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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALiC PORTLAND," ' THURSDAY EVENING,"'. APRIL' 19. M 1 ! - If KUILIK POET OF THE Villi Thousand Portland People Hear Master in .Concert That . Shows His Genius.- '.' GETS INTO SYMPATHY ' - j WITH HIS AUDIENCE '.Hearers Accord Him' Close and Silent 'Attention and Tumultuous Applause - Pianist Makes Agreeable Imprest i sion and Is Repeatedly ncoreL Tat nlht Knbellk walked open ths stage of the Hellie; theatre with 110,000 worth of Rtradlvarlus violin In his .hands. "H posed a bit. .held his Instru tncnt to his ear, then raised his bow to play. The next moment the thousand people in the audience realised that Ku- - brlllc Is poet a poet who Improvises rploa on his f lddle-atrlns.- He looks .at his audience with a face that shows no emotion. ' Whatever flights'V his Taney, take under the Influence of his music are not betrayed in the lines of Ms countenance. Applause, : which rained down upon him. last night, brought n smile of triumph to his lips. He has had the applause of kings and - queens, aud he knows that compliments to his art come through close snd sl- lnt attention rather than storms of hnndolapplhg. ' : " ; " " :"' It was attention that Kubellk received Weak Longs Mean Starved Body last night He can never complain that a Portland . musical audience Is cold. One could have heard a pin drop as be stood with bow in hand. The lowest thrills, tfeose half-unconscious sugges Hons of the breath Of harmony, were not missed by those who sat In the Helllf. -. :- Keutesentattvs Aodleaee. ' The violinist's appearance last night. for the . first time in Portland, was greeted by . a representative audience. He seemed to get Into close sympathy with his auditors. The pmgram suited his audience.'' He opened with the "Symphonic Espagnola," alUgro non troppo, andante, rondo (Lalo., After the first number the applause was gen erous and slncert. but It wss the "Con certo." D major (Paganlni), that first brought down the house. There was little enthusiasm In Kube llks playing at 'first,, but be soon warmed to the theme, the feeling be cams deeper. ' HI shading was delight ful. The brilliancy and difficulty of the solo part was appaent. Yet Kute Mk. carried It off with a dash. The "Romania," XI: inajur. Beetho ven). Op. 14. one of the two great ro mances Beethoven wrote for the. violin, beginning alone with the 'theme.; double-stopped In two-part harmony, with its characteristic modulation to D and the extension ' of the harmony into . a contrapuntal motion and Its suggestive secondary themes. Is fitted td the genius of Kubellk, and In tt .he made his best appeal to last night's audience. The reeling 'Is deep. Kubellk had a supreme chance to display his mastery of technique, his faultless smoothness. ,J- ' In -Xlglitav Torjna of aruaie. He followed the romance with "The Zephyr," Op. , No. t (Jeno Hubay) As la Implied by the name, this is 'a light and melodious piece, wttb quick upward -movement and delicate adorn ment of the melody with thrills and harmonics., 'Not a person In the audi ence, cultured musician or student, but felt the aiaglo toueh of the artist; Ku bnllk's Interpretation of this revealed FARMERS OF MIDDLE 17EST FLOCK INTO CANADA ' Forty Thousand Settlers Brought Into Alberta Country Last Year . ; by Canadian Pacific. ; arUn41n-the41ght-4 rapidly. T TktCtd Lwtr Oil twmUvm "Par Erctlltiu." Kttlt tfei Luni IcurUhn thi Body - Consumption, Pneumonia and nearly all Pulmonary Diseases are produced by lack of THE NEC ESSARY FOOD. Once the body resistance Is lowered,- the lungs become easily diseased through germs,- constantly in the atmos phere. r;r'--Vf':r.. - . .... - - . . . . they cannot supply-the -excessive raste and loss of Tissue by disease. N THeret' Ji But " One Cure For Lung Disease ; Benefidial Results are" Obtained after the First Dose s ' - There ere two sties S-es. snd lS-oe. Bottles the Formula is printed m 7 langiuges oa each. OZOMUL8ION LABORATORIES , t$ Pine St. New Tork. er forms of optimistic harmony. Miss Agnes Gardner-Eyre, the pi anists, -made an agreeable Impression en the audience, and was repeatedly en cored. Kubellk himself was not gen erous In hie encores: The- work -of Lud wig Schwab, the' accompanist of the artist, is worthy of mention, .. " Kubellk makes one, other appearance In- Portland -I hie season, a matinee -concert at the Heillg on Saturday after noon, at which he will render a , pro gram even mors Interesting thsn that last nlghth. The Bohemian genius la to be Induced to vlstl Portland-again next season. when-hewiU make anoth er American tour. - - " ' OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY T'OFPAULREVERrTSTRIDE . (Joaroal Special Service.) J Boston. Mass., April !. Patriots' day, the anniversary . of the historic achlevement-ef Paul Revere In warning the farmers from .Boston, to Concord of the approach of the British army on t April lVJ.77.a.,ana.,.th opening fight An Immigration movement that Is said to beat all records Is under way from the upper Mississippi valley states to western Canada. The Canadian gov eminent, which for some months main' tamed an Alberts, exhibit In Portland, has. withdrawn It, and Is devoting the entire efforts of Its colonist bureau to the middlo west and to eastern Canada. It Is said 40,000 .settlers were brought Into the Alberta country lest year, and the number in lt0 will reach e0,e007- The Canadian Pad (la railway nor the Canadian government does sot have a desire to draw upon the Paoiflo coast states for population for western Can ada.T The Canadian pacific's sola ob ject In Immigration work Is to pull pop uiatlon from the seat to the wbols Pa cific northwest.' saia Tanx K. jonn son, general agent In Portland for the Canadian Paclflc. "We do not want to move people around on this coast, but to move settlers from the eaat Into the Pacific coast country. ' They help the Canadian Pacific and the whole western country, no matter wh-sher they, settle in Canada or In Oregon. "The Alberta country has proved es pecially attractive to the general mass of members or ins iKucoias, Minnesota Nebraskai and. Kansas. -' They; want, to raise wheat, and conditiona in Alberta and Saskatchewan are favorable. The country Is being grldlroned by railroads and new country - is being opened up this year the Canadian Pacino railway averaged dally 61 carloads of colonist effects over Its line into the Alberta country. Edmunton. a few yeara ago a mere station, now hasJS.OOO people and Invisible-Bifocals i. - ' J- -s ' of the American revolution, was gener ally celebrated throughout Massachu setts today. -Commemorative exercises were held in Boston tinder the auspices of the various patriotic societies and all the places of historic Interest were opened to the public. , The usual num ber of sporting and athletic contests took place In Boston and vicinity?' Th most notable sporting event' was the JS-mlle Marathon road race from Ash land to Boston, which has become an annual fixture on Patriots day.- In addition to this event there were bicycle races at the Revere track and track games under the ausplees of the A. A. if. "Don't'pe deceived Into paying 17.60 to $10 for these lenses. ' We will examine your eyes snd lit these lenses for - - $3oa4iiirpAisw OREGON OPTICAL COMPANY EXCLUSIVE OPTICIANS 17S Teurta St., T. X. 0. A. Bids. Graphophones and Records Are the Best ; V Easy Paymenls If Desired -. 'Jv. '! ' Inclose ' this advertisement writing for free catalogue. when Columbia Phonograph Co. V Columbia Building. ' , 'C '371. Washington Street, Portland, Or. CLAUD O CH SB . 1 Leading Republican Candidate for ' SECRETARY OF . STATE . ; . V Requests Your Vote ' "Oregon's public domain for the bona fide hotneseeker. and settler and not for the non-resident speculator who es capes just taxationJthroughthe! -deferred payment plan.', ": :-";-:T '.':J.--'''-'A CLAUD GATCH. H If CONViCTION-FAtLSFJEfU YEARS OF LITIGATION " (Joarnil Special Service.) ' New Tork. April The court" today dismissed, the indictments for-perjury 19 X William J. Lachner -r - Of Baker Ctty, Oregon, ' Bepnhllcam Candidate for Bspressa- - Satlve la CoagTessy Sssewd - r Burtrlot. ' Tana zs aTr ruTrouii - K I am swmlnated. and elected I Will during my term of office; Kaithfully represent the people and their Interest; , . ' Cooperate with President ; Roose velt on his rate policy; . Urge a revision of the tariff; '. Work for free trade with the Phil-J ipplne islands; v . , Favor election of senators by di yect vote of the people; and , -National control of corporations i oing an ..interstate . Dual. Stand with the president foe com pletion of Panama canal; ' .Work for an open Columbia river to-the largest ships afloat; and Continued work on the .Celllo ca- I'rre reclamation of arid lands: Favor stringent. Chinese exclusion laws; ' "i- - Just and liberal treatment- to de serving veterana; and . . The parcel poat for rural mall service . - ' Form to be printed after name, on ballots Roosevelt's rate policy; tar iff revision; Chinese exclusion; free trade, Philippine; open Columbia. .O against Robert I. Martin and Harry VeHHUWgn.empleyes of " HelnaeT thus ending the litigation that has kept the courts of New York, Delaware and Mon tana busy for vyears. Hetnie . spent thousands to prevent conviction. Martin being his brother-in-law. The men were nominal officers of the Delaware Surety company, one . of - Helnse's subsidiary companies, supposedly organised to aid In Hetnses fight on Amalgamated,' which was backed by -the Standard -OH com pany. When the, Rogers crowd let up, snarls were dropped as fast as possible. CARLIST ACTIVITY T-rr- RENEWED IN SPAIN ' r ... ' (Joersal Special Ixrtti.) tndon."AprU II. Information haa been received In London from a reliable source to the effect that the CarllsU are very active In Spain Just now, and that their . attitude Is mors ; menacing than' it has been for many years past. The coming royal' marriage Is -viewed with extreme disfavor by many sections of the Spanish cation, who have never furglfsn England ""fur" ths :vrl sns played in the Spanish-American war. and the late Lord Salisbury's offensive referenoe to a ."decaying nation." Many of those who are strongest In their objection to King Alfonso marry ing an English princess are said to b throwing themselves into the Carllst cause, and a deep-seated movement la believed to be on foot throughout Spain to undermine the present dynasty, and o strike another blow for Don Carlos and his family. , Preferred Stock Panned OooAs. Allen At Lewis' Best Brand. - CastYowEye Over the remarkable collection' of clevexy snappy Spring Hat Siyles We are now exhibiting and you will find the par-, ticular style and color most becoming to you. v . ;. i, , v1- ' ' - '"" " "j. ' " rr r-. iHv: 'r ' ' " , r ..... -r -; ' " J . , .."' .:..."' . 1 'T "" - ' ..' ' " ' ' ' ' ': , ' miOX, VJARBURTON AND STETSON HATS are here in endless variety, : We can fit you to 3U MORRISON ST., 0pp. Postotftce As to Value None Do or Ccn Give Better. 2 -( : BANK'AND OFFICE RAILING ninb niiv iavii uivtiiu Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORIiS Phone Main 2000 263 FLANDERS ST.. Near Third An Unequalcd Offers A set of onr famous 115 False TEBTH for SIO. Painless extracting free with thts offer. Exam Inatlon and consultation free. Crown and . Bridge work a specialty.' Extracting, (0 cents 1 WISE BROS., Dentist nm in WAsmuroTo. Kaia tOAS. Opes Xvenlngs and Sondays. 'fSSTfer 17TMTT T7TiTlT IIIM iLjJLLl 9 H's No Mistake Gentlemen, the Power of Price Rules Every Man W"l5 llV'raV 14 ""P'y atnaze8 the better judges of good clothes, and they are buying at a saving of from $2.1(0 to $5,00. The prie'es are very attractive, but the clothes are j' ' '' even more sa Style, fit and fabrics are right; if not, Welch makes it right' - $10.00 to $ 30.00 VALUES H til i The More You Buy Here the More Money ;''"i: .You. Save - . PanteS Values You will be pleased to your entire satisfaction "by coming direct to ms lor your everyday needs.' Elegant showing of ' f working or fancy outing Pants at ....... ... .$1 to $3 'Also an elegant line of dressy Pants same as tip-town stores get $5 to $5.50 for; ....."".t....... :..?4.50 1 Shirts Extra values and stylishall the newest -fabrics; 3t s) s. f s f'm t s e 4 s e 350 tO 100 Elegant Negligee "of Coif Sbirt7 too" many to detail. If you want what's proper and best come ' at. .I . .. ... .t. .92.50 to 50 Fancy Vests Here in all the newest and most popular de signs, from, $3.00 to 91.00 Underwear Men's fine balbf iggan Underwear;- a great value for . ......... .......50(f All the better " on e," tod, cool and durable, $3.00to25c Boys' Superior Clothing Nothing we can say in print is equal to the argument .which the clothing presents. Prices, t $2.SO 12 e$ 5.0O 1 Bmm- :';-v:WiVii;-' An Ounce of Investigation Is Worth a- Pound'of Cheap Argument Straw Hals Elegant line . of the new Straw. Hats, with plenty of : the between prices, at 25e to $3.00 Meh Furnishings ' Men's Fancy Silk Embroidered Black Lisle Hose, our ele- gant 35c line, only. . , , . . . .25 Also an.elegant showing in plain and fancy at 2 for. . 25 Men's finest pure linen Handkerchiefs; reg. 35c, only., 25 Men's, Working Shirts of heavy, plain black sateen or duck, in stripes or fancy colors. .V. .,. . .,',.", ...i .50 Talk About Ties They are beautiful beyond your fondest expectations. The weavers have outdone Naturo-'shandi- ; work in their color combinations. . All at 75," 50, 25s , v Pine Clothing: THE LEE HAT AT $3.00 Xs rsyla Bally Dividends of Setlsfeo tlon to its wearers. Any Style that's proper you'll find hers. And we also, In addition to the splendid values, givs away ." PRE EI Skates, Watches and Rifles With Boys' Clothing We; arc extending our reputation as bargain-divers' in Youths' Clothing. Many parents outfit their entire fam ilies here they. know, that they can practice economy here with perfect safety, as we carry only the best. ; .Gen- " uine $7.50 to $15.00 values here at ' ' '..' :.-.' , ,: , , .. ;'.;;' . "' '"'..''..' S3.C9, $70, $&50 and 9.75 MORRISON CoRflnszSr ELEGANT $3.00 to $3.5Q Shoes for - Iff'" 1 0 : '