The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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The Best Lots
Near the Center
- Thesa lots' can be bought now for
$225 to $400 each on easy terms.
When they art all sold out it will not
be possible to obtain other lots so well
located nor at such low-price, nor
upon such easy terms. Do not let this
splendid opportunity go by. Values
at St. Johns and all over the Penin
sula will increase enormously this
summer. Better make your purchases
now.' i,
the Title Guarantee
& Trust Co. .
(Corner Second) "
, IViaaI . Ciiltrl lvrsrlrv
: $100,000 Profit
1 l!E.(M mh In-reatrnent. Adjoining
; tracts filing rapidly; Write tor par-
-"-rteiitsv- - -r 11 "
34 Murk SW S5a TniBoiBoo.
After SO years oa Mosrleon afreet, to forced
to mora. ;Caa be found after May 1 at 2uS
' 4M"f K.7"iw" OrW. P. waiting-room.
' Prior 4 moving, however, will Mil all good
at a large discount. V
Take Notice
' -Ta whom It' may ronce'rn: tx not
mnA any money to tha papers railed
""Light," or ractfln Holtnean College, or
Ttewcu Home, 8nJem. Oregon, until you
sieve tiuiy lOTnugmoa. . ,j
On Grand avenun, emat aid 13.500: I1.
600 cash, balance long; time. Another
bustneaa lot on Grand ventia, 13.000.
Fan Bevar, 404 Eaat Aldar. Phone Kaat
. 491. -
" On Grand avenue, between Eaat Wash
ington and Alder, at bargain.
tl7 Ablngton Building. "
Tba aaaxlmaiB tempera tare la Portland yee-
terdar waa Po deereeal which ta Ih. . I k..t
on record at tbla etaUoa ft taw month of
rair weamer coniinuea in uauiornta, -with
' temperatorea frota 4 to S degreea coo lur than
yeeteroay. ,
A email dlaturbaaca la central tbla morning
arer BrIUah Columbia and tba barometer I
relatively low over eouthweatera Arianaa. No
rain baa yet fallen on tba Pacific elope, but
rloudineea baa Incraaaed, and anower. wltb
Inner trmperatnree. mar be expected tonight
and Sunday in Oregon, Waablngton and north
ern Idaho. A rldga of high preaaure eitende
froth Taxes north to Canada and fair weather
prevalla In tbat territory. Tba barometer ta
relatively low over the lower takee and tha
vralber la annealed In the eaatarn atataa.
j'ocas raiua nare oernrrea in Texaa. OBianoma,
Arkanaaa, Mleeourl and tba Ohio valley.
. Obaerratkina takan at t a. m., ParlBC time:
i, .... Temp.
gtattrma -" Mar.
Mln. Predp.
Baker Citr. Oregon 7 44
Ronton. Maaaactauaetta MS 48
Chicago, Illlnoia TO 44
IHnver. ( tke-alfi tin
Kanaaa City, Mb-anurl. .... 74 M
lxai Anaclea, California..., P3 AN .0
Jiew Orleana, Loul.lana.... TH ' -1)2 .o
Nw York. New ITark M t.i ..04
Omaha. Nbraka 74 bx .l
Portland. Orrgoa.... ....... AO M ,0
Koacburg, Oreaon...,.,., S .. f!2 .0
ft. Louie. ,MIenurl........ 74 6H .02
Halt Lake. I tab TO 4K .0
Kpofcane, Waahliigt IH b4 .0
Tacnna. Waaklngton.. .. t . , 74 - M . .0
Walla Walla, Waablngton. . M4 m ,o
.hlngtoh, T. C HO .J1 .o
WT AAUm r-- Am W l 0l M. -
fngtoo bldg., .aor. fourth and Waablngton ate.
Mlaa Bertha Martin, most Allaky bldg.
Stamping and Bna needlework ; leaaona given.
WTBTH April in. to Mr. and Mr.. Albert Von
dec Wertb of Kngewv a aoa. , .
L AN A(iAN April 17. to Mr. and jUra. Patrick
J. Flanagan. 4M5 Eaat Clay atreet. a daughter.
CADT-r-AiM-fl 14. ta Mr. and Mr. Orlo f.
. CadJV )H4 ' Kaat rorty-aighUi atrret, .a daughter-
; -
WITTKX April - 1ft. 1 Mr. and Vr. TVimaa
M. Wltteo. .. Jtevantb atreet,-a daughter.
HATa-April IP. Jaroca Btley ITaya, aged IM
. yeer.- T70 Hvereft -atreet; cauac, gaatritla.
Burial at Blvervlew cemetery. . .
uiauniu Atvit to. t; a a u,rmi,M .a
---48 rear, at Oood Hamarltan hoirpttel; Vauae.
aeptlc infection. Burial at Blvervlew came.-
BUNTINO April 18. Stephen fj. Bnntlng,'agd
Id yeara, J2K Eaat 1 anjilll atreet; cauae,
eenllKr. Burial at lone Fix. cemetery.
lfill.NHOff April 17, William Jnhnaon, aa-ed
r e yearn, at Crystal Bnringa aanlfarlum; cauae,
ace lie dementia. Burial at Hood River. ;
Vaill e . m- I la Ink a UIU. mmJ U.uh
so Bumper atreoi:. cauae, aenllily.
BI ROV- April -17. Joaeph K. Burgy. aged M
. year, on ateamer L'ndlne; canae, heart dla
aae. Burial at Vancouver, Waahlngton.
Kdward H el man a Co.. tba leading funeral
directors, have the finest establishment, the
Susst good, tha Ob eat vehicles and the moat
reasonable prices. Fin broadelotbeevered
veaketa, $28 and $10. The ftneat wood good
ade. from $12 te 2V. - Parlora 220 sad
r.'t Third Street, ( corner Salmon. IHartlaad,
tiregeev . .
I. P. Flaley Son. fbeeral directors and
embalmera, rnraar Third aad Msdlaoa street,
tjrbes eg eeaiHty raroaer. Telephone Mala a
Single grsee $10. Famllv Vita $76 te tl.OrM.
TV rnly ewmeterf la Portland which pec.
B-teallr malaialna aad earea foe ht. Ker fall
ifnrmetli epply to W. B. Mck1a, War
sate haaca, lt. W. M. U4V4, talaaat.
Fine Business Property
-Oontng, McRntaa 4 Cllhaegh. undertaker
anil et-obalagera; modern la ry detail., Bevealh
bo nee. . nui jo. xaay ihuuul
s d. nrnnn, inafniiar aa iBHtatri
But Thirteenth and Umatilla ave. . Fauna Blt-
wool ii.
Clara Shea for Sower. 28 Morrisse acraot,
MERWIN la this city. April 20. 1806. Ellxa
both Merwln. aged 418 year. 9 moatba aixl
-'.1-day. Friends ara rv.pectfally Invited ta
annul in runerai eervi-g, which will no
hM. at llolsisa s chapel, comer Third and
. Sainton streets, at I p. aa.. ana-Jay, April 32.
Interment Rivervlew cemetery,
Oat yaeir tnearane and abstract to raal aatata
rroai tba Tltla -Guarantee A Troat company,
844 Whlngtoa atraat. comer Bucond.
NOTICE of Appointment at Executrix and to
Claimants. In tba count court of tba alata
of Oregon lur tba county of .Multnomah. In
'tba matter of tba aatata of Br. Wiatar Mor
. rla, deceased. Notice la ban-by gtvea tbat
u uuuersigMed tiaa beea duly appointea oy
tba above antltlad court executrix of tba laat
will and testament of B. Wiatar Motrin, do
eoaaed. All person baring elaliua aratnat
tba aatata of aaM drcraard ara baraby ra'
quired to praacnt than wltb proper voucher
within alx axMitba trota tba daU of tbla
notice, tu tba uudrralanrd. airrutrtx aa a fore
ald, at tba otflca of Teal A Minor, room U
nut-craier OMICK, la ua ru) oi roruauu,
Multnomah county, atata of Oregon.
Dated tbla fourteenth day of Anrll. 190d.
Siecutria of tba Laut Will of it. Wiatar
Morrla, Ikecaaaad. .
Klrat publication April 14.-l0S.-,--' '
; Laat publlcaUoa May 13. lSod. ' , '
court of tba atata f Oregon, for Multnomah
county. la tha matter of tha aatata of Alei
anrier D. Mackauale, deeaaaed. Notlra I
hereby glren that C. t. Adama. adnttnlatrator
of tba aatata of Alexander D. Markenala, te
ceaaad. -baa fllad In tba county court of tha
atata of Orvgoa. for Multnomah county, bla
... Anal aerount and report aa -auch adiulnlatra
tnr, and aald court baa, by order duly mad
and entered, appointed Monday, tha twenty-
third day of April, iwid, at tha how f :fe
- 'rlork a. m. at tha courtroom of aald
roiling conrt l-the eoonty aud atata afore
aald. aa tba ttnia and plara tor bearing objao-
" to aald account and for aettl.roent of
the aame. C. F. ADAMS.
Admtnlatrator of tha Katata of Alasandar . D.
v Machenale, Deeeaaed.
' Dated March SS, 10.
rACTCHKRS Blda will be received by the
underalgited at tha office of Tha Purt of
' Portland, city ball. Portland. Oregon, antil
12 o'clock noon. April 26, 1IV and then
opened, fur auiiplylng the aald tha Port of
- Portland with ana tire pomp of I he follow
ing dlmonaiona: Mix-lark auctloa, 5-Inch die-
- charge. 12-lncb ateam cylinder, S-lnch water
".eyllnder. 12-Inch atroka.
The board reaprrea. tha right to reject any
or all blda. Bide abould be plainly marked
"Blda for Supplying ( Ira Pump" and ad
dreeaed to the Port of Portland, city ball,
: Portlaud. Oregon. (Signed) - ., .
- i ' , - Clerk of tha Board. ..
, Portland, Oregon. April IB. lttou Sealed
- propoaala, tn triplicate, will be received here
-until 11. a'dork a. -.; Pacific time. May
17, Ifnd, for d.ono ton of eat and 8.A00
ton hay, for delivery at Seattle, Waab..
, Portland. Or., or other prominent railroad
pointa. Information and blank propoaala
- furnlahed nt tbla office- oa application. The
United 8 fate reeervea tba right la accept
or retort any or all bid r any part thereof.
tCnvoiupca containing propoaala ihiuld be In."
doraed 'Propoaala for Oat and Hay"- aad
. arinYeeeed to Major Alfred U. Palmar,. Quar
terruaater United State Arrv. '
MA Ixxlxe. No. 101. A. T.
A. M. Ntated communication tbla
(Katurdav) evening, 8 o'clock. Work
T. . dearee. Vlalttng brethren
cordially Invited. By order W. hi.
, , A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary.
STRAYED OR STO!.ENl-bajr xaara, T yeara
old. welaht about 1.100 lb"., atar In forehead,
aome white on none, well kept) aultable re
- ward for anr Information. Phone Pacific 1674.
Addreaa 107 ta Third at.
STOLEN ricotch collie, female; lice nee tag
No. SO. . Portland! partlen known; retnra, no
qucatlona aeked. 3M Da via at., north. A.
J. Magwond. .
LOST Bank book lncloaed tn ravelo-peT nam
on hook Mr a. C. A. Jamlaoa, Retura to Cali
fornia batik. Reward.
LOBT Account book near poatoffleei
to Journal and receive reward.
glRKMEN and bra k emeu on Oregon and other
4-. mllroada: experience aaneceeaaryi Srexaea.
fioo reontniv , oraxenien, ao, promotion o
poaltiona paying double; atata age. poalttoo
preferred; aend atamp. Hallway Aatoclatloa,
Dent. 44. V27 Market at Baa rranclaeo.
MFN and women to learn barber trad In eight
weeka; graduate earn from SIS to 129
. weekly; expert In true tor; catalogue free.
' Mohler Rrateaa of Collegia, U NorU FourU
t., PortUnd.
SALESMEN WANTED Tor on af the largest
aurarriee la b weat; cash advanced weekly
on order: good territory spaa. Addreaa
Waahlogtoa Karaary Co.. Tbppealak,
AGENTS WANTED to sell auperior.
aarsery stock; complete outnt turn
furnished free;
ceeb wseklyt write today for choice of ter
ritory. Capital vaj stursery vompany, asr,
LIVB cenvassera for choice territory! outfit
furnlahed free; big ana p. For full particulate
addreaa Oregon Nursery Co., Salem. Oregon.
START mall order buaireea: yon a ally make
$10 dallv; w f urn lab aupplle and teach free.
Aluminum Hanger Co., Chatfleld. Mine.
WANTED Reliable newspaper csnraeeer: tedy
position ror right party; city sou cuauur
work; must glv reference. Addreaa O. J.
Agent, Vancouver, Waak. - .
WANTED W!l aad bulletin ignpalntera; only
Srat-claaa men need apply. Fetr A Klelaer,
Fifth and Everett t.
BOYS, yea eeo get mated Pari Homer
for 10c or pair Runt for 26c by ear pita.
821 Eaat Burneld.
WANTED 2 good adrertlaing men; muat glv
reference. The Investor' Gold, 811
Marquant bldg., Portlsnd. Oregon.
WANTED 2 flrst-clsaa solicitor who have bad
' experience In house-to-bona rsnvasalng; salary
and eommkMloa to rlgbt parties. 30S Second at.
WANTED 1.000 mea, ehave aad halrcat free.
284 Coach sU Ws teeeb the trade,
WANTED Young man. $28 per month, with
rapid Incraaae for rlgbt party, 308 Davis.
WANTED 8 experienced traveling mea to take
measure and order for the Stockton Woolen
Mill Co . tailor. 4T Beat Mala t., Walla
Walla, Washington.
WANTED Twa boy a t work ta bakery.
care Journal.
X 20.
WANTED Machine men and beach baade.
Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co. :
WANTED Mas to wort la vaneerroom: moat
have some extierlence, Oregon Faralture
" Mannfacturlng Co.
A FIRBT-CLAS8, all-around bUckamith helper;
muat be sober, feaoy; gooo wagea snn su
auume Job far right PV'T- A 118. Journal.
A RARE eppnrtnnlty for a man with aome
eapttal; investigate ana yea wut euro meesi.
C 110, ear Jouraal.
BY a Srat-daaa brtckaetter and barner. to set
-or bora; no objections a oat of towa. Ad
dreaa O 112. cur Journal.
WANTED Oend harness-maker. Addreaa A.
. Iloska Hsrae c Tacoufa, Wash.
WANTED Good saddle-maker.
Stlpek.. Gbwidlv. Mont-.
Addreaa J. J.
4OOD home te maa and wife or mother and
laughter. In return for light work; refined
Christian people only; glvs telephone. Q 117,
care Journal, .
WANTKD Man to work hi veneer room; must
haia nan expertewc. Oregon Furniture Mfg.
WANTED nalaaara. Or ago a Mfg. C Mao
daja tead, . i.
01 RL for light hoaaework; no waablng
Eaat eZlS. -
ton at., or. Seventh, apatalra. Paona Mala
Suv2. Female hah) wanted.
ANT none elrl need In- a friend, heln or advice.
caa apply or write ta Matron, e4 Beat Uth
- at., n., rorriaoa, ur.
WANTED Woman ts take order for allver.
war; S3 per day aalary aad eommlaaloa.
0414 Eaat Morrawa at. .
WANTED at once experienced -glove ealea
womea; none other need apply. Roberta
Broa.t Third aad Morrlaoa.
WANTED Girl ta do general houeework; wage
gxo. aa itn at.
WANTED Reliable Chrlatlan girl or aiiddle-
agea woman; give teiepuone nauuar. AO
dreaa C 11a, care Journal, -
day, and evenlnga. 16C Fourth t- Phone
Main SUM. .
EXPERIENCED GIRL wanted at 288 Everett
to attend etore. Call 10 a m. ,
WANTED -Cooke, w altriaai a and glrla for gen
eral houavwork; beet of wagea. The Home
. Idlea' Agency, & Four I h at., opeulr.
' auu . .
BBWINU machine opera tore for tronaera and
akirta; power machlnea. t harlea toopey at
Hon, tallora. room 8. beta Third at., opatatra.
ENERGETIC LADY, with bualneea ability;
abort hour, pleaaant work, good" aalary;
Incloae atamp. Addreaa B, A. trick, gen
'. eral dtllvary. city.
WANTfcD Lady printer, weekly . paper! aay
Work, everything new and handr; anawer
-ouick If you want a nap for tba auminer,
rlgbt at a auinmer reaort. Aduraaa I'aclda
' Journal, It wacu. Waablng toa.
SKIRT operatora on power auchlnea. ( "harlea
impey a Hon, tailor, room 8, Bbta TDlrd.C,
acara, npatana.
WANTED Immediately, neat woman, ander 40,
a bouaekeener wblower'a family, in city,
no 14 Yamblll at. - Mala M13.
WANTED lrl to aaatat with general bouae
too runner at. -
WANTED Ladtee and gentlemeaVwho caa de
vote a part or all their time demonatrntlng.
. Great American Impt. Tea Co., 4u8 Waali
Ingtoa and firat ta.
BBLP wanted and Bupptted, male or feml. R.
O.-Drak,-80614 tYaabingtoa at. Pacific 1570,
POSITION wanted aa tallyman by experienced
lumberman- coniietent to grade ..and tally
ny kind of aoft wood and bard wood lumber.
A 110, care Journal. - '
WANTED Carpenter work; will build yon a
bouae, day or contract, plana drawn; good
reference. Addreaa 1115 aat Eighth at. N.
YOI'N'O ma a baring 8H yearn' railroad office
1 experience w tehee poaltion in office; can fur
nlah referencaa. C 111-, car Journal.
PRACTICAL and experienced kitchen man want
work. C-1W, cere Journal,
waeaesaa u n , .uuaacgajw--SB.aeBSSggnanMWjwi
REOPECTARI.R cultured woman, aged 40, with
quiet daughter, aged 11. wootd work or keep
. bouae tor board and email wage; an agree
able home, either in the city or out of town,
la mora desired tbaa wage. Addreaa C 110,
. aare Jonana U -1 : -
EXPERIENCED eeatnatreee want more enrago
menta by day; moderate charge. Pbona
Eaat 851 .
VOUNO lady atenorrapber
O 121. care Journal.
desire poaltion.
WANTED Agent; Something new; good aeller;
big wagea. 24 McKay bldg.
FIRyT-CF.AM agenta la Portland and tbmugh
atata; big wagea to rustlers. 410 Featen bldg.
AGENTS WANTED to sell onr high-grade nur
sery stock; cash advanced weekly; big eom-
mtealona and prcmluma: writ today. Addreaa
i n ico looraery to., naiem, irregon.
THE Portia ad Employment Ob., Morrlaoa
at. Pbona Pacific 23a. -
SS N. Second at - Psoas Mala 1888.
Bin FOl'R BMP. AGENCY Help supplied free.
18 North Second at. Phone Main IBIS.
Our rental department baa been ealargea
and provided with additional taff.
W Invite Rating from LANDLORDS,
offer persons! attention to and eontlatioue
'. eupervlaloa over all property tntruatad ' ear
ear. J
B. B. car. 8d aad Oak its. Pboue Ex. IX.
2 F1TRNISHRD honekeenlng-room.
248 sua-
ton. rnon rest 0001. -
WANTED Let la exchange for equity la S
ar 7 -room boose. Phone Eaat 81141.
100 REAL eat ata firm caa eell your property
1 nicker than on. Pcelfle Real Batata Bx.,
22 Waahlngton at. Mala 1628.
WANTED, for cash, lot or fracUoa: muat hr
cbesp. 44, care JournaL
Fl'RNIRHED HOt'SR, abont 8 rooma, wanted
to rent; good location, within easy access ef
business dletrlet. M 43, care Journal.
- $4,000.- excellent - city
Farelngtoa, 818 Chamber
real eatata security,
ef Commerce.
PAINTING, spraying nnd whltewaahlng trees,
basement, bars, dorks, ete. ; largest goltn
praying oatflt on the coast. M. O. klorgaa
A Co., 822 Ualoa ave. Phoaa Beat 817.
any quantity; alse take aaaie on commission
and guarantee beet results. Th' Portlsnd
Auction Rooms. A. Schnbach prop.. 911 Firat
at. Phone Msla 8066.
HIGHEST eaak price rwld for second-hand
goods. Phone F.aat S07T. 126 I'nioa ave.
PART1ES hiving small lota nt log to aaw
uitabi for portable aawmlll. pies com
munlrate wtb V 10, care Journal.
JOHN HA BLR. mannfactnrer of Improved re
-ment poet, waterproof, lsetlng.- strong, cheap:
Rleaae Inreatlgate; apeclsltr of fence post,
imtheaat corner Eaat Madison and Ualoa
are., Portland, Or, -
B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and whlte-
waaher. Call JCaat 6243. Remember the
name P.. N. Morgan; II yeara la bualnea
In PortUnd.
WANTKD I" of good black, tan and white
foxhound, male dog. Call bet. 8 9 p. m.
Phone Kaat. 8360.
WANTED To buy a aaddle-hor not over S
years eld, bronco preferred; muat be an eaay
loiT, king winded, a fast traveler and dirt
choepi Addre C lit, care Joaraal, or pbona
acott 4481. after S p. ra.
WANT to hire a eaddle horse for 10 dav. with
.privilege ef buying. 0 113. car Journal.
WANTED Small printing presa, hand or foot
power; erat lowest caeh price. Addreaa L.
' Kllkworth, rare Journal.
TUB KING. 808 Jafferaoa at. Nicely fnrntsbed
room, with gaa or electric light, neat an
hatha, la new building, $9.60 and, $10 per
aJgfaauy nrauaaa. a team aeai aaa aaiaa,
-THB GRAND, 1 artb Third at. Room fag
gentlemen gi.zo per week aad up.
TUB MITCHELL, "rundera
Kooma, kouae keeping and
venlent price reasonable.
and Saveatl
traaataati eoav
ll.SS WEEK up elaaa, fnrnlahad aouknlng
room, wita yarn, parior,- launary, natn. aw
. nace neat, wusk it tan ton a l. u ear.
$1.50 PER WEEK Large, cleaa. furatebad; laundry- aad path. 184
Sherman, South Portland.
SLEEPING and booaekeeplng room for rant.
- ai,j , -. 11 . n-. . 1 . 1 . . .
ma cuaMi. el. All IJ Blue.
THB IIALL. 414 Fifth Room, alngl or a
ulte.- furulabed for llgbtf bouaekeeptag.
471 ALDER Mce honsekeeplng-raoma; ga atovo,
bath, pbona, close to hualn; reonBle
SLEEPING and bouaekeeplng-mome for reat.
Bee H. a. lilgley, room 30, TZIVk waabiug
ton at.
go 8 ROOMM rompletely lrnlahed for honeo
keeplng. Phone Main 4S2. Key 820 7th at.
I OB 4 nnfurnlabed houaekeeptng-rooBi. '
North 10th at. - Pboue Main luoa.
TWO FIRNISHKD housekeeping roome for
kent; use of pbona and bath. 0O7 , Mleala.
Ippt aveaua. Cheap reat. -
FOR A NICB. modern, up to-date honaekeeplng
rial, call at Cosy, 1U3 Beventk, cor. Taylor
Pacific 1064. , -
LOWER flat, S room, nicely furnlahed.
Jefferson, cor. lotb at.
1 NICKLY furnlahed front room for heime
keeping, aultable for 1 or 2 . ladle.- -- til 2
Montgomery, rorue Fourth.
4T1 ALDER Large front parlor, bath, phone,
board If desired, -walking distance, reaauuabe
SOS I2TH Large front room; g. bath, phone,
walking dietance; private family aad bom
comforta. . ' .
DK8IRABLB rooma with hoard: one front autte;
reasonable ratea. 442 Jefferson. Main S42fi.
NICELY furnlahed room, with . or wlthoat
board. ' 2f2! Second at., corner Jafferaoa.
RfrOM AND BOARD One ar two; working
rmoa preferred:- 824 K. Morrison. Pbona
Mil. ,
FIRST-CLASH board and roam; private fem
ur; reference required., call bad NortbruB
t.. cor. ltb.
FOR RENT Modern- S-room bouae.. lath and
Irving at., f.iO. Pbona Main 701.
KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt and re
liable plaae and furniture mo vera; alio ater
aga. Phone Main leoft. Office 110. Third.
MODERN, T-room bouae. xwwly painted and
Sapered, 407 Tenth at. Apply to F, L,
untlng. room No. 40, Woreeatrr bldg.
rOR RENT Lodglngdrouce. North Third at.:
gooo loeauoa; cacap rant, inquire t north
Tn'lrd L - - .
FOR RENT Nicely furnhrbed modem IV room
eottaga In Heliwoou, on carllne. Madden.
Printer. Firat and Aider. .
T-ROOM new rnodera tboua furnlahed, rent 820
month. Including water. 648 Eaat Fourteenth.
FOR RENT lb-room hoarding-bouse, well fur
nlahed, modern; 4 room booaekeeplng. Mala
. 2238. . ' ' ' . - '.
FOR RENT Nice, aew bouae. Blarkatone and
Wilson atreet; ' rnodera ' convenience, "ga,
etc; 829 month. Inquire 44.1 North Stat at.
FOR RE NT Three-room modern furnlahed cot
tage, f IS. Phone Eaat 2MS.
MODERN S-room cottage. In good repair, fig.
to auuite. oca aaarsnau si.
- r "
NICB 6-roora house. 1ST He leer. Inquire 8n0
Margin at., 2 brack aorth ateel bridge, ov
pnone cast -soc!. .
MODERN 6-roora cottage. In good repair,
to adulta. 608 Marahall at.
HOCBR for rent. 4na Pat ton road. 86 a month.
Inquire 660 South Seventh at., near Lincoln.
SIX-ROOM bona. Johnson l n
Seven-room bouae, Johnaon t., $28.
' KINBELL, Commercial Blk. Main
T-room rnodera aew flat. 64T14
, Sixth at., near Jackson. Phone Pacific
A. H. Maegly, I10 Fourth at.
FOR RENT New B room lower flat, strictly
.modern: good view; on car line; rent $1130.
Jonea' Drug Store, Front aad Glbba. Pbona
mib am.
JOB. RENT New modem rl room nt. comer
Mississippi ave. and Falling at.: price $16.
Inquire B. J. Jaeger, 200 Morrlaoa at.
TWO of tba finest flats In Portland, rent ra-
.. duced. 6 and 7 room, corner Fifth and Grant
, ata. inquire Portland Trust Co.
MODERN B-room flat, 2 block north of ateel
bridge, fronting River et.; ateel and ga
range; susaes on wmucrws. son uirrsnee.
MODERN 6-room flat, -including ateel range
snu wmuow ensues, zui nsisey st.
OFFICB room, an furnished rooma aad aamnle
. rooma for rent. Oeednongh bldg. Apply ele
gardn!ng. -In city, $u acre .oltabl fag
Inqnlr 208 Fourth.
$.'IA0 DOWN and term buy a 17-room lodging
bona, rloss In; $176 down buy a small
roomlng-booae; $800 down and term buy a
fiO-raotn lodging-house; $700 down buy a
12- room lodging-bouae, rent $16: I 4-room
cottage for root In Bt John; 2 furnlahed
cottage fur rent, close In; 8 restaurs n la for
ale on term; Vs down aad term buy a
13- ronm lodging house. Tenth at ; $U0 dowa
and terms buya a swell p-room lodging-house
on Tenth St.; $2T0 down aad terms buys a
T-room house on North Ninth at.; $600 buya a
12-room house on Fifth at.; $2$0 down and
' terma .bay. 12-room hone on North Ninth
(. Bee Ii. II, Hlgley, room 80, 227Vk Wb
. Ington st.
PORTLAND anbnrben drugatora for aale.
dreaa R 4, care Joaraal.
Wilt do more searching
for a position for you in --
a few hours and at a ,
. COSt pf . ' " . , ;
:Afew. Pennies
than you could pbssibly
do in person in many
weeks. Capable men fail
' To Fliid ;
. Employment-
if they do not lake the
proper course to secure '
84 ROOM bouse In center of city, very goof,
furniture. I'J M. ,
A well located reat aura at doing a good
huaiaeas. giV); real g2 pet Boatb, with II v
Ins rin.
' Restaurant In beat part of city, S42SV "''
A well bit-ated reatanrant dolnx good aosl
aeaa. gdflO; would cunalder exchange for
housekeeping rooms. ,
liib'ii Waahlngton at.
DON'T com here firat. but doa't buy your city
property, fruit and garden land, wheat, atock
or dairy ram-bee until yon ace aa. North
Weet Land Cam., 208 Ooodnoogk bldg. P. 8.
We a Lao have bualaoaa chances at all kinds.
ana caa locals you right. N. w. 1 ve.
A baslnra that will net you above all ex
pellees I2S0 per mouth: earner wlshea ta go
eaat; tbla week' ouly at 82.&00. Addraaa f
o, vers iiwosu
BErtTACRANT. 2a) Stark. $100; loach eonnur,
10 stools. 2 table.- 8 chair: dolnx a first'
: clsaa bualneea; must sell:-called seat ea busi
ness; good lease. Call 01 Fifth at.
WILL trade 2 lots la Fort Worth, Texaa, value
swKi. fur lots or small store In Portlaud.
Address H. ii. Btltea. 6M4U East Morrison at.
DAI It Y 80 eowa: '
' location; close In.
Bust s.11 it
Msla 6883.
one; good
A 82 room hotel for renti la a good iocs t ion;
rent reasonable. 831. Hood at.
I WILL rent ar sell my btackemlth and waxo
rrpatr abop; alcknea. For particulars write
r. O. Box 217, Toledo. Oreguar
GROCERY atore with fine bualnea. splendid
local km, at Invnli-e; this I -a rare oppor-
tunlty; iuveatlgate 'at eore; . owner I
- Briggs, Ford Kealty Co., I33H Firat
te airk.
FOR BALE Flrst-elaaa saloon In Pendleton,
Or. ; new - fixture, everything in f lrat-claa
condition; no batter location la tha city.
Apply Box 2&S.-- . . . .. . .
BAKERY BUSINESS, building and hit la Sun-
nyaiae; no onpositton: a money-aiaker; t
b aold at a big aacrlflca. patteraoa Stra
art. 1001 Belmont at. -
GOOD paying grocery biiatueae 4or aale rea-
eonanie; win sen asic Interest If desired.
Inquire 164 North Fourteenth.
Bl'TCHER-SHOP for sale cheap If taken soon.
Address C. G. Scbael. Sprlngfleld, Oregon.
WANTKD A good rqatler. who can and will
en patent rlitnta en conimiealon. 004 liekum.
00. .
MEAT UARklCT far eel.
8.18 Cntoa v., N.
BAKERY Bl'RINKH", building and kit In Saa-
nyaiue. no oppoaition. a money-maker, ta
be aol.l at a big aacriftce. patteraoa 4 Stea-
rt( 1000i Belmont etreet.
DRY GOODS, men' furnishing and aboa atock
rnr anie in ana or the Peat towna la the Wil
lamette valley! stork would Invoice bow from
$8.1.000 to 128.000: can he reduced to tlO.OUO
bv Aug.. 1; the only strictly cash bualneea In
the city; a big money-maker. Addreaa A US.
JournaL ' ...
WANTED Promoter; chance to make - few
t bouae nd easily aad quickly. P. 0. Box 188.
1 WAST TO BI'Y a large or amell rooming.
none. 11. nicxey, r. u. box t. . ,
FOR SALE Controlling Intoreet In e mall eaw-
Bititrnne tie and timber proposition. B 100,
ear Jonrasl. .
FOR SALE Merry-gn-rnund In good eondltlon;
rneap ror caao; must oe snio at once. Powell,
4T4 Lexington ave., Bellwood, Ore.
land, doing a huetneen of S'pO per rtvoafb; l
bualneaa Increaalng: 8 Team' lease, real- re-.f
aonahl. Addreaa C. M. t'ourjr, 133 rifttr-l
ei., roriiaoa, irregon. rkoom a. -
SOftn CASH nova a bust nee that will net $2n
per mon
tn rnr a months
Call at room 3,
33e Fifth at.
H INTBTREeiT In real eatate and employment
on ice. guaranteed business.- Call 228 Si lat at.
WILL trade bslf Interest In evtabllabed bual-
nea. value ai.taaj, ror aaburban property;
reaaon. leaving city. - U 12X care Journal.
YOI'NO lady wanted with aome cash to take
charge and invest In nrat-rlaas and well-pay.
Ing rooming-house. .IC 123, care Journal.
$.ino RVYS good little. du-y. 26 ware, wagon,
harnea. ca na. ete.,; lots water, barn, bouse,
good pasture; cloae In. Phono Main 6888.
I HAYB a few 8-acre tracta ef very fine land.
. very eaay to dear; '0 Billra eaat of Portland.
and only one mile from O. W. P. electric
-lis,- tbat I will eel at freak $80 te $75 per
m.-rw, .o r wmmj aeraua, siuaraea V 14.
care Journal.
Fall-aised Btreeta, water ta each acre. '
Tea go te thee erea aa the eaaae ear.
Cay the aame Be fare the lot maa pare. Th
t maa 1a yonr aelghbt. hat b I re
etrlcted In majority of feature that auk
a trn BiiDnrnea Dome.
Open WedBMday aad Saturday eveolng.
771'- A. C. CHtTRCHILL CO., INtt
. IIV wevowsi
iiu aecosa at, . . v
FOR SALE Along the north bank railroad, a
large list of farms, orchard a, awmlll and
builneaa property, Inqnlr of D. W. Hatch
Inaon tt Co., Wasbongal, Waab. .
IF YOtT want to build, bay all year miterlala
at the American Inn; yea will aave 76 per
cent; fine door, window, plaeter boards,
matte ar aiding, flooring, atalre. timber aad
lumbar. Phone awns. Pacific 107a
FOR SALB 60x100 lot on Sunnyalde car, rrne
la; cheap for cash. Addreaa P 16, Joaraal.
S-ROOM house aad quarter block at th earner
ef Eaat 14th nnd Beacon ata.. $1,300. - W S.
-care Journal. t -
I R11II.D hotste. eaay payment; lot furnished
If desired. Miller, 612 Commercial bldg.
2-STORY 8-room house, modern, I post Alblaa,
near 2 earllnee. Phone Eaat 6208. .
10 ACRES Tha very beat la Lent, for t
it value; all tn clover.- on a Sne graveled
road, mil from 2 electric and steam
rallroada, 6c fare; Mount Scott ear. 0. B.
. Addltoa, Lenta, Oregon. . . -
FOR SALB-Very dealrahle building corner,
Eaat loth and Kaat Couch! no agenta.- In
qnlr 238 Waahlngton at.
. A See atock range, containing about t.SOS
. acres: all ander fence; situated near Ross
. burg. Oregon, aa S. P. R. R.; this la one et
the beat atock range tn th county; I ale
' have another good atock rang containing
. 1.420 acrea, which will be sold t a very low
Klca. For particulars addreaa J. B. Sutter
i, ewnar, Roeeburg, Oregon.
MI'ST sacrifice B-room cottage. 6 kits; no re.
. onbl offer refused ; la so bur ha. Addren
P 8, car JournaL
"Pay Rent to Yourself."
We own and offer for lmmedit oecnpeney
on eaay monlhly payment th following new
8 room bouses, with all modern tmprovamenta:
Gray bona. No. 678 L'pahnr at. I price
I2.R.VI; $zv down, $25 per month.
Yellow bouae. No. ngo Wilson at.,- joat off
N. 21st.. $2 WW); $2l down. $2.1 per month.
406 Commercial blk,
, Phone Main 447.
FOR CALB Modern 8-room bouse In Piedmont
Park, block frota carUne. Addre Owner,
1440 Hndney ave. , .
HAVB yea a boos for rent If so. Hat It with
ns. we caa rent It at once. East Side Real
Eatate Co., 407 Hawthorn ava. -
W ara Portland headquarter for property
tn kvery part of that proaperon city. W
hve river view, hualn and resident lot
from $226 up that cannot be duplicated by
nv other agent. It will pay yea ta aee 0a
before yon a-o down tn buy. .
1 Fifth at.
SOO FARMS, small tracta and rata; bargain ea
O. W. P. electric Una. O. H. Addltoa, Lenta,
Ore go a. Take Mouat Scott car. Be.
GOOD S rnoe.i house and lot 08x116. m Media.
villa, near car, ptenty of fruit, etc., only
$1,000', $000 cash, balance to suit.
Stewart, ivvuft ueimoai tu
130 acre. Id aillr fruui V aocourrr anil 2
tnlle from river town: 40 -rea muter fin
-Mat of cult Its t Ion. about 2i"l,i"l feel of saw
, and piling tlinlier that ran be -h-eged Into'llic
. river, good S room leinse nearly new,, burn
h4iA4. granary, hog and riib-ken-lHinaea, wikhI-
- bouae, etc., 2 acre In' urttlian! of aMsot-tad
frnlta. living ' water oa every 4) and
bricked well at house, pise sll In crop, team
of good, mar, 7 head of euwe. 10 bog, feed
- eeokr, plow, barrow, waaxm. harnesa, culti
vator and all small tools still enough her sin!
. grain to run place until new crop Is barvealed;
Kk-e if sold awn $4,300. 'Ilila la the Iwai
y In tlsrke county,. Owucc moat sell on
, account of slrkueaa. .
lot wcrea. 13 ml lee from Vancouver and 4
miles from Camaa; 38 area under fine state
of cultivation, -7 acrea In orchard of aaorted
frnlta, ft-room m-atory bouae. new barn 40x
00. bog houae, cblckeu-bouee, eto. ; about 11
acrea good saw or rorilwood tlinlsr. balance
of laud In pasture; S braves, 7 cows, 7 alieep.
plow, baivow, rake, t-ultlvatur. wagon, har
ness, buxgv. etc.; mile from chun-h ami
school. R. r. D, and telephone. I"rlre $.tai.
20 acres. 1 4 miles from railroad timti ami
8 miles from Ysuconver. o flue gravelcil
road; new A-room bouae and rood barn and
otbr outhulkllnga. fine family orchard of
assorted fruit a. It acrea in lieariug elra--lierrle,
tk cre of email fruit; -Vi mile from
church and acbooin: 10 si-re cleariHl and
aowed to various craps all doing well, 5 acre
slashed, burneil ami seeded and easily cleared.
Price $1,750; : rash, balance to suit pur
chaser. 14iyou dos t see what .vim want la '4b
abovk. cell or write for our Hate. We can
aave you. nioney. .
' . Fourth and Main at a.. Vancouver. Waab. "
- Reference.- Vancouver National Bank.
T BOOM modem bona, full lot. 82.100. 1 '
. i room moaerg none v in irvuigtnn.
T-room nearly oiudcru iMutaei 3 bit ftill qf
-fmtf and rosea . gool barn, rbk-ken-houae.
nicely fenced; a aplendld home for $2,ouut
on good term. -
7-room bouse, well bnllt,' at Ockley Green,
11. 710. . .
S-room houses, elegantly furnlahed, lot TBx
100. S1.800. - , ....
fl-rooni new bonne, S lot. $1,500; anap.
OTTi) CROCKETT, 24SS Washington at.
FOR SALE No. 821, cor. of Clay and 12th eta..
r-oriianii. vregon; no agent. Usnlcl Usby,
Vancouver. Washington. ; ? t - "
Mtll'NT TABOR T rooma. hath, barn, lot O0x
iwi. uwner. izu Third st.
BARGAIN If aold quick: nice. S-room cottar.
""si new, lor dusiib, chhm. in. Hull Huu
water. Improved-street I - nelee -AUOO-sliunt.
tl.Vi rlowa, balance $12 monthly; discount for )
an raan; las Hichmond car to 3Hih at., I
block north. 1124 lUvlsloa at. Call tulay.
Addrrae McEwen, 120. Front at. Pbona Main
joj J , goainoaea -a-bona. I Bkm-JOo,.
BBAI'THTL kit. ea Kelly t.. near Hamilton
ave., overlooking river, cheap., call bio
L'nloa- ave.. N.. corner Falling.
IS FULL lota In. one tract on Alnaworth ave..
near - f Jtatnn ave.: : -Toe 8. 9RO- ' Halle wAfih
$4.AO0. Call at 810, V'ulon ave.. corner af
raiiaig, la store. . .... r
BARGAIN 0 new modern cottage, all read
lo. move m. wnou-iiner piter. large lot.
water In: aee tbla; price $NUO te $S"A; $200
down and $1.1 per month. Tbla la the last
.chance at tbla price. Come Sunday or Mon--uay
and. see bwner. Joe Nash, tn the white
honse af Naalivllle atatlon. oa Mt. Hcott car
Ibie. Abm 8 nlre lota at your ewa price.
FOR 8AI.B 4 lota WiltiO. Columbia 'Height,
new ly fenced, fine orchard, fl. WW; niini-r
nrance graw; gi.asj cash, net. Owner. C 130,
care JournaL.
220 ACRES of timber land only 16 ml lea from
rorrianu. close te tn river.
82.600-10 acrea 1 mile eaat of Monlavllla,
,3U0 Fine residence. Eaat 20th aud Burn.
able ata.
: $2,800 Good 8 room hone oa Larrabse at.
Bear steel bridge.
- B. S. McToy. P0 riDh at.
BLOCK. East 12th and Taylor, fine locatloa
.lor iii. fj.iw, .
H block on Portland Height. $3,000.
'-' ' 217 Abtngton bldg. -
FOR SALB CHEAP a) and T-room I
era; part easa. 8T0 Oarfleltf ara,
Woodlawa ear. Phone Bast 8A41.
OO today and aee that beautiful 6-moea bouae
on i nion ave.; modern la every way, luciua
tng fireplace, and richly tinted: eaay terma.
Bee owner today. 662 Union are.. N. Phon
East 2408.
SEI.LWOOD LOTS. S3 down and $9 a month;
from $78 to $200. Bellwood Townefte (Jo,
- H. P. Paluier. manager. Phone Eaat 4704. .
UNTIL. May 1, fin full fwo-atory .T-room boos.
goou oern. a iot who rmit, gi.eoo; wen
worth $1,800.
Apply awaer, 22 Hart.Are-l
I LOTS BOxtOO each, cottage and brn, fruit
tree, berrtea and ahriibbery. Sua " gardea.
Owner, 3.16 Broad at., Montavllla.
CHOICE acr tracta at Gilbert's crossing for
ssle cbesp If taken at enre; easy terma. Ad
' drees L. Stover, Lents. Oregon.
B-ROOM bona, lot 62x123, fruit nd roaea;
. bargain. Call or address 861 Williams ave.
NEW 4-room cottage, plumbing complete, 60x
100 lot. fine view. 25 ni Inn tea' walk from
' ateel bridge; price $1,200; $200 eb, balance
$16 per month. At 881 Missouri ave.. L ear.
FOR fine residence lot In a deetrable part
of th city I doubt If anyone caa (how aa
good value. -It me prove it. M. B. Thomp
son. 848 Mississippi v. TcL Eaat 2328.
TWO fin high lot, cor. Bait 28th and Yamhill
at.; $1,100 If taken this week, rcttereoo
Stewart, 1000 4 Belmont at.
T-ROOM new bouse, elegantly furnlahed; B-room
: new cottage drawing 12 per cent on money;
your own price: leevhig city in two weeks.
Kaat Ankeoy and 28lh at. car. Call es
Sandy road. ,- . .-.
$ 1.SO0 -8 IOT8, B-room bouae bath. barn,
- all klnda fruit, large and amall, oa BL John
$2.260 Large S-room boo, cement beee
aient. barn; all kinds fruit, large and email,
aad 2 kite, weat of Mount Tabor, near car,
$ fractional lot on 11th and College ate.
T.. ABRAHAM. 118 Second at.
WANTED Cheap for caeh, property na or near
. l'nloa ave., N.-, elate locatloa , and price.
"A 111.' care Journal. '
S-ROOM boa, rnodera, full lot, at St. John.
- la: best buy la St- Johns; here le a
chance to double your money; owner muat
bar money; price $1,600. Alvord A Alvord,
188 Morrlaoa t.
10 ACRES adjoining Railway addltlea to and
near Montavllla railroad atatloa for $2,600.
' Terma ' $200 caeh, balance $80 per month
. and Interest.
- S14 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALB 4 kit 60x100, Columbia Height,
orchard and Improvements, $l,pno; Ine. $400;
will aell for $1,000 cash and good tram gad
wagon.. Owner, A 114, care Jonrnal.-
A S-ROOM bouae, improvements, .Irvlngtou,
lot, $3,100; cheap. Phone East 1040.
LOOKING for a hornet Investigate theee;
S room and 60x100, $10 monthly. 4 te T-
room bouses. $16 to $20 month. ' 8-rootn, np-
to-date modern house, with Pflittn kit for
$; $160 down. $29. W. J, Burden,' S3
( anon at., Montavllla.
FOR BALK 6-room house. 4 lota; fruit treea
nd berrlv. 12NT K.i Fourteenth N. I'hon
- Kaat 6781. ' - -
Itt ACRES and small bona, 1 acr email fruit;
good Iocs t ion; Montavllla. Frank A. W II lard.
Phone Bast 4122. - .
FOB SALS CHBAP Modern B-room cottage,
8 blocks from O. R. A N. rsrshop: part
raab. owner, 1T1 Stanton at.. Lower Alblna.
A B-ROOM boa. Improve menu, trvlngtoa, fori
lot. $.1,100;. cheap. Phone. Eaat 164B. Ad
dreaa U 2A, eara Joaraal. . ..
JOIN oar Alberta party and aee the cheap
land befr-re yea inveet: personalty ennancted
party April $0. Brlf ga Ford Realty Ce.j 133 !4
First at.
A NINK-ROOlf bonae. Improvement Irving
ton, full kit. $1.O0; cheap. Phon Eaat 1648.
Addreaa A IIP, care Journal.
RlX-RtrOM house ea Job neon at.
ea side
onlr irv-j, KlBBcll. BUS Commercial Blk.
iUiS 262, . ' , .
4Wait Ad" Rates
Five Cents Per Lin: : f
No ad taken foe leas lhaa We per day,
' Sevea uurda, aa a rule, eonattiute a line,
but ouch lne la charged rvgardiea at lb
number of word. ,
WEEKLY RATE 7 tnaerttoaa- (Including
one Bund Usual 30 CENTS per line per
MONTHLY BATE (Including alt Sunday
l-iiie.i $1 r line- per. month. .
ADVERTISEMENTS mast b in Joaraal
bualueaa ofdee by 12 o'clock week day
and by lo o'clock Saturday evenlnga for
ine nunuay issue, as secure claaaincatloa.
DISPLAY BATES given upoa appllcaUoa at
,. tba efoc. - - .
"deceived at regulac aialn-ofc
Follow Ins la a tin. of autbortd
armta who will forward your advartlae-
"t a ,me lur publication . la ine-eat
MUI. - . -
R. A. Preston, druggist, , Twsnty-thlrd
hu i Dursian aireeia. -
Nob-lllll I'harmacy, 880 OUaaa Street
corner Twrntr-grst. . .
A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth 111
Marshall street. ,
' McComnwn' Pharmacy, Nineteenth aad
Wab lag toa atreet. .-r. .
' I0VTK IIDE. :v ' " " '
. B. F. Joaee a Co.. druggtata. Front and
Gihba atreet.
Owttel Drug company. . Flrtt and Oraat
atreeta. . , ,
Kalilan Bverlrv'. druggUt, ,400 Jeffareoa
atreet. corner Tenth. '
a Bettmaa'a i.barmaoy, corner Sixth aad
Harrison atreet.
Plummer I rug oompaay, 260 Third atraat,
corner Madlaoa. , .
, '- "'. BAST ilDI, , ' :''.
W. S. Love, druggist, corner Grand avaaae
and Eaat -Burnalde afreet.
Nlcbola Ihompaoa. 128 Koaaall atreet.
corner Alblna s venue.
Jancke Drug company, corner Bawtborae
and Grand avenues. ,
W. C. Cable, druggist, comer Holladay
avenna and Larrabee atreet, , aear atel
bridge. '
- R. A. Wlleoav-132 Craad avsBae. Bear
Eaat Morriaon.
E. W. Bull. : 26S - Bast Seveetb atreet
corner Stephen.
Tuttlr pharmacy. 863 Mlaadaelppt aveao.
coroctlibvriatrrrL '
.. F. Jv Clark, druggiat. 1008 Norfk TJnlaa
vno. ( .
J. E. Wartbr' sbarasaclstv-t BUBat
Irret. , . .
' ' " ' - ' BBOOXLTV. ' '' " ' " V
Brooktra Pharmacy company. PowtU Baa
Mllwaukla atreeta. .
. 'ablet4. obeooit.
Arleta pharmacy. Moro aad Foater atreeta.
: . SELL WOOD. - - -
RenMtnrk'a pharmacy, corner Cmatllla
auBue and Eaat Thlrteentb-eitroet ,
... T johki.., .
Elliott' pharmacy. s ... - .'f- ' ' '
NEW T-room bonee, 2 lot. . Portsmouth, block
from car. 8 block from new railroad, $2,300,
Address owner, 83 East Twelfth. -
LOOK THIN VP "'"J. ' '
Two kit. WulOO eai'h. eat" froat. m
. Colon are , true view. $273 cash la all you
need to gat bold ei these, lots; a few days
.'only. ... , -,4-..
-!- UB. AYRES. ' '. ..
..'". 118 Second St. RoomS.
. ' Phoaa PrltaU Ex. 70. -.
MODERN B room cottage, Ih good repair. 818
te adulta. BOO Marshall at. . '
(farms and 'Faim -land-;-
TS Brrea, t mile from Vancouver: IB acres
cleared and In orchard, 80 acre good timber.
- Sim. large house and olher bulldlngai very
""cbesp at $8.011. '. .
eeree,- 20 ml lea from Vancouver; - Sne -'rich
-loam, nearly all level, about-40 acrea
cleared and fenced, good B-room bouae, terg
barn and other building. 800 fruit . trees,
anostly apple: half million feet good Saw
end piling timber; price $3,600.
BO acrea. 10 mllia from Vaneoaver; all
awale k-aro, all level; 60 acrea cleared, all
: fenced. 2O0 cord osk wood, email orchard,
food 6-room hotea. large barn and other build
ngs; Vi mile to good town; price 86,I00.
' 88 acre Sne land, nil cleared except S
acres, all level, 400 fruit trees and lot email ;
. fruit, good 6-room bouse, gojnt bam 60x00 end
etlx-r buildings; near good towa: price $4,000.
I tin acres, good bottom and loam; SO acrea
cleared, k-g bouae. amall orchard, place well -".
watered, 'i mil from railroad, 18 mile from
Vancouver; price $3,300.
T8 acrea, nearly nil awale, all level: t
mile from railroad tattoa, 14 mile from
Vancouver; $16 per acre,
T8 acrea. B ml lea from V s neouver ; no Im
provement, some good timber; price $1,260. -
Seversl line scresge tracta close to Van
couver from $2o per acre up.
140 acrea Sue bottom land na Lewla river:
all level, all fenced. 60 acres ander plow,
2 small botieee, 2 good barna and other bulld-
lngs. 2 acres good orchard; $8.0ta.
2ia3 acrea rich loam, nearly all level, all
fenced. 40 acres cleared. 4 acrea good mixed
orchard, good 2-atory hones of 6 room, large
barn, granary, chlcken-bouae and other build
Inga; price $.1,600.
100 acri-a good level land, no Improvement.
watered by- good creek, over 2.0ou,000 good
timber.' .3-4 mile from railroad, station! -
price ...
120 acres, IS miles from Vanx-ourev; no las-
provwtnents; price $6ta). .
00 acrea good land. 64 ml lea from Waahou- ,
, gal; about 00 cre In rbltlvitlon. 60 to 70
acre mor easily cleared, balance paature
land, wsterrd by 2 good creeks; B acres good
mixed orchsrd, good 2-sU-ry bouse. Isrge aaw
barn, i mile from school; price $6.M0. i '
1 160 acr good clay loam, all allghtly toll
- Ing; 20 acre cleared, nice running tream.
family orchsrd. old bouae, email barn. 2
' mile to postofoce and atore; price $1,160.
160 acrea fine black loam, nearly all level;
. 28 acrea cleared, SO acre fenced, running
arream, good well; B acrea orchard, mixed; '
good 2-atory- S-room house, good bars and 1
other building. T-4 mile te towa, H Bille
te noatofAce and school,
75 acrea good land, 10 mile from Van
con rer; no Improvementa; price $16 per acre.
Ne better Investment tbsn acreage tracts
close to-' Vancouver. We have eeveral tract '.
for nl very cheap. -
Room 12. 26316 Waablngton t.. Portland; and
800 Main at., Vancouver. Washington.
1H4 acres All good land, all fenced and
: cruee-fenced; 66 acres cultivated, 26 acres "
mor very eaay to get Into cultivation, 17 .
. acrea la bearing orchard, B-room bouae, 2
. good barna and outhouses, cprlng water, S
horses, 2 cows, aome chickens, 20 tons bay.
. farm tools; 6-4 miles from a good town la
Yamhill county. All goea now for $.1,000. ,
100 acres Alt good Isnd; 40 seres bow 1b
crop, Sne bouae, good barn, orchards, etc.!
1-4 miles from railroad, only 4 mile from
good county seat town. In WllUmett val
ler. Price only $.1.2t.
280 acre All gtaid land: 130 acrea onltl-
rated: T-room bouse,- been-,- ether- buildings;
S acre In orchard, running water. 2 "4 mile
from Batacsd carllne; might take a amall -farm
near Portland part pay. Price $W -
' per acra.
80 acre All choice land; TO nereg culti
vated; Sne house and barn, orchard : a choice
farm, cron and tool; near Vancouver, Waab-
Ington. $4,000.
119 acre All Sne land: lit acrea culti
vated. 40 acrea rich lttom land. S acr .
' beaverdam; right at railroad ata lion; good
but Id tugs: near Woodburn, Oregon.
840 acrea House and bara and other 1m-.
. prevement,. la Una county, Oregon ; a anag
at $2,000. ,
- 217 Abtngton bldg.
- r SPEC! A I,.
SS acre, 4 mile from Oregon City, 14
mile New Brat new T-room bonne, larg
' tvara, granary and other huMdlng. good well,
"all under fence, 22 acre under cultivation,
aome green timber, young hearing orchsrd,
on good road; a aplendld Utile home, tnrluo
Ing 2 beree. 8 head of cattle, about 7fl"
chicken, all Implements, for $2.R.V, or won Id
eell without atot-k aid Implamente. 82.2O0- '
good terms ran be had. And a large list of
' rancb and farme to aeleet froat.
i 24.T4 Waahlngton at. ,
FI"N 7 acre farm H mile east of Reed rill.
Waahlngfoa coonty. all In crop: g-ood bous ...
and barn: a bargala at $1,000 If aold aooni . .
. all fine land la fin euadltlea. U, A. Cue,
, Beedrllla, Of. .
1 r