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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
SIEIiiOjtCl DUVS E: OF PEACE HAS SETTLED I Oil ... TURDULEUT ZI0I1 CITY WILL BOOST THE EflTIRE VALLEY HOTEL EATH) t:: ccc:i cu::d.y jour.::AL, fchtland, sunday morning., Amu. i. DOU VISITS L1ATTUCCI 0(1 VESUVIUS One Hundred and Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars Is Sell- ' V ; Met. :' PROPERTY OF DISTRICT . INCREASES IN VALUE Columbia Building ' at Waahington :., and West Park Is on the Market : and Several Other Big Deals Are . Nearly Completed.-. ' ' . One of the largest real estate deals of tht piit (w weiki vu consum mated at 8 o'clock yeeterdey afternoon when A. B.' 8telnbch purchased the Hotel Eaton building, located at West ' l'axk and Morrison - streets, from Dr. E. II. Parker through the real estate firm of Grlndstaff Bchalk for I II 5,- - ' 00ft. ' " . ; - ....' x The Hotel Eaton building U a modern alx-atory- structure, lOOxtO feet and - waa erected less than two years ago. . With the exception of two storeroome fronting on Morrison street, the en- ' .tire building Is under a five-year lease to the Hotel Eaton, which has four years yet to run. Mr. Stetnbach stated -lnyt night that he contemplated no '-, changes In the building and would put It to no new purposes, having purchased It as an investment. He lately sold property at Seventh and Stark streets valued -at 1111,000,. and in -addition to his other holdings is half Owner of the Imperial hotel. . " Blaster's Columbia, building, located 'Tit Weet Park and Washington streets. - is also on the market and Is being con sidered by prospective buyers. It is probable that this property will change hands within the next few days, as as , offer haa already been made.' for It. .'.l ha Columbia nuuaing is a modern six ' elory structure devoted to offices, and ' waa completed about one year agow- It Is 100 by to feet in else, and its ar - rhtteetucal design IS similar to the Ho tel Eaton. . Property on. upper Washington and upper Morrison streets is constantly - increasing la value and it Is rumored that several important deals will soon ' be made there; . - " . Chief of results Sylag. " (fffwdai Dlanatch or Leased Wire to The Joeniel) San Krsnelsco, April - 1 Father OeneraV Lewis Martin, head ef the entire Jesuit order, is in a critical con . dition and his death is momentarily - expected.- A cablegram from Rome te ' Father JV P. Frledea ef this city.1 an perlor of the Jesuit order of the mls- - slnn of California, stated that the last rites had been administered. i . With the passing of this famous lead er of the great order of Jesuits, one of : the moat prominent prelates m the ' orld goes to the tomb. Father Mer- ' tin haa maintained his high place for II . years and has administered the duties rt his office in a manner that haa won him renown all over the ., world, and 'from all religious sects;' !i A cancer on one arm la the cause of his probably fatal illness. - .,.'-. The Dandsome Blues and ;just a few of COLUMBIA WOOLEN MILLS ; CO.'S - Exclusive ' Patterns : : Gun Club . Checks, Gray Worsteds three shades Silver Gray Mixed Worsteds' Heringbone Weave , Velour, In different shades of blue and gray. ', r . . Wide Clan Plaid Cheviots. Moonlight Gray Worsteds, newest Scottish weaves. Pepper and Salt, plain gray " . and pin check gray. Serges, ten - weights" and . weaves, including the gen- r - ulne Washington Navy used - by U nde Sam's Naval Officers. - SUITS TO YOUR K1EASU2E $20 lo $40 These fabrics are alt soft, silky finished goods. We put ia the beet linings and trimmings and finish the garments with exceeding oars. -- A suit made up from one of the above fabrics, with . the latest-, style fashionable broad collar, straight .front and creased coat, will please you, and will prove a good business Investment. Tou will feel a lot more confidence In yourself If you are well dressed. , Aek to see the linings and trim mings we put In a fit suit. ELKS' BUILDINO . Sevesft csl Stsrk Sij. ; Grays End of Strife Leaves Dowie a Rich Man but Shorn of His Pro phetic, and Apostolic Offices Attorneys Announce Terms v ; : oV Agreement Will Be Ratified on Monday. (Speolal Plspstefc by leased Wire ts The Journal) ' Chicago, April 14. Peace has come to Zlon. The strife between John -Alexander Dowle, deposed leader, and Wilbur Olenn Vollva, la ended. This le the announcement made by E. Q. Wetten, counsel for Dowle, and Jacob Newman, representing Vollva. The attorneys say the terms wlU be ': ratified . Monday. Though peace comes In the nature of a conference, it la declared a. victory fot the Vollvena. The settlement wilt leave Dowle rich. . Here are the terms agreed upon by the lawyers: - Dowle to receive I per cent of the value of Zlon estate, . At a conservative estimate this ia reckoned at $1,000,000, Control ef Zlon to be vested in a board of 10 men, five to be selected by Dowle and five by Vollva. Vollva to remain ae ecclesiastical head of the church. - - , Dowle' to resign. all 'ecclesiastical -Offices. This means that his claims as Elijah the Restorer and the first apos-J tie no longer will be recognised. Alexander urandy to deed the prop erty be now holds by virtue Of Vollva' s UI1EIIDS 11 TROOP OF CAVALRY FOR UMATILLA RESERVATIOH Captain Cray, Who Investigated Trouble Between Stockmen - and Indians, Makes ReportReticence Is Mdntained bjrt Soldiers Expected to An-ive, Within Next Few Hours. ' I (Sperlal Dtapatek to The Joaraal.) - ,- Pendleton, Or., April 14. Captain Alonso Gray of the Fourth cavalry haa reported and ' recommended . that one troop of cavalry, be sent to the reser vation for the mora epecino purpose of petroling the roads and preventing the violation by stockmen of the order pro hibiting the croaalng of stock both sheep and cattle on the way to the. mountain pasturage. Nothing can ' be learned at this juncture as to when the -T SAVED FURNITURE BOTH IT AND .L.,.-:..u,. :J. J, , In a tire which destroyed a couple of residences ' near Lents Friday morn ing a peculiar Incident occurred. One of the houses belonging to Mrs. J. W. Adams caught fire la ' some unknown manner while she and her daughter were employed at apring bousecleaning. When tbsy rtrsfnotlced the blase 'they were out in the yara beating a carpet nang Ins over, a clothes line. . Before they could get any of the) furniture or per sonal belongings out the building was In a mass of flames. In a few seconds the adjoining house. valued at about 1 1.(00, caught fire. The oocupasts - were up town Shopping. Thlnklna- that thev misht be able to save some of the furniture in the burn-' lng building, Mrs. Adams and her daughter broke down the door, . which waa locked. - By thle time three or four RAY PALMER SUCCESSFUL AS EVANGELIST Former . Local Pastor , Returns , From Six Months' Campaign .In Montana. -f Rev. Ray Palmer, formerly pastor of the Second Baptist church of Portland. but now connected with the evangelistle staff of J. Wilbur Chapman. . is In the city for a few daye, having come here from Montana, where he has been con ducting a elx months' religious cam paign.' He reports that he hae secured about 600 conversions In public meet- Inge and in some of the towns hae suc ceeded in having the ealoenmen close their places to attend church in the evening.- - 'I held services in practically all the principal eltlea of the state." said Mr. Palmer. "I am more than pleased with the resulta X sought to teach the peo ple the good life and I appealed to them In a way that l nope reacnea tnem. ; "Among those wno proresssa conver sion were a number of drunkards and gamblers.-: Itt ths. town or Fony, the oaloonmen closed their places every evening and attended church services. This happened every nignt or tne weea that I waa there. In several other small towna I succeeded In getting saloon men to close their doors during the evening meeting hour and attend my services." Mr. Palmer will occupy his oia pulpit at the Second Bsptlst church this morn ing and wUl preach on the subject,. "A Vision of the Risen Christ."' At :U p. m. he will address men only at .the Centenary Methodist church on the sub ject. -The White Life." At the end or tne weea nr. raimer will leave for California, where be will spend a month In religious work. ! . - 1 1 ' 1 CLEAVES ADVERSARY'S ! ' SKULL WITH AN AX ' fgneeiit Dlenatca te The Iearaal.1 ' - Seattle. Wash. Anrll 14. As a result of the heated araument over the evi dence they gave on opposing aides' of a civil lawsuit Die Nelson, a resident or Garden City. dying at hie home with a cleaved skull and " ITrank -Johns;- a resident of the same place, is a fugitive pursued closely by two deputy sheriff a Nelson Is expected to die In a few hours. The murderous assault took place at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The two men were In Johns" back yara snd lo the midst of the angry discus sion Johns seised sn ax and brought It down on Nelson's heed. Nelson fell to the ground and neighbors carried him to hie home. Johne told the neighbors that he would wait for the officers to arrest him. but when they arrived be wee . gone, usrden city Is six miiee from Seattle. The dispute that led to the murderous ssssult arose from a law suit brought by a named Denevaa tranafer under power of attorney, baeli to Dowle for a day. ..-.. Dowle immediately to sign a cult claim to the entire estate, which thence forth will be held In the name of the Christian Catholic Church in Zlon City. Thla formality is to make the legal record of the transfer clear. -Offer of Bhiloh cottage as a residence for Dowle for the remainder of bla life If he wishes to llvs in Zlon City.' Shorn of his prophetic and apostolic emcee. Dowle wilt retire to private lire. It le known he will not acoept the offer of flhlloh cottage as a residence! Shlloh cottage, though second to Bblloh house as the handsomest building in Zlon City, haa been Dowle a a Labis. Vollva -will emerge from the first triumph the real leader of Zlon. Though he will not be a member of the board of ten, he will be the ecclesias tical head of the church and a power ia temporal affairs. Dowle, it le declared authoritatively will make his entry into Zlon this week. According to those im mediately about his dearest' wish has been to secure an opportunity to ad dress his former followers In Shlloh tabernacle. troops will arrive, as the authorities are extremely reticent on the subject It is ousrent belief that they arrived either, yesterday afternoon lata or will reach the reservation this morning. Such a thing aa an outbreak by the Indians is conceded by all partloe here to be absurd. At the same time Indiv idual acta of lawlessness on the part of Indiana toward offending stockmen is qutte possible In retaliation for rush ing the trail with their flocks and herds, ' r' - - x . . ONLY TO LOSE THE INSURANCE men appeared on the scene and before the flames were- too far advanoed tbey succeeded in carrying every portable ariioie out or tne nouae. Boon the second house waa a heap 'of aanee. Along toward night aa the own- era did not put In an appearance the furniture was transported to an old shed standing off the road at a distance ol perhaps 100 . yards, and left there for the night - Early yeaterday morning this shed got on five and the furniture which had been saved through heroic effort was totally destroyed.' -. The household goods were Insured, but as. they had been 'removed from the residence and placed in the ehed the owner will be unable to recover the loss. Mrs. Adams and her daughter, as well as the owner of the household effects, now wish they bad left the property in the to restrain his neighbor. Green, from blasting stumps on his farm. - Donovan alleges that the shock of the explosions shook half, of the rips berries from his bushes and prevented his hens from laying.. He got a restraining order but when it came, up la court on a pre liminary injunction the court refused to Interfere. Johns testified In favor ef reen and Nelson In favor of Donovan. MITCHELL IDENTIFIED , ' AS THE MAN WANTED A telegram received by Police De tective Vaughn from J. 8. Hlndman, a Northern Pacific railway detective, re moves all doubt as to the Identity of Frank Kvarte, elisa Jack Mitchell, cap tured at Eugene through the efforts of Detectives Vaughn and Hellyer. "Mitchell identified aa man wanted and indicted for . murder," is the text of the message. The wire waa sent from Lewlaton, Idaho, and shows that soms quick work wag done by Sheriff Richards of Asotin county. IWashlngton, .and Under-sheriff Monroe ' of ; Nes Percee' county, Idaho, after, they left Portland .with their prisoner. He was led to believe that he was to be taken to Washington and tried for horse stealing; .Instead the officials did: not stop In .'Washington at all with him. but kept on their way to Lewlston. tjcrarta. or-Mitchell, la accused of shooting to death a naif -breed Indian, Antolne Brochereau, -at a dance In Nes Percee county, Idaho. 1 Ha la wanted for horse stealing r n Asotin county, Washington. Detective Hlndman also suspects him of being Implicated in the Cul de See ' railway holdup la Idaho. . A communication, haa been received by Chief GrltSmaoher leading to an in vestigation showing that Everts Is also charged with-stealing horses from farm ers living near .Heppner- Oregon. WHOLE TOWN OF CODY, r " 'UNDER INDICTMENT (Special Dlepateh by Leased Wire to The Jeeraal) Cody, Wyo.. , April It. Nine out of every ten male cltlsena above the age of n years In Cody, numbering LOSS, have been Indicted during the past week for gambling. The minimum fine that can be Imposed Upon each parson accused, la ease of a verdict Of guilty is returned. Is SttO. -After each man la fined the mini mum fine Cody's contribution to the county treasury will be $320,000. . The . anti-gambling crusade was started In this county to raise money with which to replace publlo bridges that were washed out by the floods. The number of indlotments returned le the largest on record In sny city In 'the United Ststes In proportion to its popu lation. ' But the accused declare that the authorities wfil never be able to se cure convictions for the reason that It will be quite Impossible to get Juries without sccepttng men who are them eelvee under ' Indictment for the same offense that they would be asked to try others. -... , Intrepid Observer Tells of Events Connected, With Terrifying .". ""'"v " 't. Eruption. r LAUGHS WHEN TOLD THAT HE IS CALLED A HERO After First Fury Examined Crater .Which Has Widened Until It Is Two Miles in DUmetetwMrs. Robert Ooelet .Views Scene. I By Carlos Carfoglio. (Copyright, 'Hearst Mews Berries. by Leased . Wire U The Joaraal.) Naples, April 14. Last night I visited the Vesuvlan observatory to Interview Friend MattucoL Leaving Naples the aky waa clear, but ashes were stiU fall ing on the mountain slopes. Ascending the pasa I encountered groups of peas ants, some sleeping, others watching to give the alarm In the event of a re newal of the eruption. Toward Pug llano the ascent became difficult, the horse sinking knee deep In the sand. J waa oompejiea to dismount. .The guide led me through the old lava bed created by the eruption of ItSt. The allenoe waa terrible, there being no living bird er tree within alght After three hours of a toilsome journey, I reached the ob servatory. " A gendarme opened - the door and Z found Mattuocl absorbed In atndying the seiemaUcal Instruments. "Tou here!" Mattuocl exclaimed. ' He haa a tall strong - figure, ia 40 years of age. with hair gray, grayish dark calm eyes. For nine - days and nights Mattuocl has lived In the ob servatory, not knowing what moment might bo his last, while IT mayors and IOO.000 people fled the scene. Mattuocl said: - . v Thrietmilns; fo Xoatfca. . "Vesuvius haa been threatening for several months - the ' cataclysm which finally came Sunday night. A fearful clash was heard, followed by a quiver ing all over the summit of the moun tain. Try to Imagine the effect of MOO feet of solid rock hurled Into the crater of seething fiery lava. It was that shock that brought ruin and dsath to LBosco Traces, San Qulaeppe and, Otta- Juno by producing an overflow of lava. While the Intense heat rapidly 'burst asunder, the crater tossing the riven rocks ' heavenward to rain destruction for miles In all direotlona In the form of etones, aahes and eand. "The eruption was normal until then. when it became, intensified. An enor mous form of sand and atones swept the circle of death and fiery projectiles fell all around the observatory, Cook's funicular railway atatlon being imme diately-destroyed. Meanwhile the ground under me rocked constantly with earth quake ahocks and lightning flashed con tinually, through the darkness. My in struments were constantly agitated. All day Monday the eruption oontinued fur lously, while aa immense pillar, denee with erupted matter, overhung the crater, veering- like the needle of a compass before the wind. The observa tory was not only struck by projectiles, but Was go deluged with lapllla and aahea that the roof threatened to fall until It was cleared. "Boon after the first fury of the eruption abates- I found opportunity to ezemlne the orator. - it la Impossible to conceive of a scene more terrlfylngly fascinating. The crater bad been so widened by the fall of the cone that it now measurea nearly two miles ia diameter. From its depths there Issued hoarse growllngs while momentarily a sea or llauid lava rose and feu like milk in an overboiling kettle. . I saw a black maas weighing hundreds of tons swirl lng around in the lave whirlpool. - - "Marvelous red flares Of light lllumi nated the surroundings. All that night I remained awake, watching the crater rand the pillar cloud above rising 10,000 feet. Tne next day an intense dark ness reigned around the . observatory, which was now buried In seven feet of aahea. On Tuesday the eruption became greatly diminished, the earthquake shocks" were lighter, the lightning flashes fewer, . though still Intense. Though lava haa been flowing from the crater every day since, the phenomena has diminished steaauy. tnererore I ex pect the normal condltlona of the vol cano will be resumed early next week." The professor laughed when, I said: "The whole world is now calling you a hero In the cause of science." WORK OF EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE YESTERDAY The third day's session of the United Evangelical conference was opened at the 8t Johns church yesterday morn ing - by Bishop Hortsler, president of Dallas college. Dr. Paling then read his report for the year. It indicated marked advances over previous years. He recommended putting a financial agent In the field the coming year. Hie report also showed that Miss Josephine Armstrong as teacher In the art de partment had mads a decided success with her department Rev. D. M. Me tiger preached In the evening. . .- Today at 10:48 a, m. Bishop H.-B. Hortslery D. D will preach; at 1:10 p. m. the bishop will deliver the ordina tion . aermon. The annual missionary service Willi be held at T:I0 thla even ing. Rev. B. a Leurler will preach in the Evangelical Association church at Lents at 7:4 p. ra. ' Rev. G. Ia Lovell will preach at. the First Evangelical Association church In Portland. - The committee on morals and reform presented a report deploring the lack of Babbath observance and the tendency toward a continental Sabbath. ---V The liquor traf f lo came In for a se vere arraignment and the church went on record against the traffic by refus ing to vote for any person for office unless pledged against the saloon and for oivlo righteousness. MAD WITH JEALOUSY v SHOOTS WIFE AND SELF (pecla! Mepetce kr Leased Wire to The Jeereal) Ben Joes, Cel.. April 14. C rased with Jealousy and despairing of a reconcilia tion with his child wife, D. T Qlllls to night fired five shots at the woman, who possibly .will die. Then, chased by a f rensled mob. be ran for two blocks to hi home, threw his pursuers off the treok, locked and barricaded the door of bla room and fired two Shots into his left breast. He may recover. - Olllls has been Insanely Jealous of bis 11-year-old bride, who he married 10 months ago. He hae frequently beaten her for supposed Infidelities. -On March It ehe filed eult for divorce. The deed notifying hire of the case lay upon the bureau in his room end he hed evidently been examining It before be committed the attack, - ---- - Organization of Rogue River Valley League Marks Begin- . nlng of New Era."":'" 1 .' NO PETTY CONTENTION MARS PRESENT OUTLOOK Davis Opera House at Medford Crowded With Enthusiastic. Visit ors From Many Towns ol South-' - era Willamette Country. ; ("pedal Dispatch to Tea loans!.) Medtord, Or.. April 14. The organisa tion of the Rogue River Valley Booster club at the Da via opera-house la Med ford on yesterday evening marked the beginning' of - a new era la the history of the Rogue River valley. The organi sation owes Its inception to Dr. C. K. Ray, manager of the Condor Water dt Power company, who for the last -10 years has been a consistent boomer of the advantages which the Rogue River valley presents. . - With the close of the day the ready response of the different towns of the valley to the invitation of the Medford Commercial club became manifest when the cltlsens of Medford in - force aa sembled at the depot grounds with the muslo of the local band, met a delega tion of ltl from Ashland." a large num ber from - Jacksonville fully tio from Grants Pass and (S from Gold Hill, while the entire countryside was on hand to welcome them- and listen, to the flood of oratory at the opera-bouse, On arrival all . visiting - delegations were entertained with a free supper at Hotel Nash, the permanent exhibit building thrown open for their entertain ment until o'clock, when, headed by the band, the vtsltors marched to the opera house, where William M. Colvlg was called to preside and W. L Vawter delivered an address of welcome and W. H. Bradshaw presented the keys of the city to the delegates from neighbor lng' towna. "'."" : . ! v 7 '.' yimlneirt Speakers "tmm. "". y; 51 - Pithy and pertinent addressss ware then delivered by eminent speakers from ths different towns of the valley, Including Professor B. F. Mulkey, C B. Watson snd M. F. Eggleston of- Ash Is nd. R, O. Smith land A. C. Hough of Grants Pass, J. I Hammersley and othera of Gold Hill. C. U Reamee of Jacksonville, W. S. Crowe 11. J. D. Olwell, W. H. Gore. J. H. Heard and othera of Medford, and several visiting oitisene and candidates from the north ern portion of the state, "who were all In thorough harmony - with the - move ment to boost the Rogue Rlvsr valley. It is evident that the valley Is to have one of the greatest fruit -crops ever raised here-and all lndloatea a period of great development and activity Is southern Oregon. - - 1 - The best feature of the matter la that the local people are at last awake to the advantages which surround this valley and are ehowlng their faith by making Investments aside from those which the bomeseekers are Impelled to make. There baa been more good property changed bands within the last It days In the Rogue river -valley than within a like period at any time In Its history. One ef - the important considerations now ts the quality of the land which the local contingent la buying and the marked preference given to developed alfalfa land, young orchards In bear ing or- approaohlng the bearing period. indtcatea the . trend oz popular, sent! ment , . , : IS ARRESTED FOR LARCENY Parents of Miss Tesele Marten Resort to Expedient in Order to Reclaim Offspring. la order to have Tessie Marten, aged almost IS years, returned to . thla city from Astoria her parents were driven to the expedient ot threatening to have her arrested (or larceny. Thla atep waa taken after conferring with the police. R. L. Heninger of the Northwest Detective agency was sent to Astoria after the girl, arriving with her in this city yeeterday morning. r Though Atlae Marten la Jk minor and eould have been forced to eome home she will be 11 yeara old In about three months, and it was realised that on at taining her majority she could leave home whenever ehe desired. The method employed, however, will probably hold her here until . her parents have made suitable provtelon for her. The girl ia the daughter of respect able parente and very pretty, but is wild and wayward. Because she per- eistea in spending ner tune on the etreets at night she was sent to the Magdalen home, - where . ehe remained until a short time ago. Last Monday she disappeared and Inquiries were eent out for her by the police on request of her parents, she was located at As toria in a dance halL ' Before going to Astoria, rt Is alleged. the girl sols a gold watch belonging to her mother. When Heninger reached Astoria he Informed her that If ehe did not return nome ana stay tnero a charge would be preferred against her and ehe would be proeeouted for the el leged larceny, ehe was frightened by the threat and readily accompanied him back to Portland. . - Fook Sang & Co. TMM estXZXXI CMJJK' . ssa nwiLM, J AT TU CHONO. Mgr. 231 Alder SL, Portland Pure. Beautiful . Jada Jewelry, Oold Bracelets and Signet Rinse of all leaorlptlona made to or der. ' American namea engraved la Chlneee eharaotera en pure sold tho Ihraa e.ri1tnal Chlneaa eharaAters. vlnt Olory. Prosperity and Longevity. Chargee reaeonable and orders of any design promptly executed and eent pre aia to any part or tne unitw aiaies. pEntiYunynLWLLC e aaa a44, mini aaaaa, 3 1 Waaittaia. Taaa -. ?,e aas l-uaa- t' i. Tl SM . J S-a..oava AND WE TREAT tUN ONLY Established 2J Years In Portland ; ; ' Cura 1 -W cn ACCOMPLISH . IT, . - ; If fen ban vlnleted Die lews ef health sad are eeasdoos ef s constant frets wfcl Is aadermlnlBg you srium, eome to as Before yoa becooie a oeraus ud p&riteel wreck. . If yoa are weak, floomr asd eeipondent, bete bad aresBie, depressed, lack ambition sad eaeray, nsable te eoaeentrete your Jbouckts. lack vim, lsor and vitality, eome to as et ante; ear treatment will, stop all drains asd overcome aU vhIumm aad poatttToly lev. store Von to trrafth and Iwtlth. We neve cared thousands of wrak men. THOSg WHO HAVB BEE DISA01TED BY UHSKILIED g?ECTAIJTSAe SAXNE8TLT BCaUEBTZD TO IHVXSTIOATX OU METHODS AITP TIMI WITH 00 if EEUT.WKIOH HAD THn WH III SJEOUfNIJIG. WOULD HATS IAT&S tin n&s AM9 moxst. . A LIFE LONO CURE FOR BLOOD POISOB. SKTB DISEASES, IOIII. XTLCTHt. STXICTTOZ. YASICOCEIE, ST. . DBOCXUC. MEkVOUB DKCUNE, WXAXVXaa, TILXM OS CHkOllIO DISgAHfJ Of XHC KlDlfZTI AND faOSTATX. PEOIAI, DISEASES Newly contracted and ehranle rases enred. All tmrtitnj, Inf and (nflammailnD atonped 11 24 bonra; rnref effrrtrd In T day. Wg OOVia THB jtgTiB ruxfi or weoiax axs .oHkovio. crxr-sxAXXD, oowuoaixd . ia willTI U yea caaaot call. All eaVTsssoneoncs strictly coafMentUI sad all renUes seat la slals savelopoa. Me bsbms, cases, letters et paotogrspas ot patleats putOUbod e WI OXAmOX fO OtriZS Oaxr. ; ears a pattest eeaae aa weu, es that as bar te be treated fot the same trouble.. WOBD IS AS GOOD AS OUX BOND. OPX riXAXOIAt STAITDIVO is sotre A OUE LOHO XXPERIZMCK Df TXIATIVO SPECIAL DUIASES Ot at EX IX8VXLS 10 J or aoouii suisaxiriu xnaaxaiajir iui wiu Auuustriasv a uua,a. . HOURS a. m. to I p. m. ZJventnga, I to ; Sundays, a. m. to 11 noon,, ST.LCUIS UECICAL AND SUEvICAL oomjras nooaro ajtd TAiaaxb eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeie Our epeeial remedies are effecting the moat surprising cures. If we had not unlimited eonndence In our system and appliances we would never make the following offer: Any person taking treatment with us may deposit the price of a euro ' In ANT BANK IN PORTLAND. TO BB PAID TO US WHEN A CURB 18 EFFECTED. . . We take monthly Installments If the patient prefers. - - Our terms are most reasonable, and no honest person need go with out the treatment that will restore him to perfect health. We treat and euro all chronla blood, nervous, skin, end private die-' eaaee; also stomach, heart, liver, kidney, bladder and throat troubles. Our modern treatment will relieve and curs any of the above all- ments In leee time and with greater eertalnty than any, ether la exist ence. . . y ..',.,..4.''..'. , , WE GUARANTEE-A CURE IN EVERY CAS2 Wit UNDERTAKE, OR, Consultation free. Letts rs confidential. - Instruotivs book' for men iled free In plain wrepper. It you cannot oall at offloe writ for queatlon blank. : Homo treatment jeaafuL ' .......... w orace hours: , a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to OR! V. NORTON DAVIS & CO. -' Offloee in Tan Key Hotel, 11)4 third St. Corner Pine, Portland. Or. . eeeeeeeeeeeeeMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesee-eeeeeee PERSISTENT ATTENTIONS . LAND HIM IN JAIL "If I had a gun or a revolver, cap tain. X would have shot this fellow dead In hla tracks." His voice trembling with Indignation, Joseph Hawkins accompanied Station Officer Parker to police headquarters laat night and thera preferred a charge of disorderly conduct against D. P. Latham, accuaed of Insulting hla 1S- y ear-old daughter. It ig alleged that Mill Hawkins and her father were waiting for aa Oregon City car In the waiting-room at First HYon icl People - . ' . '. '' - ; . t WUl come, and stay at my sanilariurn a few days you will bo astonished at the number ' of 4 patients-J-prominent men and women among them we are ' curing. Yoii wil speedily learn, too, the methods o( treatment we' pursue, with our ' .' i ,' it : Chinese Herbal Us The cures I am affecting are truly marvelous.'. If you art suffer ing it will cost you nothing to at feast come and tee me. You will feleti the day that brought you to my place. - DR. VEf CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, tJNCOM- PLICATED AILMENT FOR $IW0 . .. FOR THE FEE. ' " . ' , ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Come Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special ists who number their PERFECT Cures by the iruniteiuni ,v. dttdui xtttmt net exseet par for sot senioss salees we will be eatiraiy aaturioa, aa wui ami ar'a, IX VTSTIGATE .AND tEARX THAT JOi 1 DISPENSARY mnn. rosTzaxro, obsoox, CHARGE NO FEE and Alder streets. The father wsS standing a fsw feet distant when he eaw Latham, ha aays, approach : hla daughter and heard him speak to her. "When I told him to desist," said the . old man, "he said he would like to aee me try to make him let her alone, I telephoned for. the police beoauee X could not cope with him physically," SoUos JaJlas'a Blttadeyi. , 1 -, Ben B&nch, the veteran police Jailer, will be SO years old today. Ho waa born In Wisconsin April IS. 1$4. He has been a resident of Portland for years) and haa spent many years on the police force. ":'. . V ' ; ,V