The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 19

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(Continued from Pag Eighteen.)
beautiful tribute to the poet-priest of
the south. The low sweet tones of the
. speaker were characterletlo of the southern-gentlewoman,
the minor note of
her votoa adding pathos to her story and
. stirring . the hearts of hen listeners,
while her grace of speech, and manner
were peoullarly Appropriate to all that
WM BBld. - : ?- - - j . ......
. There were other charming- feature
of the entertainment,' among them Mrs.
Magulre'a recitation In the negro dia
lect. The aouthern alra played by the
young daughter of the bouaa were also
pleasing. The cordiality of the hostess
and her dellcioua and bountiful refreshments-
were In keeping with the tradi
tion of southern life..
Tbe sole object of this little band of
women: la to keep alive, not bitterness
and resentment, but the recollection of
the deeds of brave men and 'women,
- who In trying daye responded nobly
: to the call, of what they believed to be
. their duty and faced evervdanger and
. hardship In Its service.
. . w. ' ..
-"Eugene i Field" was" the subject of
study for-the Illinoia Study club Wed-
. neaday. .'April 11. at the -residence 01
Mrs.. H. L. Torrence.'. The hostess read
. the paper of the day - and had charge
of the program. Mtas Beuian uaaweu
sang Field's "Little Boy Blue" aet to
- music by Nevln; Mr. I, ' Vlggera read
' the poem, "The Wanderer";. Mlsa Maud
Steadman gave Hawley's pretty song
: aettlng of "Daisies"; Mra. P. Q.- Hernei
read "Dldbln'a Ghost": Mra. Torrence
played Schumann'a "Traumerel"; Mra.
A.' Dayton read '"The Angel' and the
Flowers"; ' Miss Steadman aang again
" 'Resignation" (Caro Roma): Mrs. Nina
Larowe read "Grandma's Bombasine,"
and Miss Bculah Cadwell aang "When
, ' Song la Sweet.' M,ra. McCann. Mra.' T.
O. Greene and Mr. T. V. Sherman alao
"read humoroue selection's. . A pretty
Idea waa the aouvenir acrostic prepared
by - Mra. Torrence and printed In the
cjub j:olora.ThJiiltlBiJettera.ot.fa
mlllar quotations from Field a poems
spelled hi name.' Refreshments were
' served late ln the afternoon during a
. . pleasant aoclal hour. . v .. - ,
' w ... w. '.
'" Mra. O. P. M. Jamison entertained the
Tueaday. Afternoon club at her , new
' home, S7I Main street, last week. The
program, which began at t o'clock, was
a continuation of the study of "The
' Duchess of Malft," and waa In. charge
' of the year-book committee. Act IV
, of the play waa outlined by Mra. Stile
' and Act V by Mra. Eahelman. Sketches
of the principal rharacters were given
' as follows: Ferdinand and the cardi
nal, by Mra. Bailey; the ducheas and
' Antonio, , by Mra, Ilirach. Mra. Jami-
. eon aang for the club and Master-Homer
placed.. the "piano. : .Delicious loe
7 cream and cake were - served --by - the
hostess at the close of the program. The
gueata of the hostess,' besides the mem-
bera. were Mra. W. F. Graham, -Mra.
". Markensle and Mlaa Nlsley. The club
- will meet next week with Mrs. George
'Boynton, 1)1 East Ankeny street, at
p. nu. ; -."J.-w.i-.
v : . . " -sr;-
.The Men' league of the First Pres
, fcyterlnn church gave a reception Tuee
. day evening at the church for Rev, Dr.
Tbomae Parry of -Plttaburg,. who -has
been filling the place of Dr. Edgar P.
, Ulli during bla absence abroad. . The re
. ceptton, which waa alao the .' annual
- meeting of the league, waa largely at
tended by frlenda outside the church as
well as by members. The rooms were
' attractively decorated with fern and
aprlng flowers. There waa music by
The Handsome
Just a few of COLUMBIA
" 1 1 Exclusive-. Patterns ; :vi
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Checks, - Gray,
three shades
' of gray. r : . .
..... . . . . .-
Silver Oray Mixed Worsteds
Heringbone Weave Velour,
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and gray. .; ." .' '.
Wide Clan Plaid Cheviots.
Moonlight : Gray Worsteds,
" newest Scottish weaves.
Pepper and Salt, plain gray
; and pin check gray.
. Serges, ten weights and
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V uine Washington . Navy
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Naval Officers. : y , -.
$20 to $40
These fabrics are all soft, silky
' SMl.hul mrrA m W tkufc In the heat
lining and trlmmlnga and finish
tn iwnna wixo nwwrai wrar-
- A suit made up free one of the -above
fabrtoa. with tbe lateat
style faahtonable broad collar,
atraiatit front and ereeaed eoat.
will pleaae you. and will prove a
good buelneea laveatment. Ten
will feel a lot more eonfldenoe tn
yearaelf If yo are well dreeaed.
Aak to aea the llnlnga and trim. '
mtng we pot la tfi ult ,
Stvtzih tzi SUrk Sts.
Bines and
Mra. Fletcher Linn. Dom J. Zan and' J.
'Ross Fargo,, and there were a number
of brief apeechea. Hefreahmenta were
aerved by the young women of Mra. R.
K. Warren's Bible claa.' who were
daintily gowned in light dreaaea. J
-, w "
'Mr. and Mr. George I. Thompson en
tertained the Theodora club ' at their
home, 42S Eaat Fifteenth atreet, Tues
day evening. The rooms ' were deco
rated with Oregon grape and flowers.
Five hundred waa played at five tablea
In 24 rounda, the hoateaa receiving the
prlae, aa I the cuatom of the club.
Mra. Thompaon waa assisted by the
Mlaaea - Thompson In serving! refresh
ments. The club will meet April 21
with Mrs. Fred A. Daly, fit . Eaat
Twelfth street. . -
" . ,.''"
Mr. And Mrs, Carlos ' 8. t'nna cele
brated their fifteenth anniversary on
Thursday. April . Five hundred waa
played, after which refreshmenta were
served. Mra. Bchwarts and Misa.Poa.
ner captured the priaea In the afternoon
game, and In the evening, after the men
had Joined the company. Mlsa L. Browa
and M. O. Cohn, Mra. Will Franota and
8. Lelr were the wlnnera.
" ..... ;', -r-Mr,
and Mr. Frank Woodman of 671
Eaat Twenty-fifth atreet gave a pro
greaaive whlat party Saturday evening.
March II. The flrat priaea were won
by Mra George' Kaiser and Mr, Van
Buren and the consolations" by Mis
Veva peabody and .Will Nolnston. A
light upper waa aerved late In .the
evening and Mr. Adams delighted the
gueata. with aeveral violin numbera. .
Mr. Julia Stephens of Mount Tabor,
entertained the sewing club of Linooln
Garf leld corps, Tuesday afternoon.
There waa a good attendance and Mia
Kate Gordon of the Equal Suffrage as
sociation held a parlor meeting before
luncheon was aerved. She waa listened
to attentively. Luncheon waa served at
1 o'clock and a large amount of sewing
was done during the afternoon.
:, w w ., ,-, r-.-iV-'-'
Mrs. 1 Franklin- entertained the ' 1901
Whlat club. In a charming manner last
Thursday. - Mra. Mathiot won the flrat
prise, Mra.' Gregory the second, and Mra.
Vellef the coneolatlon. After whist a
dainty luncheon waa aerved at the card
tableal The neat meeting will be with
MlaaG. B. . Zeller,. 400 Pecond street.
April . , ! ,
Mrs. ' 3": ""Vhlteomb " B rougher waa
pleasantly aurprlaed at her home Wed
nesday evening tn honor of her birth
day. A number of the church frlenda
called at the parsonage and left glfta
and the evening was passed pleasantly
With social chat. - . ..' ..
. Ona of .the prettiest, weddings of the
season... waa solemnised Wednesday
evening - at tbe Flrat Congregational
church, when Mlaa Mae Romalne was
united In marriage ' to. Landor Penne,
Rev. E.-L. Houae, D. D performing
the ring ceremony. At 1:10 o'clock the
bridal party entered the church to the
stralna of Mendelssohn's wedding march,
played-by Mlaa Leonora Fisher, while
during the ceremony Miss Linehau
sweetly - aang "O Promise Me" (De
Koven). A a the bride advanced to the
Altar aha was preceded by the ushers.
George MoClurg and Theodore Osmond,
and her maid of honor, Mlaa Gertrude
Wetiler.- The groom waa attended by
J. B. Garretson aa beat man. '
The bride was attired In a Princeee
gown of white erepe de ohine with tulle
vei . which was held In place - with
orange bloaaoms. She carried a shower
bouquet of Bride roaea, : The maid of
honor wore blue chiffon over blue allk
and a white picture hat trimmed with
blue plumea. She carried Bridesmaid
rosea. Immediately after the ceremony
the bridal party repaired to the home
of the bride's mother where a wedding
aupper waa aerved. only . Immediate
relatives being present.
Mr. and Mra. Penne left for a bridal
trip through Washington and will be at
home after May 1 at 13 H West Park
street. .
Miss Julys Louise Blldner and Lacy
Larrowe Wisdom were married yester
day at the home of tbe brlde'a parents.
Mr. and Mra. Val Blldner, Spokane. Tbe
ceremony waa a quiet one. Mr. - and
Mrs. Wisdom will return to Portland
and will be at home after May 1 at 41
Columbia street. Both young people
nave accomplished lomething tn musla
Mrs. Wisdom Is a pianist, educated at
the Conservatory of Mualo. In Cincin
nati, Ohio, and la popular In Spokane.
Mr. Wisdom la a tenor In the male quar
tet of the White Temple cbolr.
' Mlas Blanch Hurley of Toledo.' Lin
coln county, and William Wlnans of
Portland ware married Wedneaday even
Ing by Rev.. Henry A. Barden at 171
fCotlege atreet. Mis Sohuntrr waa the
bridesmaid, and Maddle Wlnans the best
man. Mr. and Mrs. Wlnans wilt reside
at lit Hoyt atreet. -
Mlas Beeal Walker and C. B. Kings
more, both of Belllngham. Waahlngton.
were married Monday noon at 371 Col
lege atreet by Rev. Henry A. Barden.
Mr. and Mra. Klngamore were accom
panied by Arthur Cos. After a few
days' atay In the ctty they will return
to Belllngham to make their home.
w .v.
The marriage of Robert C. McQueen
and Mlas Eva Wood, both -of Pendleton;
took place Monday evening, April I. The
ceremony waa- performed at the Bap
tist parsonage by Rev. G. L. Hall, paator
of the Baptist church. Mlaa Wood haa
been a teacher In the Pendleton public
schools. .: : ' -;-.."--.-,..'-',.-
. v. -- "
' Mis Amy Satterwhlt and Adolph B.
van der Wielen were united In marriage
April J 8 by pr. J. Whltcomb Brougher.
at hla home, f 01 Eleventh atreet. It
wa a pretty wedding and there were
present a number -of the friends of the
couple. Mr. snd Mrs. . van der Wielen
will be' at home, after June at Auburn,
Waahlngton. .
. .' - 'w "' i
Harold W. Haney- and Mis arah
Carr were married by Dr..' E. . I Houae
at his home laat Wedneaday . evening
at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mr. Haney will
be at home to. their frlenda at S7Ifc
Eaat Oak street. , '
. Ae the-home. of. R. H. Thompson, on
April I, Mlaa Crystal M. Garner and
R. H. .Thompson Jr. were married In
the preaence of a few relatives snd
friends. .. Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher
performed the ceremony. ...
Mlsa Alta B. Hawley and Clinton D.
Chorpenlnt. both of Bugene, Oregon,
were united In marriage April t by Dr.
J. Whltoomb Brougher at his home, 01
Eleventh atreet. , , ,
........ ; "" '
' Miss Ethel. Marcla Hoyt and Thomas
A. Reynolds were married at the real.
dance of the bride's pa rente at Univer
sity Park Thursday by Rev. D. B. Oray.
A large number of frlenda were present
to offer good wlahea, aa both the young
people are popular In their coramunlty.
Mr, and- Mra. Reynolda Bailed oa the
evening steamer for a.n Franclsca and
.upon their return will make their home
at University Park.
A pretty wedding took place laat
Tueaday evening, April 10, at the home
of Mra L. J. De Keater. 431 Taylor
atreet, when Dr. D. lr MacCreedy and
Mlas Jennie L. Belden were united la
; WEDDINcis. .
avO""" "
Countess of Dudley, a Leading Fig-
, .... ure of the Britiib Court.'.'
marriage' by Dr.-"- K." L. House. A few
Intimate frlenda. were present. Dr.' and
Mra. MaoCreedy will reside - at III
Seventh street. . . v: . , -
.. .. v.,,-..... ..', :
Harry Wilson 'and Miss Hat tie Lat-
aon were married April V In the pastor's
reception-room In-the White Temple. Dr.
Brougher performing the marriage cere
mony, , r V
The" first of "a series ' of home musi
cs les will be given at the reatdence of
Mra.. II. L. Chandler, 2(7 Eaat Thirty
fifth - street, nest Friday, evening for
which invitations have been laaued. The
program will be given by Roy Marlon
Wheeler, planlat. and hla selected pupils,
and they will be assisted by Mlaa Nettle
Ktngery, aoprano. and . pupils of Mrs.
Henderson's - School of Dramatlo Art.
Following Is the- programi Overture.
D'Oberon Fantasia" (Weber). Misses J
Graoe Chandler and Irene - Chandler;
valae op. 4 No. 1 D flat major (Chopin),
Mlaa Hasel Loder; "Narclaaua" (Nevln),
Mlaa Leota Dletrlcha; polonaise (Bohm),
Mlases Irene 1 Chandler and Grace
Chandler; "The Dance of the June
Bugs" (Horst), Miss Marguerite Moore;
A Night in Lisbon. Barcarolle'" (Salnt-
Baena), valae In A flat,-Op. 42 (Chopin),
Mlaa Irene Chandler; "Airs From Opera
'Martha . (Beyer), Mlaaea Marguerite
Moore and Myrtle Hitchcock; "Minuet,"
"Sarabands,'' . "The Desert, an etude
(Paderewakl), Mr. Wheeler; aoprano solo
(selected). Mlas Nettle Ktngery:.. noc
turne. Op. S3. - No. t (Chopin). "At
Evening" (Salnt-Saena),, "Troll Dance"
(from - "Peer Oynt"). . (Grieg), violin
solo (selected), "In the Morning"-(from
Peer Gynt") (Grieg), Maater Howard
Chandler and Mlaa Irene . Chandler;
dramatlo reading (selected), "Serenade
(Schubert), "Petite Morceau" (Cham
Inade), Miases May Clark, Loeta Dlet
rlcha, Hasel Loder and Master Howard
Chandler; song, selected from "Legend
of' Multnomah Falls" (words by Mrs.
Susan Williamson Smith). "Come to the
Grsnge With Me. Love" (words by John
Minto) (dedicated to Mlaa Kingery. two
eonge arranged for soprano voice by Roy
Marion Wheeler), Mtas Nettle Kingery;
overture. "William Tell" (Roaslnl), Mr.
Wheeler and Mlaa Lois Zeebuyth; dra
matlo reading (selected), "Danae Ma
cabre" (Saint Saena-Llast), Mr. Wbeeler;
"Masurka ' de Concert (violin and
piano) (Muain). "Turklah Grand March"
(Beethoven). "Triumphal -March" (from
"Sigurd Joraalfar") (arreg).--"Weddlng
March" (from "Suite del Hiawatha")
(the oompoaer , at the piano), Mr.
Wheeler. - .j.-- ,
- -
, Puplla of Mlas Grace Wilton will give
a olaaa recital next Saturday afternoon
at t o'clock at Mlaa Wllton'a studio, 7C4
Eastv Main atreeC The .following pro
gram will be given: . .
"Valae" (Bcnroaeri, Annie lownaena;
Dancing Dolls" (Campiglio). - Irene
Brandea: "Albumblatt" (Qrleg), Elala
Qullllam; "aliie- (Ludovlc)." Estella
Klelnsmlth; "Maaurka" (Schmoll). Mary
Townaend; "Dsnclng- (Mendelssohn),
Aagot Laaaenr 'Les Myftlea" (Wachs),
Eunice Townaend; "Gavotte" (Sartorro),
Alice Dempaey; "Prelude" (Chopin),
Loutae Qullllam: "Edelweiss" (Vander
beck). Jack Hlnka; "Valae" (Chopin),
Isabel Beck with; "Die Sllbernlxe"
(Helna), Beryl Lltherland; "Sonata Op.
II No. I Allegro, ; Menuetto, Trio"
(Beethoven). Norma -j Gravea; "Song
Without Worda'' ( Holsel ). Dorothy
Oaly VeMea emaaato ea raaule Oeest.
Jhe Face Should Be Fair
While the body lives. It Is
ear bastneia sad
Onr skill la ae.
sur renowa a
ocrnpattna to make it fair. ,
knowledirM fr snfl wine.
bread as fba west Id
The Old May Be Young
Aad tne'reang reaiala We Alinlss tbe
bscaard appearanr sod eaoae beauty to bloom
pes tbat seearlag eauatenanee. ah racial
blemiaaee-are reawved. warta.-BMlsa, pimples,
rssbe. sereratss sffeetloaa sad eeseaia of
the seals- aturmtwut.-r'-r-z--
FREE Samples of
Complexion Cream "
T tvery caller all this wsek. TeaitlTtly
,., BMoey takes for these staples.-.
OklXHTAt XAtrxT PAklOkg, ;
see MerrHea. soar rr smwt, I '
Zal. aeiite !(.
Hlm-ke; "Alegro" (Mendelaaohn), Laola
Strubla; "Bourree" (Bach),' "Nocturne"
(Hohutt). Eva ' Gravea; ''Hungarian
Rhapsody No. 10". (Liaat), Rita Allen.
At the-, laat meeting of Mrs. Walter
Reed'a Tueaday Afternoon club the fol
lowing ' program - waa given: "Norse
Malden'a Lament' (HeckacberK Mlaa
Lillian Rourke; -"Doet Thou Knowr
(Maaaenet), Mine 1411 yn Glendenning;
"A Bong of Sleep" (Somerset), Mlaa
Eleanor Brodle; '0Lord, Be Merciful"
(Bartlett). Mrs. A. L. Blrhardson; "The
Violet" (Mlldenberg), Mlsa Clara How
ell; "Popplea" (De Koven),. Mlaa Ethel
Powers; "Invano." a aerenade (Toetl),
Mlaa Kate Ramsdellv . .' ' "
... w ... '
. Mlaa Elsie Garrett was the soloist at
the laat. meeting of the Tuesday After
noon club. The following membera of
the club are to aaalat In the Eaater
mualo today: Mlaa Coffee at the Uni
tarian church, Mlaa Gladys Grenler at
the Fourth Presbyterian, Mlaa Harriet
Johnson at the Second Baptiat church
and Mlaa Grace - Gilbert - at Miapah
church. Alexander Bamuets-wUl- aaalat
at the Cumberland Presbyterian church?
-Harold V. Mllllgan went r to Walla
Walla . Monday and gave, a recital at
Whitman college Tueaday evening. He
returned Wedneaday to take charge of
the Eaater mustc at Calvary . Presby
terian church. This evening at Calvary
church Waldemar Llnd, violinist, will
play an aria on. the G string by Bach,
and also an obllgato for a Handel solo,
sung by Mr. May Dearborn. Sobwab. -,.
' Miss Frances Amsterdam, well known
through her w-ork for II months tn the
Portland hotel orcheatra, left Thuraday
for Dreaden to' study voles. Madame
Gad ski, during her recent visit, heard
Mlas Amsterdam alng and was delighted
with her splendid soprano. Miss Amster
dam studied with Mrs. Roaa Bloch
Bauer and William Caatleman - while
here. , T '- ..-';-;' ..-''' i 4
wi.,.-.'... ' '
Mlas Helen Barstows beautiful so
prano waa heard to good advantage In
Schubert's "My Sweet Repose" at Dr.
Thomas Parry's- lecture on Bismarck
last Friday evening at the Flrat Preaby
terlan church. - For an encore she gave
Meyer Helmund's "Violets." Mlsa Edith
Kelley waa her accompanist., '
- - . . ww
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Baiier-will present
Mrs. George Davis snd Mlaa Grace Gil
bert -In.- song -recitals, next Thuraday
afternoon.- They will give Von Flelita's
song cycles, "Eliland" and "Schoen Gret
letn," and the "Four Indian, Love Ly
rlca" (Woodforde-Flnden),
: ' "
Miss Alios Juston. a well-known con
tralto, returns next; week from, a de
lightful trip through the eastern states
Wbile-ln New Tork Miss Juston coached
with Victor Harrla. composer and teach
er, who Is most enthusiastic over her
voice. ----- '-.-.- .,'-t- -
Mr. Anna Selkirk Norton has aban
doned her California trip and haa given
up her other musical engagements for
the season on account of -the death last
week of her brother In southern Cali
fornia. ' . '' . v." .-
.-.'' ': "x '
The Ope ratio Study club met laat
week with W. Gifford Naah and will
meet this week with Dr. Cummlnga.
They will continue the study of "Ls
Toaca."--.- ' " 1
.-.'-; . " -'
" Arthur Alexander aang The Palma"
with splendid effect at St. Mary's
cathedral Palm Sunday. , ' '
. , . : ',.'.. ' - .
Mlaa -Ethel Powers - will -substitute
Easter and-'uext Bunda. ln tbe Mlspab
Presbyterian choir. i!. . . '. . .
Miss Mae - Belle Names will have
charge of the program at the Patton
borne tea. Tueaday, at t o'clock. Pupils
of John Clair Montelth .and William
Wallace Graham will give the muaical
numbers and Miss Names pupils the
readings. - All friends are invited to at
tend. The program will be: Vocal solo,
"Sleep, Little Tulip" (Nevln), "Since
First I Met Thee" (Anton Rubinstein),
Miss Sabln Dent; monologue, "Aunt Bo
phronla at the Opera" (arranged by El
ala .West). Mlsa Daisy Dunning; read
ing, "Bill Smith." Miss Elisabeth Chan
eey; vocal aolo, "The Night Has a
Thouaand Eyes" ' (George L. Osgood),
"Allah" (D. W. Chadwlck), "Little One
a-Cryln' " (Oley Speaks), Mlsa Cope
land; reading, "The Victor of Marengo,"
Mlas Myrtle Smlthaon; violin obllgato,
"Sonatina, Allegro, Andante" (Schu
bert),' Mia . Lenore Gregory I -mono
logue, "Taking an Elevator ; reading.
"How . Mallndy Slnga" (Paul Lawrence
Dunbar), Mis Rena Berry; vocal solo,
"A-Oypav MaldenI"iHenry Park).
Miss Sabln Dent; reading, "Trick Ver
sus Trick" (John Seymour Wood), Mra
J. D. Toting; vocalso4o,-"The- Queen of
tbe Earth-Mother" (C. Pinautl), Mlaa
Copeland; monologue. In two .scenes.
"Taken by Surprise" (Netta Victoria
Victor). Mlas Blanche Eberhard; vocal
aolo, "Four-Leafed Clover" (Coombs)
Mlas Kathleen George; reading. "The
Boy Orator of Jepata, City" (Richard
Harding Davie), . Mlas Elisabeth Chan-
cey. , "
- The choir boys of St. David's church
are planning an operatlo entertainment
to be given at the pariah houae, Friday
and Saturday evenlnga, April 27 and
28. An operetta of two acta has been
chosen, "Old Glory, or The Boys of '74."
V r . , .. W W . ' --
The Cathedral Ladles' Aid society
will give a- card party t. and danoe
at Lerowe hf.ll Thursday evening. 'The
patronesses will - be Mrsv- J. Halllnan,
Mrs. H. A.i Dlitton, Mrs. P. J. Cronln,
Mrs. ' John Murphy, Miss McKay and
Mrs. Frank -Barrett.
w .
Eureka council. No. 204. Knights and
Ladies of Security, will give a prise
whist - party tomorrow evening at Its
halt In the Auditorium. Admission I
free to all. ' ,
f . :..' ' ' . . .-:
- The Chancel society of ' Bt. David'
Church will meet Wedneaday evening,
April 25, i at o'clock, at the home of
Mrs. F.. S.i West, (01 East Taylor street.
Mrs. T. A. Stewart and her daughter,
Mlaa Nora, left laat week for southern
California for several weeks.
Mlas Florence Wlmer of Concordia,
Ksnsaa, has bren In Portland this week,
the sueat of Mrs. A. J. Monroe. She goes
from here to Oreson City,. Salem and
other coast cltlea. With her father and
mother, Mlas Wlmer visited the fair-last
season, and ls so pleased with the Pa
clflo slope that she may make her home
here.. Other ruest of Mrs. Munros were
Dr. and Mrs. Dickey of Kansas City,
Missouri, t who were also visitors at the
fair and are now preparing to make
their home In Seattle. . - - '
Dr. Fred J. Zelgler, who hss been In
Philadelphia the past three years, com
pleted his hospital work there laat
month and wll return home the latter
part of the week. He Is making several
hort visits on his return Journey.
Mr.- ana irr,j. mienneimer ot am
lem visited frlenfls In Portland early In
am weea, . i
Mra. O. Qlbaon arrived from Salem
aaushUlMrs. T VSurTc., -
Hlonday We Will Show Resplenrieni Spring Styles
In fine tailor-made Suits, Eton and Pony Jackets in all the newest weaves and fabrics an Im -mense
collection of t everything new, stylish and attractiveand offered at unusual opportuni-.
- ties for genuine sayings throughout jsyery department. About the articles advertised herewith
we have this to say: " . ,- ' -r '. :' :. v.. " .--.-' ' !". "
There are No ExagoeraUons Regardino Their Worlh
No misrepresentations regarding their qualities. In all our. advertisements we. want you to
particularly note that whatever we say is so. . We are right in the front rank of progressive)
merchandising, and this means very much to you. Confidence once established, the rest is easy.
Read below for interesting news : ',.,...-: f-v ,.'-'1
Ladies Summer Underwear
-Ladies' fine ribbed - Vests,' half
sleeves and sleeveless...... '.8f
Ladies Swiss ribbed Vests, laco
yoke, plain and drop stitch, all
colors, sixes 38 to 46. . . ... . 15
Ladies' Swiss ribbed Vests,
hand crochet lace, low neck,
short sleeves; 40c value; spe
cial 35
Ladies' fine ribbed mercerixed
silk Vests, silk edge, low neck
and sleeveless; extra peciaLBOe)
Ladies' ribbed cotton Vests, long
sleeves, high neck, silk tape: a
regular 35c value; special.. 25eV
Ladies' .cotton knit .Drawers,
knee and - ankle . lengths, lace
trimmed; special ......... 25e
Ladies fine knit Union Suits.
ow neck, sleeveless, trimmed
with Torchon lace; special. 2Se
Children's - fine ' cotton Vests,'
crochet edge; 10c value; spe
cial . . . . . . VV ; ....... . . fcf
Ladies', fast black cotton Hose,
also fancies, . all sixes, double
soles; special 12
The Buro vie Hose for women,
fast blacky full fashioned and
seamless ; special Vr,rr 23
, t.
SO dosen extra heavy ribbed
Hose for boys, double heel, toe.
and knee; 20c value, pair.. .10
The "Knickerbocker Hose for
boys, fast black, double heels,
toea and knees; special..,. 25.
Black Cat Hose for boys and
girls, mad extra strong; fast,
color; . special pair, .,... 25
$1.50 Suitings $1.00 Yd.
42-inch check chiffon Panama, a swell new fabric,
grays and tan; $1.50 value; special.... ..r.fl.OO
44-lnch Imported Shadow Check, solid colors, re
seda, gray, champagne, blue; special...... fl.OO
44-inch silk warp Crepe de Paris, very . closely
woven ; special ........................... a) l.OO
44-inch Chiffon Voile, very latest shades, gray,
tan, reseda, blue; special.... .fl.OO
Judge Brents at Walla Walla De
: dines to Grant Application
of Stockholder.
(SsseUl Dispatch to The JoaraaL)
Walla Walla, Wash.. April U. Al-
Thousht the Snake River Irrigation com
pany and the Continental Conatructlon
company owe between $30,000 and $40.-
ireei aetere n
pmnondp rl imli,
ftr lM CsraA
No X Kar er olhaf
Swindle. A Paclnc Is
land pUol nacce (be
caraa. aaselsW Seer.
Iialea, Aar Inaier,
nap ar sere ea the
Ip, face er aavwhere
si BionthslscsBcer,
JJS-raee Seek ami
tree with trntiaoaial
el Iheaaaada caraa.
Write tetbem.
laCANCBR aad If aUetS It wfll always see.
M daa claadala tkaaraipUatid kllleakkly.
bm mm mi vsmw iiisiina urtasv
29 ThlrS St., aaa Fraaclsco, Cat
Ladies'- cambric - Gowns, mad
high 0 low neck, tucks, lace
and embroidery trimmed.. .TS
Fine cambric Gowns, ' slipover,
square 1 or round neck, lace and
embroidery trimmed; $1.75 val
ue; special .............. f 1.20
Ladies' cambric Chemise, lace
yoke, new circular effect. Tor
chon lace edging; a regular 75c
value; special ........... ..49
Ladies' tine muslin Drawers, full
"sixe, ruffle, French band; a good
value at twice the price; spe
cial :. ...21
Ladies' Corset Covers, fine cam
bric, two rows 'lace insertion,
lace around neck; 35c value;
special . ... . r: . . ,. , .;. ..... .23
Corset Covers, best quality cam
bric, lacs, embroidery and rib
bon trimmed; a good 60c value: '
special .. ........ ...39
Children's .. muslin Drawers,
trimmed tucks, hemstitched; a
good seller at 15c; special. lOeV.
Wash Goods Specials
3,000 yards Panama Voiles, a
nice assortment of colors and
patterns, makes up nicely for
summer dresses; 15c value;
special ...... ...8. 1-3
New French Organdies, daintv
new patterns, floral, stripes and 1
dots; a special lot bought to sell,
at 18c and 20c a yard: spe
cial ..i..,..7?.,,..ia,
25 pieces pretty new Batistes,
nearly all colors, pretty de
signs; sold elsewhere for 15c a
yard; to close the lot, special,
yard 10
Best quality Dress Ginghams, 27
inches wide; special, yard.. 10
Third and Morrison
000 they are unable to pay. Judge Brents
yesterday afternoon declined to appoint
a receiver for the two companies on the
application of E. M. Warner, a stock
holder, and I Roy Slater, a contract
land owner In the Two Rivers Irrigation
project being promoted by the two com
panlea. Judge . Brenta aald he would
hold the receivership In sbeyance for
the time and advised the warring stock
holders and land owners to pull together
In an effort to make a succesa of the
Two Rivers project, on which so fsr
something like $126,000 haa been 'ex
pended. A. B. Fraeme, manager, of the com
panlea, waa Instructed to- deposit-with
the clerk of the court all documents,
contracts and papers of value pending
a settlement of their financial diffi
culties. Fraeme and hla associates be
came involved in financial troubles
through defective machinery Installed
at the big pumping plant north of Tvo
Rivers. By the terms of the contract
the two companies made with land
owners, wster was to have been turned
on the landa last aummer. New ma
chinery la now on the ground and will
be Installed within a week, when It Is
expected that the system will be put
Into operation and money due from land
owners on deferred - payments - will - be
collected and much or the present In
debtedness paid up.
, atQtom Chorea Delegatee.
(Avscial Dispatch to Tee Joeraal.)
Milton, Or., April It. Tbe handsome
hew church which has been erected In
Milton by the Southern Methodists at a
cost of $1,000 will be dedicated with
appropriate exercise tomorrow. It will
be known aa the M. K. church south,
and la one of the finest buildings of the
kind In eastern Oregon.
Rev. H. 8. Shangle and -Professor
Howard of the Columbia rollers will
leave In a few daya for Blrmlnrham,
Alabama, to attend the general co-r-snce
of the M. K. church sou i. t
Thomson's Militant Bias Gored
French Corset, sateen, short hip,
straight front,! in black only)
$1.50 value ........;.....:.T5
.The celebrated La Victoria Cor
set,' French CoutU. bias gored.
In black and drab only; regular
$3 value; special. .......1.4T
Warner's Cable Net ; Summer
Corsets, rustproof," short hip,
straight tront; an exceptionally
good value at $1.00; special.47
. Genuine 7 White .Tranck Batista
Corset, princess hip, hose sup
porters, front and aides; easily
worth $1-50; special.. .....85
. -
The Empire, a swell little cor
set, colors pink, blue, white and
drab, sixes 18 to 25; 'an extra
special at T, 77?. i . t. T
White Lawn, full 30 inches wide,
fin finish, nice even thread: our
regular 15c quality; extra Mon
day and Thursday 12i
36-inch Percales; a regular I2ytc
quality; light or dark, newest of
designs; special, yard.,....10
We are showing an extensive
line of fin Whit Waisting.
Monday and Thuraday we put ar
special price on every piece;
they rang from 15e yard to 40
2.500 yards cotton Chaises, new
designs and colors; Monday and
Thursday special, yard.. . . . . .5
Plain Whit Organdie, full 28
inches wide; sold all over town
at 50c; special .............S5
Buy Mount Hood Shirts
25 dosen Mount Hood Shirts, new 190S styles and
Sstterns, . best of materials; $1.00 value; special
onday and Thursday.... .60
Boys' Dress Shirts (Mount Hood brand), sixes
to 14 years, pretty new stripes and figures; worth
50c; Monday and Thursday;.. ...... ..25
Men's Balbriggan Underwear; regular 75c qual
ity; pink, blue and flesh Colors; special,' gar.. 48
Come at once and have free examination. ,
$8.00 TO $8.00; WHITB CROWNS. $$.!
TO $1.00.
All work guaranteed for ten years. .
11H Morrison St. Opp. Melee as Fran
" and Postof flee., . .
A aaaa arraia to trast a paeyle
should not be trusted by the people.
Tots fov oaly those leflslattva eaadU
date who have smssevlbed to Btaes
t STo. 1 wrthoat auaJtf teetlea.
. JO ATXAjr Botnura J.
former goes as clerical representative)
and the latter aa the lay rspreeeatattv
of the Kaat Colombia conference.
9. B. Waltaey, mats Mates,
ts now serving his first term and ha
made an efficient, obliging officer, a-1
stands upon hla record In eaklnf f r ,
second tenn. Vote for him.
. Odd renews ts f
(Swirlal D1pt'
Cottage Urov, .,
Fellows here wll
veraary of the f
In America
gram Is O