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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
13 i PROMINENT BAPTISTS WHO WILL TAKE PART IN THE CONVENTION HERE, THIS WEEJC T ESTATE GOASTBAPTiSTSTO .... . the OREGoir smiDAY jot7h:tai; rcnTCANA ) sinAY. i:cr.i:i::o. ArriL i;. IP I 1:1 .'''' -'. ... '. ... j 1 FOR llOl'J MEET HERE 'Annual Conference Will Open at Estate of Wistar Morris Qoe En S-. .'. r irely to Helpmate According - White Temple Wednesday " " to Term of WIIL "7"?V 7T"" Evening. : v. CHILDREN RECEIVE MEM DELEGATES COMING , - ; A DOLLAR APIECE V r X FROM SIX STATES Evangelical ' Conclave to. .Precede Larger Convention-Queetiona'j of . t;n Will ? Be Subject of Discussion. ' Th Faelno' ooest pSptlst ' conference f win open In the White Tempi Wednea--i flay evening. April , It, and r continue through ths following Saturday.- On Sunday thera wUl be special conference rrvlcea to matniSapUat churches ct tba city and on Monday 'thera win o two excuralona ror trie oeneni oi usie : gate and vtaltora. Ona will b up th Columbia river, tba other to JicMlnn-J ' villa oolleta. Delegates from Washington, Orsgon, . IdjLhOL Montana. Nevada and California are expecjted to be la attendance MoreJ . than 400 delcsales ana visitors are looked or. Mini iters and-- congrega tional representatives of each Baptist church In the Pacific ooaat state win ba raoocnlaed aa delegates to the con ference. Entertainment for-them will ba nrevlded br the local Baptists. -- During the meeting question of Im- i portance to the denomination as a wbola ' and mature of vital interest to the cburcbea of the respective states will be under discussion, r.,.., " la teres U asseieaa A , The Paolflo Coast Baptlat conference am mm vw . . .j m i baring been evolved from Bible confer encee that had beea held In the various rittai af the coast. Wide Interest In .the sessions of the conference la being manifested and It Is looked upon aa a permanent thing. It Is hoped that out of the present meeting will grow a per. 'Uanont uinier-emn iBiwiiiH. wm.w ence which wUl meat annually and draw together pastors and Christian worker from the entire coaat, ... . i . . mm ... J 1 ' conference, there will be an evangelical ' conference ' conducted at - the White Temple by Kev. cornenus woeiiun oi Mew Tori, general evangelist of the . Anriara v T2iLnttat Hont Mission- so- l - , Dwtmln.nt AmnnV th. rt . W M 19. -who will be heard during the regular conference are: Kev. . K. Cblvera. IX Il of New xora: iev. n. u. owmour, D. D., missionary and Bible secretary of the American Baptist Publication so ciety: Rev. George Robert cairna Seattle; Rev. Robert Whitaker. Oakland; O. W. Van Osdel. Spokane; kv. w. r Hareer. San Jose. , .. The opening - session wiu - ne - naia Wednesday night. - On the following dars there will be meetings la the morn. , ings,-afternoons and evenings until the conference eomea to a close: naay at the close of the. afternoon session the delegates will ue servea a dinner m ine dining-room of the White Temple by tne ladles of the .Baptist churches of the ; city, , . - . Tlstsora win rreaca. On Bundar the pulplU of the varies churches will be occupied by visiting pastors and special conference service vni oe noiu. ' aungBf wviuini m iiwiuwu .of. the delegates and visitors .will go. on a trip up the Columbia river and ether will oe aaen iq we ouiieae at acamu' vllle to Inspect the Institution and be entertained by the BaptlsU of that town. ; - . ! Among thoae who names appear upon the program and who will deliver addresses before the conference are: Rev. A- H. Adama, pastor of the Ho I Minn vllle Baptlat church; Rev.. U. Wooddy. Portland; - Rev. Albert H. Smith. Pasadena. California: Rev. H. White. Tacoma: Rev. A. W. Rider. Oak' H.- L. -Board man, Oakland; James Kd 'munda, Portland; Rev. A. 8. Phelps, Los Angeles; Rev. J M. oean, Beatue; Rev. J. A. Clark. Portland; Rev. Robert Wnltaker, Oakland; T. O. Brohson, IX D-, Oakland; President C H. Hill, D. VK, Berkeley: Rev. J. H. Oarbet. D. D. Santa Ana; Myron W. Haynee. Seattle; jwt. j, mvii. nnuut. u. ' u wdi Beach; Rev. Stephen A. North ropp, Los -Angeles; Rev. L J. Baaryer, Ban rran Cisco; Rev. W. H. Walker, Ios Angeles Rev. John Bentzlen. Portland: Rev. Fred . E. Taylor, Seattle; Rev. W. B. Hlnson, . San Diego. '-. Talk Way and Maaaa.1 Educational work la connection with Baptist church movements will be one "of the Important topics to be discussed before the conference. Addressee On this mRmha tltmt mmmAm will k . kM I'll"", v& .u w IH.W WJ President T. O. Brown of the Oakland - Baptist school. President C. M. Hill of the Baptist school at Berkeley and sev era! other men who are considered as How to best advance the interests of Baptist churches and other institutions In the Pacific coaat states will be - subject that will be discussed on Sat urday . afternoon. The whole session ' will be given over to consideration of . way and means for overcoming the difficulties that present themselves and ' l.miln with "lln.Hnn. fVal .. . k. I porta nt subjeota for consideration. :.. u i jr. a Wattasy, Stats Printer. - is now serving his first term and has . hum mn vujcivni, oouging oiiicer, ana stand upon hie record In asking for a " second term. - Tote for him. . VOTB THUS ' ' 19 X Wiiliani J. Lachner r Of Baker city, Oregon, " V mepablioaa Caadldate for Xajrresea tattv 1 Oeagres, Seeoeit ' District.'. ' twxm rr naTTOBxi If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office Faithfully represent the people and their Interest; - Cooperate with. President Roose velt on his rats policy; Urge a revision of the tariff; , Work for free trade with the Phil ippine Islands; . - Favor election of senator by di rect vote of the people: and national control of corporation vioina an imvruHs uusineea; , Stand with the prealdent far com clef Ion of Panama canal: Work for an open Columbia river to the largest ahlpa afloat; and . Continued work oa the Celllo ca nal: . Urge reclamation of arid lands; Favor atrlngent Chine exclusion Just and liberal treatment to de aerrlng veterans; and : - The parcel post for rural mall service. , Form to be printed after name on ballots Roosevelt s rate policy; tar iff rellon; Chinese exclusion; free trade, fbinppine; open Columbia. ReV. C. A. Wooddy, D. D. Rev. George Robert Cairns. , , . '-: V.-' ' C M. Hill. D. D. CROWDS SEE BIG BLOCK GROW Active ConttrUCtlon Work On the Wells, Fargo A Co. Build ing Is Begun. GREAT-CRANE. WILL PUT-? i STEEL PARTS IN PLACE Thirty-Two Massive Steel Bases, Upon Which Main Supporting Pil lars Will Rest, Now in Place on Basement Floor. -" --.-,' - T For the flrat time In the city's his tory, there 1 being constructed in Port land an , absolutely, modern . : 11-storr building of steel and atone. Active construction on the new Wells. Fargo A Co. aky scraper at the corner of sixth and Oaastreetr-har-begun. lesieraay workmen were busily enr saged putting. the great crane in place. The parte for the steel frame are ar riving at the freight ' depot and the treat girder are - being V laborioualy moved to the scene of the building. It take a great amount of work to place each piece of -steel. It has to be low ered' Into the basement by the crane, then lifted Into position and held there until the mechanics can secure It. It must be accurately, placed, for. if it 1 off half an Inch it means that the en tire building win . be thrown out of proportion. : Hundred of spectator crowded around the corner yesterday to watch the work. - Thirty-two massive ; steel bases, upon wblcb the main supporting pillar will rest, have been placed in position on the basement "floor and ce mented. To one side I miniature rail way, to be used for the transportation of the lighter building supplies from the street to ths basement It is built In such manner that it can be lowered or raised at the sidewalk line. In order to reach the basement, the first or second floor. When the steel construction haa reached above the aeoond floor the lighter material will be lifted to pol- - - J L 1 BAXLARS'S XOBBBOVVB STB VP. Immediately relieve hoarse, croupy cough; oppressed) rattling, reaping aid difficult breathing. Henry C. Stearns, drugajlst, Bhullaburg, Wis., writes, Msy a. 11: "I have been selling oial lard's liorehound Syrup for two yesrs and have never- had a preparation that haa given better satisfaction. I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for mora. I can honestly recom mend It. tic, too and ll.vv. Sold by Weodaro, dura , , , ;. . , ' M. W. Haynesv D.'D. a'.y ." ' !'---, -f :'., ., r 'T; I i' 7"" r I " , ',,i , ' " - ' 1 ' ' i - A , 17 Rev. Fred E. Taylor. v.-; A i,:v!.,-.w i. S Rev. A. S. Phelps. ' tion by mean of a hoist which has aot yet been installed. . Aa aoon a the necessary steel con struction Is. completed la the basement and first floor the structure will take form rapidly, and the building will rise story ir story .until . It stands against the sky Hn ' skeleton form. Then the wall construction wlU begin, perhaps at the fifth story. From the first floor the workmen, will work up and down at the same time, until the skeleton ha been Ailed and tbe exterior of the building completed.. Then the finishers will be gin their work. ''''-, . It will take months for the experi enced steel workers to get the frame work In place. Each piece must be handled with the maximum of 1 care, for a slip mean a costly delay a well . as hundred of dollars' loss. , Orders for structural steel have beea delayed for a year, but the contractor of the Wells, Fargo k. Co. building have been fortunate In securing the neces sary materials, and from this time for ward there will be no delay.- Specta tor are welcomed at the building so long aa they remain outside the tem porary fence and do not get In the way of the great swinging crane, wnicn nas an arm a big a the largest meat which ever graced the port of Portland and power enough behind the arm to lift a dosen ton or steel witn ease. TWO Y.M. C. A. MEETINGS SCHEDULED FOR TODAY , For the first time-two t- M. Gr-X. men's meeting . will be conducted simultaneously In Portland today. The meeting at the .association auditorium will be held Just aa usual and at tbe same time a meeting will be conducted on the east side .of' the -river. From this tims on these two meetings will be held every Sunday. -The meeting In the association auditorium on the west side of the river haa been largely. attended, but It haa been felt that the men 0s the east aide could be brought togethet in larger numbers If they had a special service of their own. , Dr. J. W. Brougher will be the apeaker at the meeting in the association audi torium. HI toplo la "Are All Candi date Liars For Whom Shall I Voter The special music for tbs afternoon will consist of solos by Mis Ruth Eddlngs, soprano. The meeting .will begin at I o'clock with a half-hour concert by the large association orchestra. The meeting on th east aid will be held in the Centenary church, ' East Ninth and Pine streets, and the speaker for the afternoon is Rev.- Ray Palmer. He will take as hi toplo "The White Life." Mr. Palmar la well known In Portland a an evangelist A apeclal male chorus haa been organised for this meeting and there will be other musical feature. , The meeting begin at S:I o'clock. ' Both these meeting ar for men only and fre to all. , THiRTY-THREE THOUSAND FOR NORTHWEST HOTEL ' A real estate sal which appear to have a Harrlman Interest In It waa made yesterday - when M. J. Buckley, I R. Rev. A. H. Adams.. James Edmonds. Stephen A. Northrop, D. D.. - Fields, Paul Shoup and W. Bollona, all offlolal of the Harrlman system, pur chased, through- EL -S.- Daly, the prop erty at the southeast corner of Seventh and Oliaan streets. The lot I 60 by 100 feet and la occupied by the four story Northwest hotel. The property waa owned by B. Lombard Jr., and the railroad official paid $33,000 for It. A BUSINESS CHANGE. ; Senate Baker, Prominent Beat Batata Peelers, BTake Chaagee la Thato lUrna. . - The .. well-known firm of ' Henkl A Baker this week underwent a change, Mr. Baker retiring In favor of M. V. Harrison, who ha, for the peat four year been assistant superintendent for th Vancouver Transportation company. The Arm with' which he haa now af filiated himself la on of th best knows In th city dealing principally In farm landa. " ' ' -. ' " '.' ' " Mr. Baker, th retiring partner,' has purchased an Interest in the Cone Lum ber company, with sawmills at Lenta This firm will also undergo a change and will hereafter be known as the Baker Con Lumber company. Article of in corporation - have- been filed at - Salem and the Arm ha established office at No. Ill Ablngton building and Is pre pared to do a larger business than sver. t l- s t. DR. L. M. DAVIS 1 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE RP- V: RESENT ATI VZ, . T favor Statement No. 1, and mu nicipal ownership, and regulation of publio utilities. I oppose corporate f reed, and any measure mat is not or the best Interests of the eltlsen. No boss no slate In mine. "Strict justice to all. Special privilege to none." ... ' . ,. . I Last Testament of Clergyman Also Requests Widow to Give a Thou sand Dollars 'to Oregon . Diocese Fund, Besides Other Gifts, ' By term of his will, which was pro bated yesterday morning In Judge Web ster's oourt, the late B. Wistar Morris, bishop of th Eplsoopal diocese-of Ore gon, left all but 4 of hi personal es tate to hi widow, giving his four ehU drsn $1 each. A eeperate will bequeath. Ing all th church property and money held In trust by him to hi successor waa opened, but the court held that it waa an advisory document to his wife. who was named as executrix of the personal estate, and hence old not need to be probated, : ' .t . Neither th valua of th persona state nor that. of the church held tn trust by the late bishop, 1 given In th will. . From those who have been Intimate with the bishop it I understood that he left quite a snug personal for tune and had a large amount tf church fund in his handa. . Th personal will in ruu is aa zouow: "In th nam of th Father. Son and Holy uhost, amen. . . . . "L .Benjamin WU tar Morris, -f Part- land. Oregon, give and bequeath to my Doiovea wire, Hannan Rodney Morris. all the property, real and personal, of whatever nature and - wherever situ ated, of which I shall die poaaeased, to have and to hold a her own, to use and dispose of according to her own will - and pleasure, subject only to the special and specific bequests mentioned hereafter - in this Instrument I de hereby bequeath unto each, of my four children, aa herein named, the sum of II each, to wit: Mary Rodney Adair, Louisa Morris, William Cilia Morris and Benjamin Wistar Morn. . Whan th convenient time cornea, by th sal of real estate or otherwise, . I , would de sire that my wife shall give $1,000 to th Episcopal fund of th diocese o( uregon ana an equal sum to tne tnniv ma fund for disabled clergy, of .the am diocese. :. Although the general missionary fund of the diocese of Ore gon 1 Indebted to me several thousand dollar. I desire that no account shall be taken of this tndebtedneea In making up the inventory of my estate. . "Having full confidence In th honesty and ability of my wife, Hannah Rodney Morrla, I do hereby direct and request that my said wife shall act as th exe cutrix of thle my laat will and testa ment and administratrix of my eeti t and that -Sh shall serve In that cai aclty without being required to give bonds. "Given under my hand and seal this tenth day of March, 1101. - - , . ,. "(Signed) " ... - "B WISTAR MORRIS (Seal)." ' "The foregoing instrument waa en tn date thereof alined, sealed and puhllsheu and declared by Benjamin Wistar Morrla . . . . r ... . . . . . to ne ms last will ana testament in our preaence and in tba presen of each of us and we then and there at k's re quest and In hi presence - and In 1 . presence or each other subscribed our name hereto as witnesses thereof, - "SARAH BARRT, . TJ. W. HILL, , . U-.t , ,;. - . "Wltne." Bishop Morris' second will, leaving the charch property to hi suoceeeor, show that funds of th diocese which he held In trust are deposited la tha First Na tional bank. Ladd A Tllton's and ths Portland Trust company banks. t John ' H. AKken for State Treasurer.- .'.;' : :. " Hag th support of th mass. , ' Dr. Ray Palmer has Just returned from a slx-monthr evangelistic cam paign In Montana. He held meetings in Butte, Helena, Dillon, Billings, Philip. burg. Parry, Forsyth and Belgrade. - THElLEAiRE IS The Patient Is delighted at the , ease with which the jrnost diffi CuK work is performed at : this ofrlce arid the gentle ness of the operators. The modern methods employ ed by us have routed the demon Pain, ' resulting in satisfied ; customeri, - who never fail , to send .their friends. In Scientific DR B. E. WRIGHT : '; 341 l-a washinqton street, corner seventh ; OFFICE HOURS: I A. M. TO 5 P. M. . 7:M P. M. TO t.30 P. M. ' SUNDAYS 9 TO 1. PHONK MAIN 3119 , They are as food as they loolc and they lobtf r as good as they areand they are as stylish ss they '' ' ' are good. H ; v "- f:-';.-'':;.;.-: . .'.No" matter- where you wear them, you'll feel , i dressed ujw ' Nv-'-' 7 : Found lh Portland f v 31 1 Morrison Street : : OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE ; 'As to, Values, None Do or Can Give Better . .-..v:i:rf-;r ,... ;'yr v-. ':U v'--"': ;J-:''?tv' 'V-' i'r.'v l ;. :- ; ' ' .v. ,y; eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiee4 'AH kinds of Electric Lightins; and Oas Fixtwes, Andirons' .- .- v-. - Fireplaces, Mantels, Etc. WE ARE ALMOST UNIVERSALLY CALLED UPON " WHEN "BIO" THINGS ARE TO BE DONE. i. WE - WIRED AND - INSTALLED" THE T LIQHTINO ------- ' ' PLANTS OF , : -; --7 The CONCORDIA CLUB Tu UNIVERSITY CLUB And very likely yon nnderstand that the rentlemen who wera the archltecta of these structures would be satisfied with - ! nothing short of tha beat, -. -..r. the john barrett .company-is not the ? . .; . .-..cheapest. : .- : -. Concern of Its kind in town, if "chesp" work is desired, bnt in quality it more than makes up for tha little extra first . cost .of installation of . lighting plants. "Accidental fires"., never follow in its wake, and it . : GUARANTEES EVERYTHING IT DOES v . I The John TU - 408-410 Morrison St. tMMMMMimMMMMM DR. a E. WRIQHT Tat to J. U. Waltaer to asaeo printer. - v Dentistry rt w: .v; vr'; only at J i ... Barrett Ga - MAIN 1M Bet. Tenth and Eleventh I MMtMMMM Irrtgon park ground becoming bean- tlfuL--- : - -7 The Dentist Whe loves his profession is always pleased to 'alle viate pain and help his; fellow-man aside from - the fee that he earns. . L At this office we provide the best in skill and appliances and our greatest reward is the , host of satisfied pa tients in Portland and the " Northwest. . '. ' . . ' 'vi ::""-'vv;:'.'."'j:: The PAINLEC3 DENTIST I ";,V , . :-t. Ir-- ' -