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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1906)
-. -A APRIL" THE- OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUESDAY' EVENING, 10 17. 15C3. -- V -.- FIRST in HIE famous Runner; Come In First In Opening Classic at Acque . duct Track. . WAS A FAVORITE FOR ALL SORTS OF REASONS Spring Meeting Open at Memphis r Amid Bright Auspices and Broom' handle Delivers the Goods by Win ning Montgomery Handicap." ' (Joeraal Special Service.) - ' New .Tork, -April 17. Kosetten .won the Carter handicap yesterday at tba ; e pnin r of Aqueduct racetrack; winning by head In a driving nnlan rrom Southern Cross, -. Rosebeit - was - a hot. -' favorite and thousand cheered htm, for ; tils- same Untsh. The results?' i Flve-furlons--iyanion4won, Toots ; lfouk second. Brush ITp thirds time. 1:04. . 8U furlongs Clark Orlfflth won. Orl. ' Jen aecond. Water Grass third; time. - l:l.-r- - - rr" ' The Oaone stakes, four furlongs : TUeling won, Bertmont aecond. Disaster third: time. 4:47. . ' ' v The Carter handicap. -1 10.000,- seven furlonre Roaeben, 1I dyne), 11 to , " won; Southern Cross. 101 (Balrd), 10 to 1. aecond: Red Knlrht, 10S (Radtke) ' SO to 1. third; time, 1:16 1-5. . Lord of ' the Vale, Phil Finch. Ormonde's Right, : Bohemia, Whimsical, Goldsmith, Green Room. Belmere, Hermitage and Grenada also ran. . Seven furlongs Broadcloth won, Jack McKseo second. Water Ig third; time, J:I7. . ..'..--- Pour furlong Demund won; Cam pal sner-second, Shackle- third r time. ,J S:? Ire. ""- ' '" ' - I" At Memphis Track. . ' Memphis, -Tenn, April 17. Broom handle captured the Montgomery handl f cap yesterday at .the opening- of the t spring meet In this city. - The bunch re , celved a perfect start and Dr. Gardner, the star California horsa, took the lead at the post and held It to the - three " Quarters pole," where lie dropped back with the tall-end runners. At the head of the stretch Broomhandle came up -s beautlfullyan won - l3rneaj-ljrlwo. length ReaoJts: ( .- Five and one half furlonss Deutach i land won, Guiding Star second, John i Smulskl third; .time,-1:0J -. 4 - Vtmr Airimri Clamor won. Bull CARTER i Bird second. Chief OHavre third; time, j :.- - , ' one mile Lady . Ellis won, Celebra . tion second, Henry O. - third:, time, r- 1:41. " ' ...v. xh. Montgomery handicap, 2.E00add . ed. oue mle and one sixteenth Broom - handle, 110 (Scovllle), 10 to 1, wont Lady Navarre, 101 (T. Burna). 10 to 1. second; Rapid Water, lJ-tKeteht, S ; to 1, third; time, 1:4. Logletilla, Cut ter, Bannock Belle. . Lubln, Lapucelle,: 4 Hyperton II. Canteen, Little Scent, Dr. ; Gardner and -Red Leaf alao ran. 1 Four furlonss Margaret Morris won, . : Salnzllla second. Miss Ermallne third; time, OcSOH. '"- ' .-, . v-i Free ""Ml one naif -furlongs Ban posal won, Joe Levy second, Mrs. Annie third; time, l:ltt.' - - . ONE TERM IS ENOUGH - Was, t. Clarke, Oaadldata foe State Frtate Prom Martoa Oonaty. I Have Had 30 Years' Experi ence and Know How to Print' This Is my flrat offe'nae in run ning for a political office, anil I -am endeavoring - to demonstrate that a - "poor man" nan aspire to -a state rt 1 make no pled,' but shall run the onVe In the In--tereat of economy and the tax-, payers, an i will abide by any" lawe regulating the offloe that may be panaed by the Legislature regulating the oftlce ' of Bute Printer. One term aa State Printer la aufflcient for any man. I pledge myself to one term only.- Aa the office Is a lucrative one, I believe In paeetng It around. - - WILLIAM J. CLARKE, i Aaplrant for State Printer. VOTE THUS. 19 X William J. Lachner , . Of Bakev City, Oregon, Beynblloea Candidate fox Kepresea- tatttrs la Ooagresa, Seoond - Slstrlot... . mi zs xt rxtaTTomxi '" " If f am nominated nd elected 1 will during my term of office KalthTulIy represent ihe 4eepte and Ihelr Intereat; Cooperate wair Prealdent Rbose relt on hla rate policy; f I'rse a revlalon of the tariff! Work for free trade with the Phil, '"f'J 'avor election of aenatora hv ,11. National control of corporations coins an interataie ottatneee; . . Stand with the prealdent for eoni' pletlon of Panama canal: Work for1 an open Columbia river to the largest ships afloat; and -Continued work on the Ceillo ca ns i : ( . reclamation of arid lands Favor stringent Chinese exclusion law; : JiiT"srtd"lfberaI Tfealmenr" to de- servng -veterans; ana Th parrel post for rural - mall ar-lc Knrm te he prinled after name en lll R(vvelt a rate policy; tar iff rel"n: CMwie exi'lualon; free trad, raiitpplaet opes Columbia. GREAT BRITAIN EXPECTS TO "SHARE HDIi'OHS . Athletes From the Land of King Edward ConfidentofViOr i -i tory at Athens. " Great Britain expects to at lea at di vide honors with the American athletes st the Olymplaa games at Athena Since the American team was announced there haa been a careful study of their records, and It la admitted the race will be eloee between the two Anglo-Sagou countries lur nr.l nunpr. ... - The British team Is an exceptionally strong one. Here It la:. . KCornwAlHs (Oxford univeralty). the 40 meters, oe meters and Li00 meters flat races ' . A. R. Churchill (Cambridge univer sity). the flvs mliea' race. . - F. M. Edwards (Cambridge univer sity), the . Ave ' miles' and 7 Marathon races. , . t ' ; -- R. P. Crabbe (Cambridge university), the 100 and ,J00 meters' races. : ' . 8. Abrahams (Cambridge university). the Ave miles and Marathon racea - J. W. Horn (late Cambridge univer alty). the 400 and loo meters' races. 8. H.Carnelly-(Oxford university. A, C, the nve miles and Marathon races Lieutenant H. K. Hawtrey (Londoi Athletic club and Thames Hare snd Hounda), the Ave miles', and Marathon race- ... . -T. ..... D. W. Walters (Cardiff A. C), the 110 meters' hurdle race. R. E. WUklnson (Liverpool A. C), the 1,100 metera' walking match. Lieutenant Wyndhara Halewell (Edin burgh H.), the -400. and too -- meters' races - J. McGough (Rellahoustoh Harriers), the 1.600 meters' race. - A. E. D. Anderson (Bellahouaton. Har riers), the 400 and BOO meters' races. Each of these men is a champion.- OREGON SENDS ENTRIES F0R COLUMBIVMEET 0 Frank Lonergan Is busy making final arrangements for the third annual track meet to be held at Columbia university on Saturday afternoon, next. . It ts ex pected that the complete list- of entries win oe in ny -tomorrow ariernoon. xnis morning the University of Oregon and Pacific university sent In their entries for the contests. The .Oregon men are: Mile run Mitchell. Ramp, Wood. Half mils run Wood. Lowell. Reld. 440 yard run Prldeaux, OberlaufTer, Veath. 120-yard run -Kelly. Mooree, Frleaael. 60-yard dash Kelly, Moorea, FlieaaeL Shot put MoKinney; -Moullens, . Hug. Pole ' vault Moullena, Wlnalow, Bean. High jump Kelly Ktrkendall,- Frlessel. Broad Jump Kelly, Klrkendall, Frlessel. Relay race Kelly, Moorea, Veath, Frlea ael, Prldeaux, Obertauffer, Klrkendall, Hug.-- - - . -The Paclflc men- are? Fletcher," In the half mils and mile and Peterson In the half mils and broad Jump. - LAURELWOODS WJN TWO FROM BUSCH'S TEAM "The lAurelwoods defeated the Buschs teem two games on Sunday. The first game ended 21 to and the second game laated only three' Innings, the Buach's leaving the field. The acore was (. to 0 In favor of Laurel woods when the con test ended. The llrurrp: Laurelwood. - Poaitlons. Buschs. F. McCrumb. H. Spencer. . . McCullen ..7.". R. Busch Thompson .... Groat ........ Van Billiard Harter ........ Harmon ....... . ,...c v . Schooling .,....p.. Little"W. McCrumb lb............... Busch ', 2b McCrum .lb. ........ Nonderberg tm ,.,lf r. r.,', II. .'.TTTT ClOCk rf ., Allen, Carlaon SPORTING GOSSIP. It Is quite certain that Portland will win the pennant If It finishes first In the league race. Should some other club finish before Portland and there are no other teams ahead of It. then that club, will win the pennant. Freano, too. has a chance,' providing all of the other teams 'disband before the season ends. - The same may be said of San Francisco and Oakland. Both Los An geles and Seattle will beat Portland out provided they win more games and loss fewer contests than the Giants. The fans of 'Frisco1 expect the' Seals to win the pennant, and the only thing in the way Is for some other team to beat the Seals It is alao certain that the team winning the pennant will be awarded the rag. Victory will surely go to the team that wins. ; A PERFUMED PARIS.. ' 1 Having knocked down three men In a Louisville saloon row," it is h6w expect ed that Marvin Hart" Will again claim the championship of the world. . " ' e. e : . A Chlcsgo -man agrees ' tfli tell the truth one year for 126.000. What mar tyrs some men make of themselves. r . e .e .'. -- Dr. J. C Zaa Is reported to have pur chased a dog that. Is supposed to have ths true Peruvian bark. ' - .- , " . e ' e 1 As a result of the Cambridge-Oxford boat race, there Is likely to be a most gratifying boom In ths poultry buslneas in the United Kingdom. The sweeping victory of the cantabs has silenced scof fers at the egg diet, and. the product of the hen hereafter will have a promi nent place on all training ' tables. ' Al ready the effect has been felt. In the egg trade. - Not only are athlete taking to the new diet, but those who wish to keep In good condition have taken up the fad. The result of the race was a surprise to a majority of rowing ex perts who had picked Oxford to win. There .are those who are not prepared to accept the egg theory without re serve, but all admit now that It is worth every consideration. , , e e- ' "' ' The University of California students in a mass meeting laat night made a unanlmoua protest against Prealdent Wheeler's sctlon In declaring for Rugby football. This Is the 'first tangible I Semoneeratmn-taken " byThe Students against the abolition : of .-e American game of football. . BeUerae Victorious. .pacta! Dlapatefe to The Jonraat.) Bellevue, Or., April 17. i.The Bellevue team turned the tables on th Never Sweats yesterday on the Amity diamond. M. Nickell was In splendid form snd. pitched like a professional, allowing but two safe hits. The score Bellevue. I; Never Sweats, 0. Home run H. Stulta. Batteries Bellevue, M. Nickell and Morris: Never Sweats. Pneuman and Mitchell. . . To draw tba fire out of a burn, heal a rut without leaving a scar, or to cure bolls, sores, tetter, ecsema and all akin and scalp dtseaaes, use DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve. A specific for plies. Get the genuine, No remedy ran ace such speedy relief. Ask for Ie W1U -Ue Csauins, . - . v - - A PERPLEXED PCUTICIAN 3a, tell ae, rrffiAllr voter, was Uie (net I tfela norm A aort ef a rralniWr tbat mf grave It will adocal . Or was It Juat a surplaa set reeelred tor my foet lad will It hang him ea the trace walls I te etttce (el - . , 6h deer, bat theee Ire trylag times for uca at. aa me, - JtraT arklag Ilk decaying teeth te eerve . aiy emutav-e. Rapanalni tat a mtaete f abeald fU4 ea Friday alaiit That yoa ma ebo do the voting, had - otmcMn mj arllltaBt Hiktl 014 Orra vrnald ( t pet, aod go It en the nin. -Add all hr Inatltalloaa weald forever - ba an dona. Still above th wain e( anmw apt eweet antbam would raaound: "Tea I'nloa claenaM lloaa for alx tiny ernta a poend." 7 UNION LAUNDRY ZCOaTD ASTO sea IA. Tel. Mala 80S. . BUNKER HILL NINE IS 10UH6 TO FORM Clever "Young Performers Plaj Snappy Sarr and Put Royal ? Club to Rout. That the Bunker Hill haaeball, club la rounding Into form was shown by the way they defeated the Royal club's nine on Sunday. The game was fast and. In teresting for this early In tba season. Walker pitched In good -form, striking out 14 men. ThS Bunker Hill club la open to all opponents and will give any club a fast and snappy conteat. -There Is only a few dates open. . Address challenges to Thomss Jackson, 847 East Tenth street. north. Phone East 4000. ' The lineup: . '- ,1 ...I: ROYAL CLUR AB. R. H. PO. A. E. xnin5rjrJTn-5-.--.-.-ji: -4 1 1 s -1- 0 0 Bwlnt S S 11.1 1 8 levers . . . 1 1 1 I 11 Peeler Bruce 1 1 r s 0 0 1 1 1 11 0 1 Smith . , Jasman .., Osborne . . ...... .... s 0 ... 1 ... s s Crosby Totals - ......... 21 ' 4 H i -, r BUNKER HILU V " AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Qilroy . . P. Walker Hoffman , , H. Oahey , Thimple t. Donovan . V. Walker Thompson 4 11 .S.S S0 S 0 S I a -o s i 2 14: I 0 1 S . , u. oaney . .......... v .Totals. . W tl SCORE BJ INNINGS. . Blinker Hill ,.T7: 1 0 0 0 4 0 Royal Clulr' ;..0 0 0 1 0 1 Umpire St. Thomas. . ' .. : 4 SOUTH PORTLAND WON A GREAT SCORE The South Portland, baseball team de feated the Stephens Addition team Jn a one-sided game on Sunday by the score of 26 to 2.- The only featuree of the game was the hitting .and fielding -of the South Portland boys. The follow ing Is the lineup and score: South Portland. - . . Stephens Addition. Woods .If Herman Thomas - liecklay Marshall 7 2b.. ...... A-,..... Davis Scot t . .. .i . .. - -cf - Robertaon Weber , ,c... Smith Taylor lb... Ryan w-..,''rf.-T Simmons lb... Gardner-Hanvers..p.... Hutchlns Tucker Dally Anderson BELIEVED THAT AMATEUR : BOXING IS DOOMED t i Journal Special- Sacrlca.) 8an Francisco, April 17. As coma of the recent amateur an out boxing tournament In this city President Harri son of the Olympic club has written President McCnbe .of a local amateur aasoclation stating that the club has found that there Is no such thing as amateur .boxing on the coast and reo ommends tbat amateur boxing be dis continued by the association. It Is be lieved as a result, of this and other-re-J cent action ; that, amateur boxing is doomed. ' t-" - NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. - Loet. -- P.C .... s o Boston i Pittsburg - r.t-.- z o Chicago . . ... New -ork . .. Philadelphia'. Cincinnati . . St. Louis . . . . .00 ..2 2 .60 .. i 2, :boo .. 2 1 .400 . . 0 1 .000 0 4 .000 Brooklyn-.. . At FhUadelpUa. - R. H. B. New Tork . ..14 Philadelphia 4 1 Batteriee Ames, Wlltse and Breena han; Lush and Dooln. Umpire O'Day. At ClaoUnatl. . . R.H. E. Cincinnati . . V... 1 7 2 Chicago.. ...................1 1 Batteries Harper and Schlel; Lund gren and K-ling. umpire Johnstone. AMERICAN LEAGUE. " Won. Lost PC 0 1.000 0 1.000 ;:: j 2 .000 New Tork .' Philadelphia . . Waehlngton . , .. ...... 0 0 uoaton . . 'T---:- At Jfsw Tort. ". ... R.H. E. New Tork- 4 0 Boston -' 1 4 2 Batteries Newton, Leroy and Klein ow; Dineen and "Graham. , , - '' At Waahiag-toa. . R. H. E. Washington . , I I 1 Philadelphia . 11 0 Batteries PudhofT, Kit eon and Hey don; Dygert, Waddell, Schreck and .Pow ers. - .' --- ----- - G. B. HART EXPIRES OF PNEUMONIA AT PRESIDIO , . (Special Dtapatch toJThe Joaraal Albany, Or, April 17. George B. Hart, a brother of A. 8. Hart of this city, died yesterday morning of pneu monia at ths military hospital at the Presidio, flan Francisco. Ever slnos the muster out of the Second Oregon vol unteers .Hart had been -connected with the customs service of ths government In the Philippines and - reached' San Francisco only few days sgo from the Islsnds on a leave of absence. Some months ago he had been officially re ported lost, In a typhoon that had wrought havoo on the China sea. He was It years of age. A widow sur vives him, who Is a daughter of J. p. GtlbraJth. Hla mother Is now In Mas MhuMttsV His krotbar. A. B. Hart, gad ' 7-.. :'i '":".: V Ths Ex-GovcrnorWill - Kx-Oovemor Geer' Is personally' ern Oregon than any, other candidate - vois mere mis any. mm owimiivrai xxa umm utnu wiui ui w ..ry Interest of that section and has a wider acquaintance In western . and southern Oregon 4hsn all hla competitors combined. He has never' been a candidate before the people of Oregon without . leading In the .popu lar vote, no matter what the circumstances. He nae always been a 'friend pf the people and the' people . ponunuy oijerea. nn nu wmu a, nn.r au aim 4ixa irwiiu ui wti worklngmen'a Interests and Is broad enough to recognise. the rights of. both laborers and capitalists.. He Is willing and Is well-equipped to meet Governor Chamberlain on the stump, thus making the only kind of 'a campaign which many people think la certain to result In the tatter's defeat. There Is no doubt whatever of Mr. Goer's nomination In th minds ef tuose who are at all acquainted -with th prevailing sentiment X throughout the state. . Ana nis strength is growing every ,aav.. i" i if- HaryeyfTCT Bro'S-n "of "Baker- CltrreasfSrrlOregon'S Terorra"cahdI- - date t6t ths governorship, stands for the enforcement of all laws, rigid ly, uncompromisingly; for th abolishment 'of the use ' of - corruption funds In political campaigns;" for a discontinuance of "machine" poll- tics, and forewoman's suffrage. Upon such a. platform the"- famous Baker county-nherlnV who- fought a -winning -flght-Jn-hla- home-for-Sun 1 day closing . of saloons and for the suppreeslon of gambling. Is msk--Ingaremarkabhi campaign, and-ia rapidly winning a tremendous popularity.- -His record as- an executive officer In Baker count has heen a brilliant one and commends him to the suffrage of -the Republican voters of this state who believe in honesty, official Integrity, fearless ness and .-decent discharge of duty. Sheriff Brown was bom In Poca hontas, near Baker City, 16 years ago. He Is eminently qualified by nature and experlenca to fill the office to which ha aspires. Reasons Why JUDGE TH0S. f-RVflW Should Receive the Republican H' nomination as STATE ; irersurer:2:y . BECAUSE he is better QUALIFIED to "perform the, duties of that office than any -of ths "other candidates, he having proven his ability and efficiency in his county and city official wort-; - v, ; T"7" BECAUSE he has pledged himself to require all banks in which the funds of the state are deposited to allow interest on daily balances, the same to be fully accounted for and paid into the State Treasury.: - Ths claim that Btatemeat So- 1 ad vooaeoa or legislators aaa make a slate for TJaited Statwa Senator Is am taurolt to the latelllgenoe of ths pnbllA aad a refiaetlom aa he saalty or slnoerlty of ths claimant. ' i i. ''.' - JOIf ATsUsT BOUB1TB JB. a sister, Mrs. H. M. Palmer, live In this city. Th funeral will be held Wednes day afternoon from ths hom of his brother her. ' .. ' " ' ALBANY COLLEGE A. C. L S. CHOOSES ITS OFFICERS (Saactal Dtspetcb te The Joarsal.) Albany, Ov. April 17. Th A. C. U 8. of Albany college haa elected th fol lowing officers or th ensuing term! C. 1L Cuahman, prealdent; J. F. Baffley, ylo-rsldentj R, la, 111. secretaryj Dc Iteffcxt Governor ' ' acquainted with more men In east for governor and will poll a larger . J have stood by him -upon every op-. T F. W. NeaL critic ; "" Steele. ' tri urer; W. G. Myer, attorney, and F. M. Arnold, marshal. On Friday evening of this ' week the society will go to Corvallls In a body to attend the intercollegiate . prohibi tion content to be held In that city. A. C Maratera, a' member of that society, being Albany s representative. . . . . ' - Eugene - is afflicted - with - slot ma chines aa well as water mlorobe. v nun xs touts. Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age. '- Herbine. taken every mornlne? ho. fore brenkfaat, . will keep you In robust neaitn, nt you to warn ore aiseaa.. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspep sia, fever ei :n, liver and kidney com- rlalnta. - It purines th blood and clears he complexion. Mrs. b. W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes, April 1. 1902; ., "I have used Herblne and find It -the beat medicine ror conatipation ano liver troubles, it does all you claim for It. I can highly recommend It." Price too., fioid, bv WoodardV Oarka 4 Ce, ' - - - V""j - INDORSE ' .i ::x-..- i; .--r- i r; .... ' .'. . Editors of Many : Papers Espouse His Candidacy and Predict His Election. II. M. Cake's candidacy for United dorsed by the press of Oregon.' The th resources and Industrie of every the right kind of man for the plaoe, ; That' this work and Mr.. Cake's clean record are everywhere recognised Is evident from the voluntary editorial In dorsements cf hla candtdacy In the Cottase Oreve leteSer- 'Of the swa ere a hie taaa M. M. Caka. the Portland law bat a successful basuiaas Bias. Bad eoe taat la working far tite usbeildlag ef Oregon. Tae people of .thie aeotlea are latareated la ale eaaipatga aaa hope to tee kua wla tU . Kedferd TTisaaJLu. u. Cake Is sutkbig a aelscbillesa.BipaUra. Hla rtratk has la tte fact tbat he Ji wall eveltflad to renreet at ; tltU etata st Washtagtea beeaas cf his kaogledge ef -the seeds ef Vregos. . , r r s Uaeala. Oeaaty taatar.' One of the aioat and woe haa vua eupportere la every part Wastani" Oregea (Cettase Oreva). Mr. strong, aad otaerwlae available. Ke candidate sow before the people for eraetae ts mure worthy of support, end thla would Stooably . " Ooa Bay Harea (Verth aead)-afr. Cake ta aa able lawyer, a at ma ef atreag integrity,- aad abeald he be elected swaator wee M be aa honor te the state. - - atsaat tests Maes.. Walla yoa are eatttsetBg for eta tenant 2fo. i. don't teraet teat H. M. Csks atanda aonaraly for pepslar elaettoa of -nana tars, far strict adherent to OhK seas - exrlosloa. and for Oraroa first, last aa d forever. Mot a bad combination fraaj which to ealM a Blshty good eenetor. ' Tereat reve. Tueei. H. M. Cake ts well kaowa aad very sapnlar la lteest Orove. He Is aa orator, aa ofganlaer. a dlstlngalaaad lawyer, and a rental sentteaia who saakee frhaMM wbererrr be meats sis faUow-dlluss lis will BBdosbtedly get s large vote here. . Arllaatoa Keeerd. air. Cake la -ar sreoilBeat lawyer., a peblloepbited man, and ea ef fin ability. Re has worked faithfully In Bent ef all Oregon, and has made frmde, la every part ef the etata, -, halntar mavWw. Too wlU Bake Be aUstanc to vntrag for H. M. Cake ' for rnlted Statee eanator. Mr. Cake la the eae auia la the a tats wee fees seen active In placing the rssoarcee ef the state before the eoaatry. aa praaMset ef the Portland Oonuaeielsl ehib, he has escd his time, awney end eaergy, la advertising Oregon. , . Plies Seek geeerd. From all appaaraaeea, Mr. Cake appears to be the ehotea ef MsJf soaiah eeSBty for ssaatar. .- 4 " . ... . Zxakaase ta Head Siver glaaler. The taca nar ooar awn or tne way ana-mm a witty and brilliant speaker, aad rally capable ef eaaauctlng honor te any posltloa wltala the gift of the-people. . Waaae Vows, Katoh IS. H. M. Cake la a aaa. fnllr saaaat to resn asat the state.' Mr. Cake haa long been Identified with eU toe etate.. Bapeclauy haa he naea active la aaovenMeta looking to the opening of the Colom bia river. Be la generally well kaewa la the etata entalde -of Portland." end la kaowa aa a maa who eaters all hla work la a whole-hearted way that aeoauy aecompUabes ewraa thing. .... ...j..:.. .i'v..:- ...... - - Shorn aa Oeaaty Okaerver (More) Mr. Cske has been eae of the foremost an ef Ore roe la originating aad kalplng te get ander headway the Oregon Development teagae, and Its good work for Oregon snd the educating of the people te a reallaatloa at what thai etate la and the resources ef oar eommonwes Ith. This wss Jnst the work to broaden a maa for the responsible pnsittee ef United Statee eanator (or Oregon. Be Is a broaa-mlnda4 svntleman. and Is well alle. from hla kmc term of rears smnexst na, to fit It . represent wr etate-la -the L'aited States -senate at a have before. - , S L. Zurla atssorder Mr. Case haa been a resident ofOferna for yearn, asd no maa Is better aaiuelnted with the state's Beetle then be. lie Is quaimeil la every reepect for the office, and If elected will serrate t sisnner that WlU be gratifying to those whe placed him la the high- poaltloa. , , , . . Oraeron Mist (St. Halana). Mr. Cake has worked . nnaelfuihLr for tba aevalanmant a Oref on. . If elected, be will keep ap the good Talk Oeaaty observer. Mr. Cske for the hmg term, and it ta refreshing to observe that bis csndldary Is meeting with eatbaslastte fa .or In every part of the state. The nation needs such men In WsahtngCpn. and needs them as never before. Had former United Statee erne tore been toninoae of Snen Ilka H, M. Cake, the demand for election ef sena tors by popular vote vraM never have arises. .. ...... -.TnUuaeek Keadliskt, Marak la. Of alt the aspirants for United States senator. Mr. H. M. Cake of Portlaad Is certainty moat fitted to represent Oregon ta the national assembly, sad the people ef tbrs atata will net be making a mlataks wbea they east their vote for him at tie primary election, for-there la on doubt whatever that he Is energetic and wide awake to the Interests ef Oregon. Mr. Cake a) the kind of man Oresnn needs In the United Ststes senate, for be knows the seeds ef Oregon, end, from . preeent Indications, It looks as though he will be the next . United mates senator. Thetappeare to he almost conceded, for-Mr. "f ake baa s Urfe personal following, and no sooner bed ke nnnoanced himself aa- a candidate than bis many friends rallied around him and pledged kla their loyal support. Waaoe kTewa, Harsh 11 Should Mr. Cake be aaeeeeafal In his vm-stilt ef the United States senstoreblp, Oregon will bare a couple ef rapreeentatlves In the eenste opoa wboa wa can deoend. Mr. k'ultoa has served tbe atate walL and. should Mr. rake ha alect we can bet our dollars tbst he will make things hum. And If Mr. Cake's past record Is any criterion, we can eipect the political bosses snd grafters to bowL Mr. Cake haa a nerve that Is ant blnffed by the howl ef tbeae barascle-llke curs, aad a aense of honor that makes him hold tbe Interest of tbe People above th Interest of party. There kr one thing-sore. If Mr. Csks Is elected the barnacles that are found In 'the United States senate win aaow taat irregon is la going to represent her U It takes the, Oregon. - ; v .'.;,. " ,' -; : . Bine Kountala AmerlaaB (Sumeter). eccnpled a prominent part la Ite affairs, worth become known. As president of tbe tbe Orefbn Development league, he has made a host of frlende and haa stsmped himself as a man endowed with eiceptlooal executive ebllltlrs. lie le a man with a record .and reputation mat nae suoa ue teei or years er active lire: a maa of Ugh edeceaoa:-ea able lawyer; a maa thoroughly acquainted with the needs ef the state, and who eaa represent this commonwealth la a manner that will be te Its great benefit and redound to ite credit. - ,'. - ..-... ", . Hlllaaere Waeenient Mr. Ceke la a Integrity. Whatever be undertakes, goes. aad one or tne men wnose etrorta maoe tne fact, as a man who has devoted his energy- to pushing every enterprise that would benefit Portland nnd bring to the notice of tbe world , tbe resources end advantage of Oregon, Mr. Cake's name haa become familiar to almost every reader, and ther hare looked upon him ea a friend and a mighty good maa to so things, an tbat at tne kind or man going to look at the things he hss done rather than believe tbe vapertnaja of a few kk-kera. When Mr. Cske decided to go after the nomination, he Immedletelr resigned aa prealdent of the Commercial- eltrb, which left him free to go before the pert? aad aak for . the nom ine U on at the primary election, asd we believe he will get It by a-big majority. ' Pendleton Tribune Mr.' Csks ksa practiced" lew la Portland for a score of veers. Be hss never held public office, but has alware Hepubllean psrty, ne is aa sole orator and la tonrh with all th needs of tbe etate. Theoneb bis work as Prealdent of tbe Comaierclal club he baa eatned a taorouch knowledee of -the broader principles of eoramerce tbat will gorem the development of the Pacific etatea. He lea msa whe deals eloquently 'with sctusl facta. ' Ills aeal and estbualasm for the sgncnltnral, Irngatloa aad commercial Beeda of the state waiee Into eloquent laiuraae-e. and hla anility to do tetnae la steea added newer.' Mr. Cake la a clean mi politically, has plea. lug sddreaa, snd la popular with all classes of people. We look apa Mr. Take ea on of the atrtfngeet men In the atate, aad indication are sew tbat he will he tbe winner. -. ..,: i ,i . TUIameek Headlight, March SS.H. M. Cake, so w. are rellnhly Informed, will lead the Bomlnettoa wllh a big maiarlty. It la tbe character ef th maa end kla clese record tbst Is bringing him en strooalr Into neomlnence. for thla Is sn see wbee tbe neoole are- lonklng for men of Integrity sod who are Xtllamnot will aerer regret casting tbetr tbe nomination with good, big majority, leglalstnre tbat .be la decidedly the choice - Albaav Herald. Mr. Cake'a erwd ernrk has endeared him te the active and enerrett everywhere, and the fact tbat be baa for years worked for the development of the state aa president of the -fommerrlst elnh of Parti snd, aa well aa the excellent reputation he haa ae a cleea man" of good judgment, excellent hualnee ability ssd high stsndlng In the councils ef the Republlce-a party, will do much to glee him the coveted nomination and election to th United Slatea senate. Or agon will hare a good friend la Washington with Mr. Cake la tbe eentte. ) . ; ' j . - . :. .. : , . . . 'Ontario argue. H. M. Cake will bathe wiTuoiu oouni. .of lor eim ea apni ait, H. M. CAKE States Senator baa been strongly In work he has don for the development of part of the state ha shown him to be following papers roantua for Valtad SUtse aseatpr, there la aone ye. Mr. (ke la aot ooly a lawyer ef ability,. Doonlar" eandlaataa for United States aesator -cf the state ki Cake ef Portland, Cake la a sett aaa fa! baetaesa smb. aeelally be true were the Mtmbsr Inenessd to doaea. ;"T"i'Tr' . -7, the peat Sof the advajkeaanaat aad-Oevelec wan that runs sr. last Mr.. Cate wllL.aava-to- np loser at trie r in lab, ror Be la popaiar, genial. mevemeata looking te the general welfare ef time when we Bead .eur beat maa aa we Barer work. .. . . . en tne map, aad that she haa a senator that hair off. Vote -for Cske; be will represent . ',...-' ' -, (' During hie resilience In the' state. Mr. Cake hee and particularly in recent years has hie tree Commercial club of Portland aad" a member of maa ef energy and nosh, a man ef sbtlltr and As prealdent of tbe Portlaad Commercial elnb. Lewie ana tiers fair a glocione suecaes. and, la tie to. In the United States senate be would nregon. wants, end we are sure the voters are been an active and wysl member of the clean. Such Is II. M. t ake, snd tbe people of vote for him. W predict that Be will lead -and It will be big enough to convince the state ef the people. ' I a tha Intaceat of fb devebvnment ef Oi aaea. business men sad farmers of th atate neet ' 1'nlted at .tea eeastnr frof. Oreenn nae .ne on ine winning siu.. - - T