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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1906)
;EUEF DEPARTMENT- and Pro Cloth in 2: Frank's Store (Alder Street Door), Olds, Wortman & King's Accommodation Desk,. Llpman & Wolfe's Accommodation Desk, or TELEPHONE MAIN 500 FOR VACCI . GOOD EVENING ' THE WEATHER. - -'':'-!; , . Cloudiness, followed by showers to- . night ; ' Saturday, ' showers, cooler. Journal Circulation Yesterday ., Was 42,710 VOL. V. NO. 39. . PORTLAND,- OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL. 20, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. 2 nu awo mvi FOOD AND MONEY FOR ' ' . . ' ' - - - 4-..- . i., IH 1 1 IMI. till V I 1 1 u IILv I UIIUL1I1 :'.; ; i ? v . -! LimiiVL uhi uii ulj u LU, More Than $100,000 in Cash Al ready Raised in Pprtland---Mayor Calls on Every Citizen to Con-tribute-OneDay's Income toian Francisco Victims. ' jt. To tli P4t of Portlaml. Ore'aon: . . r . ." 'T.""r" .Whareaa, I havt received a meHaage from Governor George Pardee " of California aaylng- that Uier are 300.000 persona fn 8'anf,ranclBco who are absolutely destitute and without food or shelter, and ... . ....'" - Whereas, The conditions in our neighboring city are appalltns;, and tte ' need of help' la- creat and Inlmedlater Uifrefore ' ; ' t I, the mayor of Portland, do call upon all persona--mho are residonts of this eltand who have not Hlready -cowtrlbulfoToThirpajiii n Uoruile the procerda of one day's Income derived -by' lliem from their buHlneaa or lubor,. to be used toward the relief of the homeless and destitute peoplaTif Ban Krannisro, bellevTns; that It will be honestly e- V pended lo a moat worthy ohartty. " HARRY 'LANE,- Mayor. '' ' --...1 - -'''-a- Mora than $100,000 cash has already , been suberlbd In, Portland ,for the re lief of the San Francisco auf ferera. Resides' there is the Heppner relief (und of, $H, 000 and various Lewis and Clark ' exposition atock contributed , wblch will bring the total subscription ..-Jor. trua-relief -fu,nd- beyond-ai M.aoa.-Wk- elusive, ot, the large subscript lona. of - provisions, beddlna; and clothing. ' ' ' It la aald thut the total cash aubacrlp tlnna may reach $250,000. and that aub scrlplloim of provislona and clothing " and bedding will amount In value to . (100,000 additional, . making Portland's t total coiitributloii tj the suiferers "$350,000 The committees will continue their canvass for funda nntll Monday or 'longer If necessary. They will report ' the reeulta of. thivir efforts tonight to KG. Giltner, secretary of the finance committee. Bubacrlptlons deslredJo be mndi by people not Visited by'vfhe com- mlttees can be made direct to Mr. Gilt- ner. , ' . ... ' i Mayor Lane today received a message - from Governor Pardee of California aaylng there were 300,000 homeless people In Sn Francisco; that need for food and shelter was grea. He asked llfo( Immediate relief. Oaa TnOnloaA Ooae. The mayor Immediately"- responded . . that Portland would -extend aid to the sufferers In San Kranciaoo to Its limit; that one large train load of provisions had already been shipped and another , would go out of the city tonight. Mayor Lane Immediately Issued his proclamation to the effect that every man, woman and child in the city Lhouldcontributejme--day'a-eatary or remuneration for work to the -relief ""fund.v If the call fa heeded an Immense sum of money will be raised. - Another call was Issued by the mayor" for the people of Portland to offer their services to care for the refugee's fim the stricken city. One woman' has promised the' mayor that she will pro vide food and shelter for at least 50 of car - be the Unfortunates until they properly cared for otherwise. nbsorlptiona go Far. " The following cash subscriptions have been made: - First National bank. 125 000; Security Having at Trust company, $10,000; v United States National . bank. $B.00f Merchants' National bank, $S,004; Mra. C. H. Lewis, $20,000; Allen LcwK s,ooo; Htudebaker Bros., $500; R. K. Hoge, $500; Wnlter McKay, $500; Brown A McCabe. $100; K. K. Lytic. $100; ueorge Taylor Jr., $100; Rdgar M. Lasarus, $50; Sholes A Mitchell, $20; Tank R. Chambers, $50; H. L. Chapin, ii; u. T. Myers, 100; Alex Kuna. $10; carter weere, lioep-x. r CLitUe, $20: J. ' 13. Tretharn, $15; Prosperity ramp, W. O. $41: R. B. Lamson, $2W; Dr. McGavin.. $; Dr. William Jones, $10; employes of Mason Ehrmna, $73.50; IX W. Miner, $10; Port land union Ktorkyarda, $25; C. F. Levena, $10; Wise Brothers. $26; F. T. filchardson, $100: W. L. Bucknel, $15; K. J. Carr, $.: G. M. Crane, $2; R P. Geary. $25; Willamette Tribe, Red Men, $50; Emmons A Kmnrnns. $10; E. . Jackson at Co., $10; Dr. C. Gee Wo, $10; Keating at Flood. $50; W. I. North rup. $5; Emll Wannderdorf,- $5;. M. J. Warsh A Co.. $6: Portland Optical com pany, $10; -P. j. Cooney, j $5; W. P. Adams, $2.50; O. A. Wolff, $2.60; G. KUg,$5r-rtrude-Metcatf-$10; Wil lamette lodge No. 2.. A. F. ft A. M., $100; Albrns Camp." W. O. AV.. $60; Theodore B. Wilcox, $3,000 (or flour): Ladd A Tllton, $12,600 (or flour); office em ployes-, Portland . Flouring Mills. $174; A. N. "Johnson. ' $10; Pacific Tent A Awning company, $20; A. C. Pike Tent A Awning company. $50; Willamette Tent A Awning company,. $126;. Inman Poillsen Lumber company, $2,500; Meier A Frank COV $6,000; Llpman, Wolfe A Co.. $1,000; I. Iowengart A Co.. $250: Wonder Millinery company,- $6: Ben Selling $300; P. Soiling. $100; IT. C. Leonard,' $2,000; Behnke-Walker Busi ness college.- $10: Irf-o Fnede, $100; Snow' A McCamant, $60; cltlxen. $6; L. 'i-i'V"''a :-. -" - . "" - - k V, - "!- - Wl 1 -. - r ,-- -- . - S. v ' "' I 1 - ' tliilrr IT Berkeley University, where thousands of homeless people 1 are being cared for. (Continued on Page Eleven.) PORTLAND NOBLY ANSWERS CRY Trainloads of Provisions Being Rushed to SufferersRelief Cdmr , mittee Spends Fifteen Thousand of First Twenty Five Thousand With deepest aympatbyand a sorrow that Is unbounded, Portland heard the great cry for help- that arose above the ruins of the once -Mghty city of San Franclaco and responded nobly. 'She opened wide her heart and purse, and there are pourtng Into the southland city from Portland and all Oregon floods of grief and expressions of sympathy In a mor " substantial form.' , Trainloads of provisions food, cloth ing, tents-r-money and everything else that can be used In alleviating the' ap palling situation are bclrjg rushed out of Portland as rapidly as possible. It is estimated that the city will send $250, 000 in money to the stricken city, while provlHlons necessary to csre for a mul titude are being forwarded as rapidly aa they can be collected -The-quartermaster's department of the United States srmy haa taken charge of the transportation and distribution of the' supplies. A conspicuous feature in connection with the desire of Portland to aid her sister In distress Is the wonderful alac rity with which she responded to the rail of The Journal relief department. . , t . c. ;:J! t1 v wmm. Ui. - .-Birdseyt view of downtown San Francisco. J-r ', .' !-rvw 1 1 yoW, ' nf I c4'J.iJVilTw,.''-r .J - - a w rr, jlvsj i si ili ffj . v-- I I w -e- . ; -r,i ' i-i Every building shown in this picture has been destroyed except tnc minu. ., ; i , ' -' .,-u;. ... ., . -. . . .... It waa not five minutes after The Jour nal's call waa made before donations of clothing, groceries, money and every thing else that could . be needed began pouring Into the. office.' . Toojt Actomobilea Busy. ' Since that time bianchea at the thre big department stores of Meier A Frank company, Olds, Wortman A King and Ltpman, Wolfei Tompany "have "been burdened with gifts for the sufferers. Four automobiles and a hHlf dosen -delivery wagona have hurried from place to place In response to announcement that persons had articles they dealred to contribute. ' .. 'Various subcommittees of the gcnerul relief committee met today and dla cuaned thoroughly the various plans and the -sltUMtUm -to date. -The-provlelem committee was , granted $10,000 In addl tlon to. the .$26,000 appropriated yes terday, making a total of $35,000 to be expended on provisions. The sum of $16,600 waa expanded yesterday. - Universal Is the sympathy and desire to aid. In Portland and In all parts of Oregon those who are rich are giving In accordance with the measure of their wealth, while those less fortunate are contributing with an equal generosity, Sacrifices have been numerous, and pa thetic Instanoea have been reported. In the city of Portland charitable and other orgiinlsationa are vielng with each other In providing- provisions and-nec essaries for tne surr,ringinousanu who are doomed to remain In the de vastated waste, where but two .days ago stood a regal city. People's lastltute Helps. . Yhe People's Institute has Joined In theJ.movempnt unanimously. . The entire force of workcre of the Institute has been urged ' by the executive' board to solicit clothing and lend aid In packing boxes to be shipped to the needy. Dreading with an- Inborn horror the mention of an earthquake br volcanic eruption, sons of Italy and Sicily In this city took prompt means to sld the un fortunates In San- Francisco, Always expecting and frequently receiving dis astrous news from their home neuf the dangerous Vesuvius they readily ap preciated the suffering in San Fran cisco. The local colony la planning to send Iwo carloads of provisions and supplies to the south' early next week. A mass meeting of Italians will be held Sunday morning at- 10 o'clock In Eagles' hall. Second and .Yamhill streets, to arrange for sending .relief to the California un fortunates, - . PorkUid Hirt Booaomias. . Portland must deny -Iteelf In the wr of food for the next few days. Bread especlslly must be used sparingly In or der to feed the hungry multitudes In California. - Portland has bean called upon for everything In the way of. eatablt-s that can be shipped. The provisions com mittee of the general relief committee has purchased every article In the-, city that may he eaten after being shipped to . t)aa - Jr'ranclsco, The supply 'aaa Telegraph Hill Region, the Mission-District and the.Western Addition Add - for the Devastating Flames. WORK OF REBUILDING RUINED V CITY TO BE BEGUN IMMEDIATELY Relief Trains Arrive With Food and StipplTes for the HomelessWork of Gathering U Pithe DeadU Is Begun in Earnest. , Oakland, April 20. (Bulletin.) Belief is growing that the loss of Ufa Is only 600. . A hundred thousand refugees are ticre. Dealers have been notified that If they are caught raising the prices of goods their stocks will be confiscated by the authorities. General Funston ' states that the flames have been partially checked at Octovla. street and are now confined to Telegraph hill. 'A large burned space lies between the present Are and the untouched district further west. It Is not believed that the" flames will start agHliv-unleee-through the Ignorance of people who start fires in, stoves. Not a chimney In town Is safe for stove fires. been exhausted, but will reach Its nor mal condition again In- a day or two. This morning tneicommrUee pro cured 30,000 loaves of bread and 200 hams are being boiled in order to ba shipped tonight. Every can of meat on the Portland market haa been secured by the committee, which Is sparing no energy, or. expense, to aaalaL the unfor-4 tunates. Among the many contributions that have, been received by the committee are 3.000 barrels of flour from the Port land Flouring mills, 25 barrels of flour from the McMillcn Grain company. 76 barrels of flour from the Pacltlc Grain compsnyi , Astoria notified the provisions com mittee that a carload of salmon had been prepared an would be- sent to this rlty immediately to be forwarded: to San Francisco. -- - Work of The Journal. In carrying on Its work The Journal relief department was assisted by auto mobile and delivery Arms and others Numerous inquiries reached The Journal yesterday aa to the way in which dona tions and contributions should be made. (Continued on Page Twelve.) Washington, D. C. April SO. (Bul letin) Heyburn announced in the sen ate that it waa a physical ImpoBHlbility to hold the federal courts called to meet In San Franclaco during the May term, consequently he will Introduce a resolution-permitting the courts to meet in Portland Instead. Francis J. Heney, who is here. Is a heavy loser In the San Francisco fire. His residence and law library, the latter worth $25.000, "is believed to have been destroyed, with no Insurance. -Two battalions -of the- Twentieth lnfan try, second squadron. Fourteenth cavalry, have been ordered from Monterey to San Francisco. McCalla reporta that the cruisers California and South Dakota are. uninjured. . , - - j-.-.- McCalla wires from Mare island that he. visited San Francisco during laat night, and says that the loss of life Is badly -aggerated.'-"';''''-- Waulngton. April SO.-Bulielin.) -Secretary Shaw waa notified this morn ing that the San Francisco 'jubtreasury had been destroyed, but the $33,000,000 in the vault had been saved and waa guarded by soldiers. The message was signed by J. M. ' McClure, bookkeeper, who apparently did good work in the absence of his " superlorrThe " depart-" " ment here .J convinced that Subtreas urer Jacobs and Caahler Burns loat their lives. , '....;.- .. -- (Journal ggectal 8rvlee.l 1 Oakland. Cai.. April 20. The entire city of San Francisco seems doomed" to destruction : ss the flames are still spreading. Fires are still burning In the westein addition, having swept Telegraph Hill and have completely gutted th Mission district clear to the foothills. From Nob Hill fires have spread down Broadway and are raging among the few remaining business houses In the commission district. This noon the fire continues beyond alt control, - weeping 6h toward the Potrero, where there are thousands of (Continued on Page Eleven.) JOURNAL WILL HELP FIND YOUR MISSING RELATIVES 4 If any person has relatives In San Franclaco from whom he haa not ; d heard. The Journal will give its best efforts to help him find them. 4 Send the name of the missing person and his address to The Journal office. These will be advertised In the Oakland newspapers and any 4 answer will be forwarded to The Journal, which will publiah all such re- 4 porti WW 'V r 1- i .. " - .: :.'.. .'.A:'-'-t B t- . . f hiM : fl TMW .' liti I! pkk rrmm- i $,sr .' " - .ii.Ll-i. i. i I " i l'r r--T--Tr-T-'-r - -rT-rni i m.wI ffc , . . ' - t , J . . ...... ' V i ) , ' w f Courthouse at SanU Row, Cal., destroyed by tb carUiuaia.