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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
" . ' ... I .. ' : . - . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. 'APRIL' 13. i::3. CHARGE OF FRAUD IKKIGIIIDFOR SPRING CLOTHES OPEOLY JADE ? coLUGBiAnonEY Members of House Declared to - Have Been Wrongly Re- v 1 corded on Vote. vn - ; Speak er Cannon ' Consent , to ! - Bill Being Called Up Under ! " t Suspension of Rules. - Ws have the finest exhibit, of men's -modern clothes , that it is possible to collect. There may be better clothes made in the years to come no doubt there will be but there are - no better made today than the v MONDAY NEXT IS DATE :-..'r ; NAMED f OR ACTION STEVENS OF TEXAS . IS VERY INDIGNANT Poll Waa Taken on Queatfon of Re taining Southern Railway Subsidy 1 . In Poatofflce Department Appro priation Bill 'and Meaaure Won. i ' CecreUrr. of Interior " Withdraws I ' Umatilla Permit Pending Inveeti , gation Rooaevelt Orders An ' Fences Tom Down." . . s ......... ry:r y n, y 7 p . Hart Sckaffner fif FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN I ' (Wsehlactea Bnreae ef Tk Jearaalj V Washington, D. G, April, 14. Proe 4tecta,are brjght.for "o early passage t of the bill appropriating' flOO.vve for J, Columbia river Improvement, V I ' Representative Jones and Chairman Burton today bad a. conference with t ftpeaker Cannon and received bla prom--' that they would ba permitted to eall ' tb bill up In tha bouaa Monday next ' ' under a suspension of tha rules for P , eage.: This practically Insure thepae ; Bag of tb bill In tha houaa and la iden tical with tha maaaur that baa paaaad . te senate, and It 4a probabla there will ' be no delay la securing tha conaant of M' tha aanata to tha houaa bill ' v Tha aecretary " of "Interior " baa r withdrawn - the permit (ranted the; stock mn to drive ltveatoek across tha Umatilla reservation pending an lnvee- j ligation ordered by the president Into ' the recent reported trouble between i atockmen and Indiana. ' : ' - At tha ooltettatloav-ot ike. interior. - . partment, tha president haa decided to iaaue a general proclamation directing i . that persons who have enclosed gorem ; ment land Illegally' ahall remove their ' fence within days after June 1 next. A vigorous campaign la- to- be eem . menced. by tha department of the In i tar lor and Justice to restore to the pub ' lie the use of great areas of land now alleged to ba unlawfully ancloaed by atockmen In western atatea.. Tha proclamation will ba similar to - the -one Issued- by ' former President " Cleveland about te years - ago whea troops were seat to various parts of tha - west to remove .fence from publlo do main.' Troops will not bo used at prae ; en I. but the district attorneys In west , arn atatea will be Instructed to proee- i cnte rigorously all atockmen maintain- Ing Illegal feneea who do not comply - with the prealdent'a proclamation, Tha trial of Representative Blnger i Hermann which was aet for Monday, haa l been postponed until Thursday on -ac-"' count of a number of tha minor eases , before court desired to ba disposed of prior to the Hermann case. Assistant ' Attorney-General Heney will cooperate ' with District Attorney Baker In tha proeecution. .-v 0 v Tha ol ni - service commission an nounces an examination at places and , on tha datee named below to secure all , giblea from which to fill vacanciea In In position of' forest rangera In tha forest service on application form 1.SSS. Oregon Portland. Roeeburg. :; Le ,. Grand. Prlnavllla; May 14, la, Washington Conconully. Spokane, ' Bumaa. Tacptna, May 1. 15, 1. . , PAH ROAD TALK CAUSES . BOOM AT-CASTLE ROCK r (gpeelal Diapetch t fee 'earsaLI i Castle Rock, Wash.. April 14. -There . ia considerable Interest here over the ! report that tha Southern PaclSo will ' build from Portland to Tacoma. Real ) eetaU jnen have been Vept busy, aell J Ing property tha last Sew days and 10 transfers sre reported during tha weak. ' tutf Slamd ataaa-aa STa WUL. (mMeiil Dliaatrk to Ths JenrasLt . Seattle, Waab.. April, 14.-i-Judge Bond, a pioneer of this city; baa died without leaving a will. . His estate la valued at 1760,000. . ' - . Republican Candicate A VOTE Villis S. Duniway OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY For State Printer t Is a vote arainat the $100,000 graft of the politicians who' ' handle the Sute Printing Office. --------. ---rT--- : It is a vote against the gross extortion of $500 per' ! day fof printing the Legislative Calendars. : It is a vote against the many other extortions of the I State Printing Push. , - j Itis a vote to reduce your Uxes. a H , , 5 "A square deal for taxpayers. C "1" No deals vntn -.' . , ' ' r 1 : Robert So Farrell : Robert S. Farrelt, familiarly known aa Bert rarren. wad btfrn In thle city la 1170,. educated In our . publlo acboola, was graduated at Portland High aohool In 1181 and later from tha law depart ment of University of Oregon, and was admitted to bar at yupTama court In Salem. For t years h haa bean identi fied with tha business! Interests of Pert land, being continually employed oil Front street. He Is personally-, exten sively Interested In the Columbia river ealmon Industry and, also the logging Industry, being president of tha Deep River igglng company. He ia a mem ber of Taylor Street 'M. E. church and la a prominent Multnomah Athletic elub DREDS OP FISHERMEN EAGERLY KG ; ' Open Season v Begins at Noon 1 Today and Plants and Can- t ; neriea Ready. '' ; 'Special Dispatch to Tha Joora.I.) Astoria, Or.. April . 11 Tomorrow at II noon tha Columbia river salmon fish ing aeaaon opens and up to this evening mora than 70S glllnet .Uoansei have" been Issued at tha fish warden'a office.. Tbia amber exoeeds last rear by more than 100 licenses. All too gannertee and old atorage plants oa tha Oregon aide have taken out their licenaea and some have already made additions to their plants. - Tha price of fish this graar. wUl be I and T cents, T cents will ba paid for all fish weighing mora than S5 pounda This la an Increase of 1 cents over last rear, the price being and cents in the 1908 aeaaon, Two of the cold -atorage have offered S cents for large fish. Patrol-boats on both the Oregon and Wash ington aide will be on the river tonight and tomorrow forenoon and arrest any one eaugnt witn a net in tha river before noon tomorrow. - . 7 for State ; Printer ; v' . ' - FOR the bosses." ;r ,t - My WILLIS S. DUNIWAY. for Representative member and also belongs ta tha . Port land Rowing; . club. , Commercial club, Hoo-Hooa and Travelers' Protective as sociation. ' . - . If nominated and elected ha will an deavorto give his eonstituenta a busl naaa Ilka, economical administration, curtailing . ' appropriations, ' advocating abolition of perpetual franchisee, reten tion of Interest on publlo treasure by state, granting common council of cltiaa control of publlo nttlltlea; liberal pro-J taction of our forests and nan. pur food and full weight package lawa, rea sonable and ooneervatlve banking lawa, fUtt salary to all state officers and tha election of the " people's chotoe for United States senator. : LICENSE A POSSIBLE ISSUE Proposal to Increase Annual Tax Saloons Agitating . Vancouver. POLICE PROTECTION . . ENTIRELY INADEQUATE Large Floating " Population Keeps - Present Force - Buey Municipal League May.. Take 8teps to Im- , prove Conditions, i IflMdil DlSDateh te Tke JesrasLl ' 'Tancouver, Wash., -April 14. From all Indications a bitter fight la about to be waged In thla city for a higher liquor license. The first etep taken la this direction la th organisation of a Municipal league. At present Vancouver haa It aaloona Basing' the population of th elty at (,000, this provides a saloon for every 171 persona, or a saloon for about It male Inhabitants over 11 year of age. It la figured by those interested, in th high licenee movement that If the yearly Ulcense fee wss raised from 1450 to 11,000 tha number of saioona would be reduced at least one third. In thla way It la argued tha aaloona of the city would-be of a -better-class,-reeultlng 4a fewer atreet brawls. It Is-becoming more apparent dally that If the city la to be kept in a spec-table condition with- the preaent number of aaloona and the large float Ing population due to tha building - of the north bank line, the police, force muat be increased. At preaent little If any protection la given the residence districts of th city between f o'clock In the evening and o'clock in th morn ing. The two night policemen have all they can do to successfully guard the business - eecuon and - itUora - go into th residence district anless called by telephone. It haa been auggeated by numerous property - owners that a mounted policeman, be put on to patrol the -residence district 'exclusively. , Sexgeamt Tier! fyima. (Special Dispatch te The loereal.) Vanoouverr. "Wash., April 14. As the result of an examination held recently Sergeant C. C Fleet of company u. Na tional Ouard of Waahlngton, baa been appointed and commissioned second lieutenant. Lieutenant Fleet' nw rankvt took affect on April I. Th new lieu tenant la on of th. moat active mem bers of O company and haa dona much to keep up Interest among the members, IF NOT SUBSIDIZED a V WILL SELL TO JAPAN (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te Tee Joarsair Han Franciace, April l. That tha Ocean lo Steamship company will go out of business and Its ehlps will be sold to Japan, If congress defeats the sub sidy bill, waa today corroborated by Frederick S. Samuels, manager of the foreign shipping department for John P. Bpreckles. When SJugene F. Loud made thia . declaration vesterdav - at Waahlngton before th houee commit tee on merchant marine he announced the exact - Intentlona of the Sprecklea. It ia the contention of th company thai It la Impossible to operate between tbia port and Australia unless the gov ernment Inereeees the subsidy to IJOO.- 000.. ... . . i 1 ..'.'. , Tha Australian -trade, ' amounting to SSO.000.eoo a year, muat be carried an by way, of Canada providing the pay received from, the government Is not raised from the present figures of 1211,- 000 annually.. . . , .. ,.,,,.. lasans Kaa Blade Ofltoers. ' ifftperUI Msse teTke Jeereel.) . ? Aberdeen. Waslw April 14-J. Beab- (Tlen, an Inaana man,' haa eluded tha o fa cers here and eaoaped to Tacoma. Hla family had a letter today from him, showing hla mania Is worse than ever. HIGH (Speclsl Dlaaeteh by teased Wire te The aearaaiy Washington. , Asrll . 14. rraud la claimed to have been committed yeeter- aay m the recording of the vote In favor of retaining th Southern Railway aubsldy la the poatofflce dspaxUaant Ap propriation bill. The suspension waa not aisoloeed today . when the house met and a further investigation made by those who opposed the fubaidyi la expected to develop th fact aa to whether th action tf tha clerks in recording members In favor of tha sub sidy who were not present was Inten tional or aimply a "mistake. "V The vote reaterday stood . for tha subsidy to I for Ita expulsion from the meaaure. Today Mr. Btevens. Democrat, of Texas declared that be waa abaent yes terday . and. that bia vote recorded for tha aubaldy waa an outrage upon him. Immediately thereafter Mr. Steeneraon. Republican, or - Minneaota, on of th antl-aubaldy Republicans, declared that tha vote In favor- of tha flouthern bene fit charged to Mr. Hedge, Republican. or Iowa war-an error. 'Mr. Hedge. wag not present yester day." ha declared. "Whan his name waa called tha clerk announced him in tha negative on the motion to recommit th bill and Btrike out th provlelon for the aubaldy. I proteated then, and the clerk told me that tha record waa chanced.. I see today, - however, that Mr. Hedge- la recorded."- '. Both the vote of Massra. Steeneraon and Hedge were expunged. This action leaves th aubaldy advocate a with but one . majority. A requeet to have a recapitulation Of tha vote waa Immedi ately denied by Repreeentatlva Over street of Indiana, chairman of the com mittee, who - waa- one of the principal advocate of the Boutharn aubaldy. ... NEERS F.1AKE OFFICERS BOW e Portuguese cn Board Man-of-: War Threaten to Throw . Lieutenant Overboard. PROMISED IMMUNITY ! BEFORE SURRENDERING Obnoztoud Officer Is Then Forced , 'Aahore and Nearly Flve'Uundred - of Rebclliotra Nawiea Also Oo on ,;, Shore. u" ', ' ' : " (Spteisl ntspsteh y VttmS Wire te The ?oaraa!) Londoo, April 14 The following de tails have been received of the mutiny on Wednesday on board tha Portuguese flagship Don Carlos at Lisbon. The dis cipline aboard the warship had bean lax and new offlcera war recently put In command. Th men resented thla and whan shore leave waa refused them they eelsed a lieutenant and carried htm to tha bulwarka, shouting: -t v "Throw him overboard!" r Two warrant offloere. by threatening to Are on the rautlneera. aavad the lieu tenant from taking an Involuntary bath, but the men Insisted that he be put ashore, which waa dona. - Upon landing ba Informed Admiral Souda, who ac companied hlmback to the ship.. The crew, however, refused 16 let the"Tleu- tenant aboard. . They told tha admiral that unless the government promised to pardon them and give them an entirely new aet of officers they would alnk the ship. The admiral promised to comply with their demanda IX they would sur render. The men showed Mm that they had possession of the mairaslne and that' the guna war loaded. Tney threatened to bombard any warship that approached them and also to Are on the city if they were attacked.. . Admiral Amarll also conferred with the men and promised them Justice and freedom from afreet. Eventually the men yielded and tit men of them went ashore. - Their fate haa not been re ported. A smaller mutiny naa aince ocourrea on the torpedo-boat destroyer Tejo. Naval officer aay that their prestige I con and that It would have been bet ter to have aunk the Don Carloa than to Aave capitulated to the mutineers. MISSING ATTORNEY IS: ARRESTED AT SPOKANE " (Rpeefal Dispatch te Th TeerasL) Pendleton. Or.. April 14. Oscar Stone, formerly an attorney-at-law at Weston, but for some daya missing, haa been arrested at Spokane charged with. ob taining money by false pretenses by Issuing forged checks and checks with no 'funds behind them. The complain ing witness is Will Wells, a bartender of this place who eaahtd one of Stone's worthless ohecks for $10. - Ston will be brought her for preliminary exami nation probably tomorrow. ' " EZRA MEEKER ARRIVES AT TOWN OF BAKER T (Special Dispatch te The Jeerealt Baker City. Or, April 14-Esra keek er, wbo la now making hla way leisurely eaat over the Old Oregon trail, arrived at Baker City today, driving an ox i. He will remain bar several daya and ereot several monuments. The road passes gome six mile east of this city. - . ' Pepmty OolleHoe v (Ipal ptepstrh te The JonraeL) Aberdeen. Wash.. April 14 J. A. Hood, 1'nlted State deputy collector' of customs, haa tendered hi resignation, to take effect aa aoofi as bla successor ran be appointed. Hood will go Into the shipbuilding aueineee at Hoqnlaea, r.iun .... . : ring $12.50 1"" K TO " '" ""-Sr'i $35.00 S am 1 Rosenblatt It Pays to Buy at the Little Rent Stor WhUe they last we will en a Reoilnlng and Fold ing Oe-Cart. green, body, large rubber-tired wheels, at r-; '.'.'-.: l: - maotrxjus rtxon te-rs. W are now showing a large line of a sun Ins 2aa portsd Bead Booker and Chain, both natural and dark - colors, for atreagth, 'eaae and comfort. . Mono -excela the hand made reed good a. ' r DEALERS WILL FIGHT Washington Association Notifies 8aloonmen to Prepare to 'li Wg Bitter War.- ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE " ACTIVITY THE CAUSE Circular' of Whiskey Men Directs Members in Respective Legialatlve DistHcts to Work for Candidates That Are Friendly to Interests. (SpecUl Dta patch te The JeeraU.) Seattle, Wash, April 14. The Waah lngton Liquor Dealers' association today sent out a circular latter to saloon men throughout- the atate that ' they most prepare to wage a bitter war upon all candidates for the legislature that were believed to be at all unfriendly to the liquor Interests. The circular directed the members of the association to make th fight In their legislative districts. The Immediate cause of the issuance of the circular letter Wi the recent activity of the ' antl-aaloon league In doing the preliminary work of organis ing the barohe throughout the atate Go Carl! Speeial $3;75 .(-,..: . a oui $800 SAVED ori RENTS EACH MONTH T 364 to 370.East Morrison (THRKX BLOCKS EAST OF BR1DQK) Little Rents L,Ittle Expenses 4 ' ' Little , Prices ! Ulttle Down Little Monthly Special $1440 $4.00 Down." $3.00 Monthly. ' Tsblc has large rich quartered oak flake, is 6-foot .extension, 6-inch leg, 45-inch : top.' :;' . ' " : An Unequalcd Offer, A aet of bur famoua SIB Falae TEETH for BIO J AOS .-Painless . extracting free ination ana consultation free. Crown and Bridge . work a apecialt Extracting, 60 cents WI3E BROS. Dentists' tbxbb abb wAssroroTosr. ': - Mala Boat. . Opes Bvealaga smd snmSayav to carry on a fight tor the election ef legislators pledged to local option. Thla movement on the part of the antl-aaloon league le well started and - tha liquor dealer' association deemed It wise to oppose It at the very outset. The Issuance of the first number of a weekly paper by the antl-aaloon. league thle week also impressed upon th as sociation the necessity for Immediate action. The antl-aaloon league la well organised for a political fight. Th clraular letten, sent out doe not call upon the recipients to support any par ticular eandidatea and does not aak them to align themselves) with any ele ment It aimply urges the saloon men to look carefully" over the legislative timber In their respective districts. Considerable money will be epent by the liquor dealers in carrying their fight through to a euooessful termina tion. ; Local option la eonaldered to bo a body blow to the saloon Interests and nothing will be left undone to defeat the passage of any such legislation. , - ill, V lajared Walla- riayUg. (Special Dispatch te The Joonst.) Foreet Grove, Or., April le. The youngest , aon of John Bellinger met with a eerioue aoeldent yesterday, which resulted In the breaking Of hi 'arm. With several boy be waa playing In a barn left, . when he was pushed oft the floor, falling nine feet. - ' Cepyrlht;..i9o6'.by Hart Schaffaer j Marx . fe? Co. Big Stores With Little Rents undersell ail others M $15.00 French beveled plate . mir-. ror, large, rich quartered oak flake, golden finish. . irsR za nzOB tisjs, Special $3,00 D with this offer. Exam FARMERS ENTHUSIASTIC OVER ELECTRIC LINE (Speclsl Dispatch' The JearaaL) Walla Walla. Waslu. April 14 jr. H. Morrow, general, manager of the Colum bia dt Walla Walla Traction company, returned from Wallula, where he apent several daya with an engineering crew surveying a route . for a new electrlo line. ' Englneere are now camped at Nine-Mile bridge on the Well Walla river and are making about a, mile a day. Morrow eaya the farm era along the route are enthuataatle ever th new road and promise rlghta of way and cash assistance, . ' SIX YEARS' SENTENCE FOR .TWO MEN AND WOMAN- - i - i ... . (M(mHsI Mspsteh te The Jeerasl.) ' ! Chehalls, Waah.. April 14. Herbert Dllley, i Alice D 11 ley, hla wife, and : Andrew Carland were each sentenced to six yeara In the penitentiary at Walla Walla today by Judge Rice. A motion for a new trial waa denied.. " The trio waa' convicted of robbing; Night Marshal Alderman of Centralis a abort time ago. I v C Solid - I J Quarter' I W ' i u fining -1 I Chair:-1 -;.. v ' i '- 1