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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
Tr: c:: :zi lit. td.'jz rctrix'AiiD, Sunday moijning, apkil; w. uci 00 COMIIII O S' DEIER It Is tha Sign- of the Made in Ore- v gon Fair and Everyone' : v- - :; Will Wear It. ' ELECTRIC SIGNS TO . , - CO UP TOMORROW From This Time on Preparation for B'tf Industrial Exposition Will B Hurried Finance . Committees Are Generously Received. -' ' Everybody will this week put on the "busy beaver" button denoting the pop ular Interest In the "made In, Oregon -'exposition. The symbol of the raanu- ' ' facturers' carnival, adopted! by. the joint "; committee Is a white and sreen deals boldly heralding "Mads In Oregon" sur- , mounted by. a beaver la the act of get ting busy with a tree, which he la cut J tins down for material for his home. ' .,- The beaver ' emblem la to . be re spected aa the sigh of Oregon Jndue - ?" try and home-made goods. Thousands of brilltant-hued' green and white bur- tons will be scattered In the towns throughout the stats calling attention to the movement for the annual expoel- j, won. .. , . It hss been suggested by a ' local manufacturer that the "made in Ore-V- son" exposition could be made the basis , ft m permanent movement having for ' its object the general - use - of the "beaver" In all Oregon-made' articles, i the use and right to be protected by patent. ? Leading manufacturers have . expressed Jhelr approval ef -tbe-Idea . i and action may be taken to that end. : -Tomorrow the first of the serins bf vi handsome electric street signs will be put up. Secretary Freeman atatea : that applications for display space are r pouring In at his" office. . Probably 60 -' per cent of the space signed up by the Ad Men's league has been applied for. ' HetiucKto made by telephone to Main J7i. or by letter to the headquarters - of the 'Made in Oregon committees, ;' No. 21S Oregonlan building,: will re ' eelve immediate attention. t j- '. A number of plants have notified the . committee of their desire to put up working exhibits in the store windows. Jt is assured that all wUl be given a fair opportunity to display their wares. The f nance committees are meeting , i with splendid encouragement In their r: work ef . gathering funds for the prise awards. .. . LETTERS FROM . PEOPLE THE -t' dg K. O. Osorfs a (Mania Candidate - - Portland, April 1. To the Editor of -'tj' The Journal No one has any right to be reporting, that I am not a candidate r or that I do not oar for reelection as , t circuit Judge. I sm kept .busy attend .' 11 ' ing (o the labors of my present Judge . ship, and if . renominated at the Repub " llcan primaries next Friday . and re - '""'elected by the people In June. I will In grateful appreciation, endeavor, aa In . .' . the past to faithfully discharge tbe ro ' sponsible duties of circuit Judge. 1..-M. C GEORGE. . str.stoOamaat "Tsvors towelJ. " Portland, Or., April II. To the Edl . " "tor of The Journal May . I aak some . ' space In your columns for the purpose of stating the reasons , why I think . Judge Stephen A. . Lowell should be ' . made the choice . of the people - for United ' States senator at the approach" Ing primary f Without commenting on some chap ters in our recent political history. It ". will be apparent to everyone that our . new senator should be a man of unlm-'-. peachable Integrity and one whose sblll '"ties qualify him for the otftce. It Is . desirable that he, should be a ready and ' talented speaker and that his person ality be such ss to oommend him to ths favor of the president and to ths lead ' .Ing -members -of congress. The imme diate future Is big with problems which ' will tax the' patriotism snd good sense of the law making power... It Is lm portant that the new Senator be a thoughtful, careful man' In, whose hands Important Interests .may be wisely placed. I believe -that .Judge Lowell possesses these qualifications In larger measure than anyone else who Is avail- able. . '" . He Is a thoughtful and scholarly stu dent of the political problems of the, and his position on these problems ; ". . is the result of honest conviction. I .. have known htm for It years and have - found him to be a loyal, reliable man; one whose word may be trusted, snd one who spells duty with a large "D." X am a strong party man, and in sup porting Judge Lb well I do not overlook the fact that four years ago he was one of that large number of j Republican . who protested against the nomination of Mr. Furnish and made their protest effective at the polls. I supported Mr. Furnish, and I still regret that a Dem- scratle governor, was elected.' X do .not ' - - desire to recount ths reasons which led 16,000 Republicans in Oregon to vote - v" for Chsmberlaln four years ago. I sm '. -' more Interested In inducing these men f;Z to vote -for the Republican candidate . . .. this year. Ifwe want to unify the party and heal the wounds Inflicted by , 10 years of factional strife, we cannot ' afford to boycott that largs body of Re- - publicans who refused to vote for Fur- ' pish. Have those who object to Judge . , Lowell on this ground -overlooked the .fact that ever alnce he became a voter . - he has been an active worker In the 1 i. ranks of the Republican party? He baa GOLDEN EAGLE rxa H0 BTOBa at m oobtb - of BOTH re... . Lt-ics' Hosiery 3 pir ir jc -badlea' aUaek Oottoa Keset 'regular two j, pairs for J&c. ' Special this week, S pairs 25s 35c Ladles Ho!cry 24c fjuallty Faaoy - Opsa- Werk Xoslerr, . in blsck; regular S6d. Our price this week Is, a palr......2id t A' Pongee ' SjlkWalst la Comfortable Now. Xere are "tke k ItaSe- rials fo taexs.' '. tm ported Foagse Bilk, , Jrt-inch width; reg . ulsr 160. ,. Special .. ,..... T9 Imported Veagsa, S- inch width; regular $1.00. Special, .the yard . ..i,.f 1.39 '"".''' - Colored Wool Taffe tas, JO-Inch width. I or j 10 different .', shades; . worth. Ito. Special,, the , yard . ...... ..69d Blk-Kead Water TwaUsrs, I elk beads branded on each glass; regular 5c a set of 0. Special, ' the set . .......2S0 e-tnek, Bartkem Mixing Bowl, decorated;, regular 20c. - Week-End Prtoe 14 lBo Scrsk mroshes. f. .....11 SO-ft. Olotbsa Z,ias; regular 0c. ... (.. ..... .64 S,0OO tssa Feaclls, with rubber eraser.. The sta--- loner- would aak &o for them.. This Week's . Special Frloe, each ........ . ! PIRE AND WATER 11 Did soma damsge to these in a local wholesale house. Of course, ths foods show It. but Ths'rrloe saakes ' os t. Best of all you can use these articles Just the same aa If they had never been hurt. Tels Wapntaa Soap, 6e value. . . ......... ..44 Ondaky'a Dlaanoad O Soapi regular (o bar, - Special... i. fmm.9 bars 5t loo Fsekagw Tearllse - . , r . ...&4 Primrose Toilet Soap, scented, the bar". . ... -34 Ty-XB BTsohantos' Soap regular 10c. tb baf.5 , ... u mm Bargaia Come aed Be Coevimiced That our Department Store, is the store bf the people, for the people. We are giving value heretofore on-, heard of. Not because other stores could not give them, but because we want Xhe, multitudes that have been thronging our premises ever since our opening. Just two weeks ago to get every advantage we have la purchasing for spot cash. rJ - : .'-;,.. : We Are Not Afraid to Buy a Baaln'When We" See It and : :V ' 1 We Are Qolng to, Give You the Benefit of It Every Time. ; . v . The middleman's profits are here cut out all the time. Manufacturers are .besieging us to take hold of their lines, knowing well that we have the capital to push their goods, and for that very reason, our New- York buyers, nave Just been offered some wonderful bargains, which will soon arrive. Moreover, we dont buy odd stocks or shopworn goods at all from anybody, unless we happen to get an exceptional offer for a mere song, and then we know that . :-v '':, . .., . Even You Will Appreciate Such Bargains at the Small IVlarv ' ": ; V -VJ'Q. '-''-I Lzin Protlti We Ask on them. i a; -: ;i 'Xv; . ; ' The fact la that we purchase the latest of every One we carry in stock and touch the other only when we can almost give it away to thousands of careful shoppers who are not so particular about style, 3" Yet We Satisfy As ManyThousandV Wh and Best of Everything We Carry In Stock. -.V 'S- ; - V Adding to our low prices the green discount system which we have adopted, and which has become pop ular in every leading city in the United States, we can readily see the reason why so many people have patronised our store since our opening. : -y . ,- .;.' ; v.. .-.-s- .,': -,- ' , ... . ; This Week's Offering at the GOLDEN EAGLE Is Bound to ' : - ' Bring Scores of People Wha Appreciate' Money-Saving Values. - - -r Here Are Our EASTER QREETINQS, Boiled Down vilto Good (Jtiali ty jind Low Prices i GOLDEN EAGLE TXB Bid stTOBB AT TBI ' OOBXBX OB . ABB TABTXTXIj, KBTXABOBS OB A Globe Mantle at 12c " Will g(ve you far better light' thaa'aiay gas let without It. Easy to handle; regular lto. Spe cial all thla week again, at....i. Buster Brown Stockings '. BOB BOY ABB OZBU i Are equal to the best in the 4aad. . Ton know them and their regular price. As a special in ducement, we make the prloe this week on a lot Just received. ...... ....'..,-.,2 pairs 2S THE CHILDREN ARB : WELCOME HERE We caa pleas tkesa, too. . Children's Ma ilia - sad : lavs Bea avets. Special. 16e bsfaats aad . OhU ' area's Bonsets , ' In silk and other materials; regular 6o UP- 8p- clal . 294 100 Oklldrea's Breeses Tbeee. ' are the entire-line - ef a drummer's last season's samples and war bought right, . Although some .of ' them would even, now ' sell readily at from I1.B0 to t.9, the Special price la ' only -. 89 ChUdxea'a Xatt . Tests, short and long sleeve. . according to slae..lB, 20, 2S 39c Values 1- 24c XaH . and Testa f Bleeve--' less snd.. short . ... sleeves. , embrold- ' ery-edged) vests; . -.t , . 'long aad short ' - pants;, th - short r , lac ' ' , trlmmd; . regular . Th ' garment. . 24c IN THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Cloves JAgat. complete , with mantle; - makes th room - bright snd saves your eye- slgbU - Com . In and let ua show you bow easy it works; regular tie. . Special this week . .............. .39 wmm mm THE NAME STERLING" ON A SUIT STANDS FOR QUALITY.;. HAVE YOU SEEN THE FAMOU5 "Sterling" Line of ; Suits, Single or Double Breasted at ' :.t $ 1 2.40, $ 1 5.00, $ 1 6.00, $ 1 8.00 These Would Bring Elsewhere' Up" to $30 THE MEN WILL CROWD OUR ' STORE THIS WEEK. FQR THESE Trousers yv Dress Up While You Can Get Such Values . $3.00 TROUSERS ..... .... .V. . . :7T. .f 2.23 $3.75 TROUSERS V...V.V.VV.7. 52.'40 $5.00 trousers .?3.40 -MEN'S 50c NECKWEAR 24c;;, ronr-ln-sTasds, made of fine quality silk bre ' . cade; . all shades. . in- - eluding such aa hello ' trope, blue, green, eto.; , good t0o value. This, splendid Necktie. .2-1 SO dosem mxk Teoks, In many attractive patterns; regular ISe. Special . .144 1 lOc IS THE PRICE E Oa BkU Soavealrs, that are worth , up to Ha Jn the lot w have ink stands, matohholders. Kapkln . rings, soiNenir spoons, eomblna " tlon pepper snd salts for ; lndl , : vidua! service, ashtrays, eta. --" Muslin Corset Covers trimmed: ream. ular values up. to 76e, 39c pun Bias, gate em aad Bearsllk VsSlluuals, In plain ' and fancy; used to sell aa high as ta.SO, All ; laat week they went like . hot ' cakes at 11.21. This week, ape-. ciai ".r;'i.-.9S. . BBWI BBWI TOUT ABJUTBO! Xadlsej Blsid 1a A stylish Neck tie ,... ..,..-... ft . a,',.. BAg) tucks, etc, regu- ....VBT lar IL Special...;.. ia Spring In all Its glory Is waiting your Arrival In These Beantifnl White WafstI ; ' and Dress Materials ; : Xndla TJnoa, regulsr lio. Speotat a yard . .-.v. m.rv.. ..10 . Better grade at, a yard, 14. 18. ' and ,..23e - . Bgypciaa Plmlrlse, fancy white stripes. fin quality, book fold, th yard. 15. -' 184- 19e and................23e ! Berslaa tewas, regular, to, t Special .t .-- ...... ....... ..23 Berslaa fcawaa, regular 40a.- Special . ......29e" TS aCBtt Tewes aad Baats .40. Tests with long and 'ahort sleeves or sleeveless, embroidery and silk" tape; long or short pants; short length, lac trimmed; regular Tlo a garment. This week's special. A9ln -the ferment . ' ' TS Salt Valoa tmMs 4S. ' - '. : Embroidery and lacs trimmed. jfl Special . .......OG LaS lVadlsa; stasia Oowns SSo. Toko with, lacs trimming and embrold- ery Insertion or tucks; sleeves laos trimmed. An excellent" nightgown.' 1 well worth th regular price , no ' . of $1.15. .Special ........VOC Hundreds of Waists Ton need not be ashamed of on' week-days or for housework, and some of the higher priced ne are dressy enough for almost any occasion. ,. Waists, ' all ' colors snd patterns, of percales and chambrays. In season : these sold at Tlo to 11.00 25 A Itttl barter 11a at. .33 TTare and Oolored Waists, worth up to 11.10 ....40 For Every Kitchen Utensil ll; Ws can satisfy yar ' ' wants In th BIG BARGAIN " BASEMENT - - And when you find It : here, you find It for less than elsewhere. . OUUSSWABB, . 10- Consisting of Olive, Celery. .Butter, end Footed Jelly Dishes. Regular values up to 26a . These alsov Include Husar ; . v Bowls, Creamers, 8peonholders, 'Gradu ated Measuring Cape and tw style of ' -.Vases.-.. --i ABOTXBB tOT AT IS BAOB . Consisting of t-plnt Olaas Pitchers, - l-lnoh Footed Barry Dishes, Vtnegsr ; Cruets and 7 -Inch . Nappies. . ' Regular w values up to lie. . ; ..i..,..:...: -- A.j j ' SSS- inUISBBS RIBBONS GALORE Hundreds cam laat Friday ana Saturday for these Ribbons and none went away disappointed. But there were many who had no opportunity to tak advantage of our Wek-End Sale then, so -' : . .... WTH Unit TB3S 6nBB- .. ' this week, .or until thee ribbon are sold. W have about S.000 yards of the 1H ribbon on hand at thla writing.. Over 1.100 yards war sold on Friday and Saturday. Why? Be-, cause th ribbon are splendid -values for - general purposes. - Wa have later style ribbons of th asm nd better qualities at ISO and 00 ths yard. If yon- prefer It. 1 lOo Taffeta mibboa, large and small - polka dots only, easily worth lOo; V Inches wide; the yard... .8 16c Fancy-Strtped Rlbbena, 4 Inches . . wide; the yard.. ...... 12H XM BTXDBT OB SFBIBO Ul TBB BOT BATB SWZBO. Toa Will Pleas Him With A NEW SUIT LM Sailor Salts of blue serge, with white or red braid and tassels; : ages t to T... .91.49 sad SS.TB Boys alts, . all also, as sorted fabrics, 1 wors teds and cheviots. In s I n g 1 s or . double breasted " Buster Brown, - - Reefers snd Norfolk styles. f 1.68 10-qoart Oalvaalsed Zroa Bo rega- . lr 16e .........18 lS-qnart OeJvaniaed Xrem Ball, regu lar o .:....21 10-qnart Blah Baa, retlnned, regu- Ur Ito 19 14-quart Galvanised Iron Pall, r ru ler 1 So ....27 10 Breed Baas 74 X-gaUoa Bernsana. Oil Caa, regular lOo; special .18 Bo. S Oopper Bottosa Wash BoUer, regular $1.1 98 Shoe Values Blng SS.BO Itea's Tiot XM ffhoes, in any style. ... shap snd to; reg-. ular 11.60 grade , anywhere. - Speolat ; this week. " . pair . S1.9S S3LOO Sadtoar Tla Bid Sbaea, with turned or heavy - soles, any . style, ' shape and toe; regular 11.00. Special . ....fl.88 25 c Suspenders 12Jc Silks at Popular Prices Bong Silk, tl-lnch width, 6o grade, yard 59 Imported Bagv - SI -Inch width. II. SO grade. yard........,S1.29 Ohiaa Silks, th lie grade, yard. 23 Chmabl Taffetas, 10-lnch wlrtth, th 150 grade, th yard 49 Good quality Wsh . peaderai regular lie. Special . ...... 12 H BoUeemaa's aad Blr. - saaa'a B-aspendersi reg ular 4 Re, Special thla week . .....23 Hen's - Xeavy WorklBS; , Oloveei regular 76c r Special , .......49 25c Shoe Dressing, 1 4c WatttSBsor' BU Bdg - Dressing for ladle , and children's shoes; "regular 16c Week. End Bargain ... 14 10 Boa of Blackola 5 V $5.75 Skirts for $2.98 The are mad of good quality Biolllan, neatly j finished. : ,', . 25c Towels 15c Irish Buck Towels, 41 , ill, red stripes at both' ends; regular . 15o . ..........15 Book Towels, : red stripes, 17Hsl; reg ular 16o 11 Fringed Buck Towels, red. stripes st ends; ' regular 7 Ho. t Special . ......6H Barber Towels, fringed; - a handy small towel; regular Co ...... .44 oneyoomb Bedspreads, the 11.16 grade. - ' ' Special . ......89 mmmmMmmmmmmmjminimm $3.00 Curtains v $2.29 See our Tarn. . hill atreet window for ' I Cur- ,: tains at ex ' , ceptlonal prices ;; Sa.00 and SajM Oaitatns, in ' . -. ecru or whit, the pair, at ....91410 TORCHOUACES INDERPRICED loo quality, the yard. ,,.B HHo quality, th yard.... T 16o quality, th yard .9 Xf Toa Xav a Bottom The We As ... BCUrh Bitoed, Try Oas Bottom ; r Ooaater. Tea WUl -, ,,. rtad 1 LOW PRICES PREVAIL Bias at, a paper ..1 Cube Blaa, black, regular 4& Special . this week. 1 for ..... ......... .5 Xalr Blaa, regular lo package. Special. ... T for .... .....5 Baralaa Oottoa, black, whits and brown; . regular 1 for 6c 4 Special this week. - the paper .... ........5 ' hell Sid Oomb . regular 16. 8pe- eiai ..;T;-...',;ie: given of his ttm snd effort to the serv ice of the party In many campaigns His Intelligent leadership has helped to keep the party tight on. th great questions which have come before the people, and with all strong party men bs Is entitled to credit for 16 years of , i. fiOEIOBM Graphophones and Records Are the Best E.UY Paycents II Desired - Always Reliable Xneloe this sdyerttsement -writing for free catalogue. . when Colomtia Pfconcarcph Co; Columbia Building , J71 lYtstlsrtsa Street Periled, Cr. 'fti kv sealous service In the ranks. Can this be said of his opponents? . Judge Lowell Is In ths prim of life. I In touch with th people, knows their wants and their opinions, and Is full of th spirit ef a greater Oregon. If elected to th United State senate, th powers of the office would be In his eyes a trust which he would faith fully execute. If the public knew him as well as I know him, there could be no doubt that he would be their choice St th Approaching primary." -. WALLACE McCAMANT. HOLDS TUTTLE ROAD LAW TO BE CONSTITUTIONAL (Special Olssetek Is Tke Jesraat.) Salem, Or April 14. Attorney-General Crawford Jn reply to Judg J. H. Sc0tt of Marion county, ' sustains ths constitutionality of ths Tuttl road law and states thst if there are any points that are unconatltutlonal they have-not been brought to his attention. . Th attorney-general also holds that any resident of a county who owns land situated within two miles on either aide snd on mil beyond a terminus of a proposed road or Improvement la quali fied to Join Sny petition or remonatranc providing h Is a resident of th county and owns th land. Th word "terminus" la oonxtrued to mean either end when there Is nothing designated otherwise, and bs ,also holds that a petition saa be amended by th addition ef signa tures before action Is taken by -th eourt. . -'-- : 'V TALK WITH PRESIDENT FOR SHIP SUBSIDY BILL (lourasl Special Ssrvle.) Washington, April 14. -The president received Hsrvey GouUer. president of th American Merchant Marin sssocla .tlon. snd Representative Humphrey of Washington.; ' , w 1 Ooulder argued In favor of a ship subsidy bill, ssylng that ths English lines at Vancouver and th Japanese line at Seattle and Ban Francisco had almost completely monopolised th ocean carrying trade. It I atated that th president never stated that h had- abandoned hunting tour sa account xif publlo criticism. G. S. RAILWAY TO USE . GASOLINE MOTOR CAR .'. ' (gpx-lal Dtapstcb ( The Joers.U) ' Th Dalle. Or., April 14. Th Great Southern Railway company ha ordered a Sheffield gasoline motor-car to be put on between this city snd Dufur. ' It will carry 16 passengers snd run 10 miles sn hour. In about six weeks th new gasoline motor will be la operation. GreatesM Greatest Opportunity Ever Offered the; Consumer to Buy at Real Cut Figures We have concluded to close out our entire line of PENINSULAR HOUSE and IXOOR PAINTS. Buy while the assortment is complete. -While it lasts we are selling the HOUSE PAINT at $1.25 per gallon and the FLOOR PAINT at f 1.15 per gallon. It, -will pay tTou to buy now. ; . ' " . ' . ,'..- ; - --.. REMEMBER These are -thoroughly first class goods, as good as any in the market and far'superior to '.the most. of them. All of the latest shades. Come ear'y so you will not have to stand in line; ! . . -';V',:- '-' :. ''' NEW ERA PAINT Cz VAP.l l 2C8FRONT STREET, BETWEZII TAYLpH A! p. C ' CO.