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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
THE OREOON DAILY j! JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. AIRIL .17. 1803. 11 Tw JTor JOHN L. RAND , . . o I V 1 I I I I I I 1. IVI I ji. ," .1 V-a I J U U 111 'llli 1 U U ' I a I F V .J- U.1 -,w ii x uu vai uiuuy iXacua, i ntDv; uui uai w cu.l xtlvio r, I r, I" CONGRESS , Soox,d BUtriot) - At tfc rx- rlss April BO. . REMOVAL NOTICE BECK THE JEWELER After BO year on Warrlioa itwt.'to for!T!' mure,- tan be ruuno aner aoj A iv Alder at.. Mf 0. W. P. waiting. . Prior t moving, however, will Belt H goods " r large aieoouut. WEATHER REPORT. A high pmnn ra baa made Ua appearance ifr tb Oregon enit. tnl Ui weethe baa cleared In the north Pacific ttea, sicepf la M.ut Oregon end outbrn Idaho, where ma nil has fallen. It niucn i-onier hi yri"i Washington and British, Colnnibla, snd light J fro. I. occurred, tbi mora tar la lh vallrya be '' tsreen the Cascade and the Coast rng of moun tains, - , Tlia dlstnroaiu.'e ywtmla.T north of Montana ihvw encode a trough of low preaaure from rteskatrbewaa eouth to Arleona. Tbla trough of low prmnra haa cause I rala M New Mntry and Triae. ax) arnica higher temperature lu Ipwa, Minnesota "and the Dakotae. Tlie rasters high preaeure are to central ver s tvhto, and fair weather coo tunica east of th - allaalsalppl river, with temperature generally . Bllrrrtly below normal. The Indications ara for fair 'weather la thla . rllelrtct Wrdneaday. , arlth aUInf Wmparafuro. I.lrbi froat will ocfur tualsht To th Inteclor f waatrrD Orrvo" and ra Waalilnstoa. . Obaarratkma Ukra at ft a. nut i-MJ J-4aa; Watlnna Man. jrin. Prarli rln. i Itakar Cltr. Otmob. ....... BS .K. ( taloaao. IlllBola M SH "IVnw, TVlorado:7T:v.".v,".ir"'l Sa - haw Orlaana. Lonlalana.... 70 m ' Naw Tork. Naw Vork...... M : 4 - . Al rnrthiHl. Oiaim.-rr.-s- m. ton la. Mlaaaarf. ..i.... ! .0 Halt rk, ltan.. .. It --". 8an rranHm. CllfomU.. Ttf . frokina. Wuhrnxtoa IX -.-- JU Tamma. Waahlnatoa. ...... , i T. Waahlmrlm. D.-t: M "4 .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harold B. Ada ma, Loolaa Wlnnlfrad T. nalllmaa, U. Mtrhaal Oawa, 2n; Harmaa ntaca, an, H. W. Oraaa, 81; Mary I. rluford. la. -D. F. Talbot. Oraaban, Oragon, 21; Crara t. Dmifbarty, 1. . . :.. - - Frad Wodtb, 22; -TTiama rinta. M'L , , ' Wad dinar Cards. W. 0. flmtth A Co., Waah faajtoa hld(.( eor. Fomrtb aad Waablnctoa ata. Mia Bertha Martin, room SIS AHaky bid, tanplnaj and Saw naadlaworki laaaoaa ftaea. BIRTHS. TARTARINI April 18. to Mr. and Mra. Unlta; Tartartnl, 080 Breond atrcot, a dantrhtrr. . FARMKR April IS. to Mr. and Mra. Trank i. rarmart of Woodetock,, a daualitar.. MILLER April Id. to Mr. anj Mra. Cbade R. Millar, of Woodatork. aon. ' KRIIPKB April 14. to Mr. and Mra. Henry W. Krapke. S2T Gnat Slith atraat. a ann. . HANSEN April IS. to Mr. .and Mra. Hana Han- " ' TS -rrt Vwnar "CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. WA DB April 14, J. B. Wade, S BeUwood atraat. maaalaa. . ' BAVAUB April IS, M. Barat. 4ST Eaat Blltb atraet, niaaalea. COWAN April 13, Pearl Cowan. SOT Eaat Clay atraat.. n tea. lea. TII.TON April , Arthur Tlltoa, BS1 "Irat atraat. anaaalaa. BUCHANAN aprll IS. .Enla Buchanan, 4.M Morrteon atraat. maaalaa. HUNTER Aprll 10. Minn la Huntet, 402 Foarth atraat. niaaalea. CHAPIN April J,TUnrf Chapln, T4I Eait Madhwn atraat. acarlet farrr. DEATHS. . BERRY April 14. r. W. Barryased 64 yeara. -at dood KUmarltaa baapUal; -eauaa- uranla, Borlal at Lone, fir cemetery. BRUMBAUGH April 14. Ida May Bmmbannh. aaad 2S1 TMr.. .t BEnrth Paclfla unll.rtiiiol pnlraonary embaraa. - Buna a t Loor Fir ratneterr TBOMWELL-Anrn in. Mary E:Twniwan.-laa h cancer of Urer. Burial at Vancoatrr, Waali- hirton. ARMlTAflE April - 16. Joaephlne Armltajta. atrad M yaara, at Bt. Vlncenff- hoaplta!;. cancer. Burial at Myrtle Creek, Ore- BI'MMFRa April is, Oanrya ftnmmara, aaad 28 yaara. at North Pacific eanltaiinm: eaiuMt, pnanmonlau Bnriar at Arlington. Oreaon. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Bolmaa A Co.. the leading faneral dtrectore. hare the Sneat eetabllabment, the ' Jl aaat ( onda, the 4Vneat aahklae and tba ami raaaonable- fticad. Sine broadcloth -covered reeketa, S2B and S30. Tha flneat wood gooda made, froaa 11 ta 120. I'arlora 220 and 222 Third atraet, cornet Salmon,, Portland, tiretron. J. rV Flnley aV "on. funeral dtractora and " embalmera. corner Third and Madlaon atreeta. Ofnee at conaty eoroner. Toiepbone Mala . " Dnnnlnc. Mrlatea A Ollheagh, andertakera aad embalniera; aaodera In every detail, ereatk aad Plan. Main 430, Lady aaalatant. A. B. Reanetork. andertaker and eaahalmer. Kact Thirteenth aad I'aiatUU ara. I' none BeU wood TL . Clark Bioa tor Sowera. tm Morrbwa atraat BrTEBTITW CXMEIEBT. Blngle graaaa $18. Family lota ITS to 11,000. Tba only cemetery In Portland which per- Lrtoallj maintain and carea for lota. For full lformatloa apply to W. R. Markrnrle, Woa tan tar block city. W. M. Ledd, pr Ml dent. FUNERAL NOTICES. rlA.VMiN In tbla etty, April Id. joo)f at Good , Mauiaritan -hospital. Iran Hnnana. are hi yaara. The funeral aerricea will be held at A. B. rTmtwk'a tindcrtaklnc parlorn. corner Beat Thirteenth atreet and Umatilla aTnn. at 2 . ra. Wedncaday, April 18. 1WKS. - Inter- hUlwaukle . . 'til'THRlE At the rcaldence. April IT. 10irl, T. Howard W.. aon of Mr and Mra !. V j- tluthrle, aged T niontha and U dayaJPanerai . aiu.UM puce- uaditeaoay,- April -18. at-2 - p. na.. at the realdcnce. 2 Eaat Roventnenth Ftrcei. rwnnr rei namiun. rrlenrra Invited. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tarrte W. Coffey and hnahand to Ethel -, M , -?ett Preev lot S, block 84, Central - AJMna $ -v 1 1 llam M. Iadd wt--al.,- trnataa. ir J. 1. Ball, lot 1. blork 2, aubdlvlaloB B , UIW K A. 1VJ ., ............. . William Bar nee et al. ta Mariha .tu lou A T, block S. Third Electric addi JL-. .. 1. K. Wagner to Marie Blanc, "north ut of kit . block rt. Bait Portland ... 0. K. Webb and hnsband to Kline Htrlck . rntt. lota S, A block A Wrbb'a addl- . twm ' , . Blarr t. Motitaomery. eiecatrli. to Cal vin Jack, lot lift, block . AIMna...... Charlee C. Myara to Henry llonchten, hit S. block . Oak Park addition 00 1.600 260 B30 soo Title nerintee A Trnat enmnany to B. u, Koarerajuta . v, a. nnn i, . Irvlnaion Ba;e a aame nndlvtiiad M of lota 9. lo. oinra 11. aame auaiifow , William Hatch and wife to B. U Tlnrk . et al.. west H at lot L, It. Johu HelahU addition kiaraaret W. Ctbba to CcanmaaelaJ Trnat eomnenv. lot ft. block 21ff. cltr. 13,10 10 Klrland fomnany to -f ullai U. Prlako, lota . a. piock . r iriano. . . Kama to I. B. Beard, lota 4, A block 11, ' r'h-lawd fteme to AI1n King., lota T, S, black, !, Flrtand J A. Melton and wife to Michael Owen. Vitw 11. t. haw 4. AlWna 1 Tti le Ooaranree A Trut company to Mk-hael llweea. lot )S. 10. block 4. AIMna'.... - Mra. Fnim rTart and haahand to Ma T. tinewall, hit . bl.a-k S. ImIi'i addltloti Oak Park iJtnd eecjinanr te.Jamee T. i Oree. Int S, tlor . Oak Park e.ldl tiea .................. 1,040 1.JO0 1.0M icoo -r i S25 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. M. L. Hoi brook aad wlfa to Joaapb Mo Chaanar, kit lo, bloafc-1. I haaiar lar ' ISA BlTcrTlaw tVraalary aaaorlallua to II. T. HadMia. lot , aactton , cwmatcry. . . w Tit la Uuaraatac trtut company lo I. " W. WWiiiia at al., auolk i.of lot 8, 1 tlwk SO, 'ltjr 15,00 Ii. W. Wkltlna at at. to Lou la ttarliacer, ' aama iiropartjr loxw Coralla J. iiunbar at al. to R. W. Wll- , bur, aotitB rrat or aaat luu taat or blork 6. Jobnaoa'a addltloa. . . : ' 10 Banna M. Kanworth to Anna RauOby. -lota 8. . block 27, PortamoatU S"0 Emma Kabntu to E SI. Burton, lota 0 to 45. block 12. raulnaular addltkm... Srcamnra Raal rtte coiiipanr la Joka al. HMMBr nU ZU. A UiOCJL RMn . Hark ST Brraralaw 4erary aaaaalatloa tt llao- uh Iloolaa. Idt SIO. aatloBj lou. Cm- . trrr TS Jnhu Doiilan to Annie Ionlan. lot TV hkwh 7. I'rnatMtal'a HulMllvlmbA milai- tun 1 W. L. Ho)hror4 and wife- to -Wll- llama, lota 15. 1L block !n. Hoi brook r art.lltton 1,000 (?. S. Jackton and wlfa to B. Mi- Xjom--;- oarn, lot. in. Moniarina n-acra Tract., r. '. II. Courtnej: and wife io Tbnmna H. " Smith at al.. unUlvMad H of block 1. Tolmaa trai't -. . Marr i Colllnaoo at al. to Bcbool Dla- . trlct Kit. t kit. S fl. T. 1. 4. 5. H. block 10." Tolman tract...........;... .'' T . AtU .to uni. kita -1. 4. fi. S. - . blork IS. aama .tract................. . 1.000 Mtr J. Colllnaon and hnahand to aama. Iota l, 4.-8. . blork IS. Tolman tract., J.000 Thoniaa 11. Pmlth to me, lota 2. . 9. -T. block 10. aama tract 1,000 L. p. U. La Compta and wlfa to Harry j. Italia. . aTa naginnina; ar aoutn- aaat mnwr at Jnhtt P. Iowall -donation- land claim 1.200 i 1. Mcllanlal and wlfa to W. II. NcaL Iota S7. 88. bUa k . Kara .Park..... Vt) Oat your Inaara aaa and abatraa ta raal aatata rranr tha Tit la Ooaraataa Trnat. compaay, 40 Wa.hlnrtnn atraat. aorner Sarond. NOTICE. I KOTirB cr IMrlSOIA'TTOrt. Portland. Oracoa. 1. March IT, 1B0S Not I oa la harahy (Iran tbat aa- aoaartnachlo aoinir Doaloaaa. iwaar tna aaaia of tba Wlllc j 8mltb Harnaaa Company -haa tia dar aad that C. A. Wilier and John I'pton hara-anccaadad to tha bual neaa of tha Arm. and will rollaet all debta and pay all tha llabllltlra or tba Brn. : , . C A, WII.I.ICY. . F. M. "MITIl. . DOLPUUS WILLBT. MOTICB I will not be reaponalble for any debta . contracted by anybody but myeelf In neraon. la connection, with tha Keyatone aalooo, PS north rourta at., cor, aiannere. ml kxtbeb; I HEBEBT notify all perdona that hereafter I will not he reapotutble for any debta con- tracted hy my -wtfe. Mrer-Maud Oaetln. --- --I JAM Eft HARI.KY ULHTTlf. ". MEETING NOTICES.' GEORGE WAMHNflTON CAMP, 201. W. 0. W.. ' meet tonight. Tenth nd Waahlngton.;.: VI Itlng neighbor wel come. Neat Tueaday la whlet party. Kvcry body welcome. II. A. UJCeTt it rredrtch,- Ch-ra- LOST AND FOUND." LOBT Oold chain and locket. B. to L. Reward If returned to Imperial hotel harbor anop, HELP WANTED MALE. MFN and women to learn barber trade In eight week; graduate earn from Sift to' tJS weekly: expert tnatructore; catalogo free. Mobler Hyatrni of College, SB. North Fourth t., PortUnd. , . SALESMEN WANTED Tor -on of the Urgent nareerlee In the weet: raab advanced weekly on ordera; good territory epen. Addreaa Waahlnglon Knraery Co., Toppenlah, - Waah. WANTED 1,000 men, ehavo and haircut free. 284 Couch at. We teach tha trad. LITE ca nvaaae ra far. choice territory; outfit - furnlehed free; big anap. For full parti culara addreaa Oregon, Kuraary Co.. Salem. Oregon. AGENTS WANTED to cell auperior. blah-grade , nuraery stock; complete outfit furniahed free; caah weekly; write today for cholca of tar- 1" rltorr.- tal City riaraery Ooaaiau, aaleaa. Oregon. START a 11 order bnaineaa; yen aaltly nak iu aaiiy; we lurnien aupntiea ana teacn ire. Aluminum Hanger Co Chatfleld, Minn. WANTED Reliable newepaper canvaaaer; rady poaition tor rignt party; city ana country work; munt give reference. Addreaa 0. J. Agent, Vancouver, Weak. WANTED Wall and bulletin algnpatntera; only flrat-cl man need apply, footer A Kleleer, Fifth and Everett at. WANTED Male teachere to travel and rep. . recent a wellatabllahed Chicago bouae; ek perlenea not naceaaary r ennipeaaatlon, $8ft par month. Writ to Portland, Oregon- 280 Poplar at. WANTED A good. tober Job printer: tt wage. Southern Oregoalaa, Med ford, Oregon. BOY A yon can .get mated Pari Homer for I lie or pan- Kant tor 2Sc by our plan. et Bomnnc. - r WANTED 2 good advertlalng men; mnat give ipiCirni. mi iii.iiut. uuiiw, . .11 Marqukm bldg., Portland, Oregon. WANTED Young man. 138 per month, with rapid Increaae for right party, jf Davl. WANTED Eiperlenced atockcutter. Hawk Co.,- printer. Alvla 8. TV A NTy. !--! ar per 1c need traveling -men-to take pieaaure and ordera for the HUickton Woolen- - Mill. Co.. tailor, 47 Eaat-Main it, Willi Walla. Waahlngton. UOOD hamcaa-maker wanted. Addreaa L. Llvermore, Cedro Wouley. Waahlngtoa. H. WANT partner with S0 raab for good paying legitimate bHalneaa; no ei parlance Decreaary. V ft. care JournaL WANTED Competent man to ore for grden, bore, row, etc. Apply 211 Prattvman ave., kiount Tabor, or 40 (ommerclal blk. WANTED Man to tea charge "or ef flea In city: muat have ome money; $200 per nvimh to right man. CarV from ft to 12. room 0 Brnedeu Third nd- Waahlugt ala. WANTED 2 braaa monldera and one braaa fin laiier. and one firat-claaa mai-hinlat, . Orextoa Braaa. Worka, N. Meooml atLj: . WANTED 2 firat-claaa ntlcltnr who have had experience m houae-lo-hoinle canvaaalng; aalary and com mlaalon to right part lea. 200 Second at. WANTED Two boya to work In bakery, car Journal. X 20. JL.CAX teach America nor to learn the Chtoeae language; am aa experienced ieecher. ' Apply Curlatian Mlealon. 243 Hecend at. I WANTED Day work. Addreaa 23S Clay at. 1 "WASTED Boy of IT. reanectable, to learn tbc I floclat bualneaa. F.aat 22d and Eaat Morti- ion loone- l Ir -cemetery. : -- WANT Partner with SSo .for light office work: can make (20 per week; fine chance for young man. A 101, cara JournaL ONE good man to handle cow on a dairy ranch: good home wltb nl family) near coaat; H0 per month and keep, . Alan two bright boya ! apprentice work, a 'all at Employ ment iinrenu,i., j v i;.At oiag. WANTED Expeiieiieed presacr on panu. Call today. 410 waahlngton at., room 1. CREDIT man, with aeon a try trade In thla aectVin nalntance. city and CAtn' A 10ft, care Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S48W Waahlng ton it., eor. Seventh, anatalra. - Phone Mala StKrl. Femal help wanted. OPENING for a few ladle to learn derma tology, beauty culture, eclentlfle treatment of the complexion. . hair, acalp ana earn, maa aaga. alectrolyala. manicuring, private for ma la a given. Profeaear O'Neill, 1.41 11th at., corner Alder. - ANY Door girl needing a friend, help or advice, caa apply or write to Matron, 32 Kaat tftlh ni., a., ratuand, IM. , .. HELP WANTED rFEMALE. WANTKD Klrat-claaa waltr Curt la, 14tb and Jctfcrano. at Hobart TUB LADIW HoUK AOKNCY fornlahaa all klnda of fcmala kelp. lt6 rourtk at., np- aialra. sulfa X3. Pbona Mala bKM. WANTED Woman to taka ordara for ailrar. -wara; IS Bvr day - aalary and aommlaaloa. SH4 v Mat Murrlaoa at. WANTED Olrl. amall family. 440 Eaat lUtk at., ma-th. Taka lrrlntou car. TTIOKOI'OHLY si ' general hoaacwork; good wage. 5 1 lth t. WANTED 41irl to do gaaaral boueaWork; wage - a. etoo li at. tllKL wanted for general bouaework. HU Klrby at- corner railing. 1'houe Aaat 072. UIRLB wanted, ftrat-claa aklrtiuakar. Call ai 4o4 WaahlngUm at, , WANTED Woman to Phone Mala Gold. do waahlng at home WANTED Bookkeeper and eteoographer with -' aome experience; good aalary with chance to TadvamV. AdJre MrTBard " 8ob, KWb and uilaan ata. WANTED Conk In hotel, fi: reataurant, AM; wattreeaea, f&Vrooin and. board: chhip cooki, 140; general houeework. $25; and other good fitw. iba tiotna lnio Agency. Avon ourtb al., apetalra, aulta 23. WANTED Experienced family cooka and ac- . ond girl, brat wagea; alao ciiamoeniianta, liouaekeepera, nnraea. ' Ht. 1outa Agency, : 5E10H Yimliin at. Main MM. " . - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Lady or gentleman ttf aell atockt one" who Haa naff wxpertenrrr ranvaeitig paefarred. Call between 2 aad 4 p. m. al 220 Illbhard at., Mnntavllla. HELP wanted and (applied, male or female. R. O. Drake, 200Vk Waahlngtoo at. racinc I Mil. WANTED Teachere for Chinee Mlaalon, 233 Xorond at., T:Jtt) lo 0:30 p. an, SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE. A YOCKO MN. 2T. V want work Srtng,' night or da.v coaupatrnt ror running dirreront atcam machinery. Addreaa Y A car Journal. YOl'NO attorney would like- BoaMrnn with ratahllahed Portland law Jlrm; would atari for amall wage. V S. care oJnrnal. , YO!-Xa MAN. Danlah. -very- atrong and aeadjT'ffnent neker, wlan work. Addreaa V 9, car Journal. POSITION wanted In lumber office; one year' experience . ill general . wora retrrcm-T i tir nlahed. Joan H. Htewart, car journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Poaition aa honaekeener at once Call ar addreaa at tb Oaldunltb hotel. Lowei Alblna. WANTED By a capable--woman. -waahhtg by the day or elmtiar war, xn rmt at., cor, Bnrnatde. Mra. Boaa Neabert. ' 7WANTED AGENTS." WANTED Agent; (omethlng new; good aelrer; Dif wage,, xuo afcitcy oiag. . - - FIRST-CLASS agent In Portland and through late; big wage to metier. iu rentoa Diag. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Co., SOOVi Morrtaoa t. rhon fact no z.w. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. N. Second at. Phone Mala 1S2B. BIO FOUR BMP, AGENCY Help rappUed free. 10 North Second at. Phone Mr In HUB. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WASTED Someone to build me a realilenc north of Waahlngton at. and wet or 20tb at on long leaee, eubject to purcbaae; boaae t coat from f.1,000 to I7..VI0. In caae Uomkc and lot' could be aold on cemtract. can nay S500 to. SLOUO down and mucAAl a month on Internet and pruvipul. Addrra M-rCar JournaL ., WANTED Lot In exchange for equity la or 7 -room bob. rson Eaat Boat. 100 REAL eatate firm can aril your property qnicaer than on. Prine Real hiatal vx., 222 Waahlngton at. Main 1028. WANTED, for caah, lot or fraction; muat be cheap.. S 44, car JournaL KANCH Partly Improved; full dearriptlon; rneap, caan. l no, cara journal, - NCOMPJ property of all klnda. Wrf have buyer waning. tarayette neaity to., room in lfayette bldg., cor. 6th and Waahlngton ata. WANTS',!) One or tw nightly -lota, between Hawthorne ave. and r.. Darla and eaat or Urand. av.j ownera call at one. 24.1 Btark. LIST ynttr Income property and revMeneea wttn na. w are m touch witn tne new bayena corning to Portland. Lafayette Realty Co.t Lafayette bldg.. Kiith and Waahlngton. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, FLATS, ROOMINO-nOrSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department h been enlarged asd provided with additional ataff. We, Invite Hating from LANDLORDS, fter person! attention to and continuous eupervlaloa over all property Introated - ear Care. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON, A E. cor. Sd aad Oak ata. Phoca Ex. TA FURNISHED Wotlae. S to- A rooma, wanted to rentr-good Incatlrm.- within - eaay-acceaa wt bualneaa dlatrlct. M 43. car JournaL WANTED TO RENT S fnrnlabed rooma for bouaekeeplng. within walking diatince. Ad dree e.71 tlrand ave., N., flrat flat. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED To borrow 14.000. excellent city real eatate aecurity. Farrlngton, SIS Chamber or commerce, j WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTTNO, preying and whitewashing tree. benienia. barna. doc a a. ete.t largeat gaaoiiae apmylng outflt on th coast. - M. Morgaa A Co., 822 Union ave. Phone Eaat '017. WANTED Stock of general tnerchandla or drygood. boot nd hoe, etc., for which I wflf pay raaht will deal with actual own re only. Addreaa P. 0. box D, Elgin, Or. WHO IS -. 0. MORGAN A CO.t HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAlft tor furnltt ta In any quantity; alao taka aama on commlaalon and guarantee beat reanlta. The Portia ad Auction Rooms. A. Schubacb prop., 211 Flrat at. - Phtm Main 0000. WE WILL BUY, SELL Oil TRADE ANY OLD THING. WKSTr. UJI SALVAtlK CO. t327. 2 WASHINGTON. PACIFI0 TB8. - I POSITIVELY gnarantee yon the heat trad . nrlce for bouaehold. hotel or reatanrant fiirns. tun: be aura to conault me before dlatmlng -of your good elsewhere; thia beats selling " by auction. Adrlre or fall Oke, car tlaiilu. ar rillne, n. v . cor. rroni una tsuriieide, Phone Main ,107. PARTIES having amall kite of lore to aaw, tillable for portali le eawmm, please ot tnnnlrat with V 10, car Journal. - WANTED Addreaa of nnderatandtne - Munann srstetn shorthand, care Journal. Addreaa A 103, JOHN HABLB. manufilctnrer of Improved ee. rnent poata. waterproof, lasting, atrong. clieap; pieaae Investigate; B;anee1n1tv of fence poais. Houtheaat corner Eat Madlaon and t'nloa ave., Portland, Or, WE want vacant Int cloae In: ran aell right location at once. . Lafayette Really Co., room IS Lafayette bldg. ' FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU. NORTH SIXTH ST. , Alagaatl ralskA ataaa but aaAbajha. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Mf'ELY fiiraiahed rooma and hoaeakeeplng' .naima; gaa, bath and electric llghta; reaaon able, valmer Hotel, UliO I S Alder at. TUB ORAND, 4BH I erta- Third at.; gentlemen ai. per ween ana Bp. THE KINO, SOS Jeffrna at Nicely furniahed rooma, with gee or electric light, heat and bathe. In new building, S0.60 and 10 par niontn. 30 SEVENTH HT., two blocka from Portland hotel, uaadannieiy ruruiaued parlor, very mod' ern; alao entailer room. A 100, car Journal. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE- MITCHELL, Flandei aad Seventh Hon tna. bouaekeeplng and Uanaieuti oa venlantt price reaaonable. tl.20 WEEK up clean, furniahed boaeekeeplng roome. wttn yam. parlor, launary, natn, fur nace beat. 208Vh Staatoa at. O ear. SI M PER WEEK Large, clean, - furniahed nouaefceeplng-rootna; laundry aad bath x 1A4 IIIU.H.. U. .... I. LA. I - 1 ' i SLREPiNO and" bouaekeeplng room T lor reuV.1 OAVk Ruaaell til at. The McKay bldg. . THE HALL. 414 fifth Rooma, alngle or en aulta. furniahed for light tbouaekeeplng. 471 ALDER Nice bouaekeeplng-rooma;gaa atove. bath, phone, cloae to bualneea; reaaonable. S 4;OOD unftirnlahed bouaekeenlng rooma, . eeay waiklug diatane; water and gaa; reaaonable rent. Apply 3u7 Blltb. at, , TUB STAR. 230t. Lambe at.. 2 blocka from ateei nrtuge iionaeaeepitig rooma. i.ia a week and up; aleeplng rooma, and up. - 4 FLATft, furniahed -honaekeeplng,. 18 aad f 10 -per otolith. t all two, seventh :et. --.-li.-; COMFORTABLY furniahed or nnfurnlahed rooma or atmre. fnrntahrd; -tenta; abade and milt trace. Phone- Eaat 412X. and Clark Camping (Jrounda, Mount 'Tabor. - . SLEEi'l N8 ni hoatakf-ttnff-room. for rnt. Hx H. H. lilltrj, room Su. 21T V Wuhlai ton at. HorSKKEEIMNO ROOMS. electric light, phone. z a week. water at. - fS 3 BOOMS completely furniahed for bona- ' keeping, rnoue nam 4f.-w. tvey nzu Tth at. LARI7K cool mnme-, flvat floor, ga' range. I'tion Main BI7-I. ' 14rl North loth at. ROOMS AND BOARD... 471 AIJ1KR Large front parlor, bath, phone. tmard u deaired, walking diatince, reaaon a Die price. 3S 12TH I-trge front waima; gaa. atb. nhorre, walking dlatancr: private family and horn comfort. . ' . ROOM and board, flrat clean meala. home cook- - Ing, S4 28 per week. - 074 Macadam road, . near asih and door factory, South Portland. - Mra. Jane. . , BOARD and nice room la private home,, edit able for two-gentlemen, 178 Eaat Sixth at Phone v Eaat 720. , WANTED Two or three "young ladle to more and board; nice quiet home to right partlae. - Apply 34 "Ellra at. . Taka WoofTlawn-earr DESIRABLE rooma with board: on front eulte; reaaonable rates, 442 , Jef feraon. Main 04ZV. ROOM AND BOARD On or-two: - working person preferred. 824 B. Morrison. Phone - .. U. .v UNFURNISHED ROOMS. I GOOD anfnrblahed bouaekeeplng rooms. y walking distance; water and gaa; reasonable rent. Apply 3T Sixth t. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Modern S room hotiae, - 10th aad Irving $:. Phon Main 701. - - KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt d ra. . liable plana and furniture mover: alao etor age. Phon Main lttSft. Ofllc 110 N. Third. TBB CONTINENTAL COMPANY - 243 STARK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS. . SEE LIST. GOOD ft-roont- cottage, with baaement. cloae In. west side; $13 with water. Pboo Paclfle - 1440. : r , NEW modern S-room houea with gaa and bath; IBS Grover at. Phone Main 4Tn. MODERN 9-raom honae, new plumbing. 40. Montgomery. Apply 367 16th, near Mont gomery. MODERN, T room house, newly painted and Ei pared. 407 Tenth at. Apply to F, L. untlng, mom No.. 40, Worcester bldg. FOR RENT IiOdging-nouae, North Third at.) good location; cheap reat. Inquire 69 North Third at. MODERN furnished rraxtt. phon and bath In eluded, fft per month. Soft Lino Lincoln et., eoatb. HOUSE for rent with nlc big garden, quire AA7 Eaat lftth at. In- 5P 13TTT ST.. furnished house, 6 room, mod ern convenience, xo. HOUSE FOR . RENT Modern 6 room cottage. Inoiilr 128 N. 14th at., or telephone Main r,oxv : HOUSES FOR RENT I. have aeveral B to S-room hoiiaea on cast and west side. M. E. Let, 03 Sixth at. , S-ROOM houae In good locality on weat aide, on earllnc. Phone Main 1410. FOR' RENT FLATS. FOR RENT 7-roora modern new . 647 U Sixth St.. near Jackson Phon Paclfle aVtoT r A. n. Miegly., 210 Fonrtb it. FOR RENT New 8-ronm lower flat, atrlctly modern; good view; on car line; rent f 18-50. Jones' Drug Store, Front and Olbba. Pbon Main 806. - - NEW modern flat, all convenience: rent In dude heat wrtd -water. SS": es Waahlngton. near !Ath. Apply to Janlto.' on premleee. or " phune Mi In 4740. - A FURNISHED flat of 6 rooma for rent; mod- ern. good furniture; fine location. Inquire Portland Trunk Co., 04 Third at., cornet Pine. Rent K0. MODERN Broom flat. 3 block north of atert bridge, fronting River at.; ateel and gaa range: ahadee en windows. 2H. Iarrahee. IT IS HOT -:' , ' -HKESSAW ' -For you Ito .go- tramping aboii t the city, wasting'both Time' aricT moneyTri a searcnT w fieri the same result can be attained through the ' Every sectiott of the city in today's . .. ' ' I ' mmMi -yy-yr ; pffers ' desirable . furnished ; , rooms. All you have to do MAKE YOUt SEI.1F.CTI0N FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES VICE ator oa Ruaaell at.. No. SOT, pposltd ecnooiaouae; beat lucatloa In Alblna aad good for moat, any Una of bualaeaa; cheap rent to mo riani tvaauu . van en a. atraeniaT, iaa- . merciai out. FINE place for lunch counter; cheap rent. In t new brick, entrance ta atalrt, 6ft or TO ateady roomer, can eaten- them All. SOfttt Buraalil ai. c-uon a;aciiic JXia. , OFFICB rooma. ajafornlabed rooma and eample room for rent, . Ooodaough bldg. Apply le va tor. FOB BENT-ravtor, SOiftO. Aider at., bat. 2d and lid. aultabla for cigar and fruit atand. lunch counter or reataurant; all Hi. John , car atari rrota rrcnt of a tore. Addreaa Y. o. Box 87a , HOUSES FOR - RENT FURNL TURE FOR SALE. tS OIIO 42 HtHIMH new furniture, new brick building: goon leaee; paya axou per nwniu . net. ivy, jnira at, . 1 $K 11 ROOMA new furniture; rbeep rent. fro-leaaer -on- ,7"; ' , yhS "'' I """eca M i"H Hire ai.. near naau. Fl'RNITl'BB 4 room cottage for !, cottage for rent. tUS Fourth at., aouth. Phou - Pacltte 1031. . 2,liv1fn ROOM1 of elegant furniture; on of tue beat locationa la tn city; cheap ran U ii'la aniru ai. . - .v FCRMMHED ft-room cottage for rent. SIS: fnr uimre iiui: anap. t'uone Kaat 1114. wiw Faat Everett at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS, FOB RENT In city. S4j nrrea lUbl fee garaenmg. inquire sua vourtn. BUSINESS CHANCES. AftO DOWN and term buy a 17-room lodging oouae, ctoae in; alio oown nuya a amall rooming houae: SHtM) down and term buys a - ni-ruoni ludaiiig tuatae; ,imi down buy a 12- room -lodging, bouse, rent flft: - S 4-room cottage ior rent In St. John; 2 furniahed . euttagea for rent, cloae In; 8 reataurant for aale on terms; I.'sa) down and term buy a 13- raun lodging houae, Tenth at.; A1S0 down and terma buy awell 9-reom lodging bone on Tenth at.-AHfttLdown and terma huya a 7 -room btmae on .North Ninth at.; SBHO buy a 12-room houae on -Fifth at.; I2B0 down and term buy n 12-room Dons on north Ninth at. Hee H. H. Hlglcy, room 30, 227 Waah lngtoa at, s , - PORTLAND suburban drugstore for aal. dress E 4, car Jonrnal AA I WOULD Ilka te meet eoseeone with amall amount of money to back m in a mining propoaltlon that I have worked for tha leaf 10 . yeara. Addreaa J. F. Nylander, cart - JJeoeaoa Newa Co., Portland. Oregon. -. DON'T come here flrat. but don't boy your city - property, fruit and garden land, wheat, atock -or dairy-ranches until yon Bear na. North- Weat Ijnd Co.. 2nd Uoodnongh bldg. P. 8. W alao have bualneaa cbancee of all klnda, - and can Meat yaa right.- i. W. L. C-- ONE THIRD oner half Intereat In the greatest mall order ' bouaehold neceaalty ol aacent year ipatetltedl to party with S2,fMQl or ftt.otio. to eatabllah a factory; quirk eaies, 1 large pronta; lortua ror rignt party; ever' rent Invested rmsranfeed; will hear clet Inveatlgatloa. - IS Hawthorn av. BUTCHER-SHOP doing a good bualneaa foe. aal a cheap If taken eooa. Addreaa C. G. School. - Springfield, Or. '. : - : WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t k-S: . A boalnea that will net yon above all ex--panaea 2M per Kooath; owner wtabea tw go eaat; thla week. only at X50. Addreaa t 8. car Journal. RESTAURANT, 20 Stark. $300; lunch counter, 10 etoole. ,V table. ohalra: doing a flr-t-claaa bualneaa: mnat aell; called eaat oa bual neaa: would lease. Call SI Fifth at. - FOR" BALE Complete aaw and planing -mill; . good paying propoaltlon; sawmill and planing mill on track; good ewttrbing tacilltlea; Situated In eastern Oregon: reaeoae for erlllnf, poor health. Addreaa M 88, care Journal. I WILL mk A jaronl Inspection of your Investment tn Canadian landa. locate you - a homestead and gosraote yo. ''good atoff." il,-4a.Vs tret- tf," "ahsxfBart vtC"1 Isrs and reference. . SAWMILL and timber for . aal Inquire at Htayton, Oregon. Box H. rout 1. BAKERY for sale, doing a firat-claaa caah business; no delivery wagon. Addreaa N. C. P., Rainier, Oregon. . WIf J, trad 2 lota In Fort Worth, Texea. value rtoo. for lota or amall atom In Portland. Addreaa H. O. Stltea, 6g44 Kaat Morrison at. DAIRY 30 eosra; most aell at local ton: close In. Main fitM3. once! good A 32-roont hotel for rent: tn a good Vocation; rent reaaonable. 631 Hood at. I WANT a lady with enm money to tak charge of a rooming houae. See II, U. Hlg ley, room 30. 227 Waahlngton at. SA2.V ROOMING-HOUSE. 2 blocka from Port land hotel; brings In !. per month; rant a-aj. Room 18 fjifayette bldg. cor. 6th and Waal. TAILORING outfit and bualneaa complete, 8200; big .money-maker; goon location; two eror itMith, three living room: low rent. B,aun 18 Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Waahlngton. $300 R ESTA V RA NT, well located, furniahed complete, low rent; win pay ror iteeir la .tie month. Room 18 Lafayett bldg., cor. Sixth and Waahlngton. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. AROOM modern home. $2,000; $2no (Iowa and $10 monthly. Owner, phone Eaat 67a. , . T-ROOM modern houae. $2,800; SrVOO down, balance to ault. Phon Eaat 678. FOR SALE T-roora hons In Irvington. $800 raab, - balance rneajthly, Eprdng, Mnlkey block. Second and Morrlao. Phon Paelnc 16.10. LOT In Sellwood. $100. Apply Front. Hotel Hheinrais, rronc ana ataaisoa ata. I HAVE a few ft- ere tract of very fin land, wary eaay to clear; '0 ml lee aaat of Portland, and only on mil from O. W. P. electric line, that I will aell at from teu$T5 per ere, on very eaay larsas. .auarewa v. A. cara Journal. . .. ACBB TRACTS! " OUA Sf EC1ALTT IS ACBB TRACTSI Full-1sed treeta. water to each a era. 1 TERMS $10 FEB ACRB CASH i $10 PER ACRB PER . MONTH. Ton go to the acre en tb same car. iay the same Be fare the lot maa pays- Tha ot maa la vonr neighbor, bnt he I re- 4 - strlcted tn majority of feature that nuk a true annnrnan Borne, Opaa Wedneaday and Saturday evening. . V C CHURCHILL A CO.. IBtt 110 Second St. FOR SALE Along tb north bank railroad, a large Hat of ferme. orcharda, eawmllla and hnslneas property. Inquire of D. W. Hutch inson A Co.. Waehongal. Waah. IF YOU want to build, bar all your materia la at tha A merles a Inn; yon will aav TS per cnt; fin door, wlndowa. planter hoarde, ma tic or siding, flooring, stairs, timber and lumber. Phon owner, peel fie 1076. AROOM house, and quarter block at tb cor ear of Eaat 14th and Beacon ata., $1,300. W A car Jonrnat. - .. . " ' CALIFORNIA BUNOAI.OW. I have been for the peel three years In Iam Angeles, California, and can build you any eort of bungalow from $800 up: will furnish Int and build: payment of balance In monthly payment Ilk rent. - CLARK A SON. Pbon Pacific Ml. 604 Fourth at., Portland. 6-ROOM house, 3 fnll Iota and household ftrrn' tore. 2S Eaat 14th St., Wondlawa. FOR SALE 60x100 lot on Stmnystde ear, cine In; cheap tor see. Address P 13, JournaL FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHOICE residence tot oa Fargo at. bet. Union aad Rodney area.; low prlca, Inquire 307 Monroe at. Phon Kaat 3103. A RBAUTiri t. nn.n hic-h . Holladay'a ad dition; improvement fell In; msk an after. racinc 1342. . . $lft0 CASH, $18 month, boya aaodera 4 room cottage at 681 Mlaaourl a vs. 1. car. I BUILD bonsee. eaay payments: lota furnished If deelred. Miller, 612 Commercial bldg. A 6-ROOM hons. Improvement. Irvington, full aoa, ao.iuu; caaap. rnooe aaa( io-u. u dree M 26, eara Journal. 2-STOBr 6-eeosa houae, modern, Uppe Alblna. near I carllnea. Phone Eaat nzua. - 8EB to modern 6-rooa bona, lot lOOxloO, aaat aid, wa ara offering for $2,500: $6O0 caah. terma oa balance to suit. Now la the tlui to buy be fur prices adrane, . M, It. Lea, j na nixin at. FOR SALE Lot 80x100. T-room houae, price $2,0(0. Call and ace wner. 1068 Eaat Waah ington at. WANTED A-buycr. Imniedlateh roooern -room nouae ana mt : nice yard, ' containing $ doaen choice young meebuahee, lot covered with young bearing fruit treee. A4 block from rarllne; Laurel a-ood. Address V I. ara JournaL 10 ACRES The very best In ' Lents; for- i Its value; all -In clover, en a tna graveled road, 44 mile from 2 electric and ateam railroads, 6c. fare; Mount Scott car. . O. R. Addlton, Lenta. Oregon.- '- fOR . SALE Very deslrsble building corner, r.aax ztn ana kssi tours; no agrnte. in qulr 233 Waablngtun at. ' , BOB SALE AT A BARGAIN A flue stork rang, containing boot 1.806 aeraa; all ander fenc; altuated near Boaa burg, Oregon, a S. P. R. R. tbla la cm t - the beat atock rang In tb county; I alee have a not bar good a rock rangd containing 1.420 acre, whlrb.wll) be aold at a very low price. For particular addreaa J. R. kuthee lla. owner. Roaeburg, Oregon. MUST aacrlflca A-roona jnttage. .6 lots; no era- aonaw eftee eertraedi la uborb, - Addreaa P , cara JonrnaL INSTALLMENT. HOMES . EXCLUSIVELY. "Pay Rent to Yourself." ' We own and offer for Immediate occupancy on eaay monthly paymenyk the following new 6-ronm bouses, with all modern Improvement: ray honae. No. 67ft L'pahur t.J pric $2.8.v: $2.v down. $28 per month. Yellow house. No, 4SS N. 21st ef.. hetweeg Vaughn and WUaon at.. $3,000; $300 down, e-10 PV month. YellUr honae. No. 60 Wilson tt..-tat off -K. 21st., 3.8A0; 12.10 down. $23 per moot FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY.-. 406 Commercial blk. -- . Pboaw Main 447.-.,- . ;.. FOR SALE Large atrlctly modern ft-room cot tage, witn rirepiace and large baaement. tw porchae: built one year. . 733 Eaat Main at., near 20th; by owner. FOB KALE Modern 6-room honae In Piedmont ran, 4 nines rt-em car line. Addreaa Owner, 1440 Rodney av. S00 FARMS, amall tract and lotai bargalne a u. r. r. eiecinr line, ti. K. Addlton, Mnts, Oragoa. Tak Mount Scott car. ftc. fO.OO PER ACRE $10.00 RRIOATRD L A N O --- Crook county, -Oregon. - DEED direct from Stat. WRITE for pamphlet and man. B. S. COOK A CO.. .- ' tSl Alder et.. Portland. Oregon. T-ROOM bona aad lot BOxrOO. cloae In. on Kaat Tnth t.: cement ldewalk: a bargain at $2,400. It will pay you to look thla up. In quire at 407 Hawthorn av. HAVE yoo a booee for rent If an. Hat It with ii. . we can rent It at once, fcast Sid Heal Estate Co., 407 Hawthorn av:.., FOR'RALE 2 lot and 6-room cottage Jiearly completed. 1 woe trom -cerllne,-,; X.VMJ dowa. 'balanc. $10 per month. Inqulr of owner. 614 Linn av., near golf tlnk. $7.000 0-ROOM bonsB. modern. Nob Hill. Room 18 Lafayette bldg., corner Sixth and Waah. TH ACRES ef level lead oa 2 good atresia,-14 mtic rrom canine: a anap at fioo per atre.' KtnaelL-602 Commercial hlk.i FOR SALE CHEAP 6 and T-mnm bona! mod- era; pert - caso. B70 oarneia ave. Tak Woodlawa car. Phone Eaat 8641 AROOM honae on Jackson st.. weat aide, only $2 800. . Klnscll, 602 Commercial blk. Mala 2823. 50x00 CORNER on llth at., suitable for flats; pric 1:1,000. M. r.. Ijrr. s Hlxth St. , NEW 2-sTory linalei 11 hnras; eon the Mlnneeota and Falling. Apply owner, next door. $260 H INTEREST tn a good ground floor real eatate oirice. iuiT intra at. , . $3,000 NEW, modern 8-room reeldence . Eaat Morrison ar., run lot. jui jnira er. $2,000 NEW modern 6-room honae on 28th at.; n mrmmnl h,i. hair mat 1AT 1. Tkirri a. ARB YOU INTERESTED IN ST. JOHNS? -- We ara Portland headquarters for property , In every part of that prosperous city. W hv river view, bulnea and residence lota from $225 up that cannot lie duplicated by any other agent. It will pay you to ae us before yon go down to buy. - - HAGBMANN A RLANCHARD, l Fifth at. $l,soo 6-BOOM house and full lot In Buunyatd. mi xnira at. FOR SAI.R.s CHEAP Modern B room cottage. tlire block rrom t. u. N. rarannpa: part raab. Owaer, 171 Stanton at.. Lower Alblna. NOW I the time to buy a lot on 44th at., sm block aouth or liawtnnrne ave. rarllne: price will advance $2ft May 1; your choice now tor only $23ft each. M. E. Lc. 03 Sixth at. . $1. BOO WHOLE block. Eaat Portland Heights. eery sightly itri yt intra st, , $1,800 IV, ACRES In Piedmont; t splendid hv Tratsiesi. , no n inm i. FOR SALE S lots st Pled moot, cheep for rasn. Aaarssa . as. anacraoo, ins nrsi at., city. . 00 today and ae thafheaurlfnl 6-room honae on union ave.; modern in every way. includ ing fireplace, and richly tinted: easy terma. See owner today. 6B2 union are, N. Phon East 2406. 40 ACRES, IS antic out, near, tha 0. W. P. rarllne; fine sou. lie level, no rocs. 14 on Ion land: price for thla week, $1,200, half caah. 10TV4 Third at. . SELLWOOD LOTS. $S down and $8 a month; from $78 tn fai. rteiiwnon inwnaire ijo II. P. Palmer, mas agar.- Phone East 4704. FOR SALE 4-room cottage and lot. 1 block from union ave. inquire, ao iamnii su, a. 20 ACRES, well Improved, only T miles out. neer the O. w. I', canine: goon niuuting anu rcbard; only $2TA per acre. 107 V Third at. CORNER lot. 8. W. corner 16th and Hancock ata.. tor aale ar a nargain it sot a mis week. M. E. Le. S3 Sixth at $400 BtAUTirUL corner lot on Slat St.; $80 caan, remaiaaer mommy. 101 yj inira ai. 110,000 BEAUTIFUL- H block,. . cloe Inj fin for flala. 107 Third St. - . f 11TS FREE That Is whst yo get If you buy this B room house; nous ren t n punt fnr price asked for tbc whole property. Ad dress U 34. csr Journsl. IF YOU HAVB-CASH w hsv the greatest bsrgsln yon ever ssw: a it-room new cottage on 60100 Improved lot. neer Union ave. car line, fnr $000. Horn Lnd Co.. 14SH First st. UNTIL May 1, fin full tvro-storyjfronrn honae. good bam, 2 lore witn rmit. i..hs; wen worth $1,800. Apply owner. $2 Hart are., Montavtlla. ... AROOM house, lot Mi 123. fruit end bargain. Call or addreae boi williama ave. MARION PARK HOME, Salem, Or. Space for three other Borne, one niorg rrom Duetneaa ' renter, tp borne to dinner, over to nature parkc Marion atqnar. neyona to tn grandest view Bf Willamette, where ll of polk, Yam hill and North Marlon conntlee enter the rlty; If tn Portland worth $.10,000: muat go for $3,300; cheap. MUM E. M. Finney, route 2. Oervele, Or. '.. $27,000 FOR BOx too en llth near Mnnisovi at., gona improvementa; ihojiii. " I '"""'hi beat hny along Morrlsoa St. S M, .E. Lee, 83 Sixth at FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . WORKMEN NAVK RENT . . , , . $7a iooxKni, 4-noui boixar, ' amall ; barn, chicken bouee, garden, fk.wera. ta.r -nearJ-Woodlawn: $180 caah and $'AI per month. HOTCHKIHS A WOOD. 212 Allaky Bldg., Third and Morrtaoa. DO YOU WANT TO BUY city lot or acreage? lr o, ae Eaat Side Beal Eetato Co. Eaat aide property a eperlalty,- 47 Hawthorne - are., near Grand, liton Eaat 106T. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE $100 per acre, cleared land In , the great fruit belt slong the Columbia river. I?. 'P. or. - Ma. Apply Box 10, Lyle. Washington.:'- , , - U0MESKEKERS We have a few choice' re linqulshtnent bomeateada and timber claim In ' the White Salmon valley. A. W. Eatea A 0.. Whit Samoa, Wash lug ton. . . " FARM FOB SALE 246 seres near. Logan, on Clear creek; TO acrea In ctiltlvatloa, 30 arrea pasture, 6-room houae. Urge barn and other buildings, good, orchard, crop, -tool sad machinery, st $27.ft0 LOLia FRANK. Otegou Cily, UouU No. 2.. STAMP bring SM-pag catalogue at country laaue. Burr-Padikiu Co., 40 kUwtgumery t Ssn Francisco, Csl. ' IOR SALE One of tha beet little farm In Yamhill county, with thla year" crop, and farming Implement, lo head of cow. 1 -work teem, 1 brood ata with plga, 12 head , f Angora goats, new a. room honae, large barn, with other outbuildings, mutual phone .and rural mail. For further information addreaa M 40, car Journal. 0, -RES. good noil, 28 acre cleared, bottom land, nlc orchard, fair building, running wter, cattle, horses, chickens, bay and pole- r toee; near good town. - boat- and railroad; ome caah. be lane 'eaay terma.- Owner, P. O. box BO, Caatla Bock. Waahlngton. 110 ACRES. 2ft cleared, enm beaverdam, house. "u. lacsira. a ereega;- iu mi lea west ot -Portland. Wlngrcn. Beaverton, rout 2. EINB 2-acre farm 1 mil eaat of Becdville. r asnmguMl -couuiy. All In crop; good boua -. - ad barn;- - bargaiw-at $A,00 if eM-na n. en una iann in tine condition, u. A. une, rteeaviiie, w, FARMS 200 farroe for aal. from 1 acre up. we ua nernre buying. Kaat Sid Real Eatat - Co.. 407 Hawthorn are. HOMK8TBADERS 10 arrea fine land, vicinity iMumrr enan. owner, a ki. journal.- u SPECIAL TO IXM'AI. BUTCIrERS And teener, l.ano-acre atock ranch; S.nnr) Nacres nntraage adjoining: wheat and alfalfa lend; .abnnrisnce water; I23 ml lea from Port land.. I mile from Columbia river and north "hank road. Room IS Lafayett bldg., eor. nmn an wasnmgion. . : . . : 60 ACRES, 23 In cultivation: good honae. barn. farming Implements, ft horses. .1 ros. rural tele,hooe: near school, balf mile to railroad ststlon: $2JS00: term: muat he Bold.. Meet .. owner nere. ihi Ainrriaon at.. $.W) CASH " $1.600-,m acrea. all la cultivation: new 7 -room honae. good barn, cellar, chicken houae, and corral: 1 acre-ln arrawberrice, 1 acre In -potatoes, half sera In frnlt tree; t Jersey cow, 78 premium ehlckcnaf '8 mitre from Portland: commutation ' tickets, 60 for $3; ' AMl cash. -remainder on time. 6 per cent. HOTt'iiKisH a wood. .';:; 212 Allska. Bldg.. ThiifieilWl Morrison. . TO EXCHANGE. NEW ft ROOM COTTAGE With T full lot. lBCg 230, high and eight ly. racing two ' atreeta. one blork from Sunnyalde and Ml. Tabor cara; will trade for amall Improved farm near city of cash value, $3,000 or ondrr. or will sail ' for hslf down. Home Lend Co.. 14AV, First at. EQUITY Denver income property for ranch. Glob Invert man t Co., 641 WfcM WILL cirhapg lady'a gold watch for Incs). ha tor. V 20. car Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE Hotel hue. need 4 months, ;aIIBIA'orth Sixth St. . . cheap. FOR SALE Pet saddle pony., just tha thing for children. Call two blocks north of W. W. rarllne on Tabor ave. M. Barron. FOR SALE TIMBER. "Wc WaitTBISr7 he. -eah-4ayeea-foe large and aaaall 1 tracta nf good timber In Oregon. Waahlngton er laniornia. -Qitgg Bros. Phone Main 6303. SIMS Fenton bldg. CERTIFIED arrlp, any else piece; low eat price a. W, O. Howell, 636 Chamber of Cam- rOR SALE 160 acre timber narCosbay railroad. Phone Eaat 1646. HAVE 84 vacant yellow pine claim, good . locality, cut 2,000.000; must set st once, a -timber act te liable to be repealed. - V 21. care Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 30O NEARLY new solid nak dining chair for . $1 25 eech. coat $2.30 4 montha ago: ale a largw quantity of reatanrant. hotel and gen - eral household fnrnlture at a great earrlfu'e; . will aell on time payments. Apply John Oke, Time Auction Co., at (Isold A Co., aouthweat corner Front and Burnslde ata. FOR RALBSlneJe wood bed, epring and mt treea, $2; bureau $3. 272 Montgomery, cor. Fonrth. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at tb Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill at. ' FOR SALE OR BENT NEW AND SECOND - HAND SEWINO MACHINES. - STANDARD 1 SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. H. B. J0NEA 280 YAMHILL ST. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rant er fur aale on ey payment. THE BRUK8WH K-BALKE COLLENDBB CO. 40 Third t Portland. WE need furniture aad will pay full v1b. Phone Pacific 70S. Western Salvage Co., 627 Waahlngton at, WESTEBN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. headquarters; stock for ssle sad Information at 180 Flrat at. Phon Main 1626. . SHOWCASES AND FIXTt'BES mad to ordert eecond-band good for aale. Carlson A Kalj. atrom, 288 Couch at Phone Clsy 8T1. MANURE by wagnnload of carload oa O...W. a. Ry. Phon East 23IA - SHOW cases, counter. BTtrrre BonghL aold or exchAngeA We.trn Salvage. Co., 627 Wh. IngtoB st. Paclfle T98. ' FOR SALE 22H-font launch, capacity 14 per , aon a, equipped wltb B horsepower Fsr A Bowen engine, complete, anpnrteuances of th wry beet. Inquire 810 Pin t. WB print yorrr name ea SO calling arda, proper ,. eise anq eiyie, eovj ov iM.-...w 7-t A. W. Schmal Co.. 228 Flrat, Portland. Or. HOLDEN'S BHEUMATIO CUBB -Sure cur for - rheumetiam. Sold by all druggists. FOB SALE Fin oyster 'rnntr ndsbetvtng also doors sad aash; cheap. S08 Fonrth at. $1.80 FOR $0 rosea; 100 sweet pea aeeda, Bo; all klnda flowers and vegetable aeeda rea aonable. Main 7131, 8 to 12 a. m. FOB SALE Second-hand nprtgBr tloller, " Sntf. able for woodaaw. Footer A Kleleer, Fifth and Everett at. VirW WW ,"V ""1171 . - wagon. Portland VVarebouee A Traaafar Co., a.a w-.. v. in.inn mt. ....... FOB SALE Good dry H Afoot flr wood la two-cord order or more, at M TU per ' cord, delivered aad piled at residence, aa you Will aea that yo have your mesaure. - Hoover, 118 Water at. Phoaa Main ftA FOB SALE Chtckerlng graad plan at a aaerl flee; will taka nprlght In part payment. . Epplng, Second and Morrlsoh. Pbon PaetSc lA'U). FOR SALE. CHEAP Voting Jersey ,cow snd cslf, out of Lsdd's stuck. tionrgr H. Wiihler. second place orlh of lower resaf , voir, vmt at. I'. 1. A. V"