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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
.11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL' ?19. M80& y. g. DIES TODAY Well Known LocaT Attorney 5uc : cumbs This Morning at Good Samaritan. BLOOD POISONING .CAUSE OF DEATH Cue : Wii Kpt Considered Serious Until a Few Days Before the End-r Wife, Brother and. Sitter With Him - When Ha Pasaes Away. U. 8. O. Marquatn, a well-known land and title attorney, died at o'clock this morning-1 at Good Samaritan hospital of blood-poisoning ' resulting from a carbuncle which formed on hia upper lip It days ago. Ilia condition was not considered serioue until last Sunday, when ha waa taken to . tbehospltai by direction of Dr. K. H. Parker.. Other physicians were called In consultation avail. Death was painless, the deceased being unconscious for about 14 hours previous to his demise. His wife and a brother and Bister were at his bedside .when the end camevi, i MADETIN OREGON SHOW May 19 to 26, Inclusive You The Deadly Parallel of . Facts Stumps the Proprietors of a Would Be Cut Rale Drug Store Department store would-be druggista cut rate druggists, tha -would pose as jealoui of our auccesa "and to bolster np what must b a serious criaia in thsir business life, court a comparison of their to-called drug atorea with storea of known reiponaibiliry and atanding. ... This advertising bluff If going to be called,' not because we deem It "necessary V.refute the vile and unprincipled attacks which have been made upon us, but rather, that the- limit of endurance haa been reached. Fifty years before the public of Portland and in this time having built up the largest retail and wholesale drug busineaa in .America, ataurei ua of your confidence in our integrity which confidence we -further solicit nowand thank yon for in advance. WE CONDUCT A" DRUQ BUSINESS. . WE We employ DRUGGISTS to terra you courteously and Intelligently. Graduates In' PHARMACY, licensed in Oregon, sell you drugs and compound your prescriptions. We offer no imitation goods abso lutely none when you buy Caatoria from us you get the original Castoria and not a cheap, worthiest fc imitation that ia not only valueless, but dangerous. :, - No underpaid glrla to wait on you girls that dont know castor oil from paregoric not the girls' fault,"" of course couldn't expect them to know much about pharmacy when their employers know less. ' Weill Juat take a glance at our windows and have .a smile. Wa aava you 20 per ceriTon any patent .medicine that'a made. Standard original goods no imitations, mind you and always fresh. We buy and aell enormous quantitiee and buy at the right pricea and aell the same way. We can sell 20 per cent better than department atorea because wa buy that much better. THEY CLAIM- 'No store in the city devotes its drugs than we do." m to its "No store buys more shrewdly "No drug store in Portland cheaply as we do.w "They are bound by an ironbotind con tract t5 maintain the highest possible price on all standard, well known and popular patent medicines." "We offer- no r cheap- baits or- Inferior -home-made drugs to lure you to the store." Don't Fail to See Our Windows and Get Our Prices Before MONEY Real Money. WoodrndtCMUeh Co. Tha deceased waa a son of p. At Msr Qoam. who baa been lying seriously Ul of muscular rheumatism for two days at the residence of hla son-in-law, . Dr. C. IL Hill, on Kaat Eleventh street, near tha Brooklyln achool. lie Is survived by a widow, his father, three brothers and aeven alstera. -.' The body waa removed to the under taking rooms of Edward Holman. where if will be prepared for interment. Def inite funeral arrangements have not yet been made. The dceaaed was a mem ber of tba Modern Woodmen and tha Woodmen of the World; the funeral Will probably be held under their auspices. Tha Multnomah. County Bar association will also take part In tha ceremontee and will later meet and adopt resolu tions of respects ' At tore Marquam waa aged 41 years, having been born In Portland July t, 1A(S. Ha waa named Ulyssea 8. Grant Marquam In honor of the famous union general, who won his notable victory over tha confederate forces at Vlcks burg In tha year of tha lawyer's birth. He graduated from the Portland High school and tha law department of the Vnlveralty of Oregon about it years ago and Immediately . began . practicing In tha circuit court. .For some time Mr. and Mrs. Mar quam had bean living at the HObart- Curtis. .The widow waa taken this morning to tha residence of her slater, Mrs. Oeorga Lam hereon. (St Broadway, where aha la being attended by rela tives. . . .'. '-Tha brothers- and -slaters of the- de ceased are Mrs. Penumbra Kelly, P. A. Mnrquam. jr., W. W. Marquam.' M re. Jessie- McLaughlin. Mrs. C. H. Hill, Mrs. C. C Newcastle. Mrs. A. K. Velten and T.- A. Marquam. All llva - In -; Portland except T. A. Marquam, who la la Alaska. - .,-. Tot for Frtaaer. ,. ; 4. B. Waitney for State Facts Should Know SOME COMPARISONS ARE DRUGGISTS AND AS TO PRICES Bluff and Its BUT more space j ' dare sell as LARGEST RETAIL AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS IN AMERICA CORPS OF IJURSES AND DOCTORS Party Organized by Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie Leave for San Francisgo Tonight. ' A relief corps of nurses and doctors from Portland will leave on the Southern Pacific train tonight for San Francisco to do all in their power to alleviate the suffering of tha unfortunate victims of tha earthquake and fire. Tha corps Is botng organised this afternoon - by Dr. K. A. J. Met'Kensle, who will probable leave with them tonight. They will take medicine and surgical supplies and any other supplies they can gather. ' A number of tha women of tha city. headed by Mrs. W. E. Coman, have or ganised a Women's Relief corps for the purpose of soliciting food and other supplies throughout the city and send' Inr them to San Francisco. Committees on solicitation commenced work this afternoon and it Is expected that tha first consignment will go out tonight on the train that carries tha doctors and - Mrs. Coman ook tha Initiative In tha movement, called upon Miss Henrietta Failing and others of her friends In tha morning and soon had a relief , corps or ganlsed. Committees were appointed to make a canvass of all the' wholesale houses and business establishments of tha city and solicit supplies. Mrs. Co man haa . opened - headquartera In - tha OSMn MADE IN OREGON SHOW May 19 to 26, Inclusive Explosion sa s How utterly ridiculoua when every one knows that we could put thia one-horse outfit in our chewing gum department and not move the gum. It doesn't require shrewdness to buy drugs and patent medicines unless you are trying to get them . without the money. What one does need and the jne thing that is indispensable is experience. We've been at it half a century and naturally know more about the right kind of drugs than men who " have spent years learning about ribbons and mil--. Unery. ' - . . -. : - Look at our windows and note that we aell 20 per cent lower than the prices asked by depart ment stores. If we had been bound by any such contract, we would have kept it for wa believe in keeping our contracts, but this is one of the real "dyed in the, wool" kind. A glance at our windows will show that we aell ALL patent medicines from 10 to 25 per cent lower than the circulators of this false statement. - . Now, who ever heard of home-made drugs out-, side of a bread and milk poultice? We never did, and we've been at it fifty years. Most people know that certain drugs are indigenous to certain localities and countries and are prepared for the market near where grown." Our friends didn't know that quinine cornea from Peru no doubt they thought it grew out here in Vancouver or Astoria, but it don't. ' Unfortunately, Oregon . doesn't produce much in this line. If it did we would be proud to offer home-grown drugs. Every commercial body and all public-spirited citizens of the state are now boosting "Made in Oregon" producta, and we are proud of the producta which go out from our laboratory to every atate in the. northwest and from coast to coast This outfit Is decrying the uae of ""Oregon-Made" products because they have nothing to offer in competition with them. , ....... Buying WE SAVE YOU . office of tha freight department of ths Southern Paolflo In tha Worcester block and soma one will be on duty there all tha time to give out Information and take charge of donations. Dr. Mackensle waa called upon to or ganise a corps of physicians and nurses and spent rha entire morning at the hospitals calling for volunteers. At late hour this afternoon a score, of nurset had signified their readiness to depart tonight, and it la expected that a rdoeea doctors will - leave at tha same time. This afternoon efforts are be ing made to secure still mora volun teers, and It la expected that a larger corps wilt leave tomorrow. "I have not decided yet whether I win go tonight or not," said Dr. Mackensle, "but think now I will. We, of course. have no means of ascertaining Just what supplies are most needed In Ban Fran clsoo, and will take a complete assort ment of everything wa can to be pre pared for any emergency." . M. A. HIRSTEL AMONG T EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS A telegram announcing tha death bt M. A. Hirtsel. who was killed In tha San Franclsoo disaster, was received this morning by hia brother, Charles lllrtsel. of this city. Ha waa In tha list of killed that waa published In tha morning papers, but tha name waa mis spelled . so that it waa not generally known it waa he. . , Ha waa formerly a resident of this city, for years being a member of the Arm of Hirtsel ae Rosenbaum, cigar and liquor dealers, on First street. His brother. Charles Hirtsel, is a prominent real estate dealer on Third street. FIRE MUSt BURN ITSELF - OUT IN DOOMED CITY (Journal RnecUl Herri. . New York. AprU 1. The Postal Tele graph company received thla morning a dispatch from Ban VTancieoo via uaa- land saying: - -Fire Is still raging and tha city is doomed. There la no water except along tha bay. Tha fire muat burn itself out. Every building In the business district and half of tha residences have already been destroyed. Not a largo building is left , in. the city." Waehingto stodge." " ' Washington Lodge, A. F. A. M., No, M, sent Mayor Lane a chock for SCO for tha relief fund today, which - tha mayor - turned over to tha finance com mittee. - HISS JULIA FRAZER TALKS ON W.10HISI.I ' i Women's North Pacific Board of - Missions Reelects All Offi cers UnanimousiyV" Election of officers for tha Women's North Pacific Presbyterian board of missions took' place yesterday, all ths officers -being unanimously reelected, with only a alight change in the order of precedence among vice-presidents. The addreas of the morning waa given by Miss Julia Fraxer, a masterly dis cussion of the Mormon situation. Mra M. R. Andrews gave the report of the work done by the committee In- charge of traveling libraries. - Mrs. C R. Tern pleton reported for tha Junior Christian Endeavor. Mra A. c. condit read a tribute to tha memory of Mra. Julia I.tndsley and Mra. -Alice Forbes. Mra Fletcher Linn sang.- - --.--. The out-of-town delegates In attend ance Include Mrs.aD. A. Mackenzie, Che halls; Mrs.. Alice K. Koser. Dallas: Mrs. Leo. Astoria; Mrs. J. E. Phillips, Salem: Mrs. H. MacMaater, Camas, Washing ton; Mrs.- H. J. ' Palmer, AnacortesT Washington; Mrs. N. R. , Scott, Cen tralta; Miss Nettle Biggs, Woodburn: Mre.-Lawrnc Bar", Central la; Mrs. J. M. French, Ellsworth, Waahlngton; Mrs. J, W. Young, North Yakima; Mrs. M. U S. Lyon, Salem; Mrs . lary E. Steele, Seattle; Mrs. E. J. ' oung, Sunnyelde, Waahlngton; Mrs. F.-Tonge, Pupallup; Mrs. I. T. Moeelejr, Ellsworth: Mrs. E. K- French, Ellsworth; Mrs. James B. Eagleson, Seattle; Mrs. Arthur N. Thompson, New' York; Mrs. Charles a, Bowie, Tacoma; Mrs. Oeorge H. Hay stead, Sedro. Woolley; Mrs. John O. Leg horn, Spokane; Mrs. Allan Duff in, Camas; Mrs. Elmer E. Hench. Palouse; Mrs. John It. Mateer, China; Mrs. C. A. Park. Salem; Mrs. A. O. Condit, Salem; Mrs.' B. ' T. ' Allen rrlgan; Mrs. Rees Jones, Ellensbura:! Miss Julia Fraaer, San.FranclFCi-t.-Mlsa-Helen W Clark, Alaska; Stryker, Rldgefleld, Wash ington' Mies Anna E. Haines, Bldge , field . Waahlngton. SUIT AGAINST CITY, MAYOR AND COUNCIL L Wllhelm, who owns property near the Welnhatd brewery, has filed, throuah Attorney Newton McCoy, a suit In the circuit court against the city of Port land, the mayor and. members of the council to restrain them forever from passing; or . approving- an ordinance granting- permission to the Welnhard estate to construct or maintain viaducts or bridges and pipes around and over his property. It Is declared in tha com PRE 1000 Doz. Caps for Men and Boys Given Away Friday From 1 to 4 P. M. Phenomenal HAT SALE 60 Doz. New Spring Hats Guaranteed $3.00 and $3.50 Hats DON'T MISS THIS The WmeVssvadeKJ aiwaisawasBw weSVW f . J this opening minsters, .W UW 1 - 111 I I NI I I I I- I it -Could you ask for better terms? From six to eight months to pay for a Rugl -You must know that we have confidence in the quality of these Rugs, or we could never offer such terms. A like opportunity to secure a fine Rug for the parlor, library, delFOT-dml intervals. - We Dave Room-size Tapestry Brussels Rugs for $20 ;;:v.-r ingrain Rugs 9x12 Feet, lor . - - Too ' much ment The " can w jm aj m iihuii "I plaint that such Improvements aa are wanted by the wemnara esiaie wui greatly damage hla holdings. ' Vatrolmaa Smith May tfnooee XerrlC. Patrolman B. F. Smith waa recom mended to tha police commission yes terday by Inspector Bruin for appoint ment aa Tegular detective to auoeeed John F. fcerrlgan, who resigned a short while ago. Tha recommendation. If fol lowed, will lead to Bmlth's appointment by tha commission Instead of by Chief Orltimacher. " . . ' TRAVELING MEN WILL HELP ONE ANOTHER Commercial travelers, many of whom have been thrpwn completely out of employment by tha great dlaaater. are planning to hold a meeting for tha pur pose of devising ways to assist each other. The meeting will be held at the Oregon hotel tomorrow afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Th following call for the meeting was Issued today: "Believing It to be to tha best Inter ests of the various concerns represented by tha commercial travelers and others with connections In San Francisco to hold a meeting to confer upon the re cent happenings which have entirely revolutionised the business world, we, the undersigned, request that, you and 11 s nr a IS. I i " KB! at I C V siiUl l issssssssi sisaaii sssissasssssssiisssssi sjsssa sssssssi ais s SPi . a jixiiLiai'Ai w , .w w mm a ssa v i a i at i b Front y - aSBBSa' BBBBBBBBBaBV sesK- will douot- 'vTiVi less want to If your taste leans toward axua we uuub vj mui jrwua v ... -iUI , Il 1 V - aiicnuuii to sumcuuug speww line we are aide to offer. We are 1 today ' a shipment of splendid Ax-. recently secured under most mr ma wViioK '" txr sir rrilHncr ' o sVlttr IMWI . -Q w -II. ... BEAUTIFUL At $1.00 Down, $1.00 a S ON EASY TKRMS, TQO 173-175 FIRST STREET 219-227 YAUHILL STREET cannot be said of our. carpet depart The patterns are preter than ever. quality is -higher. Morezbeautiful- Y hflrmonv of coloring. Evervthinef add to artistic appearance yet combine superb wearing Qualities, wny pay a Whv oav a Viirrtaf rtr f!nr famm jwir gheri of inferior quality. Wa know that wa can save yo - mooay. mw the other fellow attend a meeting at the Oregon hotel at I p. m. April 10, to de vise ways and means of helping each other. "IB. N. ATHERTON, Chairman. "STUART WEBSTER, Secretary." IImSMHRIM ' - JT "' '" W. - . . v Ml. J " f MIIH Wit'" '""""'"""""'i'tilill.llllimitilMimlnMlil ill I. limlllllMIMMHyiBl Bon An The Best Scooting Soap Made A Scouring Soap A Metal Polish' A Glass Cleaner BIG SNAP i v r : 1 . c wtiwuuim V m a excellent with' Vnn i V v. m , J WM. . mm Week $12 ' ' " . that : wl and xf. - A As - .shrj '&LJiiriTllSi .' K. Xays Died Today. . Jaraea R. Hays Iliad at hia residence,' TT Everett street, at the age of ii years, this mdrnlna-. The' funeral will be held from Holman's chape at 10 o'clock Sat urday morning. o o Just Unpacked, ill I 1 1 II. ! r h r n rf i . i m mi I .IB I . , i A 1 1 iiiv. ilia i w mm : TZJaJeZ-r A " I Sly, I wk JNrf i zjS j eiawoe-e-e)Bs faaw- -M c 3, ' 'jmMmVMMMmlMmmlM'm-K-EW-m mil ! I'lniiiiiii. tmmiiMl -i i m iu ii m msi .l.llmu -mmmmmm SELLS IT CHEAPER Corner First and Taylor Streets '