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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
il THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY, EVENING. APRIL 17. 1S53. ST.PAUL VORKSVONDERS OlITROLS T ! - . STEAL1ER LINE Majority Interest in Pacific Coaet Company Purchased by !" the Railroad. ' TERMINAL FACILITIES ; SECURED AT SEATTLE ) II1-- - . f )- ' ' . , - v - - . pr i Coal Supply for Transcontinental Z': System '-Secured Alliance - Made !'" Between Union Pacific and Mil- waukee Road. - -. ' (Jovsal Spaetet Serrke.) " " Kew Tork. April IT. Tha Wall Street - t ,w. ' "A Kknkr vhn is close- J ly In touch with developments of the i Racine Coast company says mr r MMiirat nuoiii for believing tho con trol of tho Pacific Coast company wur , bo found ultimately to rest in xne aenas f the St Paul road." - ' ; The St. Paul extension to tho coast la ' to And a western terminus at 8eattl. While the 8t Paul owns .considerable land at Seattle, the reel key to the ter minal situation la that growing city la held by the Pacinc Coast company. The addition or the Pmclflo Coast system of ' railroads, 'steamship lines - and ,-- coal gelds woud provide tho St. Paui with a Western coal supply and would give : t reight feeders alone the- Paclflo coast At present the Hill and Harrlman tn ' terests are represented on the board of ' directors of the Paclflo oast company. ' Although the St Paul has no represent r tatlves on the board, the fniwlni bond between Harrlman and Standard Oil In terests, which Is commonly reputed te ; control the St, Paul, may be a deter- - mining factor-- Indeed, the combination between Un ion Paclflo interests and St. Paul Inter ests to keep the Paclflo Coast company out of the hands of Hill is considered by some of the shrewdest financiers as I possible. : : - FUNERAL SERVICES OF i LATE E. F. CARPENTER ' (Special Dlapetch to Tae Jomrsal.) Toledo, Wash., April 17. Tha funeral services of the late E. . F. Carpenter, who died April it. were held Bundav ' wider the .. auspices - of tbe Maeonie . lodge and the L O. O. F. lodge and par ; tlcipated In by the lodges of, the Wood vrnen of the World and Yeomen. The I sermon was preached by Rer. Mr. t Knight, pastor In charge' of the Metho rdlst Episcopal church of thla place, and 'assisted by Rev. 3. H. Williams of Ta ; coma. c Vixlting lodges of Masons -and 1 Odd 1 Fallows from Chehalla, Wlnlock and ; Mayfleld. and Woodmen from Wlnlqck. Uttla Falls and Cowlitx. participated, i Deceased had been a resident in this i county almost a quarter of a century, bad served two terms as snerlff. and was known and respected all over the : county. It Is estimated that at least lfU900 .perspDa attended- the funeral. . . . " : . Office of Coroner. t Four . years J ago Mr Flnley -stated through the newspapers that If elected coroner he would remove bodies to the morgue onlv when It was absolutely necessary, and no bill would be pre sented to the county.- : Let us sea bow faithfully he has kept his promise. Ac cording to the book and records 6f the county auditor there has bfen collected from the county up to the let of April, lof, for hauling bodies to the morgue, ll.S7l.S0. How Is this? Which goes to ahow that he has not missed anything Where It was coming his way. Another question la the one of econ omy. AH coroners previous to Mr. Fin ley's time were on the fee system, con sequently if a coroner was called a long distance say, 10 to 40 miles out of the city the coroner received no pay unlees he hdd an Inquest. Now he gets his pay regardless of the amount of work performed. If the coroner Is an under taker and busy with that part of his business, all that he has to do Is to say bo Inquest la neceesary. He already has the body at his place, ao he Is sure f the funeral. EDWARD HOLMAN. A Wonderful Compound.. Cures Pllas. Eczema. Skin Itch Ins. ; . " SklaTEruptlons, Cuts - . and BrulMS. - ',. Doan's Olntmen is the best ekln treatment', and he cheapest, because so little is required to cure. It cures piles after years of torture. It cure ob thivte .cases -, of ecsema. It cures all skin "itching. . It cures skin eruptions. It heals cuts,, bruises, scratcnes ana abrasions without leaving a, scar. It cures permanently. Portland testimony proves it . . ' Mra. L. C Hetdleback Of SI East Tenth street. Portland. Oregon, says; In mv eaoerlence Doan s Ointment is the beet remedy- t ever " Bscd for the complaints It Is guaranteed to cure. It brourht me almost immediate relief mora than ever expectea ror . i nia been annoyed for a year or more wim Itching - hemorrhoids.- which.- although not slrlous. were very . annoying. 1 heard about Doan's Ointment and' got a boa at a dryg store. Its use gave me the highest opinion of such an effective remedy." , -? - For sale by all dealers Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., wurraio, New Tork, sola agents for the United Statea. .Remember the" name Doan's and take no other. KISSAfJD MAKE UP 0(1 SHIP'S DECK Captain .. frank C. Lander of United States iNavy Recon- : cited toJVifo onjtransport. Gr?ss Tiber Carpets : I nn I f J J aJDUOUll Colors 1 fed and green, suitable fof bedrooms and many other . places. A carpet that will wear - well and clean easy. Many people prefer it to matting,' Reg. 60c Development 2Qc .. price, the yard T Credit For -You and -lYourZ Frlcnds Too 1 VfM .,r' - - A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE . IV llB-ieT-ieS-'' FIMT STBICT, POWTtAWO. OWCOO J. Sole Agents for Monarch Malleable Ranges Prices . -Are Rij;ht Payments Are aJght1 VMS Gro$s Creamers A -neat Cream Pitcher. Vs-pt., of - modeled earthenware: regular ...1 1 . . price,...,., The same Creamer with gilt rations; worth lOo 1 'Development price..,,,..,1 Fine SIrdseye Maple Dressing Table Piano, polish.' 1 serpentine front, beveled French plate-glass ' mirror of spe cial, pattern; regular $17.50. Development -price . $12.75 SUIT FOR DIVORCE IS WITHDRAWN BY SPOUSE Married Seattle Woman After Brief Courtship and Did Not See Her Again for Two Years, as He Was Leaving for. Manila. SaCalo SClaa leased. . ' Spertal rHepeteh te' The Joara.l.i Bumpter. Or., April 17 The BuffaU mine has been leased by N. Berkeley to rV .W.- Elmer and Joseph Teshow for one year. The property will be -man aged on a royalty. The new managers : will Install a concentrator" at the mine and all ore will be concentrated before shipping to the smelter. 1 Jmrmt Special Service .1 Ran Francisco, April 17. When Cap tain C Lander of the United Statea navy, arrived In Ban Francisco yester day to take tho transport Bhefldan for Manila he was confronted by his wife. who accused him of deeertlng her more than two years ago In Seattle, and who filed ' suit .for, divorce , through James R. Fenton. her attorney. Just about the time lender arrived. It was in(order that the. eumtnoos might be. served on Captain Lander that the complaint waa filed ao hurriedly. It being known that the transport would leave at noon. - The summons was never served, how ever, but Instead there was a hurried reconciliation between . the couple on the dock, and Instead of pressing the suit for divorce- Mrs. Lander will fol low her husband on the transport Bu ford, which leaves In about 20 daye, to Join, tolm 4n Luaonr - Mrs. Lander was Miss Margaret Car roll, daughter of the - famous light weight pugilist. She became a trained nurse and went to Seattle, where she met Lander, then a Lieutenant. There waa brief courtship and they were married -in March, 1904. Within a week afterward Lander was on his way to an eastern station. From that time . Mrs. Lander never saw -or heard of him until yesterday, when she met him at the transport' wharf .n - Lander came . from Newport News, his latest station. When his wife met him -and told him she had en tered a suit for divorce on the grounds of deeertlon and failure to provide, he seemed surprised snd claimed he had written her. She said the had neref received a letter from htm. 3Z I mefrlgarato Closed iWILD STEER WANTED JO ENTER OPERA HOUSE Just Pleased! - We are perfectly satisfied with our Spring line of Top - Coats. : ' "It's no easy thing to get. a perfect garment, but here we have it as near perfect at human hands can make it. JWe cart perfectly satisfy you and would like to show you $10 to ? 25. ? LION ClothinqCo Cits KuhnPx arc Outfitters for Men and Boys , 166 and 168 Third St. Mohawk Buildinf rjearaal Suectel ar-r. - San Francisco, April ,.17. .a. wild ateer. Just - off the plains of - Nevada, passed' up Mission street last evening a few minutes before the curtain went up. for. the opening; night of the opera. Whether automobiles or the long string of carriages with Hashing lights started the steer Is not known, but when - di rectly In front of the Orand opera house the animal made a dash for lib erty that made hundreds of spectators' hearts reap with fear.. .Two cowboys in charge of the-steer had a hard time restraining - him - from getting on the sidewalk and dashing for the foyer of the opera house. Ona of the cowboys had a rope around the ateer's horns and eventually coaxed the " animal up Fourth street. SCARLET FEVER ATTACKS COLD SPRINGS FAMILY '(ftrwrlel DtoDitcb to The Joerael.) Pendietca. . Or., April 17. Scarlet fever of' the most virulent type hss broken out In the family of Louis Han sen, a Ci'd Springs rancher, about 1 miles northwest of this place, five eh 11 dren three brothers and two sisters having been attacked. ' Of this number, one Frank, aged U has succumbed. Physicians- from this place are In con stant attendance upon the- remainder, and it is quite likely that one or mora of the family will yet-die. Tha disease was Introduced by a young man, cousin of the family,' who recently ar ed-from-Mrssourrranor While visiting with the Hansens experienced a slight aitaca, rrom 'which ha recovered Trait Badly Basaaged. . (Special DleMtPh to Tke imiill Loetlne. Or April 17. Reports-from the Jmnaha and from the Orand Ronde valley are that the. fruit crop la badly damaged, and In many Instances the trees themselves were killed. The Milt Fleener estate, adjacent to Joseph, and 1 consisting of ICS acres, has been sold 1 to Fttspatrlck brothers of Lostine for lt.SOO. read ataatai Maarahaa te Wad. -f Montr Special aarvice.: . At. Paul. Uln. , 1 IS . .,.m " -. " fr" i. ... nur K Inent railroad men and members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen are nere 10 attend today's wedding of Orand n j. nanranan. air. rtan rahaa's bride Is Ulss Catherine at. SuUl 'J '. utKo. 84. . T. T -. $1.30 Is tho Price For this Hammock, without valance or pil low, woven part measures 36x77 Just . the article for your yard or back porch. The First of the Season's HAMMOCKS Have just arrived, and eonforminf to our policy to be leaders in every thing, whether it be quality, price or up-to-date stock, we . will place them on sale, immediately so that you may havej your choice - Before Leaving for 'the Country or Seashore . All Hammockshere -mentioned .are open weave, have concealed spreader at head and wood bar at foot, and come In assorted, colorsj Still higher grade Hammocks ought to reach us from the factory by the time you read this.. . ' ' . - You will find, however, that the Hammocks quoted here are splendid values snd will give you excellent service. All Hammocks have ad justable hitch end rings, requiring no adjustable ropes nor knots. - Non-Breakable Steel Skillets Commonly known as the "Never-Break." A " Frying Pan that will do your work well. wo. y Keguiar price wc. i-ievei-. Zlf opment price.. ................ i V . ppment-price. lo. 8 R special No. 8 Regular 50c lO' This Hammock has a - pillerwrand wide valance and will please t y e n the fastidious It is very seryice able.. . Quality, attract- IvenesTafld e Vef y thing required for comfort make this Hammock the ideal one at the price. " ' OUT N1.BHVE Thlas Hammock at $l.f3S Has-a narrow valance and pillow; jthe woven part measures 36x77 A serviceable and com fortable Hammock. ' nan, . ordxks i , - wux mECErv . .,: SPECIAL -ATTriTTIOlfv T 'MADE IN OREGON5' A GOOD SHOW MAY 1Q-26 TAKS IT IN if . We Open the Seasoti'Wlth. REFRIGERATORS Te fauare safety seed awaey ty ret isteeed letter er peeteffiee er Well. Verge - bpreee Of standard quality at reasonable prices. A shipment, just arrived, consists of Refrigerators made of hardwood, goldenoak finish, having sanitary steellinings, shelves and ice rack. To induce' you to buy your Refrigerator at Ihe. jirej'ybcgwpinglo-tTierseaaon,weare. making a re duction, sufficient to warrant inspection of the real article. REFRIGERATOR With Dimensions Etc. a Follows IOu Wdth. la. 24 26 29 32 35 In. 17 18 19 21 23 Htkt. Wi la. 39 41 43 45" 47 ; tee Feat. Bpace. LU.. .... . 7S . 90. 100 120' 150 40 ReglO.OOSpeciaL "JCPReg. $1250-Special fio.TS 75 Reg. $15.00 Special flS.TS ; 100 Reg. $19.00 Special f 15.00 125 Reg. $2100 Special f 21M .'7 -y mefrlgeiaeor Open r aSK Six ROADS BY FALSE WEIGHTS AND BILLING Demand Is Made Upon Com- pames and Shippers for Al leged Money Due. - (Journal Special Service. I Chicago, April 17. A demand Is made hr the western weighing and inspection buteau. ' representing " all - railroads ex tending west from Chicago, on several blc packing companies for money al leged to be-due on account of falsa weights and fnlsa billing. - Kimnar de mands are said to have been made oy both eastern arid western weighing bu reaus on many of the big shippers at Chicago.- and u n less settlement be made It is expected that there will be a resort to the courts. The amount In volved In the case of the packing com panies Is said to be between $100,000 and $150,000. Tha Interstate commerce commission has been Informed In a gen eral way of the matter and la making a quiet Investigation with a view of a public hearing inter In Chicago. ' v Secret agents of the commission have found, for example, that for years. one of the -largest shippers in tha west has been sending his commodity from ths manufactory, near Waukegan, to the en tire west and billing It as originating Ask your dealer Piles 14 Years Terrible Case Cured Painlessly With Only One Treatment of Pyrs mid Pile Cure. rrw raekace In mala Wrapper Mailed to Srerr One who Writes, I have been a terrible sufferer of piles for fourteen (14) years and during all this time you can have an idea or how many kinds of medicine t tried. Rut I found no relief whatever. I felt there must be something that could cure me without having to undergo an operation which might kill me. Now, after trying but one treatment of your Pyramids,' J am .free, free to tell all sufferers of this dreadful dis ease, to try this medicine the Pyramid Pile Cure. It will -cure when all others fall. Sincerely yours, George Branelgh, gchellburg. Pa." Any one suffering from the terrible torture, burning and itching of piles, will st Instant relief from' the treat ment we send. out free, at our own ex pense. In plain sealed package, to every one sending name and address. - Surgical operation for plies Is un neceesary and rarely a permanent suc cess. Mere- yeen - get - --treatment that Is quick, easy to apply and' Inex pensive, and free from the publicity snd humiliation you suffer' by doctors' ex amination. Pyramid Pile Cure Is made in the form of "easy to use" suppositories. The coming of a cure Is felt the mof ment you begin to use It, and your suf fering ends. " Bend your name and address at once to Pyramid Drug Co., S4SS Pyramid building. Marshall, Mich., and get, by return mall, the treatment we will send you free. In plain, seated wrapper. After aeelng for yourself what It ran do, you can get a regular, full-slse package of Pyramid PUs Cure ftomany druggist at (0 cents each, or, on re ceipt of price, we will mall you same ourselves If he should not have It. c FCT 32-MCE ILLUSTRATED COOKLET IN THE It gives much YaluaMeiirforV matiorTon'tbinBmV thousand uses of Borax in the Hocne. CONTENTS . v Hew le Have a dear Coeapleiiea. Artie lee ea fee Heir mi Heads. -Berax In Ae Leanfry, Nareery aa Kttehea, ; : lerax la the Pok Heeau rnmttn Vetf ef sx, eta.- This Book is FREE Of dealer, er osi twatal reqneet of at New Tork. In thla way It enjoyed proportionate through rates Instead of thatilgher-iocarTfatea. r T E PECULIAR VOUCHERS OF MUTUAL FOUND Big Bills for Cab Hire Tracks Covered by Paying Flctl- . tioua Person. . (Jeuraal Special Servfre.) New Tork. April- 17. Many more peullar t vouchers have been found. In the aupply department of the Mutual Wf Insurance . company, the head - of which waa formerly Andrew Field, who waa also the Mutual'a legislature agent in Albany. It la believed Field used much money In corrupting legislators at Albany and that the Mutual com pany covered up Its tracks by ascrib ing the payments to fictitious persona One series of vouchers for $160 a month for "cab hire" . haa-been found. The receipts are signed 'William Oood speed" and appear at 'Intervals of about one month during a considerable period. It Is said Richard McCurdy and other officers of the Old management were liberal In the use of cabs, but whether sll the money represented . by these vouchers waa . spent -that way Is not known. ' . v William -Goodepeed does not appear In tha New Tork City directory. Vouch ers have been found, bearing dates at irregular Intervals and receipts for $150 for "furnishing plants for court." The court is supposed to mean the Interior court of the Mutual's main building. WHILE PLOWING HORSE- - FALLS INTO OLD WELL (Special Dtspatrn te Tke Journal.) Albany, Or., April 17. While plow ing In the garden of S. Shupp of thin city, A. J, Carothera had one of his horses to accidentally fall Into an old unused well, which wss not known to ba in - exlatence-- The horse fell back ward Into the well a distance of 20 feet. Into about 'four' feet o water. A block and tackle was secured "from the Albany Iron Works and the animal aafely raised from the well, seemingly none the worse for tha accident willstarttrench: theatre in new york (Jonraal Special Berries.) " New Tork. Aprli 17. Robert Orau, a relative of Maurice Orau. formerly di rector of the Metropolitan opera-house, who haa been principally Identified with vaudeville enterprises In this city, sailed today for Parts, on business con nected with his latest enterprise, the establishment of a Theatre Francala In this city. He statea that he has secured house for that purpose and will en gage some of the best French actor and actresses to give performances of French plays for the "aweU" se Jftft etabte Pre psrationror As similating tteFoodandBefuIa ting (he Stoavda andBoweb of ... " :h tin Pro moles DigcstioaCheerfur nessarriltesLContalns neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral kotHLarcotic . AaaWMv v Jtmmtm 1 , . 'Aperfect Remedy for Consflpe Ron. Sour Stouwk.DiarrJhoea and Loss or SLEEP. FaeStmiW Signahira of KEW-YDBK. 1. fl v For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought , :Bears:the; Signature of AW For Over Thirty Years Injourrtxrei SAVE MONEY All work guaranteed 'for ten years. Lady attendant always present. All work done absolutely without pain by Specialists pi fr"m H to id yars' ...I perlence.- bold Fillings. Bridge Work, Gold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. - "; BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Morrison Bt., Opp. Meier Frank Dr. William Austin Cox Boom rt, tafayette Bldg, S1S4 WABainrOTOsT IT. " : " Expert Crown aad Brtdra Work a apaoUlty. d sen 01 ims cuy. New Tork. 1 ' ' a . svb4 Postornce. . . r A "