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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 15. -18C3. HSBg 1 I ,l I ...Lig 1,1 "I ' . I " 1 APPEALS FOR CANDIDATES 1'JUO HAVE SUBSCRIOED TO vSTATEUEHT HO. 1 'f ' ' " '. lv tiatvaa Kaaa east 1.4 va h. ' aawtAjtlsal Jonathan. Bourne; One More Ex-1 privilege Interests and - provides the : ... , - .-,'' j. I method byi which the people may in ad- piams rii 9na rvegaruing '" Election of Senatorsr SAYS HE HAS ALWAYS" - RAIDED PEOPLE'S RULE Specify. 'tfx! V. vance estop such. Bales Jn Oregon In the future. -jl... .:. ., If you believe' that I am right in these statements I deem It perfectly fair and dignified to ask! What have those other gentlemen seeking your votes for United States senator done to uphold and enforce thin right of the people through statement No. 1 of the direct primary law? Nothing. In this campaign no candidate for United States Has Conducted Clean and Honorable I "tor but myself has publicly, nor to Campaign, Spending No Money for I or a doyar ,to sustain or enforce the T..... ti..'it I primary law or the people's -power : to Purpoiea He Would Not ' Gladly Ubooae and name the United States sen ators through the - statement No. 1 agreement. This to me is a most sur prising condition, a I fall to realise how any. of the candidates for the United .States senatorshlp can hope for election'' except" through' securing the nomination 'in the primaries, the popular vote in June, together wlttf the election of sufficient legislative Statement No. 1 subscribers to -insure the majority vote In (he legislature required. by the United States constitution. 10 Veople's rower. !''', Z: .jTou have seen - my platform and the promises I. have made to 'the Repub licans and the people; you know my record for the past 10 years as one of the leaders and financial supporters of every movement In Oregon to Increase the people's power In the government. including the Initiative and, referendum. the direct primary law and statement No. 1 and the People's Power league If you approve of the things ' I have tried to do and of my plans and prom ises to serve the people of Oregon and of our nation, as set forth In my plat form, I hope to be honored by receiving your vote ror nomination ana election as United States senator. - Every possible falsehood "mat-has been told of me in the past or that can be Invented now will be placed before you. In these last days of the campaign. I beg of you to. take such slanders as the campaign Mes-that they are. I have done nothing In politics in the past that I believe you . or any other honorabl man would not have done under the same circumstances, and I defy my enemies to prove the contrary, , . ; Oleaa and Xonest Campaign. . I have conducted a perfectly clean and honest, and I think- dignified, campaign, and expended many thousands of dollars in postage, clerical hire, printed matter and in literature distribution for - the purpose of educating the people as to the desirability and the necessity of the enforcement -of statement - No. U .Not a dollar have ,1 expended- that I would not willingly publish to the. world. Not dollar have I paid to a newspaper ex cept in legitimate advertising, and I have Incurred the bitter denunciations and "vtnatnoue" abuse- of several -newspaper by a refusal to pay-a subsidy for personal support. ' I have felt that under our primary law a perfectly clean and honest campaign could be con ducted successfully. - The results will demonstrate - the correctness of my theory. Tou, not I, are on trial. Finally, I , promise yon that at the June election I will support the candi date7 who my be -nominated by our party on the 0th Inst, and after the June election I -will support the candi date whom the people choose. ; The Issue is the cause for which statement No. X . legislative candidates stand pledged. Arrayed In opposition are the special privilege Interests and their legislative tickets, masquerading lR-inodifled statement No. .1. attire. ' It, is up to the people of Multnomah county and the state to choose whether they will march to the-polls in April and Is June under their own banner or the trusts and their local hirelings'. Respectfully, . To the Republican .Voters of Oregon: .; I. feel It my duty to make one more , appeal to you to vote at the Republican primaries for only those' legislative can , f dldates who have subscribed to state . ment No. 1 without qualification. Some promise to vote for ("Republican 'voters' choice." thus placing tarty machine . above the people;- vf ?rrr ?i-rl Bcatement No. 1 reads aa follows: ' ' ' "I further state to the people of Ore gon, as well as to. the people" of .my legislative district, that during my term or office ' I will always vote for 'that , candidate for United States senator ,in s congress who has received the highest t number of the people's votes .for-that position at the general election next preceding the election of a senator la , congress without . regard to my Indiv idual preference." . A man afraid to . trust . . the people snouia not oe trustea by. the people. Some candidates have left out the ' word "always', promising to vote for "7 the people's choice; but not always. The . . trick in this requires no argument ; , '-' '' Some Who Dodge. -' " .7 Othercandldatesr promise to- vote for . . n V. n I am w n...k please them -for any reason to . vote t for any one else they will say the peo "' . pie's choice Is not a Republican. This : ts - a moat - contemptible effort to de- . celve.. ... ' . . Others make no ' statement, evidently ,; considering their . own judgment supe-' rlor to the judgment of .the . people, or "fbeln unwilling to deprive-themselves f of the personal benefits often; Incident to senatorial elections. r-.i Statement No. 1 enfranchises the peo- pie, curbs the trusts and throttles the ? grafters. Investigation of its oppo nents vocation 'will, show the wl rea- on foe 4t onDOsltlon.. ,! Garefut examination "i of the official shallot-will -ahow.-4hat-of tha Repua? .- llcan kig1latlvei.xandldates in Multno- mAh TBOunty. only the roi.owmg namea 4 gentlemen havf : "promlaed always to " vota for people's choice - for United . (,-. a States senators:' subscribed on the bal- ? lot after 'their respective names: ! In the Seventeenth senatorial dls- trlct Ballot- No. ill 'Q. M. Orton. In ' .l. 'un.lAH.1. A rl rtnn 1. -I CHARACTER AND : ' ABILITY COUNTS Koa. a. tm Smitk Beat . Qualified to Bepreeeat Oregea ta the United " i v Vtatea eaate. . .'" . ' ' Both of the great political parties ought always to put forth their best While political parties VJrhtnenth senatorial district Bal IntMn. . John Gill. In the Eighteenth OB, Na rt-nraentallva dlstrlct--BaIlot : No. U Hi Adams; Tfev f ,j. vi. oayer U U. lVvM 'C Burns:-Nex 7. John B. r Coffevi No.v9.. John "Drlscoll: No. 78. IS W K KeaiTyr No: 7," A. Matthlen; & Nov., AvM..SadetrenK. No. 85, B. T. S "Paarari: No. - T. Mgar iV Thornton; No. 8, William wanner, j f Personally. I shall support the above ' named gentlemen for the reason that they have subscribed to statement No. v 1 without -qualification" in their inten- ltlon filings and on their petitions, and furthermore pledge lo the people'on the j 5 official ballet to always vote for the " people's choice for United States sena- men for office. are necessary, the contest between them ought to be one of principles and of public - policies.. Every good cltlsen, therefore, of either party Is interested that the candidates on ' every ticket shall represent in their personal char acter the very highest ideal. The. Democratlo voters have already agreed upon their candidate for United States senator, and his nomination fol lows, as a matter of course, but the Republican voters must make a choice. The primary law throws the responsibility- directly- upon thera. The Re publican party ought to present to the electors at the June election as a con testant for this office,, the , best , Re publican in the party." . ! ' There should " be no question ' as to his character or ability or knowledge. He should be the peer In bit personality of his . Democratlo antagonist.. Other wise the personal element of doubt and discussion may enter Into the June election.- There Ought not to be any such, question possible to be raised.- It is not saying that any 'of the Republican candidates fail in these particulars, but It Is not going beyond the truth to say that Hon. E.- U Smith of Hood River Is one candidate about whose qualifica tions all men are agreed. There are doubts and: controversies going on about the' qualifications and fitness of the other candidates. There Is no doubt and can be none concerning Mr. Smith. He stands like Castle' Rock, Impregnable and firm, a land mark In his party and a monument of his people. If be should be nominated by his party, the' June re sult as well aa the legislative election will have been pre -determined without any further controversy. - These opinions but reflect those ex pressed by the Interior press,' who have been quick to see and follow the trend of publio opinion. ' .- HOT A CD 111 36 HOURS Peace Settles Down- on Police . Department and Detectives - Enjoy Perfect Rest. MEN ON THE BEATS ARE - ATTENDING TO DUTIES Bad Patrolmen Weeded Out, Saya Bruin -Fifteen Slipa a Day Were Common Occurrence Three Months Ago, but Now Comes Change. -'- JONATHAN BOURNE JR. "- '-. .... I tors; and I would -urge. every erooacin; rur:C (XC'XMW I AMCTTC- In the election or umun viiili VI . II iLunnik i t - turn bellevlns; , States senators by a direct vote of the "S people to vote for the above named gen jll tlemen for the reason that their support and voice will be given to tne unitea states senatorial candidates selected by the neODla In the June election. - ' " ' A vote for statement No. 1 legislative i ' candidates Is a vote for the people's u.etion of United Statea senators. This nominating election la really far -- more important than the general eleo ?' tlon In June.- because - now that - the ': people are masters. It Is true with J them a It was with Boss Tweed when v he said. "Tou may elect what candidates you please to office If you will allow me to choose the candidate." The effort to overshadow the impor- ; tance of the enforcement of statement ; No. 1 by magnlfymg our home trou .' bles and looking through the small end of the telescope At The nation a ill be . comes men of broad views and patrlotlo instincts. ' ';,- ; . : BeoogaJae Constitution. Statement No. 1 of our primary eleo- tlons law recognises the federal const! " tut Ion and laws in their application to .the election of United-States senators and It contravenes neither. It con tern plates also the method by which United T States senatorial "certlftcatea of eleo Piles Quickly & l a Cured at Home PRESBYTERIAL SOCIETY (Bveetsl Dlsoateh to The Corvallis, April 14. Mrs, J. B. Horner of Corvallls was reelected president of the Willamette Presbyterial society at the fifteenth annual aesslon held In Instant Belief, Permanent Cure r Trial Package Mailed Free to f : AH in Plain Wrapper.; : Piles Is a fearful disease, but easy , to cure If you go at It right.- - An operation witn tne am re la danger- , i - t - J " -' " ' i '"-. ,-' i "'- I Mrs." J. B. Homer. McMlnnvllle this week. This presbytery embraces Lane,. Linn. Benton, Lincoln, Polk. Marlon and Yamhill counties. The society has gained largely- in member- eus, cruel and rarely a permanent auo-1 ship during the past year. The gifts. cess. ; . .There is Just one other 'aura way to 'be . cured painless, safe and In the . privacy of your own home it is Pyra- . mid Pile Cure. We mall a trial package free te all - -trno-writ. ' It will give you . Instant rerlef, show you , the harmless, painless nature of ; .this great remedy and etart you. well .. on the way toward a periect cure. Then you can get a f ull-stsed box from any druggist for SO cents, and Often one box cures. If the druggist tries to sell you aome ' thing Just as good. It ' Is because he " makes more money on the substitute. Insist on having what you call for. The cure begins at once and eontlnuea -rapidly until it-Is complete and perma nent. . .You can go right which are about 1 1.000. go to the home and foreign mission work. The society Is under the direction of the north Pacific board,' which body 'Is presided over by Mrs. W. 8. Ladd of Portland. - BOWERS WILL-STAY- TOR ANOTHER WEEK , work and be easy and comfortable all , uie time. "It tit well worth trying. Just send Vour name and address to , Pyramid Drug company, 1467. Pyramid building. Marshall, Michigan, and re ceive free by return mall the trial pack '; age in a plain wrapper. ' ,v inousanas nave oeen cureain mis The directors of the Hotel Portland company have ee yet been able to reach no decision In regard to what to do with the hotel, and -Manager H. C Bowera will remain another week. In stead of leaving for California at once aa he had planned. C. A. Dolph Of tha board of directors. when asked yesterday If anv further ahead with your I eteps - had been taken toward -selecting successor to Mr. Bowers, renlied: "I don't know that there will be any successor to him. In fact I do not know what will be done. The hotel matter stands now lust as It haa stood. There are no developments whatever In the situation." It Is generally understood that the terma upon which the company would Not one report of a robbery, burglary, larceny or petty theft 'was made at police headquarters for the IS hours ending at ( o'clock last night. This Is looked upon by the police as one of the most remarkable circumstances In the history of the department. Three months ago an average of IS slips, each containing a brief account of some crime to be investigated, were handed out dally by Office Clerk Mears. The reports embraced all varieties of j crimes, murders, - highway xobberies,. burglaries ana larcenies. Slowly but surely, as the reform work of Chief Orltimacher and Inspector Bruin, under the direction of - Mayor Lane, went on, the number of Crimea re ported decreased. . . , 1 A few months ' ago as many as SO slipa were handed oul-ltta" dayr The largest number of reports made the sub ject of Investigation within the last six weeks has been seven. . Pour has been tha average, and frequently that number contained a slip dealing with a crime committed in- some other city, of which the local police were notltfled In order that the crook V might be apprehended should he come to Portland. - . - It was something unusual to see de tectives Bitting ' around : police head quarters because there was nothing for them to do a shortjtlme ago. Now it Is a matter of daily occurrence. In fact, so light has been the work recently that it was found unnecessary to keep so large a staff of plain-clothes men. . Act ing Detective Jones was appointed a sergeant of police, succeeding Sergeant Thomas Taylor, who resigned, and Act ing Detective Ace Welch was assigned to uniform duty t the depot on request Of a number of railway men. . - "A number of causes contribute to- the excellent condition of affairs." said In spector Bruin.. "First and foremost, the uniformed men are working aa they never worked before. Let the men on beats attend strictly to their duty and be vigilant In its performance and crime Is always light "Then the menWhower Inattentive to duty or guilty of breaches of disci pline or conduct -Unbecoming an ofMcer have been weeded out of the department, either being expelled or forced to hand In their resignations. Of course, some men have resigned en account of having good business opportunities that the de partment would have liked to retain. "vagrants and persons - of . criminal Inclination have been forced to leave the city or are serving terms of Imprison ment for petty Crimea These and other reasons may be assigned aa responsi ble for the freedom of the city from lawless acta." - " " Identical Thoughts. lYoaa toe Colnmbaa Dlapstrh. Perkins And sa roe claim that the tbonshta of a hatband and wife beeoaM Identical? Peek -Oertalnlr. . Now, but wife Is sitting aa waiting tar aw esd she knows Jest what an M fMns to say to me ana so do I. BIMOUS? You can prevent those periodical bilious attacks if you Take Tarrant's GAS CONSUMERS' READ' THIS . We have Just closed another succeaaful year's business with JEWEL STOVES AND ' RANGES,' both wood and coal burners. We now find that many people prefer OAS as a fuel, because by its use heat is only generated while there is actual use for it. with no preliminary waste of fuel The immense calls for-THE DETROIT JEWEL OAS RANGE have cauaed us to Investigate, with the : resujt that we have now put in the line. Our investigation showed us that THERE ARE MORE HIGH-GRADE DETROIT. JEWEL GAS RANGES SOLD TODAY THAN GAS RANGES OF ANY OTHER MAKE IN THE WORLD. The reasons are obvious. They are built only up to the high standard that is looked for back of the JEWEL trademark. The fact, too, that DETROIT JEWEL OAS ' RANGES are- gas-savers keep the gas bill lowhas become generally accepted. They are made in the" largest and best-equipped stove plant in the world,WHERE THEY KNOW HOW. They are backed by more than 40 years experience in good stove-building nothing experimental about them. They always give eatiaf action because they are up to date, made only In one uniform high grade, - from the best matcriala obtainable for the purpose, by experienced menand carefully Inspected. They last, and folks know it. The great auccess of the DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGES has led unscrupulous concerns to trade upon the DETROIT STOVE WORKS t good reputation, even going so far aa to use the trademark JEWEL. r - ,.,,-u.Tr-r,... . ....'-..,.:-.-r,r-.,-...--...- r.:,. J-,- . On account of these fuel-saving qualities, don't expect- the ' - sellers of gas to offer you a DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGE "Powers', the Store That Saves You Money, Will Save Your Gas Bill DETROIT JEWEL BURNER -Is without question the most efficient and - satis factory burner ever placed on a Gas Ranges It is piece and free from joints: ( This construction insures - freedom from leaky Joints as well as free passage of . air and gas, and prevents "popping back" or ex ploding when turned ofL, i an i " mw a u i DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGE . This Range is made of Blue Planished Steel, the' best grade of material manufactured for' stove .purposes. .This .kind of steel will not rust, chip or peel, and will always re-' tain its polished surface. jThe.pven is made square with special ventilating flue construction that in sures perfect baking and "the greatest economy in s. gas consumption. ..r -.IZjl - Detroit Jewel Oae boxnar raofe fltted with two slant burners, two : simmering; burners and . four single burners; two two-Una burn ers with lighter for. oven." An tipper baking oven and lower broiling and roasting oven. "Sack Saving" Detroit Jewel Oaa . Bangs, wlUi elevated ovens. This Range la designed to conform to the Idea and tastes of those people who . prefer to have tne oven elevated on a line with the ere. so that those operations which require close atten tion mar be - more comfortably watched without stooping. j jig Detroit 'wet Oaa Baoge We are showing a big- line of Oaa Ranges with separate elevated ovesi an4 broOas? lower warmiaa- afcaase. There Is a grow ing demand for the Range with the ele vated oven and broiler and our line la eomplete, . ,, - -. - ... DIGNIFIED CREDIT FOR ALL TAYLOa STREETS -yq easuBjsj- CLAIMS PEDDLER WAS " MUCH TOO FAMILIAR Seltzer Aperient eaar, painless and Inexpensive war. In I be willing to lease or sell the property the nrlvsrr of the home. 7 No knife and its torture! , No doctor and his bills. All druggists. SO cents. Write today for a free package- . , . , ,-A. are unsatlsfaotorr to prospective pur- cnaaers ana lessees. This adds to the Impression that the board will secure a successor to Mr. Rowers and. will con tinue to operate the hostelry r. , An effervescent draught, pleasant to take, prompt in results. It ban ishes biliousness and regulated the bowels. . - - : Sixty years of cures, "' Ornggfsts everywhere ' of by saail iroea Tarrant Co. . 44 IMmi atreee :. aew Verk ri on 1 Miss Gertrude Hallree, living at 0 Kelly street, was badly frightened a few days aero by an- Italian peddler. The fellow wanted to sell her some linens and then attempted to caress her. When she resisted he exclaimed: "If you don't come. with me I will klU youl" Screaming In fright. ' Miss Hallree Jumped back and slammed the door shut and locked it. She watched from be hind a window curtain and saw the man hovering around the house for some time. She was alone at the time. Charles Jackmasa, an Italian peddler. wa- arrested -- ham-i - hawking warea without a license. Believing from description that he might be the assailant of Miss Hallres, the police sent for her and she promptly Identified Jackmasa aa tha man wanted: The peddler appeared In the police court yesterday and the charge against him was 'postponed to Monday. Miss Hallres -will probably die a more serious charge against him Monday.. JUST ONEWAY TO GET -MONEY FROM JOE DAY "The only way to get a quarter 'out of Detective Joe Day of Portland would I be to chloroform him. - , , -j The foregoing statement la fathered by Detective Sergeant Wren of the Ban ; Francisco police force. I Scouting the story published by a morning paper of Portland,' which was sent out by newspaper correspondents, that Detective Day, feeling certain Fred Slbaldl was Ptetro Tortorlcl, wanted at the Bay City for the murder of Bloglo . Vllardo, advanced money for the in formation, the police there are poking fun at publications bunkoed by the fake. The following except Is taken from the San Francisco Bulletin, which pub lishes Slbaldlo's and Tortorlcl s photo graphs aide by aide: T "Members of the local department do aot believe that the Portland police paid I too to the man who gave them In' formation regarding the spurious Tor toricl. Detective Sergeant Wren said this morning that he had known De tectlve Day. the Portland officer who made the arrest, for a number of years, and the only way It would be possible to get a quarter out of him would be to chloroform him. - - Day has the saving sense of humor. He marked the paragraph referring to his economical proclivities and with every evidence-of --sppreelathm-showed It to a number of police, officials at headquarters. : ' fce Feaant Trade. From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. In Virginia they are called peanuts; In North Carolina ground peas; In South Carolina, Oeorgla ' and ' Mississippi, ptnders; In AlabamsTgTOulid nuts, and In Tennessee goobers. , . The preparation of peanuts Tor' the market Is an interesting operation. They are first put Into an Immense cylinder, from which they enter the brushes. DevU's Island Tortare . Is no worst than tha terrible ease of piles tent afflicted me 10 years. . Then I was advised to apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and less than a box oermanentlv cured me, writes L. S. Nxpler of Rugiee, Ky. rieais an wounas. .Burns ana Horse like magle. 2 to at 8. O. Bkldmore aV Co. drtisxtnta. c 3 STo. 1 eafraaohlses ' the people, curbs the trusts and throttles tne grafters. Investigation of oppo nent's vocation will generally show reason for his opposition. joaTATstajr aotrsirp rm. where each nut receives If or IS feet of brushnlg before it becomes free. After this cleansing process the nuts drop on an endless belt, which moves very slow ly. On each side of the belt Is a row of girls, whose duty Is to separate the poor nuts from the good ones. Those of the nuts whloh pass on to the next foora, where more girls swalt their arrival and put - them In bass. Wh1crt,-when filled, - are sewn up- and properly branded. These are "Na 1" peanuts. The poorer nuts, which were separated by the girls at the endless belt, are all picked over again; the best are singled out and branded, after being put In the ssck. ss -ships." ' The "ships" ar not, so large nor so' fine In appearance aa the No. 1. but are just as good for eating purposes. The third grade of-nuts Is known -as "eagles." and the cnlllngs that are left from the eagles are bagged and sent to a building where the little' meat that la in them is extracted by means of a patent shelter. - " This "meat 'for by this name It Is known to the dealers la put up. eleait and nice. In 100-pound bags, and shipped ror the use of confectioners and manu facturers Of peanut randy. There la also an oil made from some RF.MF.MRF.R .IflF. Joseph A. Ryan Is a candidate for Republican nomU nation for county treasurer. Mr. Ryan has been a resident 'of Portland for the past 20 years. For 18 years he has been in the service of the .Portland General Electric conv pany,. sirup:at. ine Dottom or. tne. ladder, but by close application to his duties has climbed stesdily upward till he is st the present time, serving in a position of trust and responsi bility. '..-"' 1 - . , "Joe," as he is familiarly known, is all that his platform calls for courtesy. efficiency, ilLhontsty and economy. . . ..' '.. He . has always been an srdent worker In the Republican ranks, is not allied with any of the faction, and this' is the first time that he lue ever appealed to the people for rhrir tuffrage. . A vole for him in the primaritt of the nuts, and In this specialty a large wm oe KrctT V apprrciairo By ni-i trade Is done by wholesale druggists. I and he aisurrs the public t! t i i Of the peanut nothing la wasted, for CaSe of his election, or not. if lie c 3 put In Immense sacks snd sold to livery- . ' men for horse-bedding. And a very PP'e thtr mf rely ir?on "J t comfortable, helthful b4 they make. rul.'.ll any and a'.l ''..I . . ' i