The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 17, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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; Tomoirrg Ajrcsr.itr.atTS. ''
HalHe:.. Create Clarke U "MmwIot Borlr"
Dakar. -....n.. .Musical Barleeqne
taiplra , "aaeanke"
I.Trlr ,.....".4 Wife's Aunt"
Araad ......................... . Vaelrllla
Star .. .Vaudeville
' At a meeting of ' th Portland Ad
man' league laat evening at tha Mult-
. nomeh club tender of tha chamber of
coromaroa aa a naatlni plaeo waa ao-
. cepted and a resolution of thanka to
tha' Multnomah club for Ita hospitality
waa adopted. ;Tha made-ln-Oregon com
mittee of tha league will maat thla
. venlng In tha chamber. Commlttaaa
reported that upword of 11,009 had baon
aubacrlbed for tha mada In Oregon e
position. Speeches war mada by W.
P. Olds, H. C. Whlttier. 8. H. Fried
lender, Tom Rlchardaon, E. I' Thomp
son, ft. M. Hall. C A, Footer and B. K
Van Voorhela, ... ...... ;. i-S.;.:
At a hearing bafora Frank 8. Vaughn,
special commlaaloner In caaea Involving
' rights of way sought by- rival railroad
companlaa on tha north bank of tha
Columbia rtvar, afforta yeaterday to
compel E. ' M- " Rands, right-of-wsy
'ent. for tha Columbia Valley road, to
state tha nam a of that line'B financial
backere again failed. Tha wltneeetook
tha atand and aid' ho did not know who
tha backera of tha road were, i-nor
whether thejr had money or aaaets. He
aid all he knew wa that the finan
cial support for carrying on hla work
came from Frealdent L. Oerlinger.
.K rira deatroyed a raaldanca at tha eor-.
liar of East Twelfth and Falling atraeU
- early- yesterday morning. " Two dogs
were burned to death and property val
ued at about 11.100 waa destroyed. The
' house' was occupied by two brother
named Weeks. They were away from
! homa when tha flames started In tha
- rear of the house. Neighbor beard the
- ' yelping of tha doga, but ware unable to
rescue them. About 1100 insure noa
t .- -- waa carried on , tha place. The home
i of J. H. Johnaon at East Belmont and
Fty-lxth-tret waa slightly damaged
j : ' ' by fir Bunday. ' ;.;"
. -. The seventh lecture In tha Sail wood
i library lecture course will be given by
Id. H. Wella tbla evening at o'clock
1 in the auditorium of tha Sellwood' pub
I llo. school. Hla theme is "The Caves
of Washington." The lecture la free
' " . and all are Invtted. Special music will
--r be given under tha direction of Mr.
; 8, U. Will. . .'........,
- The Central W. C. T. U. will hold Ita
regular meeting- tomorrow afternoon at
1:10 -.'clock in Ha rooms Hi the- Oood-
- nough building. Mrs, Edith Whttealdes,
''tha county president, will have charge.
. .; Mrs. Mortaler of Massachusetts, an old
: W. CT. V. worker, will speak. Light
refreshments will be served. . The meet-1
ng Is public. ::..r.ji,.'.V.-7.'
, . Mineral Spring Hotel company, las
r aeee. Amos D. St Martin hot springs.
- Carson, -Waehtngton. 1 without doubt
' tha beat health resort In tha northwest
rr Hot mineral baths for cure of rheuma
. tlsm. stomach, liver and kldner trou
bles. Excellent table, alectiio lights and
.steam . heat;.. Una . trout, nshing... Take
-w steamer 8rencer or Regulator boats.
Vote. Worktngman's friend Davis.
Vote ft. Oppose corporate greed. Da-
wis. - ---'-'
-. . vot M.T'Kcohomyr'Iower-lax. Davla
- Vole (A. Our Intereats mutual. Davis,
' ' Vote (g. Anti-graft, no boss. Davla.
- IL C.' King, justice of the peace, west
--side;- Beat fitted. mOat deserved," under
ino obligations and no third -term. ;
. Wm. J. Clarke, who aspires to state
printer, has -had SO' years' 'experience
and knows how to print, and will run
the office In an economical and bual
- ness-like manner. 7
. JlVBlalrr for many years represen.
tatlve of tha Illlnoia Central and South
;erft Paciflo at-8acramento,has grown
. old In. the service and haa been given
'an easier poaltlon aa assistant to Qen-
oral-Agent Harry Stearns at San Joae.
. For the laat 10 years he has looked after
- the business of these companies in Port
.; land territory and Is one of the beat
A" new lot has "just arrived
. : ':: . .' priced.;'. 1
"Not the Common Kind"
Hewett, Bradley & Co.
Haberdashers 344 Washington St.
All work fully ruaranteed.
. . All operations performed by the
-We are prepared to give you
the finest of dental work at the
following pnees, and we will re
. y fund your money if your work is
not satisfactory: . , ' ; . -
1 Solid Gold Crowns ....... $4.00
- Bridge Workr;7r,i . ...3.00
Full Set Teeth. . . . . . . . .$5.00
, These prices are good until
'April 20 only. Call at once for
free examination. '
loom S, a, T,
S, flraad Thea
tre Sldf. :
Oyyoait ann flat mmm.
Telephone . flL J
Other Reasons Why Charles A .A.
r J ' Johns Will be. Nominated
r for Governor.
Ha haa been tried and found true. With Hons. U. W. Scott, Wm.
Xadd and Wm. Colvtg and President P. I Campbell, and under the Daly
law, ha waa appointed a member of tha State School Board Text Com
mission. -1 - i, -.-.. ..... , ,.
. It was this commission, aetlng nnder this law. that drove the Ameri-
can Book Company, and Ita then motorioua management, out of business
iri tha Btate Pt Oregon. -The methods of that company under Ita then
management are well kaown to the people tt this state.
. - This commission, appointed by Governor . 0er and ftere7ari7,re-
appointed by Governor Chamberlain, waa equal to the occasion and gave
tha people a aqua re deal. Johns la a man of conviction and executive
ability, would be a valuable member of the State Land Board and can
always be relied upon to protect the Interests of the people.
known of the traveling freight and pas
senger agents on this eoaat. He will
be succeeded at Sacramento by W. B.
Hlnchman, local commercial agent at
Ban Francisco. . r '""," T;1"...;'.;. '" :Z.
Butser's ' lawn fertiliser rejuvenates
the ' shabby-lawn;-hi sweet- pea and
lawn grass got gold medal at the fair.
Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor.
' Watches, diamonds snd Jewelry on
easy payments. l down and St centa per.
week. ..All mainsprings tl; all watches
cleaned II, Hatsgar eV Sixth at
' W are still selling ey glasses at 1,
a perfect- fit guaranteed or- money" re
funded, kletsger Co., Ill Sixth street
I want-from -Id to 10 acre sulubl
for manufacturing parposes, with river
or railroad facilities. - R. I Cate.,
Beck, the Jeweler. tOT Morrlaon street,
can show you bargains prior to moving
to pew quarters. Come la and see.
I "Tjavecalla f or good" bueineaa-and
residences properties List "your bar
gains with ma. H U Cata.
1 King up new number, Main Ctl. ZIrn
gelbel sign painter," removed- to 109
Waehtngton street. - -r. ;-'-fr
John H. Altken Is the logical candl
date for state treasurer, "Vote for him
at the primaries. - j-z . ., v
.-Acme Oil Co. sells the bast safety coal
oil and tin gaeollnes. Phone Eaat Til,
Photograph taken dally by Aune, cor,
Wash.-and W7 Park, bet 8:10 and t:20.
Wm. J. Clarke I Marion county only
candidate foitat- printer.
'Dr. B. C Brown, Eye-Ear. tMarquam-
r T Office of Coroner.
Over tha algnature of Edward Holman
there appeared In the Oregonlan of April
If a series of statements false In con
ception and falae In fact. Previous to
my Incumbency- a Coroner., the . office
was at Holman'a undertaking eatabllah
ment. My predecessor waa a doctor. It
cost Multnomah County- M.O&t per-yaer
to run the office. - Under my administra
tion It cost 11,111 per year, arsaving of
II. 141 a year under my management.
The Coroner has not collected one cent
from th County for removing bodies to
the morgue, the undertaker performing
tnis necessary service-naa oeen paio,
The Work of the Coroner office has
Increased during my Incumbency over to
per cent, and the cost haa been reduced
over 10 per cent, a saving to the lax-
payer or many thousands' or dollars,
Whan elected I promlaed economy, and
tha records of .the county ahow whether
I kept my word good. For yeara before
my term of office Edward Holman con
trolled the Coroner's office and the re
sultant buelness. Ha does not control
now. not can h while I am Coroner,
hence his almost superhuman efforts to
encompass my defeat. Tha votes accord'
ad me In tha paat taatlfy aa to my hon
esty and competency.
' - ' , Candidate for Coroner.
The committee appointed to select
a suitable site for the proposed perma
nent Industrial Fair building will meet
this afternoon and take up the matter
for conaideratlon and action. Members
of the committee have already looked
over -varloua proposed sites and this
afternoon will probably examine soma
of these and others.
The site most favored ta that located
In the City park. If the ground can be
secured. When the Idea of a permanent
exhibition building waa flrat advanced
It was the opinion of the promoter
that the site should be In the park.
-., j :
Renomination Assured.
Carl A. Brande haa mada an enviable
record aa County Auditor and upon the
ground of hla paat service asks raoomi.
nation. Ha has, shown exceptional
ability la his past service and honesty.
effloteney-and economy have marked irla
term or ornce. The aupport of tha Re
publicans is expected and every indica
tion points to hi continuance In the
office of County Auditor.
Voteri Uphold Judges.
The effort to' displace Judaea Rears
and George should meet with no favor
at the hand of the votere. Thaae men
have given up their practice and are
devoting themaalve to the work of tha
public.- Encourage them. a
, Mi'waukje Country Cfub.
Los Angela and Oekland races. Take
Sellwood and Oregon City ear at First
and Aldet J
Theatre Crowded Last Night and
' Many Tickets Are Sold
. . Twice." ' -
Tha firemen's fund will be enriched
by from S00 to $1,000 by the benefit
given laat night at the Heillg theatre,
when Creaton Clark appeared for that
purpose- in - Booth-Tarkington - "Mon
sieur Beaucalre" at tha aollcltatlon of
Calvin Heillg. The ' benefit perform
ance waa in every way a success. The
house waa filled and never waa C res
ton - Clark aeen ' to' better advantage
Many floral pieces -were presented. -
The f remen'a pero.nt.ffe tor th. per
formance laat night waa 1581.25. In
addition to this many tickets were sold
twice by the firemen and numbers of
those purchasing tickets did not appear
to claim a seat. In which event the en
tire - price of the ticket goes to the
fund. ,8om of the. ticket will be pre
sented today, however, for the perform
ance tonight, and these will be honored
by. the theatre. Ticket amounting to
11.111. t were aold by the-firemen and
police. There la also a peroentage to go
to the fund from the eouvenlr program,
and thla. will bring the total amount of
the benefit near the 11,000 mark.
. Chief Campbell waa present at tha
performance and afterward expreaaed
hla gratitude to Mr. Heillg and the man
ager of the Creaton Clark company. -"TnrrHt6convf
on behalf "of tha
fire ' department our alncere thanka to
Mr. Heillg, Creaton Clark and tha mem
bers of hi capable company In thus so
splendidly assisting the relief fund for
sick and Incapacitated firemen and po
lice. We also wish to thank every one
who aaalated the cause by purchaalng
tickets and giving cash donatlone."
The thanks of the firemen and police
were-eJso conveyed to the Musicians'
Mutual association for their klndnea in
allowing 60 musicians to appear on tha
streets at noon yesterday in parade.
The firemen detailed to act aa hon
orary ushers at the benefit perform- i
ance were .Captain .llanaen..englne
Lieutenant Jay W. 8tevenS trucltli.
T T n GEr-u-n- .n.ln. a. I
Lieutenant ' Woods, truck 4; Plpeman
D.-flhay,-engrnr ; Chief of Poltcir1
Gritsmacher detailed Patrolmen . B. F.
Smith and E. Thorpe on behalf of th
police department.
While selling tickets for tha benefit
the firemen, received many caah dona
tions, the aum total of evhlch will be
made publlo- at an - early data. Chief
Campbell this morning received a check
for $20 fronvA. BrStelnbach Co.
MajSr John Pitcher, commandant at
Port Yellowstone, In th Tellowstan
National park,. Is In Ibe . city,- accom
panied by hi wife, daughter and Mis
Alice Stewart. They arrived from
southern California laat night, after
having spent several week sightseeing
in- the . California, etmn try. .They are
now on their way back to the fort to
be there when the season for summer
travel open. ... JZ ;
"Bverything Is frosen up In the park
now," said Major Pitcher, "and I uau
ally get out for A trip: around th coun
try about thla season. W have had a
most pleaaant visit In California, and
while there I ran over and visited th
Grand canyon of the Colorado so that
I might compare It with the Grand can-
yon of the Yellowatone. Th former la,
or courec on a granoer acaie. out l do
not believe it is aa beautiful a our
canyon 1 color ffecta."
. Major Pitcher atatea that last Ma
son there were more than 14,900 per
son in th park. This, he states. Is
more than twice (he largest number
ever seen there before In a season. "I
believe there will be almost If not quite I
as large a crowd thla season, both In
tha park and . on the Pacific coast.
Every-lhdleailoif - In th. - east Is -that
trafflo toward the coast will be luat
aa great aa, It was lsst year. - The peo
pie want to see this country, and the
rate that have been offered will bring
them out" -.
3. T. Tan Orsdall and wife of Pen
dleton are registered at th Imperial.
Mr. Mary Scott Myer of Th Dalles.
W. J. Patterson of Baker City and X
M. Hempahsll and wife of Pilot Rock
are staying at th Imperial.
Judge Stetphen A. 1owell of 'Pendle
ton, candidate for th Republican noml-
aatlon for United State enator, ar-
Trunks and Traveling Bags Largest and Eet Stock oa the Coast Th'rd Floor
demonstration of Asbestos Iron In the Casement New Models All sixes '
Tllae Meier W Wauh,MofQ
Great Silk Bargains
1,000 yards of "Rubalyaf Ponge Silks, similar In
weave to tha celebrated "Rajah" Sllka very de-a
slrable for walats and shirtwaist suits sll the
leading shades- regular-11.00 value,- on
sale at this lo w prlce.yard .........
SiOOO yards of Dresden Crepe d Chine; beautiful;
styles for evening and warm weather gowns; all '
' - the new colors snd designs; the regular ., ja
$1.25 quality on sale today at, yard ....... f .VOC :
gl Suiting Silks, T3c Yd
1 - .
W0fytr&i6i "the sesSonrsestTty'le Suiting SUks,
y In stripes, checks and - figures; all the new pat
terns and colorings, in Immense assortment; alias
selling regularly at 11.00 the yard; your' ft
choice at this low price, pet yard ,. . , . JC
LI00 yards of fins quality moire silks In black and
, tha leading colors handsome as well as service- "
able,. for walats and shirtwaist suits;... ,. .
Li..f.i.?A S.uLLV7jJ..-J!-Jrr4 . Mi ttiiMimT'C,
4,000 yard of goad quality taffeta Silks. In black
and colors, complete line of new ahades the grade
...of taffetar-atlk moat stores aak Sao and '
-fl.00 a yard for; .our special price. .rri-.vC
20 beautiful "Peninsular" Steel Ranges; construction tha same aa th above-model; all th
' newest and beat Improvements; nickel trimming; every one fully guaranteed for 10 years;
great special value thla week 'at this low price ,
Tenlnsular Wood Cook Stove, with ll-ineh square oven, steel oven-rackr Just the style for
country and beach homea; every ana guaranteed aatisfactory; great special value this week
at thla unusually low price . . . ,
Gas Stoves and Ranges in all
Basement. ir: -.r- -.- - . -. :
$30.00 "Ostcrmoor" Mattresses, $ 1 8.50
Oraat Speelal Sale of "Oatermoor" Mattresses for One week 100 of them of extra thtaknesa and extra weight
and exceptional softness. - French edge, the highest-grade coverings. These mattresses are the very aoftest
mada and are In every way fully aa desirable and as great. If not greater, bargains than the apeclal Valuea
-.offered some time ago. The Mattresses are full double-bed sise, 4 feet S Inches wide, feet 4 Inches long.
In two parts, with round 'corners, 1-Inch In-seamed borders and French-rolled edges. The filling is selected
"Ostermoor" sheets, all hand laid
fully SO pounds; coverings the
low price
A soda cracker should be thd most nutri
tious and wholesome of all foods made '
from wheat ; - f-?
But ordinary, soda crackers absorb moist- -
ure, collect dust and become stale and
soggy long before they reach your table.
There is however, one - - j"";
soda cracker at once so pure," so clean, so
crisp and nourishing that it stands alone
in its supreme excellence the name is
Uneeda Biscuit
US l
rived In th city .this morning and
opened political headquarter at th Im
perial. He will remain In th city th
greater part of the week.
Adam- U Wallace of Shanlko la at
the Perk In meeting buslneaa acquaint
ance. Shanlko, he ays, 1 enjoying
an era of prosperity.
The Original Laxative Cough Syrup
la Kennedy's- Laaatlv Honey and Tar.
It expel all cold from th system by
acting , as a cathartla on the bowels.
Kennedy' Laxatlv Hon.v and .Tar la
a eertaln. aaf and harmleaa ear for
colds, croup and whoopicg ceugtw v
Portland's heading
OJIer exceptional value in Women's
'' "Half or tight-fitting jacket styles in
gray, nary, black and fancy mixtures; collar and cuffs of broadcloth
with gimp or ' button trimming; circular skirts; all sizes- suits are
handsomely tailored throughout and a style and quality garment
other stores sk $35.00 for; your choice fork' s - ,; ,. , ' 1 IS
per suit.
$9,00 Covert Jackets at S4.03"
Great special offering of Women's Tan Covert Jackets; made with velvet
trimming on collar and cdffs; others fancy stitched; fly front, oatirf
lined throughout; neat jaunty garments of the best style -4. fl
and perfect fitting; yegulars$9.00 values at this low price... ve
tj 1 1 .00 Shirtwaist Suits, 55.85
Special. Jottof women's white linen Shirtwaist Suits; collar, cuffs and
front trimmed . with embroidery, and rench "knots"; skirt trimmed
to match the waist;; all - this season's very best styles, selling
'regularly at $11.00 each; your choice at this t? fte
unusually low price . . j. ........... . j ......... . .'..'. . . . k paf Uaf
Crear bargains in Cotton Waists at.. .'..T9) f 1.68, f 1.18, 94
Special value in Linen Waists at, each... ............. J......f3-aS
yards long; all
aale at thla lew
. sockets; great value at thl low price
. Take advanta.
"of -rcmnsuiar
Two of the beet model of "Veaiasalaf Meel
. greatly - redno.d - prices -
range or partie fnrmlshiag up sTaew home will do well to lsvee
ejgate the aaarita of taia apleadld offering Besemaat.
25 "Penlnsulsr" plsnlshed Steel Range, asbestos lined; boiler head
. rlvele every tw tnchea, making It -one of the- etroageat and moat
durable range lt'a posaibla to construct; triple. flue bottom; large
firebox for coal or wood; ventilated oven; SO per cent more heat-
-- .lag capacity than any other
. value at thl unusually low
price . .
the new models All slsaa and grades,!
; ..:. ....-..:'. rz
and cloaed within ticking entirely by
vary beat; regular 110.00 valuea at this
Positive -
dust tiiht.
proof package
R. R. Hoge, president of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce, haa re
turned from a trip to California and
tha -east. ' - t :
W. H. Fullwood, - agent for Blanch.
Walsh, who will appear In Portland
soon In Clyde 'Kltoh'a "The Woman In
the Case,'' reached the city today and
Is registered at tha) Oregon.
Henry P. Allison or Baker City, who
la a guest at the Perkins, ssy eastern
Oregon Is prosperous and the popula
tion growing.
Judge I- B. Steams, owner of the
Stearns bsltdin at Sixth and Morrison
streets, and formerly circuit Judj i.
Cloak Store
Tailored Suit at $21.43 each.
homespuns,-serges, tweeds, in
- April Curtain Sale
400 pairs of ' cross-strip ' Madraa ' Curtains light
rounds, with colored strlpea; 40 Inches wide,
the beat values, on
-prieer pair i . irrmrm-irt
100 pairs of white Nottingham-Xace Curtain, in a
large variety of new designs, 10, 14. .10 Inches
wide. I jrarda long; regular f 1.21 values,- . n.
- m sale at thla low price .....w.. ....... ..OarC
400 pairs of Cable Net Curtains. with Cluny or
Renaissance effect, inserting -and edge: S yards
: long, SO Inches wide; the beat SI.2S valuea, on sale
at- this low price. . . . my o
-"per pair '. '.". ... . ..v. VMfIO
400 pairs of Arabian colored Lac Curtalna, In cable
- nets, Nottlnghams. nets, corded and atalned-glasa
effect; handsome styles In great variety, mq
11.00 to values at. pair a7a7
Whit or Arabian color Renaissance snd Cluny Cur
tains, made In the beat French neta. (0-inch by I
Tarda long. 11.80 value, at this low ' ga gf
price, pair t ..................... aPafeOy
Special lot of new heavy mercerised portieres, In all
the best colors; silk cord front and bottom; hand-
some aty las ; regular $ 1 1. SO valuea, on - ar B Ofl
aale at thl Jow price, per' pair. . i . . . " 90tOTf
Special lot of Curtain Pole. S to S feet long. J to
. lH-lnch. oak or cherry; fixture for end' or
These polea will be sold In the length thay com
not cut Jo speclalslse8 Third Floor.
to e sold at
aiaaefisr '-
make; great special
and our prices always the lowest
hand, sewing;, weight
no matter how severe sre re
lieved almost instantly by the
prompt application of .Pond's
Extract. Cover the parti affect
ed with piece of toft linen
saturated with Pond's Extract.
It will soothe - the pain, cool
the skin, relieve the , swelling
and hasten the growth of new
kinat will nothing else. " f.
--- - . , , . -, :.v-; r
Wittk ffattl u ntt tkt immi thing.
Om anmlyiu itvtmtf $mmfU$
Witch Hiliftrt4 tu "lit tmm
thing" fifiyHb notrt thtvm U
rsi a mlcthtttr HrmmMmhftlm
tr Avid dmngtr f finning
hj wtstf ; .
FRENCH Tansy WafersOrigi
nal and only genuine Put ap la
yellow wrapper and "Crowa"
trademark, iper aale by the
Portland, who haa resided In California
for some time. Is visiting in the eltv.
R. F. Dickinson of the I'nlted State
coast aurvey la In thO city for a day
or two with hla wife. Mr. and Mrs.
Dickinson ar at the Portland hotel."
A leky weaTsaistree
la Mra. Alexander of Carv, Maine, whb
ha found Dr. King New Life Pill to
ne th heat remedy aha ever trle! for
enlpe: ihe Htemarh, Liver and Fnweia
ll ferret order. You'll S area wUh her
If you try t--e palnlaas f.nrlf'ara tiit
I " few 1 a. Oii' "tmwi l'V B i.
a A C ( .. j. I t: A
seats selle::
TOaioaaow rvx. avo SAnraDAT r:
Dlrertla. . -"
" ' rklCCS: ' '" -''..,"'
SS.0O, SI SO.' SXWI. SI S Oalkny. aaeaasrva.'
. S100. Donra sees T.Srt a.
Washtaftea ' llatal.'
. Last PerfarmaiM. Taalrkt, Silk.
oaesroM CLAkkk - .
" )a ll Inmrtl Krama. '
"BEAOCAlBt." -.'
-Laet althfa aauaed beoem tickets will be
bonnrad trol-b.
PRICSa Lower floor. rat rewa, St. SO;
aaleoc lower finer, 1 00. galronr. flrat T
raws. T5; laat 7 mn, SOa. Rsilra sallery, JV."
Empire Theatre,
Ufa aad ttarvlses, -
rkoas Mala UT.
Mlltea W. jMUir Kaaager. '. ' . -''
Tnatekt All Week Watl nee Hatarday. i
Ul-kai'., Saaattfal- lay-ef U -vtogtakv-
Wttk lae atarrls aad a Oraat Gaai
All ' scaaary esrrlee Aa - tatareatlag
thrilling prerfajetlea HstlsM stnraay.
aad SO..V
rail La leaning, lae, jw. ,
Malloea. 10c, I5e ana aoC -aTeai
Attimatlaa "A Tasreacksrsd Traaip.'
Tsabllt aad Third sts. '. Pbeee Mais ISOT.
,. Tke Hesse af Masisal Saalaaaaa.
VOTE Bargala-Day Matinee Wadaeseay, SB
te .nr seat.
AU Til Weak Tke Ose Tk. Oaly Berleaene
Coaiaany, . ., -
: " The Mtrry MWess -
Freeeatlng Bcraanlnf rar're la Tkrea Aet
: Satardar- Ma Mara tfaM-TtmBBfeV-.lSev
IBe. 3e ssd 60c. v. Mint prices, 2c, SSe, SO
aad Tar.
Vast Week "Tie Haw Oaatary airla.".
Xvery AfUraaes aad Zveatag TartUad
Faoular Btaek Bnaa.
---i-.r ,' lataaila rare Oasiady "-Tr "
m mtvh AUNT"
Xa Tear Aets taagh rraaa Stark a llalaaw
roiTisi;ofS PERroBMANCB."
Waah-af AyrU 1.
"Painty" rieraaae
aad Charles Ore
saa, Maaioal Oil
edy Stan. rrr-j
Vast Weak:
Tv Valaaa Pawaa.
. PRICKS- rJTaa In
Spacial Aa4a4 faatuia
Seatfrew Si aaaaa.
Mr. aad Mrs. Mead
M. Wemts.
Crenah Bioharaa..:!
Haj14 KaftV
i and. Biisdara. l.V. We
ana boie. 3oc.
iatlneea,' ISa te say east
Waak af AyrU IS.
'The Two Kagllsh .
-;rka :
fielas A
Tka Oraat Tariay.
Berkley ) Ssastaa.
JaaM Burke, ;
- gtarssaap a. . ...
: "Moat. Osa
ams." lOe te- sey seat aev
To Assure Prompt and
Careful Attention . ,
-" OAXTa ' '
Phone Paciflo ..;-
Prices for the Next 30 Days
; '' - . ' Per Load.
Oreen Slab Wood..........
Dry Slab .Wood ,
Inalde Slab Wood
Mixed Blab Wood
o Portland
Bverything t eat aad drink, aad
It costs no more In the ,, ,
Fortlani Hot! Rathknr
than elsewhere In the city. - Every
weekday night from :! to 11 -
X. O. BOWxms, at a a ages.
Hotel Eaton
7 " NEW '
naailaamlf faralaked. alesantly eealfiped,
Srepmof. Sre BUsatae' walk rrsai baart l
aknppla snd kaalata atatrlrt, all lar,
alrr, .utaMe roome, steaai baata4, alaeirw
Hskts, telephone tn eack apartsient. ate.
Larse elAcaa. kmBflns. aamklnf, wrltla.
ladies' reeeptlon uarlurs. Rouma raaerratf
hr aaail oe telepbaae.
rrlvete eaaalWe siasts tiaiaa aad steaai sia,
Room$ fl.OO to fS.OO m Day
gyeeial Bate t Caaiaieraiai Btaa.
ktaS. MAS XAT0S7,
(far atari af Ratal Rldpatk. Spekaae.)
TBS) sts.WW T a-aia.
w . .
TamaK SsWaa at Oaeet aa
TWMx avfrieaa ara aara aw
nSH I i' "
tatoiia. a-e"ae I - I
... .a U.r In V
t.. l-nrtlaea. Or,i; aa r 4 '
Tarn at te., 44 m atM N. .
a - - ' I 4 -
' tVn' 1 a a t
r f "T a' r t
e . I a r
friiliipD ww.
-'---'' .. "OarBar irxxx. ;