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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING! APRIL- 17, 1SC3. 114' (til 1 1 I I ( v FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. rOR SALE Portable 0 a. p. engine and boilers -uaratuea: ona intra it tiiim, i. u. m "tt, lawyer, 4 Mulkey bJug FOR SALE S aeonnrt hand nlano. la Brat- - ciaaa eoadlttoa, - Addreee at 8s, ear JuornaL FOB BALE Good horee; alas harnea and cart, uncbaugh a grocery,. North Aibtn. NICB, popular anall patent, fulfset te die for Baking mm: prlca fauo, or trM tor lot.- M .21,. aara JouraaL Wil l. Mil or trad $45 crtirict on Ellen, rnoM racinc w. v in, car arjoraafc- 300 rOB fhla reetanrant If taken at one; food teaeei arm sis; poor neaitn. i mjiur CERTiriCATB oa K7.M; wUI tSa Ellar Piano Houaa for 110. Call 7a E. Salmon at. FOB 8ALE1.800 foot of I and loch ataadard plpa as good aa new at half prlc. It. Bard -. Sum Eighth and Uliaaa ata. WOOD maaufacturlna tmalnaaa hi Oregon, ohrntr '.. tlmbar, water power; trad etabltalted tor - l yars. Addrcaa A 102, car Journal.. FOR SAI.I Freeh , food nillkara. Uth at., Bear Umatilla, ftellwaod. ISM IMPORTED aardlnaa. worth I2.2S doses spm ran damaged; tak all yon want at 00 suae. 2uu second at.. Dear Mi moo at. TAT right la patent, or will aril right to tnannractitr on royalty in xtregon, eean ana ttoor inanuractnrer; inveatigaie. oiraaa u. Mltehall, InUraatlonal hotel. Portland., In CERTIFICATE e El let Piano Hoaia for . aal cheap." Addreee A tie), -car Journal.- PERSONAL. HUE. ANNA LUCKET AND MRS. f. WOtTE, eol ' tor Mdm. Orahaoje Hydro-Vaca treetment and butt developer. Thla la th Boat aelantlfle traatmrat tor removing; " ' wrlaklaa and facial bleailebe; alas to huet development. No need -of having wrinkle . any mora. Patient received, with board and traatmant.- Full Una of bath. Sstlafactloa - ftraraatrcd. Ttatlmonlala from laadlai . thyelctanr . 18 I.ange Hotel. Sixth i rVaxhiogtoa ate. I'bon Mala 3011. wlill yoo watt. BOe. Ladle' SOe. Gilbert, 10H BlxU at.. , aklrt aazt to Qualla. rhoo I'aelfle 2083. " b wad r w affhrr a ur v tw w. iKuiaiua ftOOH WaahlnstoV tUlieou. 0a..ora. It BINO CBOONO. Imnortar of Cblnea-mot aad. Hoaa; alla Chlnaa taa that la cartafn ear : for all iUkim. , Ill Btcond bat. XamhlU -- and .Taylor. -4i- iv . . SETECTITE AOBNOT Omfldratlal atlona: renorta mad on any IndlTldaal bad. 'aese or proprrty; mtaalnf relatlraa loeatad; . . bad drbta collactrd: cbarga raaaoaahlai cor. napondocc aollrltrd. Orrfoa Dotaotl arrlca, offtca I14-81S Colombia bid.. MS Weahlaftoa at. Phoa Mala IS. SACK ACRE and Mdnor or Maddar dlaaaaa corrd with Orrcna karba; trial la for 10 la ataaapa. Plammar. M0 Third ah. . WET FEET ara daacarooa. 1a abaoloUly watarpraof. Wabfoot black tn MANLT wignr rutorrd by Dr. - Roberta Nam Olohalaa. One month' treatment, 93; I Boath(, fS. aent aecrtr ealed by moll. ' Aa-eata, WoatUrd, Clark A Co.. Portland. Or. ..XEfJ. Palm Tableta make rtm altep aerfartlyi they car aereouanape and make yoa atroasi . aria 0e a boa, boxe W BO; faaraataed. All drof rlata, or addreee Brook Drac Oa 7 North Third at.. Portland. Orafoa. ANT man or main caa b 'etronf and happy - by aalnr Eeirln Pllle. the area hsntef r ' la bos. boxra (S, with fall aaratx ' ' Addrea r rail (. A. Cleroenaon. dragtiat. ear. Second and Tamhtll ata.. Portland. Or. PinR-GRAPE portrait; apedil fre tor tew daya; rablaat alaa, earda or told, IS for is; aUty and work the boat. D. M. terena, 4ot Qoodaovf h hld., Plfth . aad xamatit . BALM OF FIOS for all female dlnai. Eaat Belmaot. pboac Boat 40S4. "FORBIDDEN FBUIT." "A Oar "Story of a Blare." Fanny Hill." "Agoaa." : 'Woman of Fir," BOe each) llaU free. A. W. Bchrnal Co.. S2 Flrat at. tTREISH BATHS, 10 Orrrovlaa bldg.i Udlr daya, geotleaiea akjhta. - Mala 138. DR. 41. V. KETCHHM promptly private dlaaaaaa, kidney, nervon. akin and apeclil . feml troable. Call or writ. Red Oroo . Dlapenaary, oorncr Third and Ah It. Phoa Part f I ML SCnoOL book aad all ktnda of hook boogbt. - aolit aad ueaaagad. Jonee Book Store. Sl Aider t..-i- .-' DIMBARE8 OF WOMEN aoeceeefally treated; maternity raaea cared for, privet boopltal; trained nnreee: ennenltatloo free. Dr. At wood. ' AA0M MorrlaoB at., room 8. Phen Hood 888. - " BACHELORS, don't worry; we'll aew yocr bat ton oa and do yonr mending free; doa't aweart we'll Iron yonr shirt nd collar fa fit year neck. Try aa. Orand Laoadry Co., iTtn ana wnimoy eia. rnon 100. Turkish bath, raaaaag, hrdrtatrle atrlctly nrat-ciaaa piac ror laaie only, Flat A, Ml Waahlngtoa at., between lth and ITth at. DR. M. T. COLE, 848 Eaat 8Xd at.; maternity ceer; dlaeaae or women. Phone Tabor 111. THE 8TEWART-LIN0ELL PARLORR, moa 10, Lnae hotel, Ruth aad Waahlngtoa. remove all facial blemlahea; expert electrolyele. manlenr. ing, cnampooing, electro race and ecaip ma , aa; melee aud wart remored. Tel. Mala BUT. - - , DOIX'R HOSPITAL Repairing and dreealng. 881 Tamhin L HOLDER'S RHEt MATIO CCBB Rare car tor rnenmaiieaii nnia oy an araggiera. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, ana Commercial blk., Secoad aad Wublngtoa rta. Pbon Mala 84a. I. S. WINCHESTER, ttnrneyt-law. notary. 80 Waahlngtoa bldg. Ptaon Parlfl S3ST. ART EMPORIUM. PR0FEH"0R R. MAX METER, 848 Abler. Portrait and lindaeap art let and teacher. ARCHITECTS. H. H. ME NOBS, A-fhltect. 118 Bocond L ASSAYtRS. OARYIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. T Montaaa Aaaay OfSc. 1M Monieoa at aad AUTOMOBILES. 1 COYST A COOK Motor Car Cl. r "eeatb aad . Alder Areola for Cadillac. Pierce. " arrow - anit Rtaeeaa-Durrea chtae rented, repaired and atored. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Brerett . targeet bntchera' tnpply hoaa oa th eoaat. ' " - BATHS MASSAGE. " " - " yotiNO ladr give vapor, alcohol aad medicated hatha. Parlor T, 2MH Stark at. TWO yoang ladle give-maaeag, tab end vapor bath. lin fourta n., cor. Waahlngtoa. ' MADAME YASHTt. magnetic healer; whlakey - and tobacco hahlta cared! full line of bath. Room d, xtil l Third at., cor. Taylor. Ml)". RAYMOND give bath and maeaage treat meal. Ike Ooanwe, 18)4 Marries tt, "TSLANk-EOOl! MAKERS. BOWS. DA Til K I LM A M, 10-ltl moii at. Blank booh aeaBafarturer! geats tor Xoee laepmvsd Lauee-Leaf ledger; e the Bw tureh leaf, th fceet th aiarhet. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES aay en owe yaa moneyt W eorhjet bad debt of all kind. Northweetera Law A - Collection Co.. 1ZS Urand a., rooma 14 aad to. iiuaeaa' nana nia. vvi caia aL rnooe Eaat oxmo. 4 CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. PRtir. NORMAN. CONHri.T TUB BKMT IT WILL PB0V THE t'HKAPLKT IN TflB ICND Wlthont aaktns sjvratlna I tell rry In ciiieoi n your paei, preaent ana rutur ure how to aala your deelrea la lure, marrlaira. dlrore, elrkaeee, wealth, etc.; locatea luat villa, deeda. mortraae and a been t ftienda; tell yoa how lo tell If your aula a eon tain ore, on or ire; lee within reach of all. IU Allaky. bM(., 3U5 Marrlaoa, cor. Third. MRU. BTETBN8. PoVtland' leading palmlah, nvr-pn ana ri.irfyiaul,. w oerenta m. pp. uutel roruaad.' DRMOVDoT. the great Bgyptlaa eecr. remoeed to 22, Waehlngtoo at.; reading every day and Rundry, hoc, 1. 12; by mail, I?; letter wiinoui re ana aiarop not anawered. CARPENTERS' AND BUILDERS, WASHBURN ri.OVD Carpentere, Joiner and carriage wora. as oin at. raona rarioo Iiua. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. :r M. A. OUN8T CO .' . -r Dlatributor at . v PortlandT Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC. PUREE appeodlrltlat a drag or knife. Dr. Bra Hogaa. eui union are. TeLi woodlawa WT, CARPE aV CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Clraalnf Co., targeet plant a tha eoaat. Lorlng and Harding ata., tele. pnna Kaat raw larpeta cleaned, refitted, ewad and laid: both (team and latest com. preaaea air prataaa; r rausa i ' feathera a peelaliy. V SANITARY carpet cleaning, metloa aad eoa. preaaea aw comoiaea: rarpera oieaneq on i without removal. Mala MM. Mala Mot I. HUNTER, a team carpet and mattrea, cleaner. BOO Jeffereon. Phoa Mala 114. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCH LEY BROS, ha removed from foot IMvu at. to Kmrnay at., arer 11th: I now ine largeoi wooayara IB ine etry, carry, lac U klad a wood aad eaeX hlala ML ALBINA FDBb CO Dealer tar cord wood, rool a aa greea end ory uaowood. at. R. aad Ah una ava., a bioak eaat at ferry. Eaat BT4. WRBTERN Feed A Fael Co.. oa Front, bet wee una ana rJoyx, aeaier la all Made of hone mala and fclaeaamlth ' aeeaa. Phoa aula ioibl STEEL BRIDOE FUEL CO. Dealer la coal enrdwoad aad dry aUbwood. Phawa Eeat 44. OREGON FUEL CO. All kind of coal had ua raoo Mala on. - KIRK HOOTER. Ill Watat tWood aad h raoo aiara a ova. . CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland 8 teem Cleaning A Dvti ir A Pvtng Work: pr tloa. til aih. Paelfl auf. tical batter la CLOTHES rlend and rmd fl per mo ata. uaiauo laiionng lo.. ar wwningtoa at. B. W. TfRNER. arofeaaloaal .yer aad eWaaaar. aua jeriaraoa au . raoae alaia an la. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladle' 10 men' eteajlag and pveeetng. BOO Waah-Pa. HIT. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE tux kei f and- gla megei vet. mi o7"o m ta. Starh at. CAFES.. TTIK OFFtCB 15 Waahiaftoa aC. phoa Mala TTL Samoel Ylgaaana. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. mYERDINO A FARE ELL, predae and eommte. moa areaaata. 140 rroat at. roruaaa, vr. Pkoo Mala ITS. CHINESE REMEDIES. MRS. DR. '. K. CHAM: core private and frmal dlaaese with herbe god roota; remcdu harm leee; a operation. 868 Clay at., cor. Third. DRESSMAKINO. PRICES ' war low. guarantee aatlafactlon. Madam Angelee. ' Phone Partfle 8J. 841 Fifth at. Stor ope a evening aad Saadaya. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ROBTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINEEBINO , Company, 94 Seventh at., Portland. O. K. for everything la the electrical Uae, Phen Mala "1888. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engl aaer. eeatrae , tor, repairer, electric wiring, euppllee, 84 Flrat car. Stark. Mala as. R. H. Tata, mgr. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-alr faraacea ear foeL I. 0L Bayer Faraeee Co., SSd Second. Mala 441. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREOON Faraltore Mannfacmrlag Compear Manufartarer et furniture tor th tree, portlaad. Or. e . rCRNITfTBl maanfactarlng and apeclal erdera, L. Raveaaky'a rural tor factory, 870 Front et FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A . IRON WORKS MS Blander at, cor. Sd., Phone Mala XO0O, GRINDING.' K. B. KARLSON A CO., expert grinder. Aa keny , corner Eighth. Phone Pacific TBS. ''A GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., facturer and comi aad Oak ata. waoleeal aiote- 1 taa lea Bareboat. - Fort ALLEN A LEWIS, ommlalea and peodaee mee chaate. Front Sad Davt ata., Portlaad. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary sad marln; 'Little Special" Ciaollne launch. 1B6 sceoad-haad tetrhl BBchee and bulla. , .. BEIERSON MACTf INERT CO., 4.. inx--a Mornsoa ex. - . HOTELS. . HOTEL Portlaad. Amaricaa pla; IS, S3 per Say. BELVEDERE: European plaal 4th sad Alder at. THB BROWN-r43raad td Hawthorn ava. HAY AND GRAIN. . . COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed oar. - 1M Unloa Bee. Phoa Eet 1BIT. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Co. o licit eportnatty t awot price. 183 let Alder. Mala 1884. INSURANCE. MA AC U WBITB. fir laaara. SOS Detam siag. i . JA8. Mcf. WOOD, wirtorere" liability sad ta. uinouai Becinear enr.iy nona at all Biaaa, rnnne r. gna He Rap bids. ,-. . .J.. LOCKSMITH. H. RICHARDSON, lockemttt aad rsaalrlBSi mt Bnaatda. Pad 108A, - FINANCIALBANKS. 11 a1ai r lil r hajn iii 1 n nriTEi D STATES HATX0VA& BANK OF T neruiweat Oi. ranaaata a Sanaral Bankiaa Buauieu. n iiiih Biaie paa aurope, uoozionf ana hiaaiia. cjaiiaetiaaa au a rarermala Term. Prealdeet J. C. AIN8WOKTH Vlca-Praaleat ,.W. B. AVER Vlre-Prraldrnt ..R. LEA BAHNK8 CaehleT B. W. SCHMEBR Aaalataat Caabler... A. M. WRIOBT T'R BANK OF CALIFORNIA ZemMiehed B Capital paid p A4.0o0.0i)0.O0S1rplna end andlvlded prodta (O.TTf). 141 M a. ueaerai oaaaing gad Exchange Bualneee Treaaected. SAYINtlS DEPARTMENT. Intereet an time deposit. AeeounU opened tor eume of f 10 aad upward. Portlaad Breach . , - Chamber of Commerce building. WM. A. MACRAE..... Manager, I. T. BUETCBAELL..., ...Amlataat Maaager f?IE8T BATI0EAL B1XK OF F0BTLABS. 1 ' M Dealguated Depoaltory and Preotdent. Aaalatant Caahler. eitijAa - o AT.vnan "--TV i" laeawa avaiiani ia Earop aaa Bight Eirhaage end Telegraphic Tranfee anld oa New York. Roe ton. Chicago, St. Leal, Paul. Omaha. Baa Franclaca and the orlnrlual aotnto In the Northweet Bight and time bill drawn ta otn -to aalt HoagkiMif.' Xokohaaia, Cupeuhagen, Chrlatlaala. Honolulu. , I - ADO A TTL TOE, BABaTIRB TrUtabllehed B t Traaaecta Oeaeral Baaking Buata able terme. T.ttM n mll 5','- . Bight Excbaaga and Telegraphic TraMfer gold on New York. Waahlagtoa. Chleag. BL Loan. Denver Omaha A.n n,.1u. ,.j u.n. an tVtlnmkli a-.M..... m.lA ym menu, rana, periio. TTanxrort. Hongkong. lokoBama. Manila and Heaoiuiq. ; XB0HANTS' NATIONAL BANaT." PORTLAND. OREOON. . FRANK WATSON,., Prealdent R W ' TranaaaU a Oene'ml' Banking' ' Bnalaeae , Drafta aad Lettera of Credit laeced Available e All Parte of th World. Collection a Specialty. . nun Caahler TRUST COMPANIES. POmiVD TRUST OOhTPZNT OF OREOON "The Oldest Traat 0 RErlOURCEK ftVRn l IWtn AAA - n ..I k.t,kln. - ..h.... . .11 Oeneral ' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, 'Time certificate. B50O or over. 814 to i per cent Call fcr Book .ana Pbon Prealdent Secretary BENJ. I COHEN.,.. B. LEB PAGET...... CS6TKJTT BAYIBOS A TRUST 00MPABT r iraoeacra a ueneru "Tklag Huainem. Tim and Savluga - -it. Art Available la All 0. r. ADAMS. A. Ie MILLS.., ,. ... a Prealdent ..Second Ylce-Prealdent OEO. F, KU8HELL. .... THE M0BT0A0X BUABABTXX TRUST COM PART BANK. Stock. Bond aad Mortgage Bought aad Sold..., Intereet Paid Tin Dpplt. . n.PlT.r. . inotvwirtrt - 0. . WATERBCRT ..Prealdent R. LOO AN HA V8 lkjl"P!eBeTnth and Stark BONDS AND ORRIS BROS. 1M rii- Btraet,'' Vortlaad.' Oiwsoa.-: ----;;:rv - Offer Ollt-Edg Inveatment In Municipal and Railroad Bond. Writ Of CH.- ' I '1TLE 0TARABTEE A TRTJBT OOMPABT - .MORTGAGE LOAN oa PertUad Beat etrecta. r D 0WB-IO. HOPXAJfS CO Wheat and Boom.d, Oroaad Floor, Overbeckp Starr & Cocke Co. ORAIB, PB0YTSIOVS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BOND - - WB DO A BTR10TLT OOMMISkUOB BUSINESS. r : Coattnnoa Markets by Private . Wlr. Qolck Servle, era, and Tnlted Statea National Bank of England. J. MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND - CORPORATION , : - -Hlgheat Betura to Inrcators OooataUnt With AbeolBte Safety. PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN HOME TELEPHONB A TELEGRAPH SECURITIES ' magnetic! healing. ALL form of dlaeaae cared; free lector on ran hnd cur of dlaeaae very Tueeaay atght 10 Seventh. Main 41T8. L. H. Hart, ACHINERY. THE B. (V'ALBBB CO. Second head I aawaalUa, t. 848 Grand ars. BIPPBLX M YE ftd, macblnwta aad alee- trtclare) loetrle elevetore. electrical macula ry and faeolln engine epecialty. R24 Oak atvf hoaa Mala 1880. - . - BOAT eaflDca, gaaorlne, Sheffield marina 1 any peed; ; nee nuclei Budei right price: la etockjee xhlMtlon; rannli rur IB aalasroom. jaii rirsi and Starh at. Falrbanka, More A 6s. MONEY TO LOAN. HRADOnARTERH FOB SALARY LOANS. dxft-B Mobawk bldg., cor. Mrrlaoa and TblrtL Ladle ec Oerrtlemea. - No Poblldtyr If rou borrow (20 roa par bach 81.86 week. 4 If roa harrow 8'JB yorpyack 81.6S a week. If ye put row yoa pay aacg z.w a wee a. ,1 If yoa borrow $B0 yoa pay back S3-00 a week. Payaieot suapended la caee ef aicknaaa. Strictly Salary Loan. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.t dSS-S Mohawk bids cor. Morrlaoa aad Third. - MONEY TO LOAN - Ow Improved dry-property or-for-- balldlng pnrpoeee. for froB 8 to 10 yars' tun, with wtniaia. to- reoar ail or pari after two year. Loan approved free pi and money advanced -a balldlng progreaeeej aBerrgare taken ap ana repiacea. , FRED H. STRONG. FlnancUl Agent -S4S Stark at - THB STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employ, vag e-earec, caa gt oa Die not, without mnrtgage Month. Vt Month. Week Repay to as six. its or as 818.83 or 88 r or 88.88 oa 8 8.S or fn.85 or il.M i 4.00 or ix.00 ec $1.04 ro w neper to BIB.OO Raner to S10 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL loans on sslarl. Inauranc poltciea, pianos, riirniture, warvnou eelnta. etc. 1 n daaervln aereoa mar een S liberal advance, repaymf by saay wkly or monthly Inatallment. KIW ERA LOAN A TRfST COMPART. 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB Aad other apoa luetr own name without security: eheapeet rates, eealeet payment, office la S8 principal eitlea;. aaTyatall money ny getting our trma nrax. TOLMAK n, xu AMI Ablngtoa bldg., 108 Third at MONEY to loan en real, nereoaal and collateral ecunty; pedal atteatina to enanei anort aage; ant bought. 0. TT. Pallet S04-B Fcntoa bldg., C4 Sixth at - . HIGHLY re portable place wber ladle aao centa ran twirrow money on aiamono ana Jcprelry. Collateral Load Bask. So Wash, Ingtoa St. Phoa Black MONEY tn loan an Clark a ma a county land. . B. F. and F. B. Riley, BUS Chamber tt Ceo- . .0 LOWEST rate on farntrur and piano. Eaat. era Loaa Co., kaerioca niog. racin ui. MONEY TO LOAN oa sit kind of security. William Hon, room S. Waahlngtoa bldg. SEVERAL tbooeand dollar to loan at S Des cent city property: private. 1 S, JearaaL TO LOAN Snms to nlt oa chattel R. A. Frame, (14 th Marouam. lty. MONUMENTS. NEtT A KINGMLBT, MS Flrat at.. Portia ad' leading marbl a ad granlt work. MUSICAL.' EMIL THIEI.HORNi pop II of SEYCTK. yvollB teechee. Stndlo 1M Sixth, Tel. Male Mead. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. AD1X A NORTHRUP. 4IS-1S-1T Dekm bldg.. Third ' and Waahlngtoa ata. Phoa Mala 848. Examination tra. THB very heat lady eatMpeth la town. Dr. ! U a. Johneoa. salt la. Selllna-Barech bldg. DR. PIERCE, oeteopath, vl oration and th nw light. 81 Third St. Pboas Pacific SdT. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 408-4 Macleay bldg. Pbon Pacific lHB. Re, th Hill. ;. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. BUTLER 88 Concord bldg.) Mala 1BT8. PLUMBERS. DONNERBER0) A BADEMACHER. eeajtary plumber. M Feetrth t Both FOX A COA sanitary pbimbera. Ml Beeoad, bet Mala aad Salaaoa. Oragoa Phone Mala BOOL FINNIOAN BROS. A CO XM Third St. -pbon Mala 2900.. . Plumber gad heating eogiaaara. PATENT LAWYERS. 0EO. W. McCOT, domt1 aad foreign parental tndaovarks, astary aablla, ; 871 Marrkeo. I'Vx - L an -A - n-J L. l Tl Li LfUiy OETLABD, 0SEOOE, "---. . 16lr ana oak Hta. . nmrra TRNi.Kn intiikii i an nH m Aaataunt Caahlar W. A. HOLT 1M4, Bead Offtoe, Saa FimneUee. Onllfernla. OBEOOhT. Ptaaadal Age a I of th United B'-'-a. veauier w. Pinnina ilmuI A..ut.n r..hiM at m itetxni tn gaatera mat. aa London, Pari. BerNa. Frankfort -a -he-Mat. Btockbolm, SL Patera burg, Moecow, Eurlca. - -JT. ta Had.) aaa. Collection aud at all mint oa lavor. B..ll.kl. . S..a . A .11 h, Inl. 1. tk. TTalta R. L TIIRH11I...V,, V je-peeeldeat OKOROB W. HOTT., . ..aatataat Caahler h banking. - Exchange oa all aorta of the world. 8 to 4 nor cent: ahort-eall anerl TlBceie, of "ILLC8TR ATI0NS." Buatiiaaat oorun Third Private Kxchanc 18. H. u PIT KM 2 .........1 .t . . Yk-e-Peealderit 1 O. SOLTRA...... Aaalataat Secretary BM Morrujca Btreet, Portlaad. Oregoa. tw .KiFTrivvai w.i , muewflj, wnrta, SAVIN0S DEPARTMENT. Intereet Allowed Troete for Eat a tee. Draft r d Letter at Credit Part of the World. L. A. LEWIS Flrat Ylc-Free I dent R. 0. JUBITZ Htecretary Aaalatant Secretary -- C. W. MILLER'. YlePrtaeat Amlataat Recretary Street. Phone Mala 18. ' INVESTMENTS. 4A Waahtnetow Street, flnroee Baoaatd. EaUU at Lowaat . Rata.--Title lnurd..jiAh- umiaoea. Stoeh Broken. (Eatabllahed 18SS.I Chmb. of Commerce. ' (Member Chicago Board of Trade.) 109 Third St.. McKay Bldg., Partlaad. Oregon. REFERENCES Ldd A Tlltoa. Bank- Booms 8. 4 ad S La Fayett hldg or. Sixth " . and Wasbv- Sta., Portland, Oregoa. DIYIDBND BANK AND ST0KS: COBPOBATION- -PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS..- r. B. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Paint Oat I . winoew-f-iaa sad glaaJBg. lo glra si. . Phoa isa. . : -- ' BR NEST MILLER A CO., Becesd aad Taylor Wall paper, paint, ell at market prteeei free PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSING Bala - crucial photographic view .of exposltleB. aourenlr postcard, clew hooka, - etc., greatly reduced price. Bxpealtiea a for. sv MorrMoa at. PRINTINO. THB MODERN PRINTERT Artletle Brintlafl. M Ruaael bldg., Foorth aad Morrlaoa. Phoa racinc num. ANDERSON A DDNIWAT COMPANY, pel tin. lithographing, bUnk hooka. Phone Mala if. to Alder et . WELCH. DAVIS A CARSON Print la that ,. pay the payer. Room 808 and 804 Btearn . bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa. Phoa Mala 414T, RUBBER STAMPS a '4' ST A M P WO R K StSeBlde-. paooa Mara 1101 runner at in pa, aaa, ateaeiia, agag iro caecBBi am ror eataiogoe n. aa. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, gntterlng, repairing aad ganacal Jobbing. J. Loan, tit Jefenoa et STREET PA VINO swhaaaxahiiaaaajBeahmaa WARRRN Oouatioclloa O.. atreet pavliig, at do wel ka aad ceoBlngs. tlS Ore goals bldg. THB Barber Asphalt Paving O. f Partlaad. urnee on vvrcerr aia. . , . SIGN PAINTERS: SOLD SIGNS. wtBdow lettering, cloth baaeere. acooomic! electric ln end eigas or u klad aud aalrkl. Faetar A El. tear. Fifth ed Everett Pkeoe Excheee SA. W. P. BERGEB A SON. M4 Yamhill at Sign of all kind. Pbon Pacific 2232. SCALP TREATMENT. OBAT, filling heir, dandruff treated: ehampoe- ipg, manicuring, cniropoay, xac work. Mrs, m. r. ixne, 100 s. roorrn. Boob XX. piea PHS too. cor. Morrlaoa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description;, baak, bar aaa nor witara aud to raac . la Mtha Manufacturing Co.. Portlaad. SAFES. DIEROI.D SAFES ALWAYS BELIABLB, not In TRUST. Norton and Bochey Jack. Metal Offlc Fixture. Repair. Pbon Mai I80B. John E. Davn. Agent M Third st PORTLAND BAFE CO.. sol agenta for HER- RING-H ALL-MARVIN Ha fee and MANGA NESH Steel Bet Co.'s Bank Safe. ' 88 Tth at SECOND-HAND . GOODS. BOODB'S Farnltar Wnaea Hlgheat prtcee paid for cond-had foraltora. SIS aaauaa i Phoao Pad fie 4BS. TOWELSUPPLV. CLRAN TOW RIB DAILT Onsxh. hrwah. , Si per axvath. Partlaad Ieodrr aad Towl apply Co.. Nlath aad Coach. Phoa 419. TYPEWRITERS. WWW typvwrrltrr,, .all makM, rmterf, oM aa4 waywaaa oewa VtBI da g eysShTJ , aXA t (! a. . A era. VI , TELEPHONES. THB eetly ogcloalve tekephoa he. B.-B. Metric Telepaeae MaaatacturlBg eaa. paay, SB Fifth ex. TRAN3FER AND HAULIN0. JAFRR, elaaa sad farattats aaoved, sacked may ror snipping and aaippodi an wn gaantateedi large, Story hrtch, - nre-proet warehooM fag atnrage. Offlc IBS rirat at. C. M. Glee. Phra Mala S4T. THB BA40A0B OMNIBt'S TRANSrSB CO., Co, sixth aad Oak ata. i haggag cheeked fro hotel realixeete Street to deet1aetle paeaanget therefore avoid rh d aar aac at depot. . Private Bsrhaag SB. C O. PICK, office gar ytrvt et.. hetweea Stars aad Oak ata., phone Bed; plaane aad feral tar Met warehoua with aeperate area riiaa Froot aad Clay eta. OREOON TRANSFER CO,, 18 North Sixth. raoae Mala SB. - Heavy holing Bad rag POST SPCCIAI, DRIITRRT Na. SOOhj Waa aasea s raoae 00I7A JEfJfJKlGS IS AGAIH Oil TRIAL First Two Days Spent In Select ing a Jury Only Five Jurors : r From First Venire. ACCUSED GIRL HOPEFUL '" OF COMPLETE 'ACQUITTAL New Witnesses Secured by Both the Stste and DefenseAttorneys Are "Prepsred to Make Stubborn Con- - test. '. .-'2!r'-:.' J ' ' iSiMclaJ DUpatchi to Tha. Journal. )" Grants Pa, Or., April i J The sprlriK term of th Joaephln circuit court was convened yesterday tnornlns by- Jul Harm a,'" Rii 1 tha first" taaa) ealldd was . that . of . Dora Jennlncs Miss Jennlnga was Jointly Indicted with her" brother . Jasper (or tha mur der of , her- father in their cabin at Granite Hill mining camp last Septem ber. Jasper was convicted of murder in toe rirst degree at the January term of court, and is now at Salem awaltlns the decialon of the supreme court, to wuiGu u-iDunai . ma caae waa appealed. The jury failed to asree In Dora's caae and aha la now appearing for a eecond trial, . . . Hard to Cret Joxora. AU of yeatarda and tha craater nart of today has been consumed In Imuan. elln r Jjury. tJnly five men were se lected from tha original Hat drawn, and a new venire has been Issued by the comi. oucrin iewia and deputies are ntrw-out- Bcourlng'thd r remOterdlst rJcla of the county in an attempt to find men who are not acquainted with the case. It will probably require another day to nak the Jury complete, and all Of thla week. Will ba uaed bv tha court 4n hearing tha caae, -Mies Jennlhgs la entering her second trial In muchbetter spirits than she did her flrat She weara her prettiest smiles aa she alts between her attor. eys, Durham and Colvig. " She la dressed in white, with a dainty nick .ribbon about her-neck, and a big pink now in ner nair. iier younser aiater, Julia, alta bealde her and her mother alao. occuplaa a -aoat wlthlo tUa Tailing. Her . brothers and. her married -atater a ndV family are constant attendants at IM trial.- - Mew Wltaeases Beoured. When hsr.ease was heard last Jan uary term both her attorneys were 111 and scarcely-able to be present. In the courtroom. For that reaaon they were not able lo make as aOubborn a fight aa they expected to maker ' Thla time both lawyera are in good condition and hope to make a stronger defense for the girl than before. On the other 'hand. Dis trict Attorney Keamea, aasiated by hia brother, Clarence Keamea, will prosecute tha caae with renewed vigor. . Several new witnesses, in behalf of the itate. have been summoned. .- These, together With a number of othera heard last Jan uary, have coma to Grants Pass and are aow- tit-waiting about the. courthouae, ready to give their testimony. Difneulty In the aeiectton of men com petent to ait aa Jurorais met, not- alone la the matter of finding thoae who have not dlacuased ' the caae, or who have formed oplnlona, but alao In the declara tion of many that it would : require stronger evidence "for them to' convict a woman than to convict a man. Many also state that .they 'Could not return a verdict .that would result In the hang ing of a woman, even though they ba- Hayed her gollty of murder in the firs degree. CONTINUE .FIGHT-TO FREE I Judge Hanford, In Denying Writ, Saysv Defendant Has' No : Ground to Complain. . : (Special Dispatch to Th Joornal.) Pendleton,.- Or .April 17. Th fact that Federal Judge Hanford at Seattle denied thr-wrtt. of habeaa corpus asked for-to secure tn roles of Columbia George, now a life prisoner at McNeil's island, convicted several years ago of murder 'on the I'm til la -recrvatlon -f nother Indian, ha not atopped the ef forte ia his behalf. R. J. ' Slater, Co lumbia George's attorney, has ltakrn the ground that the caae did not -come under federal Jurisdiction, but w properly a atate caae. Judge Hanford dlasenta from this view. - Mr. Slater will taka the case to the United Statea supreme court if necessary, and It will be . necessary provided a rehearing of tha case cannot ba secured in a 'lower federal court, . The. prevalent view of the case by tha average cttisen of Uma tilla county la to the effect that .Co lumbia George ia really fortunate. To quote from Judge Ilanford'a decialon: ' 'He has had tha benefit of an er roneous decialon of the supreme court of Oregon, In denying the Jurisdiction of th court In which he was first tried, for by that decision he eecaped the extreme pmlalty for the atrdcloua crime -of which he has been- pronounced guilty , by the verdicts of two Juries, and hs certainly has no ground to com plain of Injustice." ENGLAND OFFERS TWO ISLANDS AT AUCTION ' ( Joaraal Special Service. ) London, April 17. "How much for a tight little island?" will probably be a typical remark of Herbert Shaw. . the solicitor for tha British registrar for tha Western Pacific, st Suva, Island of ; F"IJ1. today 'When, In the character of an exalted auctioneer, ha calls for bids for two Islands, the property of Great Britain. The Islands In , queetlon are Fanning and 'Washington, In the North Pacific. The Islands were annexed by Great Britain some yearr agx and tiled aa a cable station, being on the direct route from Vancouver - to ' Australia. The .station la now to' be abandoned, hence tha sale. ' Both Islands are very beautiful, alike aa regards altuatlon, cli mate and flora. Olaasgaau Oraalty aaA Wegleet. . (Special ntapatch to The Joaraal.) -;- Rugcne, Or., -April 17. Mrs. Eva T. Day haa begun ault tn tha circuit court agalnat William G. Day for divorce on the grounde of cruelty and Inhuman treatment . She allege that for several years paat her. husband haa spent all his mpney for drink, compelling her to work to support herself, They were i married) at Cottage Grove. February j It. 1IJ, and have two minor children, TRANSPORTATION. NOME ROUTE 5. i SENATOR Jane 1 Seeure Tickets aTew. BOTJTaTJLABTBaUr AtaiTB From Seattle at f 9. ID. tor Ketchl kaa. Juneau. Skagway. White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. 8. 8. City of Seattle, April 11. B. H Humboldt. Arjrll lf-ll. iS-wfiCottage City (via Sitka), April 10. S. B. Spokane, June t-11; July (-!; -.-August 1. , . - POB BAH rSAJTOISOO SZBaOT, From Seattle at a. m.; Umatilla. April (-1S: Queen, April 1-11; Senator, April 18-18. . ..V .'-l , - VortlaaA Of Boa. MS WasBJaa-ttra Bt, Bfala BBS. . . -: a. k. uib, rtmm. m rt, Ag. O. S. STfaTAaTBT. O. V..AU 10 Market Bt, Baa TxoJaoo. i;iil3:iin;fr . .. Operatlag 18 Paaaenget SUaaasr far SAN FRANCISCO sad Las . Angola direct. Bl-daltr asrvlee. Oahln, 811. Steerage, 88. ftH. IHOKPSOB, , ; " " Phe Kala S88. : lis TRTJ10 BT. A LA FAST ABD P0PCLAB STBAMSHIPS ' taer Beattl ' . : TmntiOH." Anrli IT. 87. s s. at. f 'lOLPHIaVApTtl SSr- r "ULSIUV, Apru SO. .s - - r- CAtXIKa AT ' Katchthaa. Joaaan, Dooflig, Ralaea. Skag way, ton sect a with W. P. A T. root for AUla, Da wane, Taasaa. Noe, etc . Por All Soatheeater Alahha Ports. -Call or seod for "TrtV to Weaderf ol A la aha, ladlaa Baahetry," "Ttotam Pol.". ' 7 m ALASKA B. S. CO.. V . Frank Weolsey Cs Agent. Bl Oak stv- r. Portland. Or. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer -FAST-TTIB. ir tks. ootmraiA tut nrctx ..ytx;xJii toaee Oah atreet V.nck T a. t. Ifondaya, Wedneedays and. Friday, arriving at The Delle 4 p. ax. ' I-raee The Dalles T a. m. Toeadar. Thar. day and Satarday. rr1ving Pert land 8 p. ax. OfSe and wharf lost Oak atreet. raoo Main 801. . CiAiui x. nuuiiii, nun. S. S. F. A. Ullbnrn For Coos Bay, Banks sad Saa Fraasea. ; Next sal I Ins from Portland. Monday, April IS. Next aUlng froai Saa Fraaclaoo, Bat.. April SI. P.- IV' OBEBNODOR. Aat- OreoawVeh DeeS Mo. S. Phono Mala IBU BRANTOri'S BODY IS FOUND Disappeared Mysteriously and iscovered Witrr Bullet Hole j Through Head. STORIES OF FOUL PLAY WERE IN CIRCULATION ..,..,; -;r. f,- Waa Father of Claude Branton, Who Was Hanged for Murder at Eugene, , and John Branton, Who Is Now : Serving Ten-Year Sentence in Pen. (Sped! Dtepatrh to Th JobtbsLI " Eugene, Or., April IT. Word haa Just reached ' Eugene from the - Deachutea country In Crook county that-th. body of Samuel Or Branton, who dlaappeared from hia camp one day last aummer and -waa never aeen afterward, has been found about 17 mllee from the camp, with a bullet hole through the head. . It . will be remembered that at the time of Branton'a dlaappearanca atorlea of foul play were circulated, but noth ing could be proven. Branton was an old man and waa the father of Claude Branton, . who waa hansd In - Eugene In 1898 for the murder of John Llnd. Another son, John Branton, Is now serv ing a 10-year aentence in tha Salem pen itentiary for attempting to kill - John Kletfher near Cottage Grove a year and a half ago. A third son, Clarence Bran ton, Uvea In the vicinity of where the old maa waa camped. . - For some reason the old man refused to live with his son, preferring to live In a tent by himself aeveral miles away. One duy last aummer hia son reported that he had disappeared, and he has never been seen alive since.- i - Branton ' waa a former Lena county resident, having a farm In the McKensle valley.-. . , ' antfUosi Store aobt)oL . (SpecUl Dlapatch t The Joaraal. Pendleton, Or.. April 17. Sharon at Eddlngs' second-hand store waa robbed Bunday night, Entrance .. to tha atore waa effected by breaking-a large pane from a rear window. Tha burglars car ried away- at leaat $100 worth of platola. knivee and cheap watch, and evi dently Intended to taka other and more I bulky gooda, -which were collected end carried to the rear-of the--store and! there left. There Is absolutely no elue 1 to the perpetrators. , ..West Tlrglala Baaday Scbeola. , (Joaraal Special Service Clarksburg. W. Va.. April 17. The city Is rapidly filling with delegatee and vlaltora to the annual convention of the Weat Virginia Sunday School associa tion, which will ba In session here, dur ing tha remainder of thla week. Many prominent Sunday . acbool workera of other statea will addreaa tha gathering, which already bida fair to be the largest and most successful, ever. held. by. th association. , trToevaxtor ta Speak. ' 4 Journal Special Service.) Worcester. Mass., April 17. The an nual banquet of tha Worcester board of trade take place tonight, and prom ises to be a moot notable gathering. Con- gressman Chnrlce H. Groevenor of Ohio la to be the guet of honor and principal speaker. w transport at:;; mi 4 . ' -oUmorfPAcin!? 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 5ogh PnUsiaa ataadard aad hnsrtot ale SSSf.i?" . Chases. Spa Sf" aacpfng-ears dally to Kaaaa Uf. 2Te!?, dlTi') " Caloa Depot ' ' " Lr. Afriva. Jeo-Portland tV'rX.l fnt - 1" Hoatlngton, dly. S:VSJB' SSI pohen. pi, for taatera . , Waahlngtoa. Walls Walla.-- -f - , Ceear d'Alea and Ort Northera point., dally. 8:18 p SS HuBtlnrtoet. dally SrlB p -TllS eas -.f'OtnafBIA BITBB DIVISION. .. eec AatAela - .. ,. I!" for Ilwac and North Keeah. -eteanxee.. .wJ'm Ah-,t- dock, leave Sp a, dallyv xeept Snndayi Batordar. IS . n, Arrtee eoat S p. m . recent Snnde. . t TAMHTLL B1VKB ROrTB. Br IPSl Vtnn d j at a. lis - fwlnta, stcaawr Bath end Hodoe. Aeh-et. doe. mTrT.It "V ''"r. except Sandxy t water per. kSoad.," " sk m... -y. "fW-'fJ.w.,. "t ... "L'I': , ton W. ---- J dr cot Saturday. Arrisa d a. Sh. dalle except PrMev. " ! Office. Third and Wiahlagtea Sta. , . - Trlephno Mala T!8. i r. W axtwnwo et. i a CBAIO. Oeaeral Paaeengec Agat. . "VIA SOUTH rnlnet It tat loo Leave. AxrlT. Owland Jtxpreee. Train la ad. JimAi 'r oaieoi, Hoeel harf. Aah-. Baa . Frhaclaco, Stoettoo. '' Loa Angelea. El Peeo. New Orleeae and th eaat es:80 ta Morning trala ennnect at S:Hbbj wnodhttra dally axoapt Jonday with train for . , ' ; - Mooat Angel. Slleerton. ' . ' , Beownsrlll,., Pprlngnld, ? r Weadllne? and Kativu. . T aa-ak er-Jt ana ' ogeno peaaengar cob- necta at Wnodhnra with - Mount Angel asd Sllrar- torn local ea-ts ma etc,. BBa Poreallla paaamgr..,.V-7:80 st - 8:(10 pas Shartdaa Matrr-.-. . SO pea : a ax Fnrae Oeove paaner.-r t'1 -w- HlJd pa -Vilr Jjraall aaceet Sewda, ..- , 7RFPEB80N-STRERT STAl.OW. . For lllaa and rnteemedlete - ananha ' dall 4:15 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. ra. ror time card ef Oewego sabarhaa tralae Bpnl at City Tlchet Office, or atetloo. Ttchet -B Vaateee nnl.ta mwA b-mmm. -U. Japan, China. ITnnolula and Anetralla. tity Ttrxet tirrtce corner Third aad Waaa Inctnn atrcete. Phone Mule Via e. w. rrntoiB. a. u ntAio, City Ticket Agent. ., Gen. Paaa. Agent. TIME CARD OF TRAINS.. Portland! Cnloa Dopes Leave: . Arrlv. THowtoa . Park-Kan - Cltyt. Loot Special far Chehall. Centralla, Olyw sta. Grays Harbor, Booth Bend, Taeonxa, Scattl, Spo- ... . haae, Lewlatotr. Butte, Bll- , .- . ling. Denver. Omaha. Kan- - ' aaa city, Bt. Lonu and Soothe et. - dally . . . .v. . ; . ' tHO Bl North Coaet Limited, elee- f . .. trie lighted, for Tacotna, Brattle. 8pokaaC Butte, diSOsaa - MlnneanoU. SU . rtal and th Eaat. dally Paget Soaad Limited, for i0 pat TiflOaai Clereinnnt. Chehall. Cen tra 11a, TacoB and SeattJ only, dally....... . . 4:.V) pm S:S0 r.t. r-l tw at., e T. . eo eia. Seettle, Spok,- HeKn. riatt. at. rant, Minneapolis, Ltncota, St. Joeeph. Kanaae City. Oma- - v , ha. St. Loola. wltboat . rhaaca of rer. Direct con- nectlon for all points Eaat and Soatheeet, dally.. 11:48 pta 10:S8 pes A D. CHARLTON. Aaalatant Oeneeal Paeeoo. K Agent. tU Morrteea street, eeraae Third, tland. Or. Astoria ii Columbia River Railroad Co. Pnto Dxort Lav ' Arrlra ' For M.rer. Balnler. Chit- i- - kan.'. . WeatpoM. Clifton. . aaxorx. warreetoa. r tn- , - vel. Hanmoeid, Fort Stev- ' ena. Oearhert Park. Sald ' tiOS aa iliSSaai Astorl and Seaabore, x- pre dally... T:OS tm 9M All train, dally. 1. 0. MA TO. O. F. aad P. A.. Astorl. Or. - C. A. STEWART, Coeaneralal Ageext. Bit Alder street. Phoa Mala BOS. TNK COaxrPOfxTAMC WAX. 2 Overlsad TralasDtay 7 'The Ortaatal Llaalted, the Pwt Matt'" VIA SEATTLB AND SPOKANE. Dally. ' Laar. : Portlaad tint echedole . Dally. Arrlv. To nd from Spohnn, St. Put, Mlanaapolla, """. . .tealBth asd all point But via Bmttl 8:84 aa T -00 tax - Ui4d pax 4:0pai Ttr sad froa Bt, panL Mine poll. Daltith - and all polnta Kat via Spokane 8:18 pa 8:0 a Brest Norther Staaaxahlp Oe. Balling fret Seattle for Jape and China port and Manila, erxy)ag pa Banger and freight. . J - , . - B. S. Mlaata. April Be. B, S. Dahexa. Jan 7. NIPPOW TTSElf KAISBA ' (lapan Mall Bteaarahlp (w.) B. B. Shlnaa Mara will eell froai Beattl . about. May It for Japaa and China porta, aarrylss pasaeitgera aad freight. For ticket, rare, berth rara Moa, ere.. caU oa or addreee X. DICKSON, 0. P. T. A., 18 Third ex., a-arxiaaa, xrreaeej. a-eeee euue v "REGULATOR LINE" The D:!:es, Pcrtlcnl "fi Astcria r:I!:.n Cc. Pnats leave Portland and Th "-a dally, except 8un6y. at a. m , ar. in about p. m . reining frlM I I itian'TH, -rKiitl a v . ino-t fo r ou-ata and iiveaioi;. Bei T"" of Ml r V I ail wotrt I SeiSfe f c - w, -i.e. i -i r ; - --7-- :r