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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 17, .103 orego:i coasta::d easter:i ' hq paper road Director Arrives to Hasten Com- ' : :- pletion of 'Preliminary T-Surveys. TODAY'S MARKETS Some. Dealers Assert .They Cannot Under-, stand Why Egg Prices Do Not Go Lower: Reason Is Demand Is Fully Up to the Supply WE CURE MEN FOR vr f SENSATIQrJAL RISE iii.piiovisioiis Report That Swift oV Co. Have . Union Meat Plant Gains : .. Ground on New List. SUCH ADVANCES NOT- - KNOWN TO OLD REGIME No JPtqp . Occurs - in Egg Value Poultry So Scarce That Printed r Prices ' Are Ndaninal High Prices Obtained lor Ben Davis Apples. Front Street,' April' IT. The principal feat ; am of tbo I'urtleud wbolesele markets today ere: ... , Swift 4k. Co. Introduce sew firm. . ' Sensational silraiicea la- pro le lone, - ttood Ion rales in nrssssd masts, t ' - Not otngle drop ta eg g prlcea. Poultry bardlr coming at all.- '. tlreatrr supplies of frssb salmon.' "2. ' Hen Darls apples sell eery blgta. V i" Mohair bnrcra are' holding off. " Movement of wool la Inn-easing. V notmug doing la bop market. Car bananas come In (oed abape. . w beat aiarkut la quite flr.i. Seaiatiaaal Bias ta rmlilm, " About a iwk age It was announced that Swift ft Co. bad taken charge of tbe "pork parking plant of the Union Meat eoaipany at Tmntda.ley lala raetrrd.r afternoon- tbe pro-sliWa-trade was grren to understand that this wu sctaslll so.- A a edeenre aurb a kaa wtir been sees la thla market of late waa - quoted In Boat Hate of provlalons 4hs eeatera - stxto netng duplk-sted and to packers eecur tug-aft -Tbe""moiier that tbe trade would poeal My stand. Small-slxed '- bama wore shsrpeyl Bursnrea He a sound, wblle tho largsr etees, from Id nonada nonaea.-woro moved an lite a . pound. Lard value- were rudely chocked wltb a moTement upjrard of a pound, thla In. " eluding both- flie kettle ead eteem-rendeevd Prod net. Compound, which aeldom abowa a ay .. fluctuations at all in thla market waa aent ; p a full half Brnkfut benoa suffered to the eitent ef aa advanre of Ho a pound. o into is out ine initial caaoge. , , , 7, i - flood Too galea-tn PrsssU Meats. Taking the proxlaioa-market aa a whole good feeling preralla. Dressed meets of alH . kinds, with the possible exception ofoprln lamba, are very firm. Praaard veal ' along Tbe etreet are aot yet eaual ta tbe . Biand, and top prlres continue to rule. Dreaaed a are ao alow la eoaolug -that printed prtera ' ' ' et a Single Drop ta Xgg Tataea. Although the ImpreaaloB mmi to be general wllk tbe eg trade, that prlree will ebow a ' eharp derllne within the Beit day or ao. valuea . today are J Bit aa high as the latter pari, of m wt man, tea geat Kaot.r oemanq waa n. Heeoipta la aume quartvre are quite heavy, Jut In otbra a lurk a are nut . Bear heavy - . rnousn I or ine trade. Today there waa sot a elncle firm Uiat droouoLJu. onoiatlwi.. Foultry arrlrala are eo ararpe that prnt - - prlaled prlree are merely BomlnaL Kverythlng . tbatomM la la eegarly anapped up, even old rnoatera being taken- at the price. Springs nvrr, eo venire, aa aow, gad top - are eaally maintained. " - - Greater Snppllea of Fraeh Salmea, Although the eatrb of aalmna In tbe C - tnmnia la not vory heavy, tb arrlvala la this anaraei are mrreaalng. Larger al re more plmlinil than naual. Demand good Jo all Knea of flab.' rtome raaor elama came in uuring toe day. nterka very light. - Bea Davis Apples Sail Terr Hiek. Sen lMvta applea that eeuld hardly be die. i Boned-4eerly In The aeeaorl aT TA a hoi are - today qnoted very firm at t3.2H422.SO per' bnx. -.-Home very nlre eperlineBa of tble variety from nnoa nirer were oiaDiaved by iavennart Bnta. iiiw inornina. a wr m oananaa in very good abape was un loaded on tbe atrert thla naornln. lrlo. In . vneaonth naa lately advanrvd He a pound. ana tnie naa.forceg ell dralera to quota more firmly at Se. , Loil aaaeregue te eemlng very- faat. Dot 3e m gnna ana pricee remain same. Call bvtoio nioraa narqer x - Moha1uyersArsoUing Off. With the price of Mohair rather dull and weak In the eaetrrn mnrkrta on. aeeount of th leasrr rail fee manufartirrrd goode of that ... material, local buyers are not bow eo anxious to pay mo hla-k prlere they were talking of - a short time ace. Tbe movement t market la increasing. Wit nothing aver 30p Is being paid. Moot ptirrhaaea are made le under that amount. While the wool market Is strong dealers ere Bnt breaking their nerka to purchase at the high prlrra asked by the holders, - ghlpments r af wool In tbls direction sre Inrreesing ronald- erably. bnt no really heavy movement can be especten umit rter . mo. sales days. la Tarieus Markets. wnest Is gaining In firmness, but little ' business Is reported. Htorks now " akaold are In very atreng banrta. that are not erllllnr lee ge at tbe present lerel. ' Bome small business from Japan Is reported in flour, but the smountn going. In that direc tion are not np to former ahlpmente. No late ealea arc reported In the hop mar. . n. rmorT ami ovei inquirers. ine iraae pays tae rollomng prices to rront street, rrirea psia producer! are, lees wnnn.nini. ratsfloar sat Tsed. WHEAT Cloh. 60c: red Ruaalan, 6Te; bine stem, title; valley, fl7c. . BARI.F.T-Fead, S2S.S0; rolled. 124 SO; brew. ins. t23.B0. CORN Whole, m-OOj, erscked. . US.0S por BTKVt.SS per ewt. OATS Producers" price rTo. 1 White, I2S.0O: -. gray, I2T.0O. FLOl'R New eastern Oreeaa natenta. an en as S.S; etralrhta. KI.40ia3.M; export, t2.PO0a.OO; Taury, sa.oo; srauam, wnols Wheat, , $3 .in: rye. W. tsoo: bales. ta.Vs. MILLflTITKSBr.o, giT o0 per- ton; mid. dllnxa. t2M 00: aborts.. couuJ-y, 220 AM: elty, IIBOO: chop. $M. .' ' v' - R A T Producers' pHce Timothy. Willamette Valley, fancy, tl0.fl0QlS.00; ordinary, t7 onrt 00; saatera Oregon. tMOOrjlBOOj mlxerf ts.vio 0O; clAvsr. ta.00Ot.00; grain. te.tu - S.OO; cheat, tOO. - Butter, Bggs ami Poultry. - BUTTER PAT g. . b. Portland Sweet cream, V emir, 10c. BUTTKR :ity creamery, X2He; cratalde - fkucy. 20c; store, Itle. - -. - Eioa No. 1 freah Oregon, eaadled, - ITe. - - CHEEfiR New Toll cream, lata. IS; . Tming America, 19c; Cheddar, 10c; California fleta. ISHc. - . POULTRY Mixed chickens. l.lltQlSe per lb; fancy hen.. HMV lb; rnoatera, old. 10t. lie per In: stags, lie per lb: fryers. So per tb; ' broiler.. OTe per lb: ducke. Ine per lb; geese. lOHQUe per lb; turkeys, meii. per IM dressed. Sic per lb; en, t2.7SQt.(a) per dot; plssons, 12 Oo per dos. ape. Wool gad Bides. HOPS Contracts, - 1S0S erop. 10k- par fh Iftlio Oregon, prime to choice. SQPe; pour grsde. a,.. Wsshlngtnn. 'ittc. WOOL 1 90S clip Vsllsy, poarse to medium. S3tt2.V; fine, SV; eeatera Oregoa, 20 C 220. foHAtn ?ew, Oe. HBEI'SKINS Shearings IBCJOe eeehi short TUESDAY'S PRICES IN HEWHEAOIARKEt e . Map. e Chlrago I .0H ' Bt. Loulu 0 . Kansas City .... .1H e Liverpool f,....tad e Duluth ......... .oDVi .July.. e 7Hd 4 Mlnneapolli 7S Milwaukee ... New TTork Ban Francisco ... .."H a ' 1.11 .7 Iecejtnber. 9 JOURNAL'S v DAILY c ,' - . TIPS ON MARKETS 'An 'effort la bains mad to crowd the new California at Ha waiian Sugar Refining company product out . of this field. . A meeting of - the representative wlioleaal grocers ta auld to be in ' aeaalon ln.rhin Francisco today for 'that purpose. Thla would mean a .fight If voted against the new , concern - and may yet ' result In a disastrous war as regards prices. Meanwhile all' Is quiet and dignified in sugar. sreol, SSMtOe each: medium wool, SoOTSclscfe; long wool. t&claH.OO oach.- TALLOW Prime, per la. SHOeci Ma, S pad grease. 2es2Ue. CHITTIM BARK Se per lb. B1DK8 Drr, No. 1. 1 Iba ant an, MHO 1T(4 par lb; dry ktp. No. 1, S to Ik lbs. Ie; dry ealf. No. , andsr S Iba, lie; sstted hides, steers, soend. to lbs and oxer. lOOlle: eowe, tHODHc; stags and hulls, euund. eC?e; ktp, U te SO Iba. r eelfr-eosjad.- wuder 16 Hmr tie; greea. anaalted. le less: culls, le par In less; korsehldae. Balled, each. tl.2r.eJl.T8; dry, each, tl ooai.60; eolt hlaes. . 2Bit60ci goat skin, common, each, lOOlsei : 'agora, eech. SSctJ 11.00. . Traltt sag Tegetab!es. " POTATOES Beet sorted; T5o per sack: pre dncers' pries for car lota, 70c per ewt; ordinary, inJ70c; producers, prke, SOc; .new poUtoes, He per lb. ONION Jobbing pries OregoB, No. t. tl Tl; producers' price. No-, t.. 1.0ii,( 1.2n; No. 2, 1; garlic, Hlrtc per lb; ooloa sets. Tc. , - PRESII r'RCITft Apples. t2.00QS; erangee, fancy naval, t3.BO; aeedllng. 2; bans naa, Se per lb; lemons, e boles, tt.60 ' per box; fancy. t3.760t4.OO per box; limes. Mexican per 100; tsnserloes. 1.23; pineapples, Mexican,". Hawaiian. n.uw. VEOETABLL'S Tprnlpe. sew,- TBe per each; m A. l A. . . . k - . - eAe. OA mm sack; Oreaon radlabee, 8e dos: cabbage. Califor nia. 12.25 . ner ewt: areen Dennkrs. f I lb California tomatoes. 1 2 2X12.50 pars- nluer-iHrrt1n; string besna, 2lc; on llflowsr, t2.2a per crate: green peas, 10c per lb; horseradish. - Te - pee lb; artichokes,. Wm S(.H( . -per -doer1- bothome lettuce. tl .V per box; celery, Ptie doxen: pumpkins, -."Itle: sftnash. !14r; sprouts, ge per lb; erenherrlee, Jeraeva, t!4.0 pbl; Coos bay and Tillamook, tio.oo: aspara Csllfomla. - dc ner lb: Oreaon. 7.V giis. dosen: .pumpkins. ' 14c: - sqnaah, 134e; sulnsch. TAcsttl.OO-ber box:, areen nnlons. Oregon, aor oViaen bunches; bothouae cues in- hers, l.T6r2 00 dosen. ' DRIED PRUITS Apples, " evsnoreeed, 1 ISc lb: apricots. 12ai5c per Ri: peokes. 10H ISe ner lb: sacks. Uc ner ib less: nrunes, to to 40, SVke; . He drop en each sixteenth amai!er else; tea. California black, Te per in; caiiroula white, hetoc per ib; dates, goiasa. se per in; isros, per la-m bob. Breeerlsa. sTuts. Star "SUOAR Sack baala Cube. T .00; powdered IS.PO; fruit granulated. tA.MO: dry graaalarvd Id. 00; conf. A) 13.80; beet granulated, to 90; ettra 1 tSSOi- golden C, 16.20: D yellow tV10: bbb. toe: 14 bbm. S5c: bbxee. BOe ed vane oa sack baala. font 3h per ewt for cash, IS dara: maple, ItiftlSe per lb . (Above prices apply to aalea bf free" than ear lots. Car lots at special prices subject to aurToationa. I . .. BONKY S 0 per -erate." roFTEB Packaee brand. ' SlS tS. ALT coane .Halt groana luoa. T no par ton; table, dairy. 60a. $11 on;, lone. tlO.TS: fm- ported Liverpool. " one. - tlT 00; ipoa. tltl.oO I24a. flg.noi extra flne, hbla. ta. bo. ID. gi-toO B So; bulk. n Iba. t4.04lflo.Of). aarke, gne. rWttse; Urvrpnol lump mrk. prff ton; OU-ID rOTK. (.. KlUa. SU.TO. I ORAIX BAOS Taleutta.-ter M 1 1 K. 1 mtwl.l janae. ho. 1. set me- a. 'tSHe; Now Orlnene head. Te AJax. k Creolo. BKAn RmaTI white. . M.TEOt v; large weir, f.zn: plok. z.Tn: bayou. t4.Ni Iasms. SO in: uexieaa ran, ee. Ntrra Praauta. lumhoa. ta per lb! trslala. tHeMKte per lb; roaatad. im. per lb eooeaneta. SfidlSOe per doe; walnura. 15f)5t4e per in; pinenuta. loaixHe per ro: biraorv onto, lOe per lb: ehoetauta, eaatrrn. ISO19 Per lb: Brand Bute. I4e nr- lb; alberta, I415e per lb; fancy person, UHOISVeOr almoada. MKO etas. ... FaJats, 0ee4 4fla. Kto. ROPK Para Manila. 14Kei atandard. IShlet laal. He. - ixMb oit-reeet ee Aetrat nanee, isc per gai; warer wane, iron nnta, I4e per gai woodea. ITe per sal: headllslit. lTO-des. eases 21 Uc ner eaf. hbla 11. per gal. - - FEMV.INE 3 a. eases xse nee mL troa hbla IKUe ier gal. Tl'RPENTIM la eaaaa r!t ner saL wsodes hbla P.V prr gaL WHITE LEAD Ton Kta. TKc Ber lb! OOO-I lota, se per in: inee iota. aee pee m. WIRE Present basis st HUB. LfNREED OIL Pnrs raw. In S-bbl lota.' Sdci 1-hhl lot. 53c: cases. Sfte ner ral: eenntn kettle. boiled, rases. SOc per ral; B hhi lots. S4c; 1-bM lot. Mle per gsl; gronnd rake, car lots, 120.00 ir too; lees tnsn car mta. .). on par toa, Meata. Fish and Prorlslons. FRESH MB ATS Front street Beef steers. f5e per Ib; cons, tQie par "; hogs, block, Sc-eer lbt. iieckers, S"e tier lb: bulls. W-t'c per lb; veal, sxtrs. Tlse per lb; ordinary. rancy. eoiwc per in: lainoe. nr. -flAMS. BACON. ETC Portland nark floral! hams. 10 to 14 the. 14Wc ner Ib: 14 to Id Iba. 4e per in; oreaatsst naeon. - j,-iuise per lb: nlenlc. 10c ner Ib: rot I a re. loue ner lb: rasjuiar -ooor. viearv. - nneninBeii, tur Tor id; mules, io -per id: clear oacxa, snamoaea, lOHe Per Ib; smoked, lltar per lb; talon butts, 10 to 18 lbs. nnsmoked, He per lb: smoked, Se ner in: clear neinse. unamoseo. xie ner m smoked. 12c per lb: shoulders. Be per lb. LOCA1. LAUD Kettle leaf. 10a. 12e per lb; 3s, I2!e per lb;. C0 lb tins. 12e per lb; Ktrsm rendered, lus, 1IS.C per lb; 5s, ll'ic per- In; enmnonnn. ins, nc. CANNED SALMON Colombia river. 1-tb talle, tl 00; t-lh talla, 2.7S; fancy, l ib Hats. tl.PO; H-lh fancy Bats. tl lVl fancy t-lb or. la, t2 76: Alssks tails, pink. SSstOOc; red. tl.W; aoauaaf la. tall, 12.00. - . a-iHii Rock end. tc ner m: aonndera. ne net Ib: hsllbnt. 6c per Ib; rrsbs, tl.OO pet dos-. atnoea Dim. una par to, coinea,- t ver i.l aalmon. Colombia river, rhlnonk, Ac prr Hi; stselbeeils, 7c per lb; herring, ne per lb; sole, c- per lb; shrimps. I Or per Ib; perch, Se per Ib: blsrk cod, 7e rer lb tomeod. Te per lb; Oolumbls river amrlt. te per lb; silver smelt. Te par lb; lobsters. lAe par lb; fraah maekeeel, te par lb: crawfish, 200 per dos; Sacraments shad, he per In. ' OXSTEKH Kooeiwater nay. per gai, ts.xB; per aark. It TS. CLAMA Hardshell, per box, tZOOl rssor elams, tS-00 par bos. COTTON FUTURES EIGHT TO TEN POINTS HIGHER New Tork. April T. Ao 10 points np. futures closed ieVk, Starr ft i Official onotatlons by Cooke company: Cloalne- Open. High low. Apr. 17 Apr. 12 April .... iaii-ii'ii .ii'.ii H.2S 11.11 Msy. .. June ..... II. Hit II. 2H I1.2R 11.12 10.70 10115 lt.2 11.20 li.M 11 02 10.71 10 Ml 10.RS low July ..... .. 11 - UJIO .. H OT .11.14 .. I0.7S 10.7 .. lO fJI 10.07 11.24 11.0T 10.75 10 Bl Aueue? ... September October , , November Decern her Jsnusry . . 10M 10.87 10. Alt 10.H2 10 . 71 10 Bi lo. iT 10.70 10.02 : :- Llvsrpool Cotton Higher. Liverpool. April 17. Cotton futures closed gulet and steady, S to 4 points up. ; -r PORTLAND MAN GETS SODAVILLE MOHAIR (Nneclsl Dtspstch ta The Inurnsl.) tebsnon. Or.. Aofll IT. Herman Metaeer of Portland was the hlrtiest bidder on the pool of mohslr wool st Sodsvllle yesterdsr. lie of fered 2BVk cent a a pound-foe about 6.000 fleeces, f'rtlend waa the hlibeat bidder en the pool f delivers st a next Monday.' . " TB1TIO STATES 0TZBMMZXT BOHDS. ' New York, April IT. Government hoods: ' - . Date; RM . Twos, rrgisterea . . , 1tt.O lo.l"T; 104 litis) 1 u.i Si lot inxia 10.1(4 lot do con Don ., Threes, registered , coupon .... IOCS 104 104 lo.l Twos, smsll bonds roiir, rexlolerea do eotipon upon - innf OAU 104 regattered ., Iwetl i.Kial 131 1 Mipon 12B 1114 , 132 of Columbia' I lid ... litoT iiinu 104 1I-T Mfti 104 Ponrs, registered no coupon District Philippine 4 loOVi UOH Lmtea Silver Market. iLoodbB, April 17. fltlrrr,-2T 1&-1M. E BRINGS DECLINE Professions Sell Stocks Heavily After Initial Advance In New York. ' - GATES . IS BEARING":-": 7 Z:l AMALGAMATED COPPER Sells - Big Company's Stock .." All Around the ; Room' Today Pres. sure Likewise in Anaconda -Nor folk Haa Largest Gain. MET LOMIH Anaconda ,. t (Ontario W. ...... U Amalgamated .... 1i people's Oas Sugar .. S Kcdlus .. a Car Foundry. ... S.Bock Island ., Broklyn , fc,;,mthern My. t'olursilo Fuel i., Houtbera Pae. ... ,4k C. ft N.'WV V l nlon Pacific .... C Colo. a.-, l.t pfd.." g, B1e. j 1, t'rntral Leather... U do preferred , fi emviiTO . ... . , NET OAINH. Smelter H.ltlmors Chesapeake .... Cenadtsn - -v."; ;".; Beet Hugar ..... .Nsttuuai Lead - Katy do preferred... tl 'ennaylvanta ..... Pacific Mall ...... Koek bland Dfd.. IS Erie .. W -ga- Sd preferred H so 1st peerema, lllnols Central... Loulastlle ....... i Hlaaourl Pae. 14 Manbsttsn .. . .., -'H t. l. s. w..rT4 North American -.vH Norfolk l N X. Central .... -. do preferred. 1 V. S. Rubber . 1 Tbe market was more active todsy. Selllnf pressure wsa shown In most of the Issues chic? among them being the coppers. Anaconda and Amalgamated were heavily sold, Uates being a persistent . besr In the letter. The floor crowd ine proreeslonsla was most bullish, and the news ssat out did -not help the market. iraaing waa. aomewnat more bullsa and some fslr-elsed rains were shown la ta verlte Isnea. The latter arlllug premnre car rted off a pert of; this profit: Csnsdlaa Ps ctfte wee active and rslned 1 points.-the Same rise being recorded ia Culled - Stales Huliher romnmn. Norfolk ft Westoru had the largeet gain for the day, values being 1ft points hlxh.T at the closing. ' - Offlcisl qnnisitsBS hy-Overbeck,-Starr ft loons to.: DESCRIPTION. ABseonda .Mining Co..'. .!2S3 ainai. Lper CO, Atchison, com ... , , .i . . . do preferred. Am. Car Ponnd., com. do preferred. A at. a i ofli." Am. 8melt. com..,.!.,. do preferred. ..... .... .ua.1, 10214 4 Baltimore ft Ohio, com.-. 11114 do' preferred.., ,.r. .. 0.1 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. K7 Canadian Pacific, com... 172 4 .. w, ton ft O. w.,- com.... Chi., Mil. ft St. Paul.. Chl. Terminal Railway. Cheaaneaka A onto 22 W "7 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. com.. voio. noutbern. ciunw... ' do 2d preferred , do 1st preferred Delaware ft Hudson.... Iiela., lck. ft West... Denver ft R. u com... do preferred , Erie, com da 2d preferred..,,.. do lat preferred...... Illinois Central....."..: Ixtularllls ft NaahTllle.. MetropoUlan St. Ry,,... Manhattan Rallwar. an - 85 wit 1U T8U 17S- lftl.lA7SA IMH iiev. Jil 111? lllnti im Mexican Central Hj.,.. Minn., Kt. 1. ft Sla. M xK do preferred. ...I173V174 m lasnuri t'acitie M.. K. ft T.. com.. do preferred . . s New Vork Central.. Federal Smelters. M "I. I iuvi in in i . , ........... 84U SB tiorfolk Wi moi do nreferrrd rVortb Auiprlcsik . a eTi N. Y.. Ontario ft W. .., .... ii . 1 1 100 14 nihl oi's 01 f exile's Uas.' L. ft C. C.'l 142(k S 1 MM rressed 8. I' commoa... 07 do preferred Pacific MaU 8. Co..... Reading common ...... do 2l preferred do 1st preferred 0i4 Republic I. ft B. common do preferred Southern Pacific.,.,.. do' preferred l-4-A ft. F.rSd nfd.- 47 24 BT aaar 8t. L. ft R. W., com... do nreferred . . .. . . , . . Texsa ft Pacific..... . Tenn. Coal ft Iron..... To!.. Ht. L. ft W.. com do preferred.... In Ion Pacific, com....: ' do nreferred . '. 114.1 Soli sst, .... t 15711.-17 Central leather, com., do preferred. ......... TT. 8. Rubber, com..... I. M. Steel Va., com. do preferred ....... .JlOdtilKWli'lOU Wheel, ft L. B.. com do 2d preferred do lat nreferred Wlaroueln Centsal... com. do preferred Western Colon Tel 02 H 22 14 4tk 70(4 M P2"4l 2 22SI 214 4T4 40 Wabash, com do. preterrea . . .... Am. Locomotive.... 7014 nwu Mljl 834 National Isd Total sales for dsy, S2S.T0O ahares. Cell atone y closed at S per cent. ALL MARKETS GOOD EXCEPT - SPRING LAMBS Hogs Very firm, Cattle Has Bet ter Feeling and Sheep Are in Good Position Here. Portland I'ntoa Stockyards.' April 17 Live stock receipts: . - . Hoes. Cattle." Sheen. Today , . 3.11 Keck asm pa INI , ... Month am 175 Veer ago .;. " .W1 800 . Aa pumuared with the market of vesterdsv. flm chsnsea were abowa In local livestock todsy. Sscretary Plummer says: "Hogs are vary firm, and there la a very good feellns ehewn ht the rattle si I ua I Ion. Hheop are firm, but lamba are not ao enod. There Is s rood csll for veal ralvea, and tbe 11 Tea lock market la In a Duel tlon tn handle A very eoaaldersble anmber. . Offlrlsl livestock prices: Hoes Best eastern Ore eon. t7.23: blocker and China fata, to 76; storksra and fseders. Cattle neat eeetern tire eon steers, so on: beat cowa asd heifers. gt.OO: light and medium steer., 4 oo; Hxht cowa.; stackers aud feeders, gi.2; bulls, sa 7.a :i i. Sheep wetnera, m,c; iambs, awe: mixed sheep, a .horn aheap. Sc. talves uooa veei, jno te sou pounas. in tc; raugh and heavy, 4Jhe. , . , -IASTXB HOPS STXABT. Chicago, Aprlt 17 Uveetock receipts-. Hogs. Cattle, Sheep. Chlcaso -. Sft.tssi is.oon Kanaaa City inii ia." - Omaha 13.000 K.01 g,ooa H enened sleser. wits i ten over, hs- celpie a rear ago were Id. 000. Cattle, slow. Sheep strong. - . . I Tew Terh Silver. f -r. New jrork, April 17.-Bllver tt. Monetary Bates, few Tork. Anrll 17. Sterling. SeBaao. iS.04b.T, tO das. tsa. ... , BEARISH PRESSUR RUSH TO COVER OY MAY SHORTS Chicago Wheat Market Mora Ac tive and May Has Sharp Rise ' of One and a Quarter. DISTANT MONTHS CO .A SMALL SUM HIGHER July Advances Three Eighths .and .September a Quarter Armour Be- lieved to Be at Bottonr of Today's Movement-l4verpool Up.- r - RELAT1VB WHEAT VALUES. Caws ' . - Tuee. Msy .Kn July.... ..TKs September.;...; .7SA Cloae Clms Gain Ttiee. 01 T l04 .00 V, Mon. loos. I .74Bl.l4Vi - Chicago. April ' IT. Liverpool furnl.hed th keynoto ta-the strength In wuest this morn ing, coming fed higher after the holldsya, sad closing even stronger at Stc higher. Con tinental markets were Inclined to follow ertwol and follow our etrength of thla morning. It Beam, a hard matter to eoneiide whl."h will be the first to liquidate, the eastern longs or ths northwest shorts. Southwest crop eon d I lions eon Id not-be finer. All reports asy Kansas, oklskoma snd other statee have the Urgeat promlae en record, fleer and . warmer weather Is very favorable for seeding In tbe northwest. The advance la believed to be the booster of May option today. Official quotations.. by Osscbsekr- Stare- ft Cooke company: WHEAT. " Open. Msy.....$ .7914 July..... .7H. " Hleh. - tew. Cloae. .0V f .7t4 I .leiy J Sept .774 7Si .714 .7SA CORNwi .47. .4(14 .4i .4d '.4'4 .46 OATS - Msy..... Julr Bept .4(4 May...... .SI tl July..... .501 Sept..... .2H JIIT4 Jll4 .I,B .SOtt ,lC . .28 Vt MESS PORK. May 1(1 20 Id. 25 LARD. -.. 2 S.TI t T. SUA PT 8.77 SHORT BIBS. S K2 1 75 .T S as ' S.OO I.8T Z 10.J8 'Z. S.JO - 0.00 , a.w a ki too iuly-sr-ivr le.dS" Mar..... July.,,.. Sept SOS S.P5 S.ST Mar 2 Julr... g.PA Sept S.OO ' UTXBPOOL OBAUr MAX XX T. Liverpool. April IT Official prices I WHEAT. Prev. Close, ne 8W4 ee T44 Ss 7 Oaln Tues. ad Vd ne 44 4a 4 As 7BZMABT OBAIB MQTTMIJT. . : Cblcaso, Anrll 17. Prlmtrr recelnta: - .-'.' Today- Tear age . . Buali. - Rnah. Wheat , Corn 2V2.000 441,000 Bblpmeata: . Wheat ....! 000 . nod Com Plgono P07.000 American clearances r Wheat and flour. P4 800 bnsbels; eors, 7dp.000 b tube Is; oats, Tl.OOt iajt rBAif cisco oBAnr xabxzt. . San Franclaca, April IT. There were Bo transaettoBB In Msy whest thla morning. uinciai morning prices: - : wheat, ztt":'..". - Onea. Hurh. Ixnr. Cloae. December.... l. l tl.av tl.21, BARI.ET. mTxrr? 1.1T4 1.17 December. j.... M . .P8 1.17 .'. -CWJ0A00CAiBrwHXAT. Chicago, April 17, Cash wheat: . Tueeday Bid. Aak. Motte Bid. :S .7i4 .7S t.80 No. S red... .8HH f .no. No. 3 red........ 88 .87 No. S hard ' .80 "4 .88U No. S hard , .78 . .80 No. 1 northern 82Vs - .88H No. 3 northern........ .80 ..H2Vs No. S spring 78 .80)i CHICAOOi OBi BAUf CAB. 10TS.- Chlcego, April it. drain car lots: ... Care, (trade. Eat. lho.v Whest 8 0 8 1BT orn inn - 4 172 2M Oais .. 180 28 188 121 Wheat cars todsr: Mlnneanolla 128. rmlntk 87. irar ago; . Mmaeapolla 81, Duluth 10, SAB rBAXOISCO BtlRTBO XXCHABOX. Ban rranrlsra, April 17. Official closing. mornlne noaaioa: Bid. Belmont ......I 6.80 Bid. Nstlonsl Bank. I .82 Cash Boy Id lienver Eclipse Oold Bar ..... " Bull frog ..... Htelnwsy ..... CoBrJ-Cel.-v'e..;- Ophlr Mrxlcsn . 1.72V. 1.10 1.85 -.20 .1 1.88 -S2tl 1.1.1 .45 nO 1.I0 .42 ,W .14 .01 1.20 .84 ' . .27 .47 .18 .28 ' Home Molden Anchor. .04 Jim Butler ... 1.45 McNamara ... .71 Midway ...... 2 20 Montana 2.00 North Star ... .At Ohio . . . rr... .41 Caledonia Ton. Exten... 1.00 Etehenutfr .... N ore roes ...... (old Crown ... . Itevada '. .....i 11.00 Weat End .... 3. to Adame ....... .08 (Irest Bend ... React! Atlanta .- .2(1 ninebell .Id Booth 29 'Black Butte Ex. I Tramp I Gold Belmont.. IMoutcomery ... ISuneat 4.. . IBeeptre ....... 'Manhattan ... Columbia Mt... .28 Conquer . . . .18 Plamoodfleld . -.42 Dixie .10 OoldMeld Jumbo 1.7.1 . Jumbo Jttn.. . .17 Kendall 84 Isguna .10 Ha tier Hum prey l letter .wt - (tranny 38A Hold Wedge.. . .1PA Ixme Star . . . ' r.10 Msy uueeu ... .hoa klnbawk .hS (t. Bend Ex... -.21 Red Top l.BJH Ot. Bend Aa... Crescent Cowboy ....... Denver Annex.. .14A Randatorm .... 1.17M, Kllver I'Uk ... -.2.1 St. Ivee 48 .27 .18 .21A SAB ymABCISCO LOCAL STOCXS. Saa Franclsen. April IT.- -Official closing. Rid. A.k. .... 4.1'4 "4 tH s?H .,.;...i84 : I; M 81 .... 88 m 12'4 morning session Contra Costs Wstee 8nrlng Vsllev Wster Mutual Electric'.,,.. fi Isnt Powder llswsllsa t'ommerclal. ...... Honoksa ftneerrrvi ,-v. ..' ,, t Hutchinson SHgsr Onotnra Susar ... y ev SS . 108 V, 88 ! . I'saahau Suesr ..i. ....r.... ..." IT ... Ms ... 44 ... Mi Makawell Sugar I nwrn siugar Alaaka packers California i'rult California Wine ll4 ST Aasnclated Oil .... .. eni ..I0A .. a Pacific Statee Telephone Oceanic Steetnehlp ...... BOSTOV OOrttl MAJIXIT. Beataa, April tl. Offkial copper r losing: ntd. i . nT.i. Adrentura ...S 1 Ml Osrenla 410H.M AlkMiea - DA 1K larrt . :w so ..inn on Areadlaa .... S.eil'y tjiilnry Atlanthi ZV.ISI IS M TIO.OO ST .no A .Hx.oo in id 17 oo ai an U..rel .. M .10 ttlnalians ... . Shannon , T.nrA, Tamarack ...JOSliO T-ImU . 1 1 FA t'alnniet ..... Centennial t.. f'ontier H. nee. I nlted Copoer. eg 7 t t.b -S4.00 Hair Weat. .. rranklla .... (treene Cos. flranhy ..... Msss rietotie ,v,r S.OO WolTsrlne . . 1JN1 usth S. Mining in7H 78 I Tens, t'opeer.. 14.00 Hoston toe. .. Sl.orr teal. Pitts IS ST if Mite A Uulutk SO 75 IJnnctlon ...... Mid Blsrk Mt 44.00 Cal. Aral... 47. on S3 STi, W so V 50 tftftO 1300 11S.H lltehlgan . . .. ntiawk . .... S'eeada Con.. Knrtb Suite. Sutte tools.. Old Iomlnieo. . 1 . Open Cloae - ' . -Tuea. Tues. . May..... ...... s 1144 Se nKi July .os TVfcd e T4.d September tie Til s TSd V CORN. Msy 4s '444 ee R44 July... ee 4d 4s etfd John H. Crabtres of St Louis,. di rector and one of the prima movers in the building of ths Oregon Coast aV astarn ralli'oad, arrived in Portland this morning for a conference with W. J. WHsey, who haa charge of ths rlghU of way, surveys and other preliminary work of ths company. Mr. Ormbtree will remain in Oregon a week or It days to review tha work dona and con sider plana for1 beginning construction. . " ara working steadily toward tha end In view, but cannot announce tho datalla of our plana until they ara com plete, ha said. Mr. Crabtres will be followed to. Port land within a short time by tha com pany's chief engineer, a Now Tork man, why buUt the larger part of the Penn sylvania aystem. The engineer will probably be accompanied by New Tork men who are heavily Interested finan cially In the coast road and alao In ca tena! v proper ties- tbs.t - are being - ac qulred with, a view -of development of the country tributary to the lines. CONSTABULARY RESTORE QUIET AFTER FATAL WOT ' (Journal Special Service.) Wlndber, Pa., April 17. The constab ulary has rentored. quiet after - last night's rioting in which four foreign miners were killed.' No further trouble la likely. The riot followed the celebration of Easter Monday. A' number of union men had been arrested for drunkenness and an attempt was made by a mob to. rescue the men. from the officers. Forced back from the Jail door ths mob threatened the deputies and the - latter opened fire.- The nnmes of tha dead are Plat ro Martini, Paul ZUls, Antonio Masuka and Charles Di Foster, a boy of li. . GUNSHOT WOUND IS FATAL TO KENNER Lebanon, Or., April IT. Auguat Ken ner. superintendent of the Lebanon tan nery, wtro accidentally ahot himself a week ago while killing a squirrel, died, last night from the effects of the wound He was 40 years old and leave a widow and son. . Ths body will trs shipped" to Portland today for crema tion, , . CRUELTY CHARGE NOT PROVED BY SEAMEN - Hoqulam. Waah.," April if. The caae of Captain Dedrick of the Kohala, ar rested on a charge of cruelty to seamen on the high seaswas. tried- before, ora 4 mlaaloner Wrenn yesterday afternoon. The trial was a long one. consuming several hours. - Mrs. Pedrlck testified In behalf of her husband. The caae waa dismissed, the charges not being proven. ' sTraag-ellsS Bntk Oomlmg. Rer. Mr. Ruth, the evangelist from Indianapolis, will open a ten days' re vival at Memorial Evangelical " church, Kaat Eighteenth and Tibbetts streets. Friday evening. - No more forceful noil ness minister 'ever addressed a Port .and audience. - , Fref erred Btook Caxuteg Ooodg. ' Allen eV Liewig' Best Brand. rerelga Oeffaa Markets. Bavre, April IT. xffee sines April it ag. TsneMl ) Rio, rervlpta.' two dare. T.000 baga. xsarkst firm, prices np 178; Pastas, receipts two dsrs, 8,000 begs, aarket first, prices up 100 points. . .. ; . ' Vew Terk Oaak Oeffsa. New Terk, April IT. Cask coffee Ne. T Rle, 8e-Ne, 4 nastoe, Se. JKTLAJfO AVZ .ttkXBCtin flee rings Palania .gT38,43i.IS . . 88 41 jo 1 S 'T TRUST TO LUCK That's Just what moat people do when they atep Into a drug store and- aay: "Ulve me a. dyspepsia oure, or s stomach remody." ASK for the right kind, the kind that gives Immediate relief. That kind as CHASE'S DYSPKPSIA CURK, put up in liquid lorm. it ia sold on a positive guarantee to cure all forms of etomach trouble or your money will be refunded. Try this offer. - W take all the risk. 103 Park Ave., rater son. N. 7.. Jane 1. 1000. Chase Mfg. Oo., Newburg, K. Y.i Dear Sire gnr erer ift reere I enffsreg freia dyspepela, tfnrlng whlrh time I consulted bm nr phralelsns, but Ibsr did net seem to belp me. A short time ago I took your drapapala ears, whlrfe has benefited me rer murb. In fact. It gare me relief from tbe vers flrat doae, -- I do gladly recommend rkaee'e Prapepala rare te :ur one wno ib eriiKiea wim Oftpepsis or ny stomsrh troable. It Is a wonderful en re. Years sincerely. SAW. EL J. HARFORD. - Eat all you want and If your atomachi kicks, take a single dose or CHABHTS DYSPEPSIA CURE and get Immediate relief. A permanent cure after a few weeks use. Prioe 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. - The Chase Mfg. Co. BROOKLYN, N. T. rot Sale ia Portland by WootUrd, Clarke ft Oo. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE VerlBflammsHoB. eeOatentjof ths Bladrtar and Dteaeead gld aars. seouaiserAt. cone kinlckly sad Bsraenestlr tbe worst rsess of SJewaeasiaeSi baae, bo matter of bow etaadine. Abselatel isrwlaaa. Sold be draasiaU. IKE SAXTAL-PEPSIXCa Every 1 and anoald knew .ha.l iKa m mi il.. fel MAIYCL wMriWM Way I The tsffSMl arehara. MJm. saa sajrewe, Bass-eat. est M oat CenTeatent. . IIHII..H .Mi.lft fTbT MSatfal aoueot na ashar. sot ssad alamo foe llluairated book njit ft full partleuiara andjtireerinna Is- I valuable to lad lee. M tavil, .. ee aas bt.. bhss vobbu a. . SKisMoai oo ii Terras stbxxt, AMD WOO DAS O. OLAAKS 00. tataaseat Vo. lsgielative eaadldabae are the people's slat fog a priaolpls, aot fey aa Individual. joBTATstaur aoxraira xb. m ' M wa. - - Its) Ssie ox 1 iresa TV r Hours 9 Sunday w E ARE SPECIALISTS FOR Diseases and " Weaknesses of MEN, and MEN ONLY. We know just what we can do, and we have suchlfirm confidence: in v ouCNEW METHODS and TREATMENTthat we-are willing to cure our patients under an absolute Guarantee of . NOT A DOLLAR Unless Cured. We Mean This Most Emphatically. It Is For. You For Everybody t ' & ( LOSf VITALITY RESTORED (According to age) to 60 days rt 4 SPECIAL DISEASES (Recently contracted) 4 iaysZZZZ2i: 5- VARICOCELE (Without an Operation) 10 to 30 days BLOOD POISOU (No Mercnry or Potash) 30 to 90 days KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE (U ) 15 to 40 days r Establlshedff Yearfe In Portland ; We make no charge for a friendly talk or correapnndence. Come to uS in tha "strictest confidence.-. We have bean exclusively-treating special dlneenea-ef men for years. Nothing sclenee can devise or money can buy ia lacking in our office equipment, we will use you honestly, trent you skillfully and re store you to health In the shortest time with the least discomfort and ex pense, it you cannot can, write tor ST.LOUS MEDICAL AND -SURGICU OOim MOOsTS AMD TAJCKIXZi PERFECT HEALTH makes mankind 'equal to all emergencies at least equal to the ordinary du ties of life. '"".' In aeeklng medloal treatment there are certain qualifications that you should require of your attending physician. Ability, szperlence, skill and an established reputation for RELIABILITY. -We claim the -above-requirements, which are necessary for successful treatment of diseases of men. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE WEAK ORGANS NERVOUSNESS - CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON RHEUMATISM BLOOD AND , SKIN HEART LUNQ ' LIVER ' . : . . KIDNEY- - BLADDER AND . URINARY DISEASES We Guarantee a Cure In Every Caie We Under take or Charge No Fee. . . . 7 - of this Institute are all regular graduates, have -ha- many years--eper1enrj-havw Teen lrnon- 1 tlon to maintain,. and will undertake fected. . . Consultation free. -Letters confidential. Instructive book for men, mailed rrae, in plain wrapper. Ii at office, write it you cannot cut successful. Office Hours a. m. to t p. m.; DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. - - Tha T.eadtsr Blpeotallsta U tha sTorthweet. . - Offices tn Tarn Moy Kotal, BSH Third t Corner .Pine.- Fortland. Chr. 'G.YV.WEATKERLY. Coal n . ANOLiUrVC. 'ax w - ail '-m3 .1 i ..A.J I IP j lla III III J) f'iLJl 111 . V- WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS ' PROTECTION REGARD LESS OF "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS 0F C.QeeWo The Great Chinese 1 Doctor At No. 162 i First SL, Cor. Morrison Ke mUlesdiag statements to tbe afflicted. I gsaraotse a eomnlete. safe asd lasting eore ta the- giuckeet ojoalile Uose, asd st tbe lowest eoat peaeiblo foe aoasoi . and ssaesss I rat' treatatest. 1 ewe eatarrk, aataasa, long, tbreet, rbeaaMtlam, BerToosneoe, otaaucb. rutAU xaoustrs and au iuta4 IlUKASES. Bfy resMdles are harmless, anmeossg ot roots, kerbs, beds a ad barks aapeelally aeleeted and Imparted direst by as frees the anterior af Chios. tf TOT t ATTtImt Pvt SSLAT, SeXATSAkg DAJfOkeOvt. If yea eaonot eall, writs for snptoaji blaag asd eiroalar. iHri.M. 4 rente In aas.MW C0"slTLTATI0g I I' 4. TU 0. Se we Cbloaoe Mas --e Co.. tdSVs . lint bt., Osesee IsarTtaasi. kssuaaa, Co, rtsase aieatiee tale gaps te 57 to 8:30 9 to IS symptom Dianxa. RBim, VOBTaVAJTS, OKXaOsT. m no caae. unless certain a cure out be ef for symptom, blank.'" -Home ' treatment Sunday a and holidays, 10 a. m. to II. DISPENSARY : J.&PECK. ninCARLflCIO sfihferrlsoa DhAHgS Fat Palet. . I IIWIIV sawavaei sat g b n dlood poison lot HOII TIAR TWEITT TURS we bare made the cure of blood poison a specialty. Prtsaory, 5eeoeWy oeTerttary Bleed Poison Permanently Cured. Yoeeaa be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital K0O.00O. We solicit tbe most obstl os loesses. If yon bare oibaoaiod lbs old methods of treatment, end still bsveaeaee and pains, llueus Faiohee la Mouis, Sore Throes. Pimples, Ooppar-Celared Spats. Ulcers oa ant per of tbe body. Hair or Erebrows falling one, write for proof g of ourea. 100-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO. ISM aUIWf nifU. tblesr.lll (Deansc&urDlc:i') The true way to cure all Blood Dtaoasra Besselt's Native Herbs drive out poes- a ab.usaalfct. 3.a.rb. n.l, SieWs eod lta santsss. Pwsly vatriast. iaa any. Ite and It st Dosi"es e isms wta. as rata TrW Ba t'B Native Herbs Ca. -- " i i . i..h. f I i