The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    : tiis cr.zcou cuiiday jouhiial. fohtlamd. Sunday moknino. apilvis. iccs.
We have prepared for this week an array of money-saving opportunities which,' upon carefully reading every item, you will find unequaled. In every instance the Values are so apparent that you do not have to take our word for
it. ' Come in, see thegooda and you will be convinced that Roberts Bros.' is the only store in Portland where youH get your FULL MONEY'S WORTH without any ifs or ands. If you are an economical person you will be
Interested in these "great offerings" because" we know every Item is at a money-saving price, and you know every item we sell is 'of 'the highest quality. ; It can thus beHreadily seen that we combine quantity and quality with
1 jV-c'-V -v--. '.- t f-. ,y ,-' y '.'-.v. ."' ; ' . low prices; which forms a jgreat combination thaj, Uell-nigh irresistible.'. . ; V V' ' y ', . " ' " 7 . ' : , ;..Z.:.ui
ENXEIIPIIISE ! EIJEZIGT U ECOHOIIY! Coupled X7ith odvanoo ideas, conscientiousness in all, details and studying your every comfort,
y has mode thxa PORTLAND'S FASTEST GROWING STORE " ' " ' '-; " :,
IMiiTT'7 P
Mij J n U
IXualinwear -rr Dainty Kindo
Our values are better than any other store in town. Your own
: good judgment will convince you of that, after you have seen and com
- pared what we give with what others offer for the same money. ' ,
fi 50 c for Drawers Worth, 05o '. J; ' .
. Women's Drawers,. madenof cambrics and muslin, torchon lace, FA
J insertion, tucked or plain hemstitched; best 65c values at..,..,.OUv
M :y' ; 35o for Corset Covers Worth 50o -y
...Women's Corset Givers made of nainsook, muslin and cambric, trim-:
:med with torchon and Val. laces, embroideries and ribbons, . . QC
.tucks and hemstitchings, low rieckr loose. front. Special at.....O0v
y y ; : Special Values in lien's Section -;
Men's Dress Shirts, fl.OO Large assortment" of men's Dress Shirts, made
of best grade .madras, in plain and fancy colors. Unequaled P AA
values at...... ........ ........ ..i...., ,...I.Uu
Men's 50c Neckwear 19f Men's fine, all-silk Four-in-Hand .Ties; reversi
ble style, large variety of light and dark patterns; every one new and lA"
up, to date; regular 50c grade, at...............:................. I"C
Men's 75c Neckwear, 50 Large" variety of men's silk'French Four-in-Hand
Ties, in new novelty patterns, all late . shades of green, lavender, CA.
purple and gray; regular 75c grade, at ........... . uvt
New, White Hosiery for Women & Children
. An extensive showing of both plain or lace white Stockings : for
women and children now in stock. A REDUCED PRICE SALE TO
MORROW. . ,. , ; ;. ; y , y: - .
Women's White Laoe Lisle Stocking 50c Quality
-Handsome allover lace or lace ankle designs. exclusive patterns; new.,
arrivals, purchased at-retail -at ;50cr a:pair On sale here to- 22
. morrow only at, pair;.,.... ............ ....... . ...... ... . ...OOv ;
1 ; : , Women's Plain or White Laoe Hose T y- ur
Full fashioned, imported .Hosiery, in plain or fancy lace designs; JJv'
regular 39c grade. ..' Here. tomorrow at, the pair. ...... ......... muv
Children's White Mercerized Stocking's '
80 dozen of a splendid 35c quality, silk finished, very elastic and
bleached a perfect white, all sizes. Tomorrow...... ......... ...aUw
? -The inducements our splendidly equipped Suit Room holds" forth to critical women this season are exceptional. , We are showing an immense assortment of the season's most charming creations, which will appeal to'
the fastidious dresser. You will no doubt find a garment .which, wfll exactly suit your taste and at prices far below those askedelsewhere for similar garments.' ... J. . - 1.. .;".' ; -1. 1
y Children's Garments -
.Top Coats in nobby man tailored single, and
double breasted 'effects, Y, and full length,
in alt the newest materials, in sizes 4 to 14
years, at $2.90, 83.50, S4.50, 86.50,
and ; . : , . . ;.z 71: .87.50
"Dainty Sheer WJiite Dresses in French anTT.
Russian stylesi in sizes 4 to 14 years. Rang-:;
ing in price from 75 up.tor.: i.-. .8450 y
'Baby Pique Reefers, made with circular col
lar trimmed with embroidery. , d J P
Special values at "."T". '.... . TTS'l vl mJ
The New Spring Jackets
Hundreds of new styles in short jaunty
' coverts, silk and Jbroadcloth Jackets, the
, dressiest garments at the right prices - ,
Covert Jackets from 83.50
i a f v r 1
. "
V Black Cloth Jackets at 80.50, PA
87.50 and. ... . . . . .. . .. ..... A.$0dU
Silk Coats in black and pongee at 88.00,
89.50, 810.50, 812.50 ; J2S QO
Stylish Snits at Q12.50 :
If you figure tojay $17.50 for your new.'
Tailored Spring Suit come here and make .
your selection.. It means the same as get-,
ting $5.00'thrown in. These suits are cor-
rect new spring styles,"" in the Eton; and
Pony coat effects, made from fancy- suit
ings and plain - cloths , and , handsomely,
trimmed." ' Special values this tf "Cfl -week...
. ... . . . ,'. , . ...... . . . . .4)ltuU i
The Newest in Skirts
-. Shown, 'Here v t
Attention is called to the acknowledged
most complete assortment in Portland bf
popular price Walking Skirts. , 1
-EXTRA SPBCIAIx-200 brand new Skjrts, -walking
length, in the swelles't gored; circu- ;
J tat and pleated effects,- big variety of ma- '
terials and a full line ; of colors.1 d A Cf
They are rattling good values at.TtOU -n
' High grade Taijor-Made Skirts, in white .
black, blue, gray and pretty mixtures, styles
.inat are- aistincuveiy x aincreni t irom any
f shown heretofore.
. Great values at
r.. . .... $6.90
Beautiful variety of styles
Childrens lingerie
y Hats' f,y i"-.y
Suitable for children 1 to & years
bid, at 50f , 75f , ' 81.00,
81.50 and V..s. . . ... . v. . . 82.50
iandsome Suits at Ql 8.50
. This price commands' choice from ' most
charming suits in fetching new .Eton and
the stylish Pony. made from. chiffon, Pan-
" ama, broadcloth novelty grays, .worsteds -'
and fancies, newest elbow sleeves," trimmed
t. with fancy braids and tailor, stitch in gs j all
the newest spring shades are C 1 Q C A .
represented...... :............ vlOOU
v 'y Dainty New; 7aists
. . A large stock bf most effective new styles.
Lovely allover Lace Waists, Japanese Silk
Waists, Lawn' and Mull Waists,, all are
' handsomely trimmed with' lace embroidery
and medallion,- some are made with long
; sleeves, others with the now popular short
' sleeves. . ' - . '
Lovely new India Silk WaistsAll perfect
ly tailored," some made plain with tucks, .
yothers trimmed with dainty -laces and em-,
broidered. Priced at 82.25, 82.50,
82.00, 83.50, 84.50. ..... f . .86.50
f ' New Lawn Waisfs at 75f, 95, 81.25
and ,V. . v. , .-. ..... . . . . ..... . .. .$1.50
New Lingerie Waists at 81.75, 82.25,
82.75 and ..........V..... 83.50
Great Values in Petticoats
' , Some of toe i best values we . have ever
quoted are mentioned below for this week's
selling. Judging - by- ordinary standards
these Petticoats are worth , at least a third
more than our sale prices. t :: . '
Black and Colored TaHeta
?it Silk Petticoats
Made , with deep flounce,' accordion pleat
ing and tucked ruffles, some in all silk, oth-"
ers with nearsilk underlay; all are $6.50
values. Your choice while they QQ
We 'wilt also place on sale this week 20.
dozen Black Sateen Petticoats, extra fine
quality, full mercerized finish, made with
, deep , flounces, finished with bands, tucks,
ruffles and accordion pleating.. iCC
Special all this week. , , . . . .v 00
Wash Petticoats of .superior quality ging-:
' ham, made with, deep double flounces, fin
ished with fancy stitching, colors are dZfA
perfectly fast. On sale this week... Uv'
$9 Embroidered Robes $4.50
" SccdndsnTpment -Just . received. ' BeautifurVnibroidexed robet of exquisite workmanship,"
consisting of shaped skirt with embroidery insertion and waist material to tfji CA
match.; bold all over the city at $9 and this splendid lot at onljr..i.........P 1ov
y ! W7A.: ! , y y Specials, in Ribbons
Large assortment of 2-inch wid fancy Ribbons, suit
able for neck wear; pretty Persian and Dresden OCp
effects; 40c values at, per yard.. ........ ,i . tOK
Silk Printed Warp, 22 4 inches wide ! silk ' printed
warp Ribbons, in all the neat spring colors; "7 Cp.
regular 3Sc values, at.'.....
IMetaaline Taffeta, ao 6 inches wide Alessaiine lat
feta in all the new spring colors; exceptional Cp'
values at 35c; special at. ,.it3
y-;;y, dove Specials v
24-Inch Glaced Old Gloves, in moisquetaire""style,"in.
the leading- shadcs of grayralso black-and- fl 5 " flft
white; unsurpassed values at Pullv
Elbow Length Gloves Made-bf-very-superior-juality
lisle thread, in white only; unequaled'values . 75C
The Kayser Glove Best 2-clasp silk Glove made, has
double-tip lingers, an colors, sires y w-iyt; AWn
price, per pair. '. ...i.,ww
'3-Button Suede Gloves Come in shades of gray, red,
green, navy, black, white, mode; regular, , Qilv
S V w
...... v , .. !..- , , .........
New Dress . Goods and Silks Are
. Here in Great Profusion
. More exclusive styles in greater profusion of coloring! will
! be found here than in my other store unsurpassed assortments
, that are right In quality and price. The following items will be
found especially interesting tomorrow; , , .,, r , v. ....
42-inch Shadow Checked Ba-
quality, at.
20o Embroidery 15o
Exquisite showing of fine cambric and nainsook Em
broidery in. dainty effects,' with insertion' to : 1 Cy
match; all widths; exceptional lvalues at.. ,. .....IOC'
'-JSi. 1 i.
40o Corset Cover Entb. 25b
Large assortment of beautiful patterns in 18-inch Cor
set Cover Embroidery, in dainty patterns; regu- 'JZp
lar 45c values; special ....,Oy
tiste. strictly all wool, beauti
ful rich colorings in all the
wanted . shades; unequaled
quahty at, per Jgg
38-inch Mohair in the popular
Queen's gray, light - summer
' weight; other stores ask 65c a
yard for this quality. Cfr
Our price, per yard.....JvW
46-jnch Knebyonlah Mohairs,
the very newest weaves, comes
; iiralt colors beautifut silk fin
ish; usual $1.25 grade. Special
Se?.:?:. . .; .;$1.00
A Full Line of
Sterling Silks
In All Widths. V
Figured Jap Silks
- at 48o
A great showing of beautiful
Japanese Wash Silk in ah ex
tensive line of neat small fig
ures," a most desirable material
for: summer waists,- launders
. nicely, 23 inches wide. Un
usual value at, per JQrt
yard... 40C
65o Wash Silks
50o : a
20-inch Jap, Silks in a full as-
sortment . of . checked and
striped effects with embroid
ered dots, washes nicely; well '
worth 65c a yard. On special
salethis week at, pergQ,
$1.00 Taffeta Silk
t", :.750-r-' ,
Pull Yard Wide Black Taf--feta
Silk, all silk, perfect
black, warranted ' to wear;
splendid value at $1.00 yard.
Special price for this 'JQ
omen's Sleeveless Vests
Real 200 Quality, Tomorrow
A Full Line of .
Skinner's Satins
Always in Stock. ,
65o Drapery Silks '
A great assortment of pretty '
new Drapery Silks just re-"
ceived, exclusive patterns and
colorings; best 65o quality. '
Special price for this ' 10
sale .......... . ... . . .... .40 C
8 Cents
Warmer weather coming prepare yourself tomorrow. Such
an offering as this comes but once in a season. ,We place on
sale tomorrow an excellent 20c grade Sleeveless .Vest of fine
- bleached yarn, silkene taped neck and arm straps, full sized.
irettily trimmed, all firsts, no damaged ones in the i
ots. On sale tortiorrow only at this pricebasemerAtJ
New Oxfords and Shoes
;f;.-" TOR STJIHIER yv,'.-'y.';
137 per cent increase in our shoe business since January 1st over the tame period for
1905. Sounds healthy, and ia healthy. It proves one thing, and that ia that the people' know
- where to buy at a saving. We are constantly soliciting the best trade in Portland by car
rying the most stylish shoes to be had at moderate prices. In our main floor shoe da
ps rtment our shoes range in price from $2.00 to $3 JO. Widths AAA to E.
Women's patent colt, Russia calf and black vici kid lace and blucher Oxfords; 'd ftfi
worth $3.00 and $3.50. Monday...;..,..... .. .QUy
Women's hand-made Shoes in patent colt and kid in the new college cut; worth QQ
We have 40 odd styles in Oxfords at ?3.00 and 3.50 'jhat rare uneq'uafe'd for styla
Our Basement Shoe Market Is everything the word implies. It Is a veritable market
for the masses. It ia the real half-price home for shoes.' We've sew shipments arriving -daily
for this particular department. They are never sold for more than half price. '
r ' Monday 'niomine we oDen this ereat showing notable always for its extraordinary values.
are correct as to their minutest detail " As a result of this extraordinary preparation we shalV not
still higher degree of perfection in style, variety and completeness. The point of value-gmng will
We bought liberally for this event, the very cream of the best foreign and domestic makers..' The colorings and designs
only retain tne unapproacned high standard of this stock during the coming season, but we shall also always bring it to a
be more than ever a matter of prime importance. , THE BEST VALUES OBTAINABLE IN THE CITY WILL BE
-AT 10 New Dress Batiste, in a great as-
sortment of attractive patterns and colorings,
, dots, stripes) figures and flowered effects, full
31 inches wide. Splendid value at,
a ii .
...... .... a vrr
pcr yard
AT 15150 pieces superior quality. Batiste,
in all the most wanted shades and styles, plain
. colors as well as pretty patterns in large and
.small dots, rings, figures and flowers, ?
r; full, width. Unusual value at,, yard. i'. IOC
AT (18 New. Novelty Suiting, an excellent
line of patterns m checked and flaked effects,
medium colors. ' Moderately priced , v Jg
F - .
ab, half silk. ' Unequaled y 1 ; 45c
AT 45 New Silk Chambray in a large as
sortment of plain ' colors, dots, plaids and
checks, one of the most' substantial of wash
materials, half silk. ' Unequaled
AT 201 Corded Madras Cloth, in light col
brs ' for shirts and shirtwaists all neat pat
terns, colors absolutely fast : Splen-. "J A
did values at. . . . . .... ...7. . i f"t
AT- 25f Organdie . Eolienne,, a very pretty
mercerized finished fabric with a pebbled sur
face Comes in "all the pretty flowered and
figured effects. Unusually low ,
priced at. i . . . . ... ... . .. Ld
AT 25 New Silk Ginghams, in all size
checks, in shades of blue, brown, tan, pink,"
green and black ; also a full line of plaid effects
in all jthe best colorings. Unequaled JJ
quality at, per yard.... ...... .avOw
AT 50Phantom Silk Organdie, in large
variety of exquisite colorings and rich flow
ered effects. The most beautiful of all the
new wash goods. - Unsurpassed ' CA
quality at, per yard. ,.uUv
AT 30 Mercerized Panamas, in large as-
.sortment of dainly checks and stripes, in light
colors only. ' Excellent value at, 30f
per yard..... ,olv
AT- 25New Silk Mull, a complete "show
ing of new flowered silk mull, one of the rich
est and most desirable fabrics for even- JZ f
ing wear. .Unusual quality at.........3w
AT 15f Merceriaed Dress -Sateen, large as
sortment "of medium-and dark colored Sateen '
with dainty designs. Splendid v' . -. r .
values at 1 OL
AT 50 Fantaisie de Soie, in gray only,,
pretty patterns in dainty stripes and fibres,
half silk. Exceptional values j"
at........ f.
AT 15 Embroidered I'.: . f - . :
ment'of attractive p'ttt' i-. , ,
stripes, flowers an if ,
Moderately pncf ..