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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
Tin: crjiGON : daily jouxuiaz; foiitlanxv ' Tuesday evening. April 17. iscj. I rr "pou timid imiis, THAT'S ALL" George Ted Scores This City v . for Losing Rich Alaska. , . Trade. SEATTLE WORKS HARD - VyHIL WE ONLY WAIT Sound Business Men Spend Tens of Thousands to Secure' Entire North , Trade and Are Rapidly Getting It ; ' ail" ; ! ' . 'TTalk without action never did ac complish anything. If the people of -Portland do not atop talking" and do something- this city never will set any of - the commercial trade ' of ' Alaska. ."While we alt around discussing what might be done, afraid to venture a dol lar unless we .have an absolute aruer .. antee that It and more wlU be returned. ' Seattle la putting- more ships on the Alaska run. Improving the service al ready established and completely . con T rallng the entire business- of the .far - north. - The people of Portland have got to awaken to the fact that It takes ac - tlon, not words, to get business;-and the ' . sooner they realise this fact and act upon H the better it. will be for the , pity." . Oeorge Teal, who has Just returned from a trip to Seattle, where he. took occasion to make investigations rela-r-- ' "t'v to the Alaska . trade, makes the . above statement. He declares that the business men of Portland are standing In their own way and cutting themselves DUi.-of -their- legitimate share of a great . business simply because they are lack ""'" Ing in initiative, lacking in the proper sort of business enterprise . and are - afraid to take a risk. i " Trosk Often Unpleasant. i Thls may seem a harsh criticism and I may be called to task for making It -': about my own home people. Neverthe less I am but; telling the facts and even . though the truth may be unpleasant if It be known and thoroughly appreciated - erhaps conditions may change. . "There la . business in - Alaska just - r waiting for our merchants to sand ships after it. But we sit here and ask, ""How . much " will you guarantee us r , They are not going to guarantee us a pound. They never will if we alt asking : them that -question, forever. But if we . ' will only get up nerve enough to take a leailimat business chance and put -a . .)lne of steamers into service we will get the bualness, and plenty of It We have - got to go after the business, and go . utter it hard, not sit and wait for It to oome to us." - . - Mr. ' Teal states that while Portland has been talk. .talk, talking about es tablishlng a line of steamers between this port and Alaska points, Seattle peo- i pla have sent to the Atlantio eoast and i. secured llva additional - vessels, - which a are now on their way around the horn to go into' service between Seattle and Jfome and V sides. . The owners of each line operating out of Seattle .harbor to the north Is Improving his fleet and In creasing his capacity. They are out to oorral the entire Alaska trade and they are doing It They , have never, asked the Alaska business man 'how much they would guarantee' In - the Una of business, and they never wllL They are simply taking a business chance, put ting the vessels into service, and con sequently are getting the trade. Eow Seattle Works, """Why, the chamber 'of commerce of Seattle la preparing to send a man to Alaska to make a thorough . trip of in spection, to learn what If any criticisms the merchants and business men there have to make. on. tne manner in which their business was being cared for by Seattle. He is to interview every mer chant of prominence in Alaska and make a report to the chamber. If there are any improvements desired, the chamber proposes to see , that they are made.- . ' ; , "An evidence of the strong , way in Which Seattle is ' fighting for all the Alaaka trade ia shown in the fact that when certain Canadian Pacific railroad officials attempted to start - a - line of vessels from Vancouver, Beattle brought such pressure to fear that they were. rorcea to give np tneir cnarier. ' "I know from personal Interviews with Alaska business men that there la plenty of trade in the country for Port hind, if Portland would only put forth the proper effort to get it.,,., Certain men whoml know personally held off and refused to sign contracts with any other steamship line until -it got so late they had to. They were In hopes Port land would establish a line and were holding their business for that line. But we talked, talked, talked so much and did nothing that they were forced to sign up contracts with some one slse."- - - - . - Portland, Mr. Tea says, . Is making much ado about raising a few thousand dollars for m boat on the upper river. Why," said he, "It took us six months to raise the money and ' we think we have done something wonder ful. . In Seattle they- would do it in a day and think nothing of it. Even now the people there, after waiting until they r tired for the government - to dig the Lake Washington canal, are pre paring to take hold of the project as a private enterprise, issue city, county and state bonds and build It themselves. This is the sort of spirit ft takes to ret business and build up a great city. The sooner we realise it and get a little of that 'business fire In, our own veins the better for alL" r WASHINGTON 0. A. C. TO: DEBATE WITH CORVALLIS ; . (Special Dtspetefc e Tee Joenul) " Corvallls, Or.. April 17.wrA-iUege de bate of unusual interest is arranged to take place at O, . A. C May i,. between the ' Washington Agricultural college team of Pullman and the team of O. A. C The subject . la: "Resolved, That aside "from the constitutionality, this government should support an income tax." The local team -la composed of MIsa MInnett Phillips. Miles Belden and Mark Weatherford. ' Tea Bakers la (Joursal Special BerTlct.) San Antonio, Tex.i April 17. The con vention of the Texas Mastsr Bakers' as sociation,, one of the numerous gather ings to be held here during the carnival this week, began Its sessions today with a good, attendance. Members are on hand from Houston, Dallas, Tyler, Aus tin and numerous other, cities. . COLOMBIA Graphophones and Records Are the Bes t Easy Payments If Desired "limine this advertisement ., when .writing for. free catalogue. Colombia Phonograph Co, Columbia Building , : 371 Washington Street, Portland, Or. "jr Always W yL. Reliable- ATTACKED THE HEART srSTTBAXOIA, Of TO TO A Ooaplloated Oaso Oared to Star - Oared by Sr. WUUama" , Neuralgia In any form la painful, but whan It attacks the heart It is frequent ly fatal. Complicated with Indigestion of a form that affected, the vital organ It - threatened Serious consequences In an ' Instance just reported. The case is that of Mr. V. I Graves, of Pleasant hill, La., who tells of his trouble and cure an follows: - - - "I traveled considerably, was exposed to all kinds of weather and was irregu lar In my sleeping and eatldg.' I sup pose this wss the cause of my sickness, St any rate. In May, 1905. I had got so bad that I wag compelled to quit work and take to my bed. I hd a good doc tor and took his medicine faithfully, but grew worse. . I gave up hope of getting better and my neighbors thought I was surely going to die. "I had amotherlng spells that It Is awful to recall. 1 ' My heart flnttered and then seemed to cease beating. I could not .lie on my left aide at all. My hands and feet swelled and so did my face. After reading about Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills In a newspaper I de cided o try them and they suited my case exactly. Before long I eould see an Improvement and after taking a few boxes I was entirely cured. I am glad to make this statement . and wish It eould cause every sufferer to 'try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." .. . Dr. Williams Pink jMlls do not simply deaden, pain; they cure the trouble which causes the pain.- They are guar anteed to contain no narcotic, atlmulant or opiate. Those who take them run no danger of forming any dnjg habit The pills are a blood and nerve tonte end they cured Mr. Graves because they fed the - nerves through the ' blood. ' They act directly on the blood and It la only through the blood that any medicine can reach the nerves. : In this way they have cured the most severe - nervous disorders, such as partial paralysis, .lo comotor ataxia.' St Vitus' dance and ail sorts of nervous weakness. They are useful in a special way to women and growing girls. 'Or. Williams' Pink Pills ere sold by all druggists or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. 10 eents per box. six boxes for II. SO. by the Dr.J Williams Medicine . vo., Bcnsneotaay, N. Y."T"',rJ:." v.".-fc ' CONFERENCE ENDS . ITS WORK United - Evangelical - Body Ad-4 jourris With Announcement ; ; . -: of Appointments. . - EVERY REPORT SHOWS" .' ENCOURAGING GAINS Six New Churches Were Organized in Oregon Last Year and Four Hundred Persons Were Converted During That Period. -7- ji- Get What You Ask Borl -iTTHERBJS S Reasoit-g why the Good People of America buy Cascarsts as AA , Fast as the Clock Ticks. . .... Every second soma one, somewhere, - Is Baying a little Ten-Cent Box of Cas - carets. , - - t" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 660 times to the Minute. ; 60 Minutes Jo the Hour. 3600. Boxes an Hour, 36,000 Boxes a Day of Ten Hours,' 1,060,000 Boxes a Month, and then some. -Think of It 220.000 People take a Cascaret tablet each day. Millions use Caacarsts when necessary. ; J The Judgment of Millions of Bright 'Americans is Infallible. They have been 4 Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rate for over Six years true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind. I Over Five Millions of Dollars hava ! been Spent to make the mertia of Cas- carets known, and every cent of it would . be lost, did not sound merit claim and r hold the constant, continued friendship. Patronage ; and " Endorsement "of weO ; pleased people year after year. - There Is also a Reason- ' : Why there are Parasites who attach ' themselves to the Healthy Body of Cas caret's success Imitators, Counterfeiters, ; Subetltutors. . .J' . 7 They are Trade Thieves who would ; rob Cascarets of the "Good Will" of the v people, ' ana snesx unesrnea prom: ' earned and paid for by Cascarets. "" It Is not an Experiment, not an Aod- dent or Incident, but a sound. Honest Business, based on Tlme-Trled-snd-Tested Merft never found wanting. ., . : , There ia a Reason. ''. ' '' .' -( .' .1 .Cascarets are .the lmplacablfoe,of All Disease Cerms; the Incomparable Cleanser, purifier and strengthener f the entire Digestivs Csnsl. ., . - They Act like Exercise on the Bowel Muscles, make them strong and active able lo Help TbemKlyos do. their arork . keep themselves dean. ' Cascarets are the aafe-guard of Irmoeent Childhood against the Dreadful Death dealing Dangers that threaten the f-lves of the Little Ones. - They are Purely Vegetable, absolutely Harmless, always Reilsbls and Efficient, Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest Product and a Dlsregsrd of the Purchas ers' Health or Welfare. , . Beware of the Slick Salesman and his ancient "Just as Good'' story thsl. com mon sense refutes. - Cascarets sre msde only by the Sterling Remedy Company, snd the famous little .Ten Cent "Vest Pocket" box Is hero shown. They are never sold In bulk.' Every tablet marked "CCCV " Be sure you get the genuine. 0-rUt TO OTJM. riUXNDSI We wast ts seas t ear frleadt a Besafltal rresck-eesirBea. fiOL&fLATEO BONBON SOX. are-eaaaMlea ia ealsrs, Tt Is a beasty kr tke Sresslag table. Tea cents fa stasise Is asked as a neaaers el food fill sad ta csver cast et Csscarits, With whkhlals'aalntf trlnkst If haded, TsS $nt te-dar. smiUealnf this Address tarsal ttmtif Cesyway. Caitass at rw lark. . The Orason conference of the United aTvansellcal - church - closed its session at St. Johns yesterday afternoon, after makins appointments for the Portland and Dallas districts. The devotional exercises 'ofthe last Seasion were held by Bishop Hartsler. - Rev.- H.-1- Pratt and Rev. A. A. - Winter were elected delesates to the National Anti-Saloon leasue convention lopehel(linBtJ Ioula In November. - - The statistical ' secretary's - report showed that six new churches were or ganised In the state during; the past year, there -were nearly 400 con versions and an actual sain of lit In full mem bership. The total missionary contrl buttons amounted to tl.OSO. The pres ent loiai mrmoemnip in me uregon ronfereace Is 1.7J8 7 per cent sain during the year. The total number of organised churches Is 47. The value of all - church- property In the confer ence is $7X.S7, while dobts on i the property amount only to K.351.10. . Rev. C (X- Poling r and - Rev. H. A. Deck J were elected fraternal delegates to - the annual session of the" Evanrel iral association' at Salem. E. El Mc Vlcker and C P. Gates were appointed visiting committee to the Dallas col lege. A resolution was adopted asking the - general . oohferenoe- to attach the state of Waahlngton to the Oregon con ference. The appointments were as fol lows: - Portland district H. I Pratt, presid ing elder; Portland First church, A. A. Winter; Portland Second church, J. Bowersox: Hilleboro, 8. - J. Lindsay J Dayton, M. B. Toung; Lafayette, to be supplied; Brooks, C P. Gates; Salem, H. A. Deck; Iriigon, 8. B. Hughea; St Johns, B. E. McVlcker; -Troutdale, A. W. Brlckley; Laurel. F. S. Locke; Boda vllle and Sweet Home, William Plow man; Chehal Is. H. R Lauren; Ockley , Green. X. Ti Phelps; Cklah. r. A. Phelps. . . j IMUaa district M. 3. Ballartyne. pre siding elder; Dallas, N. W. Baser; Lew. lavllle, W. U Arnold; Bridgeport, to be supplied; Mapleton, C. A. BurrU; Beu lah. S. M. Wood: Independence, C. C 1 Poling: Corvallls, C. T. Hurd: Florence. I T. U Lovell; King s Valley, J. C. Bur ns;, swsct Home, W. 8. Plowman. D. M. Metsger, F. B." Fisher and C A. Mock were appointed professors in Dallas college. Rev. and Mrs. A. L Ferch, who are mlsatunarles stationed at Changsha, Philippine Islands, were present at the session yesterday morning and sd dreed the conference. They have re- iurnm in me eiaces oecauae Of Mrs. Ferchsnr health, and left yesterdav afternoon for" the fast, where thev will visit friends and relatives. Thev expect to return to their post after a year's furlough. In speaking of the work In the Philippines they stated thai it was progressing at a rapid rat, that the schools and ehurchea were successful and that the civil gov ernment aided the missionaries to a great extent. They told many Inter esting stories of life In the Insular possessions. . DELEGATES CHOSEN BY CORVALLIS REBEIOH5 r ' - . . (Rpn ntapatrk to The InareaL) Corvallls, Or.. April 17.-Tbe Corvallls Ledse of Rebekahs at Its last meeting elected the following delegates to at tend the sessions of the grand lodge In Portland la May; Miss Sadie Dixon. Miss Rda Jacobs and Mrs. 1L F. Per not. The Odd Fellows aleo elected dele gates, as follows; J; U Underwood, O. W. Uenkle and Uoraoe Ullx, Store Opens 8 V.T. S. ' - asaawatMa ' ' A Unique Group of Style and Quality Expositions i' i a. TAe "flifferinV Store Qto :-.--. ,.w. ,. . -- - j V:.' as is. si 5th, 6th, Washington Sts. Store Closes 6 P. LI. A Mighty Congress of urpzzs Ing Specialty Shops "made inn OREGOtt" The most original, unique and biggest Industrial Street Fair ever held in the World. Portland, MY 19.26, Inclusive : Getting Ready for Spring Hbusecleaning? Going to Need Some New Homefittings? Here's ' bunch of : helpful suggestions that will relieve much mind tension -. and lessen' the strain on the family purse.. . . VALUES AVERAGE GREATER THAN WE'VE EVER : BEFORE OFFERED : VALUES ARE GREATER THAN NAVE EVER BEEN OFFERED ELSEWHERE! The Great Annual Spring Sale of Blankets 0RRANDSGREATEST0FFERING-0EjGENER0USM Oregon and Eastern Made Blankets at Less Than the MiU Prices of Today ANKETS HOUSEKEEPERS, HOTEL MANAGERS AND CAMPERS ARE INTERESTED. ' For many years this store has been first and foremost among local stores in ..the blanket business, supplying; most of the leading hotels of the city and state, as well as the greater proportion of homes. This great outlet has enabled us, as , large1 users, to buy direct from; the best mills of the world, and to contract for our blanket upply early at low prices so they may be made during dull seasons at an under price. We signed a contract months ago long before the price of wool soared to its present high roost for an immense shipment of blankets to be made in dull 'season, when work was slack,'!, with several large eastern and western blanket mills, delivery to be made this spring April 1. "The blankets are here, all standard made coorl t nrirM APTIIAT t v t rc . .-n- are l"JjMW-to the biggest stores in America. Here's the logical, absolutely truthful foundation of tne Dig ANNUAL BLANKET SALE on Fourth Floor. Buv blankets now for all fiitur Tie a da . - ramnsraj Knsi14 4if nAeie- kes buying blankets for the bungalows i and J'awTnytM, present and prospective, should share the economies offered u wio uig nnn orriiiyu oi.Ann.c.1 dal.. . xxeaa tne special prices: . . r WHiTE BLANKETS Suigle' Bed Sizes v; - 10-4 size, eastern make; regular price $5.00. Special... .$3.05' 10-4 size, Oregon made; regular price $6.50. " Special. . . .$4.25 , ! Double Bed Sizes ' .. . 11-4 size, Oregon made ; regular price $6.50. Special ti $4.85 .12-4 size, Oregon made; regular price $7.50. 1 Special .T $5.75 2-4"size7 eastern" made; regular price $10.00. Special.. $7.50 in j ' '; J . 1 a - r -"Af, size, wrcgon niauc; regular price 3i.ou. special.. s.uu COLORED BLANKETS; 11- 4 size, uregon Urays ; regular price $3.50. Special. -.$2.75 .10-4 size, Oregon Scarlet ; regular price $3,00." Special. .$3.50 12- 4 size, Eastern Silver; regular price $6.50.-Special. r. $4.05 l-J-4 size, Oregon Fawn ; regular price $6.00.TT Special .T. $4.05 1-4 size, Oregon Silver Gray or Fawn; regular price $7.50. bpectal $5.75 1 2-4 size; Eastern San itary f recular orrce $7.00. " Soecial . S5.50 vwegon--maae7Teguijrpnce wrjizMWVUittX, 97rNavajo Robes, Oregon made. Special ay -$4.05 WOMEN'S STYLISH SPRING C0RTS w- REDUCED A THIRD Grand Salons of Dress Second Floor.' $15 and $22.50 Coats at a Third' Less t Yon look for feasts of strength -in a strong man, and 'tis to be expected that Portland's chief store for women's garments should do big things. We not "only have our own big regular purchases of Costs todlstributer but msnufactunng tailors ask our help to get eased of their over production. ' We give that help - liberally- under-conditions favorable to you snd ourselves -As tomorrow. Our buyer hss sent home from New York a lot pi stunningly handsome' and ex clusive novelties in the smart -Three-Quarter Length 'Coats," built -of materials new-in tsh ion's fondest favor, the French flannels, in tight" grounds and" colorings and every favored pat tern of design as well ss thei olain shades, very smact and fetching; the daintv mixtures- are especially pretty, borne of r ji-Ks-c 'r- these Coats have velvet collars, others collars of Droadcloth snd still other numbers are collarless effects. These Coats are buttons snd smart strappings. The regular values are $15 and $22.50. Choose from them tomorrow at ONE THIRD OFF! - Women's and Children's Hosiery BARGAINS OF MOMENT. First Floor. stValues in Silks and fc EVER OFFERED IN TOWN. Fifth Street Annex First Floor. 51.00 BENGAUNES 69c YARD ; : Beautiful Bengalines. fashion's latest fancy for building of dressy gowns. Exquisite selections msde by our buyer of fabrics, who is just home from New-York. We were fortunate in securing these popular fabrics st an underpnee and shall give our clientele the benefit of that good fortune by allowing choosing .on Wednesday from th best dollar quality; shades are cream, gray, navy, brown and black, yard.... 6ft . , . t WONDERFUL-SILK' OFFERINGS f ' ; . . St.OO SUIT ' SILKS' Wc 'YARD Pretty Suit Silka in dark colors navy and green combinations; never sold e i than thy"J'-Spcal for this Sale at; the yardrr..49e Splendid Suit Silks in light and dark eolortngs including the new white grounds, with neat Dresden patterns and hairline stripes. Silks which are sold now in New York st $1.25 and $1.50 the yard. Special for this sale only at, the yard.' ...7........... . SB4 All Pure Silk Taffetaa, 19 inches wide, in white, ivory, cream, black and all colors. The best wearing Silks made for suits, linings and drop -- skirts; unequaled 85c values. Special for this sale only at, the yard.8c NEW VEIUNGS-DA1NTY FETCHING CONCEPTIONS We are showing by- far- the swellest lot of new-Veilings '"to" be found in town..- Tuxedo Veilings, with or without dots-Pficed at, the yard, up from.25e ChifforiVellings in black, white and colors Priced at, the yard,' down from .. . ..r.;. . f l.OO . We have a- New Automobile Veil which is a great protection from wind and dust and is made specially for automobiling. See them. SPECIAL IN BOYS' SCHOOL SHIW WAISTS. Women's 35c Hose 25c Blackr Cotton Hoserwdlumwelght,embroid- ered boots -- regular value 35cr Special, the pairnnrrrmmni.25 Women's 50c, 60c and 65c Hose 38c A good assortment of women's medium, heavy and light weight Cotton and L,isle Hose, regular values 50c, 60c snd 65c. Special, pair , 38 Children's 20c Hose 15c Children's good Black" Cotton Hose7 fine ribbed, - seamless foot, good westing quality; regular value 20c. Special, the pair......... 15 Children's 25c, 30c and 35c Hose 18c Children's Black Lace Stripe, Mercerized Cotton Hose; values at 25cr30c and 35c. " Special, the pair ;...18e Misses' 25c,-30c- and -35c - Hose - lc Misses' Black Lace Lisle Hose," . assorted, seamless foot; sites 5 .to 8; values at 25c, 30c and 35c. - Special, the pair.............. 19e Boys' 85c Shirtwaists 39c A broken line of "Mother's Friend" Shirt waists for Boys, assorted colors; regular value 85c. Special, each. .39e A Wonderful Assortment of "Royal Worcester? Annex Second Floor. m m , Royal Worcester Bon Ton and Sapphire Cor sets The best American made Corset. ' These Corsetsv like gojrP.ria.rIfs,'!?n'f HT "tfie latest lines therefore you can be assured of a satisfactory fit. This famous make of Corsets cannot be bought in Portland outside of this store. The line in cludes everything from a short girdle to the waist lengthening effect with deep hip Corsets. - We show We show We ahoy. We show three styles at We show two. styles at. We shew four styles st We show three styles st We show one stvle St.. We show one style St.. 4 .-..8.50 We show one style st We show twp styles at.... fia.SO We show four styles at.. We show two styles atM..30.00 We show one style at.. . In addition to the above lines of Corsets we show in summer Two styles at. ,.......... .Oe Two styles at Two styles at .81.25 One atyles at. Two styles at ........f .T5 One style at..i.. One style at... ,v...f3.T5 .Three styles at.. SMART NEW FOOTWEAR Shoe Stores Along the. -Fair-Way" Sixth Street Annex First Floor. ' ..MEN'S OXFORDS. . . We have a very complete assortment: of Men's Oxfords inpatent and dull leathers patent stock that is reliable; dull stocks that are rich m color and service and prices that re as low as is consistant with goods of qtiatity. Prices, the pair, from 83.00 to s)6.00 and you can get almost . anything you want at the inbetween prices f 3.SO snd 84.00. . ".. WPMEN'S GARDENTIES. --1 - -The swellest thing in women's footwear this season is the "Garden Tie" but you -want to be sure of one thing before yon buy that they don't slip at the heel. Only the best factories have been able to pro duce this shoe in perfection and a great many of them" have failed to come up to the standard. We offer you a "Garden Tie" that posi tively will not slip at the heel this we will guarantee. ' Come and try them on and we will make good our assertion. They are here in patent and Demi-Glase .leathers with turn or welt soles. Prices, the pair .83.50 and 84.0O AN IMPORTANT SALE TO HOUSEKEEPERS Dinner Sets and China at Surprise Prices Third Floor.' As May approaches, those folk with "moving" in mind will think of their needs in China. Many families who feel "settled" in their present' homes are preparing for the annual spring house-cleaning and incidental stocking tip of China Closets. To show you how we've tho't of a way to help you all we. append the prices that will rule during this week's Special Sale Prices planned to help yon to save if you've Dinner Sets or- China -to buy.- - - . IlZ-piece set, regular value 118.00 Special 812.35 117-ptece set,!. regular value $23.40 Special. - HAVILAND DECORATED CHINA DINNER . Full Gold Over Edge, Rose Decoration. tvpiece set, regular value $33.65 bpecial 100-piece set, regular value $45.35 special.... lU-piece set, regular value $50.7 5-bpecial fl5.0 SETS. -eSs exeavas ..830.5O .34.BO 82.50 3.00 4.00 S.OO We show three styles at. We show four styles at., We show two styles St.. "We show two styles at.. We show two styles St.. five styles st.......B0 We show five styles at 81.00 seven styles at.. ..8 1.25 We show three styles at....f 1.50 five styles at,.,..8a.T5 We show two styles st.r..f2.25 . . .sja.To ...83.T5 ...4.T5 .,.8.oo ...8T.50 .810.00 (15.50 23.00 Corsets-' :::?' " ! 117-piece set, regular value $62.00 Specfal. 42.25 New importation in "Indian Tree Coldport English China, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10-inch plates; tea and coffee cups and saucers, bouilloa and after dinner cup and saucers, teapots, sugars snd cresms, chocolate - cups, saucers and jugs, meat dishes,, covered butter and vegetable dishes. 'zzc:iz::.-r,:DiiiNKR - sets..-"--' ; . Semivitreous China, fancy shapes, thin porcelain, border pattern, small pink flowers, gold line and gold traced handles and knobs., .. 50-piece set, regular value $ 6.80-Special.. .................... .84.45 60-piece set, regular value H 9:10 Special. ............ ...f.25 100-piece-set, regular value ! 13.65 Special. $9.25 112-piece set, regular value :;1M0 Special... ,. .......... v.....t. 117-piece set, regular value $27.25 Special... ...... ....... .....tS.J 3 ' DINNER SETST English Semiporcelain, border pattern, small roses with gretn f ' border, gold traced handles and knobs. I l-piece set, regular value 7.20 Special.. f Vpiece set, regular value $ 9.6.0 Special., l-piece set, regular value $14.40 Special..