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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
rgJ I : ; , PAGES 17 TO 32j SECTION TWO Mi 1 6 PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 1 15, 1808. f f; 1 t' t: - rn v in ". n r , . j i u m n it i hit ' ' -V'-V'l -T- IlM II II III I 53 ill ifiiiiniiriAiiii cj t- - r " T ih:t w - a Sore Opens 8 A.1M, ;;- fk ! crviE nun misirrv "' V. A UNIQUE GROUP OF STYLE AND QUAUTY EXPOSITIONS i . f 5 I vi Mcwry congress" of. surpassing - - 1 V Th tdma iff u inert at t i 'r. M-EmHMTmNTmmcHicmMo MONDAY OPENS A WEEK OF COMMANDING VALUES OF UNUSUAL MERIT! I Your Gaze is Resting Upon a Page of Bargains of QuaUty.Uncquaicd in Portland! Pretty New m , FIRST , FLOOR. " Scarcely Gown or Wlat for thl season's wear but will have for Its trimming dainty laaes, and-. we are y preparea . to supply j m evenr need in this line, for our Lace Department Is actually running over witb the s wel lest lot of Laces ' one oou Id wish to see", , , Beantifol Baby Irish -Laos Sets ii All-over, .lace, -edges and inser tions to match. . The,..allovers make such pretty Waists witb .the edges, and Insertions for ' trimming. Prices," the ysrd, from....... .35 -f) up to f 5.00 Tenlse Xao All-overs and Edges f Priced at, the yard, .a from ..15 to 7,50 Oriental . "Oaoea in cream and 7 white. Priced st, the yard, up ' . t rom.:;.V-i't .-. n 25 aleaolsnaea Xiaoes in a natch .s . less . assortment - of new , pat A"; terns. ; Priced at, t ha yard, up from .............. ... . ,3a) ArSale of Interest ' ' ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. Woman's 38e Apron . .. (Or 70. Ladles large white Aprons, with bib. shoulder a p a "lettes and wide strings; - hem- stitched seams: our ISO ' value. . Special.., Sale .'.price, each ......... a. ,:.2T Women's T5o Aprons Wo. Ladles" Aprons of white lawn, - seven-Inch hemstitched - hem, : three rows of hemstitching at bib' and shoulder epaulettes; wide strings; our 75o value. .Special Sale price,' each 58) Women's BOe Aproas Ladies' Aprons of whlte Jawn. with seven-Inch hem at bottom; ; clusters of 1 2 fine tucks in bib ', 680 value. ' Special at, " ' each ,....-.,........'..,.39 Leather Goods , Aisle SIXTH STREET ANNEX, . - FIRST FLOOR. 1.M Xaad Pnrses A line of Leather 'Hand -Purses In Mack and brown , leather, with - strap handle- on ' baok. '.. metal - frame, coin pocket inside, with outside . flap and metal button ' clasp; our 11. SO value. - Special at. each ...... ,.T..tBf pXA" 1 1 M Needlework . Special Tallies Monday. ' . r t . ANNEX SECOND TU)OK? WnA Snkmlllawl -a acoagariaa ' and Slovak Pollles. - , Kmbroldered o n : crearo or., blue, linen In white, 'blue or - red ., flOSS. ' ; ,t: ' , . -lnch slse; our 25c Value. Special at, each. ...... . 13jf -Inch slse; our So value. Special at, each 18 11-Inch slse; our ffOc value. Special at, each.". . . . . . .25 SOe and TBo' Onshloa Slip STa, : Finished Cushion 81lps all ready "-to- sup- the filling In; made of velvet, trimmed with braid and ecru linen and stamped, and , tinted in various designs; our 0e -and 75c Values. Special . Sale price, each. . . . . . .3T A Most Important Sale of ; WOMEN'S suns OatOOSS TBOX - A . QMTJff Or 300 AT A TOUSTaX OTT I $2t50 t6$65Values V Choice at One-Fourth Less Monday. All things are proven by analysis and everyday -. analysis Is simply comparison.. Women who have studied the coetumer's art In the leading style centers of Europe and America women many of you know are unanimous In- saying that this Store . really brings practical Paris and New Tort styles to Portland. And that collection of Parisian and . -New Tork Oowns on the second floor is the finest ever brought to the western coasts The story -today is practical and of the practical. It contains a tale of practical saving - worth while. If you have seen this crowded Suit Store the past . week, .wlti its dally growing throngs,- that earoe as early . as the t doors were opened and stayed until they were closed, and the tired aalesfolk went to their well-earned evening of recreation and . rest, you will not wonder when we tell you that many lines are ',: badly broken in the newest and prettiest of the season's tailored . Suits. In order to close these lines out. quickly wa have decided to group them tomorrow in one grand oollection and allow oup patrons full and free choice at a full fourth discount la this' ""convention are Jaunty Etons, smart tight-fitting "Jacket -Suits, t "Pohy" models, half-fitting styles and boleros.' Materials In eluded are . Panamas, broadcloths, homespuns, Henriettas, ohlo flannels and Venetians, and many swell tweedlsh mixtures in the popular mannish effects. Every fashionable coloring is embraced, - - Including grays, lavenders, Alice blues, corals, greens, navy, black and dainty checks in the new light colors and mixtures. ..Trim ' rolng effects are -In laces, strappings, braids, buttons, velvets and . taffetas. The skirts are. cut in round lengths, circular and plaited styles, and umbrella flare effecta Starting at the 122, id . figure with 12 in-between prices and running , up to those at 166.00. Two hundred in all go on the racks tomorrow for the day at ad lscount of .......OSS r OUSTS". Bearly for best choosing and prompt fitting in case of any needed - - - . . - . ' alterations. . ' '':''Y0UU:SAVE IN MONDAY'S SRLEoi Walking skirts $7.50 and $8.50 Skirts : - Tomorrow at $.95 - 4 "And what woman doesntwant-me or more -pedes-trlenne Skirts at this tims T Here's a chance to save in buying.. , On Special Sale tomorrow in the . Salons -of Dress Second Floor a lot of new Walk- ' Ing Skirts sent home by Miss Bernard the -department buyer, who Is in New Tork purchased by bar of a manufacturer who was anxious to close all - Spring lines and enter at once upon the "fall "run. The Skirts came to us at .a marked price concession, which ad vantage we. In turn, hand over to our patrons tomorrow. Ma- : terlals are Panamas and mannish mixed - tweedlsh woolens in . very attractive effects, blacks, blues, tans, browns and mixtures. -. All cut in round length models, nine and eleven-gored styles, trimmed' wkh plaltlngs, box plaltlngs, panels, strappings, etltch-'"-rng.-'-ete.- -Other are severely tailored- in plain effect. - The beat regular values in the city at 17.50 and 11.60. Special Monday at , .,i..'.,,.....,..v.. .f........ ,,...... 9a95 r m Music Teachers and Scholars Will be Interested In Monday's rrr - - --, ' Sale of ( IVeather - Knsio So Us a Half ' Prloe, Our entire line of fine -leather ' Muslo Rolls, In cluding all the fine seal, wal- rus and alliga tor leathers; al , so r fine grain ' and patent leathers; vslues from 76c to t&.OO, with a j.. large, variety .Jronju which, 'select. Specjal ' ; t at ... ;. . .;. . ;sau psics. o7 THE STORE'S SUPREME Millinery Triumph ,BIJOD SALONS ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. $18, $20 and $25 - : Pattern Hats Monday at $10.00 - Every store is talking In big black typ--Greeohlng to attract jour at tent ion L . What's p T If business was all it should be-with them they wouldn't waste so much time and energy to say nothing of money, in watching this Millinery Store and bitching on their "trailers" to follow along like scavengers, picking up, h precedented Easter sales.. This has been a hard year In tha Millinery, business for- pretenders, ae-W-has In- every-waik-of life. People want tha REAL THINO and want It good. "" That more and more oft the Millinery business Is centered here Is as natural1 a - that -sunshine awakens rthe flowers. - The tremendous business accorded this store tha past week has again clearly .demon strated that critical women appreciate the surpassing values we an giving in tha high-class Millinery we are distributing.. Tes Style and Quality are a tandem sure to take the "bine- ribbon'. In every great Style Show. We hold the "blue ribbon" at this store for both. No need to bu y character lesa -'styles ot doubtful . parentage when authoritatively correct Jlata are bad her at jt4a jnore often leSS COSt. .':.:,.-. V ' . - , .V- .",;" Monday We Otter $18, $20 and .These magnificent Hats have served their ; purpose through the openings and great Easter shows; we are willing to sacrifice them now and benefit some "' of our patrons who will be sure to appreciate these values,-?-Other equally important values - -r at 3.00, f5.00 tuid f8.00 MONDAY BARGAINS IN Toilet Sundries and Notions :.V FIRST FLOOR. c 'i'dllet ,Taper: r Special,- - Or, dosen .......... lOo Roll of Toilet Paper. Or, dosen Toll-; TOO Special. .TO ..... .80 85c Bottle Cokes. uanarun -jure. Social.'. ...504 ,(0c Bath Brush, wh detachable . Handle.' Soeclal .... i w.35 J5c "Kleanwell"'. Rubber toilet and ' Complexion Suonsea , Special , ,i..i.4..,w'.u. ....250 , Rubber Tip Lead, pencils; value ror c , special, t ror ............................. (Oo Cabinet Box High Grade Writing Paper. 80o Box Fine Writing Paper, -plain or ruled. Special . .I,. .ft r. . . . . lOo Package of 100 Decorated Paper Napkins, Special . ...... r. . ......... . ............. . ISo Wire Card Racks or Hangers. Special.,.. New 1-lb. packages- French Dimity Writing Paper, - envelopes to matcn; regular vaiue itc Special .....i.. .........15 ISd Fancy Mounted Shell Color Back Combs. Special . .14 SSe Set of I pieces White Brilliant-Set Bide and Pack - Combe. - -Special . .". .-.i-. . . . . .i . . i . . .. t . 590 He Fancy Cut Crystal Top Hat Pins. Special ... .90 6o Bottle Sewing Machine Oil. Special ........ ,'.30 Silk Finish Thread, too yards on spool, black only. , Special, spool-. ..90 8f 350 ..50 1O0 The UNDERVEAR That Women Want ' 'A TMONDA tQARGAINlRlCES f FIRST FLOOR, ' - '.. -.. ' . . ' "... " . . Women's 80s Testa lie. - , White -low neck, ' sleeveless v Vests, fin ribbed, neatly .trimmed;: regular value 20c Special,- each .......... .140 t : Womsa's SB Vests ISo. Fins A Ribbed" Whit' Lisle' : Vests, sleeveless, plain, neat ,i ;T t rimmed regular val u 26c Special- -, each . ......180 ..... . ....... i .... ..v .v. , , Wemsa's 7S Valoa Snlta B5. '. - Whit Cotton Union 8ults, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length regular value 760. . Special ., ...................... ......550 . . , . i . .. .-.' a -t .: i 't .. ?' Wosaea-a goo Valom Solta 3a. . . Women's knee length (Union Suits, low neck, " no sleeves; regular value 60c. - Special.. 390 v WoaVsa'g tWTMto So." ' T." Wbltf cotton sleeveless Vests, Swiss ribbed, xtra slse,' 7,. I and t; regular value tSc. Special . 250 Extra K lmport Read I ASOTBXS SBSSATIOSAXi TTTXSBAT SAXS I Beautiful Dresden All-Over Lace Nets, Worth 75c at 39c Yard We shall place on sale Tuesday In the Wash Goods - Section First Floor the balance of a manufac turer's stock, bought by our New Tork resident - buyer, of handsome Dresden all-over lace nets, in black, white and beautiful evening tints In grounds. with exquisitely pretty floral and moresque designs. One of the smartest and daintiest of. this season's . popular novel t lea from one of the most famous " makers In the world. None will be sold before Tuesday and none will be reserved. Not over' 1,400 yards In the entire offering.. ' about 100 Dress Patterns better be early Tuesday morning. - Best 75c and ISo value at, yard 390 A SILK SALE EXTRAORDINARY - MONSTER BARGAIN SALE OF NEW SILKS t FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Dollar Silks h9 Cents Yard Not sines Sl-Llng. wife of Hoang-Ti. Emperor of China, B.C. 1(00, made the first piece of silk In the world, or its first mention among the Greeks by Aristotle . (B. C. 184) or since its first cultivation In Europe, A, D. 610. when the first eggs were brought from India by monks, have such values as we shall put forward tomorrow been given by any store to our knowledge and we keep posted. The store's buyer of silks is just back from New Tork where a bit '-'--: J of good fortune befell him that he Is anxious to share with you, Mrs. Silk Buyer. He made a monster purchase of bright new silks at tremendous sacrifice- by the-maker-who- wanted to- -unload- In order to obtain ready money to meet obligations. - The silks are ours at about HALF ' PRICK As we bought," so may .you. Read the offer and be here early for best choice of the beautiful silks. If you miss this sale you will regret It deeply when your neighbor shows you the silks she bought and tells ydu the price she paid. Read . . - ' : ' Pretty Suit Silks tn dark colors navy and green combinations; . never sold for (ess than fl.00 the yard, j Special for this Sale at, ; the ysrd ; 490 Splendid Snlt Silks In light and dark colorings Including the new white grounds, with nest Dresden Patterns and hairline stripes.. . Silks which are sold now in New Tork at 11.26 and IL60 tha yard. Special for this Sale only st, the yard .860 All rnr Silk Taffetas, It Inches wide. In white, rvory. cream. 'black and all colors. The best wearing silks made for suits, linings ' and drop skirts; unequaled ISO values. Special for this Sale only at, the yard .680 Sewi toning Beanty and Bnslnss . ; BHagUeT Bargains la' - The Ribbon Shops FIRST FLOOR. " , .. At the Ribbon Counters ar shown all that Is newest and beat In elegant Ribbons. aadsom Wait Taffeta Slbboaa, embroidered with colored -flowers,- mingled -witb tinsel thread. Nothing hand somer for swell girdles or Opera Coat linings. Price, the . yard -T:-7-. r. .t.-.:...-; ; i . f 2.00 Sew Taffeta Slbboaa, with large floral design, in black or white; , very original effects. - Price, the "yard, up to f3.00 Saw Print Warp Sib bona White " background with the popular "blue and pink flower designs. Price, the yard, up from... 60 i SPBOZA& UU OP . TABCT u. . . . SZBBOBB. -;- - 40e o Oe Slbboas fox I5e and SB. Fancy Ribbons in a great variety . 4f the season's most popular .j. shades;,, from I.. Inches to -tnehea, wide and '; suitable for . girdles, 'hat trimmings, sashes,' etc; values from 40c to 0c are , lit, the showing. Special Sal price, the yard.. 250 ""d 350 BLANKETS At Less Than Manufacturer's Cost of Making - FOURTH FLOOR, r - .A splendid lot of Blankets hundreds of pairs come to us u n d e r a contract made months ago with the mills, at a price no manufac turer could possibly make them at today under :: the . existing con dition of the wool market. Cramped space precludes the men tion this Sale deserves. The sav ings are important Indeed. ; The regular prloe tnuted below are less thaa the aaill prloe today. i f5.TR Single Bed Slse. Our Regular ' T ' ' ' . Price. ' SpeelaL 10-4 slse 15.00 . S3.95 Eastern make. 10-4 slse 11.60 . ........84.25 .Oregon made. . Bonbl Bed Sis. 11-4 slse 16.60 . ........ 84.8S -uregon mace. A Y en . a--m ...u vi.vv r-.. Oregon made. 12-4 slse 110.00 -,1T.50 - Eastern make. 12-4 slse 111.60 . ....1...S8.00 Oregon made. 14-4 slse 120.00 . ..... S13.50 Oregon made.'.", cox-omn BxunraTS. - . j Our Regular ' ' ' ' Price. . sTMolal. 11-4 slse 11.60 Oregon Grays .82.TS 10-4. slse. 1 6.0ft Oregon- Scarlet S3.BA 12-4 slse .60 Eastern :: Silver .84.AIC 11-4 slse 14.00 Oregon Fawn ..84.BK 11-4 slse 17.10 Oregon , ' .-,"- Bllver : ' . . ,;.' Gray r ' Fawn .85.75 12-4 slse $7.00 Eastern ,"',; Sanl- ? ". Ury ...f5.50 Plnest fT JO Bavajo Bos Oregon- mad, Special - S4.95 The Jewelry Aisle 8IXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. , : 40 Chamois Jew-el yookVta . ; . Jewel Pockets, made)' of flt(e f- quality chatni6ls with sUk coWrlng and rib- . bon draw strings; . our 45o value. Special Sale pr,lce, each,:. . -29 CO I W 0. A3 j, bo