. w KBW SUA IX) AN A TBrST COMpABT, -: 208 Ablngton bldg. unusv inviwrm aiT.ARIED PEOPLB And other npoa Uielr ewa names without security: cneapeex rare, eiaiesi pi"" office In 8.1 principal cltlesi ears yearsalf money by retting our terma Brat,-- - ---TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 108 Third at. MONEY to loan on real.' personal and collateral - aocnrityi epeclal ettention to chattel njort gages; not bought. C. V. Pellet, 804-8 entoo bldg., 84 Slatb St. HIGHLY raapactabl place where ladtee ana gent can borrow money on diamonds. md Jewelry. Collateral I-n Bank, 288 Wash- '. tngtoa at. Pbona Black Tl. MONEY to loin oa Clarkamss connty land. E. F. and F. B. Riley. 80S Chamber of Ooaa- L0WE8T rate on fnmltnre and plane. Eaat em tan Co.. 440 Charlock bldg. Pacific 211 A MONEY TO LOAN oo William Holl, room 8, 11 klnda of eecurlty. Waahlngton bldg. SEVERAL thousand dollars to loan t par cent, city property; prlvst. T 8. Journal. SI.BnO'TO LOAN on dty property. Henkle A Harrleon, 217 Ablngton bldg. $1,000 TO $1,800 to loan by private party on real eatat Mcortty. 402 Commercial bldg. TO LOAN Snm to cult on chattel security. R. A. Frame. 814 the Marenam. MACHINERY. THB H. a ALBBB OO. SJecoad head i sawmill, ate. 848 Grand ava. HIPPBLY A MYERS, macblnlete aad ale. . trtctarai electric levetora, sleetrlcal machin ery and caaollne engine a. specialty. 224 Oek at- Pbon Mala 1820.-- BOAT engines, gasoline. Sheffield marl net any epeed: beat made; right price: In etock: on eihtbftlon; running In salesroom. Call First - ana stark eta. rairnaaaa. mora m vo. MONUMENTS. NEU A KINOfiLEY. 268 First St.. Portland' leading marble end granite works. MAGNETIC HEALING. 1IJ, forme of discs cured; "free lertnre oa cans and rare of disease every Tuesday night 1H0 Seventh. Main 4178. L. H. Hart MUSICAL. BMIL TIUKI.HORN. pupil ef SEVCtK, violin teocbe. Stndha 188 Slatb. Tel. Mala 8lea. MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo lessons. Smith. 2fV4 12th St. .Main 4708. Prof. W. A, OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTH BC P. 418-I8-1T Peknm bldgM Third aad Washington eta. phone Main 848. Examination fro. THB vary boat lady osteopath in town. Dr. L. a. Johnson, suite IS. BeJllog-Horseh bldg. DR. PIERCB. osteopatb, vibration and the new light, 81 Third at. Pbon Pacific 8flT. DRS. 0TTS A MABEL AKIN, 408-4 Msrleay bldg. Pbona Pad fie 18. Res, tb Bill. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, BUTLER 88 Concord bldg.: Msln 1878. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A H ADIMAPHKR, sanitary . pkfmber. 84 Fourth st. Both phssoa. FOX A CO , 'sanitary plumber. 281 BecoaA bet. Mala and Balms. Oregon Pbon Mala BOOL FINNIOAN BROS.) A CO. 28 Third at. Phone Main Snno. Plumbers and beating engineer. PATENT LAWYERS. GEO. W. McCOY. domestic aad foreign patents! - trsdemarka; notary public. 271 Morrlana. ROOFINO. TIN ROOFINO, fnttsring. repairing end f taeral gobbing, t. UU, 818 Jelltreea at. - FINANCIAL IT1 ITID STATES BATI0BAL BAJTK OF Trmnaoot m Aoaeeal Rankln llaalB. the TTnlted BUtea and burotte. Hongkong and Manila. Colltla Made a gavoraoia isrnis. President... 1. C. AlbSWORTH vice-rresinenr. AsshMsnt Csshler LEA BARNES A. M. WRIGHT THE BAKK OF CAIJIOBaiA-Xatabllahad 18s. Ksd OfSoa. Frsaei, CMMforala, (I Capital paid up ,...84 .(UO,otJ 00Srv1n. 'J"-'-&ut&T A Uanerel Bsnklng and Birbaug bo sine a Traneected. SAVINGS DB PR" Interest ea Urn deposit. Accounts opsnaa lor a rka. j Ogvfrvw ErUiiiiiriB, Wbf. L MACBAB..V....'T.'...rTT.....Msnagsr. J. T. Bf RTCHAELL Assist apt JMenar FIBST BATIOWAL BAVX OF FOBTLAMB, 0BIOO. - " ',' '. DMlfnaUd Dapoaltorg and Wnandsl Agsnt af tba United "' President ...,....A. L. MILLS Cshler i. W. "FJIBK Assistant Cashier V. C. ALV0BD Second Assistant l anlr n. w. Letters or Oedlt Issusd Available In Europe and the Eastern, Btstea. , Bight Bichsaga and Telegraphic Transfer sold oa Nsw York. Boston. PblcM. Bt, Lonlt, St. Paul. Omaha. Sao Franc Uoo and the prt nclpal point In the Northwest Sight and time bllla drawn In sums to eolt aa Hongkong, Yokohama. Lupeauageu, ClulatUnl. Honolulu. . ' ADO A TIL TON, BANKERS fErtatllehed In 1858.) . Transact a ennU Banking Bnainaa. Collection mad P1? j-.TZi abl terms. Letters ef credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United State. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tra n. fees sold 1 on New xork. '"-. " 211 St. Louis. Denver. Omaha. San vancteco and Montana and British Colamhla. ""'bang oS on Loudon. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. M XBCHAVTS' KATIOXAX, BAITK, F0BT1AKD, qBEOOSJ. J. FRANK WATSON President ... ... -k , . Tranaaot a Osnerall xUnkiu' ' Buaiaas. to All Psrta f tb World.. Collection a Bpedalty. ; TRUST COMPANIES. POKTLAHD TRUST C0MTBT OT 0BIOOK "Ta 01db Trust Co ay ta 'jn. HKSOITRCES OVER $1,84)0.000. General banking. Exchange on all narte of J" ""J"0 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tim esrtlftcste. 8 to 4 per cent: abo?,"" J"",-VSd $500 or vr, 8 4a 4 per cent. CsU for book of lLLlJsTRATIObS." BonUsaat earner Third and Oak at. Pboae .President B. LEB PAGET.... .Secretary s I0TJB1TT BAVTJI0B A TBTJ8T COMFAaTT Transact General en Tim and Barings Available la All o. r. ADAMS.'. President A. I MILLB .Beoond Vice-President GEO. F. Kl'SSELL. .... THI M0BTOA0B BUABAKTEB TBUST COMFAaTT BAKK. - Stocks. Bonds aad Mtgagsa Bought and Bold. rrJT'l!? oir . " CAPITAL c i..............$l.000.00 0. W, WATCBBURT President U,,,rminu, Elk Temnla. Seventh and Stark - V BONDS AND M 0BXII BROS. 188 rirat Strat, Portland. Orsgaa. " Offer' Gni-Edy' Investment!" tn'Monlclp! HpITLK OUAKAKTIX TRUST COMFAaTT 240 Wsahlngtoa Street. Corner Becond. I M0RTGAGB LOANS oa PortUnd Real Estate at Loweet Bate. Tltlem Inaurd. - AB m ' - : " trscts Fnrnlsbvd. - ' "IOWaTTllO. HOPKIMt fcJ0-Wsrr-antl Stock Broksrs. (HaUbllshsd 188A) " mJ - ' Room 4. Ground Floor. Chetnbe. of Commerce. 0 verbeclt, Starr & CcokeCOe m TwrT! Miur Bidg.! poruaud, oVemj. . r - 0KAIN. FR0YISI0NS. COTTOsT. STOCKS AWD B0BD8V " v 'v.-. WT DO A STBICTLY Contlnnooa Msrketa by Prtvata Wire. Quick Serrloa. BEFKBENCES-Lsdd Tlltors. Baan ere.,, snd Pnlted Btatce Nstlonal Beak of tag land. ST W IT TTV lU ' ' Jo S ILiltfiC : "MUNICIPAL JB0HDS ' SCHOOL AND - CORPORATION (J Highest Ratnm to Invaatar PORTLAND $ NORTHWESTERN HOMB PAINTSwOIL AND GLASS. r. b. beach ? cl.rli!.0i wlndow-f laa Xa4 fUalBA. 188 . Flrat at. Phone 1884. Z - - ERNEST MILLER A CO.. .Becond aad Tyloc-. Wall paper, paint. oU at market nrlaeai tree delivery. ; PHOTOGRAPHS. - ' CLOSING aal official photograpble vlsw ef exposition. ,Wmir ' . - etST greatly reduced price. ExpoalUoa ' Store. 848 Morriaoa sr. PRINTING. m hid.. Fonrtb and Morrtaon. Pbon . Pad fie 1828. ANDERSON A DUNIWA Y COMPANY, prlatlng. Iltbographlng. blank books. PhaBA. Main if. (08 Alder st- - , .n -nivia s. r k RflnM Prtnttns that eroi vn. ' - . X. lldg., Slxfh and Morrison. rtoonia sua sow ' "- Pbona Maui 4147. RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS. t48 Alder rt.. pbon Mala tio: run Oct iBsai,B, eew, -.-- trade cleackstecad feateicerna B. 88. - STREET PAVING. WARRBN Construction 0a. , street paving, aide. - , . . , . . waiaa eao crossings. THB Barher Asphalt Paving Co. af PortUad. ornce nno worceeteroin. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner, economical electric eigne and lgn f eU klnde made ejulrkly. Foster A Bleieer. FUtt aad Everett. Phone Exchange 88. W. P. BERGER A SON, 2M Yamhill at. Sign m a , a. .1 Ilk BA,ldlaB ft IV tr BIIina a ntvjisr a Bt-iut, atae-re SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated; shampoo ing, manicuring, rmrspoor. &aw ww. " B7 F. Kyne. 186 Fonrth, -oar. MorrbMsa. Boo 82. Pboo P settle 288. SCALP and face massage, manicuring: agent for Dr. t hriaiion e rrsnrn ,m .-. 11-12 Grand theatre bldg. Main $4TL Home, 6:80 to a. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; beak, bar and store fix tares msde to order. Tb Lsjtk. Msnnfsctnrtng Co.. Portland. SECOND.HAND GOODS. 'GOODB'S Farnltnra Honse Highest prices i paid for second-hand furalture. S18 Beoond at, Phone racine svs. SAFES. DIKHOI.n SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLE, not In TRfST. Norton and Buckeye Jacks. Metal -ornc rittnre. Repairs. I'bon Main 1808. John E. Dsvis, Agent. 88 Third at. ontiTi iin mm CO.. sole a nle agents for HER Ssfes and MANGA- Ittvd-IIAI. I, MARVIN Safes snd MANGA NESPI Stl Safe Co.' Bank Safea. 82 7th st. TOWEL SUPPLY. m a . m Mneai m r, a It Aieti " ejenasi aeaai $1 per month. Portlaed Lsnndry aad Towel ftnnnlv Co.. Ninth and Concb. Pbon 418. TYPEWRITERS. BBW typewriter, all make rented, sold and repaired Coaat Agsacy. 2.11 Stcrk. Tel. 14QT. TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive telephone noose. B.-B. Electric A Telephone Msaafscturlag esav Mny. W Flftb .- iir r TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plaaoe and fnrnltars aaoveA, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large. 8-story brick, rir-pro.' warehouse for storage Office 128 Vbret at, 0. M. Olson. Pbon Msln 847. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. eor. Sixth end Oak ete t bsggsg checked , from hotel er rest dene direct to destination; paasangar therefore avoid ruab aad a easy a ne at depots. Priests Exebsage 88. a O. PICK, offlc 88 First St.. between Start and Oak ata., phon 808; plsnna aad fnrnltnr mored aad pecked for chipping; eommodlena brlrh wsrebons wltb aeparst Iron ra. Front nnd CUy at. - OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 Norrb Sixth. 1-koo Main 8. Heavy haollug aad atoraga. H8T SPECIAL DELIVERY Mo. $00 Wnab lafkoo at, Fboaa Mala $88. . BANKS, fOBTtABB. 0BIO01I. 'DRAFTS IHHUBD Available In All CltleO of Vr-PrssldBt. ..W. B. AVER Cashier. , .B. W. BCHMEEB W. A. HOLT Assistant Cashier. aam oi ina " lonoon, rini. Bern. 'J'" V.TVT, Stockbolm, St. Pstsrtborg. Moscow. Zurich. ' 1 K. L. P1JRHAM. UtV". Ti.hlie niAina w. noYT - ea latent oaaniar . Drsfta and Latter f Credit lcd Available ' Private Exchange Ta. 11. PITT Of" fi Tlce-Prealdenl J. 0. POLTBA. .Assistant Becrstery S8S Marrlson Street, Portland." Ore en. tl -aklng Buslneee. SAVIN08 DEPARTMENT, "l1!!!. C- ."t. Act Truate tor Batatea. Drafte A Letter af Credit Parte of the World. First Tlea-Preeldeat I A. i-ar'" B. G. JIIBITZ , . . . Asvlstsnt Secretary .aecrstary Deposit. . ... rt wr m tt r ir u Vlc-Prssldant v. - . Street. Pbon Mln184. INVESTMENTS. and Railroad Bonda, Write or Call. OOSUUBluga AUBiaton. Rootna 8, 4 and $ La Fayette bldg., cor, 81x18 and Wab."8ta Portland, Orfon. ' DIVIDEND . . BANK AND" CORPORATION 10CE Coosbrteat Wltb A beorat . Safety. TELEPHONB A TELEGRAPH BBCPBITIE8 WIRE AND IRON WORKS. EAST PORTLAND FENCS A W1BB WORKS. 180 E. Water at. Puono Bat tut. TERRIBLE CRIME OF LESE MAJESTE Br If. O. Wilson. In th London Express. -nr N sill monarchical counules it Is Ian axiom, accepted by verybody. that tha person and character of ' tba ruling; sovereign are ' sacred, and oven though the Idea may rest upon nothing more tangible than custom or an unwritten law, It la observed In moat countries in A Joyal plrtt.- Eapecially Is thla the caae In England, vrhnre there could probably not ' be found It news paper, however, acurrlloua, - that - would apealc disrespectfully of King Edward and one might walk about In the public places and listen In vain for an expres sion of contempt or opproblum uttered against any member of the royal family. In Oermany, on the other hand, where the laws regarding "less majeste" are so strict, scarcely A week passes without the conviction of some unfortunate per son who has dared to Infringe one of the scores of clauses in the law, and suffers accordingly. "Less majeste," sua. clnctly defined. Is the crime of uttering sn Insult to the ruling monarcn or tne country. In the German statute book no fewer than 12$ naragraphs are devoted to expounding the law, and $00 books of reference for the information ox lawyers have been published on the Intricate subject. '; - - . The law Is so worded as to Krlng within Its scope any remark whlctl can by the exercise of great Ingenuity by. twisted into something reflecting, o ever so remotely, on the character or nernon of the sovereign, and to make it a criminal offense. The clauses have been so loosely ' worded JthAt- tlie-wfdest possible Interpretation may De placed upon any remark which falls under sus Diclon. v "Lege majeste" can be . com mitted by words or actions. In private conversations no less than In publio speeches, and In personal and confiden tial letters -to friends or relations, as well as In newspaper articles or books. Privacy No Excuse. If two persons are carrying on a con versation alone In a private room, and one of them should make a remark dis respectful to the kaiser, the other may denounce him to the police, and he would probably be convicted and sen tanned to Imtirtnonment. It will easily be understood that under this law, and ith the excessive seal of the uerman police official, the authorities find plenty of work to do In the direction of securing convictions fof this offense. Tho latest case occurred a raw oays sen. when a Merlin DUicner ' won sen tenced to six months' Imprisonment for hsvlng spoken disrespectfully - or tne kalaer three years ago. Not long Ago the editor of a German newspaper re ceived a sentence of three months for remarking that the kaiser received (2.000 daily for appending bis signature to a -few state documents.- The law. of "lene majeste" is no re specter of persons; schoolboys or old women are equally visited with the full penalties. An old woman of 71. living In Dresden, was sentenced to six months' Imprisonment for remarking that the fat of King Alexander . of BervlA ought to befall King George of Saxony; and a baker's boy of 1 in Bl lenla had three weeks' Imprisonment for Insulting the majesty Of the kalaer. If the culprit Is a soldier, bis punish ment for "less majeste" Is excessively severe. A private was drummed out ox the army and sentenced to seven yearar tmprinonment for saying to A comrade that tbe kaiser might have slowed down the train In which he was traveling in order to see the saints of the soldiers who were lining the route. Strange Causes of Offense. 7 T.aot wear nn Innkeener of Llchtenbera onment for a somewhat curious form or "lene majeste. it was alleged sgninnt htm that In his conversation with his customers ha used thOermsn languag In an unworthy fashion, and was not over nice in his expression when talk ing to a police official. He was a Con servative, a member of a patriotic rill pltlh, and had ncrvexl In the army, but these proofs ef t' v ;-..--- . 1 -y. alty dl.l not save Dim from dire pu manL One of the moat extraordinary tr eutlons was that ngnlnat a wno was eonvlcted of "lean rnajto i having written rmr name In the vlnlto book of a Vitel immediately btiatn t signatures of tb king of tfaumy a two princesses.' Newspaper editors a. frequent victims of the law In this con nection. . Two--of them were once - fenced to four months' and nine niontna Imprisonment respectively, and to heavy fines for publishing sn article which was neid to suggant In some obneure wy that the kalaer was sfrsld of his own subjects, and a third was convicted fof having published A telegram from A cbr respondent reporting the death of an alleged stepbrother of the kaiser. On another oooaalon. when a news paper published sn Incorrrect version ef a speech msde by the kaiser to his re cruits, all the persons responsible fog the reporting and publishing of tho speecn ware prosecuted .tor , tesw majeste1- , ; - -. , . Story of the KAiser. , V 1 A German marine while' la Kiel en leave had an argument with A comrade In a restaurant, and made use of an ex pression which was held to have been Insulting to the kaiser. He was let off with eight months' Imprisonment In con sideration of -tho-fact that ho was not quite sober at ths time. v- ' A foreigner visiting Germany majrfttU j within the scope of this absurd ls.w, . though he cannot, of coure. be lm prlsoned for Its Infraction. -Two Amerl . can ladiea were, however, arrested and expelled from the country for talking (In English) In A manner not flattering to Emperor William.' Perhaps tho moat sbsurd case of all was one that did not end In A conversation; even German officialdom waa not proof against the) humor of the situation. When ' the . health of the kaiser waa "being drunk at festivities In honor of his birthday at Bcharley, In Silesia, A schoolboy in tho crowrKwas-observed to smile. JT ho pub lic prosecutor Immediately set on foot an action for "less majeste, but tho schoolboy miraculously escaped' tho oon sequences of bis awful deed. .. There la an old story conccrmlTrtsaa) majeste" which is worth repeating. A man waa arrested for remarking tn a reotaurint that "tho kaiser In a fool." He was promptly-., haled before - tho magiaUatav where be protested - bat h was not referring to the Kaiser Wile helm, but to tho Emperor Francln Joseph. "Oh, that talo will not do," re- torted tho magistrate. , Thero Is only one kaiser to whom you could bavo ro- ' f erred!" Tho story does not stats how many years' Imprisonment - tho magis trate awarded. - - ... r " What Chicago Ksasul - A gentleman who delights In learnlnaT, tho origin of names, etc,, writes as fol lows as to thst of Chicago: .. i . "My - father, in company with si other men, took up claims At Hickory Grovs, 20 miles from. Chicago, In tho summer of 1811. The nearest settle ments were art miles distant. Irs tho spring of 1831 the Black Hawk war broke oat, and the small settlement was broken up. , the older men. with tho women and children, returning to tho settlements of central Illinois and In diana; ths younger men. my father with tho rest, making their way to Fort Dearborn, aa Chicago-was then called., to Join the volunteers who wsro to drtvo the,Indtans west of tho Mississippi. ' "Aftsr the caputre of Black Hawk In July, my father returned to Chicago And engaged In cutting steamboat wood on the banks' of . tho Chicago rtvor and tending tha ferry which had been estab lished that summer by a Mr. White, who built the first house on tho north sldo of the Chicago river. "During ths summer the Pottawata mle Indians came to Tort Dearborn in largo numbers to receive their Annuities And to ratify tho treaty which resulted In removing that powerful tribe west of tho Mississippi rlvr during, the fol wowing-two-yeAre My xatner naa lived ror jv yews on the extreme frontier of Indiana,' his father having been employed by- tho government in building saw and grist mills on the reservations of tho Sao and. Pottawatamle Indians. This gave him an opportunity to learn 'the language of those tribes, and thla knowledge ha put to account while In Chicago In Interpret ing and In studying tba habits And customs-of ths redmen. u . --' - The nam Chicago la tho term used by tho Indians in question to designate a place where wild onlona abound, lit erally an onion patoh. Hence tha appel lation Garden City applied to Chicago. "The term used to designate tho skunk, as tho Pioneer Press Justly re marks, is almost Identical In sound with the Ctil-caw-goo, tho place of onions. It is the belief of those Indians that tho skunk derives Us odor from eating onions, so thst it Is mot Strang thst the names of tho two objects should bo so nearly Alike." . " v Weight, . " " Miss Bright Mrs. Poplsy May Pnyn- Dayntle that was has become so stout. You know her, don't youT bliss Kulcher O! yes. she and I wot-" In-the same class st college. . : Miss Bright Indeed? What class! . Wm Kulch'r '. Miss Bright Huhl She must bo In th ISO-pound class now. Congressman Henry T. T Illinois, whose attack oi trust In the houte c' r ' Is regarded (8 t' ft on l " t :