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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
A'-, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO, APRIL !, :(yf(7rY(grfva(a((y(UfPffP!,(CL,- - - W IS" ' 01 . la the New York Herald's authentic table of the sales of Motor Vehicles of every - make and motive power .be tween January 1 and July 1,' 1905,..jn ten Eastern states,' the CADILLAC is shown : to have sold 381 cars more than its nearest competitor 1,131 Cadillacs in alL OaVMX&AO mVaTABOVT. IS a. v setoa 850 'S-l i 1 i t 4 1'' j ... t ..... ' Snapshot of the United State Olympic team, taken as the steamer Barbaroeea was about to leave its dock In , ' 11 Portland Pitcher in Rare Form and Blanks the Once Fa. SCHMIDT WASWUND . AT SEVERAL STAGES In Ninth Inning the Giant Fell Upon " " the Smiling Twirler and Pounded ' Out Three Runs to Cinch Game Detaila of the Contest. . . . Fresno, CL, April 14.--Henlron was th whole show yeatarday, and no twiIM In ahutting out the once f am mil Tlaera, Portland acored I In the fourth and S In the ninth on a lucky bunching or HUS...XU eoor: . ; PORTLAND. " iB, R. H. PO. A. 11 McHaln, cf. 4 McC'redie, rt. ........ 1 J S 0 Bwwny, .. ........ 4 Oil I Mitchell. If. ......... 4 111 t Mater, lb. I 1 1 9 6 Mcean, c . ..i...... t 0 1 T -0 . Moore. So. 4 1 i t I t lmnahue. 2b. ........ 4 . 6 Henderson, p. ....... 4 4) J 0 Totals., ....4 I II 37 II I FRESNO. ; ; AR R. H. PO. A. B Walters, cf. ......... 4 faiwv. 2b. ........... a 0 4 i e Mclaughlin, If. ...... 4 0 X 4 0 - Kagan, sa. 4 0 I t 1 Areilanea, Jb. 4 11 1 0 11 ma r. rf. ......... t d 1 1 1 0 Cartwrlght, lb 4 0 t 10 0-0 Hogan, o. ... 4 0 01 10 Schmidt, p. .......... 0 ,0 0 10 Totals . ...........It 0 T 17 II SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland ....... .0 001000 -6 Hlta . 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 4 10 Freano .. ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , Hlta . .).....0 1 1 I It I 1 1- 7 ' r SUMMART. ' ' Bacrlflce hit McLean. - Two-baae hlta I.later, McLean. Three-bane hit Mo. t-edle. Stolen bams McCredle, Wal. tra, Cartwrlght. First baae on balls Off Henderaon, t; off Schitildt, S. Struck -out Bjr tienaerson, i: ty Hciimldt. l Bases on balls Off Henderaon, X; off Hchmldt. 1. Left on bases Portland, t: Freano, t. Double plays Aresllanea to i.artwrignt; uonahue to Hweenev to Lister. First base on error Portland. Time of game One hour and 45 mln- Mtes. umpire McDonald. PACIFIC .COAST LEAGUE. PORTLAND SCORES SHUTOUT ... , s 51 r S f . Ifajl Hi i S.a rrnrUee..V7.77r."trT0 O T"! Ia Ansflaa ..... 0.. 0 0 O i 1-ortl.iio 0 O . . 4 WO 4 Kmno i O O 3.. j 0 S Oakland ' 0 1 -0 O T. 0 1 Saattla 1 0 0' 0 Ol.. toat' ................. "Ti"i"4"l 01 .)T .S3S ,1T .141 BENNINGS AND OAKLAND ---RACE TRACK RESULTS WW w. Washington, T. C, April 14. Weather clear; traok fast., Bennlnga resulU: . Fire and on half furlongs, selling, tyear-olda and up, Columbia course Mont Carlo won, Cassandra second, Hyperion third; time, 1:00 l-t. Four furlongs, puree, 2-year-old fU- lies and geldings, - old course Lady Vera won, Mary Curtis second, Manana third; time, 0.6L : Four and on - half furlongs, purse, 2-year-old colts, old course Tllelng won, Campaigner second, Ry Boy third; time, 0:tt -6. , , " v - Pvan furlongs.' selling, t-year-olda Honesty Is the -Best Policy . r. Our Policy Is OIt ' Honsst Values. 57 MISSION QUALITY SEOES HAT $3.50 $2.50 "Aai 4goo tbef wuf - Savad" , Theae Are Honest. Tc? & Cs'Jcni Sicp MM ,,,,..... J jurinf aeveral of and up Paeon won, Parkvllle second. Echodal third. Beren furlongs, purse, maiden 1-year- old a, Columbia ' course Rlggs won, Adonis second, Tarlao third; time, 1:11. . cm mue, nanaicap, -year-oiaa ana up, Columbia course Sailor Boy won, Peter or Paul second. Royal Widow third. ..... . A Oaklaad, . V.J., " T7osraal Special Sank.) r San : Francisco, April 1 4. Oakland race results: " . Five furlongs Oasis won. Miss Topsy second. Witt third; time, 1:02. - - Six furlongs Hedgethom won. Chief Wlttman second, Ebel Thatcher third; time, 1:1(44.. . " ' : Six - furlongs draecutter won, JU t te second. Betsy-thlrdr ttmortn 4 Hr- Slx- furlongs Lustlg won. -Matt Ho gan second, Yellowatons third; .time, 1:I1H.-.. - .... , . - ' Six and one.-' half furlongs Cerro Santa won, Shady Lad second, Oolden Buck third; time, 1:J. UUs .and . 30 yarda Red light -.- won, Pronta second, Romaln third; time, l:4t44. Six furlongs Qlnetto won, Sir Ed ward . second, Romaln third; time, S.1S1.- ; -... ... MAROONS WILL PLAY - " GUNNERS TOMORROW Tomorrow sftamooa at S o'clock the champion Maroons will engage the Northwest Oun company's team at Rec reation park. . This contest will be the second gam of the city league, and should be an Interesting- contest. Both nines will appear la their new uniforms. Hlgglns, who will pitch for the gun ners, Lls a crack twlrler, and will be given' a trial with tb Portland Giants whan they return bom.' . Tb teams will Una up tomorrow aa follow: Maroons. ; - ,. N. W. Gunners. Brook a.-. Ewenick Klae p ... . Hlgglns-Rlddle Trowbridge ir. lb. .,. Poole Campbell .lb. ........ . ... Smith Gray .aa. ..... ,. Fleming, Mangold ..........tb. .......... Batter Hlnkl . .If , . .,.. Opperle Gatnea .cf ... .... Brown Smith..... rf......... ... Blake FRENCH BILLIARDIST WINS HIS FIRST GAME New York. April 14. Cure defeated Button in the billiard tournament laat night by the score of HO to 4X7. This waa the Frenchman s first victory, Cure's average was SI lT-tt; high run, 100.. Sutton's average was It 11-21; nign run, iss. - - Will Hopp defeated MomlngsUr la in arternoon contest too to X07 Hoppe'a average was ltt-X6: high run, it. - Morningstars average was 7 li-lt; high run, 11. NATIONAL , LEAGUE. I . Won. Ist. Chicago .............. X 0 . Boeton ....... .. a 0 ' Pittsburg . . ........... 1 , ,''0 Philadelphia .......... 1 1 : New York . 1 1 Cincinnati.......,.... 0 X Bcpoklyn ............. . OS. St. Louis 0 1 ' P.C 1.000 1.000 .04 -to .00 -.000 ' .000 At Fanadelpaia. - H. If.' H! New York . ................. .4 1 Philadelphia . . 11 4 Battertea McGlnnlty and Breanahan; Sparks, Duggleby, Kan . and Dooln. umpire u iay. .; ... A oiaolaaatL ' i' R. H Clnolnnatl . . ...........'......1 i i Chicago ( S O Batteries Harper and Schlet; Wicker ana suing. - umpire Johnston. At Srooklym. . i '-. R.H. E. Brooklya . . ................. .4 0 4 Boston . . 7 10 t Batteries Strlcklett and Bergen; PTeinrer ana Neeanam. umpires Con way and Small. eattl XCill Moodoo. s '' '''" tJwsniai Speetal Sarrlee.l San Francisco, April 14. Seattle landed on . Wheeler In the sixth Inning yesterday and scored five runs, and thus scored Its first victory of the season after loalng six straight. The score: Seattle .00000(00 0 &' 0,1 San Francisco. . .0 1100000 0 4 8 1 Batteries Vickers and Frary: Wheel er and Street. Umpire Perrln. ... Voser's Oood Work. ...... tJoarsal Special Ben lee.) Los Angsles, April 14. Toaer pitched splendid ball yesterday and had no dif ficulty in holding 'down th Oaklandara Score: . ' R. K S3. Los Angeles ....0 00 000 100 I 7 1 Oakland ..0000061001 1 1 Batteries Toser and Eager; Graham and. Hacketu umpire Knell. Ball Teaaa for Sa Orsaa. VRDfrlal 41aoateh ta Tbe JoaraaLI La Grande, Or., April 14. La Grande Is to have one of th - crack - baseball teams of eastern Oregon thla seaaon. Walla Walla's pitcher. Gregory, arrived In th city, and will pi ton for th local team. ' With Gregory and Betsel to oc cupy th box. La Grande will be able to play with alt asterg Oregon teams. "It is possible that th nrst gam win ne played on week from Sunday. 11 ' " . ("-.'', . XsaUOasaae Today. The Multnomah nin will play the Behnke-Walke team this afteraooa oa the olub diamond. The Portland aoedemy sad HV1 Mil itary academy team will cross bats at Recreation park this afternoon. This afternoon Berkeley and Stanford will play their second ball gam of th Intercollegiate series. - Th match will be played la Berkeley. . tha athletes, .amonf them Bert Kerrigan ox roraana. , . u : SPORTING GOSSIP OF THE DAY Brief Items of, Interest" to ;the Devotees of Every Kind T T."" of Sport. AMERICAN LEAGUE STARTS SEASON TODAY First Rowing Race of the Tear Will Be Run. This Afternoon Between Georgetown and Annapolis Michi gan and Chicago Meet on Diamond. -The nlnteenth semi-annual tournament of th Los Angeles (California) - Gun club opens today and continues over tomorrow. . Many prises and trophies ar offered. '. ' ' .... ... " .. In population th - .Eastern - league cities rank next to th cities making up the National and American league cir cuits, -having a combined population of 1,(00,000. e v -v , Her la a new on: A pitcher named Myers baa ba barred from playing la Mexico City because he was too strong for th batter oa. th other teams In the league. Myers should com north If he is that good. - e , e , ' Manager Stalling of . Buffalo says there will b no 10 to 4 gam In favor of Baltimore during th first series this " Th pennant rae " of th ' American league Is on today. It promiaes to be an Interesting fight . . e e ' - ' Manager McGraw of tb Giants has sold Robert Hall to Baltimore. Laat year Hall' played with both th New York and Brooklyn Nationals. - - e e . Among th former major leagu play, era who ar playing In th Southern league thla aeason . are Brettensteln, Dungan. Babb, Zimmer, Stockdale, Her man, Ely, ., Fisher, Beck, Jordan, Wil liams, KUIen, Vaughn, Phillips, Iouglas, Damann and Phyla. ,, Walla Walla. . Washington, will Hot have a club In th new Northwestern leagu as waa reported. a e Manager Griffiths of th Highlanders has ftv first-class outfielders in Keel, er. -Conroy, Dougherty, Habn and Dela haaty. r . - .. . - -- e Th best brood mar la th Russian royal stables will be shipped to Indian apolis, to be mated with Sidney Dillon, owned by Sterling R. Holt e - e - Matty- Baldwin's, fight -with Tommy Murphy of New- York- has bn -called off for the second time within a few wek "... Th annual golf tournament at Lake wood, New Jersey, takes place next week and promises to be one of the moat successful ever pulled oft there. e e Racing In the metropolitan district opens for the .season next Monday at Aqueduct After 10 days' racing at Aqueduct the meeting will b trans ferred to Jamaica. . . ' e e Next year's races for the Canada's cup, between th representative yachts of th Royal Canadian and Rochester Yacht clubs, will be sailed under con ditions differing in many important points from the conditions goverlng the previous contests for- th cup. Instead of th yachts being required to sail twice around an equilateral triangle of II mile as In th past th race next year will be tince around an equilateral triangle of SI nautical miles. f. - , . Th big -indoor meet Which was to have been pulled "off In St. Louis to night undsr the auaplosa of th Missouri Athletic club has been postponed until later la the month beeaua of th In ability of th lub ta secure th Coli seum at this time. . - . e ' . . Th first of th college regattas of the year is down for today at AnnapolU when th naval cadets and th crew of Georgetown university meet . 1 .. e e Th first of th big games of th collegiate baseball season In th Middle wast takes plaoe today between Chicago and Michigan, on Marshall field. e e r Ths Intercollegiate lac roe a season opens today with a contest between Swarthmore and th University of Penn sylvania at Franklin field. 1 11 1 i sm-s -A sajtot rom stows. lrr Bargln. . Pana. IU., writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommended It to ray friends, aa I am confident ther la no better made. Tt'l a dandy for burns. Those who llv on farms are especially liable to many accidental ruts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly wben Ballard's Snow Liniment la applied. It ohould alwaya be kept In the house for esse of emerg ency.' 25c, too and 11.00. Sold by Woodard, Clark Or Co. c Hoboken. A wave boarded the Barbaroaaa near, Oftraltar yesterday, .te-.J Af.TERIGAN LEAGUE IVILL - BEGIN SEASON. TODAY Boston Tackles New York on r Latter' s Grounds in Presence . . of an Immense Crowd. ' 1 (Journal SiecUrSerTlre.) - New York. Aprir 14. With Bostoa playing In thla city and th Philadel phia -chsmplons-lrr Washmgton"th sea: ao r of th American leagu beglna in th east today. The play in tb west opens Tuesday with Chicago a Detroit and Cleveland at St Louis. Ther waa a great outpouring of th fan at th Washington Heights grounds this after noon, showing that th publio Interest In th fighting Highlanders Is as keen aa- over. ' In regard to th number of games on the schedule th American leagu aee eon thla year is Identical with that of th National league. . The -aeason will close in this part of th country October (' and In th west the next day. WILLAMETTE VICTORS : IN OPENING GAME (Special IHapatch t The JonraaL) Salem. Or, April . 14. Willamette won th first baseball gam of th sea son yesterday by defeating Dallas col leg by-a score of to 0. - Simpson pitched the' first four innings for th 'varsity and allowed but on hit King, who followed him, pitched gilt edge bail and but on Dallas player reached sec ond. Meyer pitched good ball for Dallas,- but th Willamette boys were able to bunch thair hits. In th fourth a single by Carey and a sacrifice by Long enabled th 'varsity to scor their first run. In th sixth Radar got first by Reynold's srror and . Rhodes' alngl ad vanced him to third. Rhode stole sec ond -and Long's hit ' scored two more runs. King hit a safa on over second In th seventh and Sibley In attempting to throw him out threw wild and King advanced to third. Nae a two-bagger acored King and Nao scored on Cola man's sacrifice. Th lineup: - Wlllamett. ... , Dallaa Nao tb. .......... Fenton Coleman . ....... ss.. ........ Craven Kader ....... . ..Zb. .... ,.J. paydaton Rhodes ........ ...o Reynolds Cary ............. lb. .-...B. Bavdaton Long ....... .....rtf..... k Sibley Jones ......... ...rf Teats uranms,. Shaw Kin g-Slmpson " v . . . p . ... .. V . ... . . Meyers EUGENE MAYOR TOSSES FIRST BALL OVER PLATE fftDeetal Duma tea ta The Jnaraal t Eugene, Or.. April 14. Mayor F. M.' Wllklns opened the baaeball aeason in Eugene yesterday afternoon when he pitched the nrst ball over th plat in in lnterclaas gam of th Stat unl verslty, th senior class uniting with the freshmen and th junior with th sophomore clasatnen, th reeult of which waa a victory for th first named by th score of t to. I The gam waa witnessed by a large crowd of students and old fan and was Interesting throughout Th battery for th senior-freshmen waa Clifford and McEwen, whil tbe Junior' and sophomore had Beck and Kelly a the battery. . v . EAST PORTLAND GRAYS ' 0 PLAY PICKETTS . . 1,1 1 1 Th East Portland Grays will play the Ficketta tomorrow morning at s:to o'clock on the Vaughn street diamond. The teams win 11 n up as zollows: East Portland. . : Plcketta Heltsman ......... e Reed Hurlbertand Smith. p Hlnkle Fay lb., ........ Russell C. Morrow Wlndle Myers .ss Bandercook Gates Anderson Jodon If...... Bailey W. Morrow ....... cf McKenale Hurlburt rf Glthens - m " j Xref erred Stoek Ceased Ooodav . - Allan at Lewis' Best Brand. INDIAN CHIEFS PREPARE 1 MEMORIAL TO MONARCH (Joornal Koerlal Service.') " Kamloops, B. C, April It. Represen tative Indiana of th Nanalmo, Comox, Seschalt 8 la-Am and other tribes of British Columbia ar gathering- her for a great potlatoh or conference. . A large number ar already her and many mora ar expected within a day or two. After discussing various mat tors, such ss ths readjustment of re serves, th chiefs wilt prepare a me morial to King Edward, which will be presented by on of their number se lected to make th trip to England. Th Indiana will ask for treaties similar t thosa made with th tribe In other parts jOf the dominion, ..ThtyCtlalm that year by year their freedom Is be ing more restricted by th enforcement of gam laws, fishing regulations, etc and they want a treaty mad confirm. Ing them In their rights. -4 To draw th fir out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cur bolls, sres, tetter, ecsema and alt skin and scalp diseases, us DeWltt'a Witch Hasel Salve, A speciflo tor piles. Get th genuine. ' No remedy cause such speedy relief. Ask for Witt's the genuln.. . FIGHT TRUST HAY HOLD BOUTS Hints Are Going the Rounds " That Berger and O'Brien " : Will Be Next. BOXING PROMOTERS ARE . SETTLINQ' DIFFERENCES Berger Has Not Made Many Friends . Through His Demands to Receive Champion's Bit of the Purses Commercial View. of the Business. As an outcom of much sonwslUn and tie voting aom oC-tfceriwmbera of th San1 Francisco fight trust ar In a muttering mood. On of th rumors In circulation Is that th deadlock at pre, snt exlsUng will soon b broken If not by mutual consent, then by other means and that next month will see -a re sumption of Quensbrry pastimes la this city, says W. W. Naughton. Tb broadest of hints ar thrown, oat that th May attraction will b a- heavy weight contest of which th principals will be Bam Berger and Philadelphia Jack O'Brien. The fact that Berger has gone tlTTBe country with Jimmy Brltt to-begin put ting himself In condition for ring work Is regarded aa evidence that ther O'Brien Berger match ta at least half made, and th further faot that Jack - Crlbben, O'Brien' local representative. Is In fre quent consultation with -soma of th promoters is also considered proof that arrangements for th event in Question rare In promising shape. . -in most hopeful sign of an, prob ably. In connection - with th O'Brien Berger affair la that Berger hasn't hast ened to deny any of th reports which mad It appear that thTjontat la immi nent. Neither hare th matchmakers In th recent past abused Brgr for a follow given to shilly-shallying. Berger, whether through hla own fault or not haa been placed In a bad light It haa been aald that whil claiming to poaaeaa all th pur notion and In eo cene of a bona fid amateur h has in reality displayed th mercenary spirit of a battla-scarred professional with many year of mixed experiences behind him. Th majority of pugllletlo novloes especially when they harbor th belief that they ar destined to become world's champions ar all too eager to b given th chano to show their mettle. Jeffries, for that matter and h had graduated from th novice olaaa at that timeallowed Fltsalmmona to take Tt per cent of th prii money rather than miss th chance of meeting tb con ueror of Jim Corbett at Coney Island. Berger. according to tb gossips of sportdom, is asking ror that so much on th sld which has come to b known aa "the champion' a bit" before h will consent to engage In his first prof ea- slonal fight If such is really th case It serves to show- what a purely oom merclal bualness boxing has become. Bam defends himself naively. Ha Says b has not mad a speciflo demand. lt alone an inordinate demand, from any one. "Th matter In a nutshell 1 this," says Berger. . "I am not aching to be come -a professional pugilist 1 have been .approached on th subject at vari ous times, and I have said that unless It could be shown to m there waa a proa pact of making good money at It I would prefer to avoid th stigma which at taches to priaef lghtlng and eonfln my self to aom more neaceful pursuit" Well, from, the looks of things they have proven to Bam that ther is " good money" In prlsaflghtlng. If ther should be any further misunderstanding on the subject, though.. Berger should com out flat footed and tell th publio just what hi intentions ar. -. If h haa mad up hla mind to keep out of th game, let him aay ao un equivocally. If h la anxious to fight and does not Ilk th terms submitted, let us know Just where th ehoe pinches. : Whether h fight or keeps aloof from th ring It will not help him to be known aa a fellow who delight In stringing the publio. ' '(,. FIERCE POLITICAL FIGHT IS RAGING IN ALABAMA (Journal Special Senrlee.) . . Montgomery, Ala.. April 14. -Lieutenant-Governor R, M. Cunningham baa this week begun his campaign for th gubernatorial nomination in earnest and from now until th atat. primary in August he promise to keep th polltl cal pot slsallng at a livsly rat. Until the present time Mr. Cunningham haa remained . comparatively Inactive in pushing his campaign and report war circulated that h intended to quit th race. Hla publio speeches' of th past week bars dearly shown, however, that he has no- such Intention. . HI rival for ths nomination la Bl R Comer, president of th state railroad commission and a prominent farmer and cotton mm owner. Mr. Comer Is a leader of th radical reform element whil Lieutenant-Governor Cunningham represent th oonservatlv - force With th two fighting for th gov. emorshlp and a larg field In th rae for th eenatorial togas whenever thef ar laid aside by Messrs. Morgan .and Pettus, th prospects are that Alabama will ' witness from now on en of th flrat polltloal fights of late years. - WiM These IVere Sold in llev Yprk - Alone 1W Mote Than the ; Nearest Competitor. : - These ten states are the automobile sales.; barometer.' The Cadillac Is ahead m sales west as well as east This . remarkable showing is the result of just one thing1 such ab solute superior merit in the constructten, operation and inex pensive maintenance of Cadillacs." There certainly is no car at or near the price of a CADILLAC the equal of a CADIL LAC, f .,' ; - V.'v - - Yl--- - , Runabout $850 Light Touring Car $1050 ' We beg to announce that we are constructing a Garage at ifteenth and Washington streets : with " a capacity of 150 irs. Every modern convenience will be provided,- We eo- .cars. .cars. Everymodern convenience will be provided,-We eo- ! J ...... it... jtt 1. - rtiir atnraerfi and assure licit your oiuragc mu usuic juu inai. juui micicai will uc conscientiously protected whether you buy your car from us or not. . ; ' ' WUEWtOOlt Fifteenth and Mder Ste . IF YOU INTEND ATTENDING ' BUSINESS COLLEGE . . .' WIIY NOT CO TO . ; . The Best THE VERY DEST . There is only one VERY BEST in Portland ' , Every one knows that. . It. is the . " BEHNECE-WALICER Largest EnrolIment-Most Modern Equipped Experienced .y,-. ' Instructors in Charge - - THE SCHOOL THAT REQUIRES NO MISREPRE SENTATIONS OR MISSTATEMENTS TO SECURE f- :; ; PUPILS. , You are cordially invited to call on us -,. ; and investigate, thoroughly for yourself. Bchnko-Walkcr Dusincss College pks' Building Seventh and Stark Streets. Portland H. W. BEHNKE, President. I. M. WALKER, Principal i : Magnificent Array of Hew Vai Papers Indeed, the beautltful design and ehie patterns of our superb spring showing stampa our exhibit at one aa th vary highest art xposltlon of' fine wall paper decoration. .We Invit you to eee th new dainty f- ' fects of our pretty paper design rloh and slmpl and xaulslt beyond - expression. . . . v t; '-."X", '.;"V'-."-' ' '"v..""i ;.' r. ; -. J ; : W I1U FAXsTk THAT WOVT 00M3 OTP." ' ' : Portland Paint & Wall Paper Co." i X i Vamkllir raoMKata 4070. U MM PORTLAND WIRE & IRON V0R.CS Phone Main 2000 . , r ; v 283 FLANDERS ST, Near Third An Uncudcd OiKcs A set of eur famous 111 Fala TEETH for f 10. Painless extracting free with this offer. Exam - Inatton and consultation free. Crown and Brldg work a speolalty. Extracttnaj, 60 nts , WI3E BROS., t)etatiats Ahn sUte soas. vou that vour interest wilt CO trstPaUaT-COIiOmBP FQTT. 40ooooo40ooooooooeX ; BANK AND OFFICE RAILING CasJ wise and ikon fencing A Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Baassaaw " ' la. TavT-a.f . mTH .. w ASamraTOat. ... i "I " V