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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
fHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL), PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINQ, APRIL 19. ISO. OSEGO.l CITY RAISES $400 FOR THE SUFFERERS (Continued from Pag On.) - A nlirt train of tromJU - toJJcr t will leave Portland thla evening at I o'clock for Ban Francisco, end another will be sent tomorrow. Thl w deter . mine i t a meeting held In the mayor's . ofnee, at which there ' wer present ' " Mayor Lane. Tom Hlchardeon, manT ' of the Commercial club; H. P. Wagnon r of the Peopled ForuiiH---el?hn'"", ; vice-president of the board of-trade; ' R. R. Hoge, president of the chamber of commerce; J. B. Labor, secretary of tZ'ihetoard of trade; A. fl. MlllV W. M. iaa . w r. mark. W. Moats, Urn. " Miller1. Jullu Meter, H. Harm, John Shea ..; and others.1 ." Tare Carloads ef Bread.'' ' It was Immediately decided to aend the relief train with prepared provisions . and at least three carload Of "brend. " " Committees were appointed rb provide ways and -means, and, at once wi i work. The committee In charge of the .work are:, r-' " - 4J . provisions H. Wittenberg. H. Hahn, 'John Shea, H. IX. Wagnon. , hum I. -N. Flelschner. R. K. HogeT. B. Wilcoa. W. M. Ladd. A. I Mills. K.C1 Gilmer w made secre tary of this committee. . . Supplies Edward Ehrman. . B. - Olafke, William Mears, R. D. lnman, ' W B.. Ayer and Bdward William. TransporUUon R. B. Miller. : Tom Rirhsrdson and William Maara , The train lo, be sent this evening will carry "a large amount of breadstuffe. A call wlU be made to the public by the finance committee this afternoon to contribute money, food and clothing. AU contributions will be taken to the ''" freight depot at-tha- union station. Stain """and Hoyt - streets, where - a storeroom ' has been placed at the disposal rot the . committee. --- . - - v The supply and provision committee will also make sufficient purchases of prepared foods this afternoon to make up a large trainload. A-eeoond train - will be- dispatched tomorrow.; goon as the supplies ean be gathered.- --7 AU t wort Torsther. It was decided by the representative - of the commercial, bodies, of the city "7" who wera present at The meeting to- ask the people to abandon all other relief propositions and work in harmony with them. They propose to do their utmost to carry relief, and train after train V will be dispatched, loaded with pro visions' and supplies as long a neces sary. They will appeal to the people of Portland "tot come to .the succor of ' the unfortunate victims of the fire snd - .earthquake, and It Is expected that there- . .will be a llheralfeponse, N EVERY Recei pt that calls for cream INI of tartar, soda, or -baking powder, use the Royal BakingJPovfder. Better, results will be obtained because of the absolute (Joarnal Spade! Berries.) ' Waahlna-ton. AdHI 1. General Fred' erick Funston today . wired . the war de partment aa follows; "At :1 o'clock the fires are still burning. The destruction could not be worse. Ueutenant Charles C-Pulll Of the Seventeenth Coast Artillery, is mor tally wounded. , , : . . .... ..; In a previous dispatch he said: ' "Your dispatches received. Have already filed several: to you. r Impossible to Inform you of the full extent of the disaster. The city is practically destroyed. "Troops are aiding the police In main taining order. .Martial law has not been proclaimed but troop are working In conjunction with city authorities. We have not Interfered with the sending of lany dispatches. About 200,000 are home less, rood is scarce ami ju provision house are destroyed. AU the govern ment bulldlna-s are sone." Ceorge-Taylor.-.agent0f . the..TaylqrI All the army" supplies VndfacH!tIea -St Young Transportation company, ap peared before the committee and saldj Kuneton. Funston says: that ir the' shippers who- had engage the Redondo were willing he would place , the steamer at the disposal of the com mlttee to carry .relief c, at coat. The ,; owners of the steamship Roanoke tele -.phoned the committee that the steam , . ship would be at its disposal if desired. The committees are- in session , this ', ifHtniuin, end final 'a.rrang-i)mi ar. "." being. made- ta dispatch the first train- load of provisions.. ... i w"',: .T Worrying Trie.., .., ,.'-- At the suggestion of the relief eoro . mlttee, the Southern Paclflc ha tela .', gTaphed to Sacramento to hare the con due tors of all trains bound for Port ' land make a list of the Pprtland people bound for home and telegraph the names ahead for publication In order that their rrTTrlihdsnrad" safety and relieve anxiety. As ietr4ave anethee-4100 arwl the Behnke-Wailand-juah trains to the cltr with relief meanTf providing" fund tor the relief of sufferers from the earth- ; quake and fir In San Francisco, Olds, i-Wartman-fc ICIna; announce that pom- I BJi. 1 iv. ,wa ui w w . ,,.sjaiaa uii a, a isuaajoB. , through the rest of the month they will , set aside I per cent of their sales as t!L- tpeclaL relief fund from their pstrons and themselves. ' "'Realising the pressing need of ready runaa tor tnc relief of stricken Ban r Franclsco,"t said 1L. C. Wbittler, repre , sentatlve of the company, 'and In order to open the way for the humblest Indl- , vmuai 10 contrinute nis mite witnout eMLAf hlmalf In thla tr. nun WW- uiiii vpuwi'u'-YUriBWirf- WW , know of no better, quicker or more ; direct method of raising a large sum - V or ine aueviauon 01 surienng in mis .... !.. we propose to put Into operation. -'One ' touch of sorrow makes the whole world sin, ana ine nest way 10 snow mis is ;' to go to the aid of those In need of It." 1'i "In time of such heart-breaking die- ' t aster charity should surely begin at home. I am in favor of abandoning ' ' the Vesuvtu fund. If the rest of the ' ' !Sr(TS rnwTirtilritntr-wrrti.tri --awt f Francisco. If the committee still de- Made in Oregon Exhibits w-i.May.19th to 26th. Our Belt Buckles "For lliritcaiion"re "worthy of yottr aitentioru Their original ity .'of designing- and shapes are entirely different than usual, and lend an air of admirable character and style to fashion's latest ideas. They come in etched, plain or heavily chased, in polished, French gray or silver gilt. Are strongly made and represent" good value. - Prices from - . . $230 Up SILVER BAND BRACELETS ! From $1.50 to $3.50 . Cor, Third snd Washington Sts. - JeWeleri. Silversmith. v Manufacturing Optician., ' "Where Quality Is at Its Best" purity, and great leavening strength of the" Royal." It will . make - the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome. It is always reliable and unj- , form' in its work. v-'':, , AIii50ji4"phosphate bakmg powders-""" some of them sold at the same price and ' some of them cheaper -will make neither dainty nor wholesome food. ' . . OYAi. SAKINa SOWOCH CO. NIWYOMK. GIGANTIC TASK OF FEEDING " THE HOMELESS IS BEGUN Many Residents of the T6wn Are Visiting the Wrecked : city. .; (SpeeUl DlaBiteh te Tke Jenaal.) Oreeon City, Or., April 19. A mass meetlna of eltlsens held at the court house here last night ' raised .nearly 1400 for the relief of the Ban Francisco sufferers, a Judae McBrlde of the cir cuit oourt was chairman of the meer Ing, snd J. P. Keating secreUry. Both of the paper- mill contributed 1 100 each. Richard Boott of Milwaukee con tributed ISO. the balance beins made up of Individual subscriptions of smaller amounta. -. , .:., A committee often was appointed to circulate the subscription paper, . and VP to IS o'clock the total amount had been increased by several hundred dol lar ' . At the meettn last night Mayor Cau fleld was Instructed to notify Mayor Bchmlta of Saa Francisco of the action of the people of Oree-on Cltv. toa-ether with an expression of their sympathy n San Francisco's great affliction. " The Saturday club of the Congrega tional church, which was to give a play called The Old Maids' Convention" for the benefit of the church, decided to apply the proceeds to the relief fund for the San Francisco, sufferers. The date of the play lt Wednesday. Aorfl on me coast have been ordered sent to 111 report army casualties later. Two hundred thousand rations have been ordered from Vancouver barrack sires to do something for the Vesuvius -sufferer and -w lanes to divide th. fund. of course I will acquiesce." ''-7 - These words, spoken this" morning by r;. Ci Ft CatMltanl, the Italian oonaul, re- veal a spirit which has possessed Port land and Oregon since th California horror., became , known, ,, Across , .Uie chaam of sorrow Portland and Oregon extend helping hands to the doomed Bay City, Already voluntary contributions for the relief of the homeless are be ginning to come to The Journal. Among the first to come forward waa Sheriff Tdro Word, who gave 1 100. Leo Fried. ker buelness college IIS. Snow Mo Camait, attorneys, ent f 60, Numbers are following their lead. . Commercial bodies, buelness establishments, cor porations and individuals have sent mes sages of sympathy to the stricken city and to the officials of the stricken state. ; Jralr Faada for Charity. . ' I. N. lllelBrtinerrrtcr-TJiTBtdetrt-of th Lewis and Clark Kxpoaltlon corporation, said this morning: , "I am In favor of calling a meeting of the stockholders of the Lewis and Clark corporation and of voting" to turn the funds In our hands, amounting to shout 1100.000, wholly over tb the San Francisco and California' sufferer" President Ooode, however, took a con trary view. . "I do not see that we jean do anything In the matter." he aald. "There are too many people In the corporation to do thing of that sort, i think It would be better fop us to make personal and Indi vidual contributions for the purpose." Whether .the meeting of the stock holders will be held Is at preaent a mau ter for conjecture.. Miiyor Lane aald this morning that, though he had received no reply to his message to Ban Francisco, perhapa ow ing to the general consternation there and th difficulty of communication, in nil probability the rest of the Hennn.r relief fund raised in Portland, amount. mg to 116,000, would be added to swell the subscription started for th relief of the sufferers in San Francisco. The funds are In the hands of a committee of members of the Commercial club, composed of I. N. Flelschner, W, H. Chapln, L. A. Lewis and R.L8abln. State Offer Aid. , iy Teaterday Governor Chamberlain tele graphed from Tillamook to Governor Pardee of California and Mayor Schmltt of San Francisco, offering any aid in the -power- nf-tm atatororfgon to grant. In th absence of Governor Chamberlain from the city, Adjutant General Finger telegraphed to Governor Pardee the us of the Oregon militia hospital corps, together with physicians, nurses and medical supplies, to aid in raring for the Injured. The services of the 'Third infantry, O. N. O., were also offered by Colonel C. U. Gantanbeln, General Finser concurring In the offer. Members of the city council In ses sion last night pledged 1176 for the re lief or the sufferer A resolution ex pressing deep sympathy and offering every asslstanoe to relieve the peoplo was introduced by Councilman Maater and was unanimously adocted. - -J.'H. Flelschner, president pro tern.' of the board of trade,, filed message of sympathy on behalf of that body. The Commercial club, through its manager, Tom Richardson, wired a message to Mayor Bchmlta offering any aid the club can give." The Portland chamber of commerce sent, two telegrams through President Hoge to Governor Pardee and Mayor Bchmlta, asking for suggestions as to bow It could best aid, the strleke city. Frlaters fledge Their AIL Portland printers pledged all funda In their treasury . for the relief 'of the ufTererB. Otner unions and fraternal organisations will hold meetings this evening for the purpose ef voting help. Of all the tlearame filed yesterday. Only those to Governor Pardee at Sac ramento were delivered, the telegraph companies being unable to deliver mes sages - to - San Francisco. As soon as lines caa be run into the city the rellrf menus gee will be hurried through. J. O Blak of Seattle, northwest manager for the Postal, I In the city and an nounce that be will go t Sa rra-i Ordera are laaued to give Funston carte blanche us of all resources. . No word has been received at th navy department of the warships Cali fornia and South Dakota, now under coi."-. ruction -In &n -, Francisco. Ad miral McCalla and iod rich have been ordered to use all their facilities to aid the city. There - i enough at . Mar Island to prevent suffering for two days. By that time food will arrive from Van- - The commissary-general has ordered sent 200.00 rations from Denver and other western points to San Francisco, making 400,000 ration ordered there. The rmy expect to have more ration In San Francisco within 10 day These cost about I8S.000. T- - . - , Th earthquake recording instrument here registered two small shocks during last' night and this morning. "r-' The senate this morning appropriated $500,000 for Ih .relief of San Francisco sufferers to be distributed, tinder the direction of Secretary Taft. who la au thor! sad to employ steamers and other means to carry th supplies and. trans portation. . Among the Oregon City people In Ban Francisco whom their many friends and relatives are anxloua about are the fol lowing. - W. B. Bhlvely. N. R. Lang and family. Cash Barlow and family. Fred Charm n. fMr. and Mr George Guild. Mr. and Mr a. Grafton Cheney, Mrs. Daisy Norrta Schlndler, H. C Steven Sr. and H. C. Steven Jr. A message was received by relatives from Cash Barlow as follows: - -"Thank God that we have escaped. .DM you feel It up there?" - Miss" Florence" Sullivan and ""William Koerner- were attending Stanford uni versity. . , . Cassis Eaton and My. and Mr. John W. Noble were at Santa Rya, SALEM OFFERS HELP TO STRICKEN PEOPLE (StmHsI fMaeatrh to Tea InsmaLl Jul? ttuOTAnril J!. A message was go on the relief train thla afternoon If one was sent. If ha been decided that th "proceeds Of the gam Saturday between the Mult nomah and-East Portland yearns ahali Ha rinnatm! to th ailff .mm In th. clsco at once. All available orewa of latricken city. The came Dromlsea to be men. ie says, have been rushed to the Uf unusual Interest and It is the Inten sions to repair wires and get- the sys tem In .working order. This morning the Postal had communication for a short time with Oakland pier, and hopes were expressed ' that wires ' would ' be working, at least as far a Oakland, oy this afternoon. - . ... The railroads are coming to the front and doing everything in their power to aid the sufferers. Tb Southern Pacific ha a part of It line south of Sacra mento wrecked,- but ia making arrange ment to conatruct temporary tracks supplies free of charge. Ohlaeee May Bb The Chinese or Portland's Chinatown were talking thla morning of preparing to aid their fellow-countrymen in San Francisco who have suffered as a reault of th holocaust. It la probable that a large sum of money will be ralaqd for the purpose, -if It is found - that - the Chines of the' Bay City have suffered to any great extent Leaders of the principal tongs In Portland were at tempting this morning to communicate with the leaders in San Francisco. A service waa held-in a local Joss house this .morning at which the Joss was im plored to protect . the - San Francisco Chlneae. ' ' ' AH telegraphic messages of organised rommltteea or associations relating to ther relief of the stricken . California cities and towns will be handled by the Postal -Telegraph " company free e.t charge. John Annand, the local man ager, made this announcement this morning. . "Portland Tent 'No.' 1. Knights of the Maccabees, haa come-; forward. Thla tent had planned an excuraton to Albany and Corvallls on the Southern Pacific, May. S. Thla morning the arrange menta " committee.-consisting of J. B. Werleln, J. W. Sherwood, E. M. Lance and Peter Anderson, held a meeting and decided to devote the entire proceeds of the excurelon to the relief fund. The excursion will be given otherwise ex actly as prearranged. Tickets for the excursion will be sold for. f 1,60.. - - Tonrth ef July Money Beady. ' Philip 8. Batea, secretary of the 190 Fourth of July committee, reports there remains In the .bands of the treasurer, Ralph W. Hoyt, some 1111, which the committee, consisting of Colonel O. Summers, Chairman Bates and Hoyt, will gladly turn over to a relief com- mittv sent to Mayor Bchmlta of San Francisco as follows thla -morning: - "Resolutions were unanimously paaaed by the cltisen of Salem extending to you and your people our heartfelt sym pathy nd wishing to asoertaln your Immediate need, and offer aid In way of money, . food, clothing, or anything you may wish." (Signed) . . , F. W. WATERS. Chairman. - ;.l7 r. T-.N. PTCRB Y. Secretary. - tlon to make It largely attended, by peo ple of aU classes. It will be called at S-OCtoCaVrT-.- FTiaser. fev 9. aV Waltavey for Mat Credit :.::For You and Your Friends . Too I ... ' I .aa XS 1 a good place to trade 1 is-is7-iss-ii nsjsT ai ITPICET, fOWTLAWD. OWCOON. Sole Agents for Monarch Halleable;Ranges Prices ' 7 T " ". ---f- - Are . Right Payments Are Light -laNaw5 Line ot 73-- 1,- ( )j-arwssa-r..j "Sim zL -. zCl' r TTT Is Complete in Every Respect -a. V W W -' h ' -Lit Bo many ther are, in fact, that it would be dlfBoult (to enumerate them all in one advertisement.- We have a larger number than we ear to have on hand, when we proceed to take stock of them. To reduce th number prompt ly, w quot some attractive figure. And if you on"t see what you went In this ad. we have other sideboards to VJJhow in our salesrooms, that win ap- I peal Id you." ' . IUa, qna res wewss anaeeoare, 44 lnche wide, II inches deep, feet - high; beveled French plat mirror, - 14xJ. . Two small and one large drawer, one of which is lined Inside; th others r finished; two com partment with door. A sideboard -t that will appeal to eonaervatlve pur chasers who look for quality at a reasonable piio. Regular aft A A A A jri7.?.: .SZO.liU pleadld Ash SHaeboaea, 41-Inch width. .awnll ton -drawarfl I large drawer and two door- P AA compartments. Regular M Sk I B in fo Development prtoesniaIsVV 'Xletnast Qaajtei sawed Oak SHoeboard, 'plan polish, band veneered; hand aome round pillar posts; beautiful front. rounded oorners: beveled Frenoh plate mirror, measuring ii 40. and fine braas fitting. A aplen- dld value at ine reguwr prlo or S7 twveiop- ment price . 1 ......... ing. A a pi en- ::.r.$ dotting ham Lace Curtains Three s yards long, 44 inches wide, handsome soroll sMtaplatH center. An " excellent X value, at T Development price of only, th pair ' "Uad la 19-26 " - Imported Japanese Matting1 This it" conceded to sell anywhere, 'like all good mattings do, at 25c the yard. -But to draw you upstairs to our carpet department, we have set the Development priee Hr . this week at, the yard....,,.; ,.1v Folding Qo-Cart Better known : as . a Folding Sleeper . Go- Cart, , wipt , parasol, ' rubber tires, adjust able back - and - foot- - boardTAn absolutely up-to-date cart at de-' : velopment prices. Regular price $8.00. Development Other Oo-Carts from -2.50 up to 35. Dr. Frank , Oallagher. a prominent Portland physician," volunteered hla services to Mayor Lan this morning to go to Ban Francisco. He said he would TEX ix.rmBarrnis or , MAX . . Top and Bottom Dead and Foot Wg OATIB TRZXZTO. MISSION It QUALITY ' SHOES HAT $3.50 $2.50 "As "aoc they wear 7 Savsd" ' : Top & Boltom Shop 503 Washington Otreet U Z Mr. Hoyt says he, if elected, will give up hit present position, as cashier of "the i Merchants National bank, and live at Salem: . , - ' - His present position pays $6,000 a year. 7 The salary of the office of state treasurer is $4,500 a year. , - Why will Mr. Hoyt give up $6,000 sure for $4,500 uncertain? In the custo'dy of the state treasurer there is a fund of about $1,000,000. This fund can be handled with big profit by the occupant of the office, if he so chooses. . 777 Mr. Carter has pledged himself to administer the office strictly in the interest of the state and the people, using the funds only in the interest of the public good and for its profit. Mr. Hoyt promises nothing definite and positive In. this connection. Mr.. Carter does. " Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the voters will cast their ballots for Mr. Carter juid against Mr. Hoyt.,".""' 1 -':. '''.;;, -. MY PbATFORM " 1 will pay over to the state every dollar of interest paid on state funds, whether there be a law passed requiring me to do so or not. -." ;-! -' --7' I promise to reside in Salem and give my personal attention to. the duties of the office. I promise that I will not deposit any of the state funds in any bank in which I am in any measure interested, but I will distribute them fairly and impartially throughout the state. I am. not a candidate of any clique or faction. ' r I have made no promise or agreement, direct or Implied, to deposit any of the state funds with ANY. bank. The ONLY promises I have made are shown In my platform above, and those I WILL FULFILL TO THE LETTER. - - ;. :-; '.' E. V. Republican Candidate for State Treasurer. II - U "V:",',: