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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
13 1903. THE OREGON VDAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, . SATURDAY EVENING",'. APRIL 21. . ' -, ' . - Fifteen Hundred Requests Re ceived by Journal to Locate Friends or Relatives - In u , ; Destroyed City. v. - SYSTEMATIC SEARCHES - WILL BE MADE FOR ALL Many Homes Gladdened by New ' Tbat Loved Ones Have Escaped- Some Whose Lives Were Saved ... . . -. - Lost All in , Holocaust C ..Lom bard! "Sends Word He Is Safe. . The. Journal .. requests ; that ' 4 Portland people receiving mes- - ) sages concerning , friends and 4 relatives, . - especially - Portland : 4 people. In. the - stricken' city of Ban Francisco, report the aama to this of flee.- This will greatly Taeilltate the work of locating those;. missing and , publication will greatly relieve the anxiety of their friends hers. , , Last evening The Journal notlfed the v public that it- would undertake to locate friends snd relatives In the stricken . city of San Francisco. By S o'clock this ' afternoon it had been requeated to find more than L50U people. In their .hour , ' of distress,, when' telegraph companies - and the tnall service failed the people :of Portland have returned to. The Journal -a Uelr only, hope, and no pains or money will -be spared to serve- them In -. . the best possible manner. Within Hve minutes after The Journal was on the streets last night people be gan to pour Into the office, giving the names of friends snd relatives they wished foupd. Until midnight three men . were kept busy- recording the requests. t Early .this morning the rush began again, lines of people entering the office of The Journal; some with teara in their eyes; .' asking that loved one be found. -,.. Every . request will receive, the ut most consideration. ' In spite of the large number .The -Journal 'has made arrangements to care for all, and sys tematie searches -will be Inaugurated In San Francisco Oakland and the aur . .rounding . towns- When - nawa- Is re ' . cetved that the people inquired for are V safe the fact will be published. In case . - of news of accident or death the Inter ested persons In Portland will bq notl ' fled immediately cither by telephone or special messenger. It is also- asked that If any one who 'has requested The Journal to search receive news .from his relatives -or ; 1 friends, he notly this office so that ' "the search' msr b discontinued snd the " men devote their energies to locating those still missing. ' --;'- ' Mo X.lmi to Bequests. It IS probable that 2.000 will - hsve t filed requests before midnight tonight. The Journal' wishes tt understood that ... any number of requeats can .be accomo . dated, aa the system In use enables search for a large number to be. made "T as easily aa for a few. - ; - Numbers of messages have been re ceived within the paat few hours by - Portland people from friends and rela tives In Ban Francisco, telling of their .. . escape, while others are reported still among the missing. Miss Virgil Middle ton received mes sage from her . mother that she is in Oakland and Is safe. . She lived at 678 O'Farrell street, in San Francisco, snd : ' her home was destroyed. E. C. Hanson received word from Earl Hanson, also in Oakland., that he was -safe.- -. .Thomas Whelen of 548 Everett street, haa been trying aince the disaster to get news of Ms son, Joe, Ban Francisco t manager for Haines, Jones & Codbury ' company, wholesale plumbers, on Mc CAMthur street. This morning Mr. Wba len received a message saying that hm son was believed to be alive and well. 1 Mr. Wbalen haa. a number of relatlves in Ban Francisco, from whom he has ' m had no word. W. M. Kapus received word this morning that his wife's parents were safe, although - their place of business was destroyed, , J. C Oill All SifhS. '. T Word was received this morning from J. K. Gill saying that he .arrived in Oakland in safety and is now on his ' .'' jwsy to Los Angeles. C Lombard!, president of the W. A.' Gordon company, sent word today that ' he-waa safe. - He arrived In San Fran claco a few-minutes before the first earthquake shock. :-, t Tony La Branch of 246 Sixth street this morning received a message from ." Peter Esser asking that be .had - 7 caped. " v John Josephs, a Ban Francisco violin ist well known in Portland, having made 1 -his home irt this ett'y for- several years, escaped with hia family, but lost every thing he owned. His sister. Mrs. A. ' Burr, of 391 Harrison court, received a' ' message thia morning from Oakland, where the violinist and his family have' .'fled for shelter... - - -Mrs.-Smith f-64--NorMTwiwtUth4- street received word this morning from her son, Philip K. Smith, esylng thut i-he -was- all right. : Mrs. W. E. Oman has been assured that her daughter, Mrs. Robert Yates ct San Francisco, is SHfe with her sist'-r , in Alumeda.-' , Miss May Van-Alatlne. daughter of In. K. K. Van Alstlne, telegraphs that she Is safe in Oakland. '" SaU Clak escaped. r , WHlirr TO. anz rvmw mm- wirea inni t the PoctllThd bsscball team hnd a nar- 1 " row escape from dwith. The lm lost everything mhen 'the . ftuas hdtiue col - lapaed, and McCrdie telegraphed for. ' limney and transportation.. Bsrnsrd FlJiherty, son-of K. T. Flah- . ' 1. ' . i - .1 - . 1 . To 'drew th fire out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure bolls, sores, tetter, ccsema snd all skin i and scslp diseases, ase DeWltt'a Witch J mart Halve. A specific Tor plies. Oct the genuine. No remedy causes such spoedy relief. Ask for DeWltts the .genuine. ' '. : ANOTHER D LL 0 APPROPRIATED President Upon Request of Sec retary Taft Asks Congress , N to Aid.. Calif ornians. IMMENSE STORES OF . . SUPPLIES ARE LOST Uncle Sam's Loss Amounts to Three and a Half Millions New Federal Building to , Take Place of" De , stroyed Structures.'" cl' " Joarasl 8ieHal aeniee.J - .' Washington, April 21. Secretary Taft tins morning asked the president to re quest congress to appropriate an addi tional $ 1.000,000 for Ban Francisco. Thi president agreed. In asking for more money Taft said that (00,000 rations wure en -route, to Ban Francisco and blankets, cots and mattresses for 100,000 people., Five carloads or medical sup pllea have been sent from St. IiOula. The loaa p.f stores held for use at Pacitlc posts and the Philippines Will require a large deficiency estimate in order that they be replaced, aa' well aa new ones, for refugees. The, loss Is estimated at 13.600.000. . The house this morning appropriated an additional f 1,000,000 for Ban Fran- Cisco. The president sent a special message recommending that lt&00,00 oe appropriated; . The senate has unanimously adopted the motion directing Secretary B haw- to submit at the earlii-st possible , moment an estimate of the cost of erecting steel structures icTTeplace thuiledweal build' In as destroyed in San Francisco. . The Surgeon-general .haa been, notified. that .Lieutenant Pulls is the only army officer Injured at San Francisco. He haa regained consciousness and may recover. . ,.;- erty of the Touag-Smythefield wired that he waa all right.7 r Co., Fred T. Merrill la anxiously awaiting news of his many relatives In Ban Fran Cisco. He has repeatedly telegraphed to ascertain whether all had escaped. . Mrs. E. J. Hickman, wife of the local manager of the Pacific States Telephone company, sent a long-distance telephone meaaaga to her husband saying. Shi was ssre at Berkeley, Miss, O'Reilly. sister ' of Drake O'Reilly,, wired her mother that she waa safe In Berkeley. George H. Pearson, received a message from his brother, Allen, spying that he snd his father were In Oakland.. The father's . commission house was destroyed,- as was the hotel' at which father and son wera staying. - - Mrs. , O'Neill of Portland received word that her cousin. Father O'Neill, pastor of St, Brandon's church, 4s un harmed and Is assisting the panic stricken sufferers. - r ... Edgar -At- Kelt hley - telegraphed - rela tives that he escaped to Bel vedere, but lost everything. : s . ' Paper Compaay tuff ers. Other measages announcing the safety of Portland people have been received .from Miss Myra Thompson, Charles Dan ford. Ernest Seelblnder, R. C, Ken neday, J. H. Bates, Edward Dqn, Her man J. Cohen, F. I. Wincbell and Mra W. H. James. .Tba .Pacific Paper-company- has , rei celyed a message from William How art h, general manager -of the EVerett Pulp 4c Paper company, aa follows: - -"Wa' are all: safe. - All our clients' stores and sll paper stock destroyed." Hugh McOuIre said this morning that he estimated the value qf the paper stocks In San Francisco at" the time of tbe fir at 13,000.000. Telegrams were received this morn msTjfrom. Marysvilla,- California,- that Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goldsmith of 787 Ullsan street, escaped from the doomed city with. their three children and will arrive In Portland this evening. Mr. Goldsmith and family were at the-Holel Dorchester at the time of the earth quake and had a. narrow escape. Miss Griffs wired relatives that she escaped to Bt. Helena. J. P. O'Brien, with his party in a spe cial car. Is on the way to Portland. News has been received that Mrs. Edna Johnson Styles, who bad ber home in Portland prior to her marriage, es caped from1 San Francisco with her husband and Is safe at Oakland. Refugees from Ban Francisco who ar rived this morning aay that Mone Gunat was among the missing when they left the destroyed city. The members of his family became separated during the excitement and no trace of him had been secured up to the time the refugees left. MOTHER AND SISTERS MISSING IN 'FRISCO ' (Josraal Special Servlre.) Des Moines, Iowa, April 21. On board the government relief special is Joseph W. McCeary, who Is In charge. Beaides worrying about getting - the train through as quickly ss possible, he has the fact preying on his mind that a mother and three sisters are sufferers. If not lost In the disaster. Eartbqnakes la Tascasy. (Journal Special Service. Rome. April 21. Thirteen earthquakes are reported In Tuscany this morning. . General and Mrs. Frederick Funs ton. nd Oakland , . . - ... n w rnivm awes vaaaea uoout i . l j I - " Allen tt Lewis' Best Brand. . . l- V' xk CJ.f . AT - ' 1 s i iv MJ li s ' .If- B t ' - 'VfO ' EMI I ' r - . - a a u a a'- ... a, -J. i '. IB GEER AIID JUKE (Continued from Page One.) Secretary of state Benaon SI, Oatch 32, Pearc 13, Wrlghtman . - r- Treasurer Aitkin 13, Carter 17, Hoy t 29. Jennings . Ryan 4. Steels IX. . Supreme Judge-a-Eaklq 77. Attnrney-genemt draw ford tl, Dur ham IS. . "' . . .' ' Superintendent prfbllo t Instruction Ackerman tl. State printer Clarke 14, Dunrway 40, Whitney 34. ' ' Commissioner of labor Hoff Ur- The Democratic primaries gave Gearin and Chamberlain i votes, and about the same to other candidates on the state ticket. " . . . . - ' ; - ' ...', , .' Dallas, Volk Couaty. : ' ' (Special Plspstck to The JosrnsL) ' Dallas, Or., April 21. Complete re turns from Republican primaries in Polk county are as follows: I'nlted 8Uites senator Bourne 1S4, Caka 30S. Lowell 230i. . j Congress Hawley 465, Huston ' 20(, Toose 63. . .: .- ... Governor Geer 23(, Johns 241, Wlthycombe 271. Secretary of stats Benson 217, Gatch 462, Pearce 212. State treasurer Carter 332, Hoyt 231, Steel 13. . - i. State printer Clarke 175, Dunlway 4S1, Whitney 25. . State representative Twelfth die trlot.. Lincoln and Polk. Cooper 8(6, Jones 63$; Polk county, representa tive. J. H. Flower 7, C. L. Hawley 432, B. 11. McCallon 459. This is the entire Polk county Repub lican primary vote The --raca for sheriff Is very close. At present the in dications are thst Frsser wins. -For Democrats the vote is light. Galloway lending for cpngress. - Za JreWberg Preoiacts. . ' ' rSnsetsl Disrates to Tbe Journnl.l ' Newberg, Or., April 21. Newberg north and south precincts give: . Governor Chamberlain -- tt - 39, Wlthycombe 122, Geer 4$, Johns 23, Brown 10, Sehlbrede 1.' Tnltert - States--Senator--Bourne--24, Cake 117. Lowell 35, Smith 11 Watson 4. Geurln (D) 36. . ' Congreasman Hawley 101, Huston 38. Toose 73, Cochran (D) j 3, Galloway (D) 23. . Secretary of State Benson 60, Gatch 99. Pearce 1. - Wrlghtman ' 12. Broat (D) 36. ' , ' State Treasurer Aitkin 84, Carter 106, Hoyt 12, Jennings 13, Ryan It, Bteel 29. Matlock u ss. Supreme Judge Eakln 137, Hatley iD) 84. - - - . - - - Attorney-General Crawford 160, Dur ham 37, Miller (D) 33. , State Pttnter Clarke- 24. Dunlwsy 180. Whitney 27, Taylor (D 33. . Commissioner of Labor Hoff 174. Joint Representative Tillamook and Tamhlll Beals J9, Houser 97, Thomp son 14. - "T -' State Senator Edwards .,'163, Howe 42. Caldwell (D) 35. a Representatives Bonee 74. Crawford 114, Irvlna 34, Stlllwell 89. Hendrlck (D) 34, Hendricks D 83.., County Judge Bird si. .nelson 40, Wlnslow 113, Pearce (D) 85.. ; ..... Yte at Astoria. " "-ISpeehU Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) - ' . AStoria.- Or.. -April - 21. The state ticket gives the following total returns at handa: . - - - ? I'nlted States senator, short term Mulkey 414; full term, Bourne-Jr. .270, Cake 230. Repreaentatlva Ellis . 136, . Lachner 213. : '. - Governor Geer 243, Wlthycombe 242. Secretary of state Benson 197, Gatob 23IT. Treaauer-Carter lWHoyrTtorSteel 104. Supreme Judge Eakln 644. Attorney-general Crawford 404, Dur ham 186. t : Superintendent public Instruction Ackerman 467. State, printer Clarke 113, Dunlway 316, Whitney 200. Commissioner of labor Hoff 468. The Democratic primaries , will be counted today. - . - .1 la Columbia County. ' , (Speelal IMapatcti to Tbe Journal.) -Clatskanle, Or., April 21. The Repub lican .vote waa aa followa:. Senator Bourne 23, Cake 60,. Lowell 6, Smith 8, Watson 2. Representative Ellla 26, Lachner 60; Rand 10, Shepherd It. Gov ernor Brown 14. Geer 67, Johns 19. Sehlbrede 2, Wlthycombe 11. Secretary of State Benson 67, Gatch 22, Pierce 4, Wrlghtman 6. Treaaurer Aiken 7. Car ter 22, . Hoyt . 41. Jennings U. Ryan 6, Steels 14. Supreme Judge Eakln 83. Attorney-General Crawford 61, Dur ham 33. Superintendent of Publlo In struction Ackerman 82. State Printer Clarke 89. Dunlway 88, Whitney. 14. Commissioner of Labor Hoff 64. atasntts at Bandoa, - - (Special Dlapateh te Tbe -Jotirsal.) Bandon. Or., April 21. The results here were: . ' Governor Chamberlain (D) 26, Brown 14, Goer 37, Johns 2,' Sehlbrede 16, Wlthycombe 22. Senator Gnarin (D) 25, Bourne 22, Cake 10, Lowell 15, Smith 13, Watson. 12. ( la Soathera Oregon. Special rUpatrk to Tbe Journal.) Ashland, Or., April 21. The vote tn Republican primaries was aa follows: I'nlted States senator Bourne 112, Cake 121, Lowell 22. Smith 106, Watson 41. For.-governor Brown 37, Geer 127, f V m m m mm m L M mm It J The General Is Directing the Military Government of San Francisco Mrs. Punaton Is Active in the Relief Work. . ' - ' -', ' . . . Xt v v,w mmmmimwr . ,- . "i i-''. . -. ,3 - gto- if t 1& r rs X " v -e" . - ft t2r- - - Johns 65, Sehlbrlde 15. WJthycombe 181. -Congress Hawley 185,. Huston 116, T,ooe 118. - ' State treaaurer Atkln 4, Carter 320, Hoyt 20, Jennings 8, Ryan 6, Steele. 11, Joint representative Buchanan 80, Hansbrough 63. JUddle 30, Vawter 230. UAYOR SCHMITZ GRATEFUL FOR TIMELY AID v Says San Francisco Needs Fifty ThousandCanvasCots.-i., Blankets and Bedding. , - Mayor Lane received several meeaagea from Mayor E. E. Schmitx of San Fran cisco this morning, in one of which he thanked the people of Portland for re sponding so liberally snd said that pro visions would. b most acceptable. In another telegram hs said the city , re quired 60.000 canvas cota, also blankets and bedding. All such Supplies should be-directed - to-the citizens' relief com mlttee. In a third telegram he asked for all automobile supplies. - especially inner and outer tires, that Portland could furnish. Much of the business of the city is now done in motor cars. M. Purdue, secretary of the chamber of commerce of Medford, notified the mayor this morning that a car of pro visions was ahlpped from that city yes terday and that additional subscriptions wera being mads . today - . n The- people . of Coos county raised 83,000 last night besides loading the steamship Breskwater with provisions for San Francisco. '" The .ateamer will leave this morning and - tomorrow a schooner of livestock and lumber will be shipped. The Coos ' people- asked Mayor Lane by telegram to notify the officials In Ban Francisco that the sup plies will arrive In that city Saturday, Marshfleld has no communication with San Francisco except by way of Port land. '.' " ' ' : . -- Joseph Jefferson Paintings. (Journal Special IWvlee.) - New Tor.t, April 21. The- Joseph- Jof- ferson collection of paintings was placed on exhibition 'at the American art 'gal leries today preparatory to being sold the latter purt of .next week. ' Among the artists represented In the collection are Corot, Israels, Kever, Maes, Couture, Daubigny, Galneshorough, ; Reynolds, Lawrence and Rembrandt. a a a a BFWBBBPaavvaBmavBBBBiw Three new Photographs , of , John D. Rockefeller taken aa he was leaving his house in New York to feturn to Lakewood,- New - Jersey. Sketch below shows analysis of Mr, Rocke fellers attire. r" REPRESENT STATE OF Governor Chamberlain.: Appoints Myers and Leadbetter , Commissioners. '" TO FIND OREGON PEOPLE AND ASSIST SUFFERING Leadbetter Already in San Francisco and Myers Leaves .Tonight, Paying " His Own Way Will Open Head quarters and Do All They Can. lI Governor. Chamberlain" this morning sppolnted President Fred W. Ic ad bet ter of the Commercial-club and Jeffer son Myers commissioners to represent the state of Oregon in Snn Francisco, to rook after Oregon cltisens in the stricken city and aid In the work of locating friends and relatives of Oregon people. They hsve alao been Instructed to cooperate with the Authorities In the name of the state and do anything- In their power to , relieve the suffering thousands. .Mr. 'Leadbetter Is already in San FrartcTSdo, and 'Mr. Myers will leave tonight, going entirely at his own expense, having refused to take relief money. " OovernoT Chamberlain - this morning mailed to each of the commissioners the following letter: "Because of the fad that many clti sens of Oregon were In San Francisco during ' the disastrous earthquake and fire, and many now In this state have relatives or friends there, I hereby an- polnt-yott-a-oommtssloner" to represent Oregon at or near San Francisco, In order that you may cooperate with the ruthorltlea in charge to do whatever Is best to be done, not only to assist our many citizens and their relatives .1 -i.-.i w..- - . . . -mu il"-. uui n khsisi in alleviating the sufferings of sll persons who are in need of aid." j immediately upon the arrival of Commissioner Myers, an .Oregon head quarters will be opened and everything possible done to carry out the wishes of the governor. . . , Oregon cities are coming to the front In the matter of sending relief to the stricken district. Governor Chamber lain mis momma; received a message irom mayor Herman Wise of Astoria as follows: "We have collected carload of aalmnn snd will ship today. Ws ask permis sion to send pilot schooner San Jose to San Francisco with relief supplies." Governor Chamberlain Immediately wired Mayor Wise, that he was willing for the schooner to be so used if such action met with the approbation of ths pilot commissioners.-"T .-r i-.-.r ----- ; , The board of trade of Ashland tele graphed the governor this morning that one car-of - supplies would be shipped at noon today. Mayor J. L. Kelly of The Dnlles Informed the governor, that four cars of supplies were shipped to San Francisco last night and more would fallow within a day. - . The governor received numerous mes sages from towns throughout the state saying that relief supplies were being collected for - the San Francisco suf ferers snd would be shipped as soon as possible. ' . . EXCURSION TO SEASIDE. ' Sunday, April B8. The second popular 31. 50 excursion to Seaside via the A- C, R- R. will leave the in Ion Depot next Sunday at 8 a m. Ticket sale limited to seating ca pacity of train. Call at 248 Alder street sny day during the week fort tickets and avoidthe rush at ths Union Depot Sun day mornings. -w For information ' telephone C A. Stewart, agent. Main 806. Preferred Stock Canaed Ooods. Allen a. Lewis' Bast Brand. OREGON WORST IS OVER (Continued from Page Ona) laat night for bedding and Hnors Is be ing received today at . the three large concentration camps. None perished laat night from exposure during the cold, foggy hours, although many suf fered severely, particularly women and children. For the flrat time everybody bad enough to eat last night. " j Chinatown haa moved bodily across the bay to Onkmnd, mucn to ine in dignation of the cttlsena. 'Oakland is suffering from the influx of strangers. One hundred thousand people in the stricken city have quartered there In addition to its regular population.- Peo ple have heroically shared every bit of rood and clothing, even drinking water, with the refugees. ; v meilef Work Profrrsssinr. Relief work s progressing systemat ically and rapidly. Mayor Bchmlts and General Fupstnn are working together rom the newly - established headquar ters at Fort Mason, from which they are directing affairs. Fort Mason- with its great magazine narrowly sscaped de structlon during the night, but It Is now thought to be safe . from the flames. , . - On four sldea Of Holy Cross cemetery the fire ragvd throughout the night. destroylng..many fine residences of that section clear to Golden Gate park. The fire is burning itself out this .morning, checked by natural obstacles. Preparations are being made for .the work of rebuilding the city. Orders' for Immense quantities of cement have been placed In London,- and all quarries in the state have received orders for Im mediate delivery of stone, while lumber mills will be running for a, year at full est capacity to fill the orders already in. Postofflo Bssnmss. Today an attempt was mads to re sume the postof flee business at the ferry, station and at the main build ing. The mail supplies have been found Intact at the main structure, though the building will, probably have to be abandoned. : Postmaster Fluke states that he can resume Interna tlonalpuuL- -. T . '. , The srmy's steps preventing the rampant vandalism have restored the confidence of the people. Merchants are ordering stocks and buildings will be erected at -once. -Every available man Is being hired to clear away debris. - - - - ,.'. i SQUATTER GETS DAMAGES . AGAINST SHEEP MEN : (Special Dispatch 'to Tbe Journal.) Enterprise, Or., 'April 21. Last Jan uary Kernnn Brothers, a firm dealing tn sheep in this county, drove a large num ber of their flock Onto-the claim of one Stevens,. a. settler on government land. Stevens brought suit to recover damages against "Kernan Brothers fir trespassing upon his claim, and in the circuit court today was awarded a ver dict In the sum of 376. - RELIEF MEETING AT BETH ISRAEL TONIGHT Portland Lodge No. 416. I. O. B. B., will hold a special meeting at the vestry rooms of Temple Beth Israel, Twelfth and Main streets, this evening at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of devising means for the relief of the San Fran cisco members. A full attendance is expected....: , . Asked for Intruotlonev ... ! From - Harper's - Bssar." - Caller Nellie, ia your mother InT Nellie Mother Is out shopping. Caller When will she return. NellleT Nellie (calling back) Mamma, what shall I say nowT, ' - .Was Spoiled by Being ; Njffi-., Ij. : $ 23 f 'i'.e-t-' 1 1 ! f Mr. and Mrs. Willie woiner, now Divorced LIST OF DEAD IS PLACED AT 700 Strangers Killed by Hundreds Ir Hotels and Many Perished ? " in the Flames. FRENZIED CROWDS IN ' : " TELEGRAPH OFFICES Many Trying to Get Word to Dear Ones in Far-Away Cities of Their Safety Ten Thousand Escape De- : struction, . , , ,; ' fSptdal Dispatck te Tbe Joarsil.) Oakland. Cel.. April 21. Later esti matea place the number of dead at TOO.. This is a guess, as is every attempt to place the loss of life. Strangers were krtled by hundredsMn the hotels, whose names will never be known, and whose bodies will never be recovered. - The pro visions of- Oakland and the. other bay ' cltleh are unable to meet the demands of ths 160,000 'hungry refugees, but the'. relief sent . by other towns, is rapidly - arriving and distress will be avoided. - In. order to InBure people against gouging. Mayor Mott has issued orders that the stock of grocery stores should . be confiscated if prices were raised be yond . a reasonable rata. Every train.: ' that enters Oakland brings lnada of peo ple from interior towns seeking friends' or relatives in the burning city. The confusion makes tt almost Im possible . to ' And "' missing - parties. Frenzied crowds reach Into the' street in front of telegraph offices trying to. get word to dear onea in other cltlea' The - ' telegraph eempanlea are s wampeif an"t I are utterly, unable . to cope . with the amount of work desired. The telephone companies are likewise overworked and can send but a smsll per cent of measages. , . - '" . Every available craft was rushed ta Melgg'g wharf at the seawall, where 10,000 people were encircled by flames -and for a- time were threatened by the explosions of over 16,000. gallons of petroleum, depending upon time for their lives, ir the fire had reached the oil before the -crowd at the wharf " were transported not a single soul could have- escaped. ' . . MEMORIAL MEETING FOR C0L0NEC HAWKINS The Oregon State Academy of Sciences will, hold a memorial meeting at the city halt "tonight In honor of Coronel - L 'L.-1-Hawkins, who was one of the charter members of the academy and one of those-most interested In It. Papers will be presented ss follows: George H. Williams, 'The Work .' of Colonel Hawkins on the 1 Park Board"; ", J. D. Lee, "Civic Efforts"; Mlaa Gertrude Metcalfe, "What He Haa Done as a Muzama ' In Making ths Mountains Known to the People"; M. W. Gorman, ' Scientific Accomplishments"; Edmund - P. Sheldon, "The Portland-Free Mus eum." - - All members of the Academy of Sciences, the Maxama club, the John Bur roughs club and other societies of which Colonfl Hawkins was a member are es pecially urged to attend. ...... - The meeting fwill beheld st tits city hall at 8 p. m. and ths general publlo Is Invited to be present. - j v Preferred Mock Caaaed Ooods. Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. - The Wife Says the Actot Petted by Women, : A I - ;