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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLANDY THURSDAY EVENING. APHIL IV U-J. 10, IIIHUIIL.III PLACE OF CUT Oil Cloth on Sale Oil Cloth All of our Oil .Cloth is full 6-4 wide, first grade, in all colors, white and marble; worth 25c yard. Spe-, cial, yard, at - : 20c Wrappers on Sale Percale WrapperThis .Is a " regular home-made Wrapper, fits well and is well put to gether, sises 32-42, blue, red ' and gray, black and white, at. 95c and $1.25. Peninsula Objects to Gash Mintw Fast Deeo and Two i t i r Hundred Wide. FRIENDS OF HILL ROADS . - FIGHTING LATEST MOVE Aaaertion It Mad That So Deep a I Cut Would Prove Comtant Ex 1 "penae In Matter, of Water, Sewer and Other Connecbona. y 539-541-543-545 .VILLIAniS .AVENUE, AlBlTJA ' EAT FIRE IE cftlo and Oreat: Northern railroad coro Ianles are to encounter In their project! of building a dlrecl line into Portland I will come when they attempt to cut a jraah 't dP and 200 feet wide across .the -peninsula from Maecly Junction to the drydock. Property own--re on tne peninsula- from lower Albino t n hi Juhna are bandlnc together to compel the rallroada to aubatltute a! tunnel for the proposed open cvi. The route of the cut, aa surveyed, will follow rights of way already purchased ,f the companiea and abaolutely owned by them with the exception of the atreeta, boulevarde and county roada that are to be crossed. Peninsula people will make their fight through the county commissioners-and -the city council to prevent the granting of franchise, and If the battle la tout at these polnta they ' will go Into the courta. i In opposition to the open cut. the j --.!r!t move la now being made by lead- Ing property-owner, soma, of whom ' have been favorable to the Hill roada i - la every prevloua contention between I the romjanles and the city. City coun- I cllmen are being approached and their Views toward ye open cut ascertained, j fntL-Mtona jara.pemg.mima ta impress then) with the belief that the open cut will ultimately - prove a- great damage to the peninsula, and a continual aggra- vstlon and expense 1n the matter of j et reettrrTdge, sewers, water-pipes and j every other form of connection for com merce and convenience between the city I of Portland and the peninsula, at ja: example it la pointed out that to lay a Bull Run water-mhln between the city and St. Johns 'the main would have to be dropped practically 109 feet and car- rlcd under the bottom of therur A IT 1 connecting streets would ultimately have to ba bridged with 100-foot steel structures, at great - expense to the roperty-uwnera, .and -endleea litigation would ensue, II In the case of the ; bridges built acroaa other gulches in different parts of the city. ."All these troubles can .ba avoided if the railroad people will tunnel Instead of making- the open cut," aald F. L He- Kenna, president of the Initiative com ... mlttea of ona hundred. "1 have -been one of those who have favored the lilll companies In every possible Way In their efforts to build into Portland. 1 do not believe they ahould be permitted to separate the peninsula from the city proper by the proposed cut. This enor- moue gash would hitve the Hme effect . that other gulches have had In marring the city of Portland and causing great trouble and expense to the citlsena in the matter of, bridge. ' The Creator made the peninsula about aa nearly perfect aa anything In nature could be. - The people out there are. going to fight the open cut proposition to the last ditch. They want the rallroada to come in, but not to cut this gash In tha pe nlnsula merely to secure dirt to fill the slough lands. The tunnel would be leas expensive and ' mora satisfactory all round." . ' ' ' Holman Vs. Finley. Portland. Or.. April 17. 10. Editor The Journal! ' "" '"r . Noticing- the controversy 4n your pa- . per between Mr, Holman and Mr. Fin. ; ley In regard to the coroner office, we I as voters are very muco inieresieo in the mild and aweet language that haa been used between the two above men tioned parties. Being long residents of Portland and the aat side, we believe that . all good citlsena and (voters) should ignore tha two partlea In con tention, and in tha coming primaries should cast their vote for an upright, competent and peaceful cltisen for that ffioe. and take the office from either ' one of the above piacea and elect Mr. Van C. Dunning, which wtll harmonise all difference between the contending partlea. Therefor we would auggest that the good citlsena of Portland should go to the polls on the 20th of this month and cast their votea for the name as above suggested. FROM A VOTER. Tote for J. mater .. B. ' Whitney (or Mat BTottce to tha mbUa. ; We, the fir underwriters, now con ducting a sale' of clothing, shoea and furnishings, wish to state that there' haa been a mistake In the newspaper f statements stating that our address Is j on a corner. We wish to state that to- I morrow morning at 8 o'clock we will j , open our doors at our old address, 107 Aouth First street. In the middle of the block, next to the burnt structure that ' is being repaired. In order not to be , misled by other fire sales, look for No. 107, on tha banner on the dg of the sidewalk underwriters' Are sale. Vote for Judges Sears and George, candidates for reelection to the circuit bench, and. both entitled to a continu ance la their places . ' . - : Mr. Smith Is the Man. To the Editor of The Journal I have observed Judge Williams' not In the Ortgonian. this morning. In which he gives it s his opinion that Mr. Cake Is the leading senatorial candidate and the only man that can beat Mr. Bourne. - That almply showa that Judge Williams ... la badly misinformed. He has not - heard from the country. Mr. E. L. Smith is, in my Judgment, leading all the candidates -.- . r . MALCOLM A. MOODY. "I "v Xaag Oeorgw and Sears. The Judlrtal-offlce calls for fixity of! "tenure wherever sa Incumbent haa ren- j dered gond service. Judge Qaorgeendj j Bears are candidates for reelection, i There -in 1 absolutely' no reaaon for , change, and no reason tor experiment- Ing with this joffle. . . ! Benson Is Sure. i Among all the Republican candidates, ' for eta to office Frank W. Benson of ! Hoseburg, who aspires to the office of , secretary of elate. Is conceded to be a' sure winner, Mr. Benson lias made a campaign that will give him the office. 1 . 9. B. Whitney, Mat Mater, la now sorvlng his first term and haa mud an efficient and obliging officer, and aand upon' his record In asking for a aacoud Urn. .Vote for him. Has closed It had to close We advertised when tverything that had been damaged had been sold that would close the sale. , Our Word is good. Everything is gone that was in the ieast damaged either by smoke, water or fire. Advertising sharks said, 'You have the people coming. Why ndt buy a lot of old goods and let them have them?" but We said "No! We only do as we promise. Our patrons believe our statements at all times and we propose to fulfill every one to the letter.' We had many new goods thatwere not unpacked, and all goods that were here and damaged were. " closed out and we have telegraphed for more. - We are now ready to supply your every want,' at our ever-popular prices a little less than others, t . " ' We are now giving Trading Stamps and when you make your purchase ask for S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. : Run over the following list and see the' excellent values in every department. A new lot of Shirtwaist Suits just arrived, moderately priced. : - 1 11 . Ladies' New Neckwear ..-.I ' The growing popularity of our Neckwear ; Department has caused us to expand this line. "' tion of Swell Ties than has been'our pleasure before. " " it .-t ,-. TURNOVERS Drawnwork, embroidery "and lace, also in sets, collars and cuffs, swell patterns 10c, 15c, 17c, 20c, 25c, CAn . 35c, 40c and................. ....... OUL LACE STOCKS-Crcam, white and black, 4 17c to 50c. fancy" lace trimmed Stocks, new - desiensr25rto $1.75randavery PA-, swell lot at;;; 77777 UUW - WASH STOCKS Assorted patterns and -. widths, with tab, allover Jace, lace trimmed, -chemisettes, also .set, -cuff to match, trim med in baby Irish lace, $1.15; 9"f ' -Buster Brown Collars, all sizes, 2..jbUV - - All color.Oy the yard, also put three tyles in lemrth. 25c. 30c. 35c variLLace" Ruch-. Irt - Jnc'fnrViiffs" collars and shirtwaist fronts, yard. . . . ; 017L ,.--. - . - . - NECK RIBBONS The popular ribbon now used for mak- a 1 KT .-. Sk Cant ing coHarsra large assort meni ai popuiaF va7 yci-. - j . . mm vv . RUCHING box, stock lengthJJ5c -yard to; , ................. . Small Ware Bargains "" TherVare- so many-neccs8aryitems in the Small -Ware ?sirnnnTt-WTczeTris -4wember them, but weask 'ou to visit this aisle when in the store. . . . ;i , r--r-7y---y7 - , Bone Hair- Pins The -priceof-Bone -I lair-Pins has- greatly advanced lately, but as we bbueht very-early we got thera at the old- price. Pins 3 'inches long, shell and amber, ' p . straightCor crimped, two.for. V. Vaseline Full 2-oz. bottles, there are two sizes at the price, 'one size put up Vt-oi. and one Z-oz ours are tne m 2-oz., at. . . V r rins, Needles, Thimbles, Buttons, Thread, Tdilet Soap, m Sapolio and thousands of others, any of these priced.. OL Machine Needles For all makes of machines and in ' all sizes,! wo for 5s or, each. . ; l3': Re 's:?...:3c Thread The best Machine-Thread, 200-yard spools, f" "" six spools for ....... ; .... .s . ... p v t . i ."aCuC - . . t t,---- mmmmm Swell Dress Skirts r : Our hew spring Dress Skirts have just arrived. The new shades and cloths. They are a perfect fitting skirt, made over human models, and best of all they are modestly priced.' SWELL SKIRTS We show you strictly " new and up-to-date Skirts for less money, for the same skirt than any store down town. Skirts for which they Jf AA charee $8 we sell for OleUU SATEEN - UNDERSKIRTS Our-Sateen -Underskirts will please you, for they are well made, and the material is good and showy as well, range in price from 1 9 $3.50 tO. .y , . ..plmmO GINGHAM UNDERSKIRTS The popular Skirts for this season, light weight and light and dark colors, we Z(r have your size at $1.00, 75 and.... OU Kn it Underwear T When you buy Underwear from your home store, Albina's big, up-to-date store, you are assured that you will receive full value'for your money and tjuite a littie belter thaiTtfieown town stores give you. LADIES' SLEEVELESS VESTS It is our pleasure to show you this season's ladies' and misses' Under wear at as small prices as last year,. as we were fortunate enough to pro cure ours before the great advance. Wc show you excellent values at 10 15, 20 CIV 25 and ;..v... uUC LADIES' VESTS WITH SLEEVES When you can purchase as good a vest with sleeves, full sizes, for the price we have ours marked, you get t , your money's full worth; ours are 50 and. ........ w0C LADIES' UMBRELLA PANTS Jersey knit Pants, prin cess waist band, lace trimmed, white, sizes 4, 6, 6, 50 and LuC UNION SUITS f ine knit Union Suits for spring and sum mer, sleeveless, with umbrella pants, and sleeveless with " ankle pants, a garment that is full measure, and - PA - 1 they are extra value at 50 and....... ....0UL CHILD'S SLEEVELESS VESTS A nice assortment of Children's Vests, with "and without sleeves, also A ' . '""long, and (knee pants, -50 to. . ..7. ;.,.7 7,77;'. 1UC I : J Li II Mill inery I STYLISH HA T S 'ou would hardly expect to find. such swell. hats at such small prices. -Mrs. Warren is a designer of high art- millinery and personallys u perintends , the making of all our i.hats, thus we are assured only the very best work .' on all millinery. A beau; ttful hat to be a swell hat must have hitfh : erade work as well as material, and that is why our hats are so pop ular, Whenever one of our hats is sold in a neighborhood. we are assured of "more, forThe work advertises as weir as; the styles. , . . .' J , - ' ' LADIES' HIGH ART HATS All the leading shapes and shades, hats that will suit your individual Cf -style at a real saying to you 916.00 to .aplaOU - New lot of Misses' and Children's Hats just arrived-We -are just getting them because we wanted The very latest. Shirt Waists Going to be hot weather justssure as anj-thing, and you are going to need thin Shirtwaists. AVhy not buy them now while the selec tion is larger and you can find just the ones you want, and we have your size now. WHITE WAISTS Just what you are going , to' need for the warm days, and they are the . only swell waists this season; Made with lace and em-' broidery, new sleeves and cuffs. Specially priced at 75, 85, $1.00, O PA" $1.25, 91.50, $1.75, 92.00, 92.25 and. ..abaCaOU WHITE LAWN WAISTS Special for a few days, all sizes, 32-40, new sleeves, long cuffs, hemstitched, plait down the front, 3 rows of tucking on either side, back tucked, CA this waist is worth 75c, but we have made a price.. 0UC - . Silk and LHse Gloves - There are many makes of Silk Gloves," and many of them are good, but there is only one that makes double-woven tips. All others are" double-patch stitch, and after wearing them a few days the tip comes loose and slips down to the end of the finger. The woven tip does not slip down. The woven tip outwears the glove. We sell them at the same price you pay others for the patch tip.' SILK GLOVES In" all the leading shades, all sizes the . popular woven-tip Glove, the tip that outwears the glove. We are agents for this section of the city. They PA cost you no more than others,- on lyrrrr. 7.7. ..... .tOUC' LISLE GLOVES More popular this season than ever.' They look just like the kid gloves, but are so much more com fortable. When they soil they can be washed and . look as gopd as new. In all the leading shades at K. & A. t(p price". j. .. . .. . .... . ... .OUv CELLULOID COMBS In this section we call your atten " tion to Celluloid Combs for the hair. Side' Combs and Back; Combs and Stray Lock Combs, many differ- A-, ent styles and priced very reasonable, each, 50 to. . 1 UC HAIR PINSt Bone, all sizes, straight, crimped, light and darklcp!prs,well finished will noLcatch in the hair, that alone makes the pin worth double. We buy them from reliable manufacturers, so they cost no more than P poor ones 2, 3. l. ... ,uv Children's Dresses The care of children made easy. Not only sases you time to buy the children's clothes ready made, but the fact that the cost is but a trifle more is a real fact, and a pleasant one to remember,' the improvement " of machinery , has : made this -possible. . v , - ' BABY DRESSES One to 4 years, polka dot percale, as sorted dark patterns, embroidery yoke, trimmed P . ' with feather stitch braid. Special at .aWulv BUSTER BROWN'S SISTER'S DRESS Made of standard quality linette, blue, tan, oxblood and greenrl-P' sizes 4 to 14 years, reasonably priced at. .... . 7. . ay 1 LO WHITE DRESSES Made of good quality . . f P lawn, lace trimmed, sizes 4 to 14. Attractive at. . . 4la00 m . White and Gingham Aprons , You know how difficult it has been to get 'Aprons ready made.' So it has, but now we - have solved the problem. Within' the last - : few months a lady with ambition started an " apron factory. She put in six electric. . ma chines and is now turning out home-made aprons. They are superior to the regular . factory-made apron. The material first is much better, and the workmanship is ' the r -very best." Will be interestine for vou id "see r what can be made in. your own tity and really batter goods for.the price - , than can be brought here from the east. -. WHITE LAWN JAPRON This apron is' made 'of gnnd . grade lawn. and is made extra wide; it is really worth 35c and the down town stores sell it for 35c, but we . make the introductory' price for home-made aprons. .aVOC t APRONS WITH BIB AND SHOULDER STRAPS One style has ruffle and lace- on shoulder straps, and A A 7 one is trimmed withmbroidervyery-largei35.-.-4Uw "7rTEAAPRONS-Circular shape, made of nice white lawo, -, with 6-inch lawn ruffle all theway around, a very . C neat apron ior afternoon tea. . Special. ...... ......aCrOC 1GINGHAM APRONS-Kitcheni apVon, veiy wide j-n - and full lencfth. ............ 7. ... . . .Ze)C AiJLUViK ArKUNa witnout sleeves, cover.youa. ; all over, 50, with sleeves.......... ........... uC Wash Goods for Spring Dresses In the f aee of extreme- higb-cottoiv-we -are. 1 . in a position to sell our summer, goods at aw most a small prices as former years. t -.-..' ORGANDIE BATISTE In this class we are showing aTOUch -largcr-selectiontharrever" - before, the patterns are beautiful and prices range from OO, 3&, , , f A-, 15c 12 Vit and I DIMITIES, DOTTED SWISS, fancy embroidered, . sheer ortrandies and fancy checks; 25, 19 and -DRESS GINGHAMS High grade material and A . goods well worth 15c yard. Now selling at, yard., lvv FANLY WOOL SUITINGS "for spring and summer, the leading shades, gray bTue, black and white; we-. PA offer these at the exceptionally low price,' yard. .;UUv BUTTERICK PATTERNS, to cut your dress cor- A rectly ; use the old reliable patterns. Now 20c, 15. . 1UL T Hosiery; for Spring: . New Hosiery, for spring is more varied than ever before.. , -The patterns are very neat and attractive. Black in all lace and ankle , length, blacK ana white embroidered, white and tan lace. LACE HOSE Black, 'neat patterns ' in lisle and cotton, some are lace all - over and others are lace to just above ! the ankle. The lace starts front the toe, that they can be worn with lowl . -; shoes 50, 35 . r ' 7 yrn and LDL ' WHITE HOSE Without white hose you will not have your summer wardrobe complete. They . - are the leading hose' for spring. We are showing a nice. : ; line of lisle, lace and embroidery at the attractive Crr : prices, .per-pair, 50, 35, 25 and............. IOC TAN HOSEA - very nice selection of T&n Hose for spring : . : and summer in lace and embroidery and lisle. They are at tractively pricedj at a saving to you compared with , P down town prices, at 50, 33, 25 and........ IOC MISSES', HOSE This is our pet line. We show the best 7 . hose for misses and children that can be produced for the price. The values are a little better than the down town i stores are showing, and we have priced them very rea- mm . ' . . a a . son able; black, white, tan, blue, red. lisle and lace. at, per pair, 25, 17 and................ , 15c ;f. V " EMBROIDERIES and LACES EMBROlbERIES WE SHOW YOU This season the most' complete lot of. Embroideries it-has ever been : .' our pleasure to. display. Values ... are extra good and the prices are ; 4 very small, as we purchased them . direct from the importers.. Our '. prices range from . P 50 yard to. ....... 7 0C LACES We had the good fortune " 16 purchase a very extensive line - of the famous Zion Laces, made . .in the United : States, and the values are really-much better than- any imported laces. 1 Very reason- . ably - priced, ' ranging per' yard from 50 to 0C ALLOVER LACES--Very popular this season for waists, cuffsryokes, in fact full dresses. We show, them 3C from 9150 yard to. ... '. . . . 4 . ; OoC MRS. LYNN gives embroidery lessons to a class on the second HoQe,ycryTuesday afternoon from -1 -to -5 o'clock.-- Come in and make arrangements to join the class. 1 "7