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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
81. UvJ. t: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. FOUTLAHD, SATURDAY EE yENHJG. APRIL E CAM GOODS Scarcity ' of Supplies Causes anJUpward Movement Ear- ; Her Than Usual. ,- DRIED FRUITS RANGE UPWARD WITH SHORTAGE Portland Jobbers Will Not Take Ad vantage of Pir in San Francisco to Boost Pries of Sugar Liks Seattle Vera Stear1vP1rniv of Potatoes. Frost gtreet. April 21 The principal - lures or ttie Portland wholesale tuaraeie sraay are: , HUarp advance In canned foods. --Portland bo Ida auger quotations. ,' , -''" .' . Kgge 'Jut atasdy and asm. '. t.... 1 lr- .fill immiIv Bananas arrive over northers rout a. i Delayed etrawberriea arrive.. . . . . - ;'.. No advenes Hkely In potstoeei Oiitous are dull but fairly ateady. ' Wheat holding ateady; trad nominal. . ' , Hariler to Mil apring lamoa. - ; ' (harp Advaaoa- in Canned Oooda.' While tbera tiaa been a. very at roof tuna in the entire canned goods market during the paat seaaoa uu aurmunt o( tha ahortaga la Bioet crop, tha dlaaetrr In Kan Francises baa hurried for ward a abarp rise, which would not likely here happened fur eoms ttroa under normal eonill tkm. With the burning of tha various larga etorehouaea and wholesale establishments In tua n. , ' i mm k n.kU an . ... 1 im mi the I'aclflo eosst war destroyed. In aoma lines tha cannera and aganta have bean eutlrelr out of euiiullee for aoma time, wbila In otbera -ths aupnllra were verr ecant. Hie advsnee- ln th market today amounted to lOe to XM per anaea. Tomatoes, oora and pis fruits prln- nnexn jaarUM. poupd today In the local market owing to tha ahortaga In supplies. According to larger Job bers bera stocks of beana on tba Pacific coast have for some time bean In tba banda of specu lator In Han Pram-leeo, and the destroying of three by the earthquake and fire thla week raoaed these who atUl hare atocka to boost the price.. Today's advance la beana la general all .1. li I , I . !! MhltM Wmm celred the largest advance.. Portland Holding Sugar Quota tiena. Inllke Meat tie houses which aeek to profit by . tb fire m Han Kranclaeo, Portland whole. a men win nor. uuvaace ine price ok eussr in tlila market anleee a change comes from the refimey or either tba California- Hawaiian or the Western company. 1'be la t sat Informa tion aays that only the beet faetury of tba latter waa destroyed by. tba San Kranclaeo fire. WhtU M mmm-m- h hi. twtverfl fmm the former company the trade Is cat the opinion that deliveries will be made from there at once. Qne burning of the auppllea lit California baa canaed an enormoua demand for auger la thla market. Cone bay polnls, Astoria and other roast cities, which usually buy la the south. anger by -the carload. All these ardera hare been turned down for the reaana that the trad here will only aell .auppllea In eery small Iota, and the regular trade la taken cere of first. While aoma Brattle houses hare advanced their prices 1 a sack Portland prices are unchanged. Zgga Holding Just Steady. The egg market la holding just ateady today.' Receipts are enmewhat more liberal. Country ehlppera were holding bark moat of their anp pllee the fine of tha week because they wanted an advance In price and the local trade waa not aa good as last week, races today rule between la He and ITc, with moat of tha Bales today at tba former figure. There are but few coops of poultry now arriving and former values are ruling eery stiff. . X, . For spring lamb tba demand la not as good and' eooie dealera bare dropped the price as low aa 0c. Toriav'a nuotatkina rule between that figure and 10c. Teal la Juet about ateady. some dealera asserting a weakueea while otbera aay they are able to aell all that comes at tba ruling figures. Dressed nogs firmer; prices, op. Delayed Strawberries Arrive. nnipmenta or airawnerriee rrom ins aoutu expected here -yesterday did not - arrive noti! today, ftuppllea again mors liberal, but price la unchanged at 80c. Rome bananaa arrived In over tba northern route- thla morning. ; Oood shape. Demand beet. Present pros pacta do not Indicate any likeli hood of an advance la potatoes. The very heavy shipments to Kan Francisco and ether -California points will supply all demand from there fo? awhile. - - Ren Francisco 'produce houses are now estab lishing headquarters at Oakland. McOorqnodala ec Hoover thla morning received tha follow big; "Oakland. Cal.. April 90. Eatabllahed head quarters at Oakland. Open for business. Jones A Petrlerew." . . atreet. Prices paid producers are leas regular eoromteatons: wralnC 'elaar aaS Teed WHEAT Club, esc: red Bsaalaa, Tc; broa Stem, arte; valley, )7e. BARLKT feed. 2S.e0; rolled, 134. BO; brew. ton ka CORN Whole. eSTOOl cracked, a-0a pa BTR-41.B8 per rert. OATS Producers' price No. J white, (23.00: arav. 2T.oa - rLOl.R New eastern Oregon Detents. flVgOA S.v.l: atralghta. $a.403.60; etport, .1.nO03.IO; vallef, $.1.00: graham, Ua. fa.oO; whols wheat, fS.TH: rve. no.. $H.00; bales. 1.TS. MILUnrrr- Bras, HT.50 per wmi mid. dllnrs. t2li.0: ebnrts. eeauy, $20.00; city, SlBOOr chop. Sl00. HAT Proftucera" price Tl moth v, Wltlamette Wiley, fncy.10.00llS.oti; ordinary, 17 001 00: awtern Oregon. $14.00J1S.OO mltrd, M ooeaoo: clover. S00O.00; grata, as S0 00; cheat 14.00. Butter, Xggs and Poultry. , B0TTSB PAT k a. b.- PortUad sreet ream. Sic; aour, 10c. BUTTKlt City creamery,' X3c; s outside fancy. Joe; atore, 15c. ECUS No.. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, (U 11 7c. CHEE8B New rail cream. Sate. lBe: Yoong America. 16c; Cheddar, 15c: California flata. Mie.. . - POTJI.TnT Mired chickens, 14 per Jh: fancy bens. 14Hdlfl lb; ronaUra, old, 11c pe h; ataan, lie pec rb; frera, 2"c per lb: broilers. 2V per Th- ducks. Iflc R17c per lb; gecne, llo per lb; tnrheya IBKe per lb: dressed, lie per lb; eiinaba. l2.TSCiS.00 asr doa; pUeons. It.Ou par doa. , Hops. Waal and Hides. HOPS Contracts, 100a crop, lAe pet Ibt 10011 Oregon, prime to choice, 9fe0fcc: pour grsile. Be; Washington. Htc. WOOO-lftOt dip Valley, cnaras to medium. 32.v: fine, 25c; eeetera Oregoa. S0i23a, MOIIAIK New. 31e. SHERPfiK I MS Shearing, IBOSOe each: short wont, Sn4t40c each; medium wool, BOQTAe each; long wool, i ii , . w vi ii, TAIXOW Prlaae, per In, SH0s Ka. S and airrase. 2iHc. CHITTIU BARK 8e per th. ' H1DEP Dry, No. 1, 1 tba and e. MHO ITHc per lb; dry kip. No. 1, ( te lb ihs. 4; drv calf. Niv 1. nndee i Iba. l&e: salted niilM Steers, annnd. SO Iba and ever.. lOfjllc: sows, HftHc; ataga and bulla, auund, actle; ktp, IB to 80 Iba, c; ealf, aosad. ande 1ft Iba. llci . green, nnaalted. Is leas: culls, le par Ik leas; Knreehldee, aalted, each. II eiOl.Tb! dry, each, Sl.ODQl.BO; colt bldea, K&0e; goal skins, mmmua. each, IOQIOci ' ngora, each. Xfict) 1.00. , lrarta and TagetaHaa. POTATO Ed Beat sorted. 7 Be per sack: pro ducers' price for car lots, TOe per ewl; ordinary, AAt7nc; producers, price, tOc; new poutoea, Ue per lb. - ONIoy Jobbing price Oreron. No. t, II. ; producers' price. No. 1. 1.00'ttl.2.t; No. S, $1; gsrllc. n(i(ie per in; onion arts. 7c rRESH rRl'ITS Apples. $2.00tl3: oranges, fancg navel. I-1.M; a.wlllng. 12; bananaa, he per lb: lemons, choice. I.1.A0 per bear 'ancy. a.7r)A4.IO per hoi; llmea. Meilcas T"nr tanvennes. y-l z: pmcwnpiee. MeTlcan, ' Xtunaa Blood Karka. 1 A tl of horror was lold by marks pf human blood In the home of J. W. -Williams, a well-known merchant of Hac, Kentucky. He writes: "Twenty rears ago I lmd nevere hemorrhages of he lung and waa ner death when I 1Cfun taking Dr. King e New tacovey. It completely cured me and I have re- ntainen wen ever since. u - ciirs liemorrhngen, cnrnnlot Cousjha, Settled t'nlrlei and Bronchitis, and is the only known riire for WeuK lAinre. Every bottle eTimrnnteed b.- H. O. Hkidmnre A en, driiergists. too and 11.00. Trial bottle free. - - SHARP ADUAHC JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS "." " By Everdlnf aV Tarrall. s Thla haa Men a vary peculiar e e week In poultry. Receipts bava e e been vary llgnt. . out triers nan w e bean no exoeanlva demand. v a e attribute thla to the faot that , e e markets arcusln Urge lota of e e ,froen eastern poultry. 'Were It d not for thla people .would be tin- e able to 'ear, poultry., we nups ,ey the market will have larer re celpta of hena this week, alao s sood springs. The price Js from' 4 14 to It cents- on hens and e springs seH. at 26 and SO cents e e. per pound, or 1 60 to. 00 ptt e doaen. . The market . wants no d) e springs of. less than one pound d 'to the bird; none smnjier. caucaa ap e are firm at 17 eenta. geese Vlll e e aell at IS eenta, turkey hens are ' e d very aearce at IT and Is eenta, e e gobblers are oz nine vaiue at in w a. time and dressed fat hen turkeys e , are very firm at 11 and JJ eenta. e e we hope that poultry men win d raise lota or pouury mia aprins... w e We are aura that all will be e e wanted. Wa kept at this matter e e last spring-, telling; the people to e s raise lots of goods for the folks e e who would attend the fair, and e e are pleased to aay that they re- e sponded well, and while, the "a- e mand waa enormous w were s able to aupply It. . The cltiea of e tb northwest are growing fast e and we will want .all the poultry e you will be able to raise. 14.80; Hawaiian, H.00; California strawber- clea. pnr itw V T.0 IT A BI.FS Turnips, new. Toe per sack: earrota, OC75 sack; beets, pwajsi.pu nee aack) Oregon radlsbec'SSe doa: cabbage, CaMf-ie. nla. 12.28 per ret; green peppers. ( ) lb; California tomatoes, $2 2.1.60 pars nlpa, 0octJl.Oi Bttin,heaM aoct-c-llf lower, 12.26 per JW- green ' seaa, 10c per Ibi horeeradlah. aT per lb; artichokes, b.VsJII.00 , per Jos; hothouse lettuce. $178 per hog; celery, 2-Vs down: pumpkins, 114e( sauaah, IVkfi apron ts. Be per. lb; erenherrlea, Jereevn, 114 OS per Ml; Coos hay and Tillamook, I0.00: aapara. ana, California, I'Ao per lb: Oregoa. loe lb; "Walla WiTU, SI 80 nmrr pumpktmv Hie: aqnash, 114I aptnach. TBceill.OO pee boa; green ontoma, Oregon. iJe doaea buncbeaj Call, fomla ruenmhera. l.Af.00 doaen. v DRIED rBUlTS Anplea, svanonateal. 1C 15e lb: apricots. 1.1Ji5c per lb; peeches, 10H Ite par lb: sacks. He per lb leaaj srnaea. SO to 40. THc; tSc drop oa each alvteenth amai!er alee; Ore. California Mac's. 8OT0 per lb; California while, Ac per tb: datea, golden, e par lot- faros, l.8 per 1Mb b ersesrlas Buta. Eta, s ' BT'OA R Sack basis Ciihe, T 05; powdered. $8.00; fruit graaalated. eB aOt- dry evaaoleted. $8.80; conf. A, $8.80; beet granulated. B.0; eirra C. $8 0; golden C. $6J0 D yellow. $8.10; bbla, 10c; V, bbta, 26c; boxes, 80s ad vance oa aack basis, leas tBe per cwt for esah. 15 daya maple, 14 0 14c per lh (Above prices apply to' sales of lees than ear lota. Car tots at special prises .subject te Sacrnatlnns.1 .... HONEY fc.e per crate. , cnpnEE Packara We one. SALT Coarse Halt grounfc. kja. ST. fir) per ton; table, dairy, 60a. II !.: 100a. 110.78; fm Uvi-ted Liverpool. DOe, 117. PO; 100a. l 80; 224a, $1 00: extra fine. bble. 2e. kw. IPs. SABOt) odd: bait, juo ids. s.weia.ou; aacae, ei. ooetaae; uvernool lamp rc. per voai nails wana r.kHi 111. RICE Imperial Japaa. Jo. 1. Set "oC S. nttBUc: New Orleans head, 7c AJsi. Bc Creole. BKANS Small white, $4.80: large- white. 13.80; piuk. 13.00: bayou, $3.00 Llmaa,, $6.00; Mexican rena, e-ikc. Nrm--Peannta. nmbos. Se per Tb Virginia, H Setae per lb; roaated, 808A4 per lb; coonanuta. SMROOr per doa; wainsta. tS)1Bi4c per lb: ptnenute. rfletlXHe per lb: hickory ante, loo per lb: cbeetnnta, eeetern. IBOloa par Ibt Brasll ants. - 14o per lb; Alberts. i4lBe ree lb: fancy persna, 18HfJ1H! almonds. MViO ,5He" " slats. Oasl OAs, Bte. - ROPE Pure Manila, lei etandard. lIHe; alssl. lie. COAL OIL Tear ee Aitrat Caees. lHe per gal: water white. Iron bbia, 14e per call wooden. 17c par gal; headlight, 110-deg, casea, 21 He per gel. GASOLINE . a dag. eases MHs par gal. area bbla 1c per est. BENXINB U-deg. eaaas see per gat bbla 18He per gal. - TURPENTINE la eases SSe per sal, weodea bbls pse per gaL WHITE LEAD Too tots. T4c per Ih SoO-Bi lota. 8c pa, ib; lees lots. 8Hc per lh. -.WIRE NAILS Prsecut baala at $1.88. LINREEO OIL Pure raw. In S-bM lots. McJ 1-bhl lot. tHe; raaaa. Me per gal; erennlne kettle boiled, canes. 0c per gal; 6-hbl lora. B4c; 1-bbl tot. Me per gait ground eake. car lots, 130.00 pee ton;. lees than ear lota. $ OO per tea. Meata. risk and Previatose, FRESH MEATS front atreet Beet steers, 4 Hoc oer lb: cows. Idee per 'ht bogs, block. c per H: Parkers. 8Urue per lb; bulls, 83'4c per lb; veal, extra. 7 He per lh; ordinary, HQ7e per lb; poor, n5Ho per lb; mutton, fancy, 8UC per lb: lamhe. 10c. HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack (lersl) hama, 10 to 14 Iba. 14Ue per lb; 14 to 10 Ina, lSlae per lb: breakfast bacon, inilrUHe per lb: picnic, 10c per lb: cottage, lOiie per Ibi regular abort clean, ansmoked. 10 e ?er Ib; smoked. ll4c per lbl clear barka, unaaoked, lOHc per lb; smoked. Hue per lb; Cnloa bntta, 10 to IS Iba, nnanKked. 8c per Ib: asaoked. 0C per lh; clear bellies, ansmoked. lie per Ibi smoked. 13c per lb: shoulders, Pc per Tb. LOCAL LARP Kettle leaf. 10a, 134 per lh; fie, 13T4e per lb; 80 lb tins, 121e per lh; Steam rendered, 10a, llie per lb; Be, per lb; eompounn, loe. nc. CANNED SALMON Colombia river. .n tails, 80; S-Ih talla, g2.7B; fancy, i-ib Bata.; 12.78: lh faerr lata, tl.18: fancy 1-lb ovals. 1178: Alaska tails, pink. SoQPOc; red. $1.80; nominal te. tall. 12.00- FiSR Rock cod. Tc per Tot Sounders. Se per Ib: halibut. Be per Ib; crabs. II .00 per doa: striped baas, lJHe per lb: cat flak, Tc pee lb; salmon, Columbia river Chinook, 0c per lb; ateelheada, TVtO per lb: herring. Be per lb; soles, 0c per Ib; ehrlmpe, loe per Ib; perch, 8c per Ib; black cod. Te rer lb; tnmcod. Te per Ibt silver smelt. Te per lb; lobsters. 18c per lh; fresh mackerel. He per Th; crawfish, soe pet doa; ahad. 10c per rb: sturgeon, 10c per Ib. OT8TEB8 "hoalwater. bay. pet .gal. $AJf i par aack, IX.TB. . ' CLAMS Hardshell, par box. 12.00; raasr dams, 12.00 per box. - WEAKNESS IN CATTLE IS . STILL CONTINUED i - . ' tV ' . ; . , There Was Not a Single Head of Livestock in" the Yards Today Except. Twenty Horses. Portland Union Blockysrds, April 21 Live. stock recelpta l ? Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today ... ... Week ago. . IT 120 Month ago T 275 v 'M Year ago 2B 000 - The weakness tn the cattle market continues and Ibe prediction la being freely made by the trade that values will aooa drop. Hogs sod ahcep arm but apring lambs- and veal calves are not an good. Trices In all lines station ary. Today the only arrivals were 20 horses, Offlclal livestock prices: - II,Va Beat eastern Oregon, IT 2nT.: blockers and China fata, $0.78eS.8o; s tuckers and feeders, $6.6ol.80. rattle Heat eaatern Oregon steers. In On; beat eewa and heifers, $4.0U: light and medium steers. 4 on; light cowa, 12.78; stockers sad feeders, lias; bulla. $2.Tnt.0O. gheep Wethers, s'4-; lambs, 6 Vic; mixed aherp. s: shorn flmhs. Sc. Calves Oood veal. 180 to 300 pounds, 4 He; rough and heavy, 4c. - HIGH SCHOOLERS BEAT HILL MILITARY LADS The Hra-h school nine downed the Hill Military academy team yesterday by the score of T to t. Line-up; P. II. 8. . Position. H. M. A. Weweir . r.T.-. .T.-.e,-; jr. ;m . .. Taylor Word P.... Btrlet Ganongj . Oakes . Reed . . . . Tanscher lhT.".". Fortherlnsham ,2b : Hayes .as . . Muggins ,.3b. Merchant Kilts. Magrnens . .. Brlf (l . ... ,.Tf...... Moor ,j If . MarUwan .l,, Hendricks am nam m Oil SFECIAL F03 SOUTH Troops Com From Vancouver Parracks Eight Hundred ' Strong and Fit. The Fourteenth United States Infan try left Portland at I o'clock last night over the Southern Paclflo for Ban Fran cisco, to report to General Funston and be assigned to duty In the destroyed city. Eight hundred stronr. the .troops came from - Vancouver barracks early In the afternoon, the first detachment of ISO men reaching; the city Jin two cars. at 1:4$ o'clock.. The men sot off the ears at Fifth and Burneide. at roots and from there marched to the depot. The last detachment reaohed the depot about t o'clock- In the evening. The special train was waiting, but time was neoesaary to load supplies and the departure did not take place until three hours later. The regiment was In heavy marching order and carried ra tions for- two moiths. , Tha men bad put aside their "hakl and wore the regulation blue. They were under tha command of Colonel Irons. -Two batteries of light field artillery stationed at Vancouver barraeks,. which received orders yesterday to go to Baft Francisco, were not able to leave on tho special with the Fourteenth Infantry on account of tha Inability of the railroad to- furnish the ' necessary -pars. - This morning arrangemente were made with the Southern Pacific to- send the men on a special, which will be given tha right of way and will reach Ban. rranciaco as soon as possible after the train carrying the Fourteenth. ' The men took their horses, but not the light field guris, and will be used In the strloken city to do duty ss cavalry patrol. CITY LEAGUE TEAMS ;r - TO PLAY ON SUNDAY Two of the fastest of the city league teams-wilt- -cross- bats -at-Athletlo-parh Sunday ...morning, tn .toe. first-match game of their schedule. These teams are' the Powers Furniture company's Blues and tha East Portland Graya. The line-up: - , , . East Portland. , Powers Fur. Co. Hurlbert . . . , , . ,p. . Kotterman and -f.-.- - ' " Concannon Heltiman ........ .e. ....... . .St. Clair Russell .lb. .. . Kennedy C Morrow ........ :b. .......... . Iodell Myers ....,'.ss.,...,,M,.. Turk Gates lb.... Paff Jodon ....If..., McGlnnlt W, Morrow ii r ,-, ., cf . -.- i rri-tf. r. Shea R. Hurlbert T:.,.. .rf......... Bchants . Game will be called at 10 o'clock.' TRUNK HANDLERS TO TRY ASTORIA'S TEAM Th Porting Trunin eompnyg"bge; ball team leaves on the 8 .o'clock train In the morning-, to cross pats with the Astoria baaeball team. This will be the first game of the season In Aotorla and premises - to be a warm ' contest. The lineup i. i . . ... . Trunk Co. Astoria. Jameson r. Weatherford Tay lor-Harndenl, , , p . , . Lakan-Braake Dorner .......... .lb. ..... , ' Darranh Brown tb Carlson Dy ..3b. ............ Crowe McCIellan'. .. Austed Van Nortwlck If . Larson Gates ........... .cf ...... .. Medcraft Bu(tler ........... rf. Anet SALEM BALL PLAYERS : ; . TO DONATE TO FUND ' (Special Dispatch te The Jonrnal.) Balem, Or, April 11. Great Interest is being; tsken by the Salem business men and Willamette students in a bene fit rame that ts to be plsyed upon the university field today between the unl. rersity nine and the Ramblers of this city. The Ramblers have a new pitcher, and although the college men will prob ably win. yet a fast rams la anticipated. A large number of students are In the field selling; tickets, Manag-er Med calf expects to sell at least 1.000 tick, ets. The proceeds are to so to the re lief of the Ban Francisco fire sufferers. The game will be umpired by Irvln Gar vin of tho Portland team. BANK EMPLOYES TO PLAY NATIONAL GAME ' An Interesting practice baaeball game waa played at Hawthorne park yester day morning between representative teams of the United States National bank and Bank of California, resulting In a victory for the latter. The local banks having organised a league, some exciting.-games may be expected between their various teams this season. , ' Am Bastsrm rorsoaart. The Buffalo Times picks the follow ing teams -to finish in the order named: Buffalo, Baltimore. Jersey City, Provi dence. Newark, Montreal Rochester, Toronto. - la Athlatle Oompetttioa. The Columbia university track and field meet is being beld this afternoon. The beat college and club athletes tn Oregon will compete for honors. There is a. strong probability that some new marks wUl b-inade this afternoon. Cut Club Chase. " The Portland Hunt club members will hold a paper chase this afternoon over the trail laid for the 'Kerr cup run two weeks sgo. Tho start will be made at 1 o'clock. Mbm at tha Tails. (Jonrnal Special Service. I Niagara Falls. Ont., April II. Resi dents on both sldea of the border Joined In the welcome to Prince Arthur of Con naught, - who - spent ' this forenoon, in viewing Niagara Falls and places of in terest In the vicinity. The prince and party with an escort mads the sight seeing trip In carriages, alighting sev eral times to get a better view of the scenic wonders. Talks to Salem rrtsoaera. ' (Special tHapatek te Tee JoornaL) Salem. Apfll 11. Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway spoke to the prisoners at ths stats prison last evening. ' She cams at the request of the Prisoners' Aid asso ciation and spoke on , Tha Outside World.1 UAXTsT IS TOVTB. Disease' and Sickness Bring Old, Age. Herblne, taken every morning be fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health, fit you to wsrd off disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspep sia, fever s.' :n, liver and kldnev com- rlalnta.- It purines the blood snd clears be complexion. . Mrs. . W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes, April t, 1(01: "I have ua.4 Herblne and find It the best medicine fiw constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for It I can highly recommend It." ., Prtc 0o. Bold by Woods rd. aarks tC : ., " :'. ., 5.,-. Hours 9 to g7 te 8:30 ; Sunday 9 to is w E ARE SPECIALISTS FOR Diseases arid Weaknesses of MEN, and'MEN ONLY. We know just what we can do, and we have such firm confidence in our NEW METHODS and TREATMENT that wtv iirp willirifr to ;. . . .... under an absolute Guarantee of not 'a doll a r Unless Cured. We Mean This Most Emphatlcal It Is For You ,; ...... - LOST VITALITY RESTORED V SPECIAL DIStASti (Recently contractea) 4 oays VARICOCELE (Without an Operation) 10 to 30 days , . - ; I BLOOD POISON (No Mercury or Potash) 30 to 90 days ( KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE (UnVo ) 15 to 40 days to Established 25 Years in Portland We make no charge for a friendly talk or correspondence. Come to us In the strictest confidence. We have been exclusively treating; special diseases of men fo years. Nothing; science can devise or money ran buy Is lacking tn our office equipment. We will use you honestly, treat you aklllfully and re store you to health In the shortest timer with the leeet discomfort and es -pense. If- you -cannot call, write f Or aymptom blanks. .. . '. - - STOWS DISPENSARY - oosirBB racon Airs tixxiu Honest Dealings and Guar anteed Cures Wa make ao ulsleadlnr state ments, deceptive propositions or false promises.. We do sot prom ise to ears your ease ta a short "time, knowing It will take longer but we guarantee a complete. safe end lasting cure in the quick est possible time, without leav ing injurious, after effects in the system, and at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment Ws tiave ao fVee o cheap trial treatment, o scheme to sell worthless belts, stew our education and reputa tion condemning all auch meth- ode. wa cure wnea omars lau, MEN WHO NEED SKILLFUL AID- Will find this Institute thoroughly reliable, different front other so-called institutes, medical concerns, or specialists companies. Tou are jest as safe In dealing with the Norton Iavls Company as with any stats ew jra tlonal bank. It has long been established for the purpose of ourlng die- eases of men which baffle the skill of others. Go at once. You are safe in our hands and sure of a cure. Men who are out of the city should write in confidence. Consultation and advice given free. You rlsk no cash. No secrets given sway. . ALL MEDICINES FREE UNTIL CURED : We treat successfully, all nervous and chronlo diseases of men;: also blood,- stomach, heart,, liver, kldnoy and throat troubles. .... . YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED If you wish you can deposit ths price Of a curs) tn'any bank in Port-- -land, aald amount to be handed over to us when. you are cured. Or you may pay ua by weekly or monthly installments if you prefer. Office hours a. m. to p. m.;. Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to. lira. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Office in Van Noy Hotel, 63 t4 Third St, Corner Pine, Portland, Or. " IVABOEST AYS KICKS S t BCXDXOAXj UTsTXTUTK TM gfOBTXWXRT. Xstabllshsd In rorUaad la 1B89. The Vital Question Is dlgeation. It Is not whafyon eat, but what you digest and asnimUate that strengthens and builds you up. The greatest food dlgestnnt In the world Is CHASE'S DYSPKHSIA CURE, put up In liquid form. Thin remedy Is not only guaranteed to assist In digestion and assimilation, but heals and soothes the diseased lining of the stomach, It gives Immediate relief tn casea of dyspepsia and stomach trouble and In a very short time effects a permanent cure. On In- vest. ration we find that fully nine tenths of the diseases to which tha American people ara subject are cause!, directly or indirectly, by stemarh trou ble. CHASK'S DVSPEPSI'A CURB la guaranteed to core stomach trouble In all. forms, not only giving immedlnte relie., but affording a positive cure for chronlo troubles, which have been run ning for severs) years. Pateraoo, If. .. May M, 1900. Chase Mtf. Ce.. NewMirr. N.vT.r Meats Like many Americana. I am afflicted wtlb. a weak stomach and I have been s ter rible esffwir front drapepsla and Inrttgestloa. hsse's Drsp-pala "re has dose more for me baa I ever thonsbt possible. It savs me re lief from the flrat doae. J feel that I cannot aay tne much la favor ef roar remedy, beeauee bealdaa my owe ease. I ksnw of several oihera, where tbe benefit baa been most remarkable. If res) have any oVmhtere la mr locality refer Ibem tn me. Iloolns that yoa will achieve tbe soccees yoa deserve, 1 am gratefully yonra, , , vVHXIAM hANaS. In an" case where the remedy foils to aiirect a cure wild in .a reasonable time the proprietors agree to refund the money paid for the medicine. Price sir cents snd $1.00 a bottle. For snle by sll reliable druggist, or sent direct, chnrgc prepnld. bv THE CHASE MKO. CO.. Hrooklyn. N. T. For sie In rortiand by Woodard, AOaj-Wa Aa Cav ' , WE CURE MEN FOR $12.5 cure our natients ror cveryDody (According to age). 14 to 60 (jays ituiii romnvura. osoo. TiTe Portland PORTLAND. OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEAIH.UARTER9 FOR TOURISTS . AND COMMERCIAI. TRAVELERS. . Rverythlng to eat and drink, and It costs no more in the , Portias) Hotel Rathskeller than elsewhere In the city. Every weekday night from 1:20 to IX. K. O. BOWI1I, Manager. Dollar Package Man Medicine Free Toe can now obtain a larrs dollar stee free pai-kaie of Mas Medicine free oa request. Man Medicine give yoa ence store the yusts, the rful aatlafacrtoa, the pulse and throb of ibrsical pleaeare, the keen aeaae ef maa-aenaa. ilon. tba laiory et life, bodv-sower snd body, comfort tree. Man Medicine doea It. Man Mec'lcine pares man-weak nees, Bervooe debility, earlr derar. dlaconrased manhood, functional fallsre. vital weakneaa, brain fas, backache, preatatltla, kidney trouble aad aarv ouaniva. Von can enre yeatraeif at heme by Maa Medt cine, snd ths full slae dollar sarkate will be delivered 4o jm free, rials wrapper, sealed, wttk full directions sen to ass It. Ths fall alas dollar parkas free, ns jwysaeats of any klad, ne receipts, ne nromlaes, as sapsrs te alf n. It is free. ' All we want ts knew is that yes are net sending for It eat ef Idle eurtosltr, but that you want to be- well. aa4 become yonr atrenc nalerel arlf eere more. Mas Medicine will do e hat yoe want It te e; Biaks yoa a real maa, man-like, maa-nnwerfnl. Yonr name aad address will bring It) all ye have to oo Is to send and ret It. Ws eesd It fr-e ts every dlscenrared ens of the maa aev. Interstate Bemedr msaay, TM Lack bsiid. Ie. eroH, !lrhlrs. e TRANSPORTATION. NOMEROUTE S. 1 SENATOR' June I Saoure Tlokets Vow; otmxAgTzxv AT.asyA Bovra. From Seattle at p. m. for Ketchi kan. Juneau,- Bkagway, White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. S. B. City of Seattle, April ZL , S. S. Humboldt. April 25. S. 8. Cotuge City (via Bltks.), April 10. iT.aiTa xxOTjKtnoirs. -a S. Spokane, June 7-21; July 1-20; August S. - l . '- TOM SAW rSAXCXSOO sixacT. From Seattle at t a. m.; Umatilla, April IS; .Queen, April 2; Senator. Apru ortlaad Ofnoe, it Washlngtoa St, ktala t39. O. K. Z.ZX. fass. m It. Aft, CD. DUNANN. O. V. A., ! ' 10 Market Bt, San Francisco. Opera tlog 1 Faaaangar Steamers roe SAN FRANCISCO sad Los Anceles direct. HI AsMy aarvlce. Cabin. 111. Staaras. m w vunirsans- aa Mala' . Its TXIXO ST. ,A L A SKA FaJT AND P0PULAK ITEAMSaiPS Lssrs Seattle n:yyr:lolc, Asrii , n, i . a. UOLPHIsT," April It, - - ... "BiaiQO." AniU M. .....we-'- . CaXUNO AT Ketrhlkas.laBean, " TXmfles, Hauiea, Sltat wajr. Cnaeeta with W. P. A Y. route lor AtUo, Davraoa, Xaaaaa. Korea, ate. got. All Soatlisastsra Alaska Porta. Call er sand foe "Trip to Wonderful Alaaka." 'isdlaa Baaaatrr," "Totcai Polea.". THB ALASKA tV f. C0 r? rrank . Woolaay . Ce-. Asenta. -I5t Oak at. : N . fortlaad, Or. 5tcamer Clias. R. Spenpcr t -JfAST TIMS. VF TXB COLUMBIA THK F I1CT 8T TkIP XX ' TUX VMITXO BTATta. Leaves OakHrtreet onrkr I a. sa. Vlondara, Weilneadava " aad rridaya, srrlviog - .at The Dalles 4 p.-sa. -.--.-t --. Leaves Tbe Dalles T a. at. Tneadara. Tsars. dare and Rstsrdara. arrlvtna; Portland 1 . oa. Of Ore aad wharf .toot Oak -street. Psoas Main ifoen. , ' -- CXAXLTfl X. iTzixaxrTS. aozxt. S. S. F. A. KHburn Por Com Bay, Esreks sad Bis rran1ace. Kast sailing from Portland. Saturday.' April SS. Neat aailing from Ban rraaclaeo. Moo., April IX 9. L. ORBENOOQH Alt, CreeawltS ttmt go. t. Phoss Mais 161. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OP C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese Doctor ; At No. 162 First St., Cor. Morrison Ms mlalesdlng statemaata te ths afflirt.d. I soarsatee a complete, aafa and last Ids rare is the e-iickest awaelbls time, and at the lowest Coat possible for honest and asjeeeae fal traetm'Bt. I stirs catarrh, aetama. rang, threat, rbeamatiam, aervouanaaa, ataasaca, ilver, kidney and kiat manhood. f nat s XB0UBLKS AND ALL BIT ATS .SI8XABES. . Mr remedlea are harmless, eesipeeed ef roots, herbs, bode aad barka especially eelret.d aad Imported direct by es from tha Interior ef China. LT TOT ABB ATTL10TTTJ TJOH'T BELAT. BELATS ABB DAK0EBOUS. If yoe cannot call, write for srmptom blank sd circular. Inci,e 4 cents In stamps, ,; C0N8Tn.TAT101l FBEB. The O. Qse We Chinaae atadloina Oe tCSra yirst St., Ooner atorrtaea. Isrtlasd. 0a, . Please aaeatioa this ssser. LEE YUEN aa so para bt poatiastd, oa. CHINESE PHYSICIAN Ilsvinr studied med. elne for many years sn dor noted doctors of thkia. He cures sll aervona. i.rv. -J J . -.."v .3 rbronle ana prlvats f ', 1 i '"" 1 dlaeaKi ef mea and Women. lie eemnoonds and puta ap for use hla remedies, ths Ingredi ents of which a 'a care fully selected. My rem edies will not destroy your stomach or en danger your lira with aa oueratlos. Zoa take ns risks, ss t see a poisons or druse. I Inanrs quick result at the' lowest pas sible eoeti Call snd see ets if ymt are afflicted. OOHgTJITATIOH TBSB. ansa, eHICHrsTCa-B glLIM " BBf "A. g tVBBl M s stb) . w SjS oWAA gns, KK m Bssl tttflel wMOUa levM, sVe4 -1 Ixevarlktvsra Tat si e t4r. BarhmA Ihisavwad SakwUtHaismt aa4 lt4as (S -. bn ml fm lfmnl, mt as4 si, kal Mel Vetta.r aLatdl Iras. Ut'eT. hf res tin Mall ! iMIIMMitnk.. ftls)es r1 HM1 CALSa'l .... aJ u . k . . a 1bi 1 r f a t 1 . , . S 1 For Kldneyand Bladdir Troubles; - 0-'NT- itELiEYEs jjr , . , , . J DISCHARGES J ' by sll drasslats. it - TRAi:r?cnTAT:c: - 1 1 G vfii "lili. J Trains to the East Daily--i -ThrescS Pollaaa staadard sad atmrlvt aless. s-ears dallr ts Omaba. rbLcase. Spaaaa twlet aiaaplns-eara dally a gaaaas ft. Tamoss reellslas akaireara (aeaia tree) te tbe tut dali. t'nUa tvp.,t taev. Antra. rtlesso-Pbrtland SpeelU fee . tbe it. at via Hnattagton. dir. t:Uaa aS Snoaaae rjtr for Eastrra Wsshlnsrtos. Walla Walla. JT'P- r d'Aieae and - Great Northern pnlot. dallf. Stlt S t:Sass Atlantle RxDrsas for the Bast via BanHnrtea. dally ..: T:tss i cor.rafpTA river Diviaioif. .;. Astoria and way points, eneineettns wtt Jteaawr for Ilwaea aa4 Korta Beaek. eteeeaee Fassalo. sskt. doek. Irsvss S aa. dailr. ff?t.,a",Tl aatnrdav. IS p. as. Arrives about I p. s.. except Sunday. YAMHILL KJVCB ROTTX. foe Darton. Onen Cltv aad XasiMIt Itvae points, steaaiera Ruth sad afedoe. Aah-at. doek. v .7?. dally, except gaadsy (water see. ailttlns). Arrive T JO s. as. dally, eseafl Sunda. - 7 " . . . SMAKI R1TIR BOTTT1. For Lewtatoa. Ida., aad way saints frees Rlparla. Wash., ateamera gpokaae and Lewie, tja leave 8:40 a. m.. er epos arrival Trals No, d, dailr eveeot latorday. Arrive 4 a. aa. iallv evecpt Prldav. - ticket Ottlre, Tblrd and Waehlagtas Sta T'lerhime Mala T't. O. W. KTINOEB. City Tletet Agsas. A. t CBAIO. Oaaeral Paaaeasar Aaeat. EAST a SOUTH Cnloa station Overland Kxpreaa.i Trtlna leeve. Axrire, "w saiem, Koeeburg. Ash-- - --f land, Sacramento. Of den, fan Prasclsee, Stock ton, Los Ararelea. El Psao. New Orleana and tha aaat I:M Sal bibs sts) aiorning train connects at - -. v- - -Worwlhurn dally except Sunday with train for Moont Angai, 8llvertn. ' Prownavllle, gnrlnsflald. W.ndllnf aad Natroa.... :4Sesj fss wusene pseaenser eon- . , - necta at Wood bom with . . Mount Angel and Sllvw- ' ' ' 1 ' ' ton local 4:lRpra W-M swj t orvaiiia paseeacer. -7 :o are nerldaa paaaengeTvi...-. 4 M) pa forest Orove pasaeneer.. MOr45 BO pnt es-es am I11J4P- -ieuv. linsiiv eaeent sonaay. - ErrCB80X-8TREET TA1.0!. Foe Dallaa and lntannadlata DO lota AallV 4:ltl p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. Por time card of Oaweeo aohnrbaa tralaS apr'y st City Ticket Ofdce. .or station: Tickers to Beaters points snd K 'trope; alee yapan. China, Ronntnln and Anatrslla. City Ticket Office earner Third sad Wash a , . DhA. U I vie 1 II. . U T- I I . , " " ft W. BTIN0EB, A. U CHAIO. City Ticket Agent. Oea, Paas. Agent- TIME CARD ,0F TRAINS Portland Colon Depot-. - Leave. Tellowstone , Part-Kane aa Arrive, Cheaalla. Central fa, Olym- ; pla, Oraya Harbor, Booth I . Bend. Tacoma, Beams, npo- 7 - kane. Lewlaton, Butte, Bll- . . linga, Penver. Omaha, Kan- .. j aaa City. Bt. Louts sad ' aootheast, dally am . M aaa Korth Coast Limited, elee- . P-attle, Spokans, Bntte. , Mltmespolla, Bt. Vasl and " the East, dally... :00pm T: sal Poget Sound Limited. fo-. ....... flsremont, Cbehalla. Cen tralis. Tacoma aad Beanie only, flatly 4 .90 pm ' SO pas Twin city si press rnr is- . roma. hVatHo,. Spokane, . HeWna. Butte, t. Panl. . . -, -Minneapolis. Lincoln. St. .. Joeeph. Kansas City. Oma- . ka..8t Louis, without ....... change f cam. Direct con nections for all points Baat and aeutheaat, dally.. 11:48 ym 10 65 par A P. CHAetLTe!. Aaatatsnt Osneval paesea rer Agent. SSS Morrises street, eornar Third. Portland. Or. I Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. " Unltai Deport Leave Arrive Por Mayyera, Ralnbr, Clat. kanle, Weatport, Cllftos. , Aatorla, Warren ton, FIA- veL Hammond, Port Btev- . ens, Oearbart Park. Saaalde 1:00 am ll:aa Aatorla and tesahoe.. as- press dailr T:00 pm tiMssa - All trelaa den . i. C MA TO. O. P. snd P. A.. Astoria. Or. ' C. A. BTE WART, CommercUl Agaat. 48 Aider atreet. Pbose Mala aotV Tprii jla. TMl COMPOvtTABtX WAV. 7 Overland Trains Dally 2 Ths Oriental Limited. Ue Fast ataU" VIA BEATTLB A5D BPOKAWB. v . Pally. Pally. Leave. Arrive. Portland time schedule . To and from Spokane, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis, . Iralnth snd sll points . " WU" u'pS 53 E Te snd from t. Panl. Minneapolis. Dnlnth ... - , . and all polata Bast via Bpokans :1Bpm S:S8 am Brant Borthsra Btssmahhy Oa. Balling from Seattle for Japes and Chins ports and Manila, earrjlag psa. -sengers snd freight. . A B. BTIsaaeeta, April BA . I. B. Dakota., June 7. BIPP0B TUBEB X All HA (Japaa Mall Steamship Co.) I. 8. Bbiasne atsra will sail frean Besttle abont May 1 fr Japan and China Berts, carrytna passangers sad '""par Mcketa,' rates, berta reserva tion, etc., call en er address H. PTCKSOB, a P. T. A, Its T'-4 St., Bertiasd. tmcsa. "REGULATOR LIul The D:!!3S, r;;l!""" Aster. Poets lcive Torfind r ttaliv, e'-- t'. ! Hi)"' c a p. tn , c, y ! i - , s st-1 : - i " r ! ' ( i i