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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
- THE" OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND THURSDAY - EVENING, APRIL -3 19, u 1908. THE ARAG0H1A FOR RELIEF SHIP German Liner May Be Asked to '. y Carry Supplies'', to San Francisco. ENORMOUS TRADE " i. f i ' ; ; : TO BE CARED FOR -'Alaska Busineas of Stricken City May , i Have to Be . Handled by Northern r " Ports for ' , Several " Months' at -1 i 'Least. ; : ',, ''' . If needed, the oriental liner Aragbnla, , now In the harbor, will be pressed into -' the CfMJlt service oh rrvln a- aunnllea to - ; Ban Francisco. OltlclaU of the 8a r rnncisco ol for nana Bieamnnip com pany say they ere waiting- advice from the head office at t.he Baji City- before taking an.r dennlt action In the mat - tar. 1 -' ... A 1 1 1 Arninii4 iiitt ina vioi 11 a i iia representatives of the company say they would also have to receive Instruction from the kaiser: representative . Washington. Under the circumstances It I believed that the Oerman govern ment-would allow trie big liner to iv . gage In the coast trade temporarily. . During the next three or lour weens and possibly month the coast trade I eirner'f eal ia Km auv rnnt that It will lia Impossible' for the regular boat to -handleit .Shipper say therets no doubt- that Ban l-T-ancIScTJ-wnr-D-;tw ber and building material of all -sorts will be required and U la supposed tha Tin... .a i 1 1 V... ..,.. iiAaullu ' 1 I also expected that the price of prod - ucts will be advanced very materially In her rrlnnled condition It 1 de cla red that San Francisco - will be" "un; BDIO lO IBKV care ui, uiv aihsu vudi' .' nes that had practically been secured by the merchant of that city, uonse- nn.ntNi .11 rt thle traffic will he 1 hrnwn to Portland and Puget sound.- The major portion of the . shipments mad from Seattle to the north were procured - from Ban Kranrisco houses, s- So It ' said to be certain that the sound dls . ,.Ufc.Mi IiUmm of ..a. mrrA 11 . rwir. a I . V. mn tknnt Hrw(nv haav I mil u& 11 CJ iiuihu nittiva, - .- -. 11 y on Portland. " - ASK BETTER FOOD. A Valuable Agent.'. Th glycerine employed la Dr. Pierce's gnedlulAea greatly enhance the medi cinal properties which It extraots and holds In solution much better than alco hol would. - It alio posse medicinal properties of lte own. being a valuable tUmuloent, nutritive, antlsepUe and anti- lermenv. it aaas greatly to the erneac of the Black Cherrybark, Golden Seal root. Stone root and Queen's root,- con tained in-uoiaen jneairsi insnovery in -subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial,, throat and lung affections, .for all of which these agents are recom mended by standard medical authorities. In all eases where there Is a .wastln, away of flesh, loss of appetite, wltl consumption, there can be no doubt that glycerine act as a valuable nutritive and aids the Golden Seal root. Stone root, Queen's root and Black Cherrybark In promoting digestion and building up the Bash and strength, controlling the cough and bringing about a healthy condition of the whole system.'- Of .course. It must not be expected to work miracles. It will not cure consumption except in Its earlier stages. . It will cure very severe, obstin ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn geal troubles, and chronic sore throat with hoarseness. In acute coughs It Is not so effective. It is in the lingering coughs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed Its most marvelous cures. Send for and read the little book of extracts, treating of tha fropertles ana uses 01 tne several med cinal roots that enter Into Dr. Pierce's Uoiden Medical Discovery and learn why this medicine has such a wide range ol application in the-eure of diseases. It r sent free. - Address Dr." K. v.. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The "Discovery" con tains no alcohol -or harmful, habit-forming drug. . Ingredients all printed on each bottle wrapper in plain English. Hick people, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. . All correspondence Is held as strictly private snd sacredly confidential. Address Dr. --i)rvPleree' Medical Adviser Is sentJVe on receipt 01 stamps to pay expense of mailing only, flena 81 one-rent stamps for paper-covered, o 81 stamps'for cloth bound eopy. - - " Crew of (renarsj Hsumaysr Makes Fro- test to Consul In Tain. . ' N'earlv 26 sailors. cOmDfTsTng'The en ursj crew vi me riuiivn utw n wm" Neumayeftr-called t-the efee- of -Con sul Labbe yesterday afternoon and regis ' food given them on board the., vessel Arter making tneip proiesr in men re - 4urned-to. the ahlp. The .consul sy they have no cause for complaint, and so far a he I concerned the incident 1 closed. . 1 - Frequently dissatisfied seamen make demands for better food, but usually they do not succeed in carrying tneir point. It la - explained that It almost invariably turns out that the tars get together and adopt this method for no other purpose than to create discord, hoping that the commander will get dls ruiLtAd a.iul dlacharse Ihem . In .that event the skipper would be obliged to ' pay them the entire amount of wage due. But sailor, are too scarce - at Portland for the captain of the General Neumayer to adopt any auch measure. The ship will complete her grain cargo en Saturday for the United Kingdom and will be ready to sail on the follow. ttalns iinlnaigi thaw tisvtdA ta diiortL LAST OF WINDJAMMERS. Win ronr Iav Thar Will Be Wo Tssssls Taking Torelgn Cargo. Vnless other vessels should arrive In the meantime the harbor at Portland will be practically deserted or big win jammer within the next week. The Francois d'Ambols and General Neumayer will be bound for the United Kingdom by that time. It Is also thought thst the schooners Crescent and Polaris will . be headed 'for the orient with lumber cargoes. There will be no other vessel left In the harbor receiving a cargo for a foreign port. Two ships are fully due from Europe. One of these Is the British bark Procyon. which has been out from Hamburg for Portland since November 22. She I bringing' general cargo consigned to Jleyer, Wilson at Co. The other vessel considered due is the British ship Gal gjtte, which sailed from Rotterdam on tng Is consigned to Balfour, Guthrie ft Co. Kxcept these two, no other vessels are expected to arrive from Kurope for everal weeka. The fleet in the harbor suitable for grain loading for the out ward trip will then be rather small. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tjidetv with SOff.OOO feet of lumber the ateamer A ure la tailed last night for Rmn Pnnr hia. The lighthouse tender Columbine reached the. harbor yesterday to load 1 supplies for Rldred 'Rock station, Alaska. After taking on a part of het shipment here the tender will go to th anwnd to complete the cargo. Th. nilur ...tMin- ftonr.l. TniMAn owned by the Western Transportation ft Towing company, was successfully launched at Vsncouver yesterday after noon. The boat was christened by Miss Louise Plttock. MARINE NOTES. . Astoria. April 1J. Arrived at S and , left up at 7:60 a. m British-steamer Oceano, from San Francisco. - Arrived down at 4 a. m., steamer Aurelta. Sailed . . . , na n .kin In nm l ,,, m. 111., JIII, I IV.1I Dl,.l XiCIIMI, VJI Alaska. Arrived at 9:30 a. m., steamer Cxarlna, from San Francisco. Condition of the bar at S a. m., smooth; wind southeast; weather cloudy. - ' , r PRESBYTERIANS OPEN : . MEETING AT ELGIN (Joarnal Special Servlre.) Elgin, Or., April 1. Th spring meeting of the Grande Ronde Presby tery opened at Elgin yesterday. Th 'meeting will continue until Friday. This presbytery I a gathering of all tha Presbytorlsn minister In th Grande Ronde valley district. . Those who ar attending the pastorlal meeting are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson of Halfway; Oregon: Rev. A. A. KeUcham of Bakef City; Rev. 8. It Elder of Bumpier. Elder Isaao Dale of Union, Mra. Townley of t'nion and Rev. E. B. Hays of La Grande. : Tot tot t. mint. B. Whitaey tot Btat ATTTHEITHEATRES.: Blanche Walsh Coming to Heilig. Ode Fhvh Is wito for hi. wonderful at- trotlua to minor details In all of his. produc tions. a oo of bis plays Is this man appar ent than to .."The .Woman In tlie Caw." 1 blra . Blanrhs : Willi fill- be . seen it the Helllg ' theatre next . Thursday. cyrldT avid Haturday. April S. 27 auj 28. : Tbs real lio-' purtauca of surh rare and attentkm Is at once appareat. A apectal price matinee . will be given Saturday, , . "A Thoroughbred Tramp" Next. ' The Empire will ofrr for Its attraction next we "A Thorough Tramp." A crlao, wn.a tk'nal comedy, rMVl,nt with'1 (he ' humorous adnntwes f a-geatleioaiily- hobo. Roanoke" at the Empire.- The play et the Empire tola week Is one that wir pleaae eTerynne.- It la by the eela- bratM writer of Amerlraa plays, Hal Reld, entlwr of 'Humaar HurU," "Kaoba of Tcn- Hee," and many others. 'Roanoke" Is one of Mr. Rrld's most drllgbtful plays. Next Week at the Bak'er.- ray a vlalt to the Baker theatre next week. and 'e,e - the grandest and moat expeoalvt burlesque ebow now oa tur. The Vm Oa rnry ulrla, with a charming bevy of beantlee. entrancing mnalc. eaptlTattng aonge. eoatly roatnmea, elaborate wenle and elretrfoal - ef fects and the brat of vaudeville arts. The" Merry Maidena. Toolsht, tomorrow night and Saturday mat inee all close the fngacrateat of the Merry Maiaens company at tne Baser. This, erlatnal and clever organisation la presenting an tresarly funny farre entitled 'The Maid and the Mule." The girls la tbs chorus are all pretty. ' ,- , - ' Britt-Nelaon Fig-ht Pictures. Seats are now selling ' st the Baker box office for tbe great Riitt-Nelaoa fight plr Turn, wnirn will Be ern for one night only next Saturday. Every detail Is clear and dis tinct. It Is sa entertainment that laata" two boura. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Lyric. tn offering the tntereatlne farce eomrdr "M Wlfe'a Aunt." the Lyrlr atork romnenv a rertalnly giving the -pan-on. thrlr money'a worth In ' the way of atnuarment tbla week. The large patronage the play Is receiving would Indicate that It Is being much sppre-elated. At the Grand. .iYTrhano'a Italian band of .TO lre la the great attraction at the Orand thle wek. The band la an anqneatlnned bit. The lirrsaoaa. tth dainty Florence tlregaon. are noniil.r Renfm and Jrn'aon present "The Second' Mr. Fiddle. a rowing comedy eketrh: Mr. and sirs. Meae -Mv wemn are i-TtnnawtT. At the Star Mnalc fVieoiiered" la the name of the mnal. eal act of Fields snd llanaon. These are the runniest comedian to appear at the Star la year, ine two English Koaehoda dance: Tor. ley,- the wheelman, baa a collection of both) i reata. ana tne nitree brother a scientific dab Juggling art. Berkley and lninatan are singers. Prsfsrred Stock Canned Goods. Allen aV laewls' Best Brand. '- V. A. STOREY SAYS Voter, of Multnomah county,, you now the record I made while In ' the office of sheriff nearly . a well as I could tell you through any medium. My account were turned over to my aue ceasor perfectly square and my book were approved by the county court. Th circuit Judges, Frater, Bear and George, had thla to say In my behalf: "While W. A. Btorey was sheriff of Multnomah county w bad the beat juries ever se cured for us by any sheriff sine jr have set a Judge." Do the business men. of this county ; want their cases tried by competent business men? If so vot fjor W. A. Storey at th pri maries tomorrow for sheriff. Do the people of thla county want a man for sheriff who will devote hi entire tlm and attention to the duties of th office of sheriff T If o vote for W. A, Storey. While In office for two year only w had tl "case of horsethlevlng. Twenty of these were captured and convicted through. th personal efforts of the man who la now asking for your suffrages. No grafting Wa ever4 permitted or com mitted by W. A. Storey or any of hi deputies to hi knowledge while In the office of sheriff and On this record b expert to be nominated at th primaries tomorrow. -, . j . . , SUPPORT H. M. GjAlIC-E yh'- v ; f -fAi" V---!- . i:t 4. ..., .T - 1 Substantial Citizens Indorse His jCandidacy . for United States Senator H. M. Take's eandldaey fur United States Senator Is strongly Indoraed be the aubatabtlal bualneas interests of landi , Ever since bis candidacy- waa announced be baa received assursnces of their support. Thle eumee In recognition of the wore as .Dae, eon lor tne advancement sod development ol Oregon ana tne unaeinsD interest ne Baa lakes la public affaire. That Mr. Cake has tbs support 'of the business Interests of this city te evident from -tbs following volunta.ry letter " snd la-'" dorsemcnta written since the opening of the campaign-: I heartily Indorse Mr. Cake's randldace- for t'nlted States Senator. . We. need men (n-Oiat position who eaa do something for -Oregon and Mr. Cake baa proven himself such a man to my satisfaction. His consistent and effect tve efforts for the advance-" ment of the beet Interests of tbe state have shown him to be the kind sad calibre of man needed In. Washington. r ' 1 ' -r - 7"T." ' , - " ' i - ' I.-t. TXlilSOHBEa. - T Understand that there la a movement on- foot among the bualneas element of this city to give job some Indorsement as to thebr position regarding ''your eandldaoy for Tnlted Ktatea Senator, and I want to be among the nrst to aaalat In tbe movement. . our acquaintance, covering. a period or. nearly twenty years, -waranta me ui stating that- 1 am positive that the people or" make no mlatake In making you their standard-bearer from tbe State of Oregon, and I sincerely trust thst von will ba elected by s large majority. . h - H. WITTZaBEEO, Your candidacy for the 1'hlted States' Senate has come to our attention through tbs papers! permit ne to eangTstnlats you ' sad assure you of our hearty support. duties " Having been la 'close'" touch" w'lth tbe' 'commercial lob" fear' io' many years, cer talnfy"l)aa put you I n a oaU loaTto appreciate tbs needs of our state. - - ' Assuring yoa thst ws shall do everything poaalble for yoa, snd fueling positive' ef yonr anceesa. we see, years truly. - 0ETH PACinO rLAKIMO MILL OO., O. H. Jsokaes, Oregon will' make so mlatake In sending H. M. Cake to the United States Senate.. Be Is sound, able, eonrageone and persevering. L tUlulSII, Of all eandldstes mentioned for tbs t'nlted S la tea gessbarsblp, yoa are nnqusllfledly our eholre. " " I. X. OILBE&T, Fresldent Allea CUlbert Rsmsker Co. For the psat ten yeara I have known Mr. H. M. Cake, candidate for Vnlted States Bensror on tbe Republtcaa ticket. To my ksowledge, he Is thoroughly acquainted with the needs of tbe state, poaseeslng floe executive ability, and as t ailed Ststes Senator would undoubtedly be jif greet ben cot to tbe country snd the State of Oregon. I heartily Indorse hta candidacy. K. H. HEWHALL, trealdent Eaat Side Bank. Portlaad. Or. We can eonsclentlonaly Indorse Mr. H. M. Cake's candidacy for I'nltcd States Senator. Our- knowledge f -Me, - Cako-and aeoclstlon with him convince us ,of his fltness to creditably represent Oregon In the l ulled States Senate. Hie anselflah devotion to the best Interests of the state along lines looking to Its . expaaaloa - and -upbuilding - amply deatonstrste bis qualifications to . BDoertake the ofnctsl repreaeatatloa of tbla slate, at Washington. TUX IB A J. MWIU MAVuTACTUaUMO 00., I. F. POWZgg. Praaldent. We have know. Mr. H. M. Cake for a great many years. Be bf .a man who. If placed tn s position of treat, would. In onr opinion, fulflll every obligation devolving noon him, and as a representative of the Stat of ' Oregon would not fall In sny duty or emergency effecting tbe welfare of tte nation or the atate. MA SO IT, EKBMAlf A CO, I have known Mr. R. M. Cake for a number of years, and I know that he Is thoroughly competent snd qua lined to represent the State of Oregon aa United Ststes Senator, and I most heartily Indorse him for that poeltlcn. oovxia rtXsUrrruiK oo.. z. a. oevaii. It affords otfr Arm much satisfaction to openly Indorse yoar candidacy for United States SeH.tor. feeling Juatlfled that yoa will represent tbe intereata of the whole atate with tbe same vigor and energy yoa kavs alwsrs dlsplsyed In this direct tun la our local organlaatlona. WILLIAM 0AS8BT A SOHS, Ine. I wish to heartily Indorse the candidacy of H. M. Cake for United States Senator. He is a man who aecompllsbes some.' thing In s positive manner, snd results of bin efforts snd work, unselfish and Intelligent, are evidences of whst he will do If per mitted to represent thle stste tn tbe Upper House of Congress. I am firmly of the belief . that we should concentrate apoa' Mr. Cake as tbs proper nominee of tbe Republican party for this office. C, X, IOLEMAJf. Regarding your candidacy for United1 States Senator from this state, we wish to aay there Is so one who Is more entitled to thla office than yon are. Ae President of the Commercial Clnb, you have done more for tbe advancement of Portland and tbe Stste of Oregon, than any other one man. Your efferta bare, been untiring, and In eonaequencs results have been accom plished such ' ss had sever been dreamed of before. - . ...... There Is no reason we know of why you should not have tbe hearty support of every bualneas man. not only of Port, land, but In lbs Stste of Oregon. Tou certainly sre entitled to It. , , We wish you every success. '. W, LjlLATKE. . We take pleasure In Indorsing your candidacy for tbs United States Sen,' -, . rr . You are our choice for Senator. FETESS R0BEKTS rTTKHITTntK CO., by J. 0, Xobsrts, Pres. Realising the Importance of having, honest ssd efficient nnblle officials, and' feeling anre that roe are endowed with thee requlrementa, together with a thorough knowledge of the wants of tbe people In the State of Oregon, we would moat alneerely Indorse your candidacy foe United Ststes Senator. W. H. M'MOVIES ft CO., W, H. McMoniee. We understand yns are a candidate for tbe United Ststes Senate at tbe primary election, and desire our hearty support snd indorsement. We a re aure you will represent the atate In an able manner If elected. ' - ADVANCE THXESHEJt CO.. per 0 Humphrey, Manager, Is view of the long experience' eitr people bare bad with Mr. Cake, snd our knowledge of him Is his public works, wo be lieve klm to be thoroughly capable of representing the State of Oregon la-tbe United States Senate, snd thst the Interest ef tbe stste would be advanced snd protected under hie cere. J0HV A. XOEBXIXO't SOUS CO., by L. H. rrksr, Manager, '' We believe " there la no one better fitted td ' represent the Ststs of Oregon la. the Uflfrrd Stat Sen,,, than yourself owing to your knowledge of tbe various Int tercets of the stste.' i .- ' T ' s. v. MACK k CO.. ' I bare known Mr. H. M. Cake for the past two years and have had occasion to consult him ea legal affaire' and know him to be strictly rellable-snd one whose Integrity cannot be ejueatloned. I believe he la thoroughly qualified to represent the Stste of Oregon ss United Stat- Senator snd t hearttlr Indorse roe jlke.IL0ffi.rea , , , s , fc-calilll,-aaaari-if Oarr, Scott a Co. I hsva bees ecqualnted with H. M. Cake for severs I years snd know him to be sn honest, competent man. and believe "ne la In every way fitted to serve tbs people of Oregon In tbe capacity of United Statea s nsu - 1 will he pleased to see bin " elected. E. L. DAJ.K0W. Manager Jobs bears View Oo. We take pleeanre in Indorsing your candidacy for the United Statea Senate, We believe ' yon are onallfied tn represent Oregon In the Senate la a way that will reflect credit upon tbs ststs sod upon yourself aa well. You are onr choice for tbe office and ws sincerely hope that yoa will be. elected. TUX CHAS. K. LILLY CO., per H. A. Cashing, Maasger. I have known Mr. H. M, t ake for several years, snd I believe he is every way qualified to ftlj the office of United States Senator, snd am pleaaed to Indorse him t for that position. XEUSTADTEB BIOS., per B. Meaatadtar. Yea are oar. choice for United Ststes Senator st tbs prtmsrles April 3D. JV0. I, MOKOAg. We have recently heard an effort Is being made oa tbe nert -of outside Interests to direct tbe attention of the voters of the atate from the. question that so Intereata ua all the deepening of the Columbia Hirer and Bar Aa tbla la rertalnly one of the moat Important Issuea We wish to express onr confidence in your ability to aid In thla movement, and aa ritlarns of Mult nomah county we feel that yonr selection aa United States Senator would strengthen tbe delegation In Congress in securing proper appropriations for deepening tbs channel to the sea . ' - , B. L. THOMPSOg '.L. XABIMAN.' - It la with pleasure that we leSrn yon have derided to become s candidate for United States Senator. Year long resi dence In this city, together' with yonr experience for several yeara ss tha head of one of Portland a moat active eommerlcal bodies, gives you s familiarity with eondltkma and needs of this state that few men eaa have. ' The Immediate future means much for tbs Stats of Oregon, ssd It Is Imperative that her repreeentatlve In the Upper House of Congress bs tbe strongest mas svsllable. . ..-' Ws srs convinced that you are tbs man for the place, snd-we hrHlr- Indorse your candidacy; ,-- , SECVBITT ABSTRACT It TBVST CO., par 7. f. Daly, President. I have known Mr. Cake foe sortie time, and I believe be la thoroughly competent to represent tbe Ststs of Oregon ss -United Ststes Senator, snd I heartily .Indorse him for that position. - - - - BEIEK80V KACKIWEBY CO., las,,, by B. Beieraoa, Trees, and Mgr. Yoa bare my hearty Indorsement ssd support lit your contest for tbe United Ststes Senst hip. ' B. r. PBAEL. President Prael, Hegsls Os. . I most cheerfully Indorse Mr.- H. M. Cake for the position ef United Statea Senator. He is In the prime of Hfe. 'with s rohnat eonetitutlon. a mas of energy and push, loyal to oar eountrv. and la eminently fitted by sound Judgment and legal ability to discharge tbs duties of Senator with boner to himself end credit to tbe great State of Oregon, J. E. HABELTIVX. Having knows K. M. Cake Intimately for a number ' of yeara. I heartily Indorse him for the position which be seeks, thst of United Ststes Bene tor. Is my estimation, he la moat worthy, la every respect, of the full confllenee of all the people :,. ...,.' ,K. W. BlOWS?, Treasurer Zimmermaa-Wslla-Brewa Oe. Tbe people end the press of the stste generally. I belter, concede tbe United Ststee Senatorshlp to a Portland man " and no one. tn my Judgment.' will, more fully come up to the requlrementa of tbe blgb office than II. M. Cake, whose force of rhereeter ana execuuvw eonuy rw wv wen snwwu. , . c-, - - j, a. MonAJlY. Are Mere All the latest Novelties in Footwear now shown in the fashion center of e , .. the cut htive arrived and are ready ... tor your inapection. . Exclusive Desions. Extra Quality Men's, Ladies and Children's Low Cuts at Attractive Prices. - Kosenliial's 149 Third Street ... Sole Agents HANAN and BOYDEN Celebrated Shoes, Mail Orders - Filled - Promptly. -V X' I WHvWsHMvmTWvMvMMMM to surs yea of . lo netter reprewnisn.e Bou'riiRnipinn .iiie va-tin-ns, interesis or in-egon enu me t'ecirie orrnwee can st tblS'Tlme be sent to the United Ststes Sensts tbsa II. M. Cake. There should be se doubt of bis Indorsement st tbs sppmschlng primaries and June election. . w, A. CLELAMD. The writer baa doubtless been s little tsrd In recognising the-wterlt of your randldsey for the United Ststes Senate Aside from any persons! Interest . that my friendship for yon might prompt me to take In yonr campaign. I am attre that tbe commercial Interests of thla city snd'Af tbe state at large eonld not find a more able advocatr. There are few men In tbe atate who have each s complete knowledge of Its resources ssd possibilities, coupled with the ability to properly direct and foster them My experience with the bualneas Interests of this dty. st least, snd the men who control It. would warrant my anticipating foe yos each eooporattoe) ss meet Insure- yonr sureee.' I wish to be considered one of the number who are advocating your cause, and while In so sense s politicise, snd bsvlsg no fsvore to sek, I aba II be pleased to devote mr best efforts to the good of your cause aa you may direct. W. H. BEKABBELL, Maasger Heywoed Bras. Wakefield. Ws sre besrtlly In favor of your candidacy for the United Statea Senate, and believe. If elected, yon will represent the Stats ef Oregon ssd promote Its Interests lBSway that will do great credit to yourself snd to tbe Stuie of Oregon. Wishing - yew - saeeeaa, we remain, yours very truly. OAUXD A KLINE CO.. per Charles Oaald, President. , It. was with much pleasure that we saw your ennnitncetnent se s candidate for United Statea Senator la tbe Oregonlaa of recent date, and aaeure yoa that ou will have ettr nnquallfled support In your campaign. We feel that It la mes of your atssdlna tbat should represent ua Is tbs Srsste, ssd trust that yoa will be successful In entering the ftenate. - . " '.-': ' ' ' " '..' rHI OE0B0X LAWBENCX CO., Ooa. LSwresos, Jr. Ws entice yoa sre In tbe field for the United Ststes Senetorahlp. It gives ua pleasure. Ws Indorse von for ' the noaltlos ss we believe tbe state could have se better representative thaa yourself. ABBOTT CKUBCH CO. Ws were very muck pleesed te notice your snnouncement for tbe United Stales Senatorshlp. We believe you-t would 'able represent as la tbe Senate, snd yoa srs. emphatically our choice. Ws wish yon aucreas. .. - - PABLIB OBXBDOBr CO.. by U X. Trsat. Maasger. It Is with pleasure that ws notice In the press of this city thst yoa ksvs -yteldVd to tbe nrrsuasloa of .Tour rrlesa. . h. ' become s candidate for the o.flce of United B,atea Senator for Oregon. '- 1 . 'f-us re la our opinion yoa possess all of the necessary qualities to discharge the duties ef this high' office for the beat Interests snd benefit of tbe entire sute ssd wltbi bosor ssd credit to yourself. We trust that you will receive eiirk heertv snd nnenlaiouo Indorse meat at tbs coming prltnertee ss tbs Legislature will sot dare te Ignore. X. 0. 0LIVEB, Mgr. f. S. Ha nes a OsT I take great pleasure' la Indorsing yon aa a candidate Kir tbs sfnee ef United States Senator, believing that tbe Interests of tbs Stste will be best cared for by your election. H. S. TUTB1LL. Mgr. Oregon Osakst Oeaapaay. I have knows H. M.' Cake, candidate for United Statea Senator, for many years, lis Is s mas of A he highest character He means every word of -Me- platform. I consider bin to be s men who esn do aa aturb for the Stste ef Oregon and Its varied Interests la the position of United State Sesator as aay man la tbs state, and I am heartilr' In favor of his selection aa the rasdtdsts ef tbe RepobUcas parly. , r. W. LtASBETTXB, President Portias Olab. :'" -. 0 Wilbur O. Kern, candidate for tha Republican Nomination for County Auditor, 1 a Natlv Son of Oregon,, born and educated In thla city. Mr. Kern haa never held office, but ha been penuty under County Clerke Frank 8. fields. Us has large acquaintance and many enUiusiaatlo ' friends who are loyally supporting his candidacy. Patron of the Clerk' office will generally recognise Mr. Kerns ""fltrtes for'-ther office of County- Auditor by- reason f his eourteey and -diligent attention to duty. a State Treasurer) vc ( BanKs oL PEOPLE ) 1 Portland: TO THE WORKINQMEN, BUSINESS MEN AND ---FARMERS OF OREGON; A Vote for Judge Thos," F. Ryan, Business Man of a at l r. mo nr i e vrcjuii Ve-iiy.ior oiaie i reaiurcr. means 1 uax --State-Moneys WIirBe Used for the Benefit of t All At T t -A. sf- A A " - " ' 1 sssssaiii. . . - - f " A VOTE for Ralph W. Hoyt, banker of Portland, mean that STATE MONEYS wiirbe used for the BENEFIT of the MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK of PORTLAND. A VOTE for E. V. Carter, banker of Ashland, means that the STATE MONEYS will be used for the BENEFIT of the FIRST NATIONAL-BANK-of-PORTLAND-and- CARTER'S BANKS in ASHLAND AND CALIFORNIA, t A VOTE for George A. Steel, POLITICIAN,, means tfat the STATE MONEYS will be used to benefit HIM- t SELF and the SECURITY TRUST and SAVINGS BANK, i LET EVLRY REPUBLICAN CAST lilS VOTE FOR If: JUDGE THOIViAS r: RYAN i and SHOW the BANKS OP PORTLAND that the PEOPLE MUST t and WILL HAVE THEIR OWN. aW-WEATHERLY. HHCarlocic J.aPECKv tl - (mm rk- ....... '.w- r -xT-T-r' r '.' !' 'Hi -I " ct, CoaL.anoCoKE JTt rfrrorrison Phone East, 244. WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD LESS OF "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION VOTE FOR CHARLES A. JOHNS FOR GOVERNOR and give Eastern Oregon political recognition , on the state ticket. TH alalia, that statement BT. 1 . vooate or leg-Is later eaa tasks a for United State geaato to f to th Intelligence tf tbi ); j - 4 e refleetlea ea lb Malt ot siawer. the lalsaet. ToaTATXaur., iTxra r-. I