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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
THE OREGON I SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 18. ISC 18 r i: LADIES OUTFITTERS 3XeWOMANS STORE The Leading Fourtk and Mor rison; Streets rurrierfl r I -t- .V aJ HOLY WEEK la not supposed to be gay anjl thla year has not aeen i exception the nil a i, Th, pait efk was perhapa ' the quietest of all Xent ran thenon- obeervanta entering tnto'the general air ; of quiet . Tale week eoolety will Moe-;,- aom out In all Ua (lory and begin once , mora tta round of gaieties. Th death of Bishop Morris, beloved to the en .' tire community bat especially ao to the ', Episcopalians, haa. however, eaat ' a ; shadow over th enjoyment of the aft- - er-Easter aaaaon and all will be quiet In Episcopal ctrrlea .for aom time in " respect to him. The charity ball of tha .; Trinity King's Daughters haa been poet ' - poned and It will ba tome time before ' : the aociat work of that church will ba ' . again taken up, .- j--.-.-v- - won tha prtaa. " It waa distinctly an Eaater pi rty and all about tha room were Easter 111 lei. - A aupper waa eerved lata In tha afternoon and tha table waa beautiful. A larae Easter Illy covered with bloaaoma waa In tha canter. Tha cloth waa in a Uly design and tha place carda were paper 111 lea. The favors were bouquets or liliea or tna vaiiey, but In Mlea Sltton'a place they were Bride roaea. Tha candlee carried out tha aame dainty ahadea and tha Icea sustained the Eaater Idea by being erred In meringue egg shells. The gueata were, beeldea Miss Lucy Bitton. Miss Katharine Bitton, Mlaa Ethel Went worth. Mre. Hugh Laldlaw. Mro. Erneat Laldlaw, Mlaa Carlotta Parker, Mlaa allla Carstcne. Mlaa Florence Morrison, ra Lloyd Went worth, Mrs. Will Skin ner end - Mrs. William Morrison.-, On Lauohlan. Mrs. .B. S. Pagua, Mrs. O. M. Flummer. Mrs. John E. Povey-and "Mrs. Reea - Mrs.i Mc- Lauchlan waa elected chairman. The club will meet every week for -three weeks, and .then every other weak til tha end of tha season. The first meat. Ing waa held at Mrs. Graham's home, 741 Tillamook street. Fifteen handa ware clayed. Mrs. McLauehlan Instruct ing. The hostess then served refreah- n.nta in the dlnlne? fOom at a DCaUtl fully arranged table. The . club will meet at .Mrs. Cram's noma. 461 West rifteenth atreet, next Wednesday. -v.'.-,--.-r-.-.r w. w-.--r---- InvlUtlona have' been Issued for the Orranco club's shirtwaist party, to ba i .w iir- kail Vnmt given I mv nvw nwuiuw, 1 1 Sixth arid Alder streets. Monday. April It. This la tha laat party of tha sea aon. The patronesses are Mrs. J,' u Adams Mrs. J. W. Tagffart Mra F, B. MUler, Mrs. J. T. King and Mrs. R. W. Jamleaon. The club members are n. j. Mucke, H. -W. Hlngley. J. T. Adams, R. W. jamieson, A. a. nu 4ono sua 1 E. Williams, , , Tha at home of tba Scottish Rite Maeone next Friday etnlng,et their cathedral, Lownadale and Morrison streets, will close the aerlea of l0t- Tha committee, consisting of J. Jacob Kadderlr. J. Edward Werleln, Dr. C. C : Thera have been aereral'nromrnentl 111 al T-r-! y.Viii.'i ;'.' 1 ' 'II: j gueata In town but little haa been dona for tbem yet.- Mrs. A. L. .Maxwell haa ; been entertaining Mlaa Wallace of Ta- ' a coma but aside from a few Informal dlnnera and luncheons among her rl friends there has been nothing. Mora " will follow next week. Mrs, George B. Whipple has been visiting at the home of ber nephew. Rev. W. A. M. Brack, but holy week baa preserved quiet there too. Mlsa Harriet Tallant of Aatorla ' ' waa the guaat of Mrs. H. E. Judge and Miss Cecelia Hard man of Mlaa Ger Twalnr Bamuel.' i The usual number of Eaater weddings : Is on ths calendar, and that of Miss , Winifred Labbe to Bernard Turner to ; morrow evening at Calvary church la t of Interest, Mlaa LIUIe Banfleld's marriage to Wilfred K. Slater follows . on Wednesday,, and announced to take ' ' place some time In the spring are the ' weddlnga of Mlaa Lucy Bitton to Oeorge -; K. Wentworth Jr.; Miss Etta Honey 1 man and David C. Lewis: Mlaa Edith : Hexter and Samuel Galland; Mlaa Rose " Ffunder to Richard J. Grace, and Miss K. Frsnkle Rlchet to Dr. Ralph C. Wal - Tha tea at the Hobart-Curtla tomor T row afternoon, the- Petto-JHome-4a, , Tueaaay, tha Kubellk concerts Wednea. . ; , day and Saturday, tba Irvlngton dance . . rnaay, are among tha Intereatlng eTenia acneauied for tbis week. . Tha Oakland (California) Tribune oi :laat8uaday gives tha announcement of ' . Mlaa Lillian Ban field' a engagement to ' Wilfred K Slater of that place, which : . ; ; waa announced In Tha Journal several :,. weeks ago. The bridegroom-elect la . .apoketx of as a prominent man wall , ; known throughout Oregon and Callfor nla. Tha wedding la to take place Wed nesday or this week at the pretty Port-i , land Heights home of Mr. and Mre. M. ; C. Baaf leld. Mlaa .Banf laid glvea a dinner of IS covers tomorrow evening -' for ber bridal party and the decorations . are to be red and white with red car aationa as the centerpiece, and white . and gold bells for place cards. Tha gueata will be her slater, Mlsa Nellie - Banflald. who la to be tha . maid of honor: Mlae Florence Jackson, who will V May tha J" Wadding March"; eight-young . women who will form a chain of pink ' and white for the bridal procession at " "the wedding: the beat man. James T ;' O'Donnall; the clergyman. Rev. H. M. Ramsey; the parente, Mr, and Mrs. Ban 'field, and tha bridegroom, Mr. Slater. The eight women are Mre. L. M. Travis of Eugene, Mlaa Christine Anderson, Mrs. Herman H. Thempaon, Mrs. Mark v Colby, Mrs. Edgar Stevens. Mlaa Jean , MoClure, Mlaa Alice Banfleld and Miss Kate Ramedell. Tha other guests will t be Mra. F. C. Baker of Tillamook, Dun i; c-an Irvine, Edgar Stevens. Mark Colby and Herman Thompson. ' This will Also . be thg bride's birthday dinner. ..: I Invitations have been Issued for the , wedding of Miss Lucy Olrard Sltton to - Oeorge K. Wentworth Jr. to take place Tuesday. April 24. at the First Uni. . , - tartan church. . Miss Mttton baa been ex tensively entertained In a quiet way. " Among the affairs for hef waa, a hand kerchief shower given by. Mlae Helen Morrison Frldsv afternoon.- Five hue dred waa played and Mrs. Hugh Laldlaw To ontf'Iialf the world the fairer half this-Easter uf 1906 open into a perfect garden of beautiful styles.- The complete array of Sirverfield's charming style it in full bloom the pride of a season whose style productions have, never been equaled. , HOUSED SILVERFIELD'S STYLE WITH EGONOMY Special EasterTrVeek Saleoi: Hffc Tailored' in h.iri . i Street Suits Splendid examples of smarC catchy Spring stylea : of 10 novelty mixtures; tha awell new paatel ahadea, Pony Polog and Etons; val ues up to $26.00.O 'JC Eaater week price lOe IO -Charming Easter Styles . "Here are displayed the moat beautiful crea tions of both foreign and domestio manufac ture, aupplemented by the greatest display of moderately priced gar ments, all moat attrao tlvely priced. . . Out Sasta Week'a eff ertnga are of special XBteswst, B Special for Easter Week in Our Mil- . ; hnery Department w 25 PER CENT OFF We are offering this great special In order to let every lady get better acquainted with tha excel-, lent quality of our gooda and take note of the fact that our ' prices are aa low, If not lower,, than any of our competitors. -- Every Hat In our entire stock at SS ye earns off. Millineiry ;Workrodm " Which la under the aupervtaloa. of an ex perienced and competent high-class designer, who will give all tha information and assist ance desired.'' . - fant's"W car : 1 Wa make a apecialty of Babies' Wear and have tha. moat complete assortment to fulfill their needa In the city. Dresses - of all kinds. Hoods, Stockings, , Booties. Cans and Coata everything any baby needs. We can supply the garments cheaper than they can be made at home. -. : .-. Ckiltlrens Vcar - 6ur department for Children Is most complete everything any little -girl needs; everything of tha I beat and everything. at tha loweat prices. - nann rmzoxa fats fob baw fttm.' ub v - fob paioa ust. , ? O)mfort and casd in stylw that please.' - All sizes in high or low bust rand every pair guaranteed. - All these models give that stylish, graceful rounded waist which the "Fashion now demands. TNbte espec ially the newest t model, the " Lin- gene, for Summer wear.. . Prices, $1.00 to $3 00 Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Larrowg Wiadom. WEDDING AND VI3ITINQ CARDS V. G. SMITH & Co. Waahlsgtoa BeitleljBg Tuesday afternoon Mlsa Carlotta Parker will entertain .for Miss Sltton and on Friday afternoon Miss Wentworth. Mrs. Hugh Laldlaw and Mra. Erneat Laldlaw recently entertained for her with an afternoon at cards.. - - Arrangements have been completed for the Old Lad Ira' home tea tomorrow after noon at the Hobart-Curtla, and It la un darstood that some pretty no-tltlesaxi. to be Introduced In the way of decora' tlon. It will undoubtedly be one of the most elaborate functions of the post- Lenten season. The prominent women of tne city, are generally Interested. The society expects soon to realise ita hope or a new home, for with the given by the Corbet t estate and the sale of the home left by Mra. S. O. Reed the members hope to build a home on the lota In Eaat Portland, which are also a gift from tha Corbatt estate. The president, Mrs. P. J. Mann, will receive tomorrow.-and Miss Edith Nlch- Olson., vice-president, will assist. Tha members of the board, who are' also hostesses for . the afternoon, are Mrs Martin Winch. Mrs. H. L. Plttock. Mrs. H. H. Hortbup, Mrs. W. 8. Ladd. Mra. R. B. Wllaon, Mra. E. C. Brown- Mrs. J D. P. Thompson. Mra. D. W. Wakefield, Mra. James Falling -and Mrs. Robert Livingston. The tea table will ba In charge of Mrs. . Oeorge F. Russell, the candy table will be conducted by Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd and Mra. Herbert Holman Wilt preside over the lemonade booth. The Santa Bona (California) Repub lican haa tha announcement of mar riage that la soon to take place at North Sonoma. Mlsa Mary Eleanor Toomey of that place la to ba married tha latter part of the month to James Albert Lane of Portland. The wedding will take place at . noon at St, ..John's Catholic church and Rev, Father Maurice Berry will officiate. Attending the bride will be Mlaa Agnes Lannon of San Fran cisco and John Toomey, her brother. w11t-"be the- groom's -attendant. - Mlaa Toomey la tha daughter of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Toomey and her father Is one of the prominent hopgrowers of his oounty. Mr. Lane will soon go to Cali fornia to claim his bride and after a short trip through tha state tbey will come to rortlaad to live. . w The entertainment of the Portia club last Tuesday was marked by aa beautiful display of wild flowers, that made tha homo of Mra. Frank S. Grant beautiful. Pink orchids, adder ten rues, columbines and aprtng beautiea were In profusion. Many of tbem had been brought by the hoeteea from Salem. - Mrs. R. P. Gra ham won the first . prise, . and Mrs. Oeorge W. Stapleton the second, dainty china platea. Refreshments were served st the card tables. Mra. ). T. Boothe will entertain tha elub April 14, at 411 Tenta atreet, , Even 'this late in tha' season, new lube are being formed. Irvlngton saw the birth ef a new bridge whlat atudy iluh Wednesday afternoon. Tha eight Members sre .Mra. Grain. Mra. R. P. Graham, Mra. Mankln, Mra. D. M. Me- ' , i ..' Newcastle, Elmer B. -ColwelL Dr. Ar nold Lindsay, J. O. Mack, Richard Mar tin and Jay C Olds, haa planned a spe cial musical program. The customary banquet will be dispensed with and In lieu of the long banquet tables email tete-a-tetea accommodating partlea of from four to eight persons will be ar ranged In the dining. hall, and aervlng will commence at lw o'clock, continuing throughout the evening. Drive whist wlirte tTie ramrTor TfierTd room and prises will be given for high eoorea. w - Many will ba Interested In the mar riage of Mlsa Sarah Bennett of Tacoraa to Stephen Appleby, Tuesday evening at her - parents' home, tot South C street. Miss Bennett haa visited In Portland a number of times aa tha guest of Miss Charlotte Whalley and Is a favorite with Portland: a young set The wedding- ceremony la to be almpla. A large reception will follow. Mlaa Whalley la to be the maid of honor and R. 6V Howard Jr., alao of Portland, tha best man. w. a. McKay and Henry Teal are others- from here who will attend the wedding.' Mr. and Mrs. Ap pleby will spend their - honeymoon In California and will live In Taooma, W W : ' A box party waa given at the Hetllg Thursday evening - in - honor - of Mra, Jamea Lighter's birthday. Besides Mrs. Lighter there were In the party Dr. and Mra, C B. Brown, Mrs. Albert Rick- ards and Mrs, Chalmers. A supper' si the Carle ton followed. Mrs. Lighter wore black silk with white lace and a white hat; Mra. Brown , waa In white plna cloth - with aheer . applique - gar nitures: - Mra. Rlckarda In Alice blue burllngame silk with pink and silver garnitures, and Mrs. Chalmeraln pale blue chiffon allk. . v ? : w w Thursday, May t, baa been decided on aa the date for ths laat of tha Oa sette club dancea, given at the Eaat Side Woodmen'! hall It la to be a plain and fs nejr-dress- ball, -and -the- patronesses are Mrs. George B. Van Waters, Mrs. Whitney L. Boise, Mrs. J. W. Ganong, Mrs. A. M. Oakes. Mrs. W. 3. Sally; Mra. Jamea G. Burness. Mrs, J. M. Moore, Mra D. M. Mackle, Mre. F. C Sellwood and Mrs. B. Bullock. . Tha club Is com posed of Jamea G. Burness, D. B. Mackle. F. .W, Goodrich and Dr. F. C Sellwood. ,L 1 -- Mlaa Helen Roeenfeldt gave thea tre party yesterday afternoon at the Hetllg in celebration of her birthday. After matinee, they enjoyed a spread at tba Portland, Mra. L N. Llpman chap eroning th party. ' The guests were: Mlsa Mildred. Relnatrom, Mlaa Lillian Jacobs, Mies- Flora Flelachner, . Mlsa Florence woire. Mlsa Enid Rothschild, Mias Edna. May, Mlea Helen Coblenta and Mlaa Mabel Wood. - .: w w . r ' The program for the Old Ladles' home tea tomorrow la under the dlrection'of Mra. Warren E. Thomae. Several num bers will be given by the Lakme quartet Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab, Misa Ethel Lytle. Mlsa Nettle Greer andNMrs. W. A. T, Buahong, Mrs. Schwab will also sing solos and J. Claire Montelth and Miss Evelyn Hurley will bo tha other vocalists. Waldemar Una will give violin numbera. , r-- -j. - - - ;- The O'Brien party which went east on their private oar a few weeks age waa In El Paao, Texas, the first of tha week. They are now on their way back and will return the early part of thla week. The F. 8. Stanleya were their areata, but were called away to Chippe wa Falls, Wisconsin, by the death of Mr. Stanley's mother last Thursday. -; - - : The Flower mission,: which Is .con stantly Instituting new work, will open Ita day nurserlea tomorrow morning at 19 North Fifth atreet . Dr. Otia B. Wight, Dr. R. H. Ellis and Dr. Ray Mat son are tha ataff of phyalclana who will dally examine appllcanta for tha position of caretaker. The hours are from 7 o'clock In tha morning to T in tha evening. , ' - ; A party of 11 teachera from the pub lic schools of the city lunched together the Woman's exchange. Tnortflay, The lunchroom la fast growing in popu larity and there la particular oauaa for congratulation in - tna ract inai more bualneaa man are coming constantly Mrs. Warren Houghton has been busy preparing for her departure to Hood River, where aha will apend tha spring and summer. She oxpecte to leave soma time thla week and her daughters and her parents, Colonel , and. Mrs, Howard, will aooompany bar. v.- w A - party of children are spending Eaater -week at -the- Breakers at Long Beach, the gueata of Charlie Arthur, Frederic Crelts, the solo violinist, who haa won an enviable reputation In thla country and in Europe, has decided to locate In this city and will give publlo and private recitals. He baa not an nounced the date of his first publlo en gagement In thla city. Mr, crelts ta a native or Portland and will be remembered aa tha eololat In several of the leading musical organ Isatlona here laat Bummer. Since that time he haa been touring Europe, hav ing filled engegemente aa eololat with Orchestras at Warsaw, Chemnltx, Lelp alo and Mngdefcurg. ' ,- Ha atadlad for Ave years In the con servatory at Lespsle under Arno Hllf and later under August Wllhelra In London. ' He played In thla city years ago as a boy. In JIM hs made-a tour, of the Pnetno eoaat from San Franalaco ta Montevideo and return, playing In tha leading cities, ef tha eoaat. In honor r of his birthday. - Tha older people who are with them are Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Arthur. Mr. and Mra; George Irwin and Mr. and Mra. Bert The young people are Charlie Arthur, Jean nette Thomas, Mildred Fuller, Jack and Jeannetto Scott Mason Bbnnan and Joe Rotbacbild. . . ., .-., Miss Maud Hahn will entertain " at borne tomorrow evening with a houae danoe.- Thle - will - bo- the- first - aoolal funotlon , in tha handaomo new Hahn home on the Cornell road at tha head of Lovejoy street . - ' . - -' Mr. and Mrs. J. Couch Flanders ex pect - to occupy the .present Llnthlcum home . on ' Twentieth and Flanders atreeta as soon as the Llnthloums move Into their' new borne, which la nearing completion. - w- - A theatre party of IS waa given at the Helllg Monday evening In honor of Mlaa Cecilia, Hardman of Seattle, who is the guest of Miss Germslne BamueL A good deal of entertaining for Hiss Hardmaav ta preparing -for thla week w Mrs. Edward R. Root entertained the Five Hundred club, of which aha, la a member, Wedneaday afternoon. . The decorations ware of dogwood, and wild currant bloaaoma. Mrs. Edwin H. Bell won the prise. Mrs. I. N. Flelachner with her chil dren and maid went to her beach homo at Seaside yesterday to spend Easter week. Her guests are Mrs. sol Bin tnauer and Mlaa Hasel Bluroauar. i . The charity ball, vhlch 'was t6 have been given by the King's Daughters of Trinity church next . week, haa been Indefinitely postponed on account of tha death of Blahop Morris. ; . , . - w ' Mra. Julius L. Meier entertained the Whiet club - yesterday and the -prizes were won by Mra. I. -N. Llpman, Mra. A. J. Meier, Mra.' Sol Roeenfeldt and Mrs. Marcus Flelschner. Mra. Ed Berahelm of San Francisco Is visiting her sister.. Mrs. Otto S. Bin- swanger, on Overton atreet There will be some entertaining for her next week, ' , . Mrs. R. P. Barhart and ber daughters. Mrs. F. H. Alllston and Mrs. Walter A. Holt, have sent out cards for a tea Tues day afternoon. . , - Mrs. Walter Hone'ymair returned laat week after aeveral months' visit In San Franoiaeo and eeuthern California. WW r ' Mra. H. C. Wortmaa and her children will apend Eaater week at . tha eoaat Thay left Friday for Seaside. , EVENTS OF THE WEEK. The Woman's Missionary society of the First Congregational church held Ita regular monthly meeting in tha par lors of the church laat Wednesday aft ernoon. The program took the form of an Easter service and was of unusual merit Mrs. D. B. Gray preaided; Mra. O. M. Parker l.J the devotlonals; Mra. William M. Cake read the mtnutea; Mra E. Lk House led the congregational sing ing; Mrs. D. S. Williams gave recita tion. '"The Midnight Knock," and thla was followed by a song, "Ye That Love tha Lord" (Barnby). by Mra W. A. T,' Buahong; Mlaa Cornelia . Barker gave a sacred selection on the vlnlln, and Mra Rose Bloch-Beuev and Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong sang in dust "Forever With the Lord" (Gounod). .Mra Bauer eon-j orsy Spring -Model Tailor Made WAIST Wlutg Sootcn MaJraa Price $3.75 4 .i. V inson HOTEL PERKINS BUILDING eluded the musical program with "O Di vine Redeemer" (Gounod). Miss Leon era Fisher- was the accompanist. Mra Schwa rt a a returned missionary, gave an address on missionary work in Japanr in which she revealed many new ideas concerning the people of the east Tha annual Eaater thanksgiving offering waa taken, - which yielded 1133.80, be sides pledges given. After the doxology the - members and frlende who were present were Invited to partake, of the refreshments provided by the hostesses, Mesdames 8. D. Smith, Btalger, Ses sions. Eckier, Walton, Henderson, Hid den, Leon. Patera and Mlaa Howell. . - - Tba - mualo department of the Wom an's club was entertained by Mra Nina Iarowa at Larowe hall. Twenty-third and Kearney atreeta, - Thuraday afternoon. April It. ' Mrs. J. S. Hamilton con ducted tbe chorus work for an hour, with Mrs. Oliver C Thornton as accom panist ' The program whloh followed was .longer than usual In honor of dis tinguished gueata Tbe aooustlo proper ties of tha hall are ao good thai the voices were heard at their best - The program was as followet "Oh, That We Two Were Maying" (Nevln); "Good night Beloved" (Oliver), Mrs.' Emily Hampson; "Madrlenne" (Stulto), . "Tell. Me". (Kreleer), Mra K. M. Lance; "Fear Not Ta" (8proaa), "My Taak" (Aah ford). Mra. J. S. Hamilton: "Oh. Dry Thoaa Tears" (Del Rlego), "Japanese Love Song," Mlaa Irene Flynn; "Be? cause" (Horwits), Mrs. ueorge c Flan ders. . : ... , . , . . . , The beautiful, new spring gowns ot the members, tbe grape'frult punch, the refreshments served and the gracious hospitality of the hoateaa ware aome of the charming features of the afternoon. Mlaa Irene . Flynn will entertain the department April 1 at TJ4 Northrup Street , . . ' ' The recent nieetlng of the Daughters of tha Confederacy, held at the resi dence of Mra Susan W. Smith, was a most Interesting and enjoyable affair. Tha society names Its meetings In ro tation after the various states compos ing tbe southern confederacy, and this waa an Alabama gathering. The pro ceeding were opened with appropriate remarks by the president Mra Alice Craig. Mra George read a sketch of HAVE TOU NEGLECTED TO CALL FOR TOUR" Orientals Rug? ; These new and beautiful Importa tions are going fast Xhey are purchased by -the most critical Judges for their moderate cost, lasting qualities and rare beauty. An Oriental Rug la the.: Tta CHEAPEST CARPET That CAN BE BOUGHT Because though the first cost may be a little more, they will wear . lifetime. . .; ,'. ' Atiyeli Bros. 411 WASmUTOTOaT ST. -Tel. Mala 1000. Bet-lOtk and Xltk. ivcbber's Studio Waadolla. Basle. nIUr tostnietlea. ..... String erebntra for repvptloaa. - Ag-nt tut OUieoa Masdallos. I7B alder. Main 208s. . , I II .. . ij tha early history of Alabama with par ticular of tha mod of living and cue toma of the people-of the state Jn that period. Her paper waa interesting and creditable -from a literary standpoint She paid a glowing and graceful tribute to the bllf south and Ita i heroines of the civil war. The account of Father Ryan and his wrltlnga by Mrs. Stovall waa a Jmt and (Continued on Page Klneteenj '4