The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 19, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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Receipts Are Smaller Than De
' mand Seventeen Cents
Is Now the Market. "
. Strawberry Supplies to Come For
, wardCar . Loa Angeles Cabbage
Due Tomorrow Salmon Advance!
"..'. on Account of Scarcity., , : 4 .;
"rtoot Stmt, April 1ft. To principal feefr
Itm of the rortland wholesale market today
. Ef r market holding tadlr.
' Ke demand tlutnit for potato.
Onkon aoarkat la oulte
HahDoa prices sdrsaced today. . : ,
Scarcity ahad and aturgooa.
' Poultry htsber, arltk ararrlt. -
TAeta foodVtone Is dressed maata.
. -Strawberry supplies arara liberal. .
Car arangee la tale aaornlD. '
Bananas ara getting sosreer. '
T Car IO .Anfeles cabbage da tomorrow.
Celery supplies la bad seder.
Wheat market firmer; ' float ui. '
If g Market Holding iteadler.
KetwIthaUndlit tba fact tkat tba bear sola
"Storage Optra tor ara trying to force dowa
the price f egga, to local market today la
la better shape than arvr. Becalpta are quit
email, ronalrierlii th ale ef tba demand, and
prlcee printed by Th Journal ar very readily
," paid by the retail trad to front street
. C CkUka Xaikst la Higher. -J .
On account ef tba greater scarcity la th
npitllea of chickens la this market, price
ar practically Me a pound higher all tba way
through today. Scarcely any supplies at all
are to" ba aea along the street, the buywa
T picking everything up upon, being unloaded
from citprea aragona. t
Me Demand Wnatsv far et.toee
la the local market! there la but a alow
gooTement la potato. There la an enttr
, absence of. eutalde demand. Tba earthquake
la California yesterday mused th stoppage
of all ardrr from that direction, and dealers
bere who her care of potatoes and enlone roll
lag toward tba aeath ara no loager willing to
buy atoci of either potatoes or eatons. Prlc
' object at tbla tlot. . .
- Sslmem rrioa AdeaaMd Today. .
to r i pec t a t lone and th price of Chinook ar
p Ic and ateelaeads He a posed. The latter
ar of eery poor Quality at this lima.
. In th flsb markets there, la alas a scarcity
f local shad and storgeoa. -
There ts sgaln a eery good tone In dressed
BrWa. and. prices ar holding aa previously
Notes sf Tsriew sfaxfcet.
irbeattt firmer on account of the better
amide prices. Trad alow. Flour I quiet,
With little movement either local or. foretga.
: Baneass ar scare and price ara held
firmer at 6e a pound.
. A car of Ixw Angela sennas, the first of
the seeaoa. la due tomorrow. - according ss
Pane at Hon. Trices to 8c a pound.
Pare A Hon hare the following wire from
Their" gttiwHetry ma-
enaks will not' stop supplies of strawberries
larger. Price st ioe.
' Celery aupnllea ant 1tt bad order, aad many
merrbanta are refusing to fllL orders,.-. Small
- staea 2Bn a dnaen.
A ear of oranges waa among the arrival from
the eolith thla morning. Supplies larger.- Prion
sailer, with some cutting.
. Batter la Just steady. Cheese prods rtto
row Increasing, but market remains good.
Jio demsnd Jtiet sow for store batter.
1 Th trade pays th following prlc to Front
street. Prices pld producers ara leas regu
lar commiee-one :
WHEAT Otib, ec; red Bosslaa. CT bin
stem, ettr; valley, 7c.
BARLHT Ised. 333.BO- relied. IS. BO; brew
.-- 1X4-KO
- COHN Whole, 3T.O0i arseksd. 128.00 pee
.,lo. , ... .
'RTsV-V tS psr cwt. - - ' "
OATS Produosra' price Ms. 1 white, fS.OO:
rwiLo ftw win rrwjwm paivni. sa.Sfies
fto; strstrhts, (K; eiport, (3.0003.10:
, valley, IX M; grsham. Us. SS.nO; wbow wbaat.
Tfi: r;e. no, gn.oo: bales. i.ts.
. MU.LSTtTFFS Bran, SIT.60 per ton mid-
dllnss. (2S.00: shorts, coauury. 130.00: city.
1 00; chop, flft.00.
HAT Producer' price Tlmothv: Wiriametre
valley, fancy. 10.0oel.n0: ordinary, 7 OOaJ
00: astera Oregon. tU.00O18.00; mixed,
ri R0d)).no: clover. S8W0-v1l grsls, Is.sOO
00; chest. WOO. ,
- Buttsr, Zns aad Froltry. ""
BCTTBB FAT F. 'a. a. Portland iwaat
cream. 21e; siair, rpe.
, lILTTFIv Ity creamery, 23HI outslds
fancy, sue; store, inc.
FfJOS No. 1 freah Oregon, candled. .
, CHEESE New Fall creaat. Sate. ISei
Young America. lc; cneddar, 18c; California
J'flate. 1314c.
POCLTRT Mixed chickens. He per IV
.faacy bene. leWUlne lb; rooatsrs. old, lie
per to; stags, lie per lb; rreys, Sne
per lb: tirollera, Sfte per lb: docks. ine
per in: araaa.a. zie psr in; sqaabs, f2.T83.C0
par doa: pUeena. IS.OU par doa.
Hops, Wasl and JJUdsa.
' tlOPS Contracts, 1006 srop, 10c pee B
IPOS Oregon, prima ts rbelce. SQP4c: poof
graile, 8c; Washington, HHfclwe.
WOOb 1oe rllp Valley, coarse to medium,
JQiit2."c; fine. Iflc; ea.trrn Oragon. . 30020. .
MOHAIR New, 2Hi;0c. . - r
HrrKlKs Sheerle. IRdlJOe e ehorl
wool, S&a0c each; medium wool, soOTSa eeea;
long wool, T8cI1.00 each. .
TAIAOW-Prlme, per In, tU4c; Ms. I aad
reaae. 2atl4c.
reiertu nana wm k
HIDES Drr. No. 1, id lbs and a. lettO
ITVke per lb; drr kip. Mo. 1. to 16 lbs. 14;
dry calf. No. I. nndar I lb. lbc sslted hides,
steers, sound, K lbs snd over. lOOllei sows,
SHOOUc; stage snd hull, sound. 1e; kin,
IS to SO lbs. c; calf, sonnl. ander IS lbs. lie)
ersn. onaalted. le leaat culls. Ic per lb leas;
orsehlde. sslted, each. 1 l.Tb: drr, each,
l.OOOl.SO; colt hldrs, SBajAoc; goat skins,
common, each. 10n)l&c; v 'ngott, each, Ioe a
SI 00. - i
Trulta ssd Tagstaklss.
' POTATOES Beet sorted, T9c per sack; pro
.dncera' pries for ear lota, TO per cwt; ordinary,
n4?0c; producers, pries, 80c; saw potatoes,
Ib: . -
wniun woooing pries ureron, rl. l, ai.zni
1. 81.00U1.9A: Mo.
s, i;
arllr. ail(c tier lb: onto set. Te. '
- rUSSH rRt'ITS Apples. M.00'33; orange,
fanry navel, 3:1.90; seedling. $2; bananaa,
Be per lb: lemons, choirs, $3.50 per boij
fancy. $3.7594.00 per hoi; llmee. Mealcsn
nr 100; tanserlne. $1.33; pineapples, Mexican.
AO; Hawaiian, $6.00; Csllfnrnla strawber
ries. 0c lb.
VCOETAKLRS -Turnip, new, TV per aactt
errots,..SOttTBc sack; beets, SOcOllOO pee
sack; Ore ton radishes, 33c doa; esbhags, Califor
nia, nu per ret; green pennant, i i in;
tnmatoe. - $2fc2.5n
nine, Poce$l.nii; atrlnf bean. Sner
jtriewer, - S3.2S per crate:, green pess.
. J Or ner lb; horseradish. SfTc nrv - Ih:
artichokes, SAcQ$l.oo per doa: hotaona
lettuce, $I.TS per - oa - celery, 3JVe
doaen; pumpkins, lt4e: aqnssh, ;
sprouts, Se per lb: eranherrlee, lereevs, $14.00
per bbl; Coos bay snd Tillamook, $10.00) aspsrs.
J ue, rsllfornla. RSa per lbi On-son, ioe
b: Walls Walls. $1 SO bni: pumpkins,
mc: ennaau, lr: spinach. 7Va$l .00 pee bo;
green onlona, Oreron. tor dosen baacbaai hot
. bonae rncumhera. 3t.Trt3 00 dosen.
DRIED rBL'ITS Apple. svsnrs4. 131
13c lb: apricots. 13aiM per lb: peacn, 10WJ
13 psr lb; rack. He psr lb lessi btsm.
SO to 40. Hci Ui drop ea aacb irltteentb
amailer alee; da. CaHforala black. STe per
lb; Callfo-ala white. IWtfto per lbi dates, cold,
e per lb; tarda, $1.$$ per 18-lb bob..
' ereearlse. Hate, Its.
snOAR Sack beats Tnns. 3T.0S: powdered.
, draw the firs out ef a burn, heal
a cut without- leaving a scsr. or to ours
boils, sores, tetter, ecsema and all skin
snd scalp diseases, as DeWltt e Witch
. Haael Salve. A specific for piles. Oet
' ths genuine. No remedy cauaee such
speedy relief.'
A 8k ' for De Wit f s the
aampmnsamsaasiaa(sm r .
" '." "By Bell A Co. " X
d - Tha attention of tha trade la d
q largely ' diverted to the terrible
d r cnlamlty which befall Ban Fran- 4
d - clnco snd California, yeaterday.
q Market prlrea ficra are about tha -q
d ' tuna as far aeversl daye past. ,
d Barries are . comlns by exprcaa d
more freely, although receipts
are light as yet; price about 13
per crate of IS pounds, but will
4 soon be cheaper. . . . r
d Poultry in good demand; tod '
d many veal coming; for the da
d mand,, hence (trie la somewhat-
d I depressed.
A. 1 , .
Heavy demand for orans.
lemons, bananas and the early .
vesetables, ' especially , home
grown upwtiua, rhubarb snd
small cardan truck. The pries
of bananas has been advanced at.
seaboard shipping points, which
. of course - causes firmness In
' prices here at ( cents per pound.
General business here quite ac
tive. - . .,. .. -". ; -
fruit graanUted, $8.80
dry translated
ir. a, ao.rai; neef
STSnalated. sft.oO:
sitra U, 13.301 golden C, &.; D yeflow,
is. 101 bdis. ioe: nnis. aoc: noses, mm d
vane oa aaek bama. lees IS per cwt tot cash.
18 days; maple ItQlBe per In
f Above prices aoplr to sslee ef less than
car lots. Car lota at special prise eabjset la
Suctua tlons. i
S3. SO psr
COFFBB Paekacs
brsad. SIS IS.
SALT Casree Halt grouiMe. auaa. fT.AS per
toa; table, dairy. oOa. 11.0; 100. I10.TB: fm-
alt grounsk Miue. fT.AS
.J t I 1 RO tltM, 1
tMs, SIS.OOl extra Sim. bbla. Ta. b. 10s, Ss.BOdj
S0; balk. 830 lb. S4.0uefS.0O-. sacks, AOs,
SniftSSc; Liverpool lamp rock. US. 8 peg tasj
SO-lb rock. $7.00, iocs, $T8. ,
GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. TH. '
RICB Imperial Japsa. No. 1. No. t,
Bi: New Orleans bead, - Tel AJsa, lot
Creole, SHe. - -
BBAfS Smsn whits, S.TB4.nnt hi ma
white. IS.tS; pink. 3J.TB: bayou. 4.fi0; limsa.
$BTB: Weilesa rods. 4 He.
NtTS Pesauts, Jumbos. 8 per 1b. Vtrgints,
SttOV per lb rosated. iu, per lb;
eeoneauu, Me)S0c per doa; wali.ets. ISO 18 He
per lb plnennt. 10413H psr lb: hickory eats,
loo per lb; chestnuts, esstera, IBOISe per Ibt
Bresll nuts, 14c per lb; Alberta. 14e)18e per
lb; fancy per as. UMfJlSHet slmanda. 14H
Paint, deal OC4. Bte,
BOPB Pure Manila. idKei standard. l$ma;
slaal, lie.
COAL orL Pearl ee Astral Cases, IBtte psr
gall watee whits, Iroa hbaa, 14e pee gal;
wooden, itc pee gsi asaaugbt. iTtHwg,
1 "e per cai.
able lc pr gaL
s. case aB ssr sat. area
nota per gai.
TURPENTINE la eases S3 per gal. woodes
bbla S3c per gaL
J- WHITS LKAD To lots, Te pee lb SOO-a
lots. So per lb: leas lots. 8 U psr lb.
WIRE NAII.S Present buds st US. -
LINSEED OIL Purs raw. la S-bbl lota, SSc)
1-bbl lot. K3e rasss. SAo per pal; rrsnlns kettle
boiled, esse. SOo perusal; S hbi lota, B4e: 1-bbl
lot. Me per gal; ground cake, ear lots. $30.00
psr tea; lees tbaa ear lots. $30.00 psr tea.
Meata. Taut aad Prevbrteas.
FREBH At IC ATS front sueet Beef steers,
406s per lb; cows. Ite per ': hogs, block,
SHc psr lb; psekers. S per lb:, bulls,
MtRiic per lb: veal, extra. TSe per lb; ordinary,
SHfTfc per lb: poor, R03Hr per lb; mutton,
fancy. S9 per lb: lambs. Ho.
B1US. BACO!. ETC. fertlaoa pace (lersU
ima, 10 to 14 Ins. I4te l lb; 14 to Id Ins.
c per
lb: nlcnle,
lb: breetrast nacoo, lBetlsic per
lOe per lb; eottare, inv,e per lb;
rt clears, unamoksd. 10ie iee lbi
regular short clears.
e per lb; clear Darn, una tooted,
la per lb; smohi
noksd. Be
pee tbt Calon butts..
10 to IS lbs. unsmoksd.
per id: esnnsse, P
per lb; clear belli, unemoked. 11 pet lb:
smoked. 19e per lb: shoulders, Se psr At.
LOCAL LAKD Kettle leaf. lOs. 12e per
lb: A. 12Tc ser lbi 60 lb tins. llVie ner lb:
Bteaai rendered. lOe. 11 e per B; Sa, 113e
per io, TiDi v"' ii'i , iw, oc -
CANNED SALMON Columbia river. l-Ba tsth.
$; 3-lb Ulla, ft.TS; fancy, l ib Sets. Sl.SO;
V.-lb fancy data, $1.16
i. J
Alaska talla. pi
Ink. SBflSOei red. $1.80;
FiSH Rock cod. Te per lb: aotmdsrs, 8 psr
lb: halibut, Se pet lb; crabs, II .BO psr doa.
striped beea, 12 Vie per lb; eatlah. Te per lb;
salmon, Columbia river Chinook, Se per lb;
steelheads, TH per lb: herring. 8c per lb; sols,
de per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, Se pee
lb; black cod. Tc per lb; torn cod, Te per Ibt
silver smelt, Te per lb; lobsters. Me per lb;
fresh mackerel, Se per lb; erswflah, foe per
doa; ahad. ioe per lb: sturgeoa. ioe per id.
OTSTEBS SboaJwater bay, per gal, $3.38;
mmr SS.TIL
CLAMS Hardshsll. psr boa. $3.00;
clams. $2.00 per bos.
Sunday, April 02.
Thd second popular $1.10 excursion to
Seaside via the A. A C. R. R. will leave
the Union Depot next Sunday at 8 a.
m. Ticket sales) limited to seating ca
pacity of train. Call at 148 Alder street
any day during the week for tickets and
avoid tha rush at the Union DepottSun-
day morning , ',
For Information telephone- C A.
Stewart, agent. Main $0$. .
Office of Coroner.-
Four years sgo Mr. Flnley ststed
through ths newspaper that If elected
coroner he would remove bodies to the
morgue" omIt when it " waa absolutely
necesnary, and no bill would be pre
sented to the county. Let us see how
faithfully he has kept his promise. Ac
cording to the books and records of ths
county auditor there has been collected
from the county up to the 1st of April.
1S06, for hauling bodies to ths morgue,
$1,379.90. -How is this? -Which goes to
show that hs has not mlsssd anything
where- It was coming his way.
Another queatlon is tha one of econ
omy.' All , coroners previous to Mr. Fin
ley's ttrns were on the fee system, con
sequently if a coroner wss called a long
distance say, 10 to 40 miles out of the
city the coroner received no pay unless
he held an Inquest. Now he gets his
psy regardless of ths amount of work
performed. 'If the coroner Is an under
taker and busy with that part of his
business, sll that he has to do Is to say
no Inquest .Is necessary. lie already
has ths body st his place, so he la sure
Of ths funeral. EDWARD JIOLMAN.
Brandes, County Auditor.
With a record of efficient, honest and
economical service se county ' suditor,
Carl A. Brandes IS practically assured
ss nominee for anothr term. Ha is supported-staunchly
by Republicans and
those" best - acquainted with his psst
record In the rendition of his duties
most strongly advocate and expect his
renomlnation. His ability is, unques
tioned, his falthfulneee-proved and thess
are essential qualifications. .
. Libak for Constable
Vote for Joseph J. Llbak. Republican
nominee for constsble, went side No,
ill. on ths ballot. (
.. . ,
. (Joarnal Special Service.)
" Paris. April 1$. Ths catastrophe at
San Francisco has awakened the emo
tions nf ths nation. People are com
menting on the .prophecy of Mm, de
Thebes, ths palmist, who' In ths year
book - for 190 predicted the, spring
would witness a great natural shock
snd calamity in the United States. Am-
oaneador McCormtck has postponed ths
festivities for Franklin's -birthday until
next week st sn expression of mourn
ing for the San Francisco dead.
..... . tThJoagv : Tsadera Detectives. '
Chicago. April 11 Chief of Pollcs
Collins" has wired Chief Dlnsn of, Pan
Franclkcn, ' extending sympathy ' and
tendering a squad of deteoUvoa.
Columbia Third Annual Indoor
..Competition Will Be an In
teresting Affair.
Qrefon', yiUamette, Pacific, ArleU
' Club. Y. M. C. A. and Multnotnah
Will Send Their Best Men to the
. Meet Complete List of the Men.'
The entries are all In for the third
annifa Indoor ' track and field meet
scheduled for Columbia, university's Ma
gymnasium on Saturday afternoon. In
the list of men entered ar athletes
who promise to rank high In ths eon
tests or athletlo endeavor. Ores-on la
well represented and also O. A. C. Wil-
lameiie ana Multnomah. Ths complete
1 1" i or entries follows)
- . v. or o.
. Bhotput, MoKlnnew, Moullsn. Hag
pole Tsult, Moulien. Wlnslow, Bean;
high jump. Kelly. Kuykendall, rrleaell;
oroaa jump, Kelly, Fneaell, Kuykendall;
miie run, Mitchell. Ramp. Wood: half
mile run. Wood. Lowel. Held; 440-yard
run, Pridaaux, Obertauffer. Veatch; sis.
yam aaah, Kelly, Mooree. PHesell: $0
yard dash, Kelly, Mooree, Frlesell; $0-
yara - hu raise, Kuykendall. Moores,
Priesell; open relay race. Kelly, Moores.
Veatch. FrleselC PridaauA, Oberteuffer,
jkuyaenaau,' Mug. v ,
O. A. C i
Bhotput, Jinn. Schroder. Bmtthaon
pole vault, Cronieet high Jump, flwann,
Cathsy, Bmlthaon. Beldln; broad lump,
chroder.. Swann. Cathay, Bmlthaon,
Beldln; mile run.- Ooodrlch, PerolC
ureennaw, ueacn; nair-mlla run, Oood
rlch, Da volt, Oreenhaw. Beach: 440-rard
run, Davolt, Boh rod er. - Oreenhaw, Ca-
tney; jiv-yara assn, Bmlthson, Schroder,
neacn, camey, swing; SO-yard dash.
Bmlthson. - Schroder. Beach. Cathev.
Bwann;' IS-yard - hurdles. - - Schroder,
Swann. Cathey, Bmlthson. Balden: ooen
relay . race Schroder, Oreenhaw, BmlUv-
son, catney. Beach, Swann. Davolt.
Bhotput, Launaburry; pole rault,
JLaunsburry; high lump, Launaburrr:
broad Jump, Launaburry; half-mils run,
Forbes; 440-yard run, Forbes; 320-yard
dash. Gray, Kornelk; SO-yard dash.
Gray, Kornelk; te-yard hurdles, Gray.
aorntia. - .- .-
w jump, rterson: mile rtin.
Fletcher; half-mite run.: Flatcher, Pe-
teraon. ,
T. M. C. A. '
Mile run, Backue; 440-yard run. Mo:
0-yard 'xtmh, Prhnr 80-ysrd hurfltes.
trenn, jiringston.
- -- -- MILWAUXEB A. C.
tO-yard hurdles. Beott. -
Shot put, Johnston; pole vaults Rob-
inson; broad lump, Bheets: mile run,
Jamison, Robinson: half-mile run. Mo-
Lsenlel; 440-yard run, Robnet; SO-yard
aaaa, Cannon.
J. A. A. C
Shot put, James; pole vault, Kerrl
gan. O.) high Jump, Dammasch. Kerrl
gan. O ; broad Jump, Stockton, ' Froh-
man, Hawkins, Kerrigan, O.; mils run,
M. Oammls; half-mile run, H. Oammle;
440-yard run, Hawkins; 120-yard run,
Hawkins; SO-yard daah, Oeorge Oammle,
Stockton. Froh man, Hawkins, Holman,
O. Kerrigan; tO-yard hurdles, O. Kerri
gan. -. .
1 0-yard dash,' Flavel, Reed; 120-yard
dash, Bchwartav' May, Flavel; academy
relay race. Reed, Flavel, Corbett. Hart,
uiass. May.
80-yard dash, 8ml th; 120-yard dssh,
Kestly; academy relay race. Smith,
Clark. Blspass, Kestly.'
SO-ysrd dssh, O. Huston. S. Huston,
Dunlap, Brown, Robinson: 220-yard dash.
Drake. Hope; academy relay race, Hus
ton Brown, Dunlap, Robinson, Drake,
$ 0-yard daah. Woodward, Duffy, Bried-
well, McDonald, Meyers, Baldwin, Scott,
Miller; 110-yard daah, Casoo, McDonald,
Reynolds,' Zanders, Light ner, - Breeding;
academy relay race, Baldwin, Meyers,
Foster. Roberts. Miller, Kitty. .
(0-yard daah, McGinnls, Diissler,
Smith; 210-yard dash, McGinnls, Bra-
gan. Cowan; academy relay race, Bro
gan, Drisslsr, Welsh, Smltly McGinnls.
Won. Lost, P.C.
Plttaburg . . $ 1 .TS)
Boston $ 1 1 .760
New York .4 1 .($
Philadelphia . . 8 1 .600
Chicago . . ....4 ,1 .171
Cincinnati 8 4 .411
St. Louis 1 4 .:o
Brooklyn . . . .000
- ' ' -- At Brooklyn. i--
R.H. S.
Brooklyn . .' .j ......... 1 4
New York . : .. S 1
Batteries Strirklett, Eason and Ber
gen; Wilts and Bresnshsn. ,
-: : At eUog.
- ' R.H. E.
Chicago . . ...................11 11 1
St. Louis i s s
Hatterieo brown aina skiing; Aamms.
Hoelsketter and Holmes. Umpire
Johnstons. . .. .
At IMttannri-.
R.H. E.
Plttaburg . . i 77.... i 4
Cincinnati t $
- Batterlee Leaver, Karger and Car-
Isch; Overall. Druhot and ffChlei. Um
pires .Carpenter and Klem.
ttoarsal Spsdsl SerrV.)
New. York, April 1. Ouggenhelmer
Sons have wired $50,000 to an Oakland
bank, to the credit of General Funaton,
to be used In accordance with ths gen
eral's JuJgment or the relief of the
sufferers. -..-1
Is the Moo IsuVsMtsat
Rclenca haa nroven that the moon 'has
sn stmoaphere, which makes life in
eotne form poesinie en tnat eaieiiue;
but not for human beinge, who have a
hard enough time on thle earth of ours;
especially thoae who don't know that
Electrlo Bitters cure Headache, Bilious
ness, Malaria. Chills snd Fever. Jaun
dice. DvsiMtDal. Dlsalnesa. Torpid Liver.
Kidney complaints, General Debility
and Female weaknesses. I'nequaled as
a general Tonlo and Appetiser for wenk
fereons and especially for the aged,
t Indacee sound sleep. Fully guaran
teed by 8. a. fikldmors A. Co druggists.
Pries onl (So. ,
Mod (SanKcift
UCsilcCioy .
than HAYNER, so matter how ranch yon pay or Where you get It. We
have beea distilling; whiskey tor 39 years. We have one of the most modem
and beat equipped distilleries in the world. We know of nothing; that
would improve our product. Perfection in the distiller's art has .been
reached In HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery to
YOU, with all of Its original purlty, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't
pass through the bands of any dealer or middleman to adulterate. Yon
thus save the dealers' big profits. Yon buy at the distiller's price, at first
cost. . Don't yon see the economy in buying HAYNER WHISKEY, as well
as the certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskey? T
... 4 , -'- - ! - TJnltsd States Senate, Washington, D. C."
! have need HAYNER WHISKEY fer meeiclnal piwposse la my family aad have
fesad It very eanefactary. I believe it tp ee aurabsr-ene medicinal whisksy."
, Ik-KMl S. UartlH, U. S. Senator from Virginia.
llll niinnT-n
y j sgv Mraaa w
Send as the above amount and w will
ne marks to show contents. Try the whisksy, have your doctor teet It
every bottle If you wish. If yon doat Snd it an rtght.ablp It back to aa
at OUR EXPENSE aad your money will be promptly nraaded. How
eooid any offer be lalrer t
Yos aar monsr bv ordering 20 Quarts by freijrht. If yon east see so
maeh, ret a frisad to Join yon.- Von can have either Krs or Boarboa.
Kseasmbsr we pey the eapcees or freight charges.
Write oar nearest office
t2 iiayksi citmuja ccPAnr
Lrslls,Bse. ' DaytesO. AUsurtavQa.
DistOlery, Troy. O. CsprUl. J500.000.00. patf fat fott. " Established IMS.
. Ssrtl'e Zslaad Torture . .
re no worst than the terrible ease of
piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I
wss advised to spply Bucklen'ar Arnica
Salve, and leas than a box permanently
cured me, writes L. 8. Napier of Rug-lea,
Ky. Heals sll wounds, Burns and Sores
like magio, zSo at 8. Q. Skldmore A Co,
: S. X. OBTjaEB.
OaaeUdnse fot mepiaseutattve.
omouL uim wo. t.
Mr. 8. H. Q ruber, the - well-known
lawyer. Is a candidate for representative.
His number Is 74 on the official ballot.
If nominated and. elected he will sup
port the people' e choice of Republicans
for U, B. Senator.
Statement E. 1 enfraaohlsse the
people, earns ths trusts and throttles
the grafters. Xavestlg-etloa of oppo
nent's . Tooattoa will generally show
reason for Ua opposition.
- Vote for the man who considers
himself no better than .the man
whose vote he seeks.
William J. Lachner
Won. Lost.
. : . .s o
.... t e
.... i l
.... l l
.... l l
.... i t
.... s - -
.... 0 3
New Tork .
Cleveland .
Chicago , .
Washington . .
Boston , . . . .
St, Louis
At Detroit.
T H tr.
TVetrnlt .. ...... 3 g t
Chicago 1 S I
Batteries Slaver and Warner; Walsh
and Sullivan.
At St. Xesnig. .
R. If. B.
St. Louis . 0 4 0
Cleveland . . 4 11 1
Batteries uisas ana Hpencer: . Joss
snd Bemls. -
At Boston. , . .-
. - - R. H. E.
Boston . . I 10 I
New York .'. ...3 4
Batteries Harris, Tannenui ana Urn-
ham ; Clarkson, . Leroy, Newton and
Kleinow. t.-
At Philadelphia,
. R. H. E3.
Philadelphia r.. . . . ..... . . .4 " t
Batteries woire and Klttredse: Ben
der and Schreck.
All hours. Large and small cars. Long or short
trips. Large or small parties. The Oldest Au
, , tomobile House in . the city. ,
s , Phone Main 692, . s .
TSi Whito Auto Livery
Corner Second and Salmon. . J. B. KELLY Mgr.
Deny Pufs?
ship re e plain eJd ea, with
sad do K NOW. - -
Is a Very uncomfortable member. Food
diatreea. Tou gat blue and deepondent.
Everything seems out ot order and will
continue te seem so a long as ths
stomach' Is diseased.' You can- get a
doctor for a dollar that will give you
Instant relief and In time will effect a
permanent cure. - This good doctor Is
liquid fonn. But It la unlike otnar
doctors In that if it falls to euro your
money Is , returned.' Yon - take- the
remedy and weMake all the risk. In
fact, it la a guaranteed euro we offer
you for dyspepsia and all stomach dis
orders. -
Breealra, N. Y.. June It. 1S04V. -Chass
Mfg. C., Kewburg, if. X.:
Oentlemeo I feel o pleaaed st ' flnclne 8
resnsdy tbst will rsllevs any stomseh that I
want t err Its a ahnrt tssUaMoisl. Foe jresr
1 have' saffered wltb s "(oneosss" ssrty In
ths saornlogs snd before ateala, snd Slrsctly
after sstiug I would, bios t pp snd belch quanti
ties of wind. Ta suffering wss Intense aad
often csnaed a (rest many aleepleea nlftata.
riurlne on of aav enells of aufferlns I nan-
pened . ta be ta Mswbiiis aaS-Sear 'efy oufT
wubosTtnl remedy. I sot a bottle ef Chase's
Drspspsla Curs. Th nrst ooss wss a ooBpMt
enrprlee, ss every dose sines has been. A doe
relieve Immediately, and I find that my atom
ark is sot only at eaae whes I taks It, hut I
sleep better. It t a WONDERFUL raaaedy,
sad I Indorss It highly. It I the soly tblng
I hsve found that 'ever ..relieved me of my
troable. (Uncerslj yoara, . L. MOEOAE.
Price 0c and tl.00 per bottle.
rj. Chnse Mf. Co.
- -BROOKLYN, N. Y. .
For Sale la lortlawd by Weodara, Clarke
. Co.. .
Candidate ; for Republican
Nomination for State Sen
ator (Joint)
and give Eastern Oregon a mem
ber of the State Land Board.
I " 1
I akslBasBBnaSSBaass
as .
Hours 9 to 5-7 to 8:30
Sunday 9 to ix " 1
Diseases and : .Weaknesses of
MEN, and MEN ONLY. We knoy
just what we can do, and We; have
such firm confidence in our NEW
we are willing to cure our paticnta
under an absolute Guarantee of
Unless Cured. We Mean This Most Emphatically.
It Is For You For Everybody y . , ,
LOST VITALITY RESTORED (According to age) 14. to 60 day's
SPECIAL DISEASES (Recently contracted) 4 days
' VARICOCELE (Without an Operation) 10 to 30 days ." r
BLOOD POISOU (No Mercury or Potash) 30 to 90 days -
' KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE j1? ) 15 to 40 days
Established 25 Years In Rortland
We make no chares for a friendly talk or correspondence. Come te us In the
strtotest eonfldnc. W have been
men for rears. Nothing science can
our omce equipment, ws will use jrou aonestiv, irent you ssiiiiuuy ana re
store you to health In the shortest time with the least discomfort and sx--penee.
If yo eanno aJW writ for- symptom blanks.
ooutn mooib un TAaonu
consists of an association of emi
nent physicians, experienced eur
geons and expert specialists, with
abundant capital, establlsbsd for
the purpose ot treating
treatment except certain that
they can effect a cure, nor will
they make any charge In ease of
failure. . - ' ...
. Through our ysst experience
nee ss
specialists we ara able to
full and early cure In
troubles In the majority of In
stances where the ordinary prsc .
tttloner falls to relieve. .
Dr.r. Norton Davis S Co.
NERVE TROUBLES are vary quickly relieved , and" a permanent euro
made in all curable eases. We tell you frankly if your case Is insur
able. We will have no person's money except for benefits received.
If you 'wish you -can deposit the price of a cure In any bank in Port
land, said amount to be handed over to us when you are cured. Or you
may pay us by weekly or monthly istallments If ou prefer. ,
All Medicine Free Until Cured
A personal interview is desired, but if you cannot call, write as,
giving your symptoms in full. Consultation free. '
Our home treatment is successf ul, oven 'In complicated eases. Strict
est confidence observed. Plain envelope used in all correspondeno. .
Office hours I to I. Sundays and holidays, 10 toll. ,
Dr. W. Nor tori Davis & Co.
Lading Specialists of the Northwest . .1 Established Jtlt.
Offices in Van Noy Hotel, It hi Third' 8t, Corner Pine, Portland, Or.
we have msle ths eurs of blood poises s
aneelalty. PriBsery.Aeoeaelsry erTsrtlary
Bleed Pelssa Permanently Cured. Yon ess
be treated at home under asms guaranty.
Capital 1600,000. We sol lelt the most obsti
nate eases. If yon bars exhausted the old
methods ot treatment, and still have aches
and pains. Mueua fetches la Mouth. Bore
Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots,
Ulcers on an part of the body. Hair or
Eyebrow faJllns out, writs for proofs ef
eures. lOO-pags Book Free.
: 1306 aaMWO nant, CMtlfS, 111
Get back your strength.
energy, ambition, by
Costs only f I for three
months' treatment .
Austin Cox
mooas ST.'fcsfsysTte ldg, .
: sish WASnOTOjr ar-
Xs-psrt Orowa aad Bridge Wsrk
- ' .Bpeotslty. '
tstemesS sTo. 1 legialatiye eaadldatea
re the people's slats fot a principle,
mot tow aa Individual.
I raoney beck If
I oToesn'l cure. Also
I 25c us. At Druggists'
I (Ul black boxes); f not.
f anal saa TREC kr amanf
I BssiUfi Nstive BerosCe.
I Cili . OSU. ea
I Sa fnnm, C4,
exclusively treating apodal dtaeases ef
devise or money can bur la lacking In
vrmMvtm. ron-rum, obboo.
K , fT"J
C. Gee Wo
The Great
j Doctor
At 19. 162 First St. Cor. Norrisca
K mlaleaalB- stateaMats s the afrUetsd.
I gearaate a eonplete. safs aad Isstlsa ears
in tse quKksst icjselbl time, aad at tba
inweat diet sosalbl foe koaast aaa sea,
f ul treatateet. t eiirs setsrrh, ssthaia. assa. .
throat, r ben mat lam, seremianeas, susasaea,
lleer. kldaer end ket Batiheod.
- Sty rensOies are a.rmlea, eauassS ' ef
roota. berbe. baSa and karie aapeel.ll saleeted
aad Imports . direst by a beat tue ialecls
e( Cblsa.
DELaTiski DAsemori.
If yoe enot call, write ie armpteei blsafe
eed eweelar. - twloee 4 eeets tn eta ape, -
Tke 0. W Cblnee Mesial 0 tefH
yiret St., Oeesae Korrisea. Tsrtlsad. 0e
' fleaaa awstlea this esoet. " -
I laearasted and ehoehl kaoar
abttit uis areaaerrai
WMrheej be-sy
Sjel tflssMt sftl 4ea '
I ,1S-(IM. llsaWkat.
Mi X ft TMTsMllemi.
sxrMMr. Ki Mnti -tarn
IIWia.Pd Wna , esj.,. ft a
full Vairiifi tiara wstd .(tt r.
N mr. fc.v Ivan.
ii vODAbi), CLAr M, CO.
tsa stsowg f- ratu
Taereet a KaUrsM ot 1
rKa". . -te
tlarlte a,
I ae l r
et., l-nrtlarwl. i "
laxiaat C., 34 i.
St i
k &
Evcnr c
ease OaayM Sje S.i J T
IrberaenoisiitnlrtbS X ' V," TV
Ma W