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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
I' 1 I THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. ' APRIL 19, 1C3. 1 PfcFSONAI kMH. ANNA LUCKEY1 AND MRS. 8. WOLFE, ' sol agent for Unw. tirahau'e Hydro-Vara ' treatment and baat drTeloyer. Tble la tho moel eclentinr trcatmeot .lor removing wrlnklee aud faHal blemlabee; ebo for boat developaaent. No need at having wrtoklee any more. Plnta received, with hoard ead tnitnmt, fall Una of bath. Belief. ct loo guaranteed.' Teetleioulalr from leading ' libyalclana. It Lange Hotel. Hllth and Waablngton ate. I'noue Mala soil. SI ITS proceed while yen wait, BOe. Ladlea aklru preaaed, 0c. .Gilbert, 108 i llllk at.. an ta quelle, mono tsetse .una. DR. WORI.EY BENJAMIN, the Foot Sneotallet. . 840, WaahlucUA at. Boou S04. Sure feet ma a eouna. BINO CHOONO. Importer of Cblnaee re. Hnca; sella. Cblnaaa taa that la certain core (or alt dteessas. 101 Beoood bat. Yamhill aad Taylor. DETECTIVE AOENCY Confidential taveatt. ... getlone; repocta made an sal lariivldBal beet Bess or property; mltng relatlvee loeatedi bad debt collected: chra:ee reeeoaa blcl ear. ., reepondeaee eolleited. Oregon Detective ' Berrloe. efflcea 814-818 Co turn hi a bids Washington at. Phone Mala MM. - - BACKACHJ and kidney or bladdar dliaana rarrd with) Oregon kerf: trial etna fcat 10a ' la at am pa. Plain roar, joo Thira ax. . WET rEirr are Innw. Wat toot blackiag ia uoooiotoiy waterproof. MANLY visor restored by Dr. Bobarta' Ham Globnle. Oaa month a treatment Ml I moatae, ant eent securely aaaled oy auu. Areata, Woedard. Clarke Ca.. Portia ad. or, ANT maa or woman raa bo etroog and kappf br oetng Beiine Pill", tha greet toalai arte 51 a box. bniee SB, wits roll gneraatee. ddrees or call J. A. Clemeasoa. druggiet ear. Second Bad Yamhill at.. Peruana, ur. nmajia a wm - -- - - - -- ff - eww , dayai eahlaot ataa. earde r foldera, II (or an Malt m A at.A fc ffV . W. . itarana, io Ooodnoafk Md FUtk ,aad TaanallL - "1 BALM or riGf for all faaulo dlaaaaaa. 3 saat BaiBioBt. rnoao caat auw. . rORBIDDKW FRUIT. "A Oar Lothario, "ftory of a Blaya." "Tanny Hill." "Ataa." "Womaa of rtra. BOc aacbi Uau fraa. t W. Bebnala Co.. S2 rtrat at. LADIES' Tnrklah batba. auuaaa. kydrUtHa Z P'kirjr atrlctly' 8rat-laaa pUoo for ladlaa only, rial A. 881 Washington at., katwaaa iota ao I7tb ata. TURKISH BATH8, WW Oraaxmtaa bM. ladlaa DR. 0. V. KBTCHUM nraa promptly artn4 dlaaaaaa, kldnay, norroaa, akta and apacUl ' frmaka troablaa. Call or wrlta. Rad Oroaa Dlapaoaaxy. cor oar Third and Aak ata. Pkoaa ' ran lie bgl. BTIHOnr. Imk, tl ktiWIa t tnoka kamatlt. " , aold and axcaaacad. iooaa" Book ktora, S8l araar at. DISEASRS OP WOMEN aaecaaafnllr traatad atataraltr immm aarad for. nrl va la hoeoltalt tralnad otiraeai eooaattatloa fraa. Dr. At wnod. HfiOta Morrlaaa at., loom a. Paona nooa onoi DR. V. T. COLE. 14. Eaat 82d at.; maternity caaaa; dlaaaaaa of wooaea. raoaa Tabor 111. rm aiAifaai-unnaijii raawaa, tauaa iu, ,. Inaa koteL Slith and Waahlhcton. ramoa all facial blrmUhaa; exprrt rlaptrolyaUi, aiaatrur Inc. ahampoolna, alertra fare and Iralp raaa- . . aa; moiea and uti raoiaTaa, in. mum " 01 IT. , DOLL'S HOSPITAL.- Rapalrlof and draaalnf . SSI Tamkltl at. AIIFI yon n1ng away? Do yna want yottr ptano atored wltbont aiponaa, whera It will racrlTa -.(ana rara ana careral Bael AAdroaa A 112, rara yoaraai. ar pboao Eaat BST1. . -lWIXiLjrrtfica. pjytfUia jrlht gluno, for I2R; coat mora than doobla thla amount ; nrra awnay. t ail zw e. -Third at. HOI-DEN'S BHETJMATIO CURB Sara cara to rnaomatlaaj. Bold by all dronlata. ATTORNEYS. A. M. TANNER, attorney, ar CoakBMrelal fctk., Saaoad and WaklntoB .rta vboaa Mala MS. t. S. WINCHESTER, attnrtiayt law. antary. SO Waaklna-toa bide Pbona Paelaa S33T. ART.EMFORIUM. PRorESSOB B, MAX METER, 4S Akler, Portrait aad landacapa art tat aad kaaebar. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENOES. Arrbltaot. Ill Second at. ASSAYERS. OABTIN OTANIDB BXTRACTION 00., aad "Moauaa Amy Offlca. 184 Morriaoa at. AUTOMOBILES. COTBT COOK Motor Car Ca.. F'-aantb aad Alder Areata for Cadillac, PI free, flraat . Arrow aad Staroaa-Dnryaa BMtor-eara mar ehlnee rented, rapalrad and atorad. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO., 4O4-804 Breratt at Larfeat batrbara' aapply boaaa oa the aaaat. BATHS MASSAGE. l'OVNQ lady tlnm Tapor, alcohol aad medicated hatha. Parlor ST, 388 H Stark at. 5 WO younx ladlaa fflva maaaara. tub and vapor batba. 110 fourth at., cor. Waaklnctoa. MADAME VASHTI, Bacnetk- healer; wfflakey . and tobacco kablta cured; fall Una at batba. Room 8, 201 H Third at., cor. Taylor. . Tllll UNOWDtN BATHROOMS, 2X7 H Aider at.. heU 4th and ktk, Tub anil "Tapor hatha, " Biaeaare. alactrlclty. Pbona Mala &B88. EXPERIENCED ladr, mafnetic brallaj, Tapor and tub bath. The Idaa-ba. 201 Vk Third. MISS RAYMOND fire bath and maaaara treatmenta. Tb Coamoa. anaVk Morrlaon at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWS. DAVIS S) KIuHAM. 100-1M Sacoad Blank book Banafactarera) afaata for ioi I m pro Ted Loooe-Loaf led rare; aea tha a Enreka leaf, the heat oa the market. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any' one aw yoa aioaayT - W enlrjrt bad dabta of all klhda. Nartkwottara Law mj ,. Colloctloa Co., JtS Grand ara,, roeai 14 aad 18, Cltlarn' Bank kld. Cat tola aal.' koa Eaat 404O. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. MRS. STBTENS, Portlaad' Iradlrar palmhrt, V aatrolnfar and clatrroyaat. lev aeranth at., pp. Uotal Portland. ORMONDB. tha stoat Jtryptlan acer, rumored to 228 Waanlostoa at.; raadlnn every day " and Sundry, SOctl. 12; by mall, 12; lettera without fa aad atamp not anawared.- CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN St rL0Tt--Carpenter. Joiner and rarrlara work. 48 Bth at. Phone Paclne Slot, ' CIGARS AND 'TOBACCO.' ' M. A." OUNBT CO" " Dlatrlbatora aT riNI OIOABS. Portland, Orafoa. CHIROPRACTIC . CURBS appoadldtlat aa drara ar knlfa. Dr. Bt Horaa. 481 TJntoa ara. Tat Woodlawa ST. CARPEa CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaalng Co., larfee plant an tba cnaat, I-orlnf and Bardlns ata., tele. C'ina Baat S0 Carpata e leaned, redtted, wed aad UMi both ataaai aad la teat aoav araaatd atr prucaaa; r. iratlas aaatlreaaea aad leather a aperlalty. ' BA NTT ART aarrwt rleanlna. rocttoa aad oaaa. araaaad air aomblaad; aarpe aVaaned on Soot ' wlthnat rtnoral. Mala 6&8. Mala 8200. J. HUNTER. carpet 1 and atanreaav cleaner. 884 Jefferana. Phono Mala 814. CHINESE REMEDIES. MRS. DR. S. K. CHAN enrea private end female dhaeaee with barba and roote; reaedtea ban. leas) aa aporaUPU. 24S Clay tt, aor. Third. I COAL AND WOOD. CnilRCHLET BROS, bare remared tnm Snot Da rle at. to 2 Kearney at., near llrhi la aow tha unreal wood; ara la tna ally, earry ln all klada of wood aad aea L alala Ml. AXBINA FUEL COi Dealer ta eordwoad. aoal ad (raea aad dry alabwond. aw K. aod Ae - ataa ara., S blocka eaat of ferry. Baat 8T4. WEHTERN Peed lael Co.. oa rroat, betwaaa Ollaaa and Sort, dealer la all klada of bouee co a la and blackamltfc aeala fbaa Mala 101a. STEEL BRIDOB PUEL CO. Daator la coaL anrdwood aad dry alabwaod. Paoaa Beat 484. OREGON F4IB.L 'CO. All klada ef aoal aad SOS Alder at. Fboaa Mala 48. KIRK HOOTBR. 818 Water at Wood aad eeaj. Pbnae Mala 4604. ' CLEANINO AND DYEING. Portland Steam Ctaanta DyalBS Work a: prae. Ileal hatter ta aonnoatloa. Ill 4th. Paelfla 807. CLOTHES rloaaad and aramd 81 par mo ata. Dalojoa Tallorlos Co., 84T Waahlaatoa aC B. W. TURNER, arofaaalonal .yer and daaaar. SOS Jeffereoa at. Fboaa Mala 8818. SARTORIAL Tallorlnc Co Ladlea and Ban' alaaalac aad praaaln. 500 Waaa. Paa. HIT. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALB arorkary and rlaarwara. PraaL . Hcrel a Co.. 100 to 104 Ktth. oor. Stark at CAFES. THB OPriCB SOS Waabtnstoa at., raoaa Mala TT1. Sam we I Tlameaai. COMMISSION MERCHANTS.- TERpTNO r ASK ELL. prodaea aad oommla. aloa Barcbaota. 144 frost at.. PartUad, Or. Phone Mala ITS. DRESSMAKING. PRICES way low. snarantea eatla faction. Mjirtama Anfelca. ' I'hona . Pacific 882.- 'Ml Fifth at Stor open arenlnca and Sunday. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINEERINO Company, 44 Seroath at, Portland. 0. K. for rerytklas ha the electrical Una. Phono Mala JSoS. . . PACIFIO ELECTRIC CO Bnflneere. eoatrao- tora, rapalrer. alactrl wtrlas, aapplle. 84 Plrat aor. Stark. Mala 884. K. H. Tata. Bar. FURNACES7 BOTNTON warm-air rornaec aara faaL 1. OL BayeTaMceCo.. xSd Second. Mala m " FURNITURE FACTORIES. Oft BOON raraltar Maaafartartns Coapaay aanaractarera ex larnitore lor taa traoa. Portlaad. Or. rURNITUBB aaaaafartartna and apeclal order. L sareaaky'a farnltnr factory, 170 Front at FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB Plaadera at, aor. Sd. IRON WORKS 848 Phoae Mala SOOO. GRINDING. K. B. KARLSON Si CO., eipert grinder. Aa- keny, eornar El fbth. Phono Paclfto T8S. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., wholeaal rrorera, Baas. factarar and aommlaaloa march an ta. Sourtk aad Oak ata. , AXLBN 4j LEWIS, aoanmlailoa and prodaea Bee. eaaaia. a-roat ana I'aria ata..f rortiaaa. ur. GASOLINE ENGINE'S. Station rr aad Barlaa: "little Soeclal gaaollne launch. 1188;. aecoad-hAnd llacUlt aaaacnea ana nulla. BEIIRRON MACHINERY CO., - iaa-a-4 Morrwoa at HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. Amartcaa plaai 88. IB par day. BELTRDEBB; Bnropaaa plan) 4th aad Alder ata. THB BROWN Grand and Hawthorne area. HAY AND G RAIN. B. O. COOPER A CaPatatoea, feed aoqr. ira unloaaTe. mono aiar ibit. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co- aoltclta apportaBlrr ta oaoto pneea. iaj lax at.. cor, aioer. aiaia inaa. INSURANCE. ; MA AO I. WHITE, fire lararaaea. SOS Dakaaj Bias. A8. McT. WOOD; employer' liability and to. ainaaai aeciaent aurety nonaa ai au bibob, Pboaa 47. SOS McKay bldg. LOCKSMITH. ' - J. H. RICHARDSON, lockamltt gad repairing, ani aTaraaioa. racina luoa. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 428-4 Mohawk bldg., oor. Mrriaoo and Third, Ladlea or Gentlemen. No Publicity. Tf yoa borrow f20 yoa pay barb ft. 8ft a week. If yon borrow 838 yoa pay bark 81.08 a week? tf yoa borrow 10 yoa pay bark 82.00 a week. 'If yoa borrow $50 yoa pay back $3 00 a week. Pay man ta anapended la raaa af klckaaaa, Strictly Salary Loana. THB CRKSCBNT LOAN CO. 428-4 Mohawk hMg., cor. Morriaoa and Third. MONEY TO LOAN Oa iBprored city property or for tralMInf Bmrpoeaa, for from 8 to 10 year' time, with prlTllVge to repay alt or part of loaa after two year. Loaaa appro red from plana and Blooey advanced aa building prograea aaortaarea taken an end replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent .J 243 Stark t ... THB STAR LOAN CO. . Any aalarled employe, ar-carnar, caa gat an kit Bote, without mortgage Month. H Month. Week VI 00 Repay ta n 818.88 or 18.88 or 88 88 828 00 Re-pay to a i 4.88 or il.88 er Sl.8B 118.00 Repay to j 4.00 or iX.00 or 11.00 no HCrvay nicg CONFIDENTIAL loana on aajarlea. Inavranca potlclaa, planoa, rurnltur. warenonao re ceipts, etc.! any deeerrlng poraoa may eeenre '. a liberal aoranr. repaying by eaay weekly or monthly tneta linen la. , NEW ERA LOAN A TRCST COMPANY. BOS Ablngtaa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upoa thatr awa aance wltboat ercurtty; cheapeet rata, eaaloat paymentat ofHcea la 88 principal ritleai aarc yoaraalf money by g.tflng our t-rma Srat TOLMAN. S38 AbTngtoa bldg., 108V. Third at MONEY to loaa no real, peraooal aad collateral aeenniy; apeciai arxeoiioai iw r,llr fagae; notea bought. C. V. Pallet, 8V4-S eatoa bldg.. 44 Slitfc at - - - - HIGHLY raapeetable place where ladle ana Bnr eaa borrow Boner oa aiamonaa ana f . . . , . nh ana ar..lh. rvii.feeal iaii Bank. 364 Waah- Ingtoa at. Phono Black Tl. MONBT to loaa aa Clarke ma county lenrfe. ji. V. ana a . auiey, wvm veww merca. lIWEST ratea on fnrnltor and planoa. Eaet- rra Loaa Co., 444 Fherloch king, racino ana. MONEY TO LOAN aa all kind of teenrlty. William noil, room v, hpuipiw. SEVEBAIi thenaand or Mara ta loaa at S par cent, city property pcirate. x a, coomai fl.noo TO LOAN oa city property., Hrokle A' llarrlanai, 21T Ablngtoa blilg. 9l.nn TO 81.800 to loan by private party on real aataie aecnriiy. otni mmrrciai oiug. TO LOAN Sum ta cult aa chattel eeeurtty. R. A. Frame. 414 tha Maraaaa. MAGNETIC HEALING. A IX form of dlereee mred; free lednra na ranae aad Oira f dwaae errry Taeadey sight 184 Strcotk. Mala 817. U B, Uart, MACHINERY. TMB M. a ALBBa CO aawnad head Bankkaary, aanraallla. ata. 844 Grand a to. MII'PKLT MYERS, machlnlata aad ataa. trlclara: elect r la deraton. olactrlcal anaahlB- ary and aaaolln anglnea 4 avaaUlty. Sild Oak at. Pboaa Mala 1830. BOAT anainaa. raaollne. Shoftleld anartnet aar apeedi b-at mMlei right priori la etoek: oa exhibition ; ronnln In aalanrooB. Call rarel aad Stark ata. Falrbenka. Mara Ca. 'MONUMENTS. MBU 4k K1NGSLNY, Sot Flrat at. Portlaad' wadins marnia aad (ranlta work. MUSICAL. BMIL TH1ELHORN. pnpU at SSYCIK. rlolla toacbar. Studio 194 Slith. Tel. Mala Suaa. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX NORTH RUP. 418-14-1T Dakai bids.. Third and Waeblaftoa ata, Mnfa S44. Examination fro. Turn Mr baat.ladr aataonatb In towe. Dr. L. J. okBaoa. aolta 14. Selllnf-Haracb bids. DR. PIERCE, oateopath, Tlhratloa and tb aaw Mrht. UH Third al. i'Dod racino an. DRS. OTIS tt MABEL AKIN. 408-4 Macleay blri. Phono Pari no lsVr itaa. taa urn. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. BUTLiCR 88 Concord bldg.t Mala 18T4. . PLUMBERS. DONNBKBSKO A RADEMACHBR, aaaltary plambera. 44 Fonrtk at BoU pkoaaa. ror a. i . - ami a,n,l ae Mala aad' Salmon. Oracoa Phoae Mala 800 1. flNMOAN BROS. A CO 288 Third at. Pbona Main 2IKn. Flumher and Beating eagiaoJra. PATENT LAWYERS. LOKO. MeCOY, domaatlc aad fnratga patent; tradamarkat notary public. 171 Vt Mor ROOFINO. TIN BOOriNQ. sattartng. repairing aad gaaaral ymhing. J. uoau. xia aerteraoa at PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH j CO. Tha PwoeT Paint Co. I . wladow-alaaa and gUln. 188 flrat at. raoaa iaoa RNFST MILLER A CO.. Seeaed aad Taylor . Wall paper, paint all at aurkat arloaa; tree - arurery. PHOTOGRAPHS. ' CLOSING Bale official photographic rtewa ot ' oipoaltloa, aoorenlr poatcarda. rlrw mooka. etc.. greatly reoacaa pricaa. aiapoaxuoB Store. i. 84 MorruMB at PRINTING. tni MODERN PR1NTERT Artlatla orltitlna. , 24 Kaaael bldg Feurlh aad Moriiaaa, . Pboaa pacific laao. . ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blanb hooka. Pboaa Mala IT. " SOS Alder at. r i : " WELCH. DAVIS A CARSON Printing that rare tha payor. Raoma 808 and 804 Btaarna prnr.. nixtn ana morriaoak ranw w.e RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP' WORKS, S44 Alder at., pbona Mala T10) robber atampa, aeaia. atenctia, nag rage, traao caecaei nana tor cataiogier- na ao. STREET PAVING. SVARRBN Contraction Co. , atreet partng. aloe. walk ana eroaaioga. na urrgoaiaa Biotr. THB Barber Aaphalt Paring Co. af PartlaaaL urure ana worceeter bib. SIGN PAINTERS. COLD SIGNS, window lettering, doth Beaaare. economical electrla algn aad clgaa af all kind Bade qalrkly. . Footer A Kiel. FlrU tad atrerert Pboaa Excbang 4a. W. P. BF.ROEB A SON, 284 Yamhill at af all kind. Phone Pacific 223X Sign SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandraff treated I ehampoe Ing, Banlcurlns, chiropody, face work. Mr. . B. r. Kyne, 146 M Fourth, oat Rooa 82. I'hooa PaelSa 888. SCALP and face Baaaagr, manicuring; agent ror ikr. - curtatton l-Tencn toilet arricire. 11-11 Grand theatre bldg. Mala 8471. Hour, - 4:80 to -8. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every acaerlptlnai bank, bar aad a tor fixtaree Bade to order. . The Lotke Maaufacturlog Co.. Portland. SAFES. D1EBOLD SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLE, not In TRl ST. Norton aad Buckeye Jack. Metal . Offlca Flit urea. Repair. Phone Mala 1834. John B. Davit, Agent 64 Third at PORTLAND SAFB CO., cola agent for HER RI NG-H ALL-MARVIN Safea and MANGA-"-NE8B Steal Safe Co. 'a Bank Safea. 48 f tb at. SECOND-HAND GOODS. . OOODB'S Farnttar Honae High eat nrlcea paid for eocood hand furnltara. 814 laeead at Pbon Padfle 448. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLBAN TOWRLB DAILY Comb, break, anaa, 81 per moath. Portland Laundry .and Towel Supply Co.. Ninth and Coach. Phoae 410. TYPEWRITERS. NBW type writer, all make, rented. eoM and repaired Coaet Agency. 831 Stark. ToL 14QT. TELEPHONES. THB only dual va telephoaa. boaaa. - B.-B. KMctrte a I eiepnooo auaaiaeianBai pany. 44 Fifth at ' TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, planoa aad farnttare Bio Ted. packed ready for ehlpplng and aklppedi an werh guaranteed; targe, 8-etory brick, flre-proaf warrhoaae for atorage. Office 1SS Stnt at C. M. Olaea. Pbona Mala 847. THE BAGOAOB A OMNIBUS TBANSFBR CO.. cor. Sixth aad Oak at.; aaggag caeca ee from hotel or reeMenc dlreet to 4eetlnatlea peeeenrera therefore avoid roak had aaaoy nee at depot. Private Exchange 44. ft. O. PICK, office 44 Flrat at, between Stark and Oak ata., phone 804; piano aad farnltnr BMved aad packed for ahlpplag; eomaxxltone brick warrbooe with aeparate area wax, Front aad Clay eta. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Fkone Mala 44. Heavy baallng ana avorage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na. SOOtb Wa Ingtoa at. Pboaa Mala 48. - - WIRE AND IRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND FENCK A WIRB WORKS. . m ... . . . .i a.. aal. r. . .ift p. r n "... - -- OlympU to Oalebrata, : .. . ( Journal ' taocltl Serrlea.) '. rMumni. weeh Anril 1 k A naptl&l canvaaa of tha city yaatarday raaultad In about l00 bolriK sacured for tho pur. e v.Mln. erroat Fourth ef Jntr celebraUon In-Olympla this yasr. Th4 rommlttca xpect4 to t bdib 10 rstsa 12.600 Within 4 law oayB. . Chamberlain Knows. Oroson's 'pr4nt sorornor foars 'Dr. Wtthycomb of Corvallla mora than any other., ntpubllran ranoioata ror sjov crrior. Thla meant that Dr. WltKyeomb la the atrongeat manjn the race. Jdora-. ovrr, hit nomination nian4 his 4lc tloq, , ' ' .: FINANCIALBANKS. Tkmo STATES VATXOBAX BANK OP POBTLABD, 0KXO0V. IJ . riortbwaal Cor. 'Iblrd aad Oak . at. " ' -' " Traaaaota S feaeral Baaklag But In aea DRAFTS ISSUED Available la ATI OIHaa of the TTnlted Stataa aad kuropa, Hougkotif aad Manila. OalUatioa Mada aa Tavern kla Term a. Preeldeeit . c. Al-SSWORTH VI c Pre ideal W. B. A Y BR Vlogrldeat B, LEA ' BARNES Caahmr , R. W. 4CBMESB Aaalatant (a hler. ...... ...... A. M. WRIGHT Aealetant Caabler r.......,.W. A. MOLT T BAKK OP OAJUrORaTIA-Xatakllahed 1844. Capital cold aa. . .H.0uo.tMO.OOSarplup ant aadlvlded proBta. A (lenaee! BanhlM mmA V.k.. b..u..y lataraat oa tlaa aapaalta. Aonoaau opened r enaua of 810 ant apward. Parllaad Breach - ... Ckamhee ef Com m roe building. - MACS AE Man agar., J. T. BURTCHABtX Am art ant Manager it vatxoval am or TovrtAn. emioov. c IxaiitTBtah4 rWtmMlfghrai mnA rissnMal A aram tat) avtf tha. TTth Mahal : ' r8 I 8 1 1 I ""aT" lllf ta a a . "V a p f 4 a a amV Bill V 41 8447 . .... .a aaf. TV . "!L7,I Aaalataat Caahler X. 0. ALVORD Second AaalaUnt Caahlar.....eV t. STBTINS Uttere ef Credit laaaed Avallabto In Europe aad tba Eaat era stataa. '. Exchange aad Telegraphic Tranaforo aold New Tar. Beetoa. rhtcaga, Bt LevxhV St Paul, Omaha. Saa Prandaco and tha principal aetata la the Northweet. Sight and time bill draw a la euro to aalt aa London. Parte. Bertie. rTanhfiwt-evthe-Mata. -Hoagkoeg. Yokohama, Copenhagen, (krlatlaala, Stockholm, it Pvteratmrf, hi j new, Barlca, Hoooaola. . . , LADD A TTXTOV, BAJfKEBS (Zatakllahad ta 188S.) ' Traaaaota a 4)aaaral Baakiaa; Baalaaea. Colloctloa taade at all aotnta aa lavor. . able terua. Lettera af credit leeoed available la Europe and all rot n re la tb United "tatea. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafera aold on New York. Waahlnttoa. Chleago. ; St Louie. Denver. Omaha. Saa Tenrteco and MonUaa and Brltlafc Columbia. Bichaage aold oa In4on. Part. Berlin. Prykfert. Bongkong, Yekonama. Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIOSAi BANK, PORTLAND, ORIOOV. . J. FRANK WATSON,., Proaldent B. L. DURHAM. . . .vi..... ..'so-lVaida8 : B. W.. BOTT Caahler OEOROB W, HOTT -aatetaat Caahler Traaaaata a waaoral Baaklag Baa Drafta and Latter af Credit laaaed Available a All Parte of the World. Collect tone a Specialty. - TRUST COMPANIES., tTfcORTLAVD TSTTST BOnfwvrr nr munr a rtcnuuKCES OvEH 81,800.000. General banking. Eirbang oa all aarta or taa worio. " SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Time "artlBrate, 8 to 4 per coat; abort -caU apodal aartlScatee. 1800 r over, SK ta 4 per cent CaU tor book af "IIXCHTRATIONH." Soatkaaat eornar Third and Oeat ate. Pxm. Prtete Rvehanea 78. I COHEN.... ..Proaldent B. LEB PAGET... Secretary SEOTTRrTT BAYTNOS A TRUST COMTANT S84 Kerrtaoa Street, Pertlaal, Oraaraa. Traaaaeu General -Vaklng Bualaeca. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Jatere AlVrwd aa Tim aad Savlaga oita. Act aa Tmeto for Batataa. DrafU r d Lettera af Credit . AvaUahla la All Parte of the World. . ' ' ' C. P. ADAMS i.Prealoent L. A.. LEWIS Pint Tlaa-Prealdaat A. U Ml 1X8...., Seooad Vlca-Preeldaat B. G. JUBITI. ..Secretary OEO. F. RUSSELL... Aealetant Secretary THE M0BT0A0X 4UABANTIX A TBTT8T COMPACT BANK. ' -I Stock. Bond and Mortgage Bought aad Sold. latereat Paid as Tlaa Dapoeltn. CAPItIl " ......8100,400.04 . 0. W. WATBRBUBT .7...... Preeldent C.,W. MIIXEB s Yloa-PraaJdeat .: W" , ? tVOOA N HAYS... Aaalataat Secretary :- -iir-r. , -;t. Klka Temple, Seventh and Stark Street. Phone Mala. 184. BONDS AND M ORXIS BIOS. 1M rtrat Btreet, PortlaBd, Oregoa. Offer Gilt-Edge Inveatmeata In Municipal and Balh-ead Bond. Writ or CaB. ' I 'ITLB OTJARAaTTE A TBTJST COMPANT I . MOBTUAGB LOANS aa Portlaad Baal atracte D OwTflirO. BOrXIXS A CO. Wheat and Vxloorii"4rflrpand rioor. Overteck, Starr & Cocke Co. w ZZr'vZu' BAT. PBOVISIOWS. COTTOlf, STOCKS AND BONDS." V ' ..i . . W DO A STRICTLY O0MMISSI0M BUSINISS. CoatlnaoBl Market by- Privato Wlr. Quirk Bervlea. BXFEXXNCKS Ltdd A TUUa, 80." era, and United State National Bank of England. r LOUIS J. -WILDE' .lTnd ) BONDS CORPORATION J lU'XJ' l)U'U Blgbect Batoras ta lavaatora PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB from noon-TiLL T O'CLOCK Primary Election to JB Held All Over Oregon to Nominate . '', Officers. DEMOCRATS SOUD FOR . GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN Also Unanimous for Gesrin for Sen ator Word Expstted to Best MI ley Two or Thret) to One Nesrly Tbre Hundred Candidates. Betwaon ths hours of 11 O'clock noon and 1 o'olock p. m, tomorrow primary clcotiona will bo held all over Oregon for tho purpose of maklnc county, dia- triat and a tat a nomlnatlona and for nam ing the choice of the Kepubllcan and Democrstlo parties (or United States senator. . Intcreat centers larsely In tho Repub lican primaries for the reason that there are few Important' contests for placet on the Democratlo ticket. Governor Chamberlain will ba renominated with out oppoaltlon, for Democrats al over the stats ara unanimous In Ma support. Equally unanimou la -tha support ac corded Hon. John M. Qearln for United States senator. The only local contest between Democratlo candUates is that for tha party nomination for eherlff. Tom Word and M. J. Ma Hey are both seeking the nomination, but Word la regarded as a aura winner. Predictions sre made that his vots will be from two to three times that east for Malley. In the Republican primaries, on the other hand, scarcely a nomination will be effected without a strugslo. For many of the important places on the ticket the fight has become bitter. Thla ia especially true of the nomlnatlona for aenator, governor, secretary of state, state treasurer and state printer. A lively contest is on for the nomination for eherlff and for county Judya. and the scramble for the leglalatlve nomlna tlona is arousing keen interest. Owing to the fact that the polls will be open only seven Jiours, fears are ex pressed that many electors will bs un able to get their votea Into tha ballot boxes. In several precincts the registra tion exceeds 80S snd unless voters go early to the polls .there) will be danger that they will be ahut out. The count will neceaaaniy ba un- uaually slow. Including candidates for precinct committeemen, there are all told nearly' 100 candidates to ba voted for In Multnomah county. County Clerk' Fields eetlmateas4hat it may be a week .before the count ia complete, although resulta will be known, aa to the more important offlcea by Monday or Tuesday. - " Where to Tote. The Hat of polling places follows: CITY OP PORTLAND (WEST SIDE.) WARD NO. 1. ,, Precinct No, 1 XOO Tbarroaa at. Precinct No. 3 Carpenter ehop, N. Slat and Wlleoa et. Precinct Ne. 8 S4I lath t., north. WARD NO. 3. Precinct No. 4 SJT Ftendera at. Precinct No. 844 14th at.. bortB.-- : . Precinct No. 4 ISO 14th at., north. ' Precinct No. T Teat Boat bee at corner 19th and Hoyt et. ' Precinct Ne. 8-l 14th tt, north. WARD N". S. ' Precinct No. 4 4T Blilh at., north. ; . Preclart No." 10381 Ankony t. . ' Prednct No. 11 Merrill kids-, Seventh '"p reboot No, IS 488 Bnradd at. " -' Precinct No. 1388 lth BV, Borth, WARD NO. 4. v : V, . . .i Aider at. Precinct No. 18-K. P. -kalL 11th Sad AV- Preclnet No. 18808 Yamhill at. Precinct No. 1T-44T Yamhill at. Preckart No. IS Tent Bout be at Ponrth aad Salome tta. x precinct No. 18 MO 18th at. . ... Precinct No. SO weet End Etanairtoa ning. Precinct No. 81 Teat, norlhwaat cornel Third and Madlaon ata Precinct No. 22 Tent, eoatheoet Comer Weal Park and Madlaon t. ' wBi ntr. o. Precinct No. 38 08 Flrat at. -precinct Me. 8444 Secoad at, fjallferala. tS.TT0.M8 84 r.AMwa BllflMfia htPiBTUkNT. a- ejokf aaT am SB Bf fB W "rv aideat wretak Or av ta IL U PITTOCK....... Tlee-rreelAeat J. Q. OOLTRA. ...Aaalataat Seureury INVESTMENTS 840 Waah Ingtoa Street. Corner Beceod. Batata at Leweet Bataa. . Tltla 1 Beared. Ak Pnrnlahed. - Stack Brekara. (btablUhed 1848.) , Chambc. of Con merer.- S. 4 aad La Fayette bids., ear. Sixth tad Waah. St, Portlaad. Oregoa. ----- COEPO RATION STOCKS' Ooaaletoat With - Abaelute Bafaty. TBLEPHONB A TELEGRAPH SECURITIES -Preclnet No. S Tent, aortbwaat corner Seventh and Mill ata. 10th and Columbia at Precinct No. 87 818 Jefferaon at. Precinct No. 28 2ns Harrlaoa It. Precinct No. 2D 4HB Sixth it . Precinct No. 80 Real aetata office oppo .. lite obeervatory. Precinct No. 81891 Plrat at 'v WARD NO. 8. . Prednct No. 83881 Flrat' t. Precinct No. 88 TBI Flrt t. - Precinct No. 84 Carpet Clean Ins Worka, Pint and Olbba ata. ' 1 . Precinct No. 88 888 Corbett at, .-. ' Precinct Ne. 881468 Macadam at. , EAST S1DB, .-''': WARD NO. T. Precinct No. 87 Fireman' hall. Prclnct No.- 8S Fireman' hall,- r-1 .'. Precinct No. 88847 Powell f. - Precinct No. 40 SW3 Grand ve, .. Precinct No. 41878 Eaat 11th at. Precinct No. 43 Tent aoutbeaat corner zorn ana roweji exa. , Prednct No. 48 Eaat 48tk at taa Sectjoa Line road. , WARD NO. S. Precinct Ne. 44138 Grand are., corner Moniaoa at. Precinct No. 45490 Baat Morrlaon at r Precinct Nov. 48 Tent, aouthweet ' toracr -Kaat 27th and Belmont at. . .. .. Precinct No. -47174 Baat 84th et. ' Precinct No. 4 W. 0. W. hall. Wast are. Precinct No. 4488 Grind are. Precinct No. BO 888 Baat Burnalile at. Precinct No. 81 Tent, northaaat corner Baat lMlh and Baat Aak ata. Precinct No. 63 Tent Baat 28th aad Baat GlUaa att. WARD NO. S. Precinct Na. 68876 Holladay are. : Prectact No. 84841 Wllllama av. .-..r Precinct No. 6578 Bnaaall at. Precinct No. 88178 Rneaell at. , ' ' Precinct No. K7 290 Roaaell at. ' Precinct No. 68 418 Union ave. Precinct No. 80 Bear Dreaaer'e etora, Eaat . 18th aad Broadway ata. WARD NO. 18. Precinct No. en 884 Mlaalaalppl ave. . Precinct No. 81851 Williams v. ' Precinct No. 63 Barn, Eaat Seveath aad Bklilmore Its. Precinct No. 88 Eaat Eighth aad.Dekam av. 1 Precinct No. S4 CgMcr't ball, Pcalnaalar ata t Inn. Precinct No. 88 Putt mouth Grocery, porta- month station. Precinct No. 44 Northers Hill Itatloo. - srocacy .atore- ; The banks and tha city and county offices will observe tomorrow aa a holi day. . Saloons will be closed while the primaries are In progress, - from noon to T o'clock In the evening. One of the keenest local. 'atrugglea will be over the Republican nomina tion! for the legltlatur. Great effort e art being made to accomplish the defeat of the candidates who are. pledged to vote for the people's choice for United Statee aenator. To this snd several slates have been put out among the voters, tha latest being that agreed upon last evening by the precinct men of the "Regular Re publican central organisation," better known as the Max Cohen Republican club. The slate Includes 11 of the so called "Independent'! candidates" . for the lower bouse, the names belag aa followa: J. W. Bevcrldge. tf.- TX Beut gen, W. H. Chapln, Charlea Cleveland, A. B. Ferrers, F. F. Freeman, C. J. Llt tlepage, D. B. Mackie. C. N. McArthur, T. 1. Monahan, R. B. I. Simmons. Rob ert W. Wilson. An effort was made to secure tha Indorsement of the meeting for Elmer B. Colwall, candidate for state aenator, but strong opposition waa at ence manifested on account of his record In the last legislature. lata likely to Sre Tkurwasrh. This slste Willi come tin for con sideration this-evening before the ex ecutive committee of the organisation. Whether It will receive ths approval of tha committee te eald to be an open queation, though in the opinion of thoae who ahould -know there is no doubt that the club will endeavor to program the choice of legislative nominees. Other slstes are In the field and rumors of combinations are innumerable. Among tha 14 "independent" legislative rand Ma tee there Is a growing anxiety aa to how the II nominations art) to be dis tributed. Nine of the "independents" are evidently to be slaughtered. . ' ,. Tho Hat of the candidates who have subscribed to statement No. 1, pledging themselves to vote for the - people a choice for United States senator, la aa follows: j For - Joint - aenator, Clackantaa and , Multnomah - Samuel Connsil,: U, M. Orton, A. A. Bailey. - For Joint repreeentatlVe James TJ. Campbell. Harvey B. Croaa. ; j For state aonatoi" John Olll' - j For reprejeentatlvea U H. Adams. J. C. Bayer, J. W. Beverldge, D. C .Burns, John B. Coffey, I, M. Davis, John Drls- i coll, M. H. Emmons, Robert S. Farrell, W. P. Keady, H. A. Matthleu. A. II. Sandntorm, E." T. Tsggart, James R. Thomneon, Edgar H. Thornton, William Wanner. Bead Of to. Sai TRANSPORTATION. I0I.1E ROUTE 1 1 SENAT02 Jifne I geemre Txakats Mow. BOTrrnASTZSjr at.abta motrrm. From SeatUe at p. tn. for Ketchl. tun, Juneau. Skagway. , Whits Horse, Dawson and .Fairbanks. A, S. City of Seattle. April 11. B. S. Humboldt, April 26. S. 8. CotUge City (via. Sitka). April 10. ' AI.Ag.TA rKCri7xAriOirg. B.. a Spokane. June 7-11; July 6-10; - August I. - Torn bast rmAwoisoo Bzmacr. from Seattle at a. m.; Umatilla, April II; Queen, April 21; Senator, April II. ' . . 5 . i4Iaa4 one), MB WxUiigom . ( Main aa. - r Sr. It XJBB, FtkBS. m TV. Aft. C D, DL'NANN, O. P. A.,- t 14 Market St.. San Francisco. ALASKA PAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS ' . Leav Seattle "BPYTBSOB,' April IT, ST, f. mu ' "DOLPHIN," Apill 8S. : . "DIBIOO," Asrfi 14. , . . CALUNO AT "-" Ketehlkta. Juneau, Daaglaa, Balnea, Skag way. Connect with W. P. A Y. route tat Atlla, Dawaoa, Taaaaa. Neana, etc . . Par AH aVmtuaoatera AUaka Porta. Call ar a ad for "Trip te Wonderful A la ah a," - "ladlaa Baaketry.". ."Totam Pole." - m ALASKA 8. B. 00., - Wank Weolaay Co Agent. ' SI Oak at - ' . PortUad. Or. Open tins 14 Ptaaanger Btaamara tor -' SAN FRANCISCO i . u -it ni-Aatlr . Cabin. 12. " Staaraga. ta. Phone Xala' 481. ..' U8 THIRD BT. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer FAST TIMK. VP THB OOLtntBIA TUB FTNTIT TXIP IX THB UNITED STATES. Leave Oak-atrcet clock T- a. m. Monday. Wednnday cad Friday, arriving at The Da I lea 4 P. m. . -. Iavee The Dalle T a. m. Tneedav. Thara. darB aad Satardaya, arriving Portland 8 P. m. Of nee and wharf toot Oak atreet Phone Main 1, .CHARLES X. STZ XL SMITH. AOZVT. S. S. F. A. Kifburn ee fM ft, thxraka and flaa1raaelaca. Nett tailing frota Portland. BatnrdsyrAnrtl . ... . a-- - ( vinn an,ll oa etm nailing iron ., P. L. OBBBNODOH. AgU teteoawarb Do Be. S. Pkaam Mata 161. - BEARS GIVE WHEAT BULLS BAD DRIIBBIii'B . Attack on th Chicago Market Today Cost May Option 0n "i and a Quarter. T BBLATITB WHEAT TALUBS, Cloee Cloee Tbur. Wed. 4 . t -81 4 .78 .7814 Cloee Loot 11X15. Tliure 1,10 .01 li 7 ,41 May.. July.. - Chicago, April 14. The wheat market of fered badly today from an attack ky the boar aad sU epUf- Jnst heavily May Mel. trie center or inirr, - - , , day. The July -cleaved with the lea ( a full cent. . . .. . Official aaotauMu: ' Wheat, Open. ' K. Msy rr.r.;i..... .WJi ? .jk July .-i -.49 - May . (lata May ......... Waaa Pork- , JH, .12 Se May 18.18 14.11 HOGS 10 CENTS HIGHER; CATTLE ARE WEAKER Smallness of Arrivals in the Former Cause of Another Rise Calves Off. Portland tlnlaa Btoekyarda. April 19. LIt- tock reeelpU: Hogs. Cattle, Sheep. Today .....ii 60 4 843 wif ..o:...-. ? J! . Month ago 81 884 . . . Year age. . . Although the errlvala of cattle la the local yard today ware nominal the Indication art .... - - 111 mam III i , maeaplallv. The recent alump la eaatern valuee will vary likely caaaa heavier eblpmonu Id thla dlrectloh. ccoraing to rreeiamx iioinirei, likely aifert value. Hog are quoted with a etronger tone owing te the ecarefty and price are 10c higher today, raeep erw ire, irai Bioet of the arrlvala conatetcd of sheared. More veal relvee are eomlng and an account of tha oversnpply of dreaaid atock. Piicea are lower oa thla account. Mf IcUl llreatoc.prHW.: blockers and China fats, 48.78C4.85;' stacker ami feeders, 8.58.o0. -a, aWeaaaVMB SllltS M nil' S, H itF-aa psvsya. vat a t v, u vx ' aj' w beet cows snd heifer. 14.00; light and medium Steer, 4,',,! I'tni Cowe, e,w:eT,e HU reeoera, it : ouue. m.ibu- aheeo ".'ether. Utnbe, 6Vse; mtied aneep. oc, aoom aau.. e. Calvea Oood veal. 150 to. 100 pouada, 4 He; rough aad heavy, 4c. HARRIMAN LEAVES FOR7 SCENE BYSPECIALTRAIN (Journal Special Service.) New Tork. April II. llarrlmsn has ordered a special train to leave here to day to take him to San Francloco with right ot way over the road. Imposal blllty of getting definite detailed la- formation the cauae or mis move. .Wlthycombe In Lead. tr. ' Jamea Wlthycombei of Corvallla la conceded to be the strongest roan In the raoe- for the Republican nomination for govsraor. Hie nomination It Is alto generally conceded, will be equiva lent to hla election. If you want to vote for Oregon's next governor, vote for him at .he primaries tomorrow. , Tote tot T..m. vTLiaey fox f t rrUtes TRAKSPORTATIC;. Vbi ran i. fir-i. l l x i. it. i i i. PI '. afiTTTjiTiTI 3 Tralni ta the East DaUy 3 Tbreusk PnUmaa Itaadare aad toartot aleea. Pf"fre 4e . Omaha. Chleage, Soahaaet K75.vpfng-ear dally to Kaaaa Utr. Taroagh . roeUalBS aanxlrcars laaaw fr, e the But dallyT t'" ' rsE J . " teave. , Arrive, Bpectat for anT.aU" I? Haatlngton. dlyw 1:18 SO 9M pat w??m"-"',,. tnr Baatere - -""8'oston. Walla Walla. -. ,' f4""' d'Aleao and - - Nor'1"ra point, deny. 8:15 IM IB . "E,M '5nreBa Sw the Baat via Hunflnrfoo. d.llv S:1S pal T:18 am MHIIIBH RIVBR DITISION. ' - Aorla aad way potata, aneaectlBf with rZ!1!Z ! J1 ad North Beech, at re we "'' Ah-et. dock, leave S p. at dally, ascent Sunday; Batordav. 18 B. at Arrlroe boat S p. m.. ascent Sender. TAMDILL RIVER BOTJTB. For Daytoa. Oregoa City and Yamhill rtvae Pl!l!'."'",m,r "nth and Modoc, Ah-et. dock. t!?,v!.I- T d",1,ecpt Sunday (water per. sLnd..'- Anin T'" . " BOtrrB. m,-A '" ,d- ad way aetata fraat Itlparta. Waah.. ateeaera Spokane aad Lewie. .V..' 8- m.. ar upea arrlv Trara No, 4. dally errant Saturday. . Arrive 4 p BV d try except FrMey. Ticket Office. Third end Wiahlngtoa Sta. . T-lenbone Mala Vi A r !,' "T,N9- F TVkH , A. Z CBAIO. fleaeral paaaenger Aavat SOUTH China Station leave. Arrive, i?f 4UN4tT. I O I066a. 8itaaale4 1 I Jilt iowii Irll vTeriaaa Axpre Trrlna :. for Salem- Haeehore Aak. "as, Sacramento, Ognen. ' " Saa Praadaca, Stocktoa, Loo . Aawalea, El Paee. New Orleana aad the eaat 8 80 ISJ I:H pa Morning train coaaacta at - , v , . WoeotHirB dally oacept - Sunday with trala for - - - - - ' ;" Mont Angel. Silver ton. . ' Nrownirvtll, Bprlugfleld. rKZ Weadllas and Natroa.... l:48 pot . TB tot Eugene paaaenger, con nect at Wood bare with Moant Angel and Silver- "" " too local atrlSnat 1:8B am Corvallla paaaenger....... . T:60em B:B8 pm berldao Paenger.7."7.,4:Br pa t "78 ta Poreet Orore peaeenger.. 1110:48 -el 1114 pa Dally. IIDallv eaont Buaday. ' JEFFERSON-STREET 8TA1.0N. Far Dallaa and Intnrrnodlate aotnta ' dally 4:18 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. Sac ror t i in carl ox ,raweso eanameo hubi . . arlr e, X-iiy Lirivt umr., or aintwa, . Ttrketa to Eaatere polsta and Knronei aloe iapaa. China, Honolula and Anetralla. t-lty xieaet Ulrica anrner 3 " ItMk a W. BTTNOElt, A t CBAIO, City Ticket Ageat . Gen. paaa.,Asat, TIME CARD ' OF ' TRAINS ' Portland! TJnloa Depot Lear, Arrlvo, : rlkwstoao Perk-Kanaaa Clty-St. Lonla Special for',... . Chehalla. Centra I la, Olym pla, Oraya Harbor, Booth ' Bend, Tacoma, Seattle, Spo ken. Lewi too. Batte, Bit. ' Hog, Deaver, Omaha, Eaa. , aaa City, St Loala aad . ' Soatheaet dally I:S9 4:S8 aaj North Coaet Limited, elee-,..t trie lighted, fnr Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Batte. -: hflBBeepoU St VbuI aJ - the Eaat Uy :08 pm . T:6t SSI Paget Sound Limited, for tiaremont, Chehalla. Cea tralia, Tacoma aad Seattle ' only, dally .. j4:90 pta 6 SO pa Twin City tipraaa fnr Ta- 4 - coma. See t tie. Spokane, HeWaa, Batte. St. Paul, Mlnneapolla. Llncola, St Joeepb, Kanaaa City, Oma. ka. St. Loala. without - chance ef care. Dlreet caa.-; - - nectlon for ill pntnta Eeet and SoutheaBt. daily.. 11:48 pa IftSS pva A. D. CHARLTON, Atstat Oeneval Paano yer Ageat. BU Morriaoa atreet, aoraar ThkreV. Portland. Or. ' - Astoria & , Columbia V River Railroad Co. Dntoa Deoort - Leave Per Majfere, Balalar, Cla. kanle, Weetport Cllftoa, . - Aatorta, Warren torn. Fla re I. Hammond. Fort Stev- eaa. Oearbart Park. Seaaldo 8:44 tm ll:ISaa - Aatoda and Seaaoor. A- preea dally f pa :ss All tralna dally. - t. C MAYO. O. P. aad P. A-. Attorla. Ar. V. A. STB WAST. Coaaeretal Agent 848 Alder atreet, Pboaa Mala SOS. it JLma.i TNt COattwjrTTASaX aAY. 9 OvcrUnd fralas Daily 9 ''The Orieatal Lunltad, tha Fact hull' VIA SEATTLE AND BPOKANB. " Dally. - Dally. Lear. Arrive, Portland thne achedule ., . To and from Spokane, , St Paul. MlnaaapolleW , . Imluth and all polata -- - Beat-via Seattle 8 80 aa TOta . . 11:44 pa .4.84 pa Tn and frota St. Pant, Minneapolis. Doluth and all points Baat via Spokane 8:18 pa 1:84 aa Oraat Northera Btamataklp 0. ' Sailing from Seattle for Japea aad China port and Manila, carrying sa aengera and freight B, B, Vtnaeaata, April M. ' B. B. Dakota, June T. ' NIPPON TtrSXaT XAIVA -(Japan Mat! Steamablp o.) S. 8. hh Inane Mara will sail from Seattle about May 16 for Japes and China aorta, tarrying yaaaaagera aad freight. - For ticket, ratea, berth man tiona. etc., call OS ar addreaa X. DICKSOB, 0. P. X. A., 18 Third . Portlaad, Oragea. neae Maia eat. "REGULATOR LINE" The DeGes, Pcrtlcni Ct Jstcrb fcv::::n Co. poate leave ror'and v Tva r " a dally, except knr. t 7 p. t., t, ln :-out I p. rn., r " I laaoi' -ra. r . - - or outnta snd live.. or 4. rot Po't ef '- r. r 11 r xa i, 8 . II u.k-i ZL,