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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
g daily journal, fostlaud, Thursday evening, april 19. leca. a Llcicr O Prcnli's 047th Friday Surprise Sale 8 Valises a $4.&5 Tomorrow's Great Surprise Salt bargain fri Portlands Lead. tog Cloak and Suit Store will attract an enthasiattlc throny of buyera 300 women'a new, up-to-date walking aktrta to be sold at a marvelonsly low priceThey come from a tklrt maker whose product, we have been aeKing many yeara with entire satisfaction -Rlack, bhqe and gray Panama cloths TH three stylesr Alternate panel plaited front and back, button and strap trimmed Fifteen-gore, each alternate gore tailor strapped-HE very skirt well made and finished The best skirt bargain ever offered for the money. Regular $a.00 value tomorrow Your choice at this low pric Stk-st. wUdw display Mo mall ot hens orders tiled plaa so ww sarly. the money yi V Q rrow only- pfQj) $11'.? 5 Netis for 59c a Yard 2000 yards'of 45-inch Nets in cream and white, figured and dotted effects for waists, dresses, etc. Splendid styles in good assortment-Point de Esprit Nets in black, nile, n, navy and red; values up to $1.75 a yard; on sale tomorrow at, yard. . . brown, 5000 yards of wide Swiss Embroideries in beautiful patterns and great assortment, 9 Q- to 18 in. wide ; values up to $1 yard, to be sold tomorrow only at this low price,-yd. f C Mcr Q Frank Lawn and Garden Implement? Spading Forks for, fach.. ...... 6 Weeding Forks for, each". . . . . . .64 Garden Trowels for; each. . . , ,,4f -1 lea vy Garden Trowels ...... 8 Grass Hooks, special......... 24V Grass Shears, special. ,. .... . . 28. Twin Lawn Sprays...... .....28. $1.00 Lawn Sprays for.. 80 ?5c Rakes for, each. ,62 , 65c Rakes for, each .......... 53 60c Rakes for, each. . 41e , 75? Shovels for, each...... 7. ;.62 60c Hatchets for, each; . . .', , . .49 Lawn Mowers, all the best models at the very lowest prices. Garden Hose in all ' grades and lengths lowest prices. - Screen 1 Doors and Windows Screens, all sizes and shades. Best line of Refrigerators in the city -all, ' ' Special sa of "Peninsular" Stoves and - Steel - Ranges, Gas Stovesand-Horriafesr Nickel-plated Towel Racks, 15-inch;. regular 35c values. .281 18-inch Towel Racks at....... 36 Meier. gV Franks 847th Friday Surprise Sale 10,000 Pairs orSilfc Gloves - : . . i . . " ' Black, White, Colors 55c Pr. 10,000 palrt of Women's short SUk Cloves at a price below what we can buy them for; ahoqld result In the busiest Friday our popular Clove Store has ever known All the best styles and shades Every pair double-tipped fingers White, black, mode, brown, ten, navy and champagne Every pair perfect and of standard quality Full range of sixes The best 75c values for tomorrow only your choice at the very low price of, per pair . ; . . Mail orders promptly filled See Fifth-Street Window Display 55c Nickel - Plated Bath Supplies Air Special Prices .""Nickel-plated Towel Racks, with ' two arms f"75c values at. ; ,60e Single Towel Rings for 12 Double Towel-Rings for.. ...68 Toothbrush Holders for. .... .52 Glass Holder at, eachT.T. .... .40 $1.00 "Soap Dishes for, each... 80 50c Soap Dishes for, each..... 40 Totlet Paper Holders for..... 20 Toilet Paper Holders for... ...8 Match Holders for . .. .... . ,.20 Sponge Holders for....... ...60 Comb, Brush Holders for".;... ,80 Whisk Broom Holders for... ',12?' Mirrors, oak frames, 9x12 in. L(aa. Regular foe values for. .7.' OUC $1.50 Mirrors for, each. . ..V. 1.30 All kinds of bath supplies sold -here at the lowest prices Basement The Meier & Prank Store Will C::;? For Tomorrow's 847th Surprise Salo $25 Vafaes at $ 1 5.55 EacLi A phenomenal offering of men's high-grade Spring and Summer Suits for tomorrow's fl47th Friday Surprise Sale 300 of them in ail the most desirable styles ana mate rials IT best product of ths leading man ufacturers in the land By far the grandest values in fine suits ever offered at this sea son of the year. - A very large variety of patterns Including a complete line of grays,' pearl gray, silver gray, dark grays, gray mixtures Plain, neat overpjalds and small checks Regular or college cut, single or double-breasted sacks. also the new garment hand straight-front- styles Every beautifully tailored throughout. finished, perfect fitting-- All sixes -gSuits we sell hundreds of regularly at $22.30 and $25.00 each Your choice tomorrow only at this wonderfully low price See Window Display Economical men will supply their Summer clothing needs torn $15.85 300Hdb.g,tT29c place on sale in the We will Leather Goods Section -for to morrow's 847th Friday Surprise Sale a great special lot of 300 patent leather Handbags with 9 Inch frames, ; fitted with c6in purse, gold frame Very best style A useful article for every woman- Regular $1 values, while they last tomorrow your choice at, ' each SeeJFifth Street Window Display NkTMail or Phone Orders Filled NotionsDrugSundric s Imported Tooth Brushes; rem- .1 tar see vaiuea ior...r. .Xbf olid wood-buck Hair Bruahea. guaranteed; 75c vaiuea. 49e Bath BruahaeswUh-Tir with out handles, for, .t . . . .19 ..Sapolln Furniture Polish". 18d Stovepipe Enamel ...... .18? Floor Stains and Var. - ntahea 28 4 Bo, tOo Shaving- Bruahea. 33a Emery Boards, 10 Id pkc..T Pumlre Stone, special . Berndo CaatUe Soap,. 1-pound - ban, le Jor, . . . 16 -Back . and ... Bide . Comba,.., shelT and amber; great vih.lDf If, 11.11 Fancy Comba..8 Mounleddunba, Cach....l2 W'oodbunrjFclal Boftp..l6e Phyalclan'a md Surgeon's Soap ; 84 Lily Tolje, t8oap-1- cakee. 6 e 4-ln-one Cantlle Boap. bar.3y Falrbank's Glycerine Tar Soap, . on sale at. cake.... 44) 'Fine Toilet Boapa, I cakea In bos, ail odors. at......Ht Steel Nail Fllea, each.,..lB Baoltol Tooth PaHte. . . ...IB 7 So Stand Hand Mirrors.. 6tt 7s.4l oxJ"aie,Tr-all flnlshes, box - 94 Fancy 8helf Paper, all colore; TaT"valtfw awaen shgts,34 Eaton Hurlburt's Fine Linen - Paper, special. boz....l9 tSo Writing Tablets for..l6 Town: Topics Hflllf. Kuker., Kmpire Lyric . Uraad Hear .. TOKIOHrS AUTTSmiMTS. . .Crcitoa Clarke la "Moaelear Beaaeaire" Musical Barlvsque "Bosaoka' ' Wlttm AttDt" Vaudeville ...Vandetllle Ths Oregon Water Power Railway romnar.v has rranted an advance of "cents per hour to trolley men and 1 cents per hour to freight brakemen. making ths rates of wages S7H cents per hou for mptormen and conductors. 2 cents per hour for rreignt oraaemen, and tl cents per hour for trolley men. It is said ths negotiations preceding the raise were entirely peaceable, and at no time did the men entertain any sug gestion of a strike. ' The officers or the company had the qusstlon of a raise of pay under consideration and were favorable to the proposition from ths time ths first request for an advance -was made, and ths only problem before President Hurlburt and Superintendent Field Was that of a Just apportion rnent of -increase. V " - Mineral Springs Hotel 'company, les sees. Amos D. St. Martin hot springs, Carson, Washington. Js without doubt ths best health resort in the, north west. Hot mineral baths for curs of rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Excellent table, electric lights and steam heat: fins trout Ashing. . Take steamer Srencer or Regulator boats. . We are oben Sunday from 1 to S, en abllng ths buay man or woman to have portraits made when they have time to It for them. Our newly equipped studio enables us to compete with any similar Institution in the world, therefore we warrant every portrait absolutely per fect. Moors s studio, Elks' building. Seventh, and Stark. ; li-Flanders, John S.' Kennedy and M. Tal hot are visiting points of Interest on ths I Wlllamatt an folllmhl rl,.r tnAmw on ths steamer undine of ths Karom line. Ths altee for the. bridges .will be visited and ths party will extend their trip up the river some distance above Vancouver. Mr. Kennedy Is one of the directors of ths Northern Pacific. 'He has Just returned from southern Call' fomla, wharf be spent, ths winter. Owing to ths terrible calamity In San Francisco ths house commutes of the Irvlngton Tennis - club has , decided to postpone ths lsst of Its subscription dances until sometime next month. Penney Bros.' , Friday Special Five hlar barsaina In wine: tl.SO grade of whits or red Port at Il.oe per gallon. 1160 trade of Angelica at $1.00 per gaU Ion, 11.10 grade or Maoeria ai per gallon, $1.10 grade of Tokay at $1.00 per gallon. Phone Eaat t$7. . Free delivery. I79-$$l Eaat Morrison. :, '. Early Roses DdrVt let' ths' bugs spoil your early, roses. Get a hand sprayer and a can of. Dlsparene. Equipped with this . Inexpensive outfit you can keep vour rose bushes and plants Tree from insects all aummer. Portland Seed Co., Front and Tamhlll streets. Vote . Vote (I. Via. Vote t Vote Vote tl. Worklngman's friend Davis. Oppose corporate greed. Da . Economy, lower tax. Davis. Our interests mutual. Davis. Anti-graft, no boss. Davis. Owing to ths calamity that has visited . San Francisco the Scottish Rite Masons of this city have indeflntely postponed their "Xt Home" which was to take place tomorrow night in the cathedral The batiks representing the Portland Clearing House . will be closed all day Friday, the 20th Inst., that day being election day and a holiday. J. L. Hart non, manager Portland Clearing House. For Sn Francisco. Ths elegant steel siesmship Rdondo sails direct Friday evening April JO. Cabin $11. steerage $, meals and berths Included. C H. Thompson, agent, 11$ Third street. C. K. Walborn, furniture repairing, pol ishing, pscklng. shipping. .Tel. East $1$1. ' C..M- Levey, president of the Porllsnd r Seattle Railway company; J. Couch Jr. R. Whitney, Ststs Printer, who is now serving his first term, . has mads an efficient, obliging officer, and stands upon his record in asking for a second term, vote for him. Concrete Construction Co., 701 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stons blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 184. Butser's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates ths shabby lawn: his swset peaa and lawn grass got gold medal at ths fair. iroai, niwan xaraniii ana layior. Tota $8. Vats IS. Vots (8. Vote II. Davis. L. M. - Statement No. 1. Davis. Municipal ownership. Davis. Always square deaL Davis. watches, diamonds and jewelry on easy paymsnts. $1 down and to cents per week. All mainsprings $1; all watchss cleaned $1. Metsger 4t Co., Ill Sixth st Judge Webster's reelection. His record Is first class and he has saved ths county 10 times his salary. Judga Webster Is the first man to pay off ths county debt. Next term he will maka lower taxes and build good roads. Y Vote for Vsn C Dunning for Repub lican nomination for . count coroner. No: 111 on the ballot. Judge Webster's reelection means lower taxes.' He has already saved ths county thousands of dollars In Interest. Vote for Van C. Dunning for Repub lican nomination for' county coroner. No. Ill on ths ballot Ws ara stIU selling eye glasses at $1. a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger A Co., ill Sixth street Vots for Van C Donning for Repub lican . nomination for county coroner. No. in on the ballot Ring up nsw number, Main $. Zlm- gelbel, sign painter, removed to tot Washington street ' . Vote for Vsn C. Dunning for Repub lican nomination for county coronsr. No. Ill on ths ballot , . ... John H. Altken Is ths logical candi date for state treasurer. Vots for him at ths primaries. .. Vots for Van C. Dunning for Repub lican nomination for county coroner. No. Ill on ths ballot Judge Webster kspt his premiss and paid off ths county debt He should bs reelected.; Vote for Vsn C Dunning for Repub lican nomination for county coroner. No. Ill on ths ballot ... Cedar nark ODenlnB- Rnndav mualA dancing and attractions. Car a hlril and Alder. , ' , , , ,. Presiding' Judge Alfred 'F. Sears Jr. announced this morning that there will bs no sessions of ths circuit court to morrow, owing to ths fact that it Is primary election dsy. ' A fire In arubblsh heap at ths cor ner of Tenth and Flanders streets gars Portlandera a scars about noon today., M-mjr fire companies answered the irm. ana a rowa or several thousand people gathered at the scens quickly, The flra n. n 4 k .v.. -i - "J ., U.IJCI UK the property, upon which was located a lunnina-rnm nat burned about two weeks ago. attempting to barn off ths debris on tha lntm KJu 1 1 a 1 1 -ri -. i John Toung took the permit tor burn the ""'""" -rum i as owner or the property Ws want new, young, vigorous blood in congress. .Vots for William J. Lach- Vots for ths man with his life before mm. vote lor William J. Lachner. Thursday Nlvhr nlnh .iA.u. Dur-iuni nui, lonignt. Big time. Vote for No. 8. W. K. wnu wuiuy wnmiHigner. Vote for J. R Whlrnav en. c . rnnigr, .. . .. . ...... . - - - Mr. John M. Lewis. When an Afflra la frrAiftA i, k i. eat v and flileiit v tii. ini... . . taxpayers fully protected, as has been K I. , 1 - . . . .... in tuuni7 treasurer s omce under the admlnlr.nn. e- vr. . - " wi. .vim M. Lewis, the nnnla An .nt .4M mere is notning to te sained vj m cnange. ana M r. jewls will be re- - - - w. " w fwrmtu mur. He probsblv will lead ths vots on his tlckst. - " The Public Is Excited. About the awful calamity in San Fran- clsoo. When they calm down a great many win nurry aown to Adolph. A. De. Kum a hardware store after garden tools, garden hoe's and lawn mowers. Will you bs one of them? Don't think about It, but act, and see if what we claim as excellence for our goods Is not verified. 111-11$ First street between Washington and Alder. Veto for i. rrlater. . B. Whltoer for State Mothers to Sfsst. A mothers' meeting will bs held st t o'clock ' tomorrow afternoon at Wil liams Avenue school. Superintendent Rlgler will speak and there will bs an Interesting program. . Preceding It will bo glvsn a Bird day program and school assembly at 1:10 o'clock. Restaurant 001 . in coven- sn. OFBST BAT AlTD STIObTT. oms Short Orders. Oora Best Mas aad Poaoaed Xgf. ,1S oraaaMsd Calves ' Bralas. ....... ,20c4 FrlsA Basor Clams ... v . . I, .. , .1B StaUbat ISO, SalDmom ......IBs) t Beaaa ' .15a) ed UOo Bssk Clasns..i,,..20 Olam Brota wlkh Toast. . i ...... . ,.154 Um aad Baooa nf Strawberries aad Oreaat.. .,154 Sliost Toxaatoes ... . ............ 10 Ooffee, Bread aad Batte aad rotates with all meals. OUR FATE IN THE BALANCE ' Uatea,- saea' ef Oreges, this warning I now give: Defeat for me tostorrow ateaaa tke eosi- mwiwealtn eant live! Tola towo will wlthar a sad die the state eaa not snrvlTe A whlrlwlad of alaaatar'U esaie se sore as yoa're alive. SaD road trains will cease to sme, the. - river will' aot flow, Baalneae to the bow-wows everywhere la soro to so. Tes may think the earthqaake's snse. Ulns. bat la truth it s not a mite Compared to what will happen If you put mo out of sight thla . warning's girea clearly . that the pnpnlaoo ma aee Kzaetlr what's la store for sll If I re Wed be. Iadeed a alngle comfort eaa akness earth bo found v TbeVnloa Lsnwlry waahes elothae et '. six wee cents a-- xmnd. UNION LAUNDRY SXCOVD AJTD OOT.TMBZA. let Mala at. A Lie Mailed Thnmn w Ttvan Bubllshes a stat mam. . V. T am cnnnwt,il with BOmS banking concsrn . in Portlsnd and seek ing the office of stats treasurer in n behalf. . ...... n,,FiH0 ha .ntlr ramnalsn I have .A...tmA a olaan rnntmmt. devoid Of Def sonalltles and mua-siinging. ana mim that anvons seeking the earns position should do SO ' There Is no foundation whatever in this, as I have no Interest, oireci or in dlrect. In sny bank, and whsn Mr. By an or anv other person .originate such fitiwtM it la .tmnltf for edmnalsn nur- poses, as there is a feeling amongst ths people sgalnat tne dbjikb navm con trol of the state treasury. I have used no fraternal organisation for political purposes and come before the people on my record of the past 40 yeara, which is an open oooa. GEORQB A. STEEL. RobertW-Wason FOR REPRESENTATIVE Purely Republican A aaaa afraid to trust the peopVs saoiua aot b trusted ay us people. Toss ro only taoss isgtslattTS eaadl dates who have snbeorlbed to statement aTo, X without qualification. JOBATKASr BOVBjra JB. Should Be Reelected. Whether or not county prisoners shall bs worked on the county rosds is sn Im portant question to bs decided by the votere or Multnomsn cotnty tomorrow. county judge Webster and Commis sioner Barnes are candidates for nomi nation ' to the respective offices now held by them. Ever sines the present county board has had- control of ths affairs of this county sll ths prisoners serving Jail sentences have been worked on the publio roads, and- If these gentle men are renominated and reelected such prisoners will continue to bs so em ployed. This work hss been successful snd resulted not only to the benefit of the prleoners themselves, but to ths rosds also. By working thess prisoners a great saving has been made In crush ing rock and preparing material for making macadamised roads. Mr. Qlltner, who Is a candidate for county Judge, and Mr. Steel, one ofrhe candidates for county commissioner, are each opposed to the working of the county prisoners and havs declared that If they are elected no county prisoners shall srsr bs employed on the roads or otherwise while they hsvs charge of the affslrs of ths county. Evsry votsr, therefore, in favor of working ths prisoners should vote sgalnst both of thess gentlemen snd In favor of Judge Webster and Mr. Barnes. Secretary F. W. Benson. This Is tbe litis Frank W. -icnson of Rossburg will havs after the June elec tion. .He la the strongsst candidats In ths racs for ths offlcs of secretary of stats, and his nomination Is ssaured. His - nomination . means his election. Vots for him and you will vots for ths winning candidate. Milwaukee Country Club. ' Los Angeles snd Oakland races. Tsks Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. , Stat Ti assuror. . I havs mads my canvass for ths nomi nation of state treasurer without sny underhand methods or mud-sllnglng. Hovt Carter and Aitkin are bankers and are backed by ths silled banks of ths state. My record ror tne past v years Is an open book and I ask ths people's support on this record. - GEORGE. A. STEEL. Tor Stat Troarurse". Portland. April It. (To the Editor.) As a cltlxen and Republican, inter ested only in good government I have noted the controversy being waged be tween Mr. Hoyt and Mr. Carter for the Republican nomination for stats treas urer. It is evident from the charges and counter-charges thst both Mr. Carter and Mr. Hoyt represent now and will represent, if elected, certain special banking interests. It Is easy to under stand why ths banks want to control or have a friend, tn the - state treasurer. But It seems to me that the people ought to select this officer, not for the benefit of sny special bank or moneyed intereat, but for the good or tne stste. Now our old-time neighbor, George A. Bteel, is a candidats for that nomina tion. Ha Is not tied up with nor con trolled by any speclsl Interest Hs has good executive ability, sterling honesty and reliability. Why not pass by all banking cliques snd elect Mr. Steel and be certain, that the office will be run efficiently and the "people'a" lnatead of the "banks' " Interest be properly guarded? This appears to me ths sensi ble thing .to do, both ' as A Republican and cltlsen. snd ss one who believes in equal rights to all and speclsl privileges to none. Respectfully yours. CLARENCE H. GILBERT. LOW PRICES For Fins Dental Work Special Induce, ments Until May 1st Solid Gold Crowns ....... 1 ..... 94.00 Bridge Work ...$)3.00 Plates that fit... ............ ...$5.00 I Telephone Kala S7M. iv j Maw Booass S, C. T, S, Oread Tasa . tre Bid. Opposite) ausy Plaao Mtma. Girls' Patent Wash Hats JUST RECEIVED Embroidered Swiss and lace over wire frame). easily removed from frame by untying bows; great variety of .- stylet and prices .91.65 to fi.SO Girls' School Hats Sailors, large' and small, trimmed and untrimmed, from common " trWJt 25 "P mPortcd M'1" at.,, i ,.....4.T5 j. ""CHILDREN'S HATS of all kinds, for all ages, at all prices. v FORMERLY BECKER'S THIRD AND SALMON STREETS. " ' FRALEY Empire Theatre! tttk sad aforrtaea, Pbeae Mala 11T. Milton W. geastaa. ' Manager. ; . Toalgkt All Week Matinee Saturday. Kal Bald's Baaatifal Flay of Old Vlrglala "ROANOKE" With Lee Morris end a Oraat Oast AH scoaory ' carried Aa latereatag thrilling producttoa Matinee Satorday. mil r.N Evening. 10c, zor, 3 . aad and 60c. Matinee, 10c, 15 and 25e. Wast Attraction "A Tkareagkkred Tramp. " Sunday Matinee, April 21 HEILIO THEATRE KUBEld Baker Theatre Oregon Theatre 0e Sao. L. Baka. Kg. Tambin and Tklrd ata. Phono Mala . 190T. The nemo of Musleal Burloano. . All This Week Tfcw One The Only Bur league Compsny, HTk. UaiJana 'The Merry Maidens' Proaantlog Sereaalng Pareo la Tkre Acts "TH MAID AJTD TBI TCXX." Rarardar Matloe (laat serfornaaeel lRe. Me. Mt and toe. Night prices, SCc, Ue, toe aad Toe. Beat Weak "The Vaw Osetary Olrls.' L,YRIC THEATRE very Afternoon) and ZTonlng PertlaWa Pennlar Staok Mna. Boraamiag farae Ooaaady MY WirC'ft AUNT" la 1W Aata Laugh Front Surt te fialak. rI.IA)W THE IKOMD. roNTINl'OUS PKRVOHMANCr?. ASanSBIOK lOo. BXSEEVU) SkATS so. UKAND Weak af April la, ''Dainty" riaroaoe aad Charles Orag. sob, Mualoal Ceav sdy Stan. Vast Weak) T. Melaoa Powna. Spaaial Adaad rtur Itat. S Vrhaao's koval jaa Bana. - Beatfrow Jaaaea. Mr. aad Mra. Mead M. Warnts. Oroneh ft Kieharaa. Harold Raff, v Oraaalaoono. PRU'Kfl KTealnga and Sundaye, I5e, 9R snd holes 85c. Matlneea. 15 to any seal eTrent bole. VOTE FOR CHARLES A. JOHNS FOR GOVERNOR and give Eastern Oregon political recognition on the atate ticket " rmzcaat ' $3.00, $2.50. $2.00, $1.50 Oallery trareerved. 1.0O OPM AT lllOP.K. Birsettoa Z,ols aHeers-Wyaa Conaaav . Apollo Rink Tonight ' Tonight . Relay Races Don't 'mls the races, general skating before and after - ths races, , . .. ANNOUNCEMENT .. MAT POLE AND "MASQUER. AOK CARNIVAL, TUE8DAT JiaHT. MAT 1. Instructions Free.' . JONES si RANDALL.' STAR The Two Ingllah THIAT1X. " Week ef April 1. " " J rials. Raaaoa T 8r" la Berkley 4 Dsaataa. "Masle Cos lirka, uarad." . . taeitpa.. Kir tn any a. at etept bnfs l(y GRAND OPENIUG Rohcc'o Pari: aVSTKAT, SID ' Conrert and dancing". . Amusements f all kinds. -I " .... - - I . ' l -' 'r1 -