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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
n.J C COW" DAILY" JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING ' APrIl 19. HC3. fJlohsier Public Relief Fund for PORTLAND'S LEADING CARPET STORE-ON FOURTH JFLQ.01 1 the San Francteco Sufferers STORE OPENS AT 8 A. M. A Mighty . Congress of Surpassing Specialty SIIOPS r - - THE "DIFFERENT" STORE STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. hi A Unique Croup of Style and Quzllty ; .. Expositions .-. FIFTH, SIXTH and WASHINGTON STS. it Qimi fMy Econom Umle To tifortow Is Started By Olds, YJortman & King Realizing the immediate and pressing need of -ready fundi for- relief of stricken San Francisco, and in order to open the way for the humblest. individual to con tribute hia or her mite with but cost of a penny to them selves in this terrible and unforeseen- emergency, . we know of no better, quicker and more direct method of raising a large fund for the alleviation of suffering in this awful calamity than this "we offer. Starting tomor row, Friday morning, and continuing thro the balance (of the month, until May 1 WeWiUGiv Five5)Pef Cent of Our Entire Sales for the Benefit of the San Fraitdsco : Sufferers In taking the initiative in .this movement we earnestly feel that "One touch of sor-Jrow- makes the whole world ";, Very respectfully, I OLDS, WORTMANO KING V Made in Oregon ,TJ "Mercantile Portland" transformed .' tq : - "Manufacturing Oregon." A ! GRAND INDUSTRIAL STATE fair ; May 19 to 26, Inclusive AMAZING VALUES AWAIT HOUSEKEEPERS TU Bargain ob Third Ploor are Warn- tel. Don't mis yoar share of the . "plum" In this great bar gain pudding. , " . Read then conn and aee. , TXXX SfcQWV TABI.X TTBCSXXX. Plain "Tumbler;" regular vaiue - 00c. - Special. do. ; . . i . ; r. -;r. i n i i444 Band Tumbler ; regular . value 70c. fipOClal. - OOBV mrrrnTTrn rv-trrrr. &Uf BLODGETT NOV EAGER FOR ANOTHER CHANGE Since Verdict Is Reached Ex presses Less Glee Over Pros pect 'of Gallows. I want a new trial because I do not think tha laat on I had waa fair In thia respect: Mr. Manning- and Mr.- Moser i. .n. A,a1rlm mv rh.rart.r ml the wav through their talka to tha' Jury- " They made ma out a dark-eyed bad man. whereaa thia la tha vary first time I waa ever In any trouble. I could have brought acorea of wltneaaea from Mon tana to prove that my reputation there waa good. Toe mayor or &aiispei ana the sheriff and dlatrlct attorney Who live there would have come and testified to that effect And then again aeveral of my moat Important wltneaaea were ,gpt out of Portland by the atate." - Thua apoke George L. Blodgett thia morning. A Jury In Judge Oeorge'a de partment of the circuit court yesterday afternoon found Blodgett . guilty of ,flrt-degre murder for having killed Alice Minthorn On March it. The jury 'waa out but II mlnutea, and when Ita quickly arose from hla aeat and aald: - "I want to thank you, gentlemen of the Jury, for - thia . verdtot . you have fetched In here." Mra. Sadie Blodgett. wife of the nrlsoner. stated that ahe would remain In thia city until aentence had been pro nounced upon her husband, or he had been granted a new trial. Then ahe will go home for a anort visit, out expecta to return ooh. She haa been here to eheer up and help her husband during the paat two week. "I will atay by him ' to the bitter end." ahe declares. A new trial will be aaked for and If appealed to the aupreme court. , " Question of Plurality. - O The nomination of Frank W. Benaon f Roeeburg for the office of secretary of atate la assured. It- la now only a queatlon of plurality. He la th strong eat Republican before the people of 'Oregon today. p- aMHaMeHMaaMsaMaaMaaV-eaaBBaaMaeHaaMBaaaaasaa " " .j . 7. . Wkitnsy, State Printer, T now serving hla flrat term and haa made an efficient and obliging officer, and atanda upon hie record In aaklng for a aecond term. Vote for him. , Tote for J. Printer. a. WUtnoy fe Stat Preferred Btook Canned Oooda. Alias Lewta' Beat Brand, Ij, Etrhed Tumblers i-regular value $1.16, . Special, doa .HOf . :' zaTCXxx pubxisxxxob. . Clothea Baaketa; regular SOa . value: Special .........354 Clothea Baaketa; regular 0o value. Special 404 Clothea Baaketa; . regular" 70c value. . - . Special '.. .....504 Clothea Baaketa; regular 10c value.. Special . 604 Clothea Baaketa- regular- -SOe - value. Special . : ......... ...704 Wire Clothea Lines; regular value lOo. Special . ...154. OAB9BX TOOI48. Garden Trowels; regular value So. 1 .. Special . ...3eV Long handle Garden Spade; value 76c. Special ....................... .504 12-inch Iron Garden Rakes; regular value 25c. Special ............... 7; 184 Grass Hooka, qood quality. regular valuej5aSpclaljjjtti41ltJjjj.i,254 aragi Shears: regular value iOc Special ..; v ....1 234 In SILK Store & DRESS GOODS Shops Til BXOOXBT nTAZ.7XS ZV BTXKS A3TD BnSAUnS MTMM OPPBaVn w Towsri . ' ' ' ' " ' : Plftt sTtraet Anaar Plrat Ploor. .v r ti.00 Bnroaxnrxs at aso taju. Beautiful Bengallnea, faahlon'a lateat fancy for building of dressy gnwnar - Kxqulslte aelectlona made by our buyer of fabrlca. who la Juat home from New York. Wa were fortunate In aecurlng these popular fabrlca -at an underprlca. and ahall give our clientele the benefit of that good fortune by ' allowing chooalng today from the beat dollar quality; anadea are cream; . gray, navy, brown and black. At, yard .......... .......... , 694 woMDiafui. stx.K omsnrai i sixo cuzt zxjcb 4t tabd. pietly Bala Ilka In dark colore, navy and green -combinational .never sold for leaa than 11.00 the yard. Special for thia Bale at, tha yard 494 nmnoias uu or DAINTY WASH FABRICS, at 2c YARD v . Plrat Ploor. 1,000 yarda of the newest and prettiest novejtles embraced In thia aeason'a most exquisite White Wash Fopllnettes, embroidered Batistes, Lace Lawna and allk-flnlahed Jacquarda. A remarkable Special Value for Friday only at. yard . 244 A SALE IMPORTANT TO MEN , BtTPPlT XTQMTBOBB BXXT9B AJTD pOSXIBT . WABTB. "The Toggerle" Slatfc Btreet Aaaea Plrat Ploor. . BtBVB TBO KTBUaT aTiaKTBKZBTB SSe. Men'a plain white, twilled ' Muslin Nightshirts, exjra well made;, good full - width and length; beat 7Bo value. Special, each. .................... .55 ,. BCBara BOO XOBZZBT ISO. A line Of 'Men'a fancy-seamless Hose, In vertical and cross atrlpea; gray, tan and wine effectsi regular value tte. Special, the pair. ....... .154 Women's & Children's Hosiery Bargains Plrat Ploor. ' WOVSirB S1.00 LAOB .XOSB POB . :Women'g fine black lace Hale Hose, a high gradqjmported hoee; full finished and made of extra strong thread; our 11.00 value. Special Economy Sale .price, the pair . 694' WOMXB-B SOo XOSB POB S4o. Women's fine gauae cotton hose, very aoft and fine; with maco apllt foot; our toe value. Special Economy Sale price, the, pair.. '.,......344 OBXLOBXsri 95e XOSB POB 17o. ' - ' Children's black "O. K." cotton Hose, fine ribbed, finished foot, double knee; slsos 6H to ; our 25c value. Special Economy Sale price, the palr.,..17a WOMEN'S BAGS AND BELTS for LESS Firet -ploor leather (tooda Bhopa Sixth Street Ausx. SI.7S XABTTD BAOB I1JI. - A new line of Ladles' Leather Hand Bags, all leather lined; with Inside coin -puree, gilt or gunmetal frames; strong stitched handles.' Baga come In - black, brown, tan, green, blue and gray; a very good value at $1.76. Special at, each ... 91.39 76o UATXXB BXX.TS 49a. An assortment of fine aoft Leather Belta. laid In folds, with dip front; a perfect-flttlng belt; cornea In black, brown tan, navy, white, and red; our 7to value. Special at, each .;...................- .494 ' BUBTBB BXOWSr BZI.TS 10a. A line of "Buster Brown" aoft patent leather Belta. In black, blue and green. Special Economy Bale price, each , ........ 10 , HOUSEHOLD NEEDS IMPORTANT FEATURES ' OP PBXDATm BIO BAXOAXX XTXXT Poartk, Ploor. '. MARVELOUS VALUES IN MATTINGS S.TB HATTBBSB PBOTBOTOXB I1J6. Washable Mattress Protectors or Table Shield, 00x70 Inchea; regular value 2.7.-r-Speclal, .each ....... ... ... ....................... r ... .Bl. 95 u 1 . B5o MATTZXO 100. New Matting in all the beat colors; regular value 26c, Special, the yard. 194 . - HATTXXO AT KAXiP PXIOB. .' Remnants of Matting in all grades. Special at XAXP PBXOB. - MATTZXO AT So. A lot of road aaleaman' samples of Matting. Special at, each. ..54 Sa.T0 Z.AOB OUBTAZXB SLS7. Nottingham Curtalna In Brussels and Fishnet effectar Inchea Wide, IV, yards long; regular value 12.71. Special, the pair 1.8T SBASOXABU SPBOZAZ.S XX . WOMEN'S KNIT UNDER WEAR - .. . Plrat Ploor. ' ... WOTefZX-B SOa TXSTS POB S3a. 2. ' Women' pure white cotton Veete? low neck, sleeveless, neat plain trimming, made of fine first-class yarn; bis; value' at 15c. Speciat Economy-Sale price, each . .Z. .234- , . fTOBrBX-B TOO TXSTB POB SSa.' "vVomen'e white lisle VestB. aloeveleaa; elegant crocheted yoke; Bilk tape; our 76o value. Special Economy Sale price, each, S 1.. .... .534 troxnix'S trxzox Btrrre pob sx ao. Women's "Merode ' silk and Hale Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves ; knee , length; hand crocheted silk trimming; our 12.26 value. Special Economy Sale price, each . fl.69 '' BOTB SSa OOTTOX VXXtBXWBAB POX 10a, Boye light gray cotton Shirts and Drawers, summer weight; long aleeve shlrta. ankle drawer; our 2So value. . Special Economy Sale prloe, the garment . ...r . i. .194 Greatest Convention of Biggest : Values Yet This Season Every single item below spells "OPPORTUNITY," every para graph exhales "ECONOMY." Everything pertaining to sum mer finery is here in most lavish profusion from the elaborate gown to the dainty bitof ribbon adornment. . Beauty surrounds the store visitor: on i Tvery side7 Bringyour needs here now while stocks are at their best and largest choice possible. Come tomorrow come to admire even tho' you do not buy. Of course buying temptations 'are great numerous, irresistible. Who wouldn't be interested in such a gathering of remarkable values? Here's bargains that must appeal to ALL thrifty" folk. Come early if possible in the afternoon throngs are greatest. But come anyhow if not. to buy, to admire.-i We print numer ous bargain quotations not all no, not nearly I-. WIOl XXXX WAZTXXO TO BTnTOOTXBT CO ATS POB XAUr XBBB'S TOTTB OPPOBTVXZTT AX UXVSVAZ, OPPXBXXO ZXDZBS OP All Women's Short Covert Coats AXT ZX TXB XOTBX AT- Half-Price! to $58.50 k TfflR; ALUES FOR HALF PRICE Description or introductory is needlese in exploiting thia grand offering. Women know the claaa of garmenta. thia houae aella, and whan we say we've compared every Value, at the ' regular prices, with those ' ahown by competing; atorea, and they've jatood the test, .proving the beat regular valuea In Portland. It may give you, klnd- readeraoma idea of the tremendoua values . offered, when we aay ......... ZCAZ.P PBXOB." -All tha newest, amariest Tailored Coats shown thia season, every approved atyle and trim ming effect, examplea of matchless atyle and workmanship, amart, "anappy coata In abort ' length . and either coraet or box fitting; 16.00 to $21.60 values. Friday and ; . Saturday only at. ....... . , . .XAZ.P PBXOB. $5 AND $6 MILLINERY A T $3 "Bljoa" Batons Bsontid Ploor Aanea. ''.' APPmaOZATXTX SATZXOS XX OXZO BTTZJIS OP XXW BTBCHQBZi ZCATB. Tomorrow will furnish one of those oc casions when we "clean shop." Tha good atorekeeper should emulate the model housekeeper who haa regular "daya weekly for a general clearing and "setting to rights" of -the home rooms. We aelect Friday to ."balance stocks" and have "rounded up" all the oddmenta and endmenta of the week' buay selling, discontinued lines of the moat charming and beat selling Hata. that we can get no more of Kima. hat that show the touch of handling;' -but not to hurt, even In epranc. About 100 in all some of the blggeat bargains wa have ever offered in the Millinery Store, embracing all smart style and popular colorings. $5.00 and $0.00 Hat to close Tr at ' $3.00 l smart $4.00. o Frl- IION'S BE A UTIFUL LACES for Portland Women : Lace Shops, First Floor The Olds, Worrman A King Store controls the selling agency for Portland of the world-famous "Zlon". Laces, made by the Zlnn industries at Zlon, Illi nois. These Industries were founded by the much-advertised John Alexander Dowle, "Elijah II." who la now having hla own troubles. The operators at Zlon are moatly from Nottingham, England, and are of the "old school" of lacemakera who love their art and are Jealous Indeed Of the beauty and quality Introduced anVl uiuxl all through their work. They are necromancers in the conjuring of exquisite lace conceptions, which are- faultless In their dainty weave. A ahort time ago strong demands were made upon the operatives at Zlon for a large amount of money which had to be raised quickly. They came to us, with other large houaea In the eastern section of America with an offer of the greatest valuea in laces ever conceded by them or any other lacemakera of equal standing In the lace industry. We were glad of the opportunity to secure these lace at a saving that we might. In turn, offei. them 'to our patrons at a similar economy. Tomorrow we place an immenae display on the counter of the lace shop at exceptional prlcea which mean marked savlnga. lVaoe and Insertions In Inch and half-Inch widths, yard 54 104 Wider Zwaoe aad.Xaaertloa priced at, the yard... 12H4, 154, 254 . . ' BUST VAXitfBS - ZX TXB VAXBX0XZXXB8 Z.ACZS. AH are In the popular round mesh, double thread.. Cream Point Teniae All-over Taoee, 18 Inches wide; our $1.00 and $1.26 valuea. , Special Economy Sale price, the ynrd Trrrr ;--- 504 A Pine Xm of Oottoa All-over Washable Zoe our 76c, $1.00 and II 25 valuea; Special Economy Sale price, the yard.,,'............. 504 ' . SBASOXABU TXZS SAX.B OP LADIES' SILK AND LISLE GLOVES Pint Ploor. X4iev Bilk Olovee, in four-button length; all sixes; In white, brown, navy, black and gray; our 05c and 75c value. Special Economy Sale price, the pair t-..484 Xiadle' Pine Black BUk Xet Olovee, with lisle palma The-faultier "Keyser'' glove and our regular $1.00 value. Speclnl Economy Sale price, the parr. 484 frft&lee' Zilsle Thread Two-Clasp Olovee, some with pearl clasps, some with metal claaps; lo black, champagne and gray ; -our 75c value. Special Economy Sale price, the pal .484 PBXTTT PXaTZXZXX PZXXBZBS XX TXB BAX.B. RIBBONS EMBROIDERIES VEILS . - Plrat Ploor. ' Pima Polat Warp Bibboae -In fancy flower effectas ltt and 4 Inchea wide; our 26e and 15a values. Special Economy Sal price, the yard. 164 BMBBOXBBXZBB. v IS 1 or anabrolderle Worth SSa to SOo. . A lot of fine Embroideries, consisting of nainsook, cambric and Swiss edges .and Inaertlone; In and H-yard atrlpa; our 25c to 60o values. Special for Frlday'a and, Saturday'a selling, the yard 154 '.''."".' TZtriB." " -' ' I ' 910 TeUa for Sto. A lot of all-allk dotted Veils. 1 yard long: with all-allk chenille dot a; In assorted colore, black, black and white, brown, navy and gray; our $1.00 value. Special Economy Sale price, each ;.r. 394 Another Stirring Hourly Sale of Stylish Summer Shoes No advertised Items at less than regular prlcea except during houra ad vertised. Aaaex Sixth Street Plrat Ploor. : a to i i Women's Xid Comfort . Slipper,, made with a medhim round .toe, . low broad heel: no " ' strap; all klzes; our $1.26 value, Special at, the pair...,....,.,... Women' Pine Black Xid Oxforda, Blucjter atyle, turned sole, nice medium heel, patent tip, wide laces; all slses; our leader at $2.60. Special at. the pair . ......... .;.....,........... ..f 1.89 10 TO 11 A. XC Child's Pine Black Kid Shoes, scroll top hand-turned sole, spring heel, fancy velvet lnaerted lace stay; alsea 6 to 8; our $1.60 value. Special at, the -pair . .......... ....... . . .7. ... ... .... . . .J... . . . . . . -894y - uioux, :'.-;-. "'" --;.'' '' Wemea'e Ptna Shoes In an assortment of good stylea-ahoee made by some f the best factories In the country l.alrd. Schober A Co., Iuttenhofer A Bona, and Plnaree' "Gloria" broken Unea of aiaea width AAA to C. only: value to $6.00. Special afrthe'patfrr. Tvrviii irrmTTr.rr.$a,39 '' . IS TO 1P.M. Women's Plae Patent Oolt Shoes slx.dlfferet styles Blucher or regular patterns; our $4.00 value. Special at, the lialr -92.9S 1 TO S P. Womea'a Beet' Whit Oaava Ozfoada, embroidered vamp, military heel, turned sole, Blucher rut; wide ribbon lace; oils' regular $2.60 value. Special at. the pair . . ......... ... ................ .y. , , . t . .: y .S1.98. , S TO If. M. '".." . - . Wmnea's Patent Xid Ztreea Shoee, with- hand-tumed sola, plain toe, feather French heel, mat kid top. Thisshoe haa exceptionally fine patent stock and ta one of the neateat atylealn the houae; our $6.00 value. Bpeclal at., the pair. ........... .;.fa.e9 ' S TO 4 P. St. -Womsn' Pin Orade Shoes yn tan calf and kid; also .In champagne eolor: ' turn or welt soles'. stylo In The choosing In value from" $2.00 to $5.00; all alsear Special at, the palp'-T. ......... . . ..... . .". ............... . . . f 2.49 - . 4 TO S P. St. . Misses' and OMlOrea'a Plna Xid or Box Calf Saoea in four styles. Including a few pair of patentshoes. These shoes are Juat the atyle you want; alsea 11 H to 2: our $1.00 Value. Special at, the pair ..f 1.2 Slsea to 11. Special at, the pair ....... ...... 984 8 TO S P. M.-."'- -,' Boy' Snoee In art assortment embracing 12 at Flea In box calf,. tan EngHah - grain and vlclild leathers: all good shoes; In value to $2.76 .' fMies 2V. to iW Special at. the pair............ .UX.fiV ... ...pi. Slsea t to 2. Special at. the pair. . .39 BIO SPBOXAX, BAXJB OP V, WOMEN'S FANCY BELTS First Floor Waahable Belta of fine mercerised Cotton Lucene Cloth, shirred ln back andon aides; In white, navy, green and red; our 76c value. Special Eoonoro-v Sale price, each .m... 254 An Silk Oirdlee, shirred In back and on sides; three little ornaments In back; come In navy and red; our 75c value. .Special Economy Sale price, each. 254 Paaey Colored Tucked Belts; our 75o value. Special Economy-- Sate price, each ' .254 la Belt in white, black and brown: trimmed with strips of allk in con trasting colors:-our 75c value. Special Economy Sale price, each 25 AU-BUk Taffeta Belta with fancy gilt ornament in back and gilt buckle: our 75c value. Speclnl Economy Sale price, each K5 Black Belta, with large gilt buckle, shirred In back; our 1 6c value. Special Economy Sale price, each .....r 254 Paaoy Tailored Stitched Belta, with little harness buckle, In pink and blue; our 85c value. Special Economy gale prloe, each. . .......... J.. . . . - 25 ' : XXCXPTXOXAZ, SA VIVOS XX PBIDATB iv SALE OF INFANTS' WEAR Beooad Ploor Baby-to-BUa Shop. .. . . ZXTAXTS S1-T5 SBXSSZB POX $UI. Infanta LongPresaes of fine nainsook or cambric, yoke trimmed with flna tucks. Insertion and lace edging; our $1.76 value. Special Economy Sale . price, each i ....$1.19 . imw aaan eoiTi vox ai.ra. Infanta' Iong Coata of Bedfofd cord, cape trimmed with tnrew rewa of afllt cord between two row of fancy allk braid; same trimming on collar an cuffa: our $2.60 value. Special Economy Sale price, each.. .81.T8 PETTICOATS-NIGHTGOWNS-Bargains Annex- Second Ploor. WOSCXX'B Sl-SS BATXBX PXTTXCOATS POB S7e. Women's Black Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, with deep flounce, with three Inch accordion pleating and three rowa of small rufflea; our $1.26 value. ' BpeclaL Economy Sale price, each 8T4 - . WOMBVS S1.TS OOWXS POB SIJS. Women' fine Nainsook Uowna, with round low neck In slip-on style; elbow sleeves: trimmed with.-wide embroidery-insertion around neck and wide waah allk ribbon at neck and leeve; our $1.75 value. Special Economy Sale price, each ,. $1.23 Annex Second Ploor. XAXOAXXB ZX BWZS8 SXOPPXXCr OB BCXOOZr BASXBTB. r In plain or fancy weaves. Our 80o value. Special at,. each ....234 Our 60c value. Bpeclal at. each. 354 JEWELRY SPECIALS Pint Ploor Snath Street Anaex. .... S50 BOABP PIXB POB SSo. Jfou jnay have your cholcf of a line of Svarf PJna; valuea to 86. Special at," each .7". r.T7i tttti hmTrtT.., .' iuaj.u.ijxtxiui;'-'.u.'?Bf. SOo STUDS POX 30. i A line of gold-top Studs In plain and embossed designs and In Roman or polished gold. Three studs to set; our 65c value. Special at, the set.. 394 8100 0OU'XOXX BUTTOXS AID BOABP PIXB TSe. . ' Oold-fllled Link Button and Scarf Pin to match; come in a variety of pat terns; our $1.00 value. Special at. the set .,...,.. ......iT94 S3.00 VBST CXAZXB PO Sl-SB. An assortment of fine gold-filled Vest Chains- variety of Jattma front -n -which to select; valuea to $2.00;. Bpeclar aW-eacfi. $1.25 100 OOX,ZJUr, BUTTOXS To. -Beat quality rolled plat Collar Buttons, with beat pearl backs, assorted atylea; out 10c value. Special at, each .T4" SOO TIB CLASPS POB 18c A line of sterling sliver and gold-plated Tla Clasp a large selection: our 15c values. Special at. each ; i. ....154 'PENNY SAVERS" First Floor A magnetic 'bunch of offering from tha Small Ware Shop, ur t draw throngs of buycra through the dynamo of eavlng. Caat Steel Sclsaors. for garden use. Special, pair '......104 6c package White Smooth Finish Envelope Special .3 85c box Hurd's Fine Cloth Finish Writing Paper. Special ........194 Roll White Waxed -Paper. Special ......44 10c bottle Cartere Beat Black Writing Ink. Special H4 $0c Felt Shoe pollaher and can Best Black Shoe Paste. Special, set..... 104 . -. . - n. , T..I1- V.uKm. UnMtl.l . . - . . - . ff UC oniu, rruviouiu . ....... , ' . 25o Whlak Broom a Special v 17e 100 can Fine Perfumed Talcum Powder. Special 76c bar Fine Quality Imported Italian Castile Soap. Special ........ 40c Fine Quality Bath Sponge. 'Special ............................ 10c paper Beet English line. Special 18c set of 8 Victoria Loop Shell Hair Plna. Special 7o cube Toilet Ptna. Special .i 15o pair lightweight White Silk Drees Shield Special Whit Baatlog Thread, 208 yarda on spool. Special, three, siioc i ..f ..1 '