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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
(THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 19190S: 13 -' s .-'-'.''.-.'; J2 S. A. MATTMEU Candidate for th BUpnbllcan BTomiaa- . , ;' ? SXrBEKVTATITS.- ; V 8. A. Mathhteu. who Is familiarly known to th business- world -aa - Al JdattMeu, was born near .. tno historic town of Chamnoeg. th aon of K. X. Idatthleu, whose name la .emblasoned .upon the banner of immortals a. one of thoee patrlota who more than S3 yeara a co saved to th United States the Ore aon country. i....- A. S." Matthleu has been enraged In - the various branches of the. drug busi ness In the city .for the last 2k yeara, and la now conducting the drug; store .."ofjth Watts-Matthleu Drug company, situated on the corner of Williams' ave- nil and Russell street. . It nominated and elected, he will en- 1 deavor to guard th Interests of the wtat of Oregon with th same seal that has . characterised him In all his busi ness undertakings, aa on' of th sub- - gtantlat men -or : our . city- iz Mr. Matthleu ta pledged to statement No. 1 and will stand by t without fear or favor. ; .; - - , - Grand Avenue FHL Progressing Rapidly With No More Ac T cidents. ' EARTH. NOW UP TO.TJHE CeVEL OF THE STREET Double Torce of Dirt Trains to" Be Employed and Job Finished in Two or Three Weeks Bridge - Across Sullivan's Gulch Next Thing. . ' feaat aid eprtmt. - " ' " There .Is every Indication that th TO.Grand avenue f 111 between' Kast Stark and Pin streets will be pushed rapidly to completion without further accidents 'and that In two or thre weeks traffic can be resumed across this gap that' has . for (nor than a year blockaded on of th best business sections of th east aide. For the last week or 10 days three trains have been kept busy dumping -reloads of -smrth on the rapidly rising fill - and The heap has about reached the street level, Despite the great weight .of earth that has been heaped on th fill In th last 10 days th swamp has showed but little further desire to , swallow. up th dirt and the fill has. not settled noticeably. Grand avenue business men are anxious to se the atreet opened. It Is : the Intention of the superintendent to - double the number of .trains carrying dirt and to flniah the job If possible ' in two Weeks. ' With th completion of this contract ... tasBswsmgjsje; a l. . 1 .. .. . . . ' - ::'::;-:-:-7 r Htm V - "- - V. . . ... ' Latest Photograph MlssCarris Wilson, 3728 64th yOR SALE AND east aid property owners, and cap dally th central district's V.bustness men, will so after th Sullivan1 gulch bridge on Grand avenue with th strong determination of securing this better ment within the year. Plana for an (0-foot steel bridge across the gulch will b submitted tq the council soon and eaavsld cltlsens have been assured by members that contracta will be let for th bridge and th work started this year. Th cast sld Is split squarely In two by Sulllvaa'a gulch and th only real connecting, link .is an aged, tottering trestle bridge at I'nlon avenue. Th rompletlon of th gulch bridge on Grand avenue wOul,lmake that thoroughfare th moat Important on th east side. KEPT ARBOR DAY. Mount Tabor Schools Observed Oooasloa In Most Thorough Mannar. " One of the mmt satisfactory celebra tions of Arbor day In east side schools was that held at the Mount Tabor build ings under the direction of Superintend ent - Adams. At the Central school Professor take of Corvsllls addressed th " children. . County . Superintendent Robinson urged the boys to take up the potato contents planned for the suburban schools of th county. . 1 The nuplls of - the ttlenco school -of the district formed a local Improvement club of their own nd spent th day cleaning tip the; suburb. ' . At in rvortn Mount TaDOr school tne children gave a special program, after which Professor Adams and Mrs. Shaf- ford addressed - th large number of mother who wer present. . ' SUBURBS MIXED. Mount Tabor and Monta villa Annexation Bltnatlon Somewhat Complex. If there Is a more tangled situation than that presented by the present statjis of the suburbs of Montavllla and Mount Tabor as regVifds their relation to Portland, each other, the county and the school districts adjoining. It has not been discovered In this vicinity. . At last night's meeting of the city council the Montavllla petition was finally and frrrmally-adoptedr-and-the resident :f the suburbs will alone decide whether or not they shall be annexed to the city. It develops that Montavllla. in Us de sire to. presenta formidable' territory for consideration, included that portion of Mount Tabor not already In the city. and aa Anally adopted this -portion of Mount Tabor Is to b given a chance to com in of its own accord. But this portion of Mount Tabor be longs to school district No. 5, and that dial rict is barrea 'rronradmissisrr id" tn city by special act of the legislature. Now, MontavlllaIshanolher school district, not so hampered by legislative restriction, and when It 'Is "annexed It will entirely become a part of the city school district, buildings, debt and all The -result will -be . that- far, beyond Mount Tabor school children will en joy th benefits of th city school with out charge. Only a special act ot in legislature can change this. . Tot for 9. B. Wbitnay for tat Mat. MEDICAL CONGRESS: "IN.SESSION IN LISBON ' (Journal "pedal SrTli-, J : Lisbon, April 1. The fifteenth In ternational medical congress was for mally Inaugurated today by King Car los, ths opening exercises tnklng place In the hall of th Geographical society. The attendance was mad up. of distin guished medical men from nearly every civilised country. Th United States was particularly well represented. The delegates on hand from that country Included Dr. Nicholas Senn .of Chicago, Dr. R- Matas of New Orleans, Dr. E De Witt Connell of Portland. Oregon; Dr. Ramon Gulteras -of-New TbYk. Dr. Charles Wood Fassett of 'St. ' Joseph. Missouri; Dr. John II. Musser of Phila. delphla and a number of others. The congress will be In session six or seven days and the papers ami discussions will cover a wide variety of subjects relating to medicine, the treatment of contagious diseases, sanitation and th publto health In general. leeks Separation. '(.pedal ptspatcb to Tb' Journal.) Pendleton, Or., April 19. Georg A. Hills .of Hermlston filed a suit for divorce from his wife, Ella Hills, yes terday.' . They were married In MLnnea polls in 1904 and have no children. They have lived In Hermlston,. Umatilla county, for a year. Grow Hiss Wilson's Hair PROVE IT. nQyf t ,n ,1rtir!ta, n three sires, 25 cents, . : 50 cents and $ 1.00 per bottle. '. Eflfjf" To show how quickly Danderino acts ws rilssiCs will send ajarge sample free by return mail to any' one. who ...sends., this . advertiwrnent tqthe Knowltori Dandarina Co ChlcaaO. with their name and address J ', .. .1..,,,. of Place, Chicago. and ten. cents in silver GCARAKTEED BT WOODARD. CLARKE & CO. WORKS V0NDER5 . ;.. ; ;v- A Wonderful Compound. Cures ; Piles, Eczema. Skin Itching, Skin Eruptions, Cuts ... . and Bruises. " Dosn's 'Ointment Is th " best shin treatment, and the cheapeat. because so little Is required to cure. It cures' plies after years of torture, it cures ob stinate cases of eciema. It cures all akin Itching. It cure skin eruptions. It heals cuts, bruises, scratches and abrasion1 without" leaving a gear. ft cures permanently. Portland teatlmony proves iL's::i .-.X"X: Mrs. IT C . fteldleback of (U Rast Tenth atreet, Portland. ... Oregon,, saya: In my experience Doan a Ointment Is th best remedy r ever used for the complaints It Is guaranteed to cure. It brought me almost Immediate, relief more than I . ever expected for I had been annoyed for a' year or more with Itching hemorrhoids, which, although not . serious, wer very annoying. I heard about Dosn's Ointment and got a box at a drug-store. Its use gav me the highest, opinion of such an effective remedy." ! ' ...J ... . '. .... ; For .sale' by all -dealers. Prlc to cents. . Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sol agents for th United States. , . Remember- th name Doan's and take no other. ', " '' " VOTE FOR CHARLES A. JOHNS ' FOR GOVERNOR and give Eastern Oregon political recognition -on - the .state ticket. HARD WORK SECURING JURY FOR. JENNINGS CASU Discussion of Case by Everyone in Josephine County Makes Jurors Scarce. " ' (Upeetal Dlspstck to The Jonrnal ) : Ofjlnt Pass, Or., April 19. Th In ability, or at least th great difficulty, experienced In getting jurors to' alt for the Dora Jennings trial, has almost ert the present term uf- ths Jow phln circuit court " Th flv ;manss- eured Monday- were, kept penned, up all. day yesterday, , whll th sheriff and deputies wer out after -mor man. .In th meantime proceedings wer at a standstill, and th hearing of teatlmony will not begin before Thursday. Never In th history of th county has greater difficulty been experienced In finding a Jury. Nearly every freeholder, even In the very remotest districts, reads on or mor newspapers, and In this way has becoma- acquainted with th case. It has been discussed by almost every c 111 sen In th county, and nearly all hav expressed an aplnlon, thus leav Ing but very few who art competent to sit ss Jurors In th case. Blanche Roberts, th sweetheart . of Jasper Jennings, was at th courthouse yesterday and called 'on Dora. Th two are not very Intimate sine th testi mony given. by Blanch was the most damaging" presented against Dora at the former trial, and the same tstl mony will be repeatetf-at this hearing. The many witnesses from Granite Hill .mining camp came in yesterday and will repeat the testimony given be for. Though this second trial will be prac tically an exact repetition of th first. It has not lost its Interest to th hun dreds who crowded h courtroom In January, and the same crowd of curious are nlresdy clamoring for admittance. The case has been adjourned until Saturday. -BB-a AND WE CAN Danderfne Is So Exhilarating, rrr Invigorating and strengthening to both th hair and scalp that ren a 960. bottle of It is often enough to show wonderful Im provements. It at one Imparts a aparhllng brilliancy and velvety softness to th hair, and a few weeks' us will cauM new hair to sprout out all over th scalp, an grow abundantly, king and beautiful, t's II every day for awhile, after which two or three times a week will b enough to eomplet whatever growth you d sal re. or sump to pay postage :Mc-Spedal! 1 1 1 &075 golden oak or weathered . ' . , tK ,Jr i'l " I" '" TS .tLa ' ;f iCNvl ; "regular anywhere $30. . - Wfyifr- z ' 1 V LJ : :" TO SH00TCARS UNDER RIVER McCusker and Keady Petition .Council tor Franchise to Build Subway..' 7 WOULD CROSS FROM OAIC TO EAST STARK STREET Another Company Wants to Supply Wholesale Heat Council Fixes , Valuations for Valley Franchises Mt Mood Company Wants to SelL Portland may hav a subway for an electric railway under th Willamette river. At th meeting of th city coun cil laat night Thomas McCusker and L. T. Keady, local promoters, submitted "an ordinance granting to .them -the right to construct and operate, a aubway, which should be built st ,a cost of not less than 13,000,000. They said they had engaged a competent engineer and that th proposition was feasible; that In stead of cars having to wait on bridges for the draws they could shoot under the river In less than two minutes with out stopping. The ordinance proposes to build a subway under th river, from Oak to East Stark street; The American Investment company petitioned the council for a franchise for a steam heat, cold storage and elec tric light and power plant In th busi ness districts of the city. Th council Ignored the valuation placed on the franchises of the United Railways company and the Willamette Valley Traction company for franchises on Front street and fixed the prlc of the former at $1(2,500 and the latter at $.000. Th Mount " Hood" Electric Light- A Power company proposed to sell to the city an electric plant for tl.2RO.000 pay able In 0-year 4 per cent bonds.' Th only tilt of the meeting happened over th proposition to permit the town of Montavllla tg consoll(lHtewlth Port land, but the annexations won the fight and the proposition will b" sub mitted to a vote nf the people of Monta vllla at ths; June election. Cotincllmen Gray and Wallace .contended that the question should be submitted to th peo ple of Portland too. t PRESBYTERY OF PORTLAND MEETS AT CLATSKANIE Two Days' Session Devoted to Transaction of Much Busi- ' n ess of Importance. (Speelal Dlspatrta te'Tn. Jmfrn.l.) Clatakanle, Or., April 19. The Pres. bytery of Portland met In the Pres byterian "church here Tuesday at -t o'clocK p. mi, Rev. J. R, Welch, retlrlns moderator, presiding. After the devo tional eierrlses Rev. Charles W. Hays of Portland wss elected moderator for the - ensulna six ' months. Kev. i. R. Landsboroush of Oregon City was chosen temporary clerk and Rev. D. H. liar of Portland reporting clerk. ' Rev. Thomas Parry, D. D.. of . pittsburg Presbytery and Rev. J. M. Ferguson of th Presbytery of southern Oregon sat as- corresponding members, Rev. J. K. Day was dismissed to th Presbytery of southern Oregon and Rev. E. D. Allen to the Presbytery of Washita. IT. 8. Rev. J. M. Ferguson u elected Sun day school missionary. Commissioners to th general assem bly, which meet In Des Moines. Iowa, In May. wer elected a follows: Prin cipal ministers. Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D., and Rv. W. 8. Wright; alternates, Rev. J. V.- Mllllgsn. D. L) and Rev. K. M. Sharp; principal elders, O. A. 'Rockwell of Bprlngwster and Norman Merrill of Clatikanle; alternates, A. Robinson of Oregon City and H. E. Poppleton of Portland. Th next regular meeting will be field at Hprlngwater In" October, Just before th meeting of th synod at Newport. . Th afternoon was largely taken up with the reports of vsrlous committees, th most important of which was, th The Kind You Have Always jaae for, oyer 30eam ' and has been made under his per- 'fflf'jPy, Kraal supervision since Its infancy," " V. . . v WW . v J VIA .III I J, . All Counterfeits, Imitations and f Just-aa-g-ood" are bat Experiment that trifle with and endanger tbe health of. Infants and Chlldr; n Experience . against Experlmena What is CASTORIA TCastoria Is a harmless' substitute for Castor OH Pare gorlcs Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opiums Morphine nor other STarootlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms'" and allays Fcverishncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles; cures Constipation and Flatulency. IC assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, siring healthy and natural sleep ' The Children-3 Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO " ' . . ."'..' :" Bears the W . : BSS The KM-You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. There is One and You do not know that Soda Cracker until you know Uneeda Biscuit '- . ... . .-. . ' " ' " To taste Uneeda Biscuit is to fall in love with them. - You never forget that first taste, ahd you renew it every time you eat Uneeda " Biscuit NATIONAL JlSCUlT-COMPANIf report of th committee on horn mis sions, which in the absence of th chairman. Rev; "E. P. "HUT,'" 1, " D.r wss read by Rev. Henry Marcotte. , At the evening session a most inter esting and inspiring sermon Was preached by Rev. Thomas Parry, D. D., of Pittsburg; Pennsylvania," Wednesday Bought and which has been Signature of Soda Cracker Si Onlyl One. h In a dust tight, -moisturt proof package morning th business -session was con tinued and at It o'clock Rev. J. A. P. Mc-Ghw preached an excellent sermon. An Interesting feature of th meetings was the singing' of th choir of young tndlesurunder' direction of Miss Kdriv. The Presbytery' adjourned Wednesday ancmoon. ; " Burns no matter how terere are re lieved almost instantly by the prompt - application of - Pond's Extract. Cover the parts affect ed with s piece of soft - linen rararfith-Pondf-Extractr Jt, will, sootheiihepainlcbol the skin, relieve the swelling and hasten the growth of new skin as will nothing else. - Witch it mt tht tmmt thing. On mnalytis itvtnty mmpUt tTitih Hameltftrtd 4U "tht stmt thing" fifty-taut vitr$ thtvin u ttntmin mod acoJiotir formnldthytlt r .. Avid dungtr f ftittning by ais . POFiDylxfifAC SPECIAL SPECIAL To Assur Prompt and , Careful Attention . , . OAXXi , ruuon vooo (om '- ":.. . tomxv . acrxi. Phoa Pacific it. Prices for the Next 30 Days '. .. 1 rerlosa,- Green Slab Wood1., SI. SO Dry Slab Wood .......... S2. 25 Inside Slab Wood S2.25 Mixed Slab Wood ....... .91.75 Hotel Eaton com. Moaauov axd wist jtau its. N EW Handsomely fsrnlha elessntiy ennlnped, Sreprnnf," St minutes' walk from heart or hopping sn4 bmllMss ilUtrlct. sll lr. slrr, ootslrie rooms, stesm nested, .lectrlc llshts. f lphone hi each eparttnent. etc. I.ars offices, lonnslns. smnklns, writing. ladlM' reception parkirs. Hooms resetTwil by msll or tolphone. Print, omnlkus meats trains sa4 stsaaen. Hoom SI.OO ta $5.00 a Day Spseisi Bates t. OemmereUI BUa. MBS VAX lATOir, (rormerly of Rotsl lAdpsth, Spokane.) Tract to Subdivide Near San. franclsoo. At least $100,000 Profit on $2$,00B cash Investment. Adjoining tracts selling' rapidly. Writ for par-, tlcuiara. MARK LANE CO. ' S34 Market ., Baa Tranclsoo. Scott's SantalrPepslai Capsules A POSITIVE CURE rnaf nfl.meiatfAa erCatarraof Ik. Blsd'lrrsnil PttraOTd KM- rs. SO obss serai, o'aree alcklr sad wrmaa.ntir the orst riM or SistrrsMs ssd lee, se mstur of how . inf etsadlns. lllillliir armless. Sold by 4 n f stats. - r 1 l .1 1... u, if .111, mvmn paid, (1.00, 1 bos, . TKESAHTAL-PEPSIJCO. BallesMrUla, Ofesa. Bats WssaarA, Otaia) Ok . J - 'I