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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
; THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIIlTsV " Cc tllBUY nEiv 11 EUREKA L1INE 0. A. C. DISPUTE v. 4.; -1 Soldier Creek Cold Producer War Department tar-Again In . vestigate Military Quarrel of Corvallis College. ; Purchased by Boileau and - ; I Partners of Pittsburg. FIRST-PAYMENT MADE STAY IN SHIPMENT OF ORDNANCE NOW IN USE ' fIS THIRTY THOUSAND T EASTERn v WHAT RIGHT I- L 3 - Extensive Development of Immense Ore Body la to Be Made at Once r Fiftv-StanT Mill "Also to Be VV; Erected '.v 'V-X--- mrt ttonateh to Tse SoarsaL) Grants Pass, Or, April JJ. One of " the blcgeet, aa well aa the mot impor tant raining; deals aver consummated in " eoulhern Orcron, .wag dosed hereyes- terday in "the sale of the Kureka mine or Soldier to mttaburg capitalists. The Hie was engineered by Ot L.rMaa rum, president of too drama 'Paaa Winers' association, and the big prop erty la taken over by John W. Boileau ana associates of I'lttaburg. ; With one exception, this la the' biggest raining deal ever made In thla auction of tha a late. The price i not yet made publlo.'but the first payment of 110,000 waa made - through the Flrat National bank of thla city thla morning, and C L Kenney, tha mining engineer who experted the mine for the Pittsburg people, haa taken pos session of the property and will at once begin the extenslvs development of the massive ore body, with the end in view of installing 40 or (0 stamps.' It ia tha Intention of the new management to place a larger battery and equipment aa aoon aa the property and roads to toe mine can be shaped for-the change. , The Eureka la regarded by- mining -man aa 0110 or lhe.bcat mines. In ..south ern Oregon. The properly entire eon aiats ot ia claims, and tne mam vein la developed to a depth of 160 feet. The mine la equipped with a l-slamp mill and splendid auxiliary, consisting of concentrating plant compressor, ma chine drills and dynamo for electric lighting the. entire property. An Im mense ore reserve haa been created dur ing She several years of development and operation of tha property. There is at present over t -00.069 worth of or blocked out and thousands of tons or high-grade ore are In Immediate, reach by adequate exploration. - " A. F. Nelaon. the former superin tendent of the mine, who has remained " faithfully by the property for his Eu reka (California) associates for the-past - eight years, will ' retire from the man agement of the mine, but will still re tain interests in southern Oregon. Tire sale means much for tha mining Indus try of this section, alnca It has placed a mammoth property In the hands of .jnen who have tha means to give It de velopment and equipment that Its Im mensity demands, . , " STORE MUST CLOSE. Bepoi. Trtaaf a la "arnica, to Transact Business . Without a ; Brace or , Twe In accordance with an' ordinance of the pity of Portland, the store at 20? First street haa been ordered to close untU the burned braces and posts in tha upper story have been replaced. There fore' the walla muat be strengthened. . but, -though, this be true, there. Is not, ss a matter of fact, any real danger that the celling will fall. But authority ia authority, and the T .Underwrttera' Hale muat bow to ita dictum.- Today . carpenters and plasterers are at. work, and within a day or two the Fire Tin- , derwritere may continue thla great sole. This will not be later than Thursday, a It ia-desired to speedily get tha thing . off. their hands. , , FIRE CANCELS DEBATE OF IDAHO AND WHITMAN (Special Mantes to Tee Jwul.1 ' Whitman College, Walla Walla, Waah, April 17- The Whitman college' debate . council received word today from tha University of Idaho that the ninth an nual debate- between- tha two-colleges, which wss to nave been held thla week. t would be called off this year. Since tha loss of the Idaho building by Are the two schools have been dickering ever the matter, and last week the Idaho authorltiea asked that tha debate be postponed three weeks. The Wnltman - authorities Teplled -that "this was lm possible, owing to conditions here, but offered to postpone one week. This Idaho has refused to accept, and eonee . quently . no debate will be held thla . year. " .. I .BBB Made in Oregon Exhibits May lth to 26th. Consult Us About Diamonds j..... It will . redound-to your benefit in this way: You be come satisfied af the price at T result of favorable buying facilities. It mean a saving In , money., .. you,, .aa the wholesaler's of jobber' prof it a-are-eliminated.--We buy direct from the cutter, OuivStock The largest in the Northwest, offera the greatest variety of .sixes and finest colors for your absolute satisfaction. Cor. Third and Washington Sta. Jeweler. , Silversmiths. Kspert Watch Repairing. "Where Quality Is st Its Best" Oregon Senators - Strive to Secure Revocation of Edict and the Ap pointment of Nw Officer aa Com- mandant- '-' tWaahlngtoa Boreas ef Tie jeoanal.) ' Washington Anrll IT. Chamberlain haa instituted through Sen atora Oeerln and - Fulton and other friends - of the college s.- movement - to atay proceedings by the War department In the controversy between Lieutenant O. P. Qulnlln, professor of military science and taotics, and the faculty of the Oregon Agricultural college at Cor yell ia, Oregon, Tha two senators have been promised by the military secre tary, Major-Oeneral F. - ,C Alneworth. that the diapats will be Investigated again -by an Inspector and that pending issue thereof the war department will not Insist upon tha removal from the college of the pieces of ordnance which have been tn -use by the cedeta.-Kf- forta jstill be made to aeelire a satin- factory adjustment of tha difficulties and It is hoped, that inasmuch aa Lieu tenant Qulnlln has been .relieved from duty and does not desire to aerve fur ther at the cottage aa commandant, that another officer will be appointed and tha efficient military department of tha In stitution may be continued, '.'.". . ',." Blstory sf Trouble. 7 I Lieutenant QuinHn has been m mandant . at the college for- several terms, having succeeded one of the students, formerly , commandant, who aervad in the Philippine war. ' Last year during tha Lewis and Clark expos! tion Lieutenant Qulnlln took tha cadet corps - to Portland to participate. In a competitive drill In which tha college won first prises. . Later dlfficultlee arose between tha commandant and a student. Mr. McCully. - Lieutenant Qulnlln main tained -that In order -to uphold the die. c.ipllne of the institution McCully should be dismissed from, the college, because of a personal encounter which took place between McCully and tha lieutenant. In which McCullyvstruck Lieutenant Quln lln and was In turn knocked down by the liuutrnant In tha latter'e office. . . President Oaten of the college hav ing received a note of apology from McCully and owing to that cadet'a pre viously good record,' refused to dismiss htm. Tha lieutenant refused to agree with Prealdent Qatch and tha matter re sulted In Lieutenant Qulnlln making a report to .the military secretary, Gen eral Alnsworth, and asking to be re lieved from duty. Hla requeat waa com plied with and a formal order waa is sued by the ordnance department for the-shlpment-to- Ben Francisco -of the arms which had been uaed by tha col lage aupplled by tha war- department. Thla order waa eonalatant with the rules governing such matters, but ths authori ties) ef the college took tha matter up with Governor Chamberlain and others and elaborate presentation of alleged facta haa been made by Lieutenant Qulnlln and Prealdent Qatch to tha war department. Waal Bew XB0,niry. Governor Chamberlain aaked for a new Investigation and that pending tha Issue thereof the order for the removal of the arms be suspended. : The request was also made not only for the retention of tha arms, but for the appointment' of another officer to serve aa commandant. General Alnsworth has ordered a new Inspection of the military establishment of tha college and -compiled with the re quest suspending tha order for tha re moval of tha arm a.. Tha controversy between Lieutenant Qulnlln and Prealdent Catch Indicates rreconcllable differences between them. The prealdent Intlmatea disclosures un pleasant to Lieutenant Qutnlln In tha event he Insists upon pressing tha mat ter further, and mentlona alleged mis conduct by the lieutenant at the Lewis and Clark exposition, the nature ' of which aeema to be partaking of atrons drink in public and In a manner to loae for him the respect of the student body. Lieutenant Qulnlln, In defending him self and writing to tha military secre tary, admits on a few occasions having partaken of drink in an open pavilion on tha exposition grounds In company with other military men, and also on other occasions and in other places, but In sists thst an Intimation of Intemperance on hla part la unjuat. Seaaads Apology. . .'Tha lieutenant further urges that aa a representative of the war department he cannot overlook Cadet McCully's of fense In striking him. In the absence of McCully'a making a pereonal apology to him rather than to President G&tch, Governor Chamberlain did not In any manner discuss the merits of the con troversy, but s interested simply to se cure a continuance of the military es tablishment of the college and such an adjustment of difficulties as would make for such an and. . The college atanda very high' among western institutions of learning, having a atudent body of about, see.-and-having -attained -ndssrj gree of efficiency equaled by few col leges of the west. The new Investiga tion will not bs completed for several weeka, and no Intimation can be given aa to what will be tha outcome, beyond tha well established hope that the mili tary establishment will not be dlscon tlnued. ... 1 '.' J 1 BROCKWA Y.BRADFORD - WEDDING TAKES PLACE (Jmiraat Special Servlee.) .. Washington, D. C. April 17. A distin guished company filled Bt, Margaret's church- at neon todsy to witness tha wedding of Mine ' Kstherlna Bradford, daughter of Rear Admiral and Mrs, Koyal Bradford, V. 8. N.. and Professor Howell Angell . Brockway, a member of the faculty of tha Peabody Institute of Baltimore. Tha ceremony waa' per formed by the - Rev. K. D. Johnson, brother-in-law of the bride, and waa fol lowed by a reception and breakfsst at the Bradford home. Xnmaa Sleog Marks. A tsle'of horror wss told by mark of hutnsn blood In the home of J, W, AVIlllams, - a well-known ; merchant of Bac. Kentucky. He wrltee: "Twenty ?eara ago I had severe hemorrhages of he lungs and wss near desth when I hesan taklns- Dr. King's New Discover v. It completely cured me and I have re- malned well ever elrvce" It. Hmorrhsaes. cnronlo Cougha. Settled CoWls and Brnnchttla, and Is the only known cure for Week Lungs. Kvery bottle guaranteed b.' H. O. HHIdmore it Co., druaclsta. tve and l.9.j. Trial bottle free, Wholesale Liquor Dictate . Do they think they own the men who buy their goods and the men who do or do not use their goods? ; v .' THEIR CANDIDATE IS RALPH W. HOYT, who says, over his,gr nature, in the Oregonian, that he wilt give up his present position' and live in Salem. His present salary as cashier of the Merchants' National Bank is nearly $6,000 a year. The salary of State Treasurer is $4,500 a year, WHY DOES HE WANT IT? , -r WHY does Ms. Hoyt still refuse to state EXACTLY what he will do with the INTEREST that the' banks areirTthe abit of-allowing-the- State Treasurer on daily balances? ' ---- - r- -H - , ' I will pay pver to the state every dollar of interest paid on state funds, : whether there be a law passed requiring me to do so or not. - I promise to reside in Salem and give my personal attention to the con duct of the office. I promise that I will not deposit any of the state funds In any bank in which I am in any measure interested, but I will distribute them fairly and' impartially throughout the state. , ' I am not a candidate of any clique or faction. E. V. CARTER," -" ' ; " Republican Candidate for State Treasurer SKELETON YlilS SUIT FOB WIDOW Bones of Fuller V. Atchison for Second Timt Consigned to --. Laat Resting Flace.ll, .:'. :.. ilnn.l Baaelal Sarisas.l Denver, AprU IT. From Sulllvana undertaking parlora today were burled for the second time tha bones of Fuller W. Atchison. Only a part of tha sssle ton remains. It waa brouaht back from St. Paul by hie widow, who took It to that elty to win a ault ass Inst the An cient Order of United Workmen for Insurance. . She won. A year or ao aso a man waa found dead in a lonely spot near Evergreen. Tha Indlcatlona were that the victim had awaUowod carbolic acid, as a hand kerchief be carried waa partly aaten away by tha fluid and a bottle halt filled was near tha body. No one Iden tified the remslns and they were burled. Tha widow., believing the autclde to bt her husband, started an investigation, had tha body axhumed and identified the bonea In aeveral particulate. The bones were taken to 0L Paul, where Mrs. Atchison had started ault against tha Ancient Order of United workmen for $1,000 life Insurance, and were in troduced aa evidence. . The skeleton lacks Its hands and all of tha head excepting tha lower jaw. It .wss buried today, tha widow attending tha simple services and . aeelng the bones consigned for a aecond time to the earth in Fairmount cemetery..- WAY CLEARED FOR HILL ' - (Continued from Page One.) " " ."J. Bwlft-Packlng company nd other simi larly large Industries are locating on tha peninsula because of the construe tlon ot this line, and would not locate there without it. Whether the actual handling of their trafno la done imme diately in Portland or two or tnree miles away, will make no difference in the material benefits tor this city, The business will bs.dona through Portland, and -with Portland brains and capital, and tha commercial beneflta will accrue to thla city. - -"On a recent rieit in aouthern Cali fornia I found ia very marked disposi tion . among men - ot money and enter prise to .regard Portland as the roost favorable' point at the present time for large development projects and Invest ment ef. capital. They are all looking to Portland, and If nothing oecure to in terrupt the present movement of things thla city ia bound to go forward vsry materially within the next few .years." Contracta for granite lor racing tna piers of the Willamette river bridge hava been let to Soderburg, who has quarrlea at Index, on tha Northern Pa cific railroad. Tha ateamboata Edith and afetlako hava been purchased to assist in carrying on tha work. Con tracta for 10. large barges hava been let and are well along toward comple tion at tba Buppie yaras. Mr. Levey said ha knew nothing of tha ststus of tha rsporied deal between tha Hill lines and tha Columbia. Con tract company for Caatle Rock, nor af the reported aala of tha Portland South ern right of way. from Oregon City to Batem by F. S. Morris for tha Hill com- pint us. . It Is known, however, thaH with tha completion or the nortn name Una 'of these roada Into Portland they will Invade the Willamette valley and ether parts, of Oregon. Association TO to the Voters of Oregon WHO SHALL BE Treasurer of State E. V. GARTER, -J Republican Candidate for State Treasurer. MY PLATFORM MISS E. HARLAND CHILD - WEDS ERASTUS CORNING TJeurBat Special Servtce.)- Waahlngton, X. t C. April IT. All tha Judges of the supreme court and many other persona of prominence attended the wedding today of Miss Edith Har land Child, grand-daughter of Justice and Mrs. Harlan, and Eraatua Corning Jr. of Albany, N. T. Tha ceremony took place In the New Tork Avenue Presby terian church, and waa followed by a large reception. ., . , GEARIN WINS LAURELS (Continued from Page One.) With tha single ambition of personal elevation, to feed their monstrous van ity they would not only wreck tha party to. which they claim allegiance, but would without acruple place upon thla country -the curs - with which every civilised nation in Europe hee been struggling for a - deoade.-. And theae men God aava tha mark call them selves Democrats." - . DOMINION-GOVERNMENT TO BUILD SURVEY BOAT '"' (Speelat t) la pa tea te Ths Jearnal.1 Victoria. B. C April IT. The do minion government ia calling for tend ers here for the construction of a ves sel to be utilised in hydrographlc aur- vera on this coast. Hitherto thla work haa been confined to that dona by tha lmDerlal aovemment. For years naval auttfbrltles hava kept a aurvey ship on the Pacific coast. The H. M. 8. Egerla Is now engaged in this work." The dominion - government - will expend $160,000 In building a ship which will be IIS feet long and will supple- o4merican com. raxi asto oovox vn. Om BAT AJTD sTiaaTT. "Bluer front 11 a, m, to S y. as. Wavy Beaa Bonp, Ohloksa Balad, May oaaaisa. Baked XaUbni ................. rrlea Baso Clema , teamed Z.lttie STeok Olams. .... Olasa Bouillon, with Toast...... Boiled Sugar-Oure Baas, wits Cabbage . . . . i i . . . . Small Tends rlo la attaaavJrarta- - 20 -15a) .15a) .204 ..IBs) 20 2Be .20c .20a) fcort Bibs Beef, Brows Potatoes . Breast ef Teal, Breaded, Creole . Bsuoe . ..,.,.. . .,...... Lamb Boa Pto Braised Oa Bears, Jardlalere Stewed Tripe, Bpamlsh .... . . . , . Bamearg Steak, with Boodles , lftS 15 15e) 16a 15a) 25a) 15a) 15a) 15 15 10 . .. 10 .5 r,5 Bsad Cheeaa, Potato Mated Boas Cbiokeaw wltk Breeslag.... Boast Teal, with Dressing ....... Boast Pork, with Brassing- ; Boast Beef, Pas, wravy Strawberrlss and Cream ......... aallls tea Oreeuav ..... ...... . Botaoase X,etta 10at llaed Tomatoes . Apple, ivemoa, Pumpkla, Oaatara. Bkaaark Pla . . ... . Peach Pie 5 Bhubarb Bamoa.-r.. Coffee, Bread and Batter ass Pota toes with all an sals. Try tha Amerloaa Bestanreat oaee aad yoa will always bs apatroa. ; v , . . Dealers' Our ment tha work dona by tha Egerla. ' It la believed thst eventually tha dominion wiU take all thla work off tha imperial authorltiea : - ; Much ia to ba done, especially In ths north- where the terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific ia to be located, there being no complete survey of tha waters in mat port. ; . Don't Overlook Wm7J. Clarke For stats printer.. "In tha running," and don't ran forget It Wm. J. Clarke for state printer. , ,'...,, . ... tarr-Kaauaese Wedding. New York. April IT. Bt. . Thomas' waa tha scene of an Eaater wedding of note today when Miss Margaret Ham mond became the bride af Loula Starr Jr.' of Philadelphia. - The bride is daughter of tha lata General John Henry Hammond of Kentucky and a sister of John Hammond, tha famous mining en gineer. Portland. Or., April 17, 1 to 6. To the Public: There Is getting to-ba quite a controversy over tha coroner's office and statements that are being made. Portland la getting to ba a large city and a greet many people are coming to be residents here who do not know me, but I want to say that any atatement that I make, either verbally or in writ ing, ta the truth, and can be substsn- tlated. Appended herewith is an exact copy of the bill presented to the county for conveying bodlea to the morgue for tha month of April. J. P, Ftnley la coroner and hla aon la deputy coroner. If the coroner and hla deputy do not get the pay for this work, who doesT -Portland, Or.. April 1, 10. Multnomah County:'' t To J. P. Flnlev at Bon. rr?- Ter bringing the following named re mains to chapek . v March SO, James Turner, ..,.12.00 March "3 1, Henry C. Otbson. . ... 1.00 March 10, Alfred Costengren. . ,.v( 1. 00 March t,. Edward Dodson. ....... . 1. 00 March t, Anton Keltner. S.00 March , Patrick Furey. .......... 1.00 March I, Edwin Cester... S.00 March 4, Grant W. Hock......... 1.00 March I. Lucy F. Strait. .......... 1.00 March 10. May J. Helms. ...... S.00 March IT, Christian Stegman. . , .1. i.OO March 10, Benl. F. Eaton; ........ 1.00 March IS, Frederick Rodny 1.00 March 13, William F. Ohm........ March II. Alice Bohornborn (for merly uoraoni i.iie March 14. Frederick Jenaen. . .-, ... S.BS March X, Samuel Hughea. ....... S.00 March IT, Thomas Ellennecker... . S.00 March U, Jamea Peterson., ....... -1.00 Total ................167.00 Examined. ,' audited and approved. April 1, 10. ; , C Ai UKAMJES, Auditor, Multnomah County Oregon. I hereby certify that tht foregoing bill la correct. Jr. P. FINLEl, Coronar- (Copy.) . The total amount collected, UA to the flrat day of April, during tha adminis tration of J. P Flnley, Is 1,17.(0. , ..- EDWARD JHUUMAn. P. S. Once and for all. I want ta aay that If Dr. Slooum la elected coroner hla of flea will not ba at my place of businsss. Under no consideration will I hava tha coronsr"s office at my place. I do not know what mora I can aay to convince any one of thla fact. - Since writing tha above. I hava been to tha courthouse and find that J. P. Flnley receipted on tha auditors book for the warrant thst psld thla bill. XOWARD HOLMAN. - The Coroner's Accounts ' 1 : We have just opened up a lot of v I brand new neckwear fresh from , ' - the makers. We endeavor at all "-'"; times to handle the most exclusive and stylish neckwear to be found. A glance through our stock will -: tell the tale of how well we hava - -T- - - succeeded. - r As to Vslse Ncae An Uncounted X)ffcr A aet of our famous til Falaa TEETH for $10. trar.t1n trmm with thla nffmr . . V.. am- J inatlon and consultation free. ' Crown aad .Bridge work a specialty. Extracting. 50 cents 1 , . i WISE DROS.S Dentists TXZBD ABB TaABBIBwTOB. Mala BOSS. - -- Owea Bvealags aad SmaSaya. PORTLANDIRE-& IRON WORK Phone Main 2000 : A Nozzle Free With Every Hose IF PRICE Cuts Any Figure With You : - Combined With . Quality ANDAN Absolute Guarantee . ... - . .. ... . . .:. , : Then don V fail to examine our stock and compare our, prices and quality with hose sold elsewhere for A third more."-' : ' Fifteen Prkes $2.05 to f 12.00. Two fiizes j4-and,54-iri. Fifty-feet lengths. . . i. 'j Nine different styles. l'e Can Suit You Revolving Lawn Sprinklers 35f and . .'. t . . ,$1.25 Hose Nozzles . . ; . ... .40s Hose Couplings ......15 Hose Bands, brass. . . . ,10s Hose Menders ,. , . . . . . .10 ifi Hose BandswirCaa.,, . . .5s) Hose ReeU f 1.25 Hose Washers, doz. . . .10f Remember--A Ilozzle Free J l With Evert Hose Purchased Here WoodardiQarlie&Cti. Fourth and Washington Ss. 31 i MORRISON ST., Opp. Postofttce Do or Cxa Give BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WISE AKD ISO!. WimQ Barbea wire, wire ana JLawn fencine. Poultry Nett&i'g, Etc. ; ; 263 FLANDERS ST, Near Third Buy Me Some Sand For a Play Ground? Clean white Monterey Sand that is. fine' for the little f el-lows-nothing; - better r for toddlers than an outdoor playhouse. A cleanly amuse ment and a lasting one. 15 lb. Sack 'DELIVERED 7ANY.--I WHERE IN PORTLAND . 4 I -