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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
-1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. ' APRIL' 19, 1906. LI1V CITIES LEF niissss; and Childrctfs Millinery Artistic Picture Framing Fcrtlzri f:i . Vasal. MwtvwA - - ur IK i! 1 Hundred and Fifty Lives Lost in i, Salinas and Town I Com-' P,etey Wrecked. (l' SANTA CRUZ IS A MASS - OF DEBRIS AND WRECKAGE Tidal Wave ' at Morae . Landing Washes Out Two Big Warehouaea and Shore Sinka Six Feet Moun- : iwii onucs unig ram. s (Special Dispatch to The Jmrttl.) -Lo A ngelea, A orUi . Word TEaa 'been received here by Ion distance tele- ' phone that ltO lives ha been loat Baltnas, that the town la a wreck and wilL have lit be. practically rebulltzr: Prom Banta Crua cornea word, brought - arrosa tue bay by a man In a boat and ' then telephoned to this ; city,- to the effect that the city Is a man of broken buildings and twlated Iron like gigantic crap heap. The courthouse, which Was the finest, one In that section -of tae state. Is a heap .of stones and rubbish r-At HotM landing a tidal wave awent ; In and washed out twa big- warehouses , ana aia a 101 or damage and the shore sank six feet No report ,of lives lost there has been received. Uima-l'rlO mountain, i wear Banta Crua. slid Into the valley and crushed a mill, killing ten men. "Fromy Monterey comes the report thai serious damage has. been dons and., a number of people are Injured, but no deaths reported. All trains from the-south are block- fled l ..trains Is oft tha traok, - A message fronrOaklnnd reports -that 1 at :4i o'clock Inst night there waa a - aho k which bated Ave seconds-bui little damaae was dona. already telegraphed to Mayor Bchmlts, pledrlng 1100.000. - The Pass t dena board -of trade has pletined at ; least I&.000. The Times relief fund r now amounts to over $25,000. ' has DYNAr.lIT E KILLS FIRE FIGHTERS Hundreds of. Others. Imprisoned j in Wrecked . Buildings ' ' f. .' Are Burned. - ST 1 (Joeraal Special service .) Oakland. April 1. The entire whole. sale and commission district of Ban JTranoisco. has been-, burned to,- the I ground. The business district bounded . by Marksv Second. Folsom; and Klghtb streets, - comprising several hundred blocks 'Is alaoTn ruins. " Property loss , at .tha lowest estimate will figure. more than Day before yesterday Ban Francisco waa athrlvtng ctly. Today ahm ashes The earthquake which occurred at 5:lfr-yoeterday morn to break out In a dozen localities, and before the fire department arrived tbo - fires were beyond control end within an hour It was seen that 8a n Francisco waa ' doomed. .............. -One cannot describe the awful scene Hundreds were klllerTy the Tailing buildings at the moment.) the earth quake. Hundreds ofjnjuredjlmprlsoned , In wrecked buildings were roaste'dTd' "death. Every conceivable conveyance from automobiles to handcarts were .. pressed Into service to convey the In jur ea ana firing to improvised hospitals. - Special police were sworn In but. they were unbale to preserve order. At 10 clock United States troops arrived on the scene and Ban Franclaco was placed under martial law. . L Soldiers were scattered through the business district to prevent. Vandalism and hold the crowds In check. In 'tfcs-g a gl J a. merit the nre gained headway. -leaping . across at reels to - adjoining burldlngs. Tona of dynamite were used to blow down buildings In hopes of checking the flames. KfTorts were useless.- Three quarters of the business section Is In ruins s,nd the fi-e still burns. , District Burned. The district entirely wiped out south of Market street Is bounded by Market ' street, Harrison street at the water r front and Tenth street end Is about two - square miles in extent. North of Mar ket street the district burned ts bounded ' by Market street at Broadway, the waterfront-and Sansome -street -Thirty thousand houses were either partially ' or wholly destroyed bythe earthquake and the subsequent fire has swept the "' city from one end to the other and 160, 004 persons are homeless. .About 100 bodies have been recovered, but hundreds have perished miserably1 In .-, the broken-down' wooden .houses along the water front, "In the Mission and along Market street. -. l Banta Rosa la a total wreck. - Ten thoueaad people are- homeless. Tae-kwa of life will run Into the hundreds. The . whole business portion of the city is a mass of tumbled ruins.' May street is plied on either side many feet deep with fallen buildings. - Not one business .building Is left Intact. The four-story '" courthouse la a pile of broken masonry. . Nothing is left. Those buildings not destroyed-by the esrthquake have been ; swept by (Ire. Cltlsens fled to the fields and hills snd watched the destruction - of their city. The entire water system is destroyed by the earthquake. " J-t. At Special Prices Titsnied Ready- (H OC ' lo-Wesr Hats l vXa-l iFor. Misses and Children, of fancy straw braid, trimmed " V with velvet . ribbon, quills Vf V 114 Afmamnt varv f . tractive hat. ' All the desira ble colors, at. . . , ; . . . CWldrcn's. Trlramcd Millinery Leghorn, Fancy Straw and Silk Hats, also numerous other styles prettily trimmed for .the young miss; marked at special prices, at . , ................. $2.95, $3.05, $4.25, ?4.05 Children's Sailors Continental and Poloi Hals .' ' . , Of Fancy" Jap and Milan Straw Braid. .,'An immense variety, white," light," navy and red trlmmingsrall sizes; special at. . .$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $1.05,. $2.25, $2.75 Extraordinary Sale of Flowers M,$i.50aiid -$2:VaInes "A great "purchase of Sample Flowers from one of the larg -e8t-4mpVrtera'filowcKg, in-, eluding roses, " lilacs,- margue rites, poppies, in fact everyone of . the, mostdesirablelflowers that are now being use to trim the hat; also many June roses, sun roses, Kcuiuums, etc.; rea values up to $2.00. . ... . .39 10,000 Yards Spring 1906 10C-12V2C Percales 8c In thousands of Portland homes plans for; durable Summer, garments are ; beinf made. Something that Is pretty and - will wear and wash and wear agaia. There are 10,000 : yards of cadet, navy, gray, red, black and white Percales, stand ard quality ; reai value 10c and 13o-by all yon want at. the great bargain prioe . . . , .u .V. . . . . . .8 25c Mercerized Poplin 18c A Famous Fabric-A Great Bargain A rep-flnished mercerised Poplin of sheer texture; a' beautiful - - Summer ' costume cloth," solid ' colors ' In ' black," white, cream, green, Alice blnsvred, pink, navyt light blue ; great snap at. 18 $5.00 Trimmed Hats 3JB5 A vast assortment cl new and Jaunty styles. Trimmed with flowers, ribbons,"" qulllaTctc Every one of the new colors at . . 93)3 $1.50 Silk Straw Hat Braid 75 c Full 12-Tard pieces line quality Silk Straw Braid. Colors gray, navy, .champagne, old rose, brown also black and white. Real $1.50 value 75c 50c and 75c Hosiery 33c 2400 Pairs Ladies' Lace Stock ings, in black, white, pink, sky, myrtle,. Alice blue., red, navy, etc. All - new up-to-date styles in a great ' variety of weaves. : Most remarkable bargains atu.,.33 CHILDREN'S 25c ' HOSIERY AT-18....-Children's fine' " black Cotton Stockings, with - double heels, toes, ankles; best 25c quality, at. special, pair ........... .;.18 BOYS' SCHOOL STOCKINGS, HEAVY RIBBED, 25c QUAL ITY AT 12t Boys' heavy ribbed School Stoclp ings, made with double heels and toes; extra good value at 25c; re markable bargains at. . . . .'12y JaS. f M Long Silk Glove Extenders - Blaok andLwhitenlrdemongttionj '- ' . day. .': -.' 60c, 75c 85c Pair ifihort Gloves 'converted into long Gloves ' "in a second April Sale of Lace Curtains Cur z tainlngs,Cpuch. Covers $2.00 and $2.50 tae Cnrtains ..............Vs.;f,,.....-.$i.49 $3.00 and $3.50 Lao Curtains ......................... ......$2.29 $4.00 and $4.50 Laee Curtains .........., ............ .'...$3.15 $5.00Tund $5.60 Laoa Curtains . ...... .... 7. ... ..... . . .$3.89 $5.00 and $5 JO Couch Covers $3.93 Extanaion Rods, special ...?i7..7777..7t d 12 15 Curtain Swiss .................... .". .12V4 5000 Beautiful Cretonnes ..-.i.'.V.7il. 7.. , ..... ........ -28 1 v Aprjl Sale of Ladies' Suits $ 28.00 Tailored Suits $10 OF PANAMA, BROADCLOTH ART) FANCT MIXED MATEWALfl; ETON and JACKET STYLE 8 IN BLACK, NAVY, AUOE, RE3EDA. $48.50 Tailored Suits$35 OF FINEST BROADCLOTH, PANAMA AND TAILOR BUTTINGS : ETON, PONY -JACKET and NOVELTY STYLES-BLACK, NAVY, GRAY." ALICE BLUE, ROSE, KESEDA. $23.50 Tailored Suits $16.75 Or BROADCLOTH AND PANAMA, IN BLACK, NAVY, ALICES ROSE, RESEDA AND rANCY MIXED CLOTHS. i$37.50 Tailored Suits $26 OF PANAMAS, BROADCLOTHS AND SERGES; IN JACKET, ETON AND PONY-JACKET STYLES; BLACK, NAVY, RESEDA, ALICE BLUB AND FANCY MIXED CLOTHS. - 69e 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 FANCY S1XKS The best Silk bargains that we ever offered in Portland. AU Bilks that are new this season, dependable quality, choicest de signs, newest colorings. A great assortment to choose from. Sea our Silks at 69o and compare them with any Silks anywhere and you will realize the superiority of the Lipman-Wolfe Silk bargains HOPE DIES WITH RESH Bin Flames Lapse Just Before Dark -but-BreakQut Anew on' ; Barbary Coast. (Joaraat Special Sarvla.) San Francisco, April 1. Br the wide lapse In raging- of the flames just before dark last night hope waa raised thst-wrth the-ueeo-ons-of. dynamite the course of the fire might be checked and confined In the triangular sections lt-.hadfltttputfQrlts.rth, But on inn oarnary onst me lire oroae out anew, and as the night closed In Hamas were eating their way Into the parts untouched In the ravagea during the day. To south ariJ' nOrlinhejr spread. down to the docks, and out Into -the residence section. In and to the north of Hayes valley. By f o'clock practl cally all the great St Ignatius build- lngs had been leveled to the heap that marked what was once the metropolis of the wet. The seen at Mechanics' pavilion dur ing the early hours of the morning and up until -nooa,. when all the Injured and dead were removed, because of the threatened destruction of the bulldlna by Mrs, was on of Indescribable sad ness. Sisters, brothers, wKea and sweethearts searched eagerly for their mlssin dear ones. Thousands hurried ly went through the building Inspecting cots on .which -the sufferers lay In the hope of locating come loved on that waa missing. " Abaadom Favlllon.- The dead' were placed In one portion at the building and the remainder de voted to hospital purposes, -r After- ths fire forced the nurses to desert the building esger crowds followed them to the Presidio and the children's hospital, where they renewed the search for miss ing relatives. Mayor Bchmlts appointed - 3.000 or more special policemen. It Is estimated that aside from the regular fire depart ment there were 2S.60S firefighters. Mar velous deeds of heroism are reported on all sides. There were many thrilling rescues and the deeds of Valor performed MADE IN OREGON ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS AT END OF EACH YEAR Three Prominent Features mmm im ' . THE POLICYHOLDERS" COMPANY A. U MILLS, L. SAMUEL, CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, President. GyncraI!Managcr. Assistant Manager. 283 WASHINGTON ST. (Macleay Building) PORTLAND, OR. W. H. Markell & Co. 121-123 GRAND "AVENUE A-White Goods Sale for Friday and Saturday. White Underskirt Special 68c 98c $1.48 Beautiful splendiflly lace new styles, trimmed in" and errTljroTdery. yeryfulLut-and - well made. BEAUTIFUL WHITE SHIRTWAISTS 75e to $3.00 each. The greatest and best variety of white waists we have ever shown. The styles are very elaborate and fit and finish are 'unexcelled. - - - - -- WHITE CANVAS- OXFORDS FOR WOMEN, EXTRA QUALITY $2.50. - Extra good quality white can vas Oxfords with Goodyear welts and hand turned soles; and silk ribbon laces. . - - by the firemen and policemen would fill a volume. The Mechanics Pavilllon waa early turned Into a hospital for the Injured and a resting place for the unfortunate dead. Every physician and nurse In the city volunteered their services. Shortly after boon the flame hedged the pavilllon about and the Injured and dead were lifted by wagons, auto mobile and other vehicles to the Pre sidio. The Call and Examiner build ings were destroyed utterly. -' riayhoasea Destroyed. . All of San Francisco's best playhousss th Majestic, the Columbia and the Grand are a mass of, ruins. ..The earth quake demolished them for all 'practi cal purposes, juid the Are completed the work of demolition. The Klalto1- and Caaserly buildings are burned to the ground. Tha "Terminer hotel at the foot of Market street fell and burled 30 persons under the debris. -These were tnclner- sted and there la no possibility Of learn ing their identity. Lieutenant Charles C. Pulls, command ing the wenty-fourth company of light srtlllery. wss blown up. by a charge of dynamite at Sixth and Jessie streets and fatally injured. ARMY TENTS TO SHELTER HOMELESS HUNDREDS Four hundred army tent to be used temporarily to house homeless suffer ers from the earthquake and fir In the stricken city of Ban Franclaco are being packed at aneouvac . bexiaoM this morning for shipment . over the Southern Pacific this afternoon. The. chief quartermaster received In structions from the department' at Washington thla morning early to send all the tents that could be gotten to gether and - get them to Ban Francisco ss quickly as possible. .The quarter master Immediately detailed a squsd of men to sttend to this. Four hundred was all the afforded and every one was parked. " These 'will be. put aboard the drat boat to Portland and will be sent out orer the" Southern Pa cific as soon as possible. 1. No Instructions were received at the post relative to the sending of rations or anything s'se other than the tents and the quartermaster will not attempt to send out any other relief supplies unless ordered to da so by the depart ment. 'The tents being sent are all of the latest armjr. trpo. built -for -campaign service, and will afford fairly comfort able. places of protection for the many wna nrai aosoiuieiy nomeiess. It is understood that the quarter master at Fort Lawton, Washington, has also been Instructed to send all the available tent from, that post on the first train. - UNVEIL STATUE OF . FRANKLIN IN PARIS ' (Journal Rpertal Berries.) Paris. April !. The American colony Nn pill la as pleasant and positive as DeWltt's Uttle Early Risers. These famous little pills are so mild and af fective that children, drltcat ladles" and week people-enjoy their cleansing ef fect, while. strong people say they are the peat Uvtr pLUa aotd. Xever trip. 1 file Efafl JFiel Gas Ranges and Gas Water Heaters Installed Free xoDrur' oat maves. .NO KINDLING TO SPLIT NO FIRES TO BUILD NO WOOD OR COAL TO CARRY NO BAKING HOT KITCHEN In accordance with our liberal policy on the sale of GAS RANGES and GAS WATER HEATERS, we are -now installing all ranges and water heaters purchased of us FRkFTOF CHARGE. Where a fuel stub has al-'' ready been insta11edialheJalchen. and no extra. pipe-is necessary to rnakeproper connections for a range, a dis- J count of 20 PER CENT will be allowed from the pur chase price of the range. Where a fuel run of 40 feet or less is necessary to properly connect a range a discount -of 10 PER CENT will be allowed. On GAS WATER HEATERS a discount of 10 PER CENT will be allowed from the purchase prker iWkh this policy the purchase of a GAS RANGE or GAS WATER. H EATER is within reach of all, and no house- -hold, whether large or small, is complete without, A. the new price of ga.s you can use either or both qf the above appliances for fuel pflrposes. Ranges, Wa ter Heaters, in fact all gas appliances, when so desired, can be purchased on small monthly installments, which" are payable monthly with gas bill. .. " , ' PdMPlail (Gas C mwmj TELEPHONE PRIVATE EXCHANGE 26 PORTLAND. OREGOrf In Pari are planning a notable Franco-. American celebration tomorrow on the ooeaslon of the unveiling- of th statue ef Benjamin Franklin. Kz-Postmaater-General Charlea Emory Smith of Phila delphia la to deliver the era t ton of th day. The statue Is tha gift of John H. Harjesi 'the American banker 4f Paris, and stands dose .to the home occupied by Franklin while a resident of Parla. . ... 9. B. Wkltaey, Ctas PrlaWr, Is now serving hi first term snd has mad an efficient and obliging ofricer. and stand" upon his record in aaking Xor a second, ttrm. ,'t for hint. For County Treasurer. John M. Lewis,'" the emcTeht counTy treasurer, Is a candidate for renom (na tion on the Republloan ticket.' When th county secures the service of such a man as Mr. Iewls ther l nol good reason, for a change. . Honesty snd etn rlency has marked - the sdmlnlatratlon of Mr, liewls and he will be kept where h I for two year more. Are Ton a rlaheraoaar , If you are not you should be snd enjoy life. - Come down to Adolph A. Dfkum'i hardware store snd let the boys fit you out. He has A fine line of tinea, hooks, spoons and a poOtet scale to igr th VOTE for; CHARLES A. JOHNS FOR GOVERNOR ' and give Eastern Orrcn a t-.- ber of the f 1 . 1 T ' big bUi k baaa snd 1rn( n,j , . to ratrh. He has a rlarn y t . bamboo flhol" f.r nr Ik ' 13 1 Flrat atiret. tt v rrn . and Aluer . , .