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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL' 19. 1SQ3. NEW TODAY. To Shippers . TKA Arito-neanatch deaixca te an pounce teat It hae pucoriaeed the capital etock 'Ml gosd-e.111 of the hiuwi aeo.-s i , naiu a terra e-jtrinmnt' or hotl.' electric autoe and bora track. we are prepared to du II kinds or hauling promptly. gne.i-,1 itiraiki to furniture moving wit larger Tin end ewrleuccd OWR.'' otorago a L..W Mb. 'T-1' .'. Mr Wekemea Betalne n Internet and place tn-the management vice-president. ' " tr R w. i.aire la secretary, and Mr. H. r-oddard u president will -devote hi entire time tu the Interest I tnie coepsuy. . Oregon Auto-Dlspatch ' ' -i H. vV. GOODAltD, PreeWeot Office, is rmt st. .- Phone Main fi REMOVAL NOTICE BECK THE JEWELER - After SO vrare oa Morrlaoa atreet. Bow forced to iwn. Oa be found after Mar I at 2u6 Alder et, sear O. W. P. waiting-room. -Prior to moving, however, will, sell all good t a Jam dtaoouat. . NEW AND MODERN COTTAGES In neighborhood of beautiful homea, no block north of Hawthorne, on Kant iwib. Also flna building- lota (0x100; 2.000 feet - cement walk, parked atresia, sewer ana water, for Bale on terms. aoe ownw. CO. K. VTAaOOVXK, 039 Tailing- Bid, For This Week Only 7 aeree, with ISO roda frontage on car line and 80 on county road, clone in; naif. cleared, all laya one; beat plat- ting Propoaitlon oiu-the market. XXlSt fnfT t-suii per acre, inquire v. . n. nu J)uyniltJrKa.y." corner-Chlrd and tit arte. : -- . VERY CENTRAL, ; BUSINESS LOT On (Irand ktenuej, at aide 13,600: $!., 100 caeh, balance long time, amimrr btialneaa lot on Orand venue." 13,000. fie Bevar, 404 aat Alder. Phone Kaat 491. . -. , ",. " ""' -' Half block In Bomb : Portland. In come $24 per annum. - TTSOaT MXUMVLSh' ''"""" SOt Commercial Blot.. Jd -and Waah. WEATHER REPORT. Oa arroont of the eartbquak-hr San Frsn't rleeo bo rcimrta Bar oeen receiver una lti( from California. Nevada and Arlaona. The mirth 1'arlfle high pmam area le now centra. orr Wroailaa. Hloce y-twdiy a small dla tarbanre has tiuaairt British Columbia sod la sw ratral esr Albnts. This low pressure sraa has raosrd snsettled wssthsr to Wssblng fm and llaht showers la the aoand raaarrr. The Arlsosa storm has mored anslheastward and It kt anw reotral Bear El Paso. Teiaa. it-ea.-e.o. fala In -orther. TesakT - wOrerwi, Krw Mexico, Colorado, western - Kaniai and western Nebrseka. The eaetera high praaeure srea remains nearly atatlonary orer West Vir ginia. It has, howorcr, eonirscted In area and Oimimsneu u 1 11 mw i 1 J - inn aum., naa anTincm 'ff rne hip rranm. im 1 light rata h. reported iaMesoTjC-rVlua-B i nrf nuuee Mtcfalaan. The inillcattnsa are far showers tonight ta . Washington, and for showers Friday la Bortb- west Oregon and wester. Washington. Ktoe ; where ta this district, fair weather will probably continue. Ohserrations uaea at a a. m ri'tnc urns: Baker Cltr. Oreaoaw. . . . .... M 8ft Boston, Maaaachusetta..... flu Chicago, llllnoia., ft Iieneer. Colorado. ....... ... 44 Kansas City, Mlasourl..... 7 hew-Orleans. IulsUne,.n T4 New Tort, New Xork , 12 Omaha, Nebraska.......... 72 Portland, Oregon 7ft Rosehurg, Oregon... 70 at. Louis. Missouri..,. ..... 72 alt Lske, Utah M Nnokaae, Waahtngtoa, 0 -. Tscoma. Washington r2 Valla Walla. Waahtngtoa.. 74 W'aeblngton, T). 0. 74 - 42 M 34 ' M no . M M 4ft 40 M ' 42 ' 4 4 A3 4 .0 .0 .112 J 01 M .0 .0 .0 . .0 .0 .0 T. .n .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. T. W. Reed, ; Blanche Barney. 24. ' Peter GHMer. 81; Lena Oroassniller 23. Erik Uno Ertkson. 31; Kdla FranallU Johaa aon. 22. Charles Bechtoid. 33;' Tbresa Rosheuer. 2S. rrlti B, Schist ber, 28; Maria Anna Sen la f fer. 23. , WlllUm H, Blckat, 3T; tUllaa Alice West, 31. ., -4- Wedding Cards. W. O. Smeth a Co., Waah togtoa bldg., ear.- Fourth snd Waahtngtoa sta. . Miss Bertha Martin, room 813 AUeky bM. tamping and flna needlework; lessons gteea. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Rolman 4 on., the leading runeral directors, hare the tlneat establlahment, the Coast foods, ths finest vehicles and the most reasoeable prices. fins broadcloth -covered caskets, !2S and S30. The finest wood goons made, frsm S13 to 120. Parlors 230 aad 323 Third aUast,eoraag ,e4ioe. .PorUaad. vreaoa. I. P. Fin ley 4 ftm, funeral d tree tori, and embslmers, earner Third end Madlsoa atreeta. Office of eoaaty coroner. Taiepboae Mats a. ' Donning, McKntee 4V flllbsegh, under takers sad em balm era; modem ta every detail. Seventh aad Pine. Mala 430. Lady ssslataat. A. B. Hsmstock. andertakar aad embalmee. East ThlrtesaUt aad Umatilla are. Phone Bell weed TL BITE1VIIW CEMXTIET. fltngle graves 10- Family lota STS to ft.OOO. The only cemetery In Portland which per petually maintains and cares for kite. For roll Information ,apply to W. B. Macksnalk, War esstsr block, city. . W. M. Ladd, prasldeat. Oteaaffe BaTOal fMH aseffW?!. dtW MUV rlBOaa avtf FUNERAL NOTICES sir NT! NO In this city. April 1ft. 10, at the , family realdenrs. U10 Baat Yamhill street, rttephen a. Bunting, sged "iQ years. 1 month "" and 3ft days. Friend and aruualntanree are reepsctfully Invited te attend the funeral . services, which will be held at ths above residence st 3 p. m., Friday, April 30. Hcrr- tree- at - the- grave pel vale- MIM.F.R la this city. April 1ft, 1800, John Millet, aged dS yeara, 10 montlia and 47 v . daya. The funeral eervlcee will he held et - kla late residence, nu Rnumer street, al 2 , 1 p. m., ftaturday. April ii. Frlendp Invited. . Interment Klvervlew.' l ROY la this cits, April 17. lleifl, Joseph H. Bargy. aged M years. K men t be and IS dar. Friends and amrtiatMancea are re - spestfuUy Invited to attend the funeral aerv . 1 -ea. which will be held at the family resi dence, S04 West Ninth street. Vancouver, - Wash., at I p. m., Friday. April l. under the aasnlcea of the A. O. C. W. and 1. O. ' O. F. Interment City cemetery. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Venrgs W. Browa to Mrs. Maud Etta . MrCnllork. kuU 28, . block 8, Laurel- - wood ....,...,.,.,. -300 Clifford R. Borden et el. to J. F. HUI, - . bit 4, Mock 14, Central Alblna. .480 M. N. Hamilton to J'weph J. Price, lots : . T. Mock 1. eubdlrlaloa Blvervlew ad- dlttoo ' 650 Amanda J. Dee to Harry J. Mlllatt, lots 4 to 10. iuclualvs. block 1. LaursW, , . wood TOO . Harry Burbcak to Andy W. Wllsoa at al., tnt Id, IT, brock 10. Multnomah.. 100 I. MrCrakrn Co. te Aadrew ( raik, lot 1, -block 1, Bernhardt Park. 340 . e" . e-mmai n.i 1 in. nueneoa in uen. .11. Leaa. krt B. block M. Leah a addl- . .- r- I. t Merrtara et el-- to . a, flammans, kits 2 te P. bhtck 14; lota O and P, Clifford sddltkw 2,000 . W. A. Urland to W. J. Campbell and wife, lot 10, hlork 10, North Mount . Tabor ISO C, O. nbikarat and wife to F. H. Fresnd, , tots s te ft. block 1. all block 3; lota 3 to IS, hMrk IS, an block 4, Avow- del. ,..-:..: t10 lee-ge W, Brxwn to fred II, FrHrnd, " t. teis S.1, i block 14. Wnsdinere.f. ' 823 Baitth w. llol et e. to arl iLaine. , oU,Tr Meek 2, Arleta Pwk He. S, 18S REAL ESTATE TRANSFER8. isns" KyanVis Loul'sat llefried land T"!"." hHKhand, h (a, blotk i, tliuiih's suh-. dlvlalon !r . ! D. al.Hcm-T to Nina Burton. sodlTlded H of lot SI, hlurk 1. Wood lawn .Ueorfr w. brown Is iul Corlaod, kit t. blot'k , Krolya.. 0. W "MoArihur and wit to X. O. Al . fredaos. li.ia 4, , a, block Si Lasrsl- wnod So. a... Title Uuaraate A Trn.t conianr to Thomas H. Hawea t al.. east 10 reet of ku A and all of lot a, block 0&, Hnnnrslde' Third aildllloa. ..- Charles J. Weiulerulh el si. to H. L. INtTeiipurt, Hi 02 acres beginning st aoriheast - corner -of southeast 14 of section IS. township 1 south.- range 1 saat " Jobs i. Turner and wife to J. L. Hart oiao et al.. .WW) sijuare feet beg In-- - Blug at nurthenat corner ot triangular . ulsca east of block 40. tl loer a addi tion George w. Weldlrr and wife to Misa t'atlierlns MrUardy, blocka 84.'. feS, " Wootlalock - - 100 4H 1.393 3,100 ISO C. V. Prlmw and wife to J. V. Rogers. lot , blo-k 711, Portland Homeaiead. . Ell la U. Hughes and Wife to Loo lea II. Martin, hrfa to Id, block , Irrlng- tlMk . . . C. H. Martin and wife te'H. 'c'.'csbell" undivided W of block 18. J. Irrlng'a rirat adillfliiB. . Tbomaa Paolara and wife to Frank O. uuataraon, parcel of land beginning 13 rbaliia 6 links east and 4 chains 73 links south of hi comer between sec lions 12 and li. towasblp 1 aonth. range 1 esat S00 William M. Ladd and wlfa to Louis Q l larae at al.. block l&u, dt; cite 12,000 Mlasourl V. Baiiaigardnor and tinahand lo A. T. Gananrder. kit . block 4. Central Alhina addition. Charles C. Oulne and wife to Jooa M. ' Knear, or aontbeaat of asc tlos , township 1 north, range S east 800 0. R. Roblnaoa nnd wife to J. ft. I.u- bsck. lot IT, hlork 14. City Tlew Park t Cdward P. (rananrh to IHirld 'J. Har- ' TOO ria. esai or norm wear 44 or north west Vef sscttoa 3. township 1 south. 3,500 50 Patrick J. Roddy to Knink A.' ' johneon', lot 8. block 1 . Cloeerda le tract ... A. E. Kern snd wife to C. A. Rlcelow. m.vmi atiuare reet Beginning 100 feet north of north line of . Eaat Alder street, ea eaat line of Eaat Fifteenth street . . .-. Loren Reward snd wife to R, O. IIus- . too. lot IO..kWk IM. Ml.hl.n.S 1.000 EHaebeih Van Frldagh to llortenss Tan Frldagh Twlor ft al.. west H of kits . ootid ni oouoie owica 4r eity Arleta Land company to Ha I He II. Water man, tot 18. block T. Arista Park No. 2 1 . 100 Arleta Land company to C. V. Ruhndorf, - . - - lot 4. blnrk B. Aaleta Park Kn. Inn Benjamin Fallows and wife to R, W. wumir. s acres beginning 30 rbalna IS hnka east of north weat corner of ' E. tlltlimona' dnaalton land claim ... 1 1. Bannah Anderson and b na hand to Nina ' . fl.hel. Jou L, a. block IL-taiffurd-g addition . . 1 . 1, 1 John M. Hell 'to John O. Connor,, north-. west J 'of section' 22, township 1, north, range S eaat.'....i ..7 1.000 . O. Auaplnnd to F. U Rehnh. lot g, block 3. Mount TabnF feeteal tract KIM John Oardlner and wife to Albert fchlere. 10c 1, oior a a. Mount I a nor villa assies- ...... - ITS Ellaaheth A. Painter snd husband to K. 1 am, lot g, block S3, Stephens' addl- ' tins ., t and City to Victor Land company, lot J, block T. Ootral Park ,, - 0 Same to aatae. lot 10, block T, Central tsrs Oregon Real F.atate company to A. P., inree, lots a, , Block 478. Holladay a aooiinn r.OUV Addle u. Hunt ana hiraband to A. Welch. -. weat Vt of lota 1. 3, block 3M. Uaw t borne . Park ; - , 1 Arleta Land company to Lacy W. Lit lie, lot 142. Arleta Park ,- Lory M. Utile to Charles Townsend, lot 143. 14S. 14ft. Arleta Park...;....,.. . ITS TOO - "VR7ed ttfHl&'a ' lor 0, slock , aunnyalds Third addl- uoa 850 100 B Lee Psget and wife to J, W. fJeary, , kit IT. block IS. Highland Park A. Manning and wife to Mercantile . -r- a. . i WSiSSS: Sddle tVm; lott 1 to , block 8, aama addi tion Security Ravin re a Trust company to M. n. Thorsna. east H et lota 8, i, block 2P5, Hawthorne Park..... University lnd company to Seventy nhsre Iareatment companr. SO beginning B20 feet north of 70 dei , in minutea, west of Intersection of Colnmnla boulevard with east line of ' J. Wlndle'a donation- land claim, aee- tkva 8. township I north, range 1 east., 12.000 Americaa iroat at investment company to same. 44.8 acres beginning at south west corner of Alexander Brown and wife donation land claim, sectioa 6, towvahlp I north, range 1 esat . " 1 Frank I. Ball and wife te Abe Tlchner, north Id feet ot lot 14 except south 4 feet: all of lot 11 and aonth IS feet of lot 10. block 3. fltrong'e addition.. t.SOO Lou la Nicola! and wife to T. T. Murphy, east H of Vita 8. 4, block 311, Holla- day'a addition 1.S00 Edward A. Baldwin and wife te Clark Tiber, lots SV 6, block 100. East Port- " land , .....82.000 Get your tnsnranee and abstracts te real estate from the Title Guarantee 4V Trust company, 240 Washington street corner Second. NOTICE, NOTICE U hereby given that on the 11th day ot April. 1906. Jamea W. Wsbb ot. Portland. Or., . was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of hi. creditor, will be held at room 600, Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. Or on the 1st day of May. 1006, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at which time the aald creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank rupt and transact each other bueines. as may properly coma before each meeting. Dated, Portland. Or. April 17, 10OS. ALEX SWEERT, Referee 1b Bankruptcy. NOTICE kt hereby given that en the 2fttb day of March. IPOS. R. A. Bchnlta Snd Mar Hchurts -of- Portland. Orr. were -duly- ad 1 Indicated kankrupta, and that the first meet. ng or then- creditora will be held at room 600, Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portland. Or., on tbe let day of May, 1A06, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time the aald creditora may attend, prove their claim, appoint a truatee. examine the bankrupts and transact such other business a. may properly com. before auch meeting. Dated, Portland, Or. April IT. 1006. . . ALEX ft WEEK, -Referee in Bankruptcy. MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP, No, S3. Woodmen of the World, meets Friday sight -In W. O. W. hall, Tenth and ' Washington era. All mem I , berk reitueated to be prea- ent. Vfaltora welcome. W. ft. (JAXL0RD. A. L. BARBCK. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A F. at A. M. Hnedal oommnnt- '; cation this IThuraday) evenrng, ,S o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work In E. A., degree. All E. A. Mi aoria Invited. B. 8. Pague, Sec retary. HAWTHORNE LODGE, No. Ill, A. F. A A. M. Ftpeclal rommunl cation this (Thursday) evening at l::n: work In the M. M. degree. All M, M. welcome. By order of the M. M. C. K. Miller, Secre- . rrtary. . ; -,- A. A. ft. R , MASONS Owing to the djyefal calamity at Ran Franclaco tne clining "at home" achednled fs- Friilsy evening ha a been Indefinitely postponed. J. E. WERLEIN, Secretary. MACCABEES Portland Tent, No. -1, meeta . every Thursday nigbt la K, of P. hall, Mar oaam bldg.. Tialtora are welcome. E. M. ItNCB. LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN from O. W. P. Ry. waiting-room, Flrat and Alder ata., afternoon of April 0, "two teleaco-ies containing ladles' and chll dren'e clothing. Unliable reward will be paid for recovery-of same, or information leading thereto. B. A; p. Tranafer Co.. Sixth and Oak. STRAYED Bay pony, from Northern HIIL Re turn to Roger Mtlla, St. Johns. . HELP WANTED MALE.' MEN snd women to leers barrier trade la eight weeks; graduatee earn from lfi te 823 weekly; expert inatructors; catalogue free. Mohler Svatem ot Colleges, 88 North Fourth at., Portland. . SALESMEN WANTED For owe ef the brgest nurseries la tbe west; cash sdvaaeed weekly m orders 1 gar-d .territory open. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppealak.. Weak. AGENTS WANTED te sell .npertnr. high-grade nursery stock; enaplete oatnt furnlahed free; cash weekly; write today for choice of - ter ritory. Capital Uty kiuasry, Cemaaaj. Bakm, l8s. - A. L. KHELP WANTED MAtE. Wa NTKIV 1,000 men. share aad hatreat free SSs Ooocb at. y tsaca taa irsoav IJT1 caaeaeasrs for choice tsrrltoryi eotOt furnished free: big snap, ror full particulars address Oregon Mursery Co., sale a. uragoa. TART mall order business; yoa ssallx aaak giu eauyi wo rurnian aoppuee ana teeca in Aluwlnua Hanger (Jo coaiiieia. Minn. WANTED--Reliable aewapsper canvasser; steady position for right partr; - city and eouotry work: moat aire references. Ad drees O. i. Agent, Vancoursr, Wash. , WANTKD Wall and ballrtla slgnpalnters; only - flret-class men need apply, goats at ataisar, . Fifth and Brsrett ata. WANTED Mala teachers to trasel and rep resent well-establlahed Chicago bouse; ei perlenoa oot necsaasry; Compenaailon, SMS per . month. Writs to Portland, Oregon. 3H0 Poplar at. - -- - BOT8, yoo- ran get mated Paris Homers for ine or pair Hunts lor we or our pieo. n Kaat Humaios. WANTKH S (ond adrrrllalng men: moat glre refrrenrea. The tneesuira- uuios, on Marquam bldg., rartlaad, Oregon. WANTED young man. 82n per month, with rapid lacrssas for right party. 206 Davis. WANTED Experienced etockcutter. Hawk Co., printers. Alvlu $. WAXTKD S experienced traveling men to take - meaaures and erosra ror ins Btocaioa women Mills Co.. tailors. 47 East Main at. Walla Walla, , Washington. WANTED 3 flrat-claea solicitors whs hsve had experience In bouse-to-houea caavaaslng; aalary . and com ui tee to a. to right part to. 30V Second at. WANTED Boy of IT, respectable, to learn the riorlat puaineaa. Eaat wta ana sissi xsorri - sob. Lone Fir cemetery. WANTED An experienced young man, about IS, to work In grocery. Phone, between S and 7. Eaat 2W8. - - WANTED Cleaner and dyer; one capable of ooing pr eating prererred. ail rourta ai. WANTED Good sober bsrneesmaker. A Miller, Odesaa. Wash lug tun. Becker WANTED Two boy. to work la bakery, care Journal. X 20, WANTED Machine men and bench handa. Ore goa Furniture Maniifai'lurlna WANTED Man to work la vaneerroom: have some experience. Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co. WANTED A boy with a mheel. Apply Ban netting, rourtn ana Morrison ata. BOY with wheel. 443 Waahtngtoa at. GOOD" lunch counter witter. Call at '4,- K, Coffee House, rirat and Maniaoa eta. WANTED at once, twiners and trainers for Fenney'a hopyard, sear Brooks, or. K. M. Penney. . WANT partner wlthSftn rash for good paying legitimate litulneee; no experience naceaaary. V 6, care Journal. i - . WILL aell half Interest In good paying aaloon. central location, sax xor wauer. ws enia. WANTED Flrst-clsaa eaMnet-makera. Apply IiBtke.Mff, Co., Hlxtb and lloyt ata. WANTED Good harneasmaker. Freeman . A Wiley, Central Point, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGBNCT , SUH Waahlng- tnn at., cor. seventh, upstairs, rnea Se2. Female help wanted. . ANT poor girl needing a frlead, kelp or advice. J . caa apply or write to Matron, es assx xaut et.. N Portland, Or. WANTED Firat-claaa wiitrej and Jefferson. THE LADIES HOME AGENCY furnishes all kinds of female help, le&to ronrta at., op atalra. Suite 28. Phone Mala B82S. WANTED Woman to take orders for allver- vrare; S3 per day aalary and commlaaton. H4V East Morrlaoa et. WANTED at once experienced glove - ea lea- women ; , sons other need apply. Roberts Bros., Third and Morrlao.. WANTED Glr) to do general heuaejrerk; wage. 42S. 4.18 14th at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WA NTXD Ladles and gentlemen who can de rote a part or all tbeir time demonatratlng. Great American Impt. lea Co., -408 Waah Ingtoa and 223 First sts. HELP wsuted and supplied, male or female. B. O. Drake. 306 14 .Waafalngtoa at Pacific 1170. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION wanted In lumber office; one year'a experience la general work ; reference fur - nlahed, John H. Btewart, ears Journal. . POSITION wanted a. tallyman by esperienced lumberman; competent to grade and tally any kind of soft wood- and bard wood lumber. A 110 care Journal. WA N TED Sewing by the day. Phone Paclfia T28. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; good seller; big wages, S06 McKay bldg. FIRST -CLASS agents la Portland end through atate; big wagee to rustler.. 410 Feotoa bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Co.. SOB M Morrlaoa at. Phone Pacific 238. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, roa MEN. M N. Second it Phone Mala 1828. BIG FOUR EMP. AGENCT-Help supplied tree. IS North Second st. Phone Mr In 11B. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT ' HOPSES. COTTAGES, FLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has " been enlarged and provided with additional sta ft We Invite - listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous enperrlsloa orer all property Intrusted - ear care. , PORTLAND TBCST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. I. cor. Sd and Oak ata. Phone Ex. 73. FURNISHED house, to 8 rootna, wanted to rent; good location, within eaay access of btialneaa district. M 48, care Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. wanted To borrow 84.000. excellent city real estate security. Farrtngton, SIS Chamber of Commerce. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying snd whltewaahlng trees, baaemeate, barns, docks, etc. I largest gasoline epraylng outfit oa tbe coaat. M. O. Morgaa A Co., 823 Union ave. Phone Eaat '617. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for fornlrere la any quantity; also take earns oa commission aad guarantee beat reeulte. The Portland Auction Rooms A. Schubacb prop., 211 First st .-Phone Mala 8665. ilKlHKST caeh price paid for second-hand goods. Phone Eaat 6077. 126 Unloe are. WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD - THING. WESTERN -jBALYAOH CO., 627. 62B WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 7S3. I POSITIVELY guarantee you the best trade price for household, hotel or restaurant fnrnl fure; be sure to consult me before disposing ef your' goods elsewhere; thla beats wiling by anrtlon. Address or call Oka, care Gauld A Kline. S. W. cor. . Front end Burns Ids. Phone Mala 807. PARTIES having email lots of loga to saw. eultable for portable sawmill, please com- muntcate with V 10, care Journal. JOHN 11 A BLR. manufacturer of Improved ce ment poata, waterproof, laatlng, strong, cheap; ' please Investigate; a apeclaltv of fence poata. Southeast corner East Madison sod tlnkm - eve., Portland, Or. -.-, WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO T REFINED woman, entirely respnhaihle, wlabea 2 more engagements te Care for children at Bight. Main 4460. NOTICE TO DAIRYMEN Wanted: Strictly responathle milkman, lo' fnrulah the eui.ply of good and pure Milk the rear round te I r'O. K. Coffee llonae. Flral aad Madleon ataH preeent at 00 Jal 18 gaUong put daj;. J. Chrlg- ' . ' - . ' ' '. . WANTEDREAL ESTATE. WASTED nonieone to build me a reatrienee north of Waahlagroa at. aad west of 2lth et oa king lea mi. eubject to purchase; house to coat from 8.0OQ 10 IT 600. In 'case uoaae and lot could be sold oa contract, can pay f.VK) to 81.IKI0 down and sa much aa 10 a month on Interest and. principal. Address a., care Journal. , WANTED Lot ta exchange for enwltF ta or T-roem bouse. Phone Eaat SS41. 100 REAL sstete firms caa aell roar property aiucser mi one. farina Heal vatato a-.. zai Washington at. Mala 1026. WANTED, for cash, lot or fraction; must be caeap. avse, care journal. . WANTED Modern hones of ft ta T rooms, walk ing .lletanoe. eaat akle; lieat cash price and location, a 111, care journal.- - WANTED A earner block between East Tar- J,lor and Esat Burnelne with railroad faclll- nee. ii noes. Jk isu, care journal. INCOME property of all kinds. We have buyers . waiting. l-afavette Realty Co., rooia IS Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Waahtngtoa sta. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU. 8Ba NORTH SIXTH ST. Kieganiiy lurniansa. atssm Beat ana pa taa. NICELY, furnished roome and bonsekeeplna rooms; gaa, nam ana electric nitnte; reaaoa- aois-. Palmar iioui. sao l-s Alder st. THE GRAND. 4SVi l.orth Third at. B for gsntismea !. psr week and up. - TUB KING, 80S JeffersoB St. Nicely fnrntshed rooms, witn gaa or electric tig til. beat ana baths, la new building. fa.M and 810 per monca. Ft'RMftHKD room reasonable: alao 3 as urniaasd light kouaekucping -rooms, kc xiie- laaippi ave. - r - PLEASANT front room, connecting with aide room: son there family; strictly modern. i-noaa Mam oaoe. lis Bixteeutu. ONE large unfnrulahed room with closet for light nonarkeeping. 2U.1 Montgomery at. fall after k p. m. Ft'BNISHBD housekeeping moma; clean aiffl coavenlent; private entrance: " cheap rent to permanent tennant. 571 North lxtn. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL. - Flanders aad Seem Booms, boueekeeplng and tranalant; senlenti prices reasonable. ll.SS WEEK ap, ctMB. furnished Bossekeeplng rooms, with yard, parlor, laundry. Dam. xur Baoa heat 308 Stanton st V ear. f 1.B0 PER WEEK Large. . clean, fnrntshed nnuaeaeepuig-ronma; l unary ana Date. las Bherman. South Portland. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms tor rent. vof Kueseii at. The McKay rung. THE HALL. 414 Fifth Rooms single or -sa suite, furnished for light housekeeping. 4T1 ALDER Nice housekeeping-rooms; gsa stove. Datn, puone. close to business; reasonable. 4 FLATS, furnlehed housekeeping. 88 and 1 10 per mouia. urn 0.10 tieventn et. . COMFORTABLY fnrnlahsd or un mlahed roome or aulles. rnrnhwed; tents; abide and fruit trees. Ibnne East 412ft. Lewis gad Clark Camping; Grounds, Mount Tabor. ., , - 8LEEPINO and - housekeeplng-rooma foe rent. nee H. H. Hlgley, room 30, sciTm Waahlag ton at, , : 1 HOT'.SEKEEPIKG-ROOMS. electric light, poena. e-a a waea. out 71 - water at. 808 ROOMS completely furnlahed for houae- Keeping, rnnne Mam .4(KW. , Key nzo 7th et. LARGE cool rooms, first floor, gas range, 1S. ncmspi am Pi?, . norm into at. OR 4 nnfuralsbed Boasekeeplng-rnoma. North 10th at. Phone Mala 1003.. 244 KICRLX furnlahed front room for house keeping, suitable for 1 or 2 ladles. 272 Montgomery, corner Fourth. 8 HOUSEKEEPING rootna. complete. Beat and clean; 88 per month. 430 Qutmby at.. North', between Tenth end Eleventh. ROOMS AND BOARD. 471 ALDER Lerge front parlor, bath, phone, board It desired, walking distance, reasonable price. 80S 12TH Large front roome; gaa. bath, phone, walking distance; private family and -home comforts. DESIRABLE room, with board; one front snfte; reasonable ratra. 443 Jefferson. Main 642B. "THE COZY," 180 Seventh at., I. where yoa find nice, large fnrntebed moma with or without board! 1 block from Portland hotel, 3 blocka from poa toff ice. Mrs. Lohr. NICELY fnmlsbed moms, with or without . board. 2X21 Second et., corner Jefferson. BOOM AND -BOARD One or two; working persona preferred.' 824 E. Morrlaoa, . Phone E. 4611. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO nnfurnlahed room. In suburb on Mt. Scott rar. 83 month. Including water, A 108, care Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Modern 8-roora houae. loth and Irving ata., 850. Phone Main 7U1. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt and re liable plane and turn! tore movers; also star. - age. Pbon. Mala 1685. . Office 110 N. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY 243 STARK BT. " ' INSURANCE. RENTALS. SEE LIST. GOOD B-mom cottage, with basement; close in. weat aid.; 318 with water. Phone Pacific 1440. MODERN, 7-room bouse, newly painted and . papered, '467 Tenth at. Apply to F. L. Bunting, room No. 40, Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Lodging-bouse, North hlrd et.; food location; cheap rent. .Iaqutrf 68 North 'bird at. - - --. HOUSE for rent with nice big g.rdea, quire 687 East lfilb St.. , la- HOUSB FOR RENT Modern 8 room cottage. Inquire 128 N. 14U at., or telephone Mala BM6. - . FOR RENT Nicely furnlehed modem Broom cottage in Re 11 wood, on carllne. Madden. Printer.-Flrat and AMer. HOUSES for rent In all parte of the city, from 6 te 8 room. , M. E. Lee, 88 Sixth at, . T-ROOM new modern hones fnrnlabed, rent 820 . month. Including water. 64S Eaat Fourteenth. FOR RENT lo-room boarding-house, well fnr . niahed. .modern; 4 rooms housekeeping. Mala . S23P. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT 7-room modern new flat. 647 S4 Sixth et.. Bear Jackson, Phone Pacific 385. A. H. Maegly. 210 Fourth at FOR RENT New 8-room tower flat, strictly modern; good view; on car line; rent 1S M. ' Jones' Drug Store, Front and Glbbe. .Phone ' Main 886. FOR RENT New modern ft-room flat, corner , Mississippi ave. and Falling at.: price 15. Inquire K. J. Jaeger, 280 Morrison at. FURNISHED flat of 6 mom for rent; modern, -good furniture; flne location. Inquire port ' land Trunk Co., B4 Third et.T corner Pine. - Rent 830. MODERN B room flat. 3 blocka north of areel bridge, fronting River at.; steel and gas range: ahadea on windows 2H8 larrabee. FQR RENT STORES-OFFICES. NICE store en Ruaaell at.. No, 307, opposite achoolbonse; best location In Alblna and good for most sny line ef bnalneea; cheap, rent to tbe right tenant Call ea J. Kraemer, Com mercial blk. OFFICE roome. aafarniahed moma and eample roome for rest Ooodnough bldg. Apply ele vator. FOR RENT Spacious, well located a tore room, "good frir.ny buartteaa ; Tery cheap, F. Fucha, 1404 Flrat at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNL tURE FOR SALE. Ft' UN ITU R 8 4 room cottage for sale, cottage for rent. 6M . Feutk . t. geutlu I'tvoaa facial Wei, . '. . - FOR , RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT In city, 8U' acre, suitable gardening. Inquire f Fourth. BUSINESS CHANCES. WFI.L-I.OCATEp bakery, all tools. SITS: rent X per month. Including 6 II vtitg -rooms. A splendid restaurant, well located, $425. A well-located restaurant. Sou): would cea etder exchange fee housekeeplng-rooma. A nice grocery, dellcateasea. lunch counter. . etgara. toosceo. milk and cream, soda tone tain: aa elegant little bnaleeae: 1700: reet Sii, inrruaing iinng-rooma. A eoloon iropoaltlon for ?oo. - , ... -- OTTO A CROCkETT, -- BA&H Waahingtoa et. PORTLAND suburban drugator. tor ule. dress 4, care Journal.. DON'T come here flrat. but don't bey your city property, fruit and garden land, wheel, eteck or dairy1, ranches Until yoa nee ue. North Wast Land Co., 206 Guodoougb bldg. P. ft. , we elso have buainess chsnvea of all klads. ana can locate yoa right, ci. W. Ia oo. BUTCHER-SHOP doing a good buelneea for sale caeap lr laxaa soon. .Aodreae u u. acnost. npringneia, ur. - WHO 19 kt. O. MORGAN CO.t A btialneaa that will net -roe above alt er peiiets 1200 par xnontb; owner wishes to go east; thla week only at 82.800. Address P a, rare Journal. 48 -ROOM house, well furnlahed. In go location, near atael bride, will b eeerifici for 12.100; the rent la low and tbe place ta a good money-maker and will bear lnspecttoa. Cell da Mra. McMeekin, 380A Larrabee at.. owner, or vi rum at., tor run particulars. RESTAURANT, 2f Stark, 8800; lunch counter, class business; must aell; called east ea buel neea; gooa lease, call i Fifth at. SAWMILL and timber tor Bale. Inquire at niajuia, uregoa. - atoa M, route 1. WIIX, trade 3 lota la Fort Worth, Texaa. value eoiaj.- sor iota or email a tore in rortiana. Addresa H. G. Stltee, 64 4 Eaat Morrlaoa at, DAIRY 80 cow.: moaf Bell at once; good ocaienai close in. . Main OOrld. A 82 mora hotel for rent: In a good location: fTent--reaenab.- 631 Hood at. " I WILL rent or eell tny blarkamltb and wagoa- repair anop; airknwa. For particular, writ. P. O. Bog 2H7. luUit.1. Oregon, GROCERY atore a It W title baeUcsa. splendid loi-attun. at lnrujie; tbla la a rare oppor tunity; Investigate at once; owner la alrk Brlggs. Ford Realty Co., 138H Flrat at. FOR SALE Flret-elaas salnoa in , Pendleton. Or.; new fixtures, everything 'In-first-else, condition; no better location In the city. Apply Boa 258. , BAKERY BUSINESS, building and lot In Bun- nyaine; bo opposition ; a money-maker: to be aold at a big sacrifice. Patterson A Stea ert. 1001 Belmont at. - FOR StVUKessh yen ran bay! the beet hue I nets froposition in i-oruaea. cell at room a, HSUj Fifth. at once, aa I ahall be In my office till 6 p. m. Thla I. positively a rare .bargain. QOOD"pavtngFrricer eets- annable; will eeU Sjalf Interest If desired. inquire 104 North FourteentB. ROOMING bouse. 11 roome. central location, 350. Hatfield at Smith, good .furniture; ltlSH Fourth at. BUTCHER-SHOP fog aale cheap If taken eoea. -auuraes c. u. , Bcnarl. Hpringneld. Oregon. WANT a lady with some money to take charge of e rooming houae. See H. H H'S- ley. room 80, 227 4i TTaahlngtoa at.; FOB SAI K . Cigar. Itatlonery and ready store. gooa tiKtares. 40u; line location ror rrult and Ice cream parlor; have other bualneaet. A lie. care Journal. ' WANTED A good mat lev. who can and will aell patent right, on commission. 604 Dakum. WILL eell balf Interest In good paying aa. toon, central location. Aak for Waller, 83 Sixth at - , - MEAT MARKET for aaU, SBS Cnloa .re., N. ii i .ii eiiBi ii BBBaseaaaaBamaaaasss FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IS ACRES adjoining streetcar and county mad: tnie side or Mount labor, p acres near Irv tngton. Inquire of owner. J. J. Freaer, 48i Kaat 12tk at Phone Eaat 82SS, . HATE a few B-aere tract, of very fine land, very eaay to clear; '0 mile, eaat ef Portland, and' only one mile from O. w. P. electric line, that I will sell at from 860 to 875 per acre, ea very eaay terms. Address Y 14, care JoornaL ',. - ACBB TRACTS! , O0B 8PEC1AXTY IB ACHE TRACTS! i. Full -si aed .treats, water ta eaek aere. ' - TERMS 810 FEB ACRE CASH 10 FEB ACRE PEE MONTH. Tea go to' these seres the name ear. Bay tbe eame 8e fare tbe lot ma a nay. "The lot maa ta your neighbor, hot he Is re stricted la majority . ot featarea that atak. a true suburban home. Open Wednesday and Batvrday o-eoalnga. . A. a CHTJRCHILL OfX. I8TW 110 Soeond SU FOR SALE Along the north bank ralh-oad,- a large Hat of farma, orcharda, aawmllla and bnalneae property. Inquire of D W. Hutch Inaon A Co., Wsahougal, Wash. IF YOU want to build, bay all your material. at the Americaa Inn; yoa will esse TB per cent; fine dooce, windows; plaster noarSa, rustle or aiding, flooring, ata Ira, timber and lamber. rnooe owner, raeine tuie. FOR SALE BOilOO lot on Sunnyalde car, cloee to; cheap for cash. Addresa P 1,1, Journal. 8160 CASH. 116 month, buy a a modern 4-eoom cottage at 681 Mlasourl are. L car.. . 8-ROOM koeae and quarter block at the corner of Eaat 14tb and Beacon ata, 11.800. W 8. car Journal. CHOICE residence lot -on Fargo at. bet. Union and Rodney area.; low price. Inquire SIT Monroe at. Phone Eaat Bios. A BEAUTIFUL quarter block, Holladay'l ad-' dltion; Improvement, all la; make aa offer. Pacific ' 1342. I BUILD houses, eaay payment; lota furnlahed If deatred.. Miller. 613 Commercial bldg. 8-STORY 6-rnom bouse, modern, Upper Alkiaa, near carllnea. Phone Kaat 6203. 10 ACRES The Very beet In Lents, for ft Ite value; al) In clover, en a fine graveled mad, M mile from 3-' electric and steam railroad, Be fare; Mount Scott car. 0. K. Addlton, Lents, Oregoa. FOR BALE Very desirable- building earner. Beat 2Mb and Eaat Coach; no . gents. In quire 238 Waahingtoa at FOB SALE AT A BARGAIN A fine atork range, containing about 1.808 acrea; all ander fence; altnsted near Rose burg, Oregon, oa S. P. R. R. I thla le one of the beat atock range In the county I also bar another gooa stock mage containing 1.430 aeree, which will be Bold at, a very low B-ice. For particular, address J. R. Satbe. n. owner, Rosehurg, Oregon. J MUST ecrlflc 6-ronrn cottage. 8 lot.; no rea onable offer re f need; In auburba. 'Addrea P 8, care Journal. INSTALLMENT HOMES EXCLUSIVELY, "Pay Rent to Yourself." - We own snd offer for Immediate occupancy nn eaay monthly payments the following new 6-room bonaee, with all modern Improve men ta: ' Gray bouae. No. 675 Upahor at.) price 82.11.10; 8230 down-. 82 per month. Yellow honae. No. 680 Wilson St.. Jnat off N. Slat., 32.SM: 2M) down. 1 25 per month. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, 406 Commercial blk. . -" Phone Main 447. - - - FOR SALE Modera 6-room house In Piedmont - Tirk, 4 block from earllne. Address Owner, 1440 Rodney are. F ROOM bone and lot 60x100. close In, on East Tenth at. cement .ldewalki a bargala at 82.400. It will pay yon to look tbla ap.. In quire at 407 Hawthorne ave. HAVE yon a bowse for rentt If so. Hat It with ns. W caa rent It at once. East Bide -Real Batata .. 407 Hawthorne ave, - ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ST. JOHNSt We .re Portland beadqnartera for property In every pert et tht proeperene rlfy. We base river view, bnalneea and reeldence lota from 1223 ap that cannot be duplicated by any ether agent. It will pay yon to tee n. befvt. von in down te buy. . tlACBMANN BLANCHABD, - -. ... Sl-Hrta a. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. aaWeeaex.trs-,sas-a-.a1- ewa,-asa, ej., .m',' FOR SALE CHEAP 6 snd T-reom bene as; mod. I era; part caab. ST0 Garfield are. Take Woodlawa ear. Fboue Eaat SMI. -ROOM bouse on Jacksoa at., west aide, only x.ouu, aioaen, nua commercial pis 3028. Mate GO today and see that beautiful 4 room honks oa Inloa are.; modern la every way. Includ ing fireplace, and richly tinted: eaay terms. ' ore oarner loosy, UOS uniOB eve-, si, ' l b Eaat 34M6. . .. . SELLWOOD LOTS, 85 down and 85 a month; . ftou, 7B to 8200. Sell wood Townelte Ce, n. r. rainier, manager, raone x.aat eiuto FOR SALE 4-eoom cottage and lot, 1 block irom t.nion are. inquire 4JO xamblll it.. UNTIL May 1, fine full twe-etorv 7 room honaa. good barn. 3 lota with fruit. 31.8O0; well worm ei.svu. apply owner, 52 11 art avow. - vaoniaviija. . ' , .' . Il IXrTS BOxlOO each, cottage and bar a. fruit ireve, nernee end h rubbery, fiua garden - Owner, 855 Broad at.. Moo ta villa. CHOICE acre tracts at Gilbert', crossing for u,-f i.n nce eaay mas, - All- drees U Stover,. Lenta, Oregon. 8-ROOM houae. lot 62x125, fruit and roeea; a - uergain. wall or address as William, ave, NEW 8-raom boose, modern plumbing, ground 'et, near Willamette Bwuleverd; price .JL.nlp. nnlldlBg! lota, aU cleared. . grouad lOOxlOO feet, a corner: urice 80X10. Call on owner, c. a. Eygowaki. Wlllamett. auttoa. Pkoue Woodlawa 148. , - ".Zl room oottags, plumbing complete, Bug 100 lot. tine , view, S3 minutea1 walk from steel bridge; price 11.200: 120U cash, balance per nionui. At SJ41 Mlaeourt av.n L car, ma et-. ... , . , ... . . - - - - . mm,, mrxm in m iwairauw pwrx ana mj i oount tr anyone can abow a. good value. Let me prove it. M. R. Thomp- " -aiiaeieaippi ave. xei. saat aazn. LOTS.roR ALE Do, yoa want a Bice lot Mi 100 on the carllne. city water and near a school, to build your bouse oa 1 Partial CJmni. u'. lu wnera, Bhoae , Wood iwb 188. , .. ' ' TWO fine high tot, ear. Eaat Smh and Yamhill ata.; 11.100 If taken thla week. Patterson pswej-i. iuw xieimunx ai. 7-ROOM new house, elegantly furnlahed: B room ew coiiage drawing 12 per cent on money; rour own price: leaving city in two weekv. East Ankeny and 38th at. .ear.- Call o3 nanay roan. . ll.MiO 6 LOTSj room honae. bath, bars. au ainua iruit, urge ana emeu, oa jit. Johns carllne. , , . . 13,260 Large 8-room bouae, cement Tiaae- aaeni, pern; all kind fruit, large and email. mis, weet 01 Mount Tenor, near ear, fractional Iota on 11th and Collega ata, .- F, ABRAHAM, 118 Second at. WANTED Cheap for caeh. property ea or near venm -w., viaia Kicatwn ac a price. A 111. rare Journal. 8-ROOM honae. modern, full lot. at St. John. ci-vje in; Desx- eat- in nr. jonna: aera la a rbance to double your- money; owner must nave money;, pried a 1.600. -AlVOCd . Alvord. 188 Morrteon at 10 ACRES adjoining Railway addlUoa to aad near Montavllla railroad atttion for- 83,800. Term. $300 eaah, balance 30 per nwctth FOR SALE 4 lota 60x100. Columbia Height. orchard and I m prove men ta. 81. Ota); Inc. 8600; will eell for 81,000 ch end good team ana wagon. Owner, A 114, , cere Journal. .... i, 810.00 PER ACRE 310.00 . Irrigated land Crock county, Oregon. DEED direct from atate. WRITE for pamphlet and man, . B. S. COOK 4 CO.. ' 381 Alder et, Portland. Oregon. ' . FOR BALE 8 acrea. Bear car line. SO min utea from Wahlagton at; purchaaer caa plat and aell for double money at present prlcea of surrounding lots. Telephone Union A 8-ROOM bouse, improvemente. Irvlngton, full ox, es.iuv; cneap. rnone aax loee. DO YOU WANT TO BUT city lot or acreage? ir ao, lee Eaat Bide Real E.tate Co. Kaat id. property a epeel.lty. 40T Hawthorns are., near Grand. Phone Eaat 106T. 300 FARMS, small tracts and Iota: bargain, en u. w. r. electric line. u. n. Aaaiton, Aetata, Oregon. Take Mount Scott car. Be. MODERN B room cottage, In good repair, 818 xo aauira. . nee. Maraoau at. I6.BO0 BUYS S goood bouse., lot 80x100, en N. Eighteenth et nest nuy in n. rorusna; pee this aad yoa will be eeavtneed. M. E. Lee, 88 Sixth at, . - . LOOKING for a hornet Investigate these: 5 rooms and 60X100, 810 nanntbly. 4 to 7 room bonaee. 815 to 320 month. 8-roora, up-to-date modern house, with 85x116 lot for 32.600; 8180 down, 125. W. J. Burden, 88 LSeoa at, Montavllla.. 100x300 FEET, fine high ground, on E. Forty- ronrtn, i diocb -rrora rtawinorne, witn a-room house; aa ideal place for auburban home; 31,700. Patterson Steuart, 1001 Belmont. BUY a lot on Forty-fourth at. In Hawthorne Avenue addition, be ror e price advances; price only 8235 eeck; located Jnat 1 block aonth et Hawthorne areaue ear. Ubb. - M.. E.. Lee, 83 Sixth at. CORNER lot, - eon rh weet corner of Sixteenth and Hancock, for sale at a bargala If aold till week. Bee. M. I. Lee, 88 Sixth st. . FOR SALE 6-room boose,-4 lots: - fruit snd berries. 128 T m. Fourteenth N. Phone Eaet 6T61. 11-R00M bouae, fractional lot, weet aide; walk ing distsnce; S4,uuu. uameia at a man, 165H Fourth at. 1X660 FOR 6-room modera honae on Mar guerite eve.; nice lawn, choice roar, ana fruit. M. E. Lee. 08 Sixth at FOR SALE At your own ter roe, modern 10- roora aweung, n.ix eioca xrom t,nion ave.; lot 100x100; hae fireplace, fnrnace, both electric and gaa fir lures; will rent very reasonable, with privilege of buying; 80 mlnate car ride. Thla la a bargala. aad will pay yon to Investigate, If yon want a beautiful home. . Motter A McKlnsle. 208-11 Commercial blk.. Second and Waahingtoa at. Phone Pacific 2278. IF YOU are looking for a location to build nets. 1 nave a rew c no ice location mat might suit yon. M. E. Lee, 8 Sixth at. 5Vk ACRES and .mail bona, 1 acre email fruit; good location; Montavllla. Frank A. Wlliard. Phone Eaat 4122, FOR SALE CHEAP Modlrn B-ronm cottage, 8 blocka from O. R. A N. carabopa; part eaah. Owner, 171 Stanton at, Lower Alblna. f HAVE a good bouae and lot on Clay at. In Goose Hollow I will aell at a eacrtflee. Ad dreae A 118. cere Journal. 12.750 LOT on College, aear Tenth t.t thm 1 a bargain; nimble to' build flats en. Be M. E. Lee. 83 Sixth- at. A 8-ROOM honae. Improvement, Irvlngton. full lot. 88.100;. cheap. Phone Eaat 154B. Ad drea. M 25. car. JonrneL, -. 815,000 BUYS a fine 3-story and full baee ment, fireproof, store building (50x761, with - lot; renled to permanent merchant and paying god lncoms. J. ,E. llosmer, 810 Ailky bldg. BARGAIN, If sold at once, pretty new mod ern cottage In Sunnvalde, with or without furniture; gaa and electricity; 3 Iota, rosea, fruit, ahrnbbsry. loss Kaat Alder. FOR SALE FARMS. vsk.ssanak.sanajasal. an, agpaJ,ana.ash,.snaa FARM FOR BALE . ' 14S acrea near xgBu, on l. tear rrevx; to acre In cultivation, 80 acre, feature, 6-room bouse) lerge bars and other buildings, good orchard, crop, i tool, .ad machinery, at f 27.60 per acre; one hair now a, Balance at a per cent. LOUIS FRANK, Oregoa Uty, Roa te No. 3. ITAMP brings 88-pege catalogue et country lands. BiH-r-Paddoa Co., 40 Montgomery t., Saa Franclace, Cat, FOR SALE One ef the beat little farm. In Ymhllt conntr. with thl. year', crop and farming Imptemente, 10 bead of enwa, 1 work- team, 1 brood ow with pig. 13 heed of Angora' goat, new room honae. large J barn, kth other entnnllding.. mutual phone and rural mail. For , further UfetataUea addreea At 40. can rMrul .- and. Interest-. . , . , . " - M. LOMBARD," " T,". J"- Rl Ckamhee nf rmnmerie , I .FOR SALE FARMS. SO ACRES, good ' soil. 3.1 acrea cleared, bottom . land. ulie orcliard, - fair hulldlnxa, ' running water, rattle,, horses, chickens, bay -and pen tose: near good town, boat and railroad; eume rath, balance eaay tenua. llwaer, P. O. box w. Castle .Rttk. Waeblegttm. 110 ACRES, an cleared, some hesverdam. honae. bam. orchard, a ereeka; 10 miles west of Portland. Wingreu. rleavevton. route A "J." 'erre mile eaat of RewdvllU, Washington county, all In crop: good bouee a bargala at 8-1.0W If aold eooal U fin, und u (tM eondition. O.. A. Uue, Rsedvllle, or. j - - - , FARMS 200 farma for sale, from 1 aere ap. ? "J e'ore buying. Kaat Bide- Real Eatat Co., 40T Hawthorne eve. 300-ACRH atork ranch: so acres cultivated,' . BrP"re: all fenced I nicely watered; ?r, rt ,l.5,iw HoSBser, Sid Allsky bldg. I HOMESTEADERS 160 ,rr fto - , .na, owner, a. i, journal. TO EXCHANGE, r Tl ACRES within 6 miles of Oregon City, tor houaa end kit or Improved propecty la Port. land. . F. Abraham, 113 Second at,-. TO EXCHANGE Nice lftS-.cre farm for city ' Fa7atfl ld .76- rnck,.iJ4J, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALB-v-A fine metch team of T-year-old horse., weight l.loii; city broke. C. B. Hsdg. Beaver ton. Or, - " r-R.iBl!',Ki?'"J bn"' month., cheap. Call Bl North Sixth at. . ... , . FOR SALE TIMBER; 'WcWanfeTImto We have cash buyer for lerge and email ".L:'04 timber In Oregon. Waahingtoa r callforala. Phone Mala 6S08. 81T-1S Fan ton bldg. FOB SALE Logging camn: -ehtrtes. rnartwara -akldwayar-rlUa,- atables, miBkhouat all -in. - ready Immediate operation: V eeetlon uncut green limber. 1.500.000 feet log. 48, two feet piling, ea river bank te tide water; big demand loga and piling; a bargain; logging outfit and 3 good frame of horse If wanted. 3. H. Sheffield. 100 Second at., third floor. , CERTIFIED ecrlp. any eta pieces; ' loweat .. prlcea. w. 0. Howell, 888 Chamber ef Coat- FOR SAI ISO acres, timber, aear -Coon bay reimwu. mine Max lose. A BARGAIN 81,006 buya HO acrea of good laiut 1 1. mlU. . n. - . timber. Addresa A 107. care' Journal. HAVE 84 vacant- yellow pin c la rate, good 1 Hi. a . jia lv . . . . . . v u . , aiu.i a.i at once, aa timber art le liable to be repealed. Y 21. -rare Journal. ' FOR SAL-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Single wood bed, opting end mat- nwa. e-, parvaa e. sis Montgomery,, our. Fourth, BOOKS bought, sold sod exchanged at the via boos more, ice lamniii at FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND- HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. H. D. JONES. 380 YAMHILL ST. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent er tot a i en eay pi y meats. Bar BauAXWIt k-BALKa (OI.l.EMJIk uo. 48 Third at., PortlaaA - Wat need furniture Bad will pay full raise. rnon racine tub. weetera selvage ua, 827 Waahingtoa at. v WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. hsadquartere; atock foe sale and Informatloa at 180 Flrat et. Phone Mala 1626. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order 1 eecona-nann goooa xor sals, csrktou nail etrom. 388 Conch et. Pbone Clay STL MANURE by wagonload or earloet oa 0. W. ay. I'soo eaat, 381S. SHOW eaeee, counters, Sxtnrea bongkt, .old or .xenangeo. wesrern naivaga an waea. lngtoa at. Pacific 788. FOB BALE 32Va-fnot launch, capacity 14 per. Bona, equipped with 8-hotae power Far A Bowen engine, complete, appartenaace. of tbe very nulla, wdiimi,, aiiiiiiimi beet Inquire 810 Tine et. WE print roar name on BO calling earda. proper ewe and etyie, ine; aw buainess earaa. au A. W. SchoMle Oo,. 328 First. Portlaad. Or. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE- rbenraatlaaa. Sold by All drugglata. Ft)R SALE Fine oyster counter and thelvi.g also door aad aaaa; cheep, zoa ronrtn at. 11.80 FOR 80 roeea; 100 tweet pen needs. Be; an Bind, now era and vegetaoie aeeoa rea annable. Mala T1S1. 8 to 13 a. m. FOR SALE Second-band nprlght boiler, edit able for woodaaw. Foster meieer, riita end Everett eta FINE new ton baggy, ealy 868; ano new wagon. Portland w a re houae a Transter vo.( 843 Eaat Waahingtoa at OR SALE Good dry live 4-foot Ir wood in two-cord oroere er more, ac so-tn per cord, delivered and plied at reeldence, ee m will aee that yoa have your meaaura. oover, 818 Water et. Phone Math 4606. FOR SALE Chlrkerlng grand piano at a aarrl- nce; win taae nprignt in parr payment. Epping, Second and Morrison. Phone Pacific 16S0. ..'. '. FOR SALE Portable 6 b. p. engine and boiler; guaranteed: eo-third Ita value. O, a. ill gott. lawyer. 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR SALE 3 eecond-hand planoa. in first. claee coMllion. Addres M v, care jonraab FOR -SALE Good horss; alao karnee. and cart. Inquire Unebangh a grocery. North Anuria. NICE, popular imall patent, full swt eteel die. ror making eame; price B2UU, er iraoo xor lot M 27. care JonrnaL WILL aell or trade 145 certificate en Eller. , Pbone Pad fie S. U 18. care JonrnaL 8200 FOR thla restaurant H taken et once; good lease; rent lo; poor neaito. itn layior at. FOR SALE 1.800 feet ot 8 and 8-inch standard nip aa gond a new t half price. M. Barde A Son, Eighth and Gllaao ata. WOOD maoafactnrlng buainess hi Oregon, plenty timber, water power; trade eetabllaneti tor . 15 year. . Addreea A 102, core Journal. 1668 10th at., near Umatilla llwood. IMPORTED sardtnee, worth 8325 doaen; noma can a damaged: take all yon want at duo" doaem. 3i) Rei-ond at., near Salmon St. FXR BALE Two rolllnp desk, ta good condi tion, a l state na i large city mep; price 8126: bargain If taken thl weak. . Care of P. O. Box Su. CANOE for aale. Phone Main 6453.. 800 let at FOR SALE Oa. atove, kitchen etove, t.hle. bed complete, bird. 3 rugs, toolbox Willi tool. 752 Michigan 'ave. TO CONTRACTORS For Bale. 60.000 feet Al np land red fir peeled piling 90 to 78 feet . length. Particulars, J. H. Sheffield, 108 - Second at, . . .. FINE church organ, Story A Clark, perfect eon- , dltion; eaah er eaay payments. 100 Third et. CANNED CORN From th. recent big grocery fire; soiled can label, removed, put corn ' In good eondition; all yon want at 60c per doseu. 300 Second at. FOR SaLe Tinner, and plumbing outfit: will take invoice- price; good building, rent IT per month; tool, all new; good location. ' Ad dress Box 45, Independence, Or. ff WILL cost nothing to see J. F Hoamer, 310 Alteky bldg., about getting a patent. Act)' 816 BUYS aa 385 credit certificate ea Ellev Plaao Houae. Phone Scott 8003, FOR SALE 1 Black Minorca rooster, Kaat 61S4. Phone STATE right In patent, or will aell right te - manufacture on royalty In Oregon; eaah ami door manufAettirere: Investigate. Addresa D. Mitchell. International hotel, Portland. PERSONAL. YES, Palme Tableta make yon Bleep perfeetlyt they core nervoumes and make yon tront price 80c a box, 6 bnxea 83 50; gearanted. All drnrrlite, or eddree Brook Drag Co 6f r kiartb Iklrd at-. rwUaad, Oregoa, v v- -. Pr' X