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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
A' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENIN&. APRIL' ' 19. ' 1SC3. J U M P AT THIS CHANCE L,pts $lSO . ' ' SS BOWV, S3 A TSAB .1. ;. ..: Il'jO KILLED AIID SIX IfUURED -- HOVT- BOTH OUT OF THE CONTEST CONTEST DISGUSTS THE VOTERS. 7W1 ED T f ' Beautiful Structures at Famous . Stanford University Are Heaps of Ruins. l '', (Jourwl 8p-Ul Barries.)- " Stanford University, CaL. April Jl. IWoot of th beautiful tuUdlg-f4he famous Stanford anlversity wer rased 10 tn ground, cauatng a loss of tJ.MO. ' M9 and causing th death sf two per 'eons. . Th building destroyed are En clna hail, the- college home of the Hoy , student; the new gymnasium .building, only recently completed and one of the ' finest structures of its kind In the 'world;' the famous Stanford library building, recognised the world over aa an .architectural triumph; the Quadran gle, one of the most novel and beautiful ' of college structures, and the . grand arch at the entrance o, the unlverlty gruunda. 7" "TT . At RedwoodClty there- was great damage by the earthquake. Many buildings' and blocks were ' destroyed and condition of ruin ts general about the city. The Carnegie library Is com pletely destroyed.' i-' ' . - The two killed were Junius Robert : Halls, of Bradford, Pennsylvania, and Otto Quits, a fireman. Six students were' Injured. 'They are W. H. Masters of i'ui Hand,- Ross Howard of San Fran cisco. Henry I. Dearths of Banta Ana, Albert R. Thomas of Ios Angeles, Rob ert, W.-West wick of Santa Barbara and - rrallL f HOSE FROM CALIFORNIA -. HURRY TO HOLIES - Convention, t Following LBaptist Evangelical Conference In Ses lon at White Temple, - v A number of California delegates who wer here to attend 'the' Pacific Coast Baptist convention at the White Tem ple left last night and' this morning for their homes. - ......-'-..- i The 'convention following the evan- geUatlc conference opened -f eewie Uy last night with aa address of welcome by Dr. J. "Whltcomb Brougher, who tended the' hospitality of the city arid mentioned the desirability of closer con nection between all - western points in the work. 1 This mornlnr Hv U.-J -Whit of Taeoma spoke on "The Orient and th -West; Bey. A. W.' Rider of Oakland on "ThePaclno Coast and the World Vision"; Tier.. H. J. Vosburgb of Oakland on "The Opportunity of the American Baptist Publication' Society in the Weet," and Rev. R. Q. Seymour of Philadelphia on "This Opportunity as Been rrom Headquarters' . . - -., re -r- There are about ZOO delegates in at tendance, those arriving since yesterday morning- being: 1 ' ' W. O. Evans. KallspcU, Montana; Miss A.'Foshay, Albany, Oregon; Robert Whltaker, -Oakland. California; : Tong Tyng, San Francisco; Mrs. U. V. Iamp kln Pendleton, Oregon' Annie Stone. Newberg; Rev, I P. Russell, Palo Alto. California K- E. Mercer, McMlnnvllle; Nanne M. Felt. Denver; C. A. Johnson, . Harrison. Idaho" E.I Swlck. South Bend. Washington: B. P. Adkins. Med 'ford; Mrs. B. F. Adkins, Medford; Miss Ore' Adkins. Medferd; Mrs. Harriet . Plummer. Taeoma, Washington; Mrs. W. P. Boynton. Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Taylor, Seattle; Myron W., Seattle Millie F. Snhwettler, Centralis. Washington; J. O. Jones, Seattle;- Revrli Walton" Terry, Taeoma, -Washington; Mjtinri a w Timirk . Seattle. George A. Bale, Hoqulam Wash' ington; Arthur D. Carpenter,- Taeoma. Washington; Herbert Judson White. Taeoma, Washington; - J. F. Hall. Taeoma, Washington; P. 8. Combs. Barton. - Washington; ' Mrs. E. R. Hermlston, Sprlngf leldj " Rev.r AKel i.indgren, Taeoma, Wash.; Emmanuel Schmidt. Seattle; Rev. K. IJcheratrom. Portland; Rev. Martin Carl son. Hoqulam, waan.; Kev. jl. Misnop. Ballard. Wash.; Rev.-AB.- BaiM. he- lialla. Wash.; J. E. Booker, Oregon City, Or.; Miss Ida A. Skinner, McMlnnvllle. Or.; J.. A. H. Wutlke. Bethany, Or.: Mr. and' Mrs. C J-Erirksnn. Seattle; t,. t Hammerly. Oakaclals, Waeh.t Baird, Chehalla, Wash.; John M. Foster, , Burton. Wash.; August Lovegren. Pres ton. Wash f Mr. end Mrs. Jsmes Sunder land. Oakland. -CaL;.W. M. Jennings, Garfield, Wash.; Rev. Thurman Bishop, Mallard, Wash.; Rev.- Brown, Snohomish, Wash.: Frederirk A. Agar, Great Falls, Mont.; II. a QUI. Salem, Or.: D. M. Hill, Salem. Or.; Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Davis. Oregon CltyyOr.r F.C Caviar, McMlnn vllle. Or. 'Our business is to protect the brains" of; the. men in' this vicinity ( and our hats are doing it. Come and try the Combination your brains and our hats. They , go well together. T7 ' The newest 'Hats are herj. $3.00. LION CiufKuhnPii Outfitters for Men and Boys ; 166 and 168 Third St. -Mohawk Building ; , mm AITKIN WAS FiRST TO ADVOCATE PLAN OF DISTRIBUTING STATE FUNDS AND SAVING STATE THE IN- - TEREST THE YOTERS TRUST HIM. ' t ' ' , " 'r ' , -f.: '1 f . , ; V- a ' Isn't it amusing to see the scramble between two; sets of Portland. banks for possession of the state funds? Carter and 'Hoyt! The contest is serious to themselves alone. :. , , , , . . -J ' j i ji ' i it. .i. v - - j " - ".These two defendants have even the audacity to publicly boast of their guilt and loudly proclaim that they, Carter and "Hoyt. go into the hands of the jury April 20 for trial. - "' '; . . ' ' ., . ; "' " ' ' ".'V.l" '' : 'wt " ' They fool themselves. They are already judged, condemned and found guilty. They arerat of the race. Neither one is the choice of the.voters. "' c;-; ' .'- ;, .- :- .' -' 1 ..v.--'. . " ' - THE STATE FUNDS WILL NOT GO TO THE CANDIDATES OF THESE TWO SETS OF BANKS Tbu7iH be deposited by the leading and winning candidate, JOHN H AITKIN in the banks, throughout the state, without; Liear oniavor. : . . . : . ' r Aftryon nWavor of a clean man. with hands untieu, wno win give nis personal attention ijc uuut i who was the FIRST candidate to publicly announce that the interest on state funds belongs to the stater , ;- .. that is HnB up for the MOST POPULAR REPUBLICAN IN OREGON, the man who will I'come upto Multnomahcounty with two votes for .one of every .ot Vote for John H. Aitkin, the Next State Treasurer - ..To Republicsn Voters: , A eenti 'of. the State Printinf Push are circulating ai-eport Ttbat Whitney of Linn county, has been Indorsed for State Printer by "Regular Republican" of Multnomah county. Of course, it . it a campaign Ue, and utterly ridiculous. t The charges against Whitney extorting $500 per day on the 4 '-i-:... .tlnara anil violation of the lawa about advertising t for paper and binding--remain The yarn about Whitney's alleged "indorsement" is a poor 1 "J effort to protect the allied politiciana from th exposure of thr grafting and law-breaking. "' " . i t t nlMfv tVi neonla an economical business administration, observance of tha the cost. of the office ot state Willis S. Duniway, Candidate for Republican Nomination as State Printer. !. SPECIAL TRAIN BOUND FOR BAY CITY , - . . .... ' Carries Party Out of Portland Expects to Make Run In , Thirty Hours. A spsclal tralrf with IS people left the union station at 8 o'clock this mornlns or. San Pranclsco. Ths. traHn consisted of an Pflne, hagsaia-car. a Pullman and two coaches. It wlU try to reach the stricken city within JO hours. h ...,,.. , chiefly traveling - z Portl-nd .,, other Cuies rep- men of Portland and other cities rep resenting San Francisco nrms ana per sons who are Solicitous about the wel fare' of relatives. Numbers of Portland are In Ban Francisco, but intis definite news from thenv-has bel re ceived. - .Hundreds -of people thronfed ths sta tion last nlfht whenv.the regular south bound trsln left the city at 8:46. Weep ing and hysterically excited women harrassed telegrsjih operator Imploring news and praying for their friends and relatives In the south. The regular train was crowded and several extra coaches were necessary.: At the various news centers in Port land the crowds began' to gather early this morning. Th streets about the newspaper- offices were thronged and about the telegraph offices anxiety and Jalarmermanlfest. thousands . 01 messages were offered . th teiegrapn companies, but until lat In ths duy none was accepted. . t, - r. - Beginning- to Oet Messages. Th Western Cnlon this morning be gan to receive messages sent from Ban Francisco to Sacramento by mail yes terday. "From that place they-er transmitted by wlr to Portland. Th Western Union also this morning opened communications with Oakland-' and re ceived messages from there. Th local offlc accepted telegrams for that point, but refused to guarantee their delivery. All-day-peopl swarmed about ths telegraph offices in the hop of receiv ing tldlnas from friends or relatives in i ti, anuth. As the day progressed th crowds about the newspaper and tele graph offices increased. ' ALL LOCAL BANKS TAKE SAN FRANCISCO EXCHANGE Portland banks ar today taking San Francisco exchange for collection, but not for credit. Th report that th banks were -refusing to- hahdl San Francisco exchange is untrue. r. jj, Durhanu- vice-president or th Merchants' Nstional, said:- Portland banks ar accepting Ban Francisco paper for collection. They ar not, I eiiv, taking it for credit, aa any delay in sending forward or pre senting paper would lnvolv a local bank lit liability for delay. To avoid such risk) we simply take th paper for collection, send It forward and await results." . j, SALEM CITIZENS LEAVE TO RENDERASSISTANCE (Special Dtopetrk t Tha Joaraal.) Ralem. Or., April II. Th awful news which rame from Ban Frsnclsco yester day stirred the people of th Capital City. Th newspaper offices wer be sieged by throngs of people. Be vera! Seism people loft last vnln A II FOR STATE , ' ... 'rf. '.''.'"''.""' - :'.. ,.,......... unanawered. because tha charges laws and a great decrease, of ranter. 4.WW H. H. EMMONS - Of laswi ft XmaiMa - i ' .-.v . fr Beysblleaa Caadiaate far HesUaeUaa for REPRESENTATIVE , Indorse Btateamit No. 1. BaUot la No. TO for California. Dr. K. C Pal ton offersd his services to the Southern Paclflo and they wer accepted. OMAHA IS RUSHING MONEY AND SUPPLIES (Journal Special Service. 1 Omaha, Neb., April II. Orders hav been received at army headquarter to rush-by express t.500 stoves and other supplies to Ban Francisco. The Union Paclflo offers tha free use of Its tracks snd wires to hasten relief. Omaha has wired $10,000 and mora Is to follow, - - XTebrask Offers Aid. ' (Jcsraal Special Service.) ( Lincoln, Nob., April 1. Governor Mickey has wired an offer of th state's resources to Governor Pardee. The mayor of this city hae Instituted pro ceedings for a relief fund. - -r- .- " T- Xlng X Award Cable Sympathy. (Journal Rperlal Service.) London. April II. King Edward, when notified of th disaster at Ban Francisco, cabled an expression of sor row, to President Roosevelt. , Cbloago Voile Aid, ' (Journal Special IWrvlee.) '- Chicago, April II. Th ehlef of po lice has selected 10 detective to go to Ban Franc I boo to aid th chief there. Emperor William Cables. ' (Jootsal Speelal Serrle.) Berlin. April II. Emperor William today cabled sympathy to America In a message to President Rooaevelt. llUllD'l XOUKOUBTD STTBVV. Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy mirh: onnreesed. rattling. rasDlnar . breathing. Henry C . . druggtxt, Shullaburg, Wis., writes. May JO, 1I0I-. "I havs been selling Bal lard's Horehound ryrup for two years snd have never had a preparation thai has given better satisfaction. I notrce (hat when I sell a bottle they corns back for more. I can hnneatly recom mend It." . tie, 60o and $1.01. Sold by Woodard, Clark C. . - . (OLDS Tit TREASURER - V ' ..- L.Z! !.-.? ' , 4 I , I aTTlrTvrrJWefiaj' . v I - -1 III Mm Don't Mw' TPrtnnty, " . secure 'Ja gdod. A A ttl o Iff I llf "time-piece" at a fabulous low price. - If yon have"! -H llll III not the 5 to "Pre Pa7 Prt down, the balance I !j i-51aVI m i . inn , mum i 7 - 74 Third St., Near Oak. M 1 - r - ; 1 ROBERT V. STEVENS Candidate for th Republican nomination: for sheriff, solicits th votes of all fair-minded people who bellov In an impartial enforcement of th laws Snd In an economical business administration of th sheriff offlc. Mr. Steven I before the people unpledged to any individual, faction or clique and tmtram meled by any past politics! alliance. If elected he will conduct th affair of th offlc in a manner that will meet with, th approval of 'all taxpayers Irre spective of their party affiliations. , . r . -" ' Storgwa Sends Big Oheek. (Jmiraal Special Service.) ''-". New Tork. April II. J. P.- Morgan this morning sent a check for 126,000 t the chamber of commerce for th re- Ut ot Baa Francisco sufferers, ., .. . , Jul j".;:.- t c-- t. ..... 1 V W- y , ?.,'. v t '1- ' v, x -. - ' r i i . f ... , ? . t'Vi Oarasgt Xaro Oomaniaaloa Aids. (Joaraal Special Herriee.) 1 rittsburg. April II. Th Carnegie Hero commission has placed lli.000 at th disposal of ba mayor of Baa JTran- 4Jcau WOOD MERE WOOD IV. ERE The choice residence suburb. Romas built and sold on assy- monthly pay ment.. .,. ... -Visit Woodmer. not th marvelous development of th entire Mount Boott district and you will realise th advan- tag or buying now.-- WOOD MERE II minute from city, far Id. ' QEO. W. BROWN tpi Failing Bldg., Third and Washing ton Sta. Agent Always On Ground. MR. W. H. POPE Candidate for nomination on th Repub-Ucan-tlcket for tjia .offlca)f Cqjinty Auditor, baa nnea many positions ox trust and resDonalbtlltr and ha had a large experience In. practical business. - Having .occupied tha position baror and being thoroughly acquainted with county affairs he la eminently qualified for th of flee. Mr. Pop was. th author of th bill providing for th creation of the offlc of County. Auditor and defining his duties, which became a laww He was th author of a bill creating the trust fund,- which also beoam a law, as well as several important and practical amendments to- th laws relat ing to collection of fees and, paying them Into th county treasury. H was th first auditor of Multnomah ecmnty and performed the duties of his file with fairness and ability. Ha caused to be collected and placed in th county .treasury from souroes from which th county never befor had received any revenue, thousands of dol lars (aggregating three years salary) and th records do not show that a dol lar has been received from th same source sine h went oat of offlc. Through his personal:, efforts there was saved to the county humorous -other large sums that were being diverted Into other channel from which the county received no benefit. If elected Mr. Pope promises th tax payers of Multnomah county "A busi ness administration, an Impartial per formance of tha -duties of hi offlc and that he will strictly comply with the law defining hi duties." Ton rom pops. - Slatement No. 1 Ticket t Shall the people select their United States Senatof? f Believing in this principle the following candidates have chosen these words to be placed after their names on the Repub heart" nominating ballotr " "Promlaea always to vote for PEOPLE'S. CHOICE for Uni ted States Senator." - This system will eliminate the election of a Senator from legis lative matters. ' For Joint State Senator, Clackamas and Multnomah: 51 GEO. M. ORTON. " 'For State Senator, TMult nomah: . ' 56 58 59 62 67 69 75 JOHN GILL. . For- Representatives r : L. H. ADAMS. "r C. BAYER. , C BURNS. J. B. C JOHN W. P. COFFEY. . .i - DRISCOLL. KEADY. 79 S. A..MATTHIEU. 83 . A. H. SANDSTROM. 85 EDWARD T. TAGOART. 87' EDGAR H. THORNTON. 88 WM. WANNER. . VAN C. DUNNING . Rspublioaa NobbIrm For . COUNTY CORONZR No. Ill on th BaUot RELIEF for LADIES , FRENCH Tansy Wafer Origi nal and only genuine Put ap la yellow ' t.-rapper and "Crowa" trademark. For sal by th , LEAD1NQ DRUGK3ISTB. I I LsMsstasgsagasstassaUJrwsss sV , I ai Ss wmmmimmmml A. T. Lewis Republican Candidate for ' County Judge If nominated and elected, I wlll dur- ' Ing my. term of offlc devot all my time and attention to th duties of th ' offlc. i ,, , I favor " good, substantial road . and bridge Improvement .throughout th ' county. No favored section. Honest, efficient service: strict ' su- pervlslon of th administration of es-. tates. , 7, When you rot Jook.for ! .91 Lewis, ! Silycrf Gray .SW ' - " ' , . . Worsteds -; About fifty patterns to choose from. .. T". ' 5 ; To your measure f 20 to f 40. If you like the fashionable grays, you axe sure to -find in our stock just the particular pat - tern you want. '-' We have the Moonlight Grays' in styles suitable for old men young men middle-aged men. There are patterns : in our stock just the thing, for a busi ness suit, snd s lot of them fine enough to please the most exact ing for dress up street wear. We want you to look over our Stock. '...:'..' - Whether you buy or not, you will know what the most refined and stylish fabrics of the sea son are. To your measure for your exclusive wear built for you, f20 to f 40. ELKS BUILDINO Seventh tnd Stark Sts. SAVE MONEY rUtrj All work guaranteed .lor ten years. Lady attendant always present All work don absolutely without pain by specialists of from It to 10 years' ex perience. .. . . 'OoM Fillings, Bridge Work, Gold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. BOSTON PAINLtSS DENTISTS II1H Morrison St. Opp. Meier Fran and Postofflo. VOTE FOR CHARLES A. JOHNS -FOR GOVERNOR and give Eastern Oregon a mem ber of the State ' Land Board. 1 -J. 1 ., 1 , -.-..; 1 I