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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVLiai.'G. A.IL U U- It 1 I t - "BUIIKO" KELLY r.lURDERf GEORGE 17. SAYERS Notorious Penitentiary 'Prisoner .. Says He Hopes to Serve Out His Sentence.' HAS CHARGE OF BATH ' :' ' . t HOUSE, SO 'GETS NEWS Paddy Lynch Serving Tim for. Kid naping, a Boy Frank McDaniels a ; Bookkeeper MBabe" Walton . Plays Slide Trombone in Band. ' One hundred end thlrty-f our . prison ers of the StS man and three womi.1 locked up within the walla f the state . penltenUaxr atSajem ejetrom Mult noroah county. . - Forty-six prlsonsre are In the penl tentiary under-life aentenceo, ' while ' three have been sentenced to be hanged. ' . Not one of the prisoners Is a printer, and only five of them have red hair. , "' The best known ef the Inmates have been sent to the penitentiary from the ' local circuit courts, among them 'being . Joseph ("Bunko") Kelly, Frank McDan lala and "Babe '-.-W alto the first two are under life sentences, while Walton was sent, up for 2t years. Nearly every prisoner sent from Multnomah county is said to have committed the crime for - which he was convicted within the city - -limits ef Portland, most of them in the business districts. Only One or two of the men sent from here have caused the prison authorities any trouble, and ...'Here comes a good prisoner he's, from .. Portland." has become a saying about .. the penitentiary. ' , "Bvnko" sell? Wen Xaiowa.'1' : . . . J ' "Bunko" Kelly, who is . officially known as No. S.SSt. la by far .the beat known prisoner both within the brick walls of the institution and without who Is under the eye of Warden Frank Curtis. Kelly arrived at the peniten tiary' February 116, sentenced to serve the rest ' of his natural Ufa for the murder of aged George W. Sayera, ; ., It is alleged that Bayers was to have been ' a wltneas in an estate, case 1p which Attorney X. 'N. 8teeves waa ln- terested, and that the attorney wanted the old man out: of the road.r At that time -Kelly and Paddy Lynch were in terested In a local sailor boarding-bouse, and the story rune that they were hired by Steeves to shanghai Bayers onto an outward bound sailing ship. It Is de- clared that when this was tried, the old man showed fight and was killed. Kelly, Kteevea and Lynch -were charged with the murder, but only Kelly - was con- " vlcted. . i -. .-'''.-.... v ' Throughout his own trial and during the trials of the other prisoners Kelly was close-mouthed and would give no testimony damaging to any of the de fendants, and since tils imprisonment he has not let a word fall that would throw any light on the death of the old , man. ..-. - Bays ae Is Xmaeeeal "fl am innocent of the crime," declared Kelly to a Journal reporter yesterday, . "and I hope to live long enough to get out of here.' "How about that man Steeves T Do you knew anything about his . wanting fcayers out of the way T" was asked the prisoner, i , ', , . In an instant Kelly's eyee fell and he . said, simply, .'Txhave nothing to say on that subject. , "But, you know, Kelly, that lawyer threw you down during the trial of your case." pleaded the interpolator, ."and . hundreds of people in Portland are wait ing for you to tell the straight story or that aitalr.-" .... ,.-.. ., ,. . . "Nothing to say," was . the answer. "I am here for life, but am told that It years la called life in this state and , have only about three more years here at that rata. I may live it out; I may not. - Have been troubled with my heart a -good deal of late, and some nights cannot aleep a wink. But I might mention-that that fellow .Steeves hasn't sent me one cent nor written to ni sine I've been here." ' , ,v , ; - 9. " ' Ha- Charge ef Bathhouse. " ' .Kelly is In charge of the bathhouse at the penitentiary and has an opportunity to talk to' the new prisoners when they take their first Wash-down, so that he learns of the outside world news. This Information quickly spreads about the prison, and now the bathroom -manager lr Known "aw on gtji-prtsoiroTftrlal as the "politician." Kelly is allowed to wear a mustache: bis hair is almost white and his step is far slower than It need to be In the days when he waa hustling sailors out of the forecastle or rushing them into sn outward bound a I . . Jg - Alwaysv Uniform - v Always Reliable , Everywhere Obtainable BAKER'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA hive stood the tests of time and service for over 125 years JteMlftft4Twoa. C. . . off. Be sure that you get the genuine with thetrade-tnarkonthepackage. Direction (of preparing more than one hundred dainty dishes in our . Choice Recipe Book, tent tree on weueet.... . .. . .' . v . '- Walter, Baker & Co. Ltd. SdMMirso Dorchester, Mass. ' A fi Highest Awards fn Europe and America - IflSISTS HE 010 HOT Joseph ("Bunko") Kelly. windjammer. Ho le living in hopes. He is a good prisoner, i i . .', - Although Lynch waa not convicted on the Bayers charge, he was sent to the penitentiary from Astoria three yeare ago on the charge of having kidnaped a boy and put him on board a sailing snip. He was sentenced to servs eight years and Is now employed in the prison laun dry. .-..-..; : '. ' MpPaslair Case. , - The crime for which Frank McPanlela Is serving a life sentence was one that startled Portland -as murder has seldom startled the city.. One morning in the spring Of 1901 the lifeless body of Clara Fitch was -found In Cycle para, ene had been smothered to death and Mo Danlela, who had been the girl's sweet heart, . was at once suspected. He strongly protested his -Innocence, and still maintains that he knows nothing whatever of the girl's death. 'McDanlels b"fne of toe belt liked of the prisoners. He is the bookkeeper of the commis sary department of the penitentiary, . Having received a lltUe money from relatives and made more by the sale of trinkets, he has taken numerous couases in correspondence schools, thus secur ing a good education. He Is a great reader ef standard literature, the prison library furnishing many booka. . Aside from an illness of typhoid fever, he has been well since he was received at the penitentiary on July 1. 1101. He plays a trombone In the band and orchestra. "Babe" - Walton's OeU. ' ' "Babe" Walton's cell is one of the most elaborately decked apartments in the great prlaon. Photographs of reU' Uvea and friends and fancy pictures adorn the walls,, while a violin, banjo and a guitar era there. Walton la serv ing a It-year sentence for having ahot Patnolman Ola Nelson about IS months ago during an attempted holdup or a streetcar. He Is learning the tallot trade, is leader of the orchestra, plays a slide trombone In the band and has riven his keepers no trouble. He la number I.03S. . Sullen, and appearing to be awaiting a chance to avenge some of bis Imagined wrongs, John Sullivan la closely watched by the guards as he goes about hla work. In the tlnshop of the prisoe stove foundry, He reached' hie present home October 14. 104. to serve a 20 year . sentence . fdr highway robbery During his imprisonment in the county Jail he made a desperate effort to kill JaUer Harry Grafton. , " Zarlag TaUor's Trade. Martin V. Lesla, serving a life sen tence for having killed his - father-in-law In Portland three years ago, la else learning the tailor's trade.- He bear an excellent prlaon reputation. While in -the. county jail he prevented one-of the . moet desperate wholesale escapes aver planned In Multnomah county. -v O. Castranovia works In the foundry He is under a It -year sentence for hav ing . killed Ougllelmo, a saloon-keeper, and the father of Frank Gugllelmo, wh was ' hanged at Salem last summer fot the murder of his sweetheart. Castra novla's imprisonment began . March S ltot. but a part of the time since then he has been In the Insane asylum. - A murder that excited Portlanders waa the killing of one Kirk, a mate of a sailing ship. In his stateroom In the fall of 100. James L. Warren la serv ing a life sentence ss ths murderer. He waa arrested by Detective Joe Day In Savannah. Georgia.' Warren la foreman of the laundry and la allowed to wear mustache. He la one oi tne nest oe- haved of the prisoners. Hs hss always maintained that he was Innocent . .." Ooiemaa a Tailor. John Coleman who cut off the head of Edna Hoffman In a north end dive year ago, works In the tailor shop. He still wears . a bandage around his neck to hide the scar that ahows where he attempted to commit eulclde when arrested. ; - .'', A model prisoner is-D. C, ("Tattoo") Kelly, who recently began serving a life sentence for the murder of Thomas Fletnmlngs during' ths robbery of the Centennial saloon, December 10, 106, The prisoner is working In the molding room of the foundry. He la getting fat.' Gay Harshman, who helped a local express, messenger .buy a home. by. get ting In the way of one of the messen gers' bullets, works around the. ptisos yards and gardens. He was. sent up from Portland about three years ago for attempting' to rob tire O. R." ,N. train neor . Troutdale. i Harshman was shot in the head and the bullet was re moved after he waa sent to the peniten tiary. - The expreas measenger was given tWeoo by his employers. Baak mobbere wood Prisoners. J: A. Crossley and Eli Dunn, member of the Klngsley gang of bank robbers and nighwaymen. which waa run out of the northwest by Sheriff Word, are on the "good prisoners" list.' Crossley and Dunn were arrested In Portland a year ago by Sheriff Word and his deputies, but were sent to the penitentiary for five years each for having robbed the Lebanon bank. Crossley is oiler in the pump house and Dunn is foreman of the tin shop. Both declare they know nothing ef the whereabouts' of Kings- ley. George Lee. atlas Oeorge Jackson, a former notorious California, stage rob ber, is slowly dying.' He is serving a 20-year 1 and S-montbs sentence for holding up a trala near Falrvlew, Mult nomah county, in 1117. He is peat SO years of age. and hla hair le white; he la allowed to wear a long white beard. and when able to work tolls In the car penter shops. His partner in the train robbery, Charles Williams, Is In ths pattern room of the foundry. The twe men met while serving sentences la San Quentin. and there planned to eome to Oregon aa soon as they were released. T. W. Psrker wishes to send his re gards to Detective Joe Day. The pris oner la serving five years for forgery, Are You Tired, Nervous and Sleepless?, v Nervousness and sleeplessness arc tie ally due to the fact that the nerves are not led on properly nourishing, blood; they are starved nerves. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery make pure, rich Mood, and thereby the nerves are nmnerlv nourished and all the organs of ' Che body are ran as smoothly, as machln- erj wotvn rati m-v-ir wim feel clean, strong and strenueais you are toned up and Invigorated, and you are good (or a whole lot of physical or mental work. Best of all, the strength and In crease In vitality and health are latUnq The trouble with moet tonles and med icines which have a large, booming sale for a short time, Is that they are largely composed of alcohol holding the drugs in solution. This alcohol shrinks up the red blood corpuscles, and In the long rut; greatly injures the system. One may fee ' exhilarated and totter for the time being, yet in the end weakened and with vitelliy decreased. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol. Every bottle of It bears upon its wrapper The Badgt of Honmty, In a full list of. all Its several ingredient. For the druggist to offer you something he claims Is just as good Is to insult your intelligence. Every Ingredient entering into the world-famed" Oolden MedlcalDtscovery has the unanimous approval and endorse ment of the leading medical authorities of all the several schools of practice. No. other medicine sold through druggists for like purposes has any such endorsement. -The "Golden Medical Discovery not only produces sril the good effects to be obtained, from the use of Oolden 6fal root, in all stomach, liver and bowel troubles, as In dyspepsia, biliousness, con stipation, ulceration . of stomach and bowels and kindred ailments, but the Golden Seal, root used in Its compound ing Is greatly enhanced In Its euratlve ac tion by other ingredients such as titone roptYBlack Cherrybark, Bloodroot, Man drake root and chemically pore triple refined glycerin. . The Common Senas Medical Adviser," Is sent free In paper covers on receipt of tl one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mall-. 1 Ins only. For 11 stamps the cloth-bound volume will be sent. Address Dr. B. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N, Y. - - Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets enre con stipation, biliousness and headache. . and has now worked out twe year of hla term. He la well liked by the prison erf totals, who call htm the Lew Fields of the penitentiary. Parker la a good singer., and is always one of ths headers In the prison concerts, taking ths part of a German comedian. He has charge of the photograph department ef the penitentiary,, and plays tuba in the band.. Parker was arreated in Montana by Datectlv Day, and while coming to Portland, -the prisoner escaped while the detective slept.'- When he waa found guilty of forgery, Parksr asked the trial Judge to "give him .the limit.' While Deputy Sheriff Harvey Moreland waa taking Parker to Salem, the prisoner tried to escape by Jumping, through a window of the ooach, but Moreland held him. ' . ' ' - . . . .. . ' James Drummond. the boy who held up a railroad man on the Madison street bridge a year, ago,' la working In. the stove- foundry. He was sentenced to serve eight years for committing an as sault with Intent to rob. . His mother, who Uvea in Colorado,- visited him lasf Wednesday; aha la almoat heartbroken. Jos Young, who Is serving his term for ths murder of Kasper Van Dran, la billeted in the kitchen. He Is washing dishes and serving as waiter . In the dining-room. ' .... ..; ,c ' . . , ' Mum Thompson a Holder. - - 4 Ben Thompson and Chaples - Wright are two other prisoners sent up from Portland for highway robbery. Thomp son Is serving a tO-year eentenoe, be ginning January 21, ltot. He ta fore man i in . the molding-room. Wright Is in for 10 years and la a barber for the prison officials and guards; hla parents reside in Portland.. . J.,8. Win ton, who was sentenced for two yeara from Portland for forgery, la leader of the band. His prlaon term will expire June 28. It07. Charles ' Paine, Fred Houston and John Whitesldes are serving five-year sentences for holding up ths East Port land depot two yeara ago.. Paine la not well and worka in the laundry; Houaton is In the tin shop, and Whitesldes la In the machine shop. Everything about the penitentiary la a clean as on -a man-of-war, The prisoners seem In good Spirits. thers being only one or two sullen men among them. Superintendent C. H. James and War den Frank Curtis have made 'wonderful changea elnoe they assumed office, and visitors say that one would -not know the place now if one had not visited It elnce five years ago. They have set out flower gardens, organised a band and have done many other little things to make the prisoners life more agree able. Mr, James and Mr. Curtis have the respect of the prisoner and disci pline .never was astrict - within . the penitentiary walls as It Is now. v : Baldwin's Health Tablets. ; Take them tonight be well tomorrow. Curea constipation. 25o. Druggist. . Marlon,' Total Beglatiattoa. : (Speelil to The Joeraal.) -Salem., Or., April 14. The registra tion book for Marlon county ahow that S.0I1 voter had their- name officially registered, or whom 4,8 1 7 are Repub licans and 1,111 Democrats and 641 of miscellaneous political affiliations. - i OLD and YOUNQ Suffer alike from General Debility. It is a very common disorder, and results from a variety of causes. It should not be confounded with fatigue, which is transitory. -- -In General Debility, the weakness. anless arrested, will gradually inert and finally become permanent. For this rssson great care must, be exercised in the use of the proper retn- wanted' Is something; that rill restore the lost energy and build Bp tb system. This can be had in ' TW Ctd User Ofl Emdti "far BamlUmt." It renews the appetite, restores the nerve tone and enriches the impover ished blood. - It is a food as well as a medicine, and Supplies the nourishment neces sary to enable the organs of the body to properly perform their functions which means perfect health. OtomuUion is the kind Physicians Prescribe for Colds, Coughs, Con sumption and all Pulmonary Troubles; Scrofula, General Debility,- Loss of Flesh, Anaemia and all Wasting Dia eases.' ... ' " . . t ,. - For sale by all druggists. There are twe stsea Sea. as IAa. Tsettleet the Ferarala is srtated la 7 Uognagee ea seek. OZOMULtlON LABORATORIES . ' sa rtae St, Mew Tertr. . (piMln T77 i .-...' I' .-. --' - : for i - ; ... t" TUBERCULOSIS TAKES - MISS ANNA FLAHERTY '--;' " - Anna Plahertr. aged IS year, daugh ter of T. B. Flaherty, a representative of Toung. Bmfthfleld at Ca of Phila delphia, died yesterday at San Fran cisco. Mr. Flaherty, whose headquar ter are In Portland, received a tele gram yesterday at Spokane, conveying the Intelllgenne. He Immediately start- f -A aVmoky Poetaalstres Is Mr. Alexander of Carv. Maine, who ha found Dr. King New Life Pill to be the best remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in perfect order. Tou'U agree with her ti you try uae patnieea purifiers that Infuse new life, Guaranteed by S. O. ttkldmore A Cov.drugglta. Prlo 2so .' s ; " " ' . , . ; - mi A talk with us will prove tb you that v ELECTRIC LIGHT is the only light you can afford to use in your home or put in the house you are building i Your property will rent v ; more readily, will pay a higher income, iand attract a better class of tenants IF ; IT IS EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT. ELECTRICITY in 1 your' home insures you : the COMFORTS and : CONVEN IENCES of : J : ELECTRIC FANS ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES ELECTRIC COOKING UTENSILS l ELECTRIC POW serves faithfully, never complains. . Requires little or no space and less care. Absolute adap tation to all conditions Its use means great saving in machinery and initi al cost of instal lation of jplant, high ECONOMY in cost of operation, and IntensifiedProduction possible ONLY where ELECTRICITY is used. REDUCED RATE' FOR CURRENT ON METER BASIS. MAKE APPLICATION AT ONCE. ' ): WE MAKE THE WAY EASY FOR YOU. Cut Out Portland General Electric Co. 0 8Tenth and Alder Sts. . ; Please send your representative to aae ma about ELECTRIC LIGHTING. , . Name v- Address Convenient time to call TTTV rITl mtwm ... Phone Ex. 13 Seventh end Alder Sts. ed for Portland, and left last night for San Franclsoo. The cause of death was consumption. Miss Flaherty education. . begun In Sacred Heart convent at Rochester, New York, and oompleted in Lauretta eon vent Toronto, and Notre Dame college, Mary .villa, California, was followed by an attack of fever, which developed into tuberculosis about a year -ago, She came to Portland last summer and spent a few weeks at Forest Grove, with the hop of being benefited. The result waa not favorable, and aha returned to Cali fornia, where the dlseaae continued un checked. - Her mother died when the child was S year old. She 1 ur vived by the -father and four brother nd elsters. Bernard J Ardlan and Mamie, of San Francisco, and Howard of Portland. . The funeral will be held In San Fran- 5. - V vc. .. w. ; J 1 Coupon Cisco, and later the body will be taken to her birthplace, In western Mew York, for permanent Interment. - . ; ' Soovtlah au Isaac BJag.nC rBneet.l DKaatek t The Joarn.l t Salem. Or AorU 14. The Scottish RIU Mason of this city held their annual Maundy Thursday banquet at the Hotel I Willamette ' laat evening. Frank Moore of the supreme court presided. Major O. I Scott, a retired army, of ficer, waa one of the speaker. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup I is Kennedy e Laxative Honey and Tar. It expels ell eold from the system by I acting aa a cathartic en the bowels. I Kennedy Laxative Honey and Tar lei a certain, car. and harmless cure fori colds, croup and whooping cough. . no n t :'v '. "' .- ' '"... '-',' .. ' .! , : ".-.'."TV. 7.-. ; v. :i- f.'l..' 1 3 ... , . . f. r.!ayl9b!3 '' i. I. - I - - -.11 ' I i . i biMHiyjr(iwifi!i I iTai a 11 s-w sn 1 i iiiiii uini ii r irin i I Mifillk I llllk ItilUUl . .. - - w .sev Var II ir - ii i ii is ; ' -1