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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
TIIE OREGON DAILV jbURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 17, 18C3. BffillY FR0L1 OF GEORGE DM III IS DEFENSE L. BLODGETT Man on Trial for Murder of Alice Minthorn Makes This , Sole Plea. JUDGE GEORGE ALSO . I C CALLED AS WITNESS Unusual Spectacle of Trial Judge Giv- ing .Testimony in Case Being Tried Before Him Presented at Morning TTSessionr-"1'':"1 v- vT- ! Expert testimony regarding the " re- , aponaiblllty pf drunken, persons wit . f Irw thli morning by bartenders and aaloonmen aa .a part of the testimony ' tor the defense during the trial of , 'Ooorge L, Blodgett, charged with the' murder' of Alios Minthorn. also' made by the defene by the ., calling- ef Judge M. C. George, before ''whom the case In en trial, to act as a witness.' The jurist was administered - the oath by Deputy County Cleric Bara- .uiUi wuh 4uus uwrin waa nub rviHiru to occupy the special ohalr for wlt- HMHL . A.ttftrflv -- r?harla V. . Tnl! Blodeett's counsel, was . asked If Dr. ' Wllliamdon wae not, an expert regard ing Instanlty. JDeputy Dlstrlot Attorney Qua Moser objected to the witness an- - awar 1 n a- i ha mlfiittnn aa t n whatha an - expert was an .expert and Judge George " jruled 'that . he ' should not answer the ; question. - J . . v- - f . . ., - Insanity the Jef ease, r ( Temporary Insanity caused by exees- - slve drinking le the defense made by m V .V M.W U V U4 Will" """aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau l 1 1 . -. - ii I t .' .- , l i j leMHeMMBsieMnelail 1 I A.TiLewis . " Republican Candidate for f nnntv litina -: If nominated and elected, I will dur ing my term of ' office devote all my time and attention, to the duties of the office. . r - I favor . good, substantial road and -bridge improvements : throughout th county,' No favored section. Honest, efficient service: strict . su pervision bf the administration of es tates. - ' :' When you-vote look for ' 91 Lewis, A. T. mltted by the- prisoner. - San Connors was the first witness called this morn ing, and he declared that a short time before the woman was killed he had seen Blodgett drunk in a north end saloon. J. C. livens, a bartender in Blaster's saloon, testified that the pris oner had - taken, " several drlnka of gin and. blackberry brandy, mixed, oq the morning of the murder, March IS. i The witness aald that a drink of that sort made a man very drunk. - M. McDoogall, another. Blatter bar tender, said that he served Blodgett drink of whiskey half an hour before the death of the woman, ' McDoogall said - that Blodgett had taken other drlnka of whiskey during the forenoon of March tS, the woman having been killed a few minutes after 1 o'clock In the afternoon. . , -.-.- R. TArmatrong. who said he had charge of the Blaster pool-tables, rtestl fled that he had often seen Blodgett take many drinks of liquor In the sa loen .severe! days before the shooting. Martin Gardiner, a saloonkeeDer. testl fled that he had often seen men very drunk who had perfect control of their nmos, the liquor seeming to have af fected only the brain, while he had seen others take a few drinks who were then unable to walk, although they ware aDie o taiK understanding!, v Judge George was then asked rerard Ing Dr. Williamson, who was called by the defense last Saturday. Dr. William son is se'd to be an expert On insanity caaes. He declared that if a men acted as Blodgett le said to have acted after the woman was shot that man waa af fected mentally. -fceeter From the "Dead. 1 Looking pale and careworn. Mrs. Sadie uioogeit. wno came to cheer ud her hua band during the crisis of the trial, took the witness stand this morning. She Introduced a letter that ahe said she round among the papers belonging to her husband. ' The letter is aald to have bean-written - by Alice - Minthorn to Blodgett and waa introduced as evi dence, The epistle "follows: '.ortland. Or., January iS. 106 My Dear Boy: I received your registered letter today; also one other, and I thank you lor the money. . Now, dear, I feel quite -well and I don't went you to worry about me, as I am working again. I opened at Fritie's last night and 1 made 65 cents percentage. We will: not go to Dawaon for at least a month yet ! "Yes, I mailed that letter -to Sadie. I suppose she will have at fit. when aha sees a Portland stamp on It She will surely think you are here with me-lf she comes here I will tell her you were here and that you have gone to Call' fornla; how - wilt, that dot I only hope she won't bother me,- because if she comes here and does,. I will fit her; but I don't think she will.-'- Do youT - 'Nina is getting ready for work and I am writing you this before I go to work. I am glad Mr. Burk got out all O. K. .The reason we did not go to Taooma Is because the theatre burned down to the ground laat Sunday night The weather here is just about -the same raining all the time now. "Dear, I am -finishing my letter at the theatre. - I am afraid they, will close every theatre up before long, as they were all rubbering -around -tonight the detectives. 1 mean. I will be glad when my time la up here, so t will feel free again., so now will Close, witn en my love and klssee to you, my dear. Tour little a-lrL . . ' ALICE." Woman Waa XU-Tempared. Nina Beaaon testified that the letter had been written by the dead woman, who waa known f s Alice Gordon. The witneea said that -Alice .fiordon . waa cross and quarrelsome, but that Blod gett always appeared pleasant and even tempered. The witness eeld that Miss Gordon was quarreling with Blodgett and aatd that any woman who treated a man as Alice Gordon treated Blodgett ahould be shot.. She said that Gordon waa too good a man to be hanged. Peddle Faacquelina, a variety actress, declared that, ahe had seen Alice Gor don drunk the night before the killing. Although railed as a witness fcV the defense. C. Rolllson's testimony ap peared to be more damaging to Blodgett than favorable. , RollUon said that on the night before the woman waa killed he waa acting as a waiter In Blaster's saloon and served drlnka in the cafo. W. A. Storey's Announcement " r:i' ' v " x ViV'.x ( V In presenting myself aa a candidate for the nomination en the Re- -publican ticket to the office of sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon, I do so feeling that I was entitled to thla nomination two years ago, and ' 7 am willing to- submit to the wlshee of the people at the primaries .thlg year who their choice shall be for this Important office. I held" ' the offlce'of sheriff of this county from 1I0J to 1904 and my record -. while in that office la an open-book. I have lived In Portland aim 1(71 and have -always lent my best , effort te the advancement of the city, county and state. . I have always been a friend of labor, having worked as a blacksmith for twenty yeare and thoroughly- underatand . Ing the wants and rights of laboring men. As .an employer I will aak ' anybody that I have employed" as to whether they have received - fair "treatment or not alhiy "handa.. Dn these records I stand with an of- ' flclal policy too well defined to require a-publication at the preaent . "time. If I am nominated I will' do my utmoat to be elected and If I era defeated at the primaries I will certainly support the successful ' Republican nominee.- t ' - He said that he served Blodgelf drtnks that night He aald that - he did not think Ulodgett took more than ' five drinks that evening, and he did not eee him take any of these with the Gordon woman. - -, - ' -. - - ' Keeked Uke BelMaat Vattea. - Jailer Ben B. Branch teatlfled that Blodgett acted like a man suffering wtth delirium tremens for several daya after he waa "brought te thai city Jail. Branch said, that on numerous occasions he administered medicine for the de lirium tremens to the prisoner, but said that he had not been ordered to do so by a physician. . , Yesterday afternoon William Malloy aald that ha. had taken many drinks with Blodgett on different daya ahortly before the killing. He aald that Blod gett always drank a mixture of gin and blackberry brandy and waa very drunk a great deal of the time. On the morn ing of the murder Malloy said that Blodgett took many drinks of the mix ture. .. -. , ' The atate'a last . witness .was Miss Maxwell, who took shorthand notes of Blodgett's atatement of the events that lead up to the crime. - The atatement wae made to Dlstrlot Attorney John Manning at the city Jail in the pres ence of Detectives Vaughn and-Hellyer. In thla declaration - Blodgett aald - that he told Mallory a - few minutes before the killing that he, Blodgett waa going to Alice's room and aaa her to take a drink and If she refused he was going to kill her. On the wit nee a-stand yes terday Mallory denied that - Blodgett ever made auch a statement te him and the prisoner also - declares that he never made a remark of that sort." It is thought that argumet before tne jury win begin tnis aiternoon. LABOR PICO TO till THE IIATJOriAL SENATE Will : Endeavor to Overcome '-'Power That U Unfriendly V to Unionism. "" BOiiT DE fOfllED Crowded M by Babies f ' - - 1 -'.tfaj-. ' ..v'.'. - -fx ana rancv ones r" ":v .. ; . : - - , f . . . We must have our I . " u It Is Time the Truth Wat Known. n, r. raa OAjrozsATa ov on ouova or jiAjrxa. avaxni w. hots xi x-ta oavoedats ot uomi oxxQua ov imi JOHN' H.AITKIN A Merchant of 15 .Years Standlns Is the Logical People's Cand Idate for zh State Treasurer,- (Joerasi- flpeelal Ben Ice.) -r 'Washington. - April -.---Supplementing the campaign te control the house of representatives, organised labor in' eludes in the political program the win nlng eg the. senate. Its aim is ex plained la a atatement being sent -out to tradea union throughout the eoun try by the American Federation of Labor, aa follows: To overcome in the senate the power that . Is opposed to Organised labor's plana-; The plan as outlined la for labor-unions to combine with referen dum leaguea to question candidates and for the establishment of a, national sys tem by which. the voters can Instruct by direct vote, This is ' the . system known ae I the advisory initiative and advisory referendum. Its eatablishcorder, -Halnea; the Irrigator, Irrtgon; ment is to be- by the adoption of rules of procedure in the senate and house and the enactment of statute lawe. The federation plan contemplate that .the Initiative petition for the legislative policy, when signed by 760,000 voters, be received in the aenate and house and a committee .hearing be had, together with a debate and a record vote, where upon the bill exactly as it was' initi ated la to be referred to the voters. accompanied by a competing bill, , If congress so decides. The voters "can take their choice or reject both. EDUCATIONAL MEETING - t HELD ATTHE DALLES naeatea to The leernaL) Or., April if. Profeaaor of (pedal Oil Tne aMuiee, Ackerman, state -superintendent schools, -accompanied . by President Campbell of the Btate university, held an educational -meeting at the Vogt Grand laat night The exercises began 1th a Japanese fan drill, accompanied with song, by a class of little girls of the publio school, followed by exoellent military manevera by a class of little boys, recitations, songs, etc by other members of the school. - Professor Orcutt acted aa chairman and. introduced President Campbell, whose theme waa "The Economic Value of Education." He stated that the emount spent in the education of the man or woman - was returned to the community with Interest by the stlen did work of the educated mecbanio or engineer. rroressor Jvcxerman followed i in an address on the general 11 nee of educa tion. The boy or girl should be riven particular training In the line to which he cr she is adapted. Latin would be useful for the one who has a literary benfr-of-mindr- but notf or the " person who would follow mechanism or com merce, He dwelt with particular em' phasis en the practical aide of educa tlon, adapting the person to the pur suit he la beat fitted to follow. In thla way education would be an adjunct to irooa ana userui citisensnin. Mrs. Lander sang a aolo. The state superintendent i making an annual visit to the publio schools, and Is ac companied by the president of the State university. THIEVES STEAL QUARTER MILLION BARRELS OIL " "f Journal Seeds! Service.) Oalveston, Tex., April 17. One of the most svstematlo oil robberies on record has been discovered In the South Lake and Batson fields. It Is estimated that nearly 160.000 barrele of oil have been atolen. Two pipe llnee were tapped -by thieves and-'the mouths of the falae llnee extetnded to a point on the bayou, where the oil wae run into barrels and shipped to New Orleans. It 1 said five men are Involved in the robbery scheme, which had ex tended over a period of nearly a rear. For several weeks detectives have been working on the case, and It is said two of the men have been located in Ala bama, all having left Texas when the ameers got on tneir track. GEORGE M. SUMMERS' - FUNERAL IS HELD (RtMdat IMpateh te The Joeraai.) Arlington. Or.. April 17. The funeral of the late George M Summers, manager ror tsairour, uutnrie Co. at Douglass. Oregon, was held today at 4 o'clock p. m. under the auspices of Cecil lodge No. 716 and Arlington lodge No. 66. Wood men, of the World It was well attended. He leaves a widow, and one child. He ie IT years of age and a native of Indiana. FEAR FOR SAFETY . ' OF YACHT ANEMONE (Joareal Rpedal -Herrlee.) San Vranclsco, April 17.-Pear la ex pressed for the safety . of the yacht Anemone, bound from New-Tor to San Francisco te participate in the race to Honolulu, Nor word has been received since she passed Magellan several weeka ago. In spite of many queries. She le the only eaatern yacht to participate In the race. John H. Aitkin will be a candidate of the - people and "for ' the people. The stats funds will be depoelted in-the banks throughout the entire state with out fear or favor. 1 Mr. Aitkin waa the first, candidate who' publicly announced that the Inter? eat on the" state funds belong to tht state. He la the only ' candidate for state treasurer"" who tea merchant - having mercantile .interests In' both Baker county and the cltyof . Portland. . .. -Vote for John H. Aitkin and you will know that you assure the administra tion of -the state treasurer's office In a thoroughly honest, business-like way. Ow'lng to hie clean bualneaa. recordr the Republican press of almoat the en ure siate are airongiy advocating but. Aitkin s candidacy, . Among the number are the following: ;. Astorian, Astoria; Labor Press, Port land, Eugene Blatar,- Eugene ! Albany Herald. Albany; the Journal. Salem; the Coaat Mall. Marahfleld; Baker City Her ald, Baker City; the Observer, La Grande, the Tribune, Pendleton;' the Chronicle, The Dalles; the Argus, On tario; the News, Eagle Valley; rttue Mountain Eagle, Canyon'Clty; the Gem, Granite;" the Roview, Prlnevllle; the Journal, Prlnevllle; the Orlanor -Valer' the Gaaette, Vale; the Qasette, Hepp ner: the Times, Heppner; the Chieftain, Enterprise; 4he Oregon Scout, Union; the Republican, Union; the Herald, . Jo seph; the News, "John' Dayrthe Wheat Held, Lexington; the News. North Pow der; the Blue " Mountain . American, Sumpter: the Globe, Condon; the Times. Condon; the Record, Arlington; the Re- tho News, . Burns; the - Searchlight Buma; the News, Wallowa; the Eagle, Milton: the Ranger; Long TCreek; the Criterion, Lebanon; the Umpqua VaHey Mews, Roseburg; the Observer, Grants Paaa: the Glacier. Hood - River; the Itemlser, Dallas;, tne Nonpareil, Drain; the Owl. Oakland; the Sentinel. Cooutlle City; the Bnterprlaa, Myrtle Point; the Dally Newa, Newport;- the Despatch, Dufur; the Independent, Woodburn: the Southern Oregon Independent, Hertford: the Appeal.- Bllverton'; the Republican, Shaniko; the Globe. Gold Beach; the Aurora Borealla, Aurora; the Headlight, Tillamook; - the Observer. Moro: the Recorder. Elgin; the Tlmea. Browns ville;., the - BohomlanJjugget,. Cottage Grove; the Newa,-Glendale. - The people want and will nominate John H. Aitkin for atate treasurer. : SPRING, CATARRH Woodard, Clarke Co. SeU Xyomel Vb " ' as Ouarantee of Core. The changeable weather of anrlna- is directly responsible for ths prevalence of catarrhal troubles in Portland at ths preaent time. " ' Aa a result - Woodard. Clarke A Co. have had a larger aale for Hyomel the past week than ever before In the yeare that they, have handled thla reliable treatment for the cure of catarrh. Unlike the ordinary remedies that have been uaed in catarrhal troublea, there la no stomach dosing with Hyomel. It is breathed through a neat pocket Inhaler that oomea with every outfit. end - its balaamlo, antlaeptlo healing penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose, throat and lungs, killing all catarrhal germs, - healing - the Irritated muooue membrane, and effecting" a com plete and permanent cure. If there is a single catarrhal cerm In the system, Hyomel will search It out and absolutely destroy It, completely eradicating the trouble. The remedy has made so many cures among Wood ard, Clarke A Co.'s customers that they offer-to- pay- for - It themselves If it does not benefit even the worst case of catarrh. The complete outfit costs only II. consisting of an Inhaler, medicine drop per -and bottle of Hyomel. while extra bottles of Hyomel can be obtained for (0 cents. There will not be even thla small expense if Hyomel doss not cure. sa Woodard, Clarke ac Co. will return your money. . .. If Sot eoovenlent in obtain naaal a Woodard, Clarke A On.; or some other dracrlst, it wUl be forwarded from the Uboratorr n Ball oa receipt of price, The B. T. Booth Company. Hromel bide. Ithaca. New York. SENTENCED TO PRISON FOR BEATING OFFICERS (Joeraal Special Servlee.) ' Sacramento, CaL. April 17. Charles Craig was today found guilty cf assault with a deadly weapon on Officer Ryan and sentenced to two year at San Quentln. An appeal waa taken. Crala- and Charles Mark assaulted two police men in a dive last Christmas and beat them with their own clube. Mack la now in prison. ' HUNDRED MILLION LOSS TO LAND By EARTHQUAKE fJoorsal flpeelal ervlee.T ' Rome, April 17. The scientists desig nated to estimate the damage to arable land by the recent .eruption at Vesuviue eay that 6170,000,000 le , a' moderate es timate, i Alabama Physicians Meet. (Jeeraal Special SerTtct.) Birmingham, Ala..-April 17. The State Medical association, of Alabama meets In annual aeaslon here today and about 600 members of the society, representing A BAJTOT OB SUMS. Dr. ; Bergln, Pana, 111., writes! "I sve used Hallsrd's Snow Liniment: alwaya recommended It to mr frlenda. as I am confident- there Is nobetterL who Jive on farme are especially liable to many accidental culs,.buraa bruises, which heel rspldly when Ballard's Snow Liniment is SDDlled. It should alwara be kept in the houee for cases of emerg ency.'1 - I6r, 604 and 61.00 ' Sold b Woodard, Clarke ox Co. . 1 Here are snaps for shrewd piano buyers floor space for new pianos.- We sold over one hundred brand new, highest gride instru ments last week, including Hobart M. Cables, Chickerings, Webers, Schumanns, Pianola Pianos and Orchestrelles, etc. "In some in stances we accepted secondhand instruments, many of which, are practically new, as part payment. They' are taking up valuable floor space, which we need at the present time for new stock. Prices have accordingly been cut way below actual value in order to sell quickly.' . ' ; . t . We can sell you the same make, grade.'and style of piano $50 to $100 cheaper than any other house. - - "XFZ Compare prices below and convince yourself;,' "' ' - v -F- " A Fischer, ebonized case, good condition, only .T. Zi7V. . . 00.00 AjCable not the genuine Hobart M, Cable quartered . "" oak case, only. .... . '.. .. . ... . , 9 05.00 A Kingsbury, fine magohany case, excellent condition, vj only I . v a . ... .-. H25.00 Another Kingsbury, little plainer case; grades newvjonly.MlOOjOO A Singer;pretty Jnahogany caseronly . ,T. i . . -i XA H38.00 AWellington, oak case, cannot be told from new, only .$ 136.00 A Wing & Son, CirciStafi walnut case, firte condition, , only j..!.-. . ...... ... . .8142.00 A Hamilton, walnut case, only been used one month, only- 8145.00 Another Hamilton, case slightly marred, only, .SJ117.00 A Franklin,' pretty mahogany case, elaborately carved,. only . . f ...... ;;7vr;77Z77;77:7.Z, v..?i.uo A Brinkerhoff, mahogany case, excellent condition, only.. 8175.00 An Everett, pretty Circassian walnut, perfect condition, :. only . . ... , ...... r'. ....... . . .8205.00 A Packard, largest size, most elaborate burl walnut case,- only ... .... .... . .V. ......... 8210.00 Another Packard,-pretry mahpgany case, only.. . . 8186.00 A Marshall & Wendell, fanciest walnut case-xehanged- z for Pianola Piano only . . ,r ,8225.00 A Kroeger & Sons'oeautiful San Domingo mahogany 'case, perfect condition, only. . M ... .............. . .8220.00 A Vose, largest and most costly style only played for .ten hours 6nly - ... .-...... . , . rw. .8240.00 "Many other bargains too numerous to mention. Payments as small as $10.00, $8.00 or even $5.00 will put one of these great bar gains inyour home.Ve must get; them cleared lff the floor to makej room for. new . stOckT"? Piano? will be- held . for .twenty-four hours on telephone order, - Mail orders will also receive prompt and- immediate attention. Now is your chance. Act quick. - Demonstration Salc-r-New Pianos If "you have a credit certificate "for $55 or $fi0or $70 or even $100, it is worth its face value at Eilers Piano House toward pay ment of a new piano. . ' . - Remember; positively no advance in prices to take care of credit certificates. ; - - . .T'-- ' "v..-. - v. Here only are -found the time-honored Chickering,'. oldest in America' and best in " the world ; the world-famous Weber, the fspular Kimballr Hobart M, Cable, Schumann, Hazeltonr Steck, ease, Bush & Gertz and over thirty other standard makes. . Bring in your credit certificate today. New pianos that have heretofore retailed for : $275 now2S175, aT 85per month, The regular $375 'styles how. 8265, at 86 a month. The elaborate cased, beautiful $475 styles now 8322, at 87 a month. ' The fanciest regular $485 .styles now $335,. at $8 a month. The strictly-"highest grade and costly $650 style now 8485, at 812 a month. - - . - ' :-' , ' Eilers Piano House Largest and Most Responsible Piano and Organ Dealers Phone Exchange 23 381 WASHINGTON STREET fit's to Your Interest To see us before selecting your Spring and Summer Outfit. We do not Urge you to buy, but request you to - look - through our immense -Tines" of SUITS," TOP COATS, TWO-PIECE SUITS, TROUS ERS, VESTS, HATS and SHOES. These is that SOMETHING about these garments that at once proves their superiority to the average kind and cost no more. Besides,.- you can pay for your outfit at the easy rate of $1.00 a Week' EASTERN OUTFITTING CO l?gg.aiT-rassl WASHINGTON AND TENTH every district In the state, are In attend ance. The local members have made unusually s"ret ffortr to entertain the vlsttlng members and have arranged a fine program. "Amoner the entertainment features will be a big barbecue, and aa afternoon performence at the Casino. preferred, Btoclt Ceased Goods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. ' ' 11 Mississippi atedieoe M ee. : (Jperaal Special Serrlee.y Jackson, Miss., April IT. Prominent physicians and surgeons are gathering In Jackson in considerable numbers for the annual meeting of the Mississippi Btate Medical society. The convention will be In session during the next three daya Quarantine matters will occupy a prominent place In the discussions. fro pTll Is as pleasant and positive as DeWlti's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladles end weak people enjoy their, cleansing ef fect, while strong people, say they are the beet uvtr plus sold, never gripe. SPOKANE MEET CALLED OFF WITH MULTNOMAH ('pedal Ttspetca te The Jooro.L) -Spokane. Waah.. April . 17. Manager Ed Qulnn of the Spokane Athletlo club today announced- that the data for the meeting with Multnomah. May 4. had been called off. ae the Portlandera held off too long before accrptlner the data enT lerrtoo little time to advertise the affair. The club will try to arrange a triangular boxing and- wrestling- tourna ment In June oa the date ths- JP. N. A. meet Is held. , - ( , . . SHERIFF LOGAN'S SLAYER IS UNDENIABLY INSANE ' " IJoersar Special Service.) Manhattan. Ne , April It. Walter Berleau. slayer of Sheriff Tom Imogen, Is undeniably Insane. He Imagines that Insects are crawling over his body end Is violent at tlmea. He knocked, hla head I 'it r t Itrg antll intt t this i . , V.' t i 7 ft. A. MATTniCU Oaadtdate for tae Bepublleeji aromiaaa voa er S. A. Mathhieu. who Is familiarly known to the business - world ss At Matthieu, was born 1 near- the - ntstoTte town of Champoeg. the eon of K. X. Matthieu, whose name la emblasoated upon the banner of Immortals as one of those patriots who more than J years ago saved to the United Btatee the Ore. gon country.-. -r.-r , r . . A B VI . tt.l.n Itaa Ium a.a.aa4 In the various branches of the drug busl ness in the city for the lest 21 years. and is now conducting the drug store of the Wstte-Matthleu Drug company, situated on the corner of WUllacna ave nue ana Kusseii street. , If nominated and elected, he will en deavor ' to guard the Interests of tbe state of Oregon with the earns aeal that has characterised him in ell hie busi ness undertakings, as one ot tlia. sub stantial men of our city. Mr. Matthieu la pledged to statement. we. ana wilt stancr oy it wunoui rear or favor. Gun' SiSi Checks Pun Club Checktarprob.l ably the w most refined and tasty patterns of any -of - the season's new fabrics foe men. T W"- havefTttiemlnT threa'' 'shades of gray. " 'F Gun Club : Checks - to your measure $25, $28 and $32. These patterns arc all close-. ly woven, hold their shape and take a prominent, endur ing trouser crease. . Nothing finer for a general utility suit for summer. You can't buy a mora natty or mora stylish fabric ; at any price. They do not show dust easily. The pressing iron will ' make a new suit for you out of them even after a sever outing In the mountains or at the seaside. :.:.--- Just the suit for the man who wishes to appear well and at the same time Is one whom we call hard on his dothea. ' To your measure $25, $28 . and $32. ' ELKS' BUILDING ScvqiUi tad SUrk Sb. Btatemaat Bfo. I eafraaebisee the people, ear be the tresis end throtUee the grafters. Zaveatlgatloa ef eppe aeat's veeatloa will gwestally shew teaaoa for his oppostttoa. - JOsTATMAJI BOVBsTJI nk" Trad to Subdivie2 Near Rim Francisco. At least : S1C3,C:3 Prc:i en lat,0Be cssh Invaetment. Adtolntef tracts selling rapidly. Writs fur rr-ticutare.