The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued' from "Pasa OnaJ '
tacking who wield the rak which tha
' president speaks of and which Bunyan
; i. symbolised; la on paraDie.
. OlMlllM 'thS JIUM1
' The teak which Journalism and lt
, .frlead. and., alders ar now aiscnarg
ing la th cleansing of -. th Augean
: staples tb puffing of th tempi from
T ttion.r Under. Doubtless th Scribe
and tb Pharisees denounced that purg-
inr RonMvtlt la denouncing wm.
, i Mm tk urn. mo .1 ana iniei
1 KWW - . V .. -- - -
' it... i ai&ruiTinint. - They talked or
) byaterla, t feather-headed radicalism.
or tha menace ot anarcny ana
' .v, tlona from ezceaa. Just aa the president
! talked. And ao. the othea day, did the
aarlnlak aunnortera -of ' IB fennejri-
' mirhl.i. talk In Philadelphia; but
. what tbey called hysteria and anarchy
, '' la now recognised aa the salvation and
nonor or me aiaio.
i - rirkv fan tell US. the
( . M nuni - -
. , bureaucracy, can find ao ienns
" ' . 'enough to. denounce thecrlinlne4 con
; apt racy of the sopl to assert their
human right; they can e only madmen
. ana cnaiuwi. in vh.h.-'"- -
ocracy. Tbo apirlt of good and truth
Lav. -r.u. a irnn i io iniavei ana
' tyrant, becau the thlnga tbey lova
are Incompatible' with U. Read -the
" British references- to th American
t. "rreoeia in m laai quarter -,
; eenth century and then realla that th
mlaraaiita uiev IBIS or were nwuuir
i ? t ton, Adam. Patrick Henry and Banjo-
'1 . ... . -mar At -- 1. Ika tW Waul
' jnln irranuin. was weursa ,
or wa Washington,, tba man with tha
; , muck rake? .
, ''A Mm of Straw.
, ' . Roosevelt's wan with th muck rsk
. ie a man of atraw, and very poor atraw
it la. So long aa the attack upon cor--
- whmMan wKr. Mnfitial ftn the misdeed
of the oil trust and the Insurance com-
- panic, Kooaeveit naa omy worn ui
. commendation for them:' th clamor
about hysteria, and anarchy waa then-
, v confined to tha corporation . lawyer.
, '.it But aa aooa as th aroused aenaa of th
people organ u uoiwi wviib
. . arnment at Washington and to search
' .. . ...... ... In.t . , ham RiMM.
- Telt began to randlh the big atlck
. and fulminate against, th muck rake,
But the teopl ax on th way to com-
prehendiog that there are throe thlnga
" la tha present situation rtha big atlck,
-.7 th muck rak and the pitchfork, and
' tbe latter Instrument la being applied
to tho beating down and 1 election of
the former two. It la a foe alike of th
, ..muck raka and the big aUck. of cor.
' .a & , , i ..d . gwg.riim.nt Annraa.
alon and Insolence; tha end It alma at la
. equal and exact Justice to all men. Let
- Mr. Roosevelt and hla supporter in and
nut nf arnvemment bethink themselvea
. . ,that it la better to be on tha aide of Ita
' handle than On the aide of ita' prongs.
? White we are employing these symbols.
will be found, in th present instance,
to be th real nam and character both
" or me oig suck ana muu
.. Asld from hi disastrous ascription
' of th muck rak to th causa of de
. cency and reform, what doe th preal
. dent' apeech contain?
- The stpeeoh niwrll "' -
f It conUlaa a series of saying uch
, . as follow, combined with reflection on
' th story of Arlstidea tb Just (perhaps
' i communicated by Mr. Lodge), and a
" - quotation from Hooker, "the . Shakes.
. peare of dlvlneA" Thy ar fighting
.tha earn evil now," says Mr. Roose
1 Telt, "that we fought In the Urn of
, : Washington. To fix our eyes excluslve
, ,ly oa evlW- and to Ignore all good, 1 In-
' i iurfcm to The social welfare " be addA
"Attacks on abase are right only when
, , A they . ar . baaed on truth.- Indlacrlml-
, . cat assaults oa - character do harm;
' ; even exaggeration of th evil of bad
. . men 1 hurtful, because th reaction
'-will either put Cuem in a better light
than they deaerv or tbey will breed
. i skepticism of all good To denounce
madsllnglng is not to endure whit.
'Let us not rest in our war upon evil,
V but let us oonduct It honestly and sane
iy, Agltatioa that-take the form of
" tigbteoua indignation with evil is good;
-but when it take the form of a Strug.
with the greed of tb haves, look out.
T VH.f aa" V . u,vmwaw . tlB,
between the right and wrong that be
- tweeb the well-off and the ill-off la
false. Th bad boor man I aa had aa
..the bad' rich man, no better and no
worse. . Bpasma of reform are vain.
Emotionalism lead to exhaustion. Re-
. member that thara . 4a nr. in.h .na
I nnillteral honesty. The danger
from corporate corruption I lea than
' h danger ; front corruption Itself,
. . whether for. or against corporations.
. : Ana aiauui cummanoment. rornma
stealing and doea not qualify tha prohl
. bitlon. We may not steal either from
- ; or thro ogh - corporation a. Don' t d e-
wwuvp miwi ana wins at oiacamail.
Let oa aeeur on the material plane.
i wmjhwiukv VFpurunilieS I or all
xoen. and on th ethical and spiritual
, - plane, clean living and riaht thlnkln "
- (And tb orator of th Whit House con-
Mad In Oregon Exhibits
May lth to 26th.
Something; entirely new gnd
modern. To introduce, we quote -the
special price of -
3.50 Pair
,The most perfect tense on the
market, insuring the best of sat
isfaetion in- every detail for per
manent and Accurate result s.
' Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
' 'Jeweler. . .. Silversmiths,
,'Hxert AVatch Repairing.
Whers Quality Is at Its Btst"
elude with th profound and original
"High Individual character ia th
foundation ton of National life." 1
These, I say, ar tbe moralities of th
copybook and tha primer. You may
pick them up In quantities in th nearest
kindergarten supply shop. And yet they
ar gravely Introduced. as admonitions
to th American people from It execu
tive. : - , T
'He I an extraordinary creature
Roosevelt," remarked Henry James of
him a year ago, "always preaching
platitudes. - An extraordinary creature."
....... TaalBa' aa Bemedy. . -:
There la, however, one thing in tbe
president's speech to which I have not
called attention. It ia the one thing in
IV that doea possess significance, fur It
shows him to be shrewd enough to make
hay even out of the harvest of the
muck rake. He is speaking of ths
menace of th vaat fortunes of the day.
and after startling ua with th informa
tion that w ahould discriminate be
tween fortune that la mad bonaatly.
In pursuance of th publlo interest, and
fortunes that are made criminally, for
the aak of selfish aggrandisement, ha
goes on to point out how tb evil for
tune, may be abated. They must be
taxed, lie says; the tax must be a pro
gressiva one, and it must be applied to
fortunes over a certain amount ao aa
to render Impossible th piling up of
too many mllllona. And this tax "Quit.
of course, be a national government tax
-not s state government tax." 1
He add that th national government
must suppress all corporations doing in-
teratat business.1. Rate legislation, he
remarka, is Jnst now t th for and will
no doubt b settled right, but it ahould
be regarded aa but a first step toward
control by the national government over
corporate wealth and for tho abatement
of th crying vlla of overcapitalisation.
The observation of Prealdent Roose
velt on the government control of trusia
la a singular reflection on previous
statements by corporation lawyera who
eagerly- favor" control ; of .the Interstate
corporations-by th 'national govern
ment- Th reason for this. Is obvious.
It mean th centralisation of trust con
trol and, iaoldentally, tb easier and
more certain corruption of that control.
Instead of combating or defeating th
laws or one or a dosen states, tba-trust
managera would merely have to circumvent-
tho central governments .' Tula
would bo infinitely more sure, more
satisfactory, and also less expensive.
By all means, cry th truat mana
gers, let the national government con
trol corporations .-..-: . ,m . ,
' Kls OsBtrallaatlon Soaeme.
Tea. that statement would, have sig
nificance, even If the rest of the world
shared Mr. Roosevelt s available im
pression that he ia not going to run' for
a third term. . It pointa to th goal that
all hi official acta that hav been in
telligent . and intelligible have pointed
at lnc he first cam to th Whit
House centralisation of political power.
Tbe progressive tax on fortunes" and
supervision of corporations la th later
guise aaaumad by the big stlok. And
In view of that fact, it will be wis for
us to remember that there can be on
thing worse than excessive - fortune
and corporate -greed, and that Is cen
tralisation of power in a republic. That
ha marked th beginning of th ' end
of all' republics that hiatory tells u
of; and' If Roosevelt has hla way It
will mark th beginning of the end of
ours. - That warning. If no ' other, w
may gain from the speech about th
man with th muck rake; and let ua
keep our eye on that, and not be be
guiled by th copy-books.. -v ' -
Words are good when backed no by
deeda, and only so," is on of oar presi
dent's best known apothegms; - but it
would ' better read ' "Word are good
when uaed to distract attention ' from
deeda that contradict the word, and
only so." Such, at least, has been their
function in most of Mr. Roosevelt's
derhrerle; but th stench -of the deed
will soon prov too potent for th frag
rance of th worda; and th people will
distinguish their friends from their enemies
1 !
300 Yards',
Crass Fiber Ccrpsts
Color red and green, aultabl
for bedrooms and many other
places A carpet that will wear
..well and - clean easy. 'Many,
people prefer It to matting.
Reg. 6O0 Development 2Qc
price, th yard...,. w
You and
. Your
ia-ii ns)T Tftccr, powtlano. omcoOn.
Sole Agents for Monarch Meable Ranges
a ' '
A neat Cream Pitcher, tt-pt, of
modeled earthenware; regular
, li Ho Development
price..... 'v
Tha sonne Creamer with gUt d co
rations; worth too - Af
: Development price. ....... vw
Rne CIrdseye Maple
Dressing fable
-l ass - . -,-J !". '
Fiano polish, serpentine
front, beveled French
plate-glass mirror' of spe-'
cial pattern; xegulaf $17.50.
Development price .. . -
Coffee Pots
at Big Reductions
2-Quart Coffea Pot Of royal steel enamel
ware. ielUni regularly at 45c. . 0"7
' Development -.price. . r .; ....... t . , a& W
3- pint Coffes Pot Royal steel enamel; reg
ular 35c. Development - :
price .....i.. ....... 0
4-plnt "Rochester" Nickel-Plated Coffes Pot
--Embossed body, pure black tin lining; riv
. ' eted cold handle and hinge all copper
nickel-plated; worth 95c While - A7
they last W C
This Week We Offer a 3
Folding: 36-Cart
Better ' known f. as a
Folding Sleeper .Go
Cart, with parasol,
rubber, tires, adjust
able back and foot
board. An absolutely
up-to-date crt at de
veropment prices.
Regular price $8.00.
Qther 7 Go-Carts ' Irom
3.50 up to f3S.
In the march of improvement and we hope soon to have most of
the departments In shape' to please even the most fastidious, al
ways bearing: in mind, however, that we are here to serve all of
the people aU of the time. : On the upper floors the work of bet
tering the store service goes hand in hand with the repairs and
alterations on the main floor. We want. every department so
inviting that ' !, ,' ..f -:"v;';- '--:":"::7.
; None Need Hesitate to Enter I n
While we will always have the prices so low, quality considered,
as to insure us the patronage of the most economical shoppers.
We are making room for new goods and disposing of every piece
of furniture that will not be carried in stock again this season.
We are cutting down on lines which -are overstocked. This
process of weeding out will make the work of stock-taking easier,
and enable the mechanics to more readily carry out the required
Improvements. . . . ; ,
That the pubUc appreciates honest advertising, faithfully
backed up in the store; we have had every reason to find out in
the pist two' weeks of our Development Sale. .- The volume of
business has grown by leaps and bounds, and we have absolute
confidence in the fact that . ":T:T"".
The Development Sale will Continue
SuccessfuIIy..This .Week
As usual we are' quoting DEVELOPMENT PRICES on
some splendid articles. ;, ? ' v. .!: : ' "'
ft j
1 1 i i i r
Pairs of
Three yards long, 40 inchei wid." Handsome
scroll pattern with plain center. - An ex
cellent $1 value, at Development
t price, of only, the pair ilaW
Steel Skillets
Commonly known as the "Nerer-Break.' A
Frying Pan that will do your work welL
' .No. 7 Regular price 40c. .Derel-, "7(
"' opment price . .". . . . .'. . . .... ...... V Ulr
No. 8 Regular '50c. ';: . "lOr
special ...,,..ilM,..'y.
MAY 1906
25c Lamps 15c
A neat Lamp, glass bowl with
handle, burner, wick ' and
. ; chimney complete. - Sells at
25c regularly. De-
eloprnent price.. ....17 w
: We Hare Just Unpacked 250 'Rolla of '
Imported Japanese Hatting
This is conceded to sell - anywhere, like all
5ood mattings do, at 25c the yard. But to
raw you upstairs to our carpet department,
we have set the Development price ClHr
this week t, the yard
Mrs.. Mansfield Petitlons for Ali
mony Until Supreme Court
. Acts on Divorce Suit.
Mrs Hattl XL Mansfield baa fllad a
petition In th circuit court aaklns that
her former husband. Claud H. Mans
field, b compelled to support her snd
their two children during; th pendency
of th lltlaatlon that has arisen over
her application for a divorce. Mr.
Mansfield was allowed a divorce In
th local circuit court on September It,
ItOt, and Mansfield at once appealed th
case to th supreme court.
In her affidavit Mrs. Mansfield de
clares that at th time ah was allowed
th divorce decree her former husband
was ordered to par 116 a month for tb
suppoct of their children and 1160 for
attorpeys fees; tb allnronr waa to hav
been 1 paid from Mar. Itol. but th
plaintiff In th divorce suit declare
that Mansfield has not paid her a cant
She also eaya that ah ha no money
to carry her case to th supreme court.
- It Is said thst Mansfield Is supplied
with money by J, U Hill, a rich uncle
residing; In Albany.
(Continued from Pas On.)
cool before fllllns. Th loading of
th 13-lnch un In this turret waa to
proceed in ths meantime. , .
Win slow Dlssota Bon.
. Captain Winsiow of th Kearaars
wa on deck when th sxploalon oc
curred and by hla order tha dead and
wounded war carried out and laid in a
row on deck wher th surgeons eg.
amtned them. Th wounded Were car
ried at one to th ship's hospital, where
their Injuries war dressed. Born of
them had broken less and arms. Oth
ers had escaped wits- sashes from th
flying- particle of th steel hoist Their
names hav not been revealed.
Aa examination of th turret mad by
sunners Immediately after th man wen
taken out showed that a aectlon of a
chars in on of th 11-lnch gun had
not exploded. In a second hoist wa
a bag of powder that had not been dis
charged. It had been' lowered - even
with th floor of th lower turret and
so escaped. i
Th turret Itself snd th guns, war
said .not to hav been In th least
damaged. .
On board th ICearsarge a board of
Inquiry was at one convened to' es
tablish th causa of ths explosion and
tha blams It was aald the blame. If
blame tber waa, rested on Lieutenant
Hudglna, who paid with his life for hi
lack of. ear .' ... v -
. Bteetrls llgat at Kalnlar.
' Rainier. .Or.. ' April J4.-Th Rainier
'ater.' Llaht At Fower company snd th
Rainier , Slectrlo Power company ar
1 i il - 7 - w
rr- - - -sCA
.'. , Our Line of , v ;,.-
Is Complete
in Every Respect
Bo many there are, fn fact, that It
- would be difficult to enumerate . them
all in on advertisement. W hav a
larger number than we cars to have on
hand, when w proceed to take stock
of them. To reduce th number prompt
ly, we quota some sttracttv figures
And if you don't see what you want In
this ad. w hav other sideboard to
' show in our salesrooms, that will ap
peal to you, - -
rolished, Quarts sawed Oak SHdeVoard,
. 44 Inches wide, 2t Inches deep, feet
, high: beveled French plat mirror,
14x2s. Two small and on large
- drawer, on ot which is lined Inside;
the other ar flnlahad; two com' -
rartmenta with doors A sideboard
hat will appeal to conaervatlve pur
chaser woo loos for quality at a
- reasonaDie prio. negiusr uviopment
i pries................
Splradid Ash MasboarA, 42-inch width,
20-Inch depth. German , plat glaaa
. mln-or. 14x24; awell top drawers, 1.
large drawer snd two doori
compartments. Regular '
$17.60 Development prlo(
Blegaat Quarter-awe4 Oak andsboard,
piano polish, band veneered; hand
some round pillar posts; beautiful
front, - rounded oorners; beveled
French plat mirror, measuring Its
Old value at in regular
-inch width,
plat glaaa
drawere, 1 .
;$ 15.00
price of 176 Develop
ment price
Good Diriinff-Room Tables
Are Always Attractive. WerHave a Splendid Collection of" This
t Useful Furniture and Can Wease you .-vrs - - -
-Extension Oak Dining-Table Fine polish, 4-inch fluted legs.When
; closed 42 inches square, when open 6 feet long; GbTI
-: regular $11.50 t)evelopment Price. ....... .". . .... J)sf hJ Vf .
Same Table, in round ; regular $14.50, Development PricV: ? 12.00 V
Extension Dining Table Quarter-sawed oak top, rope . legs, 42 ;
! inches square when closed, 6 feet long when 1 O gf
.open; regular $15.00. Development Price.... TTaJ 1 VfaOi
Same Table, 8 feet long when open ; regular $17.50 d f ' J g?
Development Price sP I JZfJ J
now completed snd .the town I now
furnished with good lights Thar 1
at present on - water . company In
Rainier, owned by W. B. Newaome, but
th Rainier Water, Light A Power com
pany proposes to install a new water
' Caatle Rock, YV ..., .prll 14. Editor
0. F. MoClane of the CowllU County
Advocate sustained s painful Injury last
night by having his arm drawn Into the
cogs on tha press. -
r . . ' .
All Run Down
In tbe spring that is the condition of
thousands whose systems bare not
thrown off the imparities aoeamalated
daring the winter tfood bnrnpra that
are now causing pimples, boils and
other eruptions, loss of appetite, biliqui
tarns, indigestion, . and other stomach
troubles, dull headaches and .weak,
tired, languid feelings.
Hood's Sarsaparilla removes all these
humors, cares all these troubles' ; reno
vates, strengthens and tones the whole
system. This is the testimony of thou
sands annually. r
Accept no anbstitate for . .x ,.1 . t
Hood'o Carsaparilla
Insist on having Hood's. Get It today.
In liquid or tablet form. 100 Doses f 1.
Says Iron Master Made Hit Mil
fc lions From Sweat and Blood ;
of Toiling Classes.
(Copjrifht, Hearst . Itews Serrleev a
- Wire ia Tae Joaruai.)
Cincinnati. Ohio. April 14. In accept
ing tb nsw Walnut Hill branoh building
of th public . library of Cincinnati a
few daya ago. Mayor E. 3. Dempaey did
not mention tb nam of Andrew
Carnegie, . whs liberally contributed
toward the erection of th edifice. Tb
mayor, when aaked about th incident,
said th .omission was intentional.
"I hav no admiration for a man who
has made million out of th sweat and
blood of th tolling classes and whs at
tempts to atone for oppression by giv
ing away buildings and then advertising
himself aa a philanthropist." said tb
mayor. 'Th plac where benefice nee
should hsv been begun "wa in hla
workshop and th workman should hav
had ths first benefit
Camegt I a creation Sf th sys
tem f special privileges whioh has en
riched few at tha expense of tha many.
I am not at all in acoord with hi man
ner of making money, and scarcely more
so with his method of spending It"
-,' V. f C ssmfora 8.
(Cjpectal Dlapatch r Mesrt Wire te The jresreel)
Han. Francisco, April 14. In a gam
today at Berkeley, hard fought from
start to finish and replete with sensa
tional plays, th University f California
baseball team defeated Stanford in th
aeoond gam of ' th - intercollegiate
aeries, scor 4 to I. This gives one
gsm to each university and a - third
game wilt be necessary.
(Speelsl Dispatch by teased Wire ta The tearaaU
Oakland, CaU April 14. William 8.
Boardman, aged II. one of the moat
prominent civil engineers on th coast,
died hera today. Boardman cam to
California in 111. H located th line
of th Central Paclflo railway from th
ummlt of . th Sierra to Truckee.
Afterward hs waa city engineer of Oak
land and surveyor of Alameda county.
, overV
ll KOi over-
..-;' V " : - -' 'J-J. ' . yl
(Special' DLpatca by teased Wire ta Tb Jesraal)
Nsw Tors. April 14. Mrs, Court
landt FHeld Bishop snd Mrs Newbold
Eklgar did not "make a balloon ascen
sion from Pittsfleld, Maaaachusetta, to
day, as was originally planned. Mrs
Courtlsndt Field Bishop, secretary . and
treasurer of th Aero club, made thla
announcement yesterday. Tbey will go
to Parts snd make s few ascensions
There they will not b subjected to a
disgraceful notoriety, declare 'Mr.
Btahop. . Mrs Thomas scattered violets
from L'Orlent when shs and her hus
band ascanded from Plttaneld on
Wednesday for their f.OOO feet flight
Into 'the clouds, which established a
new record for amateur ballooning 'In
America. Th Aero club will split wide
open on social lin and a new club
may be formed because of th violet ao-tlon.-
Quiet, silent warfare has' been
going on for some time. Dr. Thomas
has failed to meet ths approval of tb
men who control th Aero club. .
(Speelsl DUpeteh by Leass Wire le Tbe Jeorasl)
-Albuquerque, N. M.. April 14. Juan
Analla. a Santo Domingo Indian.- was
run down by s switch engine In th
Santa Fs yard at Gallup and both feet
crushed. Th Indies had been employed
by th railroad. II did' not lose con
sciousness sfter th accident and mad
no sound to Indicate h -wa suffering.
Analla was taken . ts the Santa Fa
hospital hers On the way he refused
anesthetics and did not utter a com
plaint. . At: ths hospital It .was
Ji,. - -
s Candida for Bepieseatasv. '
orncxAX maxaot .,
Mr. -S..H. Oruber, the well-known
lawyer, is a candidate for. representative,
Hla number is 74 on th official ballot
If nominated and elected he will aup-
port th people's choice of Republican
for U. B. Senator. . , .
that amputation of bn(h feet would, b
necessary to remove the shattered bone.'
Tho I tidies-refused an anesthetlo and ;
H wlU rcovr.,.. -