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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL Ml,! , ' THE OREGON SUNDAY II; T-l. CAKE PRESENTS HIS PLATFORTtl iia-- A I : TO VOTERS OF OREGON ' . . I ' ' r ' : . . 1 :' . . I . .1 . ' ' . ' ' . , I - , Candidate for Republican Nomi nation for U. S. Senator . Announces Principles. FAVORS RAILROAD f RATE REGULATION 6undi ' for Harbor Improrernent, " Modified Tariff. Fair Trial 1 of ; Primary Lw, Exclusion, of Coolie Labor end Expedition of CanaL - To the Republican voter and . iwnnii n the etate sf Orefont - f i I am a candidate (or the Republican nomination at the primaries. April zo, f -"tor the efflee of United State eenetor -- for the lone- terra beginning J4arcn t. '1997. . Realising that It Is a duty I owe . v t the people to make Known my pasi . - tlon on public Questions, I respectfully -' submit the following platform, pledging : myself to abide Its every declaration In . " 7 the event of my election. ., : Bwuhllcan FrUorplee Tttat. ; . f: ' The experience of eur country has I ;; shown the enforcement of the principles 4 - '. of the Republican party to be necessary to the prosperity of our people and the maintenance of our institutions in weir - S most satisfactory form. If has been ' during the times the Republican party . ". , wu In power that the country has made ' 'its greatest strides alotig industrial and ' i commercial lines and in respect te the , better principles of public policy. f ,; In malntalnlna this party in powef 1 ' and in enforcing its principles, it Is in 7 all "respects consistent and jropermat ;1 eofiiflaeraUOn be . shown to. those .who , have loyally adhered to the party and at ,: ail times worked for harmony and the 'IT stability of the organisation. - Dlncord, '.' factions, and unsettled allegiance te the ' i party and its candidates for national of ; flea, especially when these Involve the , vital principles of the party, are to be , " deplored, for they ' strike et the very i 1 foundation of 1U organised existence .. .. .. and arft to place the reins of coven. , ; ment In the hands of those whom it is least desirable to place in power. :fv;l:J"' development Oregon. . ' ' At no time In the history of this state r has the necessity of attention to Ita de f velopment been so urgent as now. We stand upon the threshold of an era of " T expansion along . Industrial : and 1 com , !, merciaj lines without precedent in prev. ' Inua annals. Much that la to bo done in advancing the Interests of our common. j wealth must come from the federal government, sod . careful and vigorous .l;'o"rt will be necessary to procure such aid in tbe Mature of appropriations that , will Insure the rapid and steady Ira ; ; improvement of our natural highways of '' commerce and the uniting of our varl ' "-turn interests for a greater state. i: ... Improvement of Sartors. ' The rivers and harbors of a country are of vital importance to its growth. - The unimproved condition of the water-' ways and . harbors of this state have , greatly retarded its development. . To ; I overcome this federal assistance is nec. , - ; eeoary. and to procure It with all poe I slble dispatch. Is . one. of the . Imperative - ' needs of the- hour... Appropriations for ' t) river and harbor Improvement should be ample io carry the work to oomple i ' ' tlon, should : be made . under con .",) tinulng ; contracts for permanent Ira- provement and not' under the pressure ; ef amerxencles, to preserve., tlje . work V " already -done. . . .- - - I If I aim elected to the aenate I pledge . myself to the people of this state to t spare no effort to procure federal ap .' propriatlons for the completion of Jetty ; construction at the month of the Co- :.-. , ' lumbia river; the opening of the Dalles . J, Celilo canal as a means of, Increasing -: the facilities of oetnmerce and regulat - Ing traffic - rates for the great Inland : empire; the dredging of tbe Willamette ' river, one of the most Important in the state; the deepening of the harbors I of THlamoeav Coos and Taqutna bays , ,' and the Coqullle river, to the end that ; ' our commerce may be stimulated and j the vast resources of the ooast country - ); developed.' ' ' ' i" ' Tig-orou rolloy of Beelamatlom. " The reclamation of arid lands is one - f the Important needs of Oregon and a ' condition) to' Its full development.. -1 ' fsvor a more vigorous . policy on the X part of the federal government In the ' nrogecutlon of this work and in the ap--.. plication of Oregon's share of the Irri- ;. gatlon fund to the actual development !, of Irrigation project! than has hereto . . fore characterised reclamation work in this state. ' -;. . sTatton te Own Oregon City looks. f ' Federal ownership of the locks " at I Oregon City has come to be one of the urgent needs of the state. The grow - ;i Ing commerce of the Willamette valley amply lustlfies such n course.- Valuable '' franchises at strategic points should ( not be vested in the hands of private T interests to the public detriment The T tolls levied by-the owners nf the- re . y gon City locks have long noted as an . embargo on Willamette valley traffic and berved ta keep up the rates on rail' f read lines. . Buck a condition Is obstruct- Sell your cow and buy St. Helens Cream. Get a ster ilized Cream you are sure is pure, wholesome and free : from disease germs. Mary used it for her Little Lamb and he shows a de cided improvement. (To Be Continued.) Mary's Little Lamb V flZawXwSsVri.Et-!, Ive of the development of one of the richest sections in Oregon, and I am In favor of Its removal. ' , "' Tariff foe T0tectlon Only. l am In favor of a tariff for proteo tlon, not for monopoly. The experience of eur country -has shown that a tariff for protection of American Industries during the period of their development has served a most -excellent purpose, but it stands to reason that when any par ticular industry has attained those pro portions " of ' development where It . is able to take care ef itself It Is no lonrer entitled to the same considera tion, and the tariff should be modified to meet the changed conditions, mt American sense of Justice will dictate that the tariff laws should hot be manipulated. In the Interests of any mo nopoly of commodities of the people's necessities. Opposes e Trams. Trusts and combinations of capital organised for' the purpose of monopolis ing the publlo utilities and necessities to tbe exclusion of Independent competi tion, are a menace to me liberties or the people and contrary to every prin ciple of public policy. Nothing Is more self-apparent in- the light of our recent financial history than that these colos sal aa-a-ree-atlons of capital. If allowed to continue their system of absorption. will in time-absolutely control the en tire Industrial organisation of the coun try, r Corporations coming witnin tne trust class should be aistoiven ana pro hibited from, engaging' m business, and the Individuals willfully guilty of a Vio lation of the law In this regard should be vigorously punished for their of fense. I am In favor of the most rigid enforcement of euch anti-trust' laws aa are now en our statute books and the enactment of such additional laws es may be necessary te correct the trust evlL . . BaOroae mate xef-tuauoa. KaTfrbadS ana-other 11 corporations carrying on interstate commerce should OS SUDgeci to regulation ny me ixibiiu government - to protect the people against unreasonable rates and rebates. favor placing in tne nanaa ox Tne Interstate commerce commission such 6wer as mar be necessary to accom plish this end. I am not unfriendly to corporations In the exercise of their Just and reasonable rights, but 1 sra unqualifiedly opposed to allowing such corporation to oppress the people. - ralr Trial ef Msaar Saw. The people of Oregtm by art over? whelming majority have declared in favor of the direct primary nominating elections'' law, and I believe- that law should be given a full, fslr pd com. plete trial at the forthcoming: election. - Panama OasalQmasttoaa. The growing commerce of the Pacific coast and the Importance of our trade relations with the orient demand the early construction of the Panama canal, both as a means of facilitating com merce and the movements of the Ameri can navy. The people of this country would be immeasurably benefited through the reduction.'- In transconti nental railroad rates resultant from' the opening of this water-way, and I am heartily in favor, of sufficient appropria tions by the United States government to Insure its, completion with all possi ble' dispatch. .- - The Sight ef Zatboe.-. --. I favor such legislation by the fed eral government aa shall protect, the American werkingman-Ml securing' his rights, for on the welfare of- this class Of our citlsenshtp depends the Stability of the republic. . The right of tbe worit- Ingman to organise for the protection of his rights Is an inherent one, which no Just government will deny, and It has come to be his one means, of com peting wjth organised capital. ' I am In absolute accord -with the-policy of re ducing the hours of labor for the bet terment of the health land home of the American wage-earner. The employment of children of tender ago and immature years In classes of labor- that retard - the development of mind and body Is a menace to the rising clttsenship of the country and should be prohibited by law. , xclnsloB of Chin ass lAbor. I am opposed to any change In or re peal of the Chinese exolusion act that will admit Chinese coolie labor Into this country and into competition with ths Intelligent and Independent worklngmen of America. - My attitude in this respect applies to aU naUonalltlea of oriental labor. - Direct SleottoB ef ewtora, Experience has shown the present system of electing United Statea sena- shrp-trfis-tMrr-dsTnsndsnnsrf- and I am In favor of an amendment to tne federal constitution nrovldlnar fot the election of senators by direct vote of the people. Under the present sys tem the straggles, deals . and dead locks incident to the election of senators nas absorbed the time and attention and distracted tbe energy of legislatures to the detriment Of needed legislation, and I Indorse the direct election plan as a means of removing this evil and as further tending to make United States senators more responsible to the people, and consequently more .heedful of their Interests. . IL It. CAKK. VEATCH IS AWARDED THE GOLDEN TROPHY (Special Dispatch te The JoaruL) University of Oregon, April 14. In the annual alumni debate held in Vlllard hall last evening for competing for the alumnf medal, which la given to the best debater In the college each year, the Judges, Sr. O. O. DeBar, Professor Mott H. Arnold and George B. Dorr Is, awarded the golden trophy to John C. Veatch, a member of the class of 'T and registered from Cottage Drove. The question debated wee "Resolved. That the Interstate : commerce commission should be given power to presort be rea sonable railroad rates In cases brought oviore 11, ineee rsiea to go Into effect st a reasonable time and to obtain from thence onward, subject to review by the courts." Those trying- for ' the medal were: John C. Veatch, Henry McKlnney. H. R. Latourette, J. B. Dodaon, T. E. Dodsott and Francis Galloway. . SALOONMEN ANTICIPATE EUGENE COUNCIL'S MOVE - Plsl Dtepeteh te Tke loantaL) Eugene, Or.. April 14. Tbe city coun cil at an adjourned meeting last night passed the ordinance fixing the annual aaloon licenae at 1800 instead of 1100 as heretofore, but It will not affect the saloons until this time next .yes Every one of (he II saloonkeepers in the city paid his l&oe lloense for the eomlng year yesterday afternoon, only a few hours before the $800 license ordi nance passed. The supporters of the ordinance were not expecting this move by the ssloonmen. thlnklna- thev would wait until the usual date, April 14, to 7 wiir ui-enee rees. The ordinance Introduced the night F.-- - k ' M Ml UNPARALLELED OFFERING '. Showing beyond a doubt that this store is giving the best values' to the people. And giving Specials ' '! that can be. bought on easy payments. $i DOVN IS YOU GET THE ARTICLE RIGHT AWAY fry.. i'.-v..-"-! GREATEST RESORT OF THE WEST New Plans, Fast Being Carried Out Insure Oaks Holding This Place. . MANV BIG AMUSEMENT FEATURES ARE ADDED Theatre Will Be Opened, Great Rink Installed, Swimming Tanks En Doxen Added. The Oregon Water Power a Railway company has decided te expend 100 000 In the Improvement of the Oaka In time for the opening, which will take place about May 1. The success of this resort last year despite ths Lewis and Clark - fair - allowed - that a . first-class amusement place can be- as big a sue cess In Portland as In any other city of twice Its slse In America. With but one exception. Paragon Beach park of Boston, there is not an other park In ths country with such eur roundlngs. . The entire Island will be re sodded and beautified by elaborate floral o4merican Restaurant O0SW TaCDW AJTD OOVOS STBJ. Or DAT AJTO MIOXT. anday Slnaver from 11 a. aa. te S p. m. Uced Tomatoes lOe, teteaoe 10 Tenner Onions) .Hf Ohickem Soap. . . .1 . Fried Halibut 18c, Oatfleh... 16 rrled Basoe Clams lf4 Boaed OX Toajraev Tomato waaoe. .20 Calf Sweet ieads, janshxeeme. . . .40 OnUkea Fot Flo, SampUBga. . 25 Veal Chops Breaded, Creole saooe.20 Short Bibs Beef, Brows, Fotatoes. .20 Frloassee Ohlcaea buish, , OanUflower 80 Piokled Firs' Feet, Fotato Bala. ..20 Bead Obsess, Fotato Salad. .,.... 15 Spaghetti with Obeeee, Italian 15 Corn Beef Bash, Foaohed XsT-o-lK Baked Fork and Beans. ...... u. . 15 Codfish BaUs, Cream Saoee. ....... 15 Beef Stew, wltk TsgetAblee.. IS Fear Compote with Bios ...IS ptUeT Mali sawt panes, , m . Oreea' Feae 20 Boast Chlekea wtth Bresetng- 25 Beast Teal lie, Fork ISe, Sfatto..l54 Boaet Beef, Fast CHravy 15 Chocolate Zee Cream...'. :..10 Bhnbarb Saoee Be, Aprtoot Saoee.,.5 Apple Me Be, Xxao Fie....... 6 Bhabarb FU ......... . .. 6 Cnstard Fie Be, FnmpkU So, Aprtoot. 5 Coffee, InM end Batter and Fotatoee with aU aaeala. Sonp free with meals. Try the Americas Beetanrant for your Sunday D laser. . Bverytaiag g the besti mkGREmiN(t4 111 fpfif ALL YOU PAY Dining - m-m designs. The railroad company states that It la their Intention to construct n resort which for new annd original fea turee will have no equal weet of Chi cago and It la the, plan of the Oaks Amusement company to Introduce - the very latest American and . Kuropean novelties. Many novel entertalnmente will be shown this summer and many new and interesting features will be added. - A large force of workmen ere at work on the various devices and sevsrsl rep resentatives of eastern men who are building concessions of their own are In tbe city. . Elaborate designs have been prepared for the buildings by Pave Lewis, the architect. ' - All tbe old attraotlona, such ss the Chutes, the Mase, the Laughing Gallery, Bumps and Dancing Pavilion, will be re tained, and among the new onee to be added -are, a Figure Klght. or .Boiler Coastsr. which has been one of the great senestlons In eastern resorts; "The Old Mill," a water amusement device tbst will cost many thousands of dollars to construct. The largest and most com plete skating rink In America will be specially built at a cost ,of f 10,000, and among other new de vines te-eh Katsen- jammer Castle, Males lour oi tne World, with several Pullman cars. Box Bhll Alleys, Baseball Automatlo Ual lerlee, a Japanese exhibit of wonder ful figures, m f 20,000 Carousel, a new Penny Arcade with all the new features, an electrlo miniature railway and fully 10 large attractions that are new to the coast. The Oregon Water -Power A- Railway company has nearly completed their double track, and with the additional facilities of transportation, a new equip ment of earn will be able to make a 10 mlnute aervloe to tbe Oaka, giving ample accommodation te take care of 10,000 people a day, with no dalaye. or overorowdlns. The comfort of the peo rzxzz - - - - - ' . . t - - a-a a . - t- II MR. RALPH W. MOYT,') : .-. ; - ,r 'I.--.-''. i' MR. GEORGE STEEL, . Candidate, for State Treasurer, y , ., - . , ;;; , - , , Sirs : You have been asked repeatedly through the press what you intend to do with the INTEREST that accumulates on State Funds. ' - . w. V.;. "" The taxpayers and voters of Oregon have a right' to know. ' , Aa you do not answer it is fair to presume that you. intend tcLKEEPthisinterestJn . addition to Jtho 14,500 salary allowed -' '''mfa yU&S V TERMS Roppi Table Exactly Six feet long." Ske of top 42 inches. Sixe of pedestal 8 inches. Fifth leg In center of pedestal, claw feet. Very graceful and artistic . design. Finished either in golden or weathered oak. Truly a bargain. EVERYBODY'S PRICE Covell's Price, this week onlY,$i8J5 WHO FURNISHES YOUR HOUSE COMPLETE CREDIT TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS ' ;,. FIRST ST; 185 ple at the park Is being carefully worked out. ' . - - -The boardwalk about the river had! been Improved and lengthened and thou, aanda of lights will Illuminate the waterfront with the beautiful clusters from the falr.V There will be spacious Jilaygrounda for children and new plcnlo awna. vNew. lawn swings, eetteee and other - resting places and devices for comfort will be added. The high-class band concerto will again be one of the attractions. The bath-house will be en larged and new swimming-chutes 'added, as well as other bsthlng features. A large and commodious, popular-priced dining-room with modern Improvements will be built In addition to the present Tavern. A theatre will be opened where comlo opera, musical plays, vaudeville and moving pictures will be the princi pal features,, but Mr. Frledlander will devote some of the time during the sea son to tbe production of plays for chil dren. ; ' The' Chutes will have either' a moving stairway or an electric device to haul up the people aa quickly as the boats corns down. Occasional fireworks dis plays will be given upon a large scale and -there-are - o-aumbos-ot sensations I acta booked'durlng the summer and that will be' changed each week. WORK IN CONJUNCTION ' WITH PORTLAND SOCIETY (Special Dispatch to Tbe JonraaL) Hlllsboro. Or., April 14. Therb.. has been a county advisory board lust or ganised in this city to work in conjunc tion with the Boys and Girls' Aid so ciety of Portland. The board consists of W. N. Barrett, "president;" Benton Bowman, secretary; Professor M. C. Case, Mre. K. Wsggener and Mrs. W. R Thorne, all of this city. A. by law -r. E. V. CARTER ' Republican Candidate for; State' .Treasurer , r ;-v;v ;; MY , PLiATr?ORM ; r '. i'. ' "1 will pay the state every dollatof INTEREST received on" State Funds. "I will reside in Salem and give my time and personal 'attention to the affairs of the office." as Pictured ....$30.00 FRONT ST. ' RAINIER HAS NEW1. " M ' ANTI-SALOON PAPER ' .; ' ' ' (Special Dtsnatch ts The Jenrsai.) . " Rainier, . Or., . April 11. A new news paper called the Advance was Issued to day under, the. .management of W. C Fisher, a lawyer, end Rev. Mr. Kemp of ' tbe.' Methodist church here. , Mr.. Fisher and Rev. Mr. - Kemp, who are also, the leaders of the. new Anti-Saloon league, announce their-Intentions - of Issuing the Advance for the sole pur pose', of , upholding the Anti-Saloon league's - views on all matters : and striving hotly to keep the saloons closed on Sunday, The Advance Is a rival ef the Balnler. Review. . , i HIGH WATER STOPS ; 1 BOATS TO BIG EDDY ' ...'" ' eBjsBMxessee. .' (Special Dispatch te The Marest.) The Dalles. Or.. April 14. The D. PH ae A. N. Co. will run no more boats dur ing the present stage of water to the Big Eddy, terminus of the atata portage railroad. Navigation bae become so dangerous that on the last trip made by the boat it was with great difficulty the passage of Three Mile raplde waa made, and the river te only 11 feet above low water mark. RUNAWAY SKIS THROW RIDER FORTY FEET (SeeeUI Dlssatc te The JoeraaL! Cottage Grove, Or., April 14. Word eotnee from the mines to the effect that P. A. P. Churchill fell while going for the mall on ekls and sustained serious Injuries. The skis slipped and took him - -4 .M.r : - . ,S , . .. ..'- ... 4 -Jt- W!v rrtH-9- -4 1. If' .. -.-: : :k :r .fevii-S Candidate for.; Republican Nornina V tion for. Justice of the Peace, , ; v . , . JVest Side. District - - - JUDGE WM. REID. down the mountain ' el a terrifle rate of speed. He waa finally thrown about 40 feet and hie knee and ankle badly -hurt He wae confined to hie room for " some time but now la. able to be about on crutches. " i. - ' ' M J oerore doing away with the. slot ma- tm sarvwe wu naaeea s ' naseed air the council. X