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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
lu:.tav jcur.::AL, rcroxAKD, sunday honihg. Apkil is. isci- IOMIQHT 1 AMPimmtTt. ItHllg.. ....Monalaiir Boawalre" , feak.r... ......... klualcal Ritrleaqne Xiuplro .......... ... , ,"ltamke" I.jrrt-. ...."Dow, 1 Kew lUmiMhlr" Ctraud v.,.......,-........,..,. .Vaudeville bt.r VaudoTtlie hO) in n T T "i i i i i ii i m i. 'i i I,, ii i.. i n . When we entered the tailoring busk nes 10 year no ti fully realised. eui : position in the way of meeting conipetl- Hon and after a thorough etudy adopted a new method which has proved a great success, that- la, making any euit in the house to order for 126; no more, no less. Our competitors aaid we could not last, as the proflt was too small, but thai waa 10 years ago, and wa are still giving you your choice of any plec of goods In the store made to order for 126. 'We are dally Complimented on-the superior . trimmings : and . workmanship of our suits.- call and look over our stock, whether -you wish to buy or' not, as we ' are always glad to show you the good a Unique Tailoring company, lot titark, near Blxth. ., . ... Thomas '-"J." Brooks. Fred,' Pearson, . Charles Pearson, Henry Baumgartner and A. R. Falkenberg yesterday began a suit in the circuit court against William and Louie Falkenberg, minors. - The plaintiffs declare that they are the own era ot Multnomah county farm 4 prop erty that -, formerly belonged to the father of the defendants. It Is said that in settling the affairs of the estate some small legal omission, was neglected that haa cast a cloud on the title to the property. The court is asked to ap point a guardian ad litem for the minors and that they be required to appear and show by what right they have a title to the property. - W. Ji, Fowler is the aerendaats attorney. :"v" , c Captain of Police glover, as shown by the records, la in no way responsl- ble for the release of J. 8. Massey, who is -accused by Anita, Hornbush of de camping with $260 and a gold watch belonging to her, Vsasey was arrested . her onjy on a charge of drunkenness and Captain plover released him on 110 bail, whioh is a large amount to re- :. Quire ln'aueh a case. - No complaint has been filed against the man, though the : woman says that she Intends doing so, V" Massey was arreated at Astoria Friday, the police there believing . a' criminal charge had been, filed agalnet. him her. Our studio will be open from 10 till I today for the accommodation of those persona who cannot come during the week. It is well known that ws excel - In all kinds fit photographic productions that eur gallery la among the best quipped In the world and that we '. make a specialty of soleo prints for .... ' newspaper halftones. Moat of the can ' dldates for nominations at the primaries have been . photographed by us. Their splendid pictures tell the story of .our ' skllL. Moore a studio, Elks', building. ,. Seventh .and. . Stark. : .-., , r Ted Class, an employe of the'Mer- ' chants' hotel.- who was charged with aa - saultlng B. T. Stafford, an B car con. ductor, at Third and Washington streets yesterday-afternoon,-was found guilty by Polios Judge Cameron yesterday and lined 126. Notice of appeal waa given. - The trouble between the men arose over the alleged conduct of Glass in abusing the conductor because the latter would - not allow bis dog to rida on the seat ot ' ths oar. ' ; . - ; ..., - ; ,. r- nanananaasHanas) 'V ' " 'Almost II years after the "death of Mrs. M. N. Posson her son, J. Posson, r has filed a . petition asking to ba ap- : pointed administrator' of her estate. Ths petition . waa granted by County Judge ' Lionel R. Webster,' who also -appointed ti. w. Mitchell, oeorgo Koyer and C, I , Howe as appraiser The estate con- . - aiata of property in Pleasant Horn ad' dltion to East Portland. ; V ;' ...... Polios Detective Andy Vaughn Is over- joyed at the recovery of his overcoat, which waa stolen from him a few days - ago In a restaurant. It was recovered at a second-hand store by Detective Joe t..,. jsy. It Is rumored, but the report can not bo verified, that the thimble for : v which Day one searched so-long was , Tound la tha pocket of ths recovered : overooat- r - - -" --v. ' Ton win do yourself Just by Investi gating for yourself ths great values r offered for little money latest styles ' of men's and-youths' suits ready mads or ws take your measure : and make them for yott to your correct fit from 16 to 110 less In price In comparison with other stores prices. John Dellar, ' 161-111 First street and II North Third street, : ;.i-yik, s , r,., it-- i - County Clerk Frank B. Fields lata yes- terday afternoon oompleted making tha - typewritten lists of all tho voters Who - have registered to take part in tna com ing primary election. Copies of ths lists were mailed Mr. Fields last night to all thoao who have subscribed for - - them. Tho election supplies are all ' ready to bo sent out, which action will """"be taken tomorrow morning. t - Article of- Incorporation !Tfor 1 tho Portland Collapsible Box company were Tiled .. In the office . of County. Clerk Frank B. Fields yesterday. Ths Incor porators . are S. J. Donaldson, Phil Metachan and E. B. McFarland, and ths company has a capital stock of 160,000. Mayo Lane yesterday appointed committee to receive snd forward con tributions In response to ths appeal for and Blurred Vision ' Are often the forerunner of eye troubles. , A little infor mation may put you right. Our optical department is at your service and our diagno sis reliable.' Consult our op tician, Miss Georgia Parsons The G. Heitkemper , Jewelers & Silversmiths 286 MORRISON STREET Lowest Priced ' House for Fine Goods , The habit cf living, armed early in life, is the foundation of many fortune,' . Thrifty people patronize the savings bank.". We have many large deposits, many small ones. Deposits of the wage earner and the capitalist awaiting investment. All earning ' some thing. . . WE PAY . s INTEREST ace H35T i mi m Oeaeial Baaktsg aaiaesi Tiaaaaetes. Srafta laaaes ea All "rarta ef the Werla, - ' - OFFICERS." V. MOORE. President. 1 W. E. E-LTTLE, Vice-Presidents ! - . W, COOPER MORRIS, ashler. "- t'ii- DIRECTOR8.' , . W. H. Moore. . . - . E. ,B. tyU. ; , Loo Fried. H. A. Moor. ? - W., Cooper Morris., aid from ths stricken people oif southern Italy in the extremity caused by the sruptlon of Vesuvius. He has called a meeting of tho committee to b held In his office Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, at which time ths matter will be thor oughly dlsoussed and plans of action mapped out. The members of the com mittee were notified yesterday of their appointment. They are: R. R, Hoge. J. B. Laber, Dr. C. F. Candlanl, Frank C. Bossl and Rev. Alexander CoatellU Fifty thousand dollars Is the eanltal Atock f the Oaks Amusement company ana tus , siock wui . he divided into shares of $10 each. ' Articles of -Incorporation for ths new company wer filed ' yesterday In ths office of County Clerk Frank S. Fields. The company Is formed to continue the Oaks, which was built last year by tna Oregon Water Power Railway company. Tha In corporators of the new company are; Paul Weaelngar. W. B. Gierke. D. M. Dunne, W. J, Van Sohuyver, - 8, H. Frledlander.and D. Soils Cohen. .- ... Mineral Springs Hotel company. les sees. Amos D. St. Martin hot springs, Carson, Washington, is without doubt ths -best health resort In ths northwest. Hot mineral baths for euro ef rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Excellent table, electric lights and steam - heat; (In trout Ashing. Take steamer Srenoer or Regulator-boats. Artlolas Of j, incorporation :' for ' the Baker-Con Lumber company 'war filed in the of flee of County Clerk Frank S, Fields yesterday by Alfred A. Baker: H. P. Con and J. H. Cane. Th princi pal office of ths-new corporation will be located at Lenta. The company's capital stock is 120,000. , - - Mr. and Mrs.' Dan Marx reach New Tork today and leave on th tth Inst for Europe. They wlu remain abroad for about a year. Mr. Marx la a mem ber of the Jinn of Marx at Block and may b expected to bring back- some good bargalns:.ln diamonds, C. -I Goodrich, a New Tork architect. arrived in Portland, Friday, to loin his father,. Captain W. W. Goodrich. He wlU 'i rsid. An . Portland permanently. He becomes a member of th Arm of Goodrich eV Goodrich, - with offices In the Fenton building. ' , ' - . ; Until further - notice, commencing Sunday, April I, ltO. th Mississippi avenu cara wlu cross th river west srly over steel bridge snd easterly over Burnsid bridge. Portland Railway com' pany, , .. ; . - Dr. ' Robert Hop of the All Saints mission states that ths kindergarten and Sunday school, festival has been post' poned until Ascension day on account of tho death of the Bishop Wis tar ' This will remind you that now Is tho ttms to have your balr mattresses reno vated and returned th same day. Phone Main 474. Th Portland Curled Hair Faotory,JILMetgrproprltorL-; There -will - bo an Important special meeting of the "Hoyt Boosters" and all friends .of Mr. Ralph W. Hoyt at 141 Washington street at 11:30 p. m. today. Sunday, April 1. Pleas attend. - For Quick action, Ust your real estate for sal at ' reasonsbl prices with F. Abraham, 111 Second street. He will do the rest ? Established' IS years and he soils strictly on commission, .', M. Fltigerald was held to the grand Jury on a charge of larceny and of ob taining money by rais prstenses yes terday In the polico court. His bond was fixed at 1760 In each case. : Invitations have been 'issued for.tne April party to ba given by the Mount Hood field team, W. O. W Saturday evening, April 11, at th Woodmen's hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. ... . , 1. B. . Whltnsy, 'State 'printer, who Is now serving hi first term, has mad an efficient, obliging officer, and stands upon bis record in asking for a second , term, vote for him. -v J. B. Nye, manager of the nsw St Johns hotel, will serve yoo a fin Sun day dinner la, their new grill-room or private aining-room. juuropesn ptan. Com out som Sunday, -.--. Butser's lawa fertiliser rejuvenates ths shabby lawn: his aweet peas and lawn grass got gold medal at th -fair. Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments. II down and 10 cents per week. Ail mainsprings ll; an watohs oleaned L; Metsger sc Co., Ill Sixth st Th concluding servlcss of ths Pass over holiday will bs held at tha Tsmple Beth Israel tonight at 7 o'clock and Monday .morning at 10:10 o'clock. . Tha Municipal aaaooiatlon - will- an nounce on Wednesday and Thursday ths candidates who have been - Indorsed by th association. . -. W are at in selling ey glasses at 11, perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Meteger Co, 111 Sixth street For Bale 4Ilrh-grade eld piano, up right; good condition; very cheap; oaah or Installments. , Phone East Jill. Photographs " taken daily " by' Aun,' comer Washington and West Park, be tween s:io and :. .', John BorghV formerly a mining man la Montana, yesterday pnrchaaed II i -. .. .. . . OIL SNIP FLEET I DIG OIL Associated ' Comp&ny to . Place Giant Craft on Portland-San ... Francisco Run. V " SIX BIO, SHIPS WILL - HANDLE LOCAL TRADE Vessels Will Unload at Llnnton Tanks Where Tens of Thousands of .. Gallons of Oil Will Be Discharged Nearly Every Day.- By .midsummer on of th biggest oil carriers In the world will be placed in regular commission between Ban Fran. Cisco and Portland by the Associated Oil company, of which J, 8. Boyle is local manager. She is now nearlng comple tion on the Atlantic coast and Is being built expressly to .transport fuel oil to Portland. Th vessel has been named th W. a. Porter, She will have capac ity- for Handling 15,000 barrels of OIL By mean of the apparatus with which she will be equipped. It will be pos slbls for her to discharge her tanks when funy waded In II hours. Th W. S. Porter Is also being built for speed. It Is declared that aha will be able to reel off closs .to II knots an hour. It is planned to have her make a round trip every five days. Her en gines and other machinery will ba of th most modern type, v Running In connection with her will be th old American bark Rodario Dbu which Is. being converted into, an oil carrier at Ban Francisco for th same oompany. - She will be ready for service early In June. , Her tanks will b of 11.100 barrels capacity. . 8 he will b brought north and taken back to Call fornla br a tugboat Th Roderio Dhu, It will bo remembered, was at Portland last fall, taking on-a. cargo. -of -grain for Ban. Pedro. She I an old veeeel and Is Drastically being rebuilt Including these vessels, there will b at least half a. dosen oil carriers man- in regular and frequent trips to Fort' land before-the summer Is far advanced. Among these Is the steamer Argyll, nav Ins- a caDacity of 11.300 barrela of liquid fuel. On the occasion of her last visit to Portland, which was a few days ago, it Is - claimed that she lowered t. world's record' In th rapidity with which her cargo was discharged. After she had been made faat to the dock at Llnnton It la said that her entire ship ment of more than 11.300 barrels, quiv- alent to 3.100 tons, wag removed in nine hours and 30 minutes, . It Is estimated that th new steamer W. 8. Porter will be able to carry full cargo of 11,000 barrels on a draft of II feet By following tha tides. It Is believed that she wiU bo able to get up tho Columbia river even, during th low water stage witnout any airriouity. She can tax .oar of M0 barrels on a draft of II feet - Th new tank being built at Llnnton" wilt 1 for hr -a of these vessels. v-t,.. WILL BUILD NEW DOCK. . W. JieadbevUt Win Xroel On aTeaa ' ' That Plaamed by ospk Snvpla. F. W. Leadbetter will build a dock adjoining that which is soon to be erect d by Joseph Supple on th sits of bis boatyard. Th two docks will have a combined length of 100 feet and will be 111 feet wide. The structures " will be separated by Yamhill street and built flush up to the Morrison street bridge. Piling for th docks was purchased yes terday and will be delivered on th building site next week. Immediately afterward work on th docks will be startedV ' . ' i-' ' ' Underneath his dock Mr. Supple wUl have berths arranged for the mooring of gasoline launches. He believes that ha will b able to accommodate about 10 ef the small craft Ways on which to haul boats out. for repair will be built at the foot of Yamhill street. which will be th only open point avail able for that purpose. Back of his dock Mr. Supple will erect a- fivs-story brick business block I or tn occupancy or firm now stationed .at that point COAST TRAFFIC CROWS. raota QoaatitUs of Freight Are B , lag hipped to Oooe Bay Than Stver.. -. Greater quantities of frsight are be ing shipped from Portland to Coo bay and Eureka, than . ever before, th steamers being taxed to their capacity in handling the traffic. ..It would not havo been possible to place half a ton more on th AHiane whk-h sailed last night She also took out II passengers, all thst eh has a license to carry.. Tl T, Baumgartner, local agent' for the line, says that the indications are favorable that th . shlpmsnts to Cooe bay will soon be much heavier than at present - If such proves to be th case It may be necessary for anothar ves sel to bo placed on th rout.' ' Tire Sgent says that he has already closed eontracta for th shlpmsnt of 10 log ging cars and II locomotives to North Bend. Other heavy orders are being received nearly every day. '- , The steamer F. A. Kllbum is also re ceiving all of the business that sha can take care of 'conveniently. She will go out tomorrow-. night loaded - to- the hatches with miscellaneous freight for Coos bay, Eureka and. San Francisco. acres of Improved land from Mrs, Mary Kruso. - Th property is located on the Base Line road, Monta villa. The sals waa made through Angeles 4 Co. Mf. Borgh proposes to erect a fine resldenoe on the site and make it his home. , At the meeting of the People' Forum this evening at I o'clock In the Selling Hlrsch hall, Secretary 1L W. Stone of the T. M. C A. will deliver an address on th aubjct "Boyology." After th address there will be an open discussion of the eubject. ; , John H. Attken is the logical candi date for atat treasurer.. Vote for htm at. the" primaries. ' , . Aeme Oil Co- sells the best safety coal oils and fine gasolines. Phone East Til. Vote for John H. Altken, the merchant candidate for state treasurer.. Vote for J. R. Whitney, for State Printer. -. Wooater, the fruit king. . ; . Wharo to Dins. Th Beaton Restaurant, I4T Morrison street Sunday chicken dinner, French style, tic Meat, lie. : ., Milwaukio Country Club. Txis Angeles and Oakland race, - Take Sellwood and Oregon City care at First and Aldsr, - .-....,! Invisible Qifdtats ra w"" - Don't be deceived Into paying T.!0 to 110 for these lenses. We will examtno your syes and 8t these lenses for - . PER PAIR OREGON OPTICAL COMPANY EXCLUSIVE OPTICIANS ..- .171 fearta St, T. X. 0. A. Bid,. .. ; ' " . For- the past fsw trips shs ha been carrying all of - the passengers that could be accommodated. ' Until she was placed -on this 'route; " something more than a year ago, tha Alliance had no op position.' Th latter wavtaktng car of th entire traffic and even then shs was frequently obliged to go out with rather light cargoes. . Now it requires two boats to handle th traffic and they are loaded . to their full capacity. . ' , Until about a year ago ths heaviest of ths shipments en this route war consigned through to Eureka, but now th Coo bay country is far in tha lead. More people are also going to the latter-point at least this is true so far as the travel on the boats from Port land la concerned. " ' - ' . i OTTAWA IS CHARTERED. Shaver TTamsportatlosi Company . Se , cures gtesuier for Towing Furposes. . To assist la taklns1 car of Its jog towing business tha ShavVr Transporta tion company . oharterebt ths - steamer Ottawa yesterday -; from . the .-Oregon Round Lumber company. She Will be placed In service tomorrow towing rafts of logs from the camps - on the lower Columbia to the Portland mills.- Ten or twelve ateamere . are engaged regu larly . In. this business and - It is said they are'unable to handle the Increased .traffic, due principally to the great 'quantitiea of lumber now being eent to foreign porte. .. There Is also a strong current In the Columbia owing to tho high stag of th river and the boats cannot be operated ' at their . normal speed. When the current is not too swift on boat often takes thr and foot rafts in tow up stream without difficulty, '-,-;, ; ': ,; ,'. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tomorrow : the steamer Oregon of th Oregon City Transportation com pany's fleet will be hauled out on the way at th Portland shipyards and put tn shape for tho season's run. . She draws but II Inches of water and Is one bf the lightest draft sternwheelars tn th world, v.- - .. r- . The steamers Volga and Jesst Har kin are undergoing repair at th Sup pi yards. - As soon as the work on her has been completed the Volga will be placed In service on on of th routes out of Astoria. . Shs belongs to Captain Babbidge. ' , "; ' -. . '.-' . i., Ths French berk General Neumayer will move tomorrow from Columbia No. t to Columbia No. 1 dock to finish load ing hsr grain cargo for the . United Kingdom. Bh . will r finish loading about th middl of th week. - -- The schooners Polaris ' and Crescent will complete their lumber cargoes for th orient on Wednesday. Th former will clear for Manila and th latter for Shanghai. ... ' .-..?.. Tomorrow th steamer Nome City Is due to arrive from Ban Francisco. She will load lumber at the North Paclfio mill for Redondo. ' . ; c ... Early this morning the eteamer Costa JOHIN Lr. DAY Oandldas fog mepublicaa sTomlnatloa fog Constable Wert Bid Slstrlc Ifnmber lit oa Offloiaj Ballot, . Advocate of his a tat amenta, 1, 1 and It Statement No. 1 I will devote my entire personal- time and attention .to the duties of the of Hoe, thus- Insuring prompt service of all paper. Statement Ko. I I beiiev in law en forcement ."''' - .'- Statement No. I I am opposed ' to graft In all Its forms and will not toler ate collusion with any collection agency or broker and will make it Impossible for any deputy who may. be attached to th office to take a broker Into a room where confiscated goods are to be eold, look th door and say what am I bid. with but on bidder present. I will not take any bills and. file, euit for collec tion of th same while acting as court officer, as I know thers are any number ef men who make a living by collecting legitimate accounts who are willing to go into court whsn Justified in doing so. That la not what ths taxpayers of Multnomah- county are paying th constable for and It positively will not exist under my administration. . . . ' - ' . Mr. Day has been 4 resident f Port land for th past It years, is energetla and aggressive. . He is th only union labor man running for the ofoc of con stable and haa th undivided support of th. Oregon -labor party, which with his great personal popularity and ths con fidence hi past record has inspired, 1 bound t crown his first political effort with Buoeese , . ; , ;--,;----i " ; . J C-. ; i - DR; t JAMES WITHYCOMBE i IU!3TrIJWA3r OAWBIDATB FOB - :' ;.,v"-: aorxsurox It Is no loncer a secret that the : most feared by aovernor'Chamberlain. who himself will be a candidate " T for reelection, Is'Dr. Jsmes Withvcomb of Corvallla This, while Indi : x - cattnr tha relatTv strength of th . xovernoT. is-oy-snaay eiao ueiisveo-xo mean tnat ur. witnycomse a nomi- -nation will be equivalent to-hi ! .r--v.L;::....--,.;,,;: ;f . - Dr.' Withycomb has mads a clean, and dignified campaign and his stock. Is going up every day. During his residence of over IS years in Oregon he has made friends In evsry county In th state. He is known, to all classes of -people th farmers and laboring men as well as the -business and professional man. Hla record is . without a blemish. He 'stands upon a platform that stands for ths beet Interests of Oregon. ' X . His Republicanism and loyalty to His qualifications for h office if elected Oregon will have a chief x ; union might fl proud. , Rica will - arrive from BanT Francisco. She Is th boat which was secured to take th place of ths. steamer Senator on th Portland-San' Franolsoo route. Th steamer is in command of Captain Curtis. - ' " ' ' . Iden With 100,000 feat of lumber the schooner Virginia will leave down this morViing bound for San ; Francisco. - The . French bark Francois d'Ambols moved to Greenwich dock yesterday afternoon to complete her grain cargo fof Europe. . .. . MARINE NOTES. - Astoria, April 14. Condition of the bar at I p. m., amooth; wind northwest; wsather clear. Arrived down during the. night and sailed- st . 4:80 a. m steamer Daisy Mitchell, for San Pedro. Arrived down , during the night and sallfed at 1:IS p. tn., barkentine Fuller- ton in tow of tug Sea Rover, for Fort Harford. " Arrived at 7 and Iff t up at I a, m.," steamer , Aurella from Ban Francisco. Arrived down at I a. m. and sailed at 1:11 p. m.. barkentine Mary; WInkalman, for San Pedro. Sailed at 1:10 a. m., steamer Elmore, for Tillamook.- Arrived at 1:21 and left up at 4:10 p. m.. steamer Costa Rica, from San Francisco, Balled at 4:11 p. m., American ships James- Drummond snd Bt Nicholas, for Alaska. Arrived down at J p. m.. steamer North King. San Francisco, April 14. Arrived, steamer Despatch,, from Portland, for San Pedro; nut In for- f uet . - - Shanghai, April 14. Sailed, barken tine Amason. for" Portland. 5 WORK OH NORTH BANK ROAD TO BE RUSHED Clash Between Rival Construe j tion Forces May Ocour at "J Any Time. Six construction camps for th Co lumbia VaUey and Wallula Paciflo Rail way companies oa ths north bank of th Columbia will be at work by Tuesday of this week. They will be located at th following points:. Collins, Carsona, La Camas, Cook's landing, a point opposite Rufus, and a point between Wallula and Umatilla... The force -will -number between 160 and 100 men, and 21 to 30 teams. -. - j The ' contractors," Joplln & Gleblsch and the Paciflo Coaet company, are ship ping men in from other ststes as fast as possible, and arrangements hava been made for transportation of supplies and equipment by boat from Portland to points along the north bank, it is said the first section . where construction work will be pushed Is between Van couver, and Cape Horn. ' The steamer Hercules." until recently In the service of the Portland, tt Seattle, has been chartered by- the Colombia Valley com pany, and Is now engaged In carrying supplies. ' . , , An arrangement has been made with Captain E. W. Spencer. . owner of the eteamer Charles R. Spencer, by which that: boat will handle large quantltlss of supplies and equipment On of th prlnoipal commodities now being trans ported is dynamite ana masting pow der. '- ' ' -' ' ' ' -: It is said the danger Of conflict be tween construction forces of the rivsl railroad corporations is dally Increas ing. A report reoelved yesterday from Collins Is to the effect, that two men armed with shotguns bavs been . sta tioned br the Portland aV Seattle con tractor to guard a disputed point of strategio Importance, where both com panies claim ownership of th sama right of way, ana ins roruana m oeai U company 1 now in possession. DIVORCED WIFE FIGHTS , , FOR CARE OF HER CHILD "Mrs. Nellie Olutsch yesterday filed an snswer In th circuit court to th peti tion mad by her former husband, Emll O. Olutsch. who has asked the court to award htm th ear of a baby daugh ter now In th custody of her mother. Mrs. Olutsch waa awarded a divorce and th car ef her two young daugh ters on January 4, 1104. . Th elder ef xotrr . : FXAun , ' mr X RenuMican candidate fo aevernor Republican aspirants for. .ths. office of.X party have never been questioned. - towhloh he aspire are conceded and exeeuttve of whom any state in th . - . ,.v .v ':,.,... 4SSSS CAFE AND music nm DBaBaBBSBaSBSSSBSBSSBSCaBSaBBSBBBBBBBI : WEEK BEGINNING ' MONDAY, APRIL 1 Y Prof. Hunt's W - Marvelous f ' 'V ' .... "'i A- Dog and Monkey Show 12 Dogs and 3 Monkey THE FIECHTLS .In the 'Spinning-Wheel, : Scene From "Faust" Dorothy Ejrac Operatic Vocaliat. - j - - - - Bonnie Vounnle Song and Dance Star Myrtle Franks Special Daily Matinees from 2 to 5 o'clock; , ' SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE Program Changed Pan,. Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 25 North Sec ond street,' and 243, 244 and 247 Burnalda atreet. the two children died and th father al lege . that th child ' did . not reoeive propar care., .., ., , ... t- ,,. The statement of Olutsch is strongly denied by Mrs.'. Olutsch. who declares that fh child was taken 111 very sud denly ' with oerebro spinal - meningitis and although two doctors were at once called their efforts were In vain. The mother declare that the sick child wss given the very- bast of medical atten tion and nursing, v . . Mrs. Olutsch says that har parent are in good circumstance and that they are willing to give her and her baby a good home end to provide for the chtld'e education. . '." -. . . -. , REMEY SENTENCED TO TEN TEARS IN PRISON '' , ' jBsaasnsaBsenaV- r- v"' s ' (geial Dnsatch t The JoaraaL) Helena. MonL, April 14. Camilla F. Ramey, th young Frenchman eonvtrted ef manslaughter for th killing f Was. son J. Oliver, wss today senUnceg by Judge Smith to 1 years in ths peni tentiary at hard labor. - Before being taken ther. however, an Information will be filed charging him with grand laroany for th alleged theft of Oliver effects, whioh were found en hi person, at Vancouver, when arrested. Remey waa unaffected. Tot fe J. yrlneetv eOTnUTOat To Assure Prompt and Careful Attention ! '. j , -. .... i -. ,. . ,- , - :f:i- VcALL--::-;:.:; . - JONES MILL - . v Phone Pacific 994. Prices for the Next ; 7 "30 Days Delivered (n South Portland Only Per Load. Green Slab Wood , . .91. 50 Dry Slab Wood. . . .$25 Inside Slab Wood... $2.2 5 Mixed Slab Wood. ..$1.75 " (gissierly garsMr'a) ' ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CECCE2 Ml. SSS. IMS Thlr at, nr. Jnoa. . Blj Store of Uttl Prlc , roixowTMO nicxs will bav TOV te OX XVXBT SOIXaa. OVAUXT ftOAkAgTXXa schilliso-b sst aaxnie rownu la Mill, per lb.... ........Me WMtera dry grasslaud ease auga. lOS-ib ark ; , Wwier dry graaulated ceas escar, 1 lbs Eitra dry (raanlatcd ansar, lOO-ib aacfe...f.vx'V Sltr trf f rannlated eosar. 1 Iba...... a paav. navooiia eiaaea rsrraaca ,........Z7h page srw screws aadd raialas ....... .-) lbs Sew arews loose Maaeetele ...... ..toe l ib cas Roral baklog sowoc ..z ie Craeae Biackwoll'a ellve oil, gt Wttlaeena i-lb pk( Ira Bamswr soda .........& - caa laacy table araa. ............... -al Hi iiv; uble ayrae.. - 2"a T Ids Praors pranra ........Sne SbnddMl Wbeat btaealt. B pkg ....... .lo t Iba Loatalaoa rice ...,...2f-s raacy Barlr June Peas. per. sue...., Kie IS bare Moral Bama eoaa . ,.......-... e T eana boat aardloae in oil Cots orators l ib eana. aolid, per eo........&"c H-O eata, S-lb pkga. per pt..............l'Xi Boat ptmle baSu. ear lb....... .....jllo Bo,t eettase baipo iboorltaa) per ..lie SbrodoVd ooroaaut, per lb ................. .lo Hard-wbtat gout, pat seek .............. .11.00 amtch eata per pkg ......10e Poatnai eoraal, par pkg ...... ...... Pall's Naptha eeap, par bar Boat aoft-wboat tirmt, nor aaeK $1.D Java Meeba entfre (rafilar Kle) U bos soda craekar (aboat 10 lba 6e Haslloh Broakfaat too, par lb .....1 Ftmcr OunpodT tea (rravlar sse) ........loe I. rw IK In- tar aoap ........................... .& tjaes Blaeult. per pkg.. ...... Tlgar creaat 0 aiaa )..................... Kaat Sloe DaHveiW Tnaadare aad Prtlajra. rnoss BLaxji ea. LwISTEN! ' We ' sell alt grades of ; house coals, Vh hWvmlth MSol mnJt tf.AkOL : Wa h,n. dl th products of every mine that mar- lau m rvruano, ana mey say xnai IYE ARE LIGHTNING CELIVKES ' . mxKOt'Vr non mat trr. Vulcan Coal Co. ; at BirBnzDa STmsxT. .. . r JHbteLEatbii oo x. MOkkiaov urn wxit PaXX lit. ' BaadaoaMtly rnrelabee. f laaantly eolpeed. Broproot. ire alnuta' walk froaa baart of abopplas and buaiaeea dlatrict. all largo, airy, eutalde rooBM, Una beatad. elaeirlc Habta, to tap ban la each apartment, etc. Largo ofneaa. loanglog. gawking, wrltlug. ladlra' rocaptloa parkire. . Booeia roaerred by mail or tlpbon. , rtivate aamlbsa suets .trains sad stasaaars. Room fl.OO to $S.OO a Day Special Bates t Ceauaerelal Hoe. . 0 UBS. MAX XATOK, (peroorlr ef Hotel aidpatb, Spokane.) -BEST BY 23 YEARS TEST For Stomach and (Vowel troubles. Liv er and Kidney, and all diseases due to im pure blood or weak ncrvee Small sue (teblets) 25c. large six, tl 00. At Drar gists' (in black boxeak tl not send (of I RtZ trial boa to lmaoMa Native Herb Coenpaay Uuaiaaa,OMa. . Sm rnaclace. Cat. snatesaeat . 1 VsgiateUve saadldate ars th people's slat for yriaoipi. nog f UdividaaX 9QMATMMK , OVn r i t t. a v : j t i i I7c:a E.B.-Colwe! i I -j..