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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 18. 1SS3. OD LEADERS TO SUFFERERS FIGHT COTISOilSO S2CW-- Ml) BE PROSECUTED ' Backdd by Troops Authorities v Decide to Arrest Men Who- BUFHed Negroes. mm FOR RMS Vesuvius Calming; Down arid Fear of People Has Afmost , Completely Cone. -. , r . ...... ., . -i BUFFALO BILL SENDS ' " ' it i THOUSAND FOR FUND I3 li ii ncrc Is What We Dave Today: Lizht-& cL ood7,r. . ": . . . . . i . . i:' FOLK DETERMINED TO ; .1 PROSECUTE TO LIMIT Deputy Sheriffs and Militia Patrol -Street to Prevent Recurrence I ...Ooveraor, DecUretJrtMp11 " Lynching It Murderer. "': i fjosraal Special Swrhe.) - ' Springfield.. Mo., April If. The au-- thorltlea, . backed by troope; have de ' elded to order (he arrest of all leader - - of the mob which burned three negroes. two of them known to be Innocent, In thle town early Sunday momlnf. Gov ' ; arnor Polk has ordered that the leader be proecutca to the. limit . . . . - - The streets of Springfield are being , patrolled by the atata militia and deputy ; sheriffs, numbering hundred, who are taking meaaurea to prevent a recurrence - of the awful acenea enacted . . Sunday morning In - the early hours, when a "T" freniied mob of more than oe persona demolished the county Jail and lynched , two negroes accused of assaulting a white woman, and in less than- two hours after, the outrage again descended . upon the jail and hanged' and "burned another colored man aecuaed of murder. In response to urgent telegrama from v Sheriff Horner yesterday afternoon sl . companies of militia, arrived from dlf ' ferent polnta of the state, from where "they ttad beew ordrred py-Oorernor yolhr Oovemor Folk hah taken quirk action '"looking to the prosecution of the mob and yeeterday a reward of $100 each was" offered for th arrest and "convtc . tlon of any- member of the mob. ---- .. Last night more than 1. 000 persons assembled at the scene and. on word -- belng received that mllltla. would soon arrive, the big-aasemblage soon faded - eway until but few persona remained '.-on the etreete. ;; The names of more than 104 men ' who took part In the lynching are said to be In the possession of Prosecuting Attorney Patterson. ' Governor Polk. In a - statement, do. Clares that any member of a mob who - takes the law into hie own -hands, no matter what the offense of the per ' aon lynched. Is guilty of murder. 4. H. Aitkin for State Treasurer Has the support of the m rTniealtliy miaTra" king 1n -tits Town right; an unhealthy man la an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood Blttera butlda up sound health keeps yog well. The - - distinctiveness : . which, characterizes . garments in this show ing has appealed to ; women .of . taste and . judgment. Hundreds of t h e m os t stylishly dressed people you saw . yesterday wore wear from this store. -This . - is - a season of wide divergence in - style - f 1 fects, and they are all "embraced "in", this'dis-"' play. " Never have we -' or any other house of fered such a rare com- ' 4 bination of style and lower prices. ' You are always wel come to this store look and try on- gar. ', ments to your heart's, content, and well not unduly urg$ yod " to buyr But if you care to purchase we'll prom-: ise to make the terms' . . so easy That youH never miss the price you pay. Ex tra large sizes in every : 7 . department"; EASTERN OUTFITTING COMPANY TaeStsn Waste Tsur Oraajt's Seea WASHINGTON AND TENTH STS raertaw oumrrnw ooarrajrT $1 A WEEK I 1 : -5 III ., l . ,1m WW i.TXr V'.Vyl ! ;! ..,. HI 1 A Million-Hollar Playground U to beTtuflPTor littl ibabyJick'Thomair - whose picture la shown as well as a diagram ol the playground aa it will look when it is finished. . Baby Jack is the son of the physician of . ' the Rockefellers. ' ; " - ' ""L .' "" LABOR PARTY I Takes Decided Stand - Also for i Word. Ciltner, Ellis, Canten- ( :ir I bein and Slocum. t At its ronventlon-rnDrew- halt - yea terday afternoon the. Oregon Labor party took a decided stand for le candi dates and at the same .time decided to oppose others. the candidates In dorsed by the convention were: Jonathan Bourne Jr., for United States senator; W. R. Ellis, coneress. second district: I O. P. Hof f, commissioner of labor; C. U. i Oantenbeln. circuit Judge; R, R.-XllltnerT county judge: George A. Tllden,- county I eommlssloner;-Nathan H. Bird, sheriff (Republican); - Tom Word, sheriff ! (Democrat); Dr. Bsm C. Blocum, coroner; i John L. Daly.coneUbliv west side, . . I The full Republican and Democratic i tickets were- read to the convention ithen action was taken... ' Rivalry" waa shown between Word snd Malley when the esndldatea for sheriff were reed on the Democratic tcket; but a vots re suited In Word's favor by a large malnrltw . The executive committee of S will meet before the primaries and have printed about 20.000 cards bearing ths names of the Indorsed candldatea with their- ballot numbers, together-with a list of those upon whom hss been placed the stamp of disapproval. These cards will be distributed at the primaries among those identified with the labor movement . Resolutions were penned condemning rthepereons-m'ho are-trytng to-mlslead the voters of Oregon by sending through the mail n-enalgned attack-on Bourne. The following resolution . was also adopted: Resolved, That we Indorse all candl datea In the primary elertlon for the Oregon legislature who have unquali fiedly subscribed to statement No. 1 and who hsve after their names upon tits official ballet theae -worde; 'Promises always to vote for people's choice for ; United States Senator.' Those - rand Idstes who met with tmr1 f disapproval ofxhe.x:oiivtnUon jre Frank W, Benson, for secretary of state; E. V. i Carter, for state treasurer; M. C. Oeorge, for circuit judge; L. U. Webster, for ; county. Judge, .snd . F. C. Barnes, for county commissioner.. COLUMBIA RIVER BILL 7 IS PASSED BY HOUSE ! (insrsal Hpedal Rerrle. ! Washington, April ia,The nonae to- ; aa'paeeed the bill appropriating- S4O0,. 000 foe the Improvemeat ef tke month of the Columbia river. - WHITMAN MAY NOT- DEBATE WITH IDAHO Whitman ColIeg Walla Walls, Wash., April II. There Is strong probability that no debate will be held between Whitman and the r-nlvrsltyf- Idaho this year. The debate was scheduled for neat Friday night and the Whitman team has been working with that Idea in ; mind, but a letter has lust been received from Idaho asking for a postponement ef three Weeks.- This Is because a large part of their accumulated debate mate rial wag lost in the fire at Moscow re cently. On scoount of other debates and the ratortcar contest coming later, Whit man thinks this la Impossible. Bha la willing to postpone the contest one week ihd hss notified Idaho to that effect. If this Is not sgreed to the 1e bste will probably be called off for this year. , . COULD FORETELL EVENTS BUT WAS BUNKOED Veiled Seer Could Pierce Future for Everyone but Herself and So Lost. JLWalliewaearrested.thle morning on a warrant by Detectives Snow and Reaing at Front and Madison streets, the, complaint, filed In the police court Saturday by Mrs. Mary C. Clay, a for tune teller, charging liImwtnriarcenyT by bailee. Mrs. Clay proved that aha could not with prophetic eye pierce the curtain-veiling-the future so far as ehe herself Is concerned . by intrusting Wetke with $160 to invest In wheat at a bucketshop. He says he lost the money In speculation at the bucketshop. The woman, declares .Jhat he never In vested a cent for her. tnlLJt,"fil he. m objection at headquarters- to Captain Moore-a failure to return him the entire amount taken from him when he was arrested. ' Captain Moore showed Watke an order over his own signature to pay Ralph E. Moody $25. The amount was collected at the captain's desk by A. Walter Wolf, who represents Mr. Moody In the police court. Watke said he could not remember signing the order, but would not deny thst It was his sig nature. He left in search of Moody's office. 1 The incident led to a revival of the dtscuaslon in police circles se to -some means to- prevent lawyers from -seeing men who have signified no desire to have attorney rail on thsnrarrhe-Jatt It Is said that they are allowed to see rmir man In tl- police oourt, and takeJ advntHge of the opportunity . to get as many men aa possible to retain them: Watke secured his liberty on deposit ing 500, in gold as bail with. Captain Moore. ' , - Ontario Library Association. (Journal gneelal Service. I Toronto, April 16. There .was ai BO'iuwtienunm-ejoqey. iine opening of the sixth annual meeting of the On tario Library association. The ses sions,' which are being held In the Ca nadian Institute - will last over tomor row. The chief feature of the program Is a study of the new library buildings of Canada and the United States. -jtBy get tiers Coming. (Rpeetal IHapatch to The Journal.) Pondleton( Or., April 16. K. L. Wood of OkrrtulRoe, Indian territory. Is in this place 'as the representative, of a number of families who are attracted-to Uma tilla cn"nty by, the literature sent out by the Ievrlopmeni "league. Mr. Wood svers thst it Is probable that enough people will come from Okmulgee a nd vicinity to form a colony. - 2 i When Dr- Graves' Tooth Powder is used twice-a-day you will hac white teeth, hard gums, clean mouth, pure breath, pood diges tion, good health. Listen to your dentist's advice. He knows best. la haady natal cans or bottle, tSe. D'.OraYes' Tooth Powder Co Mre. Robert Coclet Vieerg Terrifying Spectacle From Deck of Her YachJ - Mattueci Reports Instrument in Observatory Resuming; Calm. -V (Journal Special Rerrlre.) Naplea, April . The lava ejecta from Vesuvius today is comparatively alight.' The fears of the people are gone and all axe devoting their energies to the relief of the -sufferers. Misery Is on every hand and sufferers are fighting for the rations Issued by the. govern ment. Although everything-, possible Is oemg done to care for all the- unfor tunates, the work Is necessarily - slow owing to the Immense, number 'to be cared for. ' Willi. W rJt 'Mn.ili.l. ' Dill M 1 . Ill 1BI1I J. . VUU flUIIOiV.Olll, HU sent 11,000 to the relief fund. Mattueci. . from .hie position In '. the royal observatory.- where he heroically remained . throughout ' the terrifying spectacle, and cheered the Inhabitants by hlk messages, reports today that his Instruments have almost aasumed their normal calm' and,' while large quantities of sand are being emitted, he Is confi dent of an early termination of - the eruption, ...,.J.. ..... Ottojana and San Oulseppe are the placea at which scenes of misery In their most terrible aspect areTieible. Thmr aands of homeless refugees are gathered at these points and wearily assist In the rescuing of. the. dead .from the debris. . Many victims are being rescued from beneath buildings which fell tinder the great weight of ashes and In several Instances living persons have been taken from - their " tombs beneath) the debris, where aahes were 10 feet In depth. - The atmosphere le clear-and wltn- the return of hops the work of earing for the unfortunate 1 progressing rapidly. - , MRS. COELETS STORY" Watohed jawe-Inplrlnr ipectaols at TseuTlne Tretnv Taeh at STaplee. - . (Joornal Special fterrfc-e.) Palermo, April 14. A Hearst News 8ervicecorrespondentvlsited Mrs. Rob ert Goelet aboard llie, Is'ahma lbla aft ernoon. - The splendid yacht had been thoroughly-clesnsd - and all - traces .of volcanlo detritus whTch hsd rained on it during the eruption of 'Vesuvius had been cleaned away. Mrs. Goelet was ftill of excitement after her novel ex perience. She Is jitlll Buffering from a slight' Inflammation tf the eyes,-aued by the volcanlo dust. Mrs. Goelet said: - "1 arrived off Naplee on Sunday morn ing In the Nahma. In the distance we could hear low rumblings like an earth quake and saw the terrible emoke from the volcano when ltwss at the period of ita greatest fury. The darkness was so dense that It. rendered it difficult to find an anchorage. The Tain vofashea and. small cinders falling over the bay covered the yacht and all on board. We watched the spectacle from the bridge. rBreathlnc wan difficult because of The dense smoke and appalling rain of katiea and cinders.'- .. The smoke and fine ash Inflamed our eyes. The aspee coverea ins bridge to the depth of 19 centimeters. We decided to make an effort to reach' Castellamare, but the eruption became so much - worse.- and - not - knowing - what mteht happen next, after four houra of terrlble-eaperienc-wa were compelled to abandon our effort to reach. Naplee. I ordered the captain to make for Paler mo. The sea took on strange hues and waa fovered with ashes. -I shall never forget the- terrifying experience. I am sending several boxes of aahee to New-Tork aa souvenirs." Mrs. Goelet was accompanied by two ladlea and two gentlemen. Palermo ao clety gave her a sympathetic reception. -American tonsut giving a. ibis in her honor today. The Nahma ealle Tuesday ior an un known destination. - 1 - UNIVERSITY CO-EDS TO MEET IN DEBATE i . , , fSpeetal Diapatrb te Tee Journal.) MeMinnvllle College, April- le. Dur ing the month of May the co-eds of Me Minnvllle college will debate with the co-eds of Willamette university. The question le to be. "Resolved, That the government should own the -rallroada." The first preliminary tryout for the co-ede team wag held Saturday night. Those who won places In the prellml nsrieg and - will eompete in the finals are as follows: Orsce Henderson, Stella Webster, Annie Andrewe, Kthel Morgan, Margaret McCoskey, Nelle Nelson and Helen Trsw, The bovs team will meet Albany col lege In the finals of the C. U I O. at this place on April 7. . JIM HAM LEWIS IS ' - SENTENCED TO JAIL " Jnnrsal Vpeeial Serrtei.) - Springfield, 111.. April . If. Judge Humphrey of the federal court this morning sentenced Colonel James Ham llton Lewis, corporation counsel for the city of Chlcego, to eerve 0 days In, the Bangamon county. Jail for contempt of court. Lewie Js accused of violating the Injunction forbidding creditors of the Alton (Illinois) waterworks to file their claims. " ' , ' " The court promised to remit the sen tence If Lewis would agree-le-dlamtsa within flvs days the suit instituted for 1JQ0.000 against the water company. RAISING MONEY FOR TEN THOUSAND FUND -1 ' n (Upwrtal Dtapatch te The JoarsaL) ' Forest OroVe. Or- April K. -The Choral union and Olee club of Pacific gave their entertainment In the Creecent theatre of HHleboro Friday night and another good-alsnd lump for the "Stu dents 110,000 fund" to build a new hall la the result. They will sing later In Portland, and are laying plana for an extended tour of the Inland Empire next f alL . . ' . Xee Flaat for Xeppnev. (Special PI. patch to The Journal.) Heppner, Or., April 1. The people of Heppner- will not suffer for Ice thle summer. J- w- Cowlne has Just shipped an Ice manufacturing plant in here from Portland and will have It In oporatton In about twe weeka. It will have a ca pacity of about three tons a day. ''J Wa. J. Clarke, Candidate foe State rrlnter Trom Marlon Conaty. (Have Had 30 Years' Experi ence and Know How to Print This Is my first offense In run' .. nlaa- for a political office, and I anr endeavoring to demonstrate ' v that a "poor man" can aspire to , a etata office. I make no pledges, but stiall run the office In the In- terest of economy and the ta JyVr. and will abide by any - laws regulating - the- office - tht . may be passed oy the Legislature regulating the office - of Htate Printer. One term as State Printer ; la sufficient for any man. I pledge -' myaelf to one term only. As the ofllce Is a lucrative one. I believe In passing It -around, . WILLIAM J. CLARK F, ' Aspirant for State Printer. ONE BLOCK i:t 22 SEC0I.DS (Continued from Page One.) whoae owners are accused of violating the ordinance: No. 3it. H. O. Carter, 79 Third street; 23S, Covey aV Cook. SOI Alder; til. W. r. Beebe. seventh and Oak: 1S. Even ing Telegram; 111, Ben Selling, Fourth and Morrison,-' , E. X Sanborn,. SSI Eugene;' Bg, Paul Baumel, to First; li, B. B. Wright. Seventh and Washing ton;- 120, Blumauer & Hoch. Fourth, and Washington; 117, E. C. Jorgenaen; 110, J. C Alnsworth, Third -and Oak; 10, J. H. Gllbaugh, SS -Fifth; 7. . F. Lueder, Second and Salmon; 112, Ben Holladay, SDS Larrabee; 163, Dr. J. M. Tatea. 414 Dckumblock; J9, W. M. JoneV, Mount Tabor; 11, H.,J, "Blaesinf, 2I;Thlrd; Covey Jk Cook,'. 601 Alder. . . ..The names of owners were ascer tained thla morning by referring to the license tage at the office of City Auditor Devlin. -The police affirm their inten tion of - marking off distances in all parts of the city and keeping plain clothes men with stop watches stationed where they can detect violations of the epeed ordinance. - "The. excessive speed! of automobiles generally la a menace to every man, woman and child walking the afreets," said Chief Gritsmacher, ''and It will have to atop. - Ws shall prosecute tvery man detected breaking- the law." SOCIETY DEBATES ON -SUFFRAGE QUESTION -r- - "pedal IMa patch to The Joornal.) Forest Urove, April 1. The Alpha Zeta Uterary society gave a publlo de bate on woman ' suffrage In Forest Grove's free reading-room - Saturday evening. The hall waa jammed with townspeople and students. - The question waa: "Resolved, That woman should be given equal suffrage in Oregon." - The-af ftrmatlve-won a. unanimous . de cision. Bumo and Market areued for and Prideaux and Mason against. Preel-S dent Ferrln, Dr.. Bishop and O. A. Clapp acted as judges. , MORROW CANDIDATES MAKING ACTIVE CANVASS fgpeclal' THapatek to The Journal.) Heppner, Or., April !. The various candidates for nomination at the pri maries en April 20 are doing some care- MR. E. V. CARTER, Candidate for State Treasurer s . ", -Dear Sir -As you have established -the-precedent in this campaign of: writing open letters, to. the otherjeandi dates for the office which you seek, I take this opportunity of returning the compliment by presenting some queries : to you. ' ... ' ,. . Do you carry in your pocket two letters, both addressed "To Whom It May Concern," signed by A. L. Mills and J C. Ainsworth respectively, sup- - porting' yur candidacy ? - '. ' . e ' Did you not come to Portland last week for the express, purpose of seek ing the support of the brewing and liquor interests? - w-TjT ; Did you not personally visit them and ask for their support on the ground that you had succeeded finally in getting your home town, Ashland, "wet"?. .Did not these gentlemen tell you that the State Treasurer's office had ' . no connection with their business and that they did not propose to get into -a fight which was none of their affairs? , VY, 1; .- V; - Did you not say that if you could not . get jhejorganized suprrtof these Interests that you would seek the organized "support of the Anti-Saloon 'league and certain political preachers? : -' Jrifnot a 'fact tharMfTArLrMills has written many letters to the cor- respondents of the they support your I regret lhat you paign, but I do not : 1 ." - .. ' ' Ernest Gabler, very nice. . . ; . i. .'. . Schlrmer, mahogany case . . , . . . .... . . . Milton, used only a short time ........... Leland. oak case, very nice. . . . . .7, . w:. . Clarendon, walnut case, nearly new.; . T . .Whitney, walnut finish, used 3 months. Hinze, best oak. case...., Willard, in fine condition, Hamilton, mahogany case Wellington, very fine V. . . . . . , Smith & Barnes, nice mahogany case. ... . . Cable, genuine, not the Hobart M., a snap. The simple announcement et our second-hand eale Is all that is nee 1 essary, for the people realise that it is the biggest money-caving propo sition ever offered. Tou will notice the list changes every day. As the - ones advertised go out others are being taken In - exchange, for new goods, so If youxan use a second-hand piano and see something In -the list that suits you do not delay 'a minute or somebody else will have 1U NEW - Only two weeka remain for you to secure that Knabe, Everett, Fischer, Ludwlg, Packard, Hardman or any other new plane In stock at a aavlng that will not be possible for you to obtain again. Thla is on account of our turning; over our business the firs t of the month to our" successors." We do not publish the'prlees, but If you call you will readilyaee- Just how much yon can save this month. : Easy paymenta on everything and certificates accepted on new goods. ' - . - . - - . OltGATJS MV We have a boat fifty left, and If you can use one call and make your aelectlon, as it la yours at fifty cents ori" th dollar. - Tou will find them ranging In price from $10 up. Two weeks more to buy an organ cheap. Easy paymenta. " ." " ' " ' ' -J : ,.: y - . ? ". ' , Men & Gflberam to Corner Sixth snd Korrlson - Vote for CLAUD GATCH I Z::7'r Leading Republican Candidate for " : i SECRETARY OF STATE IT: -; Oregon's public, domain for. the bona fide homeseeker and settler and not for the non-resident speculator who es-" capes just taxation through the deferred payment plan. CLAUD GATCH. fujanvajwrnannriHscounty.r-r O Hill and Lon Kinney, candidates for nomination for county clerk on the Re publican ticket, are making a hard fight. The-contest- between 4hem - will be close. E. M. flhutt end A. K. Fuller will try for the Republican nomination for sheriff. ' Shutt will represent a closed town and will strictly enforce the gam bling lawa. J. J. McQee, who recently announced himself ss a candidate for shertft on the Democratic ticket, will have no op position at the primaries. " K&odea Ckoeeai rreetdens. (Kprlal Dlspatrk te Th. Josraal.) " MeMinnvllle, Or..-AprU At a meeting of the board of directors of the Oregon Fire Relief association B. F. Rhodes, county judge, was elected presi dent to succeed Charles Ortssen, de ceased. " Harsh nhvslcs react, weaken the bow els, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Regulets ope rat. easily., tone the stom ach, cure constipation, 1 Sc. .Ask your ruggini ror inem. First National' bank throughout candidacy? have seen fit to in troducepcrsonalities into this cam propose to sit idly by and let you mislead the public. . . .--- . .- - .. . . .-. ; . . Yours respectfully, ;' RALPH ; W. H.OYT, : ." ' Candidate for State Treasurer .... , . ,;ve?100 , 1, 1X8 .....?is5 .9138 ..9145 ...... 9165 8175 ?185 ;..;.'. 8200 ietee .8225 PIANOS ATiD SECOiiD-nArfl) SICK MAN LEAVES FOR HIS MISSOURI HOME (special rjUpateb Th J X The Dalles, Or., April 1. R. H. Lons dale, a life member of Cascade Lodge No. I0J.-B. P. O. left for his home in Columbia, Missouri, today. He la quits, sick, and had to be helped to the train.' Accompanying him te ' J. K. Hampshire, who will care for Ixmsdale until he arrlvea at his home. I.onsdale ia . a .prominent Elk, having been es quire of hie lodge fW yea re. At th" train there was m large number of Elke. - To Try Oongressmaa' Blaokbnn. "' (Josrsal Special Service.) : Green eboro, N. C. April 1. A spe cial term of court convened here today for the trial of Congreasnmn Spencer Blackburn, repreeentatlve of the eighth district. Congressmsn " Blackburn is . charged with accepting a fee tor senr icebeore a government department in violation of the law- " the state, asking that . - -, -