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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
-7 - t:: . or.zzou. su::day. joukijal. postland...' Sunday, moaning. April is.-.i:ci FlltSflO 1118 HI L1SI ll(6 Morley's. Angels Capture An Sweeney - and - Toren - Boot the ?: other-Contest From , the ' . Oakland Commuters. ' Ball and Hogan Scores v Winning Run. HALL PITCHED WELL v GAME WAS PITCHERS' ; FOR SEVEN INNINGS - BATTLE THROUGHOUT Van Haltren'a Mm Make ' Many Fltffarald r and . Toren Pitch Fine Costly Error and JDo Evcrrthlng Ball lentil tha Utter Boots a Ball, and Aided by S.weeney'a Bungle, to Aid th Loo Loo's on to Victory Story of the Match. ' the Titera Cinch the Game. Oil HUE 'Gfif.;E-pr1 A;-- ' " " 'PITCHER JOE r : - V ; : NJS-: : --7 KEV X0RK- -W- : : KNOWN As THE ; v ? " .IRON MAN r If v L w wmT 1 7 - ' ' A ' '' W DIET -.r- vat . ; :, CSpecial ptepeteh by teased Wire to Tee Journal) Angeles, April 14. Loa Angeles . e, v-.. nana j. The locals won from Oak Jana today, but It. was all Oakland Hun, nvo error at inopportune mo- menu .contributing runs to the Angela. -Warren Mall waa on the alab for Loa Angeles. Dssplte the fact that hla arm la atlU weak, h allowed tha Oaklandara only nnn hlta In tha eight Inning ha . puenoa. vrna score: ; v 7 los anobles, . AB. K. H. FO. A. B. xnimirn, ci. 1 I Z 0 I jlhib, 11. ,.. M . . a . g .Braahaur, 2b. I Cravatb. rf. ., ..I Dillon, lb. S At a, as. . 4 Toman. Ib. .......... I 1 . 5 f i I 0 1 . 1 0 Eager, c .4 0-0 0 HmT tit. p. I Gray 0 0 Totals ........ J i 10 U -:. - .OAKLAND, . . , AB.R.H.PO.A.B. Dunloavy, If. ,.4 0 0 2 Markley. 2b. 4.'. 9 J. Hackett, lb. ...... 4 I Devereaux. lb, .....,! 'J 0 1 Francks, aa, ......... 4 0 1 - 4 , Bllam, c. .,.....,,.,. 1 - 1 4 Randolph, p. ........ 4 0 1 ' 1 Totals . .IS 10 ti 11 . . . Qrar batted for Hall In tha eighth. SCORE BT INNINGS. '"." .'Los Angelas ,...1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 11. U ... Iltilll 10 ' Oakland ......, 1 0 00 1 t : Hits .......... o lion x. ')-.'- .. , : SUMMART. V , 1 Hlta Off 1U11.' 7: off Berman. . Three-base hit At. Two-biM hit Randolph. Sacrldc hit Dillon. First bane on arror Loa Angeles, 1. Left on baaaa Loa Angel, 4; Oakland, ' 7. Maaa on balls Off Hall, I; off Ran ' dolph. 4: off Bergman. 1. Struck out ': By Randolph, 8: by Hall. 4t by Berg man, 1. uounie piay nan to Villon. ' Bulk Randolph. Vaaaed ball Bllea. ;Tlm of gume Two houre, Umpire - :ALBINA TOO STRONG f s"" n llf AAfll aa IS fall sl I at I run vvuuuuAvvra nmc The Alblna ball nine defeated Wood lawn yesterday afternoon by tha acore af S 19 1 Uornn'l nlN v1n waa tha feature of tha conteat. The lineup: : woodlawns. Position. Alblna. ' Bosper ..-, r. ,pv .......... . Hogan uarvin t ... .c. .......... urayaon .Collins nnpp ........... .o. .......... . tsrauy 'Morgan .......... a.., ....... Bradley Donaldson ........... Kern mU ........ .... if... Keener Clark, Abbott.., .cf ........... . . Boion V .Hann .rf Wilson LENTS NO MATCH FOR -" LOWER ALBINA BOYS Tha Lower Alblna nine defeated Lents yeaterday afternoon .by tha acore of I - ta 1. Morris' home run. was the feature or tha game, ' The lineup:' ",t Lenta. , . , ' , , t Alblna, Mitchell ...... .p.......... Baker ' Oerr . r. T. . ;,.. . .r . . . . F. ftaborn Morrl, ........., ... , ...Sharkey Down . lb. ........ Morgan Frlauf ...,... ... . .lb... .. ,s,,,. Power Orr .;,.,..v. .....,, .... Dixon Collin ......If Raborn MUler ......rf Smith Jones' ............of........... Cullon PACIFIC COAST' LEAGUE. III CLUBS. Sua FranrlMO. hot Angalaa... .7I .B7 71 .42 .143 AU I'nrtUod trmno .. Oakland SaaUle . toat .... 22 V fclartUcmm aat Webb QiukUfy. In the opening games at tha Warerly golf link yeaterday Mr. Ltnthlcum and y, W,..H ,-,.. . tha net acore of II and 14 respectlrely. . Type GoiiF Cylinder Toirfliag Car Air-cooled. Shaft drive. v Sliding ' gear transmission. . Three speeds , and reverse. New and perfect disc clutch. Forced-feed oiler on the d dash. - Four passengers. Side doors. . 88-inch wheel base. 12. "Franklin horsepower. . 1400 pounds. 115 . miles an hour. 9J.00O.00. Full head and tail light equipment. . , ! . mmrn :. It has the power; that's one thing. Turns it into ability; that's another. And 'can safe ly and comfortably use it on American ups and downs, that s a third. , ' -. . The Franklin air-cooled motor makes big power steady and ready. The Franklin oil cUshioned transmission mechanism ; and pliable construction turn the motor power into safe and comfortable ability 50 per. cent more than In any car of its rating. . The Franklin Motor Book may save you money. . :-l.i .. :. 'J f ' ::v .'-.( ' :. ;: ; . : POUR Mooni-o 1QCX v - . . Four-Cylinder Runabout $1500 Four-Cylinder Touring Car........ ..8i2050 Four-Cylinder Light Touring Car. '.,.$1000 Six-Cylinder Touring Car ,,,........ IJ4000 H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., 64-66 Sixth St. Garage and Repair Dept. Oak, "v --.----i' -- I I.I- 1,1 I a 1 1 01 . x 1 III 8- ' - : -A- :-V,f ; . HULTKOMAH DEFEATS THE BEHNKE-WALKER CLUB Wifieed M Players Take a Free Batting Contest From Lo- . cal Students. The Multnomah Amateur Athletic duo defeated the Behnk. Walker . Business college yesterday, 14 to I. ' Both teams went to pieces in the sixth inning, and few' bases on balls, errors and heavy hitting were reaponalble for the large Scores made. Oearln, the Multno mah -club pitcher, showed lack of prae tlce, but glvea 'promise of developing. Tlmma, tha Behnke-Walker pitcher, with tha exception af one Inning, proved very effective. Orey's bunting and line drives were a feature of the game.. -The aoore: BEHNKB-WALKER. . ' . R. H. PO. A. K Ott. 2b. ................ . 0 4 0 Montague, rf. 1 1 0 0 j Brown, lb. . . k 12 III Morrok. lb. I . 0 I I snockiey, aa. 1 II Fulton, cf. I I 11 - i Thing. If. 1 flit Battle, o. 0 1 11 0 Tlmma, p, 0 1 7 f 14 II Totals ; MULTNOMAH. .... ' R.H.PO.A. it ? Orer. SB. Henkle, cf. ... 1-1:1 5r mDbell. 2b 1 I 1 rowbrldge, lb, ........ 11 1 I Bllley. lb. ........ .v .1 I JO 1 0 Ott, If. ,....(.....0T Kl,.l 1 Barton, rf.; ...!...... 1,0 10,0 Stockton, C :rj 1 ill Oearln, p, ...... Total .14 II 24 14 I -. - Athlaie Qualify. Kaeetal DlaDarab t Tfce JoaraatT Eugene. Or,, April 14. Members of he Eugene High school track team. training for tha Columbia meet on April 11. held tryeul today on the varslty oval and the following men will repre sent the school: 10-yard daah, won by won by Smith me " KTAOIM km Smith, time, '0:04: half-mile relay, won by Farrlngton. ' Clark, Keatly, Elapaaa, time 2:00. Eugene High school will be repreaf a ted by five men . In the Junior Columbia meet' Dallae Tribunes Was. . (pelal Dtapatcb te The JaaraalJ ' Dallaa. Or.. April 14. Tha Dallaa Tribunes defeated Qutherle at baseball thlo aftrnoon,by the acore of 11 to a. The local team played a good game. Byron, the pitcher, was effective. Between Sixth and Seventh. CHAMPION EDGECOTE PEER AGAIN VICTORIOUS. Frank E. Watkins' Splendid Bull Terrier Sweeps the Boards at . . Los Angeles Show. , Frank E. Watktnr champion Edge. eote peer-awept everything before it in the Los Angeles benoh ahow that closed last night In tha southern elty. The dog won flrst In open ; and winner class, for ths best bull terrier dog, won tha silver cup for -specials for being tne best bull terrier dog and a silver cup for being tha best dog of any breed of euner sex in me anow. . Champion JSdgeeote Peer la - pure ' . " .' t " ' ; ,.'t - '. , ,, ., " .- ..... Wit TUniiiiMiaH "nTTrr 'ln-a raw Champion Edftcote Peer, J. E. Wat' kba Prise Winner at Loa Angeles Bench' Show.. .-. ,t , PORTLAND, OR. white English bull terrier, with the ex ception of a very alight dark marking around his left aye. la free from akin pots and is - as near perfection in makeup as possible.- Ha excel tn heed properties, having a lone, strong' well Sued up muaale, - evenly set teeth, beautiful ay and ' placement, perfect body, ahort whip tall, correctly carried, and straight front with good lege and feet ; He ia full of that much to be desired terrier character ' and la a buU terrier all tha way through.- Ha la aired by the . imported dog, Champion Bloomebury Baron, that won numeroua firsts In England and wojind up his show career by winning first limit open an his championship at the Crystal Palace show, Iondon, England, im. Hla asm Is the well-known brood bitob. Edgewood Queen, and while she has "never been shown herself she Is a litter slater to Champion Edgewood Jean II. that has won many firsts in this country and haa won her A. K. C ohamplonshlp, defeating soma of ths best bitcbea In America. Here are hle-ennrrtn First puppy winners at Ban Fran claco, April, 1104, and also winner of special for beat In hla breed, either sex, and special for reserve for beat In show, any breed.-James Mortimer, Judge. First open and wlnnera at . Oakland. California. fleptemberr-ll04, and special for beat of bread la show. F. M. wand. Judge. Flrat open and winner at Ban Mateo, California. September, 1904, and special for best of breed In show. John Brad- shaw. Judge. Flrat open and .wlnnera at Vlotorla, B. C and specUI for best bull terrier dog tn ahow, April, 1105. E. N. Barker, Judge. ..... First open and reserve winners at Seattle. Washington, April. 1105. John Lynn. Judge. First open end winners at Portland, Oregon, May,' 1105, and special for beat of breed In ' show. Thomas Aahton, Judge. . Flrat open and winners at Ban Fran. ctaoo. May, ' 105, and apeclal for beet bull terrier dog In ahow, Thomaa Ash- ton. Judge. " First open and winners at Ban Mateo, California, September, 101, and special for beet bull terrier, sex. In show. John Bradshaw. Judge. Flrat open and -winner at Spokane, Washington, October, l6r and specials for best bull terrier dog and beat dog la ahow. any breed. Jama cola. Judge. Flrat open and wlnnera at Los Angeles, California, April 14. 1104. and specials. for beet bull terrier dog end best dog In show , any breed. James Cola, Judge. .' CROCKERS FALL BEFORE RIVERSIDE SLUGGERS The Riverside team - defeated - tha Crockere yesterday afternoon In a well- played game by the score of I to 1. 1 The Irvlngton team forfeited . their 1 game yeaterday morning by not ahow-I Ine-ud. The llneupi : Riversides. Crockere. TwItchell-BulUvaa. p. ....... Branaugh Kennedy . ...... .u. .......... . Soottl Betus .,..,,...... Crocker! Buahong ....... .lb. ...... .A. MoCarl Sulltvan-Twltohell. Ibr. . , . .... Hebbart Day ' ,4i,,t,,i,,.lb,( i. M McCarl Bennett If ........... Wrenn H. Howe.. ........rf.. ........ Cooper Brady ',...,.cf..!.-..i. Oakley AMERICAN LEAGUE.. ' ' . Won. Lost P.O. New Tork . 1 . e 1.000 PhUadelphlav. 1 0 1.000 1 Waahlnaton . . - ' 1 '. .0091 Boeton....... 0 1 .000 At Waahlngton Washington i. Phila delphia 4. At New TorV New Tork 2. Boston l. (Spaelal DUsatek by Leaaad Wire ta Tha Jaurnil) ji reano, caj., AprU 14. Toren loat hi own game today. Both ha and Flts geraid twirled In (In form and tha ninth Inning began with tha eoore I ta I 1 Hogan bunted and Toren booted the ball. Fltagerald bunted and beat tha ball to flrst Walters lined .one down to Sweeney, who fumbled It, filling tha bases. Casey,' next up, hit a hot one at Sweeney... and Hogan . came oyer . the ple for tha winning run. Tha score: , PORTLANP. IB. IL H PfV A. XM Mollale, or. ......... 4 1 I Mocreoie, rr. .10 1 1 Sweeney, se, ........ I d 6 Mitchell. If. I I dialer, id. .......... t V 1 1 McLean. O. 4 tit 0 j 0 Moore, lb. 4 f I !lnahuo, lb. ........ I I loreo, p. . 4 e e e TotaJa II V 111 II .. "FRESNO." 4 ...MM . h . V. Walters, of. Caaey, 2b. 1 , ,.......- II 0 I Mciaugniin, 1 . .... 1 iMgan. aa. 1 lea, lb. 4 f 1. It. 5 Arellanei Delmaa. 0 1 0 Hogan,' o, ........... Flugerald, p. Totals .! I I If One out when winning run waa made .. SCORE BT-1NNINQ& Portland . . ...,.. .0 00-101 02 Hits . . ....... 1 1 1 1 Freeno . , 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 11 Hits . . .,,....1 0 14040 11 ' ' SUMMART. i ... SacrlSce hlta Donahue, Casey, Cart wrlght Two-baae hlta Eagan, MoCre- dle, McHale. Bases on balla Off Toren, I; off Fltigerald, a. Struck out By T ran. 8. Stolen bases McHale. Mitch- all. - Waltara. Eacan. Lrt -on baai rortiana, 7; rTeano, id. rirai oaae on errore Freano, z. Time or game one hour and 10 minutes, umpire MODon- ald. . , . . . NATIONAL LEAGUE. fWon. Lost, o 0 . 1 -' 1 I ' F.C 1.001 1.000 . Boston ............. 2 Pittsburg . . ........... 1 Chicago . ............. 2 New York ..,....... Philadelphia 1 6I .121 -JJI Cincinnati-. . ........ u Bt. Liouis . e .004 Brookiye... m . t 0 , 1 ,-'-1.000 At- St. Louis St. - Louis-Pit Uhurg a-ama coaroonad ! rain, At Clnolnnati Cincinnati J. cnioago a. At New - Tort Boeton 1, Brooklyn 0, At Philadelphia Qlanta 1, Pblladsl phla L .-. . ' THIRD PORTLAND ACADS -BEAT M. A. A. C. JUNIORS Yesterday morning the third Portland academy team beat the M. X A. C Junior at baseball by a acore of I to T. Tha feature of tha game war Cason's pitching and Snow'a fielding and Meyers' oatcning. xne une-up was: P. A. I. M. A. A. C. Jr, H. Caaon.. P Douglas II. Cooklngham....e. ........... Meyara O. Summers.. ss..,,,,., Oallengr C.,. Doonell W. Howe ,.tb..,,,., Patteraoa J. Taylor... 2b Alexander B. 8now...........l.f Sutton L.- Mill...... cf Stanley F. Bell r.f Sharp Springfield atlgh Sekeot Tletot. (anecUl Stspatch te Xbe leanaLr Eugene, Or., April 14. In a game of baseball at Recreation park today the Springfield high school nine won from the Eugene high school by the score of it to 14. Lineup: . EL 11 I, S. H. 8. Preston ...... Anderson Hurd ............. 2b... .,.... Eraklns Wllllame lb... Stag King Anders Vanduyn ......... .p. .... Walker Wataoa e.' n P. Ersklne Barbour If Lamar Robertson ........c f ........ Valvalaah Armstrong r. f Smltson Soteefer 2ea4a Button. (Spaelal Dlapateh ht Lteead Wire te Ta Jaarnal) New Tone April 14. in the Inter national billiard tournament tonight Bchaefor defeated Sutton by the aoore of 100 to 111. Bchaofer'e high run was hi, average i. :Mi4t .-K-mW 4-''. te-.-:..v.Bv Claude Swam,' Crack Pole Vaulter M ; ; ; 5 LOW and HIGH CUTS ym "TS BLACKS - i EMPLOYERS ARE KG MEN, SAYS ANSEH Employment Agent Needs Five Thousand Railroad Hands Vat Once. ' ' Employment agent declare that fuUy 10.000 more common laborers could readily secure work tomorrow In terri tory tributary to Portland. C R. Han sen Jr.- sars that the railroad oontrac tore In Oregon, Washington and Idaho have placed orders with .him to send them 1,400 men at once. "It appear Impossible to get enough men to supply the demand," ' says Mr. Hansen, "and the railroad offlolals are fearful that their extenalone will be de layed. To, help along matters they of fer to ship men here free of charge from Minneapolis, Bt Paul, Duluth and from other points In the eaatern state. But so far very ' few hav availed theraaelvea of the opportunity to come weat on these liberal terms. A ecala of 11.20 a day of 10 hours has been fixed for ordinary workmen, while skilled mechanics will receive much higher pay. - There will be steady em ployment on these . new roads being built for at leaat two years. Bo far aa tha demand for labor Is concerned tha western country was 'never mora pros perous than at present." In order to Keep ineir employee rrom going elsewhere to accept positions the same authority asserts that tha local sawmill companlea will ehortly raise their wage ecala from It to 1121 a day. He explalna that the logging camps and eawmlll flrma down the Columbia river are -also wanting many more men and very soon a big force of laborers will bo needed en - the government canal which wftl be built in the Klamath eountry. "I received an order . today, con cluded Mr. Hansen, "for IS unskilled men to work In a sawmill at 12.50 a day. Thta la tha highest wag for that character of labor to be offered thla aea. eon and It ehowa plainly the scarcity of labor in tha country. Wagea ere sure to advance right along, aa men are needed In every line of Industry out In the country from the farm hand to the railroad laborer." t SIX BASIES IK A.WcEK. ItSaay Seaaea Cade TzTf Bviiait e Feat, Tew fixe. The paat weX haa certainly bean FOURTH AND YAniX. Y. U. C. A. IVOZZIZ handled by the house of Eller have Bet been ralaed la a elngle tnstano haa In duced many ahrewd buyers te take ad vantage of our publicity contest and avail - thawnel veaof the - prtee credit oerttflcates which they were fortunate enough to win. . Many of the fine high-grade tnetru ments handled by Bllera Piano Heoee, Including Webara, Kimball. Hobart M. Cables, Pianola pianos and Oroheatrellee have been aold slno laat Monday, but no leaa than alx beautiful Cbickartag "Baby Grand havs been selected by dis criminating buyer. Htm. K. O. Hall of Everett street se lected . a .beautiful. Checkering Baby Orand. In an exqulalt mahogany caae. Another superb Chlckerlng - was pur chased by C M. Dilley. who resides at East Thirty-fifth street The thlrtt Chlckerlng. went to A. N. Sturgae of Mad ford and the fourth and fifth were selected by Meaars. A. W. Wlcher and H. W. Branln and shipped to far-away Boise, and tha sixth Chlckerlng piano waa purchased by J. F. Daneke of Six teenth street lata yeaterday afternoon, . The Successful Candidate I For state treasurer will be John K. Aitken. .. . - v"- VOTE FC: J.R.T Tot for 3. B. Wkltaey for rut Of O.A.C ; b"y" w' it r - f" "O Ilniiaa. The Ho friar, , ,f.-t ll.l v : j i. v :la te